Tag: insulin

George Farah: Kai Greene Has Never, Ever, Ever Used Insulin
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George Farah uses Kai Greene as an example to debunk the recent myth that insulin is needed to build a top level mass monster physique.
Last week, we went into detail with George Farah about his thoughts on insulin use in bodybuilding. It’s a topic that he has spoken about before and only seems to have become more strongly against insulin a year later. In this new segment, we discuss further with Farah whether it’s possible to be healthy as a top level pro bodybuilder. Farah certainly thinks it does – and uses Kai Greene as an example. In our latest GI Exclusive, George Farah claims that Kai Greene has never used insulin to build his massive physique.
There is a persistent rumor in the world of bodybuilding regarding insulin. That rumor is many of the pros use this drug to further enhanced their physiques to the next level. This inspires younger bodybuilders to do the same – thinking it’s necessary to succeed at the top level of the sport.
George Farah couldn’t disagree with these rumors more. He is sternly against the use of insulin in bodybuilding. He also thinks it’s dangerous for coaches such as Milos Sarcev to promote them. In fact, Farah believes that it’s incorrect to assume pro bodybuilders must be unhealthy to succeed. It’s a bad thought he’s seeing trend in bodybuilding. It’s causing bodybuilders to make unhealthy decisions. He thinks it’s the reason we have seen so many bodybuilders pass away too soon.
George Farah is a legendary coach in the sport. He has trained many bodybuilders who have stood tall as top tier bodybuilders at the Mr. Olympia. Athletes like Branch Warren and Kai Greene. He uses his experience to definitely tell people today – abusing drugs and using insulin are not necessary. Why? Because these legendary greats he trained didn’t use insulin at all.
The entire topic gets George Farah very passionate. He loves bodybuilding. And he loves the people in bodybuilding. He hates to see them make choices that they can’t take back years down the road.
“You’re gonna tell me Kai’s not a freak? I can put my hand on anything you want and swear to you that Kai never touched insulin,” George Farah states in our interview. He goes on:
“As long as I’ve known him. We’ve been eleven years together. Never, ever, ever. Do you understand what I’m saying? He’s walking around 300 pounds shredded. So you’re not going to duplicate this because you don’t have the genetics or you don’t have the heart or work ethic. Like Branch or all of these guys. Branch used to have no genetics but he proved to everybody hard work can make it. Guess what? Branch never used insulin. Never. Never!”
If you watch George Farah in our interview above – you can see how fired up he’s getting about this. In his later years, Farah has become increasingly more focused on health in bodybuilding. After a cancer scare that he survived and recovered from – he’s seen life through a different lens. You only live once. Bodybuilding is not worth dying over.
You can watch George Farah go into full detail about health in bodybuilding by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Hormones That Help Your Muscle Growth
The human body has numerous amounts of hormones which are intricate in nature. They are what allow the muscles to eventually grow, or at times do the opposite. Maximizing hormones like the testosterone, insulin, IGF-1, and HGH can ultimately result in a substantial increase and development of strength for the lean muscle growth, as well as a result to a decrease in adipose tissue.
Testosterone is the king of all types of hormones in the field of natural bodybuilding as it interacts directly with skeletal muscle. When taken advantage of, the relevant testosterone can greatly provide an increase in the individual’s strength and motivate muscular development. It eventually increases the nitrogen retention within the cells resulting in a subsequent increase in the amino acid uptake and a quite high anabolic environment.
There are a great number of several methods that can help in increasing your body’s testosterone levels like incorporating several compound exercises such as, dead lifts, squats, bench presses, and other form like pull-ups at very high intensity and with high resistance.
Nutrition also plays a major role in testosterone levels production. Chicken or other types of red meats can augment the testosterone production because of the zinc present in them. Eating fruits like blueberries, citrus fruits, apples and other related fruits containing vitamin can also serve in increasing the testosterone levels. Salmon is another option which can indirectly result in a subsequent testosterone levels development as the fish oil helping to lower levels of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) which finally binds to the testosterone in the individual’s blood. Testosterone can also be augmented through the use of dietary supplements like tribulus terrestris referred to as ZMA.
HGH (human growth hormone) and the IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) remain as the powerful hormones, which helps in muscle growth and breaking down the adipose tissue for energy production. HGH also decreases the glucose use for energy production thus it breaks down fats, increases the protein synthesis and enhances the body’s immune system. IGF-1 increases protein synthesis directly by providing trigger satellite cells to enable the creation of new muscle tissue and induce muscle hyperplasia referred to as splitting of the muscle cells. IGF-1 is secreted directly by the liver as a result of the respective HGH in the bloodstream; therefore the levels of HGH and IGF-1 go hand in hand. HGH levels can eventually be increased naturally by the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates and having a pre and post exercise, doing some high intensity interval workouts, resting for a minute between reps and doing 4 sets of between 8-10 reps for each type of exercise.
Insulin is another anabolic hormone which is strategically set for muscle development. This is when it is taken advantage of in the correct manner. Insulin acts like a key to getting inside the cells. It increases the permeability of cells, allowing more of the glucose and subsequent amino acids to enter the muscles and eventually decreases muscle degradation. Therefore working to the advantage of the bodybuilder.

Eating Carbohydrates While Dosing IGF-1 And Insulin
Q: My question is about carbs and how much to take with insulin,and IFG1 LR3. I’ve determined that it is about 10g of carbs per 1iu of insulin, but how about with these other things? How many more grams would I need if I were doing 70mcg of IGF1?
A: Well, here’s the thing… there are a lot of folks that would tell you that you should not do IGF1 and insulin at the same time simply because of the risks, not because it doesn’t work well together – it does. Insulin is something that a novice bodybuilder should not take. We say that not out of being prudish or judgmental, but because insulin is such a precise drug and not to be messed with if you don’t know what you’re doing. We gather you do not, so it probably merits a discussion. You need to do some research before injecting something that can push you into a coma in a matter of minutes if you get it wrong. But back to your question… the 10g carb rule is somewhat a general rule and one that illustrates that you have maybe read a few articles and then decided insulin is for you. It’s so much more complex than that. But IGF1 works well with insulin because insulin increases the half-life of the IGF in your body. BUT, IGF1 makes insulin MUCH MORE potent, which is why people say that it isn’t a good combination for hardly anyone, let alone a novice. Taking 3iu’s of insulin with IGF1 is like taking 6! Many bodybuilders who have taken both can attest to this fact.
Here’s a good guide to follow:
IMPORTANT / CRITICAL – Post Insulin Nutrition
Humalog – Workout days only
8IU’s immediately post workout, intramuscular
Immediately after Humalog injection:
Injection + 5 minutes – drink shake with 10g glutamine / 10g creatine / 55g dextrose (7 grams per IU of Insulin)
Injection + 15 minutes – drink shake with 80g of whey isolate protein in water
Injection + 60 – 75 minutes – eat a protein / carb meal with 40-50g of protein, 40 to 50g of carbs, NO FATS (you may wish to add another whey isolate protein drink with this meal)
Avoid fats for 2-3 hours for Humalog IM
for 3-4 hours for Humalog subQ
for 4-5 hours for Humulin-R.
Always keep some glucose tablets or other simple carbs on hand (Orange Juice, Full sugar Coke, etc.) for the active window of your insulin. Hypo symptoms can and will hit hard and fast and you will have little time to react. This is the main danger of insulin use. Be prepared because Arimidex is a good.

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