Tag: Kali Muscle

Kali Muscle Says Steroids ‘A Waste of Time, ‘I’m a Natty Right Now, My Testosterone Level is 280’

Kali Muscle Says Steroids ‘A Waste of Time, ‘I’m a Natty Right Now, My Testosterone Level is 280’

Bodybuilder and fitness star Chuck “Kali Muscle” Kirkendall plans to never look back after quitting performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). In a recent YouTube video, Kali Muscle recapped his bodybuilding career and experiences with steroids. After becoming addicted to these compounds, Kali Muscle is now speaking out against them. 
While he started his fitness journey as an impressionable teenager, Muscle has grown leaps and bounds since. Following a prison stint at 19, Kali refused to let the circumstances dictate the rest of his life. He worked hard to improve his situation but admits he’s made some unhealthy choices along the way. 
Kali Muscle is a popular YouTube personality known for his eccentric behavior, personality, and content. He boasts a ripped physique and has garnered headlines for his controversial and outspoken nature. Muscle has also been a victim to considerable health issues, like a heart attack back in 2021. 

Having carved out a following in bodybuilding, Kali Muscle began arguing against steroid use. He became vocal about the topic after years of watching bodybuilders die too young, like Shawn Rhoden, George Peterson, and Cedric McMillan. Since retiring from the sport and its practices, Kali Muscle hasn’t shied away from showing off his downsized physique. And now, he’s back to share another cautionary tale about steroids. 
“Steroids Is A Waste of Time” – Kali Muscle Recounts Struggles w/ Bodybuilding Career & Health 
Before diving into his own personal struggles, Kali Muscle went over the dangers of some popular anabolic compounds. 
“Just for educational purposes, I just had to do this video, I had this stuff [gear] laying around and I got mad. Trenbolone, it gets you strong, right? It also gets them arteries hard and strong, it causes high blood pressure, water retention, which we all know, water retention is bad for all your organs in your body. It raises your estrogen, right? It’s the most harmful roid, juice PED.” 
“Some Test cyp, I don’t know why it’s orange. All the test I’ve ever had wasn’t orange. That’s test cyp right there. We all know what that do, it raises your estrogen and of course, it boosts your testosterone level which all of us want a high testosterone level but it causes water retention.” 
“Primobolan, supposed to be a nice one right? When you get ready for a show it keeps you lean, less water retention, and all that. It’s all trash man. I don’t need them no more.” 
Kali Muscle revealed his first cycle consisted of 1,000 grams of testosterone and 600 grams of Trenbolone. Eventually, Kali Muscle became addicted to the way the steroids made him feel during workouts.  
“I felt I got addicted to the feeling of being stronger than everybody, my muscles just got full and so I remember Diego, ‘Boy, you need to do a show.’ I started looking at bodybuilding shows to do, my first one was the Orange County Classic in 2009. Went in there, didn’t know what I was doing, at that point I was on about 1,000 grams of test, maybe 600 grams of tren, I didn’t know what I was doing, I was reading on the internet what to take for shows.” 
“I came in there and won it,” added Kali Muscle. “Every day I would study what chemicals, I bought all the books, I was experimenting on myself, it was foolish.” 
According to Muscle, there came a point in his career where he knew he’d have to kill himself with drugs if he wanted to bring up the conditioning in his legs. 
“I was getting big 255, 260, you guys can see the documentary I did. The Kali Muscle Story, I was 260 in that video just juiced to the gills. 1,000 migs of test, 800 migs of tren, you know all that stuff that’s tearing up those insides man.” 
“It wasn’t for me, bodybuilding wasn’t for me because I would have to kill myself literally to become Pro. I knew I’d have to take a lot of GH, IGF-1, Insulin to really get my legs how they’re supposed to be. I knew I didn’t have that in me. I knew it would cost a lot of money. I decided to focus on social media. I tapered the roids down. I was doing 500 migs of test a week. I would do Tren here and there.” 
Unlike years prior, Kali Muscle feels healthier today and claims he’s all-natural. 
“The muscles… if I had the muscles are not, if that was the case now – I’m reaching more people in my eyes being fit and preaching a healthy message. Steroids is a waste of time, bro. If you started, okay, you feel good. You look good. But, you got to take anti-estrogen to keep your estrogen and most of y’all don’t even have medical.” 
“I was happy natural like I am now. It’s not necessary. You can do it like this, natural. Kudos to all the natural guys out there but you still got to think if you natural, natural guys, they want to gain weight. So you go eat a lot of the wrong foods. What you’re eating and how you’re eating, what you’re consuming. Even me right now, they saw my test level now is down to 280.” 
Lastly, he highlighted that steroids ‘are not needed until 35’ for most people. 

