Tag: HGH

How Growth Hormone Therapy Enhances Recovery of Patients with Spinal Damage

How Growth Hormone Therapy Enhances Recovery of Patients with Spinal Damage

              Researchers have found that combining human growth hormone and physical therapy helps people with severe spinal damage recover faster. The results of the study presented to the European Endocrinology Society show that daily treatment with GH produced significant positive changes in sensory functions of the spinal structure. GH triggers the production of a chemical by the pituitary gland which helps in the regeneration of new nerves. Although the findings are not conclusive, there is overwhelming evidence that this method could be used in the future to fully treat people with the condition. This article will discuss the efficiency of Growth Hormone Therapy in managing various types of spinal injury.
About Severe Spinal Injury
            Spinal injury is a result of a series of interferences of parts of the nervous system. Denervation, which is the loss of nerve activity in the affected region’, is the most obvious sign that the injury is severe, and thus can be described as traumatic. Once the human muscle starts losing some nerve components such as endplates and myofibrils, its atrophy changes significantly. Atrophy is known to increase with the level of denervation and this will eventually render one virtually immobile.

            It is important to note that prolonged spinal injuries are harder to reverse because reinnervation becomes quite difficult. Even in the case of growth hormone therapy, the success of the procedure depends on the length of the period before intervention. That is to say that the sooner a spinal injury is addressed using any medically approved method the better. The process of axonal generation, which is essential in maintaining a healthy spine, is greatly affected by the affected nerve’s inability to secrete neurotrophic chemicals. The lack of neurotrophic chemicals weakens the bungner bands, further complicating recovery from traumatic spinal damage.
Related Article: Human Growth Hormone Role In Bodybuilding
Axonal Regeneration
                Axonal regeneration is the only sure way of treating the spinal injury. Several therapies have been proposed and experimented with to fix the condition but the results have not been satisfactory. Most of the methods tested have only managed to accelerate axonal generation have only done so to a certain level. However, scientists and physicians are still carrying out more experiments to find a method that will help regenerate these important elements to the desired level.
Efficacy of Growth Hormone (HG) in Nerve Regeneration
            Among all therapeutic methods tested so far, injection with the growth hormone has been found to have greater success in increasing nerve regeneration for patients with spinal injury. Naturally, the growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. However, the body’s ability to produce the hormone may be hindered by factors such as old age, poor diet, or injury. As mentioned earlier, the hormone plays an important role in nerve regeneration. Therefore, its levels can be boosted through the administration of a synthetic growth hormone.

           Additionally, people who have suffered from traumatic spinal injury tend to produce an amount of hormone that is below normal levels. This phenomenon is quite strange and scientists continue to try and find out the reason behind it. Nevertheless, such patients with this problem can be injected with synthetic growth hormone to cater to the deficit.  In addition to increasing GH to the required levels, the treatment enhanced nerve regeneration to maintain denerved muscles in patients whose nerves have been compromised.

The HGH Bubble Gut: What Causes Abdominal Distention In Bodybuilders?

The HGH Bubble Gut: What Causes Abdominal Distention In Bodybuilders?

The reason for abdominal distention and how bubble gut affects bodybuilders.
Anyone following professional bodybuilding will have noticed the recent trend of stomach distention in bodybuilders, particularly in recent history. The trend has become even more pronounced over the last 5 years, with images of Mr. Olympia contestants like Kai Greene, or current champion, Phil Heath, and even previous champions like Ronnie Coleman showing signs of excessive stomach distention despite having extremely low body fat.

Many spectators and fans have been left wondering what causes the appearance of a ‘bubble gut’ on these athletes and why has it become so common. Stomach distention has become known as a variety of names in bodybuilding circles as “HGH gut” or “insulin gut,” or more simply, “bodybuilder belly” and “muscle gut.” As these names suggest, the stomach distention in bodybuilders is believed to be caused by insulin and human growth hormone (HGH) abuse.
Let’s dive into HGH bubble gut and why bodybuilders are willing to go through this in order to achieve their desired results. Does the human drive to win outweigh the health consequences of something like bubble gut? We’ll check this out and see why this is such a big deal, especially for bodybuilders at the top of their game. We’ve all seen it, so let’s find out what it is, what causes it, and ways to prevent it to avoid that bloated, rounded physique.

Anatomy Of The Abdomen
The human abdomen can be broken down into 3 layers. There is the musculature including the rectus and tranverse abdominus and the internal and external obliques. These are of course essential for providing balance and stability during those massive lifts, while also popping out to give you an absolutely shredded aesthetic people will envy.

