Tag: Jesse James West

“Natty or Not | My Actual Opinion”: Seth Feroce Delves Into The Natural Status of Influencers Yet Again
The use of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs has been a subject of debate in the fitness industry for decades now. While it’s evident that bodybuilders frequently use these substances to showcase a chiseled physique on stage, the widespread availability of these drugs in the internet age is certainly a worrisome issue. Retired IFBB Pro bodybuilder […]
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YouTuber Jesse James West Wins Bodybuilding Show Competing Naturally
Social media sensation Jesse James West is renowned for his unique content, offering a blend of bodybuilding, fitness, and entertainment. He boasts an impressive physique as well. In a recent video uploaded to his YouTube channel, West showcased his win at the 2023 Summer Shredding Championships while competing naturally.
Jesse James West first made headlines for his workout videos on his social media channels. He amassed a huge following of nearly 3 million subscribers on YouTube and over 960,000 on Instagram. He likes to push himself with different training routines and challenges. Besides bodybuilding, West has also tried out powerlifting, strongman, and other related activities.
West teamed up with Internet sensation Liver King to adopt his lifestyle of eating raw meat and training hard based on the nine ancestral tenets in Aug. 2022. He ate, trained, and slept like Liver King for 50 hours, all under his watchful guidance, and reported positive results in the end. Then, West collaborated with bodybuilding legend Jay Cutler for a tough upper-body workout. The four-time Mr. Olympia mentored him through the chest training and offered tips in a posing session.
West joined forces with fellow influencer Brandon William in an attempt to train like Navy seal David Goggins last August. The pair tested their limits following Goggins’ intense workout and diet for a day.
The 23-year-old partnered with powerlifting sensation Larry Wheels for an extreme workout challenge of lifting a total of 100,000 pounds in 60 minutes last November. West performed well but Wheels beat him as they raced against the clock to see who could lift the total first.
Earlier this year, Jesse James West tricked legendary bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman into believing he lifted a massive 700-pound squat using fake weights. Coleman was under the impression he motivated West to score a new PR but later found out he got pranked. He pulled a similar stunt on strongman legend Eddie Hall by lifting a huge 675-pound deadlift with fake weights two months ago.
YouTuber Jesse James West Wins Bodybuilding Show Competing Naturally
In a recent YouTube video, Jesse James West gave fans a look into his bodybuilding competition. He competed naturally and weighed 172 pounds on show day.
West won in his class the 2023 Summer Shredding Championships in the Classic Physique category, held in Houston, Texas. He placed second overall in Men’s Physique and did not win the overall finals for the Classic Physique.
Jesse James West collaborated with former four-time Men’s Physique Olympia champion Jeremy Buendia for a grueling shoulders workout in preparation for his bodybuilding splash over two weeks ago. Then, he reunited with Ronnie Coleman to go through his most challenging chest workout a week later.
If the latest update is any indication, West could continue to make waves in bodybuilding if he chooses to compete regularly.
RELATED: Bodybuilder Seth Feroce ‘Exposes’ 12 Most Famous Influencers in the Fitness Industry: ‘Natty or Not’
You can watch the full video below:
Published: 27 July, 2023 | 4:01 PM EDT

Ronnie Coleman Puts YouTuber Jesse James West Through His Most Intense Chest Workout Yet
Bodybuilding legend Ronnie Coleman left an indelible mark on the sport with his reign of dominance in the Men’s Open division. Besides his monstrous physique, he was renowned for his insane feats of strength in the training room. In a recent video uploaded on YouTube, Coleman teamed up with fitness influencer Jesse James West to put him through his most intense chest workout yet.
Ronnie Coleman first gained attention for his freaky muscle mass, size, and conditioning as a Men’s Open competitor in the late 90s. He secured his maiden Sandow trophy by beating the likes of Flex Wheeler, Chris Cormier, and Lee Priest at the 1998 Mr. Olympia. He proved to be a dominant champion who defended the title successfully and retired with eight Mr. Olympia titles under his belt.
Coleman separated himself from the pack with his insanely heavy lifts in training. He pulled off massive feats, such as the 800-lb squat for two reps and the 2,300-lb leg press. ‘The King’ carried his passion for bodybuilding after stepping away from professional competition.
