Tag: joey swoll

Joey Swoll Talks The Effectiveness Of Weed & Bodybuilding
Joey Swoll talks CBD, marijuana, and how it can supplement bodybuilding.
Joey Swoll’s partnership with the CBD company Ignite started with a friendship between himself and Dan Bilzerian. Dan is a millionaire playboy of sorts in the bodybuilding world, using social media to showcase his luxurious lifestyle. With the rapid change in legality for marijuana and CBD, we decided to talk with Joey about the future of bodybuilding with the potential legalization of marijuana products. In our latest GI Exclusive, Joey Swoll discusses the reality of weed and bodybuilding; how it can to help supplement training; and how popular it is in the bodybuilding community.
A Major Shift
The United States is a very different country today when it comes to marijuana. What was once seen as a dangerous drug is now legal in various states. However slowly, it seems that weed will one day be legal on a federal level in the United States future.
Of course, just because marijuana is still illegal on a federal level doesn’t mean that many people aren’t already partaking in the drug. What has changed is the use of CBD. It’s now legal to sell in many states for a number of uses. The product helps lower anxiety and reduce muscle soreness.
In our latest GI Exclusive interview segment with Joey Swoll – we breakdown his involvement with Dan Bilzarian’s Ignite brand. He also discusses the reality of weed use in bodybuilding. How often is it used? And what kind of purpose to it serve to help enhance the quality of training, pre-workout, and post-workout?
The truth is that many bodybuilders utilize marijuana as a supplement to help with a workout. Whether it be to better focus or feel better through the pain of training – it’s somewhat commonplace in the bodybuilding world.
You can watch Joey Swoll’s full assessment of weed and bodybuilding in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.

Joey Swoll Defends Man Who Is Falsely Accused Of Staring At A Female Gym-Goer
Joey Swoll continues to defend actions in the gym speaking out against toxic culture.
Joey Swoll is at it again. The fitness personality has gained even more popularity in recent months as he has used social media to show examples of toxic gym culture and speak against it. In his recent example, Swoll is defending a male gym-goer who is being accused of staring at a female while she is working out.
This is not the first time that Swoll has shared a video of a female accusing a man of staring. In January, Swoll shared a similar story but the man was just trying to watch the television that the female was blocking. In other instances, there have been ego lifters and outright rude lifters who try to make other people look foolish.
In this video, a female gym-goer is preparing to do an exercise with dumbbells. As she is getting ready to perform her set, there is an older man that can be seen looking in her direction for a few seconds. Swoll explains that this is a normal occurrence, especially in public, and that the man was not harassing the woman.
“You also say normalize not staring. You were in this man’s peripheral. You picked up some weights. He looked over for a few brief seconds to see what you were doing and then he looked away to mind his own business. I do this. People are in a public space. People are going to look at you.
There’s a difference between staring like a creep and simply looking at somebody to see what they’re doing. Women are harassed and disrespected at gyms. You are not one of them. You need to do better. You need to mind your own business.”
The caption on Joey Swoll’s post reads “Women are harassed in gyms and it needs to stop. This is NOT it.”
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to find stories about females being harassed while at the gym. This is another way TikTok is being used as females share stories on the platform to get the word out and make sure that it does not happen to anyone else. Swoll believes this was taken too far by the female.
“In the video, you say, ‘minding your own business’.
Well, in reality, when you’re filming in a public space, you’re not really minding your own business. It’s okay to do that, but you need to be respectful of others.”
Joey Swoll also calls out the female for filming inside the gym, which has become more common over the years. He explains that this is not minding her own business and this could take up unnecessary space.
Swoll has made it a mission to defend those who are wrongly called out or exposed in the gym for different reasons. He does not believe the man was doing anything wrong in this video and wanted to make sure that people improve themselves in the gym. This is the only way to eliminate the toxic gym culture.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Joey Swoll Uses Video Of Ego Lifter To Show Example Of Toxic Gym Culture
Joey Swoll has been speaking out against toxic gym culture and shared another example of it here.
Joey Swoll has continued to discuss toxic gym culture on social media in many ways. This is something that he feels strongly about and has made it a point to call out gym-goers who either make fun of or show up someone else trying to better themself. In his recent video, Swoll speaks on a video of an ego lifter taking over a lift.
In Swoll’s TikTok video, a gym-goer is seen attempting a new PR and struggling with the weight. Another lifter goes over and begins working with the weight in different ways. Rather than helping and encouraging, the ego lifter feels the need to show up the person who was initially working with the bar.
This is something that Swoll does not condone and explains that it is just another example of toxic gym culture.
““One of the things that upsets me most in the gym is people thinking they’re better than others simply because they’re bigger or stronger, you’re not. Just because you can lift more, doesn’t give you the right to treat people poorly.