Then there is the fascia involved which is basically a casing for the muscles to sit in that offers protection and connects your skin to the tissue that is directly underneath it. But deeper is the extraperitoneal fat, omentum, and the actual organs inside the peritoneum. This is the real stuff we want to protect, but using HGH and other substances can greatly affect what we seek to so desperately keep healthy and intact.

What Is Abdominal Distention & Bubble Gut?
Abdominal distention occurs when substances, like air or fluid, accumulate in your abdomen and cause the expansion of your stomach to move past a normal level, being your waist. In bodybuilders, this is known as bubble gut, and it gives off the appearance that they have excess fat and heavy bloating around the gut (1). We’ve all seen it. Although they still have those six-pack abs popping through, the mid section is very much rounded out leaving us wondering just what is going on. Well, it is the effect of HGH and other substances bodybuilders use to get that extra leg up on the competition, and while it may seem to work, it certainly doesn’t look as good as a leaned out flat stomach.

Causes of Bubble Gut In Bodybuilders
When it comes down to it, knowing what causes bubble gut will prove to be important when looking to avoid it. Common causes of bubble gut include:

Human growth hormone (HGH) abuse: A common side effect is excessive growth of certain tissues and this can really make that stomach bulge pronounced.
Insulin abuse: Typically stacked with HGH, insulin can increase fat storage behind the stomach giving off that rounded look.
High Calorie & Carb Diets: Those on high calorie diets most likely have food staying in their stomach for longer periods of time. As for those with high carb diets, the increase in glycogen increases water retention and this can offer a bloated look.

HGH & Effect On The Abdomen
When combined with proper training, multiple supplements, and a diet that is extremely high in protein, the use of insulin and human growth hormone leads to considerable and significant increases in muscle mass (2). This causes not only an increase in mass in the rectus abdominis, or “the six pack” musculature itself, but also in the muscles that lie underneath it, including the muscular layer of the abdomen.

The combined growth of these muscles in turn causes the entire midsection to grow and eventually protrude, giving a ‘blocky’ appearance and contributing to stomach distention. Many bodybuilders also combine HGH, along with other substances, with insulin use – a practice known as “stacking” – which can further increase these effects.

Over time, insulin use can cause increased fat storage behind the abdomen, known as visceral fat contributing to the omentum, which can also contribute to a larger abdomen. With plenty of androgens and Insulin-like Growth Factor floating around in the circulation, internal organs can also be affected. They, like muscles, also have receptors for these hormones albeit in lower concentrations than skeletal muscle.

Why Bodybuilders Still Use HGH
Despite the unfortunate side effect of bubble gut, bodybuilders continue to use HGH and other substances. For many, the obvious choice would be to stop using such substances as they will only hurt in the long term. But with such a competitive mindset, it just isn’t that easy. What HGH use does is it will work to increase muscle mass, enhance bone density, promote better performance, and offer less body fat. Now, as a bodybuilder, that sounds pretty good.

The mindset around simply dealing with the repercussions in order to hold that Mr. Olympia trophy seems like a no brainer. But at the end of the day, bubble gut comes back to haunt many and using HGH and other substances to gain that extra edge is proving to be more detrimental than originally thought. Don’t let you hard work slip away with a rounded, bloated physique come competition day. The drive to win is great but getting there efficiently, safely, and in a healthy way is more important than just taking the victory as is.

How To Prevent Bubble Gut
Bubble gut is not necessarily one isolated problem, especially for those in the bodybuilding community. Let’s say you take HGH and insulin, but also are working with a high carb diet as you look to bulk up. Right there are three things potentially causing your bubble gut, so working in tandem to make those changes is important, especially as we seek to see some real changes that we want most (3). Some ways to avoid and prevent bubble gut are:

Limit HGH and insulin use: As you get closer to competition and performance time, start to taper off your use of these substances. Since they will continue to help you bulk as you get closer to competition time, you want to be shredded, not rounded. Work to limit the use and avoid gut distention.
Reduce carb intake: This seems like a relatively easy fix and will help you avoid bloating and bubble gut. Your intake of protein can be high, but just work to lower the carbs a bit. With higher protein intake, you will feel more full and work to boost that muscle growth anyway.
Try other forms of dieting: This may help your body adapt better to these sudden changes and something like intermittent fasting can greatly affect your ability to cut. By limiting your caloric intake and doing so safely, you give yourself the best chance at seeing those desired changes while doing so in a safe and healthy way.