He recently backed former 212 Olympia champion Derek Lunsford to dethrone 2022 Mr. Olympia Hadi Choopan at the upcoming edition of the event later this year. He also ranked reigning four-time Classic Physique Olympia winner Chris Bumstead’s physique as the best he’s ever seen three months ago.
Ronnie Coleman praised Lunsford as his favorite bodybuilder of the modern era last month. Along with Lunsford, he extended his support for the 2023 Arnold Classic winner Samson Dauda as one of his two top two contenders.
Coleman picked up several injuries over the years due to his intense training methods. He’s gotten stem cell therapy and reported positive results in terms of pain management. He shared that the numbness in his arms and legs went away and expected his nerve damage to heal in about two years. Coleman revealed his mobility hadn’t improved much from the stem cell treatment over three weeks ago. He reported some of his muscles were not being stimulated and expressed concerns about atrophy in his lower body.
Legendary bodybuilder Jay Cutler, who developed a fierce onstage rivalry with Coleman, praised his former foe for his contributions to the Open class. The four-time Mr. Olympia believes no competitor has been able to reach the gold standard Coleman set for the division since his departure.
Fitness sensation Jesse James West joined forces with Coleman for a training session earlier this year. Coleman was under the impression he’d motivate West to record some new PRs but West pranked him by using fake weights to score 700-lb squats and more massive lifts. West pulled the same trick on iconic Strongman Eddie Hall when he crushed a 675-lb deadlift using fake weights two months ago.
Ronnie Coleman Puts Jesse James West Through His Most Intense Chest Workout
In a recent YouTube video, Ronnie Coleman mentored Jesse James West through his most intense chest workout five days out of West’s bodybuilding contest.
“Today, we’re going to see if I could survive his most intense chest workout,” said West. “What’s the secret to a big chest?”
“Heavy lifting,” said Coleman.
The chest workout included:
Flat Bench Press
Incline Bench Press/Barbell
Dumbbell Chest Press
Dumbbell Chest Fly
Seated dumbbell curls
They trained at Coleman’s famous gym where he’s trained for over 33 years. Coleman recalled the 800-lb deadlift he recorded as the most memorable lift from his days of competition.
Coleman revealed he’d train lighter one week out from a contest. He’d use both barbells and dumbbells, reserving a day for each. He listed the flat bench as his favorite chest exercise. He trains for 45 minutes every day. Also, Coleman carb-depleted and carb-ed up for Mr. Olympia contests and ate 600 grams of protein a day.
West is gearing up for a bodybuilding contest. He partnered with four-time Men’s Physique Olympia champion Jeremy Buendia for a brutal shoulders workout to get ready for the show last week. Meanwhile, Ronnie Coleman announced his partnership with Panatta Gym Equipment to build a unique gym earlier this week.
Being under a week away from his bodybuilding show, West couldn’t have asked for a better mentor than Coleman to get him ready for contest day.
RELATED: Ronnie Coleman Criticizes His ‘Horrible’ Olympia-Winning Physique in Throwback Photo with Jay Cutler
You can watch the full video below:
Published: 18 July, 2023 | 6:37 PM EDT

Fitness Influencer Jesse James West Teams Up With Bodybuilder Jeremy Buendia for Shoulders Workout
American bodybuilder Jeremy Buendia set the gold standard for the Men’s Physique division before taking to the sidelines in 2018. In a recent video uploaded on YouTube, Buendia mentored social media fitness influencer Jesse James West through a brutal Mr. Olympia shoulder workout 23 days from his next show.
Jeremy Buendia gained a passion for working out early in life and started competing in bodybuilding competitions in his teenage years. He first rose to prominence for his insane upper body development, conditioning, and symmetry as a Men’s Physique competitor in 2013 when he took silver to Mark Anthony in the division’s inaugural Mr. Olympia event.
Buendia returned the next year sharper than ever and took home the top prize at the 2014 Mr. Olympia. He went on a dominant run that saw him win the Men’s Physique Olympia title four times in a row. After dropping the crown to Brandon Hendrickson in 2018, he stepped away from the competition.