You saw an opportunity to shame him and embarrass him for likes and attention on social media. This is toxic gym culture. You could have done two things, you could have gone over, helped him, encouraged him, and helped him with form or, you could have simply minded your own business. Be better than that.”
This is an instance where Joey Swoll believes help should have been offered. There are many examples of toxic gym culture and TikTok has turned into a platform where users call some out.
Primarily, there have been call-to-actions on the social media platform urging males to behave better in the gym and not make females uncomfortable. This was a word to gym-goers and even in some cases employees. Swoll’s account is a bit different as he explains the correct techniques of lifts if they are being made fun of.
In previous videos, Joey Swoll has shown gym-goers being called out for performing unorthodox lifts, such as drag curls and partial reps of lateral raises. Swoll quickly explains the lift and how it is not wrong just because it looks strange.
This has been extremely popular as Joey Swoll is calling for behavior in the gym to be better. This can happen in all ways beginning with all lifters focusing on themselves and not the interest of others.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Joey Swoll Continues To Educate On Unorthodox Lifts, Addresses ‘Toxic Gym Culture’
Joey Swoll has used TikTok to call out those who criticize others for their workout routines.
TikTok is a social media platform that can be used in many ways. Joey Swoll has been using his platform to callout and educate others who might be critical of lifters in the gym performing unorthodox exercises. Recently, he shared a video after a woman claimed a man was “ego lifting” in front of her.
Swoll does not take to the platform in a disrespectful way. He takes the time to explain what lift is being performed and the benefit of the movement. He also has taken the time to speak against “toxic gym culture.”
In this particular video, a man is seen with heavy dumbbells in front of the rack performing partial reps of lateral raises. The female in the video describes them as “half-ass reps” but Swoll explains that this is the purpose and it is extremely effective.
“The key to this workout is to only do about one-third the range of motion of a side lateral raise and to also go heavy and high rep. A lot of great bodybuilders love this movement, it’s great for size. The late great John Meadows, one of the best to ever do it, rest in peace to him, he loved this exercise.”
This is not the first time that Joey Swoll has done this. In January, another female was criticizing a man performing drag curls with dumbbells because of the strange-looking nature of the lift. Also, Swoll has been calling for gym culture to improve as a whole.
On Saturday, Joey Swoll shared a video where a woman was recording a man on a machine next to her. The point of the video was to try and prove that the man was staring at her while she was working out. Swoll provided his opinion on the video.
“This man did nothing wrong. He’s at a public gym, minding his own business getting a great workout in and you decided to film him and make him look like a creep to get likes and attention on social media. You’re literally on a piece of equipment that’s only a few feet away in his peripheral and you made some noise and he looked at you for a millisecond.”
The overall culture of public gyms has been in question after some recent viral videos, especially on TikTok. Joey Swoll believes that it must be fixed and all gym-goers have the right to exercise anyway they want.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Joey Swoll Returns Full Interview | Painkiller Addiction, Recovery, & Judging The New Era Of Bodybuilders
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Joey Swoll returns for a new full and uncut GI Exclusive interview.
Over the past year, Joey Swoll made a public announcement online that shocked many of his fans. He had been quietly suffering from a pain killer addiction during the pandemic. Swoll made the post after he had put himself through recovery – but wanted his fans and followers to know the truth and hope to inspire those who are also suffering a way towards recovery.
That’s why we reconnected with Joey Swoll for a new video interview to discuss his addiction, recovery, and recap the latest topics in bodybuilding since our last conversation in 2019. It was a long and insightful interview breaking down the intricacies of addiction and how the struggles were enhanced due to the pandemic lockdowns. It’s also an interesting look at some of the latest developments in bodybuilding.
Over the past few months we’ve released multiple GI Exclusive segments from our interview with Joey Swoll. Now we’re releasing the full length interview including topics such as cryptocurrency, addiction, and how the new generation of bodybuilders stand up to the current top pros.
Listen To Our Joey Swoll Returns Interview On The Generation Iron Podcast
Our full length interviews are now also in podcast form! Subscribe to the Generation Iron Podcast for candid, full length interviews with the biggest names in bodybuilding, fitness, combat, and strength sports.
Listen to the full Joey Swoll interview here:
Joey Swoll Details His Rock Bottom Moment Of Pain Killer Addition
The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!

Joey Swoll: Blessing Awodibu Is Great For The Sport Of Bodybuilding
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Joey Swoll looks analyzes the most promising young bodybuilders rising in the ranks and highlights Blessing Awodibu’s contributions to the sport.