Wrap Up
Abdominal distention, or bubble gut, is a wild phenomenon that makes us question just what is going on. But there is an easy answer and potential fix if a bodybuilder so chooses to partake. Using HGH and insulin, while matched by a high calorie or high carb diet, can simply cause problems that you just don’t want or need. That massive physique is already big enough and bubble gut can give off an appearance of stored fat or bloating that no bodybuilders wants. Looking at ways to change these habits can help you avoid bubble gut so you no longer deal with that rounded physique once competition time rolls around. On top of that, your overall health and wellness will greatly improve.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Malagelada, Juan R.; Accarino, Anna; Azpiroz, Fernando (2017). “Bloating and Abdominal Distention: Old Misconceptions and Current Knowledge”. (source)
Harvard Health Publishing (2018). “Growth hormone, athletic performance, and aging”. (source)
Lacy, Brian E.; Cangemi, David; Vazquez-Roque, Maria (2021). “Management of Chronic Abdominal Distention and Bloating”. (source)

HGH vs. Steroids: What Is the Strongest One?

HGH vs. Steroids: What Is the Strongest One?

             What makes you a regular visitor to the gym? A masculine, aesthetic, and strong body? Or is it for a health reason? Either way, performance enhancement is not a new concept in fitness and bodybuilding. PEDs are a major topic in sports, and it is almost always covered in news media and publications. HGH vs. Steroids never miss out on any discussion involving body enhancement drugs. Arguably some of the strongest body enhancers in existence, there is a thin line between HGH and steroids.
HGH and Steroids: Key Difference
          First off, what are the main similarities between HGH and steroids? That the two compounds are body enhances is an obvious similarity. The two drugs are classified in a broad class of body enhancers called ergogenic acids. However, Steroids should not be confused with human growth hormones; the two are different.

          Sportsmen and women use both steroids for recovery purposes, to be able to get back in action early enough, when the time comes. HGH, on the other hand, is used to enhance performance in action. The difference between the two is in the manner in which they affect the body’s coordination capabilities. While steroids make you stockier and slow, HGH improves limb-eye coordination, thus making you faster, and that is in addition to looking stockier.
           Now that you know the difference between the two enhancers let us now take you through certain things that make either of them stronger than the other. Please note that the differences, advantages, and disadvantages cancel out one way or another. How is that so? For the simple reason that both HGH and steroids are quite versatile with features unique to each.
HGH Legal Notice
            The use of all anabolic by persons of any gender is regulated by law. Generally, anabolic steroids have been banned for use in any other purpose other than the one prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner. The law’s stance on these substances has been informed by the life-threatening effects associated with their usage. Controlled usage is not harmful, like the case with many other drugs, misuse, and overdose is. Unfortunately, it has not proven easy to monitor the drug’s usage by individuals. People have lost lives or have been permanently incapacitated by the use of drugs.
             Naturally, we wouldn’t recommend the usage of HGH and steroids under normal circumstances. But people have continued to use them even though they know how dangerous the side effects could use. It leaves us with only one option; to educate, inform, and guide those who decide to use the drugs nonetheless.
             The drugs have been banned not because they are bad. The reason they are not recommended is that the results are a mixture of hits and misses. Scientifically, any substance showing such characteristics is considered unsafe and is not released to the public. However, the legal consequences of using the drug are not as severe. Come to think of it this way; the law doesn’t recommend the drug but has not outlawed it completely. It is more of a use-it-at-your-own-risk situation. It means you are left with a huge responsibility and choice. If you don’t use the product well, then you have yourself to blame.
Human Growth Hormone
           HGH is ‘Human Growth Hormone’ in full. The body produces HGH naturally. It provides the body with various anabolic properties that enable it to carry out specific physiological functions. The brain exclusively does synthesis and production of the HGH. The pituitary gland is the specific organ of the brain that produces the hormone. HGH is then transported to areas of growth such as joints, where they enhance the growth and multiplication of tissues.

Human Growth Hormone > > HERE
            It is at the liver where the hormone is used to increase the concentration of other hormones in the body. The hormones play a role in various physiological processes that support growth. One of these anabolic hormones is testosterone. Testosterone is particularly important in enhancing the efficiency of HGH; that is why this compound is usually stacked with the hormone.
            HGH is wrongly assumed to be a reserve for amateurs. That belief is false and misleading. Even if you consider yourself to be a pro, this is one ground you should tread carefully. We have already explained that different systems respond differently to the drug. Yours might be one of those which response fast and negatively. Unfortunately, this is one drug that is almost impossible to get a doctor’s prescription. However, one can get their private doctor to guide them appropriately.