In Oct. 2022, Buendia offered the huge 4,600-calorie bulking diet he utilized to pack 19 pounds in two weeks. Having teased the possibility of returning to the stage with a more jacked physique, he took full advantage of the off-season. Following the crowning of Erin Banks at the 2022 Mr. Olympia, Buendia confirmed his plans for a comeback and declared his ambitions to reclaim the Olympia title.
Buendia gave his take on the current crop of talent in the Men’s Physique category earlier this year. Given how stacked the division is, he believes he would need to bring a flawless package to contend with the most elite competitors.
Jeremy Buendia left the fans stunned with a ripped physique update four months ago. He revealed he’s taking TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) along with peptides and weighed around 210 pounds lean ahead of his anticipated comeback.
Social media sensation Jesse James West has carved out his own space in the fitness community with his athletic and entertaining content. He often collaborates with some of the biggest names in fitness for pranks and insane workout sessions, such as former World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall, and bodybuilding legend Ronnie Coleman.
Jesse doesn’t shy away from any sort of workout challenge. In the past, he adopted the lifestyle of Liver King for 50 hours before partnering with four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler for a chest training and posing session.
Fitness Influencer Jesse James Team Up with Bodybuilder Jeremy Buendia for Shoulders Workout
In a recent YouTube video, Jeremy Buendia guided Jesse James West through a challenging shoulder workout session to help him get ready for an upcoming show in 23 days.
Buendia revealed he’s around 200-205 pounds, eats 350-400g of protein, and consumes 5,400 calories a day to gain muscle.
Buendia Shoulder Workout:
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press: 2 warm-up sets, 3 working sets
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: triple drop set 4 times.
Cable Front Raise /Supersets With Plate Overhead Press
Cable rear Delt Fly/ Supersets Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise
Jeremy Buendia gave fans a look into his preparations with a push-day workout update showing off his jacked physique last month. He credited the modern Men’s Physique contenders for evolving the division and hinted at bringing a revamped package in his return. Buendia followed that up detailing the 4,000-calorie bulking diet he’s utilizing to enhance his physique weeks ago.
Based on the latest update, Buendia looks to be well on his way to a successful comeback. His tips will greatly benefit West as he enters the final stages of his prep for an upcoming show.
RELATED: Jeremy Buendia Announces Bodybuilding Comeback: ‘The Goal is 220 Pounds, Expect to See My Biggest and Best Ever’
You can watch the full video below:
Published: 11 July, 2023 | 5:04 PM EDT

Jesse James West Pranks Eddie Hall With 675-lb Deadlift Using Fake Weights
English Strongman icon Eddie Hall first made a name for himself with his crazy feats of strength in competition. Although he stepped away from competing years ago, he continued to expand his footprint in the fitness world. In a recent video uploaded on YouTube, Jesse James West pranked Hall by recording some massive lifts using fake weights.
Eddie Hall kicked off his professional Strongman career in 2010 with a dominant win at England’s Strongest Man contest. He worked his way up the ranks and qualified for the World’s Strongest Man competition for the first time in 2012. He was at the height of his powers for the 2016/17 season when he set a new World Record on the deadlift of 500-kg (1,102-lb) and secured the coveted WSM title.
Hall took on fellow Strongman legend Hafthor Bjornsson inside the boxing ring in a bout billed ‘The Heaviest Boxing Match in History’ in March 2022. He dropped weight preparing for the contest and presented a leaner look. However, he failed to get the nod on the judges’ scorecards.
Earlier this year, Eddie Hall took inspiration from former two-time Mr. Olympia Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Elssbiay and reigning four-time Classic Physique champion Chris Bumstead’s performances at the 2022 Mr. Olympia and announced his switch to competitive bodybuilding. He plans to make his debut in late 2024 at a weight of around 320 pounds (145.1-kg).
Eddie Hall teamed up with IFBB Pro bodybuilder Jamie Christian-Johal for an intense back workout to get ready for the move four months ago. The duo collaborated again for a laborious chest training session weeks later. Then, Hall performed a brutal back workout to improve his physique.
The 35-year-old opened up on the challenges of competing at the highest level in Strongman three months ago. He revealed he’d consume about 15,000 calories a day and even wolfed down 20,000 calories in a single day once. He stressed the importance of proper recovery for optimal performance.