“Roids are not needed until 35 on up. But I wouldn’t recommend it until your testosterone levels drop below 600. Been off everything. I’m a natty right now. So that’s why my testosterone level is 280, it was 281. I feel good.” 
This wasn’t the first time Kali Muscle opened up honestly about steroid use. In May, he took part in a candid interview where he disclosed that he didn’t stop taking gear until his heart attack nearly killed him. Months ago, Kali mentioned that he was still taking a ‘small dose’ of steroids to maintain his physique.
In light of his health troubles, Kali has warned popular talents in the Men’s Open class about heart problems. Last October, Kali said athletes Andrew Jacked and Nick Walker were at risk of these issues, and stressed that he ‘felt sorry’ for them. 
Kali Muscle hopes his story serves as a warning for the younger generation. While he admits he suffers from low testosterone, Muscle hasn’t stopped working out and remains focused on longevity. 
RELATED: Kali Muscle Claims to Eat 1 Meal a Day: ‘Everything We Learned is Fake’
Watch the full video from Kali Muscle’s YouTube channel below: 

Published: 29 July, 2023 | 3:22 PM EDT

Kali Muscle Gets Honest About Depression & Junk Food in Prison, Gives Downsized Physique Update

Kali Muscle Gets Honest About Depression & Junk Food in Prison, Gives Downsized Physique Update

Fitness influencer and bodybuilder Chuck “Kali Muscle” Kirkendall has taken various measures for his health since a near-fatal heart attack in 2021. In a recent video published on his YouTube channel, Kali discussed downsizing his physique, his diet, and whether or not his image was affected by a sudden drop in weight. 
Kali Muscle is an immensely popular YouTuber with over 3.38 million subscribers. His outspoken personality and divisive nature have made him stand out in news headlines. He’s worked out since he was a teenager, and while he was locked up in prison at 19, Kali Muscle has gone to considerable lengths to better his life. However, he paid with more than just time served when he was incarcerated, as he also admits to wrecking his body with junk food. 

Even though Muscle isn’t a pro bodybuilder, he’s been involved with the community for a very long time. He is arguably the most outspoken fitness personality against steroids and rampant performance-enhancing drug use. In the past few years, Muscle has seen bodybuilders die at an alarming rate. 
Fans took notice of this concerning trend following the death of the late Shawn Rhoden. Within a matter of months, 212 talent George Peterson also lost his life from a suspected heart attack. Last March, the sport was rocked by the passing of Cedric McMillan at 44. Given the tragedies, athletes like Muscle continued to condemn the use of steroids. 
Kali Muscle Talks Mental Health Decline, Downsizing Physique: ‘I’m Focused on Trying to Prevent Health Scares’ 
Kali Muscle said he’s trying to prevent health scares moving forward. Initially, he was worried dropping weight and downsizing would ‘tarnish his image’ with fans and followers. 
“Why my mental health is declining… since Nov. 2021, I had my heart attack. Never in my life I’d imagine I’d go through a health scare, all my life I was focused on trying to prevent any health scares or any things with my heart or body.” 
“Now I was only 46 having to take all this medication with my friends and family thinking less of me, with the internet thinking less of me. I knew I was going to have to drop down and I didn’t have a problem with dropping weight but I just didn’t want to tarnish or damage my image. My name is Kali Muscle. My meals down at that point to like two meals a day, still working out, still had good energy at the time. 
As time goes on, any time I felt something, like on my left side, I was scared. This is a daily occurrence even to this day, thinking I feel something, if it’s gas. If I don’t eat, I get gassy and it goes straight to the left side,” Kali Muscle shared. “I might have a little anxiety attack sometimes,” Kali Muscle said. 
According to Muscle, his ‘infatuation’ with becoming buff started when he was in 9th grade when football coaches didn’t let him play. 
“Growing up I was a small kid, I was like 90 pounds, and I can show you this picture of me playing football. I was like 90 pounds in 9th grade so they didn’t let me play. So that started my infatuation with wanting to get buff. It was those coaches in 9th grade telling me i was too small. So from then on I was like possessed with getting big.  
I used to force-feed myself almost regurgitating. That was my mission. So that went on throughout my whole life. For three months, I wasn’t on nothing. I wasn’t on no testosterone, TRT, I wasn’t on pre-workouts, I was scared to do anything. I went on this 1 mil a day. Luckily for me, it was easy because I wanted to live.” 
“Don’t Get Fat, Don’t Get Over Muscular” Kali Looks Back on Prison Cuisine 