Joey Swoll might not be a competitive bodybuilder – but he is deeply passionate and involved with the sport. Which is why upon reconnecting with him for an interview, we asked for his thoughts on the Olympia 2020. We also asked for his thoughts looking towards the future. What up and coming bodybuilders seem primed to become a rising star in bodybuilding? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Joey Swoll discusses how Blessing Awodibu has both the physique and personality to bring something great to bodybuilding.
Blessing Awodibu is a bodybuilder who garnered a lot of attention going into the Indy Pro and the New York Pro in 2021. This is certainly due to his physique looking impressive on social media updates. But it’s also because of Blessing’s ability to stir up controversy and hype leading up to the show.
Blessing started up a rivalry with up and comer Nick Walker, who was also set to compete at the New York Pro. The rivalry led to some back and forth trash talk. It lit up the internet in bodybuilding. It was exciting, sometimes controversial, but 100% in the front of everyone’s mind.
Ultimately, Blessing Awodibu fell behind Nick Walker and placed sixth at the New York Pro 2021. Walker landed first place. This was somewhat disappointing to fans fo Blessing. But to Joey Swoll – that’s not too much to be concerned about. Blessing is still relatively new to the competitive world of bodybuilding. His physique shows promise and can always improve.
Joey Swoll believes that Blessing Awodibu is great for the sport of bodybuilding. He’s bringing an element of entertainment and excitement to the sport. If he can continue to combine that with a threatening physique – we can have another Kai Greene type athlete on our hands.
“Blessing, that kid, I think he’s great for the sport. He’s very, how do I say this, he has a lot of personality,” Joey Swoll states in our interview. He continues:
“He brings a lot of character to the stage. He’s not quiet. And I love that. I love that there was a little bit of beef between him and Nick. I didn’t get too involved into it but I like that. It’s good for the sport. It creates some, like you know, everyone is always going to talk about Phil and Kia. When Phil and Kai got beef and got on stage next to each other that was probably the most exciting Olympia finals ever.”
Joey Swoll goes on to clarify that it’s important to know the difference between competitiveness and disrespect. A rivalry and some trash talk is good for the sport, it helps engage the fans, and creates more drama. But if it becomes disrespectful, that’s not professional. That’s not what a pro athlete should represent. It’s a fine line – but Blessing seems to be the kind of guy who knows how to walk it.
Joey Swoll also mentions other standout rising stars such as the aforementioned Nick Walker and also Hunter Labrada. These athletes all show incredible promise that is starting to solidify in recent years. A new generation of athletes are on the horizon and the future looks bright.
You can watch Joey Swoll’s full comments on Blessing Awodibu and other young bodybuilding hopefuls in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Joey Swoll Details His Rock Bottom Moment Of Pain Killer Addition
Joey Swoll opens up about his recent pain killer addiction, his rock bottom, and his recovery.
Over the past year, Joey Swoll made a public announcement online that shocked many of his fans. He had been quietly suffering from a pain killer addiction during the pandemic. Swoll made the post after he had put himself through recovery – but wanted his fans and followers to know the truth and hope to inspire those who are also suffering a way towards recovery. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Joey Swoll goes into detail about how became addicted to pain killers, his rock bottom, and his journey towards recovery.
The last time we spoke to Joey Swoll, he described how he was not much of a drug user. He smokes marijuana but stays away from alcohol. All things considered, he was a very mild mannered person when it came to experimenting with drugs. So it makes it all the more shocking when he revealed that he was addicted to pain medication for about a year in 2020.
That’s why we decided to reconnect with Joey Swoll and discuss in more detail his addiction, how it started, and what he learned from the entire experience. Upon reconnecting with Swoll, he detailed how his pain killer addiction started. Like many cases, it was due to an original prescription to help treat an injury.
Joey Swoll explains at the same time as his injury, he was dealing with compounding stress putting weight on his shoulders. Of course, the pandemic was changing life as we knew it. He was also going through an emotional breakup and facing some serious business challenges. All of these added up to a level of stress and anxiety that he couldn’t handle. The pain medication he received for his injury suddenly made everything more manageable.
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Check out our GI Exclusive segment with Joey Swoll above!
Like any addiction, it became a slippery slope. He kept increasing pill dosages as his tolerance grew. Suddenly, something that was making him feel happy was no longer bringing him relief. He felt trapped. His mood wildly swung from hour to hour. He felt depressed, out of control, and trapped.
Joey Swoll goes on to describe his rock bottom moment. He took so many pills that he believed he should just take even more to overdose and end his life. He wrote messages to close friends stating he would do as such. Ultimately, and luckily, this didn’t happen. He made it through the night. It was a wake up call that he needed help.
This was then compounded by Joey Swoll’s mother connecting with him. Knowing her son better than anyone, she could tell something was wrong. When she confronted him, he realized that if his mother noticed something was wrong – he definitely had a problem.