Eddie Hall joined forces with legendary bodybuilder Jay Cutler for a grueling upper body workout two months ago. The four-time Mr. Olympia praised Hall’s work ethic after mentoring him through the session. Hall later partnered with powerlifting sensation Larry Wheels, who’s preparing for his Classic Physique debut; they took part in a taxing shoulder workout.
Internet sensation Jesse James West amassed a huge following on social media with his entertaining content centered around fitness. Besides playing pranks, he tries out different workout plans, gyms, and diets. He put the nine tenets of ancestral living to the test by trying to live like Liver King for over two days under the guidance of the man himself last August.
Jesse James West Pranks Eddie Hall with Fake Weights
In a recent YouTube video, Eddie Hall got tricked by Jesse James West into believing the latter recorded some insane lifts when he was actually using fake weights.
Jesse started with Squats using weights as follows:
1. Fake Weight: 0 lbs, real weight: 45lbs2. Fake Weight: 0 lbs, real weight: 135lbs3. Fake Weight: 0 lbs, real weight: 225lbs4. Fake Weight: 0 lbs, real weight: 315lbs5. Fake Weight: 405 lbs, real weight: 315lbs (Prank begins)6. Fake Weight: 455 lbs, real weight: 365lbs7. Fake Weight: 495 lbs, real weight: 315lbs
Bench Press using weights as follows:
1. Fake Weight: 0 lbs, real weight: 135lbs2. Fake Weight: 0 lbs, real weight: 225lbs3. Fake Weight: 315 lbs, real weight: 225lbs (Prank begins)4. Fake Weight: 365 lbs, real weight: 275lbs5. Fake Weight: 405 lbs, real weight: 225lbs
Deadlift using weights as follows:
1. Fake Weight: 0 lbs, real weight: 135lbs2. Fake Weight: 225 lbs, real weight: 135lbs (Prank begins)3. Fake Weight: 315 lbs, real weight: 225lbs4. Fake Weight: 405 lbs, real weight: 315lbs5. Fake Weight: 495 lbs, real weight: 315lbs6. Fake Weight: 585 lbs, real weight: 405lbs7. Fake Weight: 675 lbs, real weight: 405lbs
West played a similar prank on bodybuilding legend Ronnie Coleman earlier this year. He misled the eight-time Mr. Olympia into thinking he lifted 700 pounds on the squat before revealing he used fake weights for the stunt. He also collaborated with top strongman contenders Luke and Tom Stoltman for a Strongman-style training session three months ago.
Although Hall was aware of the possibility fake weights could be involved, West’s acting skills convinced him otherwise.
RELATED: Eddie Hall Explains How Exercise Helped Him Manage His ADHD: ‘I Was Definitely a Victim of That’
You can watch the full video below.
Published: 18 May, 2023 | 7:42 PM EDT

Jay Cutler Takes Fitness Star Jesse James West Through Bodybuilding Poses Following Chest Workout
Jay Cutler shared his bodybuilding wisdom with Jesse James West following huge workout.
Fitness star Jesse James West is no stranger to working with bodybuilders. He is beginning to dabble in the sport himself and recently got advice from one of the best to ever do it. Jay Cutler joined West for a chest workout followed by tips on how to get the best out of poses.
Cutler is a four-time Olympia champion, having ended the eight-year reign for Ronnie Coleman back in 2007. This was the first of two separate back-to-back titles for Cutler as he won four competitions in five years.
West is beginning to train as a bodybuilder and joined Cutler for a chest workout. It began with machine chest presses followed by cable crossovers. The duo continued to lift heavy with incline dumbbell presses and incline barbell presses. The workout finished with posing, which Cutler uses as conditioning.
“Every workout is different so I don’t follow a textbook…I would do posing for 30 minutes a day because this is going to help condition you.”
Jay Cutler Leads Jesse James West Through Poses
Jesse James West has built a massive social media following, approaching two million subscribers on YouTube. This is because of a combination of his personality and shredded physique. He has previously lifted with Coleman and now got some posing tips from Cutler.
READ MORE: Ronnie Coleman Takes Fitness Star Jesse James West Through Bodybuilding Workout He Used During Career
West plans to compete on stage and transition into a bodybuilder. In the gym, Cutler wanted to make it a competition-like atmosphere.