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            Scientists how used this understanding of the naturally produced HGH to manufacture it artificially. HGH used by bodybuilders is a particularly strong peptide hormone with 109 amino acids. If used well, the drug comes with many benefits for the bodybuilder.
What Are the Main Benefits of HGH?
           Synthetic HGH is nothing more than the enhanced version of the hormone produced by the body. It is necessary to enhance the naturally-occurring hormone because it is not strong enough to be of any muscular advantage. It also does not speed up recovery after strenuous activity. HGH has the following benefits for bodybuilders and other sportspersons:
Muscle Strength –
         Enhanced muscle strength is the ultimate gift to bless any bodybuilder with. What could be more humiliating than trying to lift a weight in vain, yet people around you are doing it like a cutting cake? HGH comes to your rescue if you have been a victim of that. The compound gives you strength that is nearly as good as natural muscular strength. You may argue that progressive training where you lift heavier weights in every subsequent training session is a way to go.
           Although it is an effective way of gaining natural muscle strength, it might take you longer than you expected to achieve that objective. Users normally inject HGH to gain strength faster. And just like that, you will start Lifting weights that are twice heavier than the ones you are used to. HGH increases strength and power output by stimulating collagen within the skeletal muscle system and tendons.
Related Article:: Top 5 Keys to Build Muscle and Strength
Muscle Recovery After Injury –
         Bodybuilders and sportspeople use HGH to speed up their recovery after an injury or after undergoing surgery. HGH works on the muscles, so the muscular tissues around an injured area will heal faster when the drug is used. The recovery process quickens once the muscular tissue has been rehabilitated. Typically, a combination of hormones, minerals, and growth factors are responsible for tissue healing. HGH helps heal torn or pulled muscles as well as injured bones. The drug ensures that every injured athlete gets back in action faster than they would if they healed naturally. It is one of the reasons HGH is popular in high contact and competitive sports.
Faster General Recovery –
        Although HGH works best with muscles and tendons, it generally speeds up the body’s recovery process. It doesn’t necessarily mean recovery from an injury. When you have been lifting weights the entire time and need to recover your strength, HGH will help you with that. Vigorous physical body activities involve breaking down the muscles. The recovery process involves giving your muscles time to recover. The body carries out its repair, but the process is so slow. If you were to wait for your muscles to repair themselves before resuming your sport, you might as well end up missing one or two sessions. With the help of HGH, one can resume competition almost immediately.
           The drug enhances the process of protein synthesis, thus allowing the body to produce more muscle protein to replace the ones damaged or destroyed by the heavyweights. Replacing muscle tissue is not the only benefit of HGH. It also produces more muscle so that there are more muscles compared to when you began lifting the weights. It is important to note that delayed recovery after a vigorous activity leads to a condition known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). For faster protein synthesis and recovery, use HGH after every workout.
            Steroids have received more stereotypes than any other body enhancement drug. Is difficult to talk about steroids without making people viewing them in a bad light. The level of misunderstanding accompanying steroids has been made worse by a media that is fond of blowing things out of proportion. Unfortunately, major sports management bodies have believed the lies and half-truths surrounding steroids. Sportspersons have borne the brunt of this kind of misconception and misinformation to a huge extent.

               Since we are about putting bare facts on the table, we are going to give you a brief scientific review of steroids. Just how bad are steroids? Do you have to worry about using them at all? You will decide for yourself once you have read about them.
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
      Steroids, officially known as Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) have been proven to offer bodybuilders many benefits. Depending on how you use them, steroids are also considered a double-edged sword. People have had their performance greatly enhanced by their use. And at the same time, people have lost their life by merely using them, not necessarily abusing them. Generally, your body’s tolerance to enhancement substances will determine whether they are for you or not.

            Just like the case with HGH, steroids used by bodybuilders are synthetic and have many benefits. Technically, steroids are synthetic forms of testosterone with almost every benefit that comes with testosterone. However, the sheer amount of testosterone and other additives contained in steroids is far more than the amount recommended.
How Steroids Work in the Body?
           Steroids are constantly changing the number of individual component molecules and end up not looking like the way they started. One such component is ester bonds which h increases the rate at which the body utilizes steroids. How helpful or harmful is this scenario? It is helpful because it gives you the ability to do things that you are not naturally capable of. If a particular weight has been giving you problems, using steroids gives you instant energy to handle it. The energy and power caused by steroids can be too much and will burn you down. That is the danger of using steroids beyond levels that can be tolerated by your body.