After going to prison at 19, Kali Muscle remembered eating a poor diet of Top Ramen, Honey Buns, and Snickers daily. 
“I’m going to try what Big Boy do. At 19, I went to prison. And I was eating all the crap food, that’s all they have in prison. Because i contribute my health problem to a lot of Top Ramen, saturated foods, I was eating Honey Buns, Top Ramen, Snickers, I’m talking about 4-5 Top Ramens a day with the seasoning packs. I didn’t know about sodium.
A lot of people not eating to sodium. As we all know, heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. This goes out to all the young people in the world man. Don’t get fat. Don’t get over muscular, stay lean and mean. You get too big you’re going to have skin issues like me.” 
Some have questioned Kali Muscle’s recent decision to eat once daily. He worries that his strict dieting may be affecting his mental outlook as he feels depressed. 
“That’s when eating once a day came into question. I’ll be like, do I have enough energy or food in my system to keep up with my kids and do my daily go-to things of working, starting businesses, having to work out.” 
“I’m at the place where I should be at. That’s what keeps that motivation and grind. That’s what really combats depression. Just think, all of this is on me. I got to take care of my wife, my kids, business partners, I got to make sure we cool. I got to worry about my health, my heart. There’s all these worries and thoughts.” 
This isn’t the first time Kali Muscle has gotten brutally honest about his steroid use and longevity. One of his latest YouTube contributions saw him come clean about 13 years of PED abuse. He shared that his heart attack in 2021 was the tipping point. From then on, he stopped taking steroids. 
Kali Muscle believes drugs are to blame for bodybuilding deaths. While speaking to fans on YouTube, Kali stressed that the dangers present in the sport prevented him from going pro. He added that if he had pursued a bodybuilding career, he’d be dead today. 
As with most bodybuilders, downsizing later in life can be a tough pill to swallow. Just ask bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger, who also said that it’s been incredibly difficult to accept his physique at 75 years old having once been the best-built man in the world. 
RELATED: Kali Muscle Shares ‘Raw Truth’ About Steroids: “If You’re a Bodybuilder, You’re Risking Your Life
You can watch the full video from Kali Muscle’s YouTube channel below: 

Published: 4 July, 2023 | 12:26 PM EDT

Kali Muscle Reveals the Steroids He Used & How He Had a Heart Attack

Kali Muscle Reveals the Steroids He Used & How He Had a Heart Attack

Fitness influencer Kali Muscle, real name Chuck Kirkendall, is leading the charge against the high consumption of steroids in bodybuilding. As someone who faced serious health consequences from using gear, he keeps an open attitude about the cost of pursuing a career in bodybuilding. In a recent interview with Escape Fitness, Kali revealed the steroids he took as a competitor and what happened the day he had a heart attack.
Kali Muscle found his passion for working out and fitness in his teenage years. He grew up playing many sports and earned a college scholarship. However, he found himself on the wrong track after the death of his brother and got sentenced to 11 years in prison where he found solace in lifting heavy weights. He managed to gain significant muscle mass inside the prison on a diet made up of foods like Top Ramen, honey bars, and more.
After getting released in 2010, Kirkendall decided to fulfill his potential in bodybuilding and the world of entertainment. He dominated the Mr. California contest in 2012 and took home the top prize. He quickly found success as an actor as well, where he was featured in a range of commercials, music videos, and films. His story of turning his life around has inspired many.
Kirkendall has battled with a string of major health issues over the last few years. He suffered a heart attack due to the left artery being completely clogged in Nov. 2021. Fortunately, he survived and managed to recover from the incident. He followed up with an update on how his life changed after the heart attack and issued a stark warning to bodybuilders about not ignoring warning signs that their bodies present.
Kali Muscle / Instagram
In April 2022, Kirkendall opened up on his experience using PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs) in his days of competition. He argued against pursuing bodybuilding as a career due to the health risks that come along with it. He went as far as to label bodybuilding the ‘most unhealthy’ sport of all. Then, he doubled down on his stance by offering his take on the dangers of abusing steroids for sport.
Kali Muscle recommended fitness enthusiasts stay away from competing in bodybuilding last August. He argued against idolizing the unnatural look presented by Open competitors. He confessed to having regrets about competing and warned others not to become like Walker and Jacked to preserve their health.
Kirkendall believes bodybuilders are so focused on using drugs to improve their chances of winning a show that they don’t mind sacrificing their health in the long run. He doesn’t find the rewards to be worth the risk anymore and expressed contentment with moving on from the sport.
Kali Muscle reveals what happened the day he had a heart attack