“Let’s pretend, this is like you’re in competition,” Cutler said.
“Remember in a weeks time dude, your conditioning is going to be sharper. What you see now, in a week’s time, it’s going to be that much sharper.”
Following the session, Jesse James West picked the brain of Jay Cutler as to what division he should focus on.
“I think you should do classic. You got legs, dude. I’m going to suggest you do both. I think you could do very well in both. Remember, just because you win or lose, if you win both it’s great.”
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Fitness Star Jesse James West Takes On Challenge Of Living Like Liver King For 50 Hours
Jesse James West chronicled his journey with Liver King.
Jesse James West has taken on many challenges, both in fitness and other areas. It is safe to say that he has never done anything like taking on the lifestyle of Liver King. Well, that is what he did in his most recent venture.
West joined Liver King for a couple days and decided to take the time to live like he does. This means adapting all ancestral traits that Brian Johnson has used in his diet, workout, and living situation. Liver King has become a sensation because of his shredded physique that he has built using his different ways of life. This includes a diet of raw meats and crazy workouts.
Jesse James West is a fitness star who has built a huge following on social media. He has attempted different fitness challenges to see if he could improve his physique even further. The days of living the nine ancestral traits with Liver King began with a typical meal of raw meats.
Raw Meat Plate
Liver King has been on many podcasts and done many interviews since bursting onto the scene. He likes to bring some raw meats to the hosts of the shows he appears on. This includes Logan Paul, who struggled to eat some of the meat.
Johnson put together a plate for West to try. There were many types of raw meats, including testicles, pizzle, and bone marrow.
“Who needs vegetables when you can get down on testicles? We got pizzle, which is penis. We got liver and we got some fresh bone marrow,” Liver King explained.
Jesse James West admitted that the meats were “not bad.” The bull penis that they were eating is cooked so it is not too chewy. Following the meal, the two hit an ancestral-style workout that Liver King likes to do.
Liver King Leads Jesse James West Through Intense Core Workout
Liver King has also become known for his insane workouts that the typical person does not think to do.
“This is what I call the simulated successful hunt. We’re going to do 150, 200, 300 GHC sit ups and then we can eat whatever we want.” Liver King said.
Before hitting some core workouts, Liver King usually decides to put himself through a 24-hour fast. Once the workout was over, West asked about hygiene when living these traits. Johnson explained how the armpits help detox the body by dispelling sweat.
“There’s no point in showering. I’ve not used soap or shampoo in a very long time. I use soap on my hands, but I don’t use any of that other stuff. I’ve not used that other stuff for over a decade.” Liver King explained.
The duo moves onto a meal of shark while discussing what is in store for the rest of the day. West expresses that this workout was no joke.
“I can’t flex my abs. That was one of the hardest core workouts I’ve ever done,” West said.
Liver King and Jesse James West wrapped up their day with wake surfing. Once the day was over, it was time to prepare for bed, which included blue light glasses.
“Two hours before bed. They block the blue light. Yeah, and then you know, probably at 10:30 or 11, I’m going to turn the electricity off.” Liver Queen said to West.
The next day consisted of “The Barbarian” workout that Liver King has made famous. This is a workout that includes wearing a 70-pound backpack and 20-pound ankle weights while holding 70-pound kettlebells and pulling a 120 pound sled for one mile.
Jesse James West completed the workout in an hour and 16 minutes. This was before Liver King was able to finish. Following the insane workout, the two downed some raw eggs. The final meal the two shared was roasted boar, bone marrow, liver, potatoes, and New York strip steaks.
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Ronnie Coleman Takes Fitness Star Jesse James West Through Bodybuilding Workout He Used During Career
Ronnie Coleman walked Jesse James West through exercises that helped him win eight Olympia titles.
Fitness star Jesse James West has been seen doing some crazy workouts and experiments during his time in the gym. Now, he has taken it to the extreme by going through. bodybuilding workout led by eight-time Olympia champion Ronnie Coleman.
During his career, Coleman dominated the stage because of his insane physique that he kept shredded to defeat the competition. From 1998-2005, there was no better bodybuilder in the world and Coleman is still considered to be one of the best of all-time.