Joey Swoll’s social media post showcasing his bed covered in sweat due to withdrawals (above).
Joey Swoll didn’t receive professional help for recovery. Instead he did research, slowly weened himself off the pills, and eventually got to a point where he was completely free of using them. He did suffer withdrawals but now after going through recovery, Swoll feels stronger and able to avoid relapse and further addiction in his future.
Ultimately, Joey Swoll suffered silently during most of his addiction. Due to the pandemic, he was able to be easily isolated during the entire time. None of his friends knew about it as it was happening and the people he did reach out to – never returned his calls.
Despite this being a low point and struggle in Joey Swoll’s life, he looks at the experience as something that made him stronger. Luckily, this is due to him finding the ability to overcome the addiction. He went public with his experience in the hopes of inspiring others who are quietly suffering. They are not alone even if it feels that way.
You can watch Joey Swoll go into more detail about his pain killer addiction, his rock bottom, and his recovery in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.

Joey Swoll: The Truth Behind Crypto, Dogecoin, and Elon Musk
Joey Swoll: “I’m a crypto believer”
Cryptocurrency, normally shortened simply as crypto, has been booming in popularity over the past few years. Odds are you’ve heard about crypto bigcoin, dogecoin, and Elon Musk’s name popping up non-stop in the news recently. So you’re probably asking yourself, is this truly a new currency innovation that’s here to stay? Or is it a trend with a bubble about to burst? Joey Swoll is a bodybuilder with his hands in crypto providing a bridge between this popular trend and the bodybuilding world. In our latest GI Exclusive, Joey Swoll explains crypto in detail and whether or not you should try investing or avoid it before everything comes crashing down.
Joey Swoll is a bodybuilder who is also a successful entrepreneur. His various successes showcase that he is a bodybuilder with business savvy. So when he starts publicly promoting crypto to his following – it’s something to take note of. That’s why during our recent interview, we decided to ask Swoll about his interest in crypto – and everything he knows about dogecoin, and Elon Musk’s recent headline-grabbing actions.
More specifically, we asked Joey Swoll to share his thoughts – is crypto a currency that will rule the future? Or is it a bubble about to burst? Is it smart to invest now during the rise of its popularity? Or is it all misleading hype created by a strong media narrative? Is it even possible to know now what will happen to this speculative market?
Joey Swoll admits that he is by no means a master but has begun working with individuals who have been involved with crypto for over six years. He considers himself a “crypto believer” and strongly believes that the currency will remain relevant in decades to come. However like any investment, nothing is guaranteed. His number one advice before diving into the details is this – don’t invest anything that you’re not willing or able to lose.
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Check out our GI Exclusive segment with Joey Swoll above!
That being said, Joey Swoll believes it is possible to invest smart – and that there are a lot of gains to be made in crypto. The key is to not be intimidated and start learning as much as you can before the entire market becomes normalized by the mainstream.
The second most important thing Joey Swoll advises is that not all crypto coins are created equal. Some are actually associated with services provided – and thus have more security in their value. Others are only valuable simply because people have had faith behind the brand itself. These could certainly succeed but are also subject to potential volatility.
The perfect example of this is dogecoin. A cryptocurrency that came into existence via a meme. What started off as a joke has become a bonafide cryptocurrency rising in value daily. So much so that Elon Musk put his faith in it. This, of course, skyrocketed the value further.
So what’s Joey Swoll’s opinion on more meme-friendly crypto coins like dogecoin and everyone’s obsession with Elon Musk’s involvement? Is it just overblown hype that will all collapse? Or is there true value worth investing in? Joey Swoll believes that dogecoin will be around for a while though it’s not as much of a guarantee as something like bitcoin.
Joey Swoll impresses how important faith in branding is during the early stages of crypto (or any business really). If people believe in the brand and hold passion or affinity for it – it will make people choose that brand over others. Even if that brand isn’t better or worse than competitors.
The dogecoin brand has been wildly popular due to the doge meme existing for at least a decade prior to the coin’s creation. When Elon Musk publicly announced his faith in dogecoin – that cemented the brand as something that will stick around. Of course, nothing is ever certain and the huge drop after Musk’s SNL appearance might remove steam from the brand.
At the same time, this extreme volatility is expected for speculative markets. In the big picture, strong brands will stick around. So Swoll suggests that those interested shouldn’t fear dogecoin because of the recent drops in value.
Ultimately, Joey Swoll reminds again that all investments should be spent with caution. If you’re not willing to lose the money, or can’t afford to, you shouldn’t make the investment. But he also believes crypto is a safe investment long term. “It’s the future,” Joey Swoll comments. “Everyone should learn about crypto.”
You can watch Joey Swoll’s full comments on all things crypto in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.
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