In a recent YouTube video, Kali Muscle shared what happened the day he suffered the heart attack.
Muscle highlighted the change in his diet on the day. Initially, he thought it was heartburn and only found out later that he had a heart attack after visiting the hospital.
“That day I had a heart attack, day was going good. I got some dental work done the day before and they gave me some Vicodin and the next day I took one,” said Kali Muscle. “Day was going good. At night I ate something I never eat. I had some beef, I think it was one of those Stan efferding meals, beef and rice. I was on his meals, the vertical diet at the time. I was eating a lot of beef at the time. I never eat ice cream but that night I had an ice cream sandwich and I’d already ate two of those beef meals. I ate that, went to bed, at midnight I just [got up] feeling like I got heartburn. I was panicky so I was like hey Helena get me some anti-acid to kill heartburn. She’s scrambling around, gave me some Pepto-Bismol, still was burning.
“We looking up remedies on Google. I crouched down on the couch and it was relieving the feeling so I just stayed down like that and was just off. Then finally after about 30 minutes, I had vomited and she took me to the hospital. I technically think I might’ve died during that drive there because I’d blacked out on the drive there. When we got to the hospital, I’m up energetic again, we go in there, they hook me up, they’re like, ‘oh we got to take you in.’ I was like why? I don’t feel bad it’s just heartburn isn’t it? And they were like nah, you have a heart attack. I was thinking conspiracy theory at this point.”
He opened up on the experience of getting surgery and the fear he continues to feel.
“In 10 minutes in that hospital I was in surgery. They went through my groin, said I needed a stent and I was woke all this time while they doing surgery it’s like you loaded on I don’t know what. As they giving me surgery, I’m vomiting like the movie The Exorcist all on the walls while they doing it. At the hospital, it all just seemed like a dream. I didn’t believe it. To this day, my body reminds me now because it’s just fear and thoughts. It’s a messed up position to be in because now everyday all day I’m thinking about dying.”
Kali reveals the steroids he took in his bodybuilding days
Kali Muscle laid out the steroids he utilized while competing in bodybuilding shows. He believes his poor diet combined with gear contributed to his artery getting clogged.
“11 years in prison, Top Ramen, four or five a day, I used to have headaches all the time. I didn’t know about sodium. I was eating that, honey bun, snickers, all this high-cholesterol food not to mention I used to get migraines when I was a kid from age of 15 to 31. So, it was some health going on there.
“Just eating all that bad food and then to top it off with bodybuilding with steroids; HGH, IGF, insulin, that’s clogging everything up. You clogging everything up. Then I was getting warnings and doctors would be telling me my blood pressure elevated for years. I thought I was fine. I keep on just putting it off. When I moved from Burbank to Las Vegas, my feet and ankles swelled up and would just stay swole. I’m talking abnormal.”
He revealed he would cycle off steroids and only stopped using them completely after the heart attack.
“I was 34 when I started. 34 to I really didn’t stop until the heart attack. But all those years, I would get off three to four months so I called my side cycling off. I’m thinking I’m not doing what these other guys are doing, this amount because I was genetically gifted. That HGH, IGF, insulin, that’s clogging you up and it hardens your arteries. I would try to do like the old school bodybuilders, six seven months out a year then get off clean.”
“Tren is the worst. Tren, deca, anadrol, D-bol, they’re the worst. They’ll clog you up so fast. Insulin will kill you.”
He continues to take a small dose of testosterone to sustain his muscle mass.
“A small dosage, I do like half a CC every other week. I do like 250mgs a month and that’s just to sustain… just some testosterone.”
The last time fans heard from the influencer, Kali Muscle reflected on his 13-year-long use of PEDs. He claimed he consumes only one meal a day and pushed back on eating tons of food to bulk up.
RELATED: Kali Muscle: Bodybuilders Are ‘So Caught Up’ In Drugs, They Don’t Think About the late Cedric McMillan and Shawn Rhoden
You can watch the full video below.