This is not the first time that West has trained with a bodybuilder. He has been through leg workouts with different competitors and that includes Brittany Best. Now, he has taken his workouts to another level and gained some valuable advice from Coleman.
Ronnie Coleman Leads Jesse James West In Muscle-Building Workout
Jesse James West has built a following of 1.54 million subscribers on YouTube because of his personality in his videos along with keeping a conditioned physique. That is where the video was shared as the two hit a muscle-building workout that Coleman used during his time on stage.
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Barbell Squats
The workout begins with barbell squats. Ronnie Coleman urges Jesse James West to do back squats. This is Coleman’s favorite workout to build the legs and believes that it is the best way to do so. He mentioned how he was able to rep 600 pounds for 12-15 reps during his career.
“It’s all lightweight. As long as you can lift it, it’s light,” Coleman said.
Hammer Strength Incline Bench Press Machine
Coleman took a seat on this machine and hit it for 20 reps next. West decided to ask Coleman about his relationship with Jay Cutler, who defeated Coleman during the 2006 Olympia.
“Friends. We were friends. We worked out together. When we were on stage, we were competing,” Coleman explained.
Seated Incline Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell shoulder presses were next on the list. West began lifting while Coleman spotted him. Before the workout, the duo discussed Stranger Things and who their favorite characters were.
Seated Dumbbell Curl
Ronnie Coleman then took Jesse James West through a set of dumbbell curls. This is when the influencer asked Coleman about the importance of protein while working out.
“Protein builds muscle. I used to do 600 grams a day,” Coleman said.
West continued by fact-checking a crazy stat about Coleman during his time on stage.
“Is it true you were .33 percent body fat?,” West said.
“I had it done at Cooper Clinic,” Coleman said.
One-Arm Seated Hammer Strength Row
During hammer strength rows, West asked Coleman about his first Olympia victory. For Coleman, it was an accomplishment he did not think he was going to get.
“I had no idea I was going to win. I never thought I was going to win. I turned pro in ’91. My first Olympia was in ’92.”
The final exercise of the day was deadlifts. West performed them with a sumo grip and had to make sure that it still counted the same.
“Yeah, we’ll count that. Yeah buddy. As long as you’re picking it up, it counts,” Coleman said.
Jesse James West performed a set of 10 reps before the workout ended. Prior to his final set, he asked for advice from Coleman.
“Pull with your hamstrings. When I was 22, I did 725-pounds easy. Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don’t no one want to lift no heavy ass weight.”
Some of the numbers that Ronnie Coleman was throwing out over the course of the video just shows how much of a freak he was in the gym. This is the work that led to eight Olympia titles and now, he continues to share that wisdom and guidance to those who want it.
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Jesse James West Gets Put Through Crushing Leg Day by Muscle Barbie Brittany Best
Jesse James West meets Muscle Barbie.
Natural bodybuilder Jesse James West teams up with muscle Barbie Brittany Best for an epic training session. Best an NPC Figure competitor put West through one of her intensive leg day workouts.
A popular YouTuber with 1.47 million subscribers, Jesse James West is establishing himself in the bodybuilding and fitness scene. With his highly comedic videos filled with a ton of energy and a whole lot of lifting, West pairs intense and legit training with moments of levity. West isn’t shy about getting other everyday people involved in the action as well. This impromptu deadlift competition is one example of that.
Could you win this deadlift competition?
In one of his latest videos, Jesse James West teams up with muscle Barbie, AKA Brittany Best, for some intense leg day training. Having competed in the NPC in the past, best is no stranger to intense training. To step on an NPC stage, hoping to become a pro, you need to put in a tremendous amount of work, and Best’s physique speaks for itself. It’s clear that she doesn’t cut any corners in her training.
Leg day #3528764467Calm on the outside – a stream of expletives on the insideVideo is cropped because this thirst trap angle is already egregiously long BUT(t) I managed to get 9 out of this set.Whether your goal is snicker, oatmeal, or milkshake – the Pit Shark can take you there.
Epic Leg Day
Recently both West and Best collaborated for a pretty intense leg days training session. Best showed West the ropes as she took him through one of her typical routines. The result left West hurting.
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It’s clear that both West and Best had a blast filming this one. One thing is for certain, both Jesse James West and Brittany Best will be two fitness figures to keep an eye on.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.