              There are two ways of finding out if you can tolerate the drug. One is to start with a small dose that is not taken frequently. If there are no serious effects, you can proceed to use the normal dosage with the required frequency. Secondly, you could look for a personal doctor who will analyze your body to see if it is compatible with the drug. Once you get results through either of these methods, make sure to do the needful. Most importantly, never force something on your system if it is resisting it. That way, you will be safe and healthy.
Related Article:: 6 Best Anabolic Steroids for Men – The Top List!
Can Energy in Steroids Be Managed?
             The simple answer is YES. And the difficult one is YES and NO. Ester bonds which are characteristic of steroids can be shortened or lengthened. Shortening or lengthening affects the active uptake rates of the steroids. While this method is the only sure way of regulating the work of the drugs in the human body, there is little that can be done to change them once they have been administered. If not done outside the body, the steroids will do what they will once they get into the system. Sometimes they are lengthened outside the body, but once they arrive in the system, they behave quite differently. Additionally, how the body utilizes the drugs is something difficult to predict. All one has to do is sit back and hope their body will only utilize the correct amount of steroids and convert the rest to a less harmful product.
Why Do People Fear Steroids?
           People who have no idea of the working mechanisms of proteins don’t know that there are weaker ones and powerful ones. Trenbolone, for example, is one powerful steroid that packs heaps of muscle mass. Anavar, on the other hand, is relatively weaker and rarely has any side effects at all.
            Despite all the negativity, steroids are perfect for building muscle because they improve testosterone circulation in the body. The presence of this hormone is the reason steroids are highly anabolic.
Benefits of Steroids
          If you asked experts who have done an independent analysis of steroids, they would tell that indeed steroids have more benefits than side effects. But there are conditions one has to meet to get the benefits in full, just like any other drug. Firstly, you must be active in a sport or any other high-adrenaline activity. Reason? The immense energy that will be provided by the steroids must be used somehow. The second condition that must be fulfilled is the obvious one; you must not misuse or abuse the drug through overdosing or any other way. We may never exhaust all the benefits of steroids, but we shall share the main ones.
Muscle Growth –
           This is by far the biggest benefit that comes with using steroids correctly.  As discussed, some steroids build more muscle than others. If you are starting from scratch, we recommend starting with weaker steroids and progress to the more powerful ones as your muscles grow. People with bigger natural muscles can handle stronger steroids like Tren. As you may be aware, the process of protein synthesis, which is responsible for muscle building uses nitrogen within the muscle system. Most steroids will create a nitrogen balance within the muscles.
             Powerful steroids work by increasing nitrogen supply to the muscles while weaker ones only increase it to a lesser amount. As a result, weaker asteroids will only have marginal effects on the muscles, while stronger ones increase them considerably. One cycle of a powerful steroid-like Tren, Test-E, or Dianabol will increase the muscle mass from 10 to about 35 pounds.
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           The increase happens in about 4 to 12 weeks if you are on the right diet and with discipline in your training sessions. Sometimes the transformation is so spectacular that the user looks photoshopped in pictures. But don’t be deceived by the sheer muscle size, sometimes they are not as strong and powerful as they look.
Enhanced Athletic Performance –
          Apart from bodybuilders, most athletes use steroids to enhance performance in their respective sports. To such individuals, a good physique is just a plus. The elite level in every competition is so competitive that some competitors have to use body enhancers to compete favorably. However, this little trick has landed many athletes in trouble with the law since steroids are banned. Steroids help users in the following ways:
             Boosting red blood cells count. The more red blood cells there are, the more oxygen reaches body tissue such as muscles. More oxygen means the muscles can replenish their energy at a faster rate. Other body cells and tissues also receive increased energy and nutrients, and their combined functions improve the user’s performance.
            Asteroids increase the muscular mass, hence improving performance. Bigger muscles perform better compared to smaller ones. The drugs increase the body’s metabolic rate. Increased metabolism means nutrients are being produced at a faster rate and being supplied to organs to replace depleted energy reserves.
Fat Loss –
           Asteroids have thermogenic properties which means they promote the metabolism of amino acids—fat metabolism results in the production of tremendous amounts of energy. Powerful steroids promote the conversion of virtually every bit of fat to produce energy. Such steroids should only be taking in moderate amounts to avoid burning you down. For this reason, steroids are used by bodybuilders in the lead up to a competition.
Winstrol > > HERE
           Winstrol is one example of steroids that work efficiently in cutting—powerful steroids like this one speed up fat metabolism without causing bloating or water retention in your body. Bodybuilders are the biggest beneficiaries of steroids in this regard because sometimes all they need is the energy to activate their muscles.
HGH Vs. Steroids: What Is the Strongest One?
             Having looked at each of these body enhancers in detail, it is about time we gave our verdict about which of the two is stronger. If you have been following keenly, you already have an idea.
           Although some people use the two drugs to complement each other, the two are quite different and works in fairly different ways. If you are looking to have an impressive physique with outstanding features, then steroids are your best chance to get there. For this reason, steroids are more popular with bodybuilders. HGH does not produce any noticeable physical differences. Instead, this kind of body enhancer mainly enhances performance. They are thus more popular with athletes in competitive sports, not bodybuilders.