Published: 10 June, 2023 | 1:18 PM EDT

Kali Muscle Claims to Eat 1 Meal a Day: ‘Everything We Learned is Fake’

Kali Muscle Claims to Eat 1 Meal a Day: ‘Everything We Learned is Fake’

Internet sensation Kali Muscle, real name Chuck Kirkendall, is on a mission to push back against the rampant use of steroids. After suffering a series of health challenges, he revamped his training and diet regimen to live a healthier life. In a recent Escaped Fitness interview, Muscle claimed he only eats one meal a day and argued against consuming too much food and bulking up.
Kali Muscle first rose to prominence for his massive build and brash personality online. Having grown up in challenging circumstances, Kali started working out as a teenager to channel his energy. He also grew up playing several different sports. Eventually, Kali found himself in trouble and got locked up in his college days but didn’t let the setback dictate his life.
Kali continued to train passionately behind bars with whatever equipment was available to him and managed to pack on the pounds before getting released in 2010. He had hopes of pursuing a career in bodybuilding and exploring the world of entertainment. He won the Mr. California contest in 2012 along with numerous appearances in music videos and more, which inspired fans given his respective Cinderella story. 
In Jan. 2021, Kali joined forces with fellow social media influencer Big Boy for an intense training session at Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach, considered to be one of the Meccas of bodybuilding. The fitness stars progressed through the workout and crushed a massive set of 330-pound dumbbells made of solid gold. They later found themselves in an argument with the manager and were asked to leave the gym. Things didn’t end there as Kali nearly got into a fight outside the facility.
Kali Muscle / Instagram
Kali Muscle suffered a heart attack after his left artery was said to be 100% clogged in 2021. He was hospitalized but fortunately recovered. He used the experience to change his daily routine and started cleaning up his diet for longevity. A week later, Muscle issued a stark warning to bodybuilders to not ignore the warning signs their bodies might give them. He also blamed the health scare on plaque build-up in the artery from years of eating junk food and taking gear.
The 48-year-old laid out the dangers of bodybuilding in another cautionary message in April 2022. He admitted he used to avoid blood tests and health checkups due to a fear of finding out an issue. Then, he labeled bodybuilding as the unhealthiest sport because Open athletes pursue bigger physiques. 

Kali Muscle revealed how he started using gear with an off-season stack he utilized during his days of competing on stage in May 2022. While he’s not sure if steroids were the sole reason for his heart attack, he’s convinced they certainly played a role in exacerbating the condition.
Last August, Kali encouraged people to avoid competing in bodybuilding shows. He argued against bodybuilders appearing to be healthy. Then went as far as to label the competitors ‘test dummies’ that are jeopardizing their health in the sport. 
Kali regretted ever getting into competitive bodybuilding after a health checkup last October. He bashed rising Men’s Open sensation Andrew Jacked and former Arnold Classic champ Nick Walker for risking their health to improve their physiques.
Kali Muscle claims to eat 1 meal a day, pushes back against bulking
In a recent YouTube video, Kali Muscle shared his thoughts on consuming too much food and bulking up. He argued against the lessons he learned about nutrition while competing.
“Everything we learned to me is fake,” said Kali. “We used to laugh at people who take supplements in prison. We ate tuna, top ramen, mackerel, and peanut butter, that’s what did it though all those bad carbs.
“It’s big now. Everybody’s starting to wake up. I’m starting to see on social media what we’ve been told we need we don’t like six meals a day, four or three a day. I’ve been on this regimen since I had my heart attack. I’m down to 195 and I love it. Crazy shredded and don’t have to depend on food.”
“We’re just caught up in this culture that bigger is better. No. Let’s go look at some people that’s 80, 90, or 100 years old. They not fat, over muscular or buff.”
Kali claims to eat 1 meal a day
Kali claimed he consumes one meal a day or two at most while avoiding supplements.
“One meal a day, two max. I’m scared of all [supplements]. I’m scared of ingesting anything.”
In Nov. 2022, Kali Muscle opened up about his reasons for retiring from bodybuilding. He believes he could’ve ended up dead if he would’ve taken the steroids recommended to him by top coaches. He stressed the need for competitors to prioritize their health instead of focusing on pleasing judges. 
The outspoken fitness influencer reinforced one of his most important messages in the latest offering and will help fans reconsider their goals. In addition, his 1-meal diet plan certainly raises some eyebrows as well. 
RELATED: Kali Muscle: Here Is Why I Lost All My Muscle Size
You can watch the full video below.

Read also: 

Published: 3 June, 2023 | 1:27 PM EDT

Kali Muscle Gets Honest About 13 Years of Heavy Gear Use: ‘I Really Didn’t Stop Till the Heart Attack’

Kali Muscle Gets Honest About 13 Years of Heavy Gear Use: ‘I Really Didn’t Stop Till the Heart Attack’

Fitness influencer and former bodybuilder Chuck “Kali Muscle” Kirkendall continues to issue warnings about the dangers of steroids. In a recent YouTube video, Kali Muscle discussed performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) and the repercussions that follow sustained abuse. 
Over the last three years, the foundation of the bodybuilding community was rocked by multiple deaths. In 2021, former Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden suddenly passed away from suspected heart troubles. Meanwhile, George Peterson, a standout 212 bodybuilder, also met his untimely fate face down in a hotel room, once again, from heart complications. 

Last April, less than one month before the 2022 Arnold Classic, Cedric McMillan died at 44. In addition to the former Arnold Classic champion, the sport mourned the deaths of IFBB judge Jerry Ward and German IFBB pro Andreas Frey. 
Considering the trend, multiple bodybuilding personalities have underlined the dangers associated with PEDs. Among them was Kali Muscle, who shared a cautionary tale that saw him suffer a heart attack around the same time Rhoden passed away. In an effort to deter PED abuse, Kali Muscle is again highlighting the dangers in a recent YouTube appearance. 
Kali Muscle Reflects on 13 Yrs of Steroid Abuse, Takes ‘Small Dose’ Now to ‘Sustain’ Physique
Kirkendall admits he ignored warning signs from doctors regarding his use of PEDs. 
“You clogging everything up then I was getting warnings… doctors would be telling me, ‘Your blood pressure elevated for years.’ I’m like, ‘Man, look at me I’m fine.’ Then would use the electrical blood pressure machine, I’m like, ‘No you have to use that manual,’ right? I kept on just putting it off.” 
“My feet and ankles swelled up and would just stay swollen, I’m talking abnormal. So I would wear compression socks and all that, just my right foot, so I’m like, I blamed it on Vegas, it’s got to be the heat or something in this air man. I lived in Vegas four years going through this.” 
In addition to blood pressure issues, Kali Muscle noticed his body was retaining extra water only on his left side. 

“When we did IBF, I went to the doctor and got a physical and all that, they told me that blood pressure is elevated and I just shunned it off. I’m like, but I was always scared of that; I knew something was wrong with my body because I was puffy. 

Even when I did bodybuilding shows I would take diuretics and my left side would dry out but my right side was still holding a film of water. So, I was always weary of that, you know. Always scared of that. Yeah, I just didn’t take action on the signs,” said Kali Muscle. 

Kali Muscle states that he’s used steroids for 12-13 years straight but finally stopped following his heart attack. He listed trenbolone as the worst compound he’s used but also said ‘deca, anadrol, and dbol’ clogged up his arteries over time. 

“When I was 34 I started, 34… to when did I do my last show, no, so I really didn’t stop until the heart attack. Yeah, but all those years I would get off three to four months. So I caught myself cycling off and I’m thinking I’m not doing what these other guys are doing because I was already genetically gifted but you had times bro – that’s why that HGH, IGF fuc**ng Insulin, bro that’s clogging you up. They tell you, you know what I mean, that hardens your arteries or whatever they used to say.” 

“Yeah, 34 till when I had my heart attack, so 13 years off and on… 12 years off and on,” added Kali. “If you don’ty get a EKG or a PET scan to look at your arteries, you don’t know what’s going on. That’s what I recommend to everybody. Getting an EKG, a PET test at least once a year when you’re hitting 40 at least once a year.” 

“Tren is the worst. Tren, deca, anadrol, dbol, they the worst. They clog you up so fast. Insulin will kill you! I remember I tried that and damn-near died. You got to eat like a 1,000 grams of carbs on it. I was about to fall out and have a diabetic coma. Just experimenting too, don’t know what the hell you doing. It’s all an experiment, that’s what I tell people in videos, you’re giving data to my kids’ generation on what to do and what not to do.” 

According to Kali Muscle, steroids have value in society because they can help people suffering from AIDs and cancer. He specified that he’s taking a small dose of testosterone which amounts to 250 milligrams per month. 

“Roids help people, AIDs, cancer patients — it helps them. But when you abuse it, that’s when the problems arise,” added Kali. “A small dosage [is what I take now] I do a half a CC every other week. So, you’re looking at I do about 250 migs a month. That’s just to sustain.”

“I don’t do it for big muscles or nothing because I want to live bro. I’d get off totally if they tell me to. Yeah [testosterone], just some test. I feel great.” 

Looking ahead, Kali Muscle is excited about new anti-aging measures. 

“Keeping people young… they have a lot of new research. I love it. I look at it like this, if we didn’t have what we have in place now, I would be dead. Back in the day, they wouldn’t of been able to figure out as fast as they did what was wrong with me. By that time, the blood would of shut down to my brain and organs.”   

Kali Muscle isn’t the only former bodybuilder keen on reversing the anti-aging process. Recently, 1990s Open athlete Rich Gaspari took to Instagram and revealed a peptide stack he uses to preserve his health. He’s also taken aim at Open bodybuilders today who he believes are overusing drugs instead of utilizing proper training. 

Given the consequences he’s endured from years of steroid abuse, Kali Muscle hopes to inspire safer practices, especially for those who intend to pursue a career in bodybuilding.

Watch the full video below from the Escape Fitness YouTube channel: 

Published: 12 May, 2023 | 11:21 AM EDT

Kali Muscle: Bodybuilders Are ‘So Caught Up’ In Drugs, They Don’t Think About the late Cedric McMillan and Shawn Rhoden

Kali Muscle: Bodybuilders Are ‘So Caught Up’ In Drugs, They Don’t Think About the late Cedric McMillan and Shawn Rhoden

Online fitness sensation Chuck “Kali Muscle” Kirkendall continues to warn against the dangers of professional bodybuilding. During a recent video, Kali shared that bodybuilders are too fixated on drugs and appeasing judges rather than preserving their health for the long term. In 2021, the sport of bodybuilding saw more athletes than usual pass away. The 2018 Mr. Olympia winner Shawn Rhoden died from suspected heart problems as well as George Peterson, whose body was found in his hotel room two days before performing at last year’s Olympia.  The concerning trend from last year appeared to bleed into 2022. A slew of influential figures in the sport lost their lives over the past several months like former Arnold Classic winner Cedric McMillan, 46-year-old judge Jerry Ward, and German IFBB Pro Andreas Frey. Kali also suffered a near-death experience last November after having a heart attack. Ever since the scary ordeal, he’s been on a mission to promote health awareness in bodybuilding. In light of the growing number of deaths, Kali Muscle has been far more vocal about steroids and other dangers present in the sport. At first, his message was simple: ‘if you’re a bodybuilder, then you’re risking your life.’ Though, as time went on, his tone became more serious. He reiterated in August that bodybuilders have now become test dummies who continually risk their lives. In one of his latest videos, Kali Muscle gave an honest take on why he chose not to pursue a pro career. Kali Muscle says He’d Be Dead if He Pursued Pro Bodybuilding CareerThe popular fitness personality specified that he wouldn’t be here today if he pursued a pro career in bodybuilding.