            To enhance performance and arrive at a middle ground between a great physique and an excellent performance, the two drugs are stacked together. The combination will give you strength and stamina to perform exceptionally in any sport or activity.
            Before you decide to use either of these drugs, you should start by deciding what you want.  If you are after massive muscle mass and strength, then you should go for steroids. For those who want to maintain their relatively medium size and perform better at the same time, we recommend taking HGH alone. There are many steroids to stack with HGH, but you have to be careful not to create a bomb from it. If you must use high-energy steroids like Tren, the dosage should be very little. But it all depends on what you want for your body.
            So then, what is the strongest one? Asteroids are the strongest. HGH can only be as strong as steroids if they are stacked with steroids. They don’t stand a chance on their own, not if you are to use it for bodybuilding services. However, HGH works perfectly well if you intend to enhance your performance only to a small degree. For beginners, you are recommended to start with HGH.
           After a while, you could upgrade to HGH stacked with steroids. When your body has grown strong and tolerant of the substance, you can proceed to use steroids on their own. Similarly, start with weaker steroids like Anavar and gradually climb the ladder. Only pros can use more powerful steroids like Trenbolone without experiencing serious side effects.

Hormones That Help Your Muscle Growth

Hormones That Help Your Muscle Growth

The human body has numerous amounts of hormones which are intricate in nature. They are what allow the muscles to eventually grow, or at times do the opposite. Maximizing hormones like the testosterone, insulin, IGF-1, and HGH can ultimately result in a substantial increase and development of strength for the lean muscle growth, as well as a result to a decrease in adipose tissue.
Testosterone is the king of all types of hormones in the field of natural bodybuilding as it interacts directly with skeletal muscle. When taken advantage of, the relevant testosterone can greatly provide an increase in the individual’s strength and motivate muscular development. It eventually increases the nitrogen retention within the cells resulting in a subsequent increase in the amino acid uptake and a quite high anabolic environment.
There are a great number of several methods that can help in increasing your body’s testosterone levels like incorporating several compound exercises such as, dead lifts, squats, bench presses, and other form like pull-ups at very high intensity and with high resistance.
Nutrition also plays a major role in testosterone levels production. Chicken or other types of red meats can augment the testosterone production because of the zinc present in them. Eating fruits like blueberries, citrus fruits, apples and other related fruits containing vitamin can also serve in increasing the testosterone levels. Salmon is another option which can indirectly result in a subsequent testosterone levels development as the fish oil helping to lower levels of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) which finally binds to the testosterone in the individual’s blood. Testosterone can also be augmented through the use of dietary supplements like tribulus terrestris referred to as ZMA.
HGH (human growth hormone) and the IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) remain as the powerful hormones, which helps in muscle growth and breaking down the adipose tissue for energy production. HGH also decreases the glucose use for energy production thus it breaks down fats, increases the protein synthesis and enhances the body’s immune system. IGF-1 increases protein synthesis directly by providing trigger satellite cells to enable the creation of new muscle tissue and induce muscle hyperplasia referred to as splitting of the muscle cells. IGF-1 is secreted directly by the liver as a result of the respective HGH in the bloodstream; therefore the levels of HGH and IGF-1 go hand in hand. HGH levels can eventually be increased naturally by the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates and having a pre and post exercise, doing some high intensity interval workouts, resting for a minute between reps and doing 4 sets of between 8-10 reps for each type of exercise.
Insulin is another anabolic hormone which is strategically set for muscle development. This is when it is taken advantage of in the correct manner. Insulin acts like a key to getting inside the cells. It increases the permeability of cells, allowing more of the glucose and subsequent amino acids to enter the muscles and eventually decreases muscle degradation. Therefore working to the advantage of the bodybuilder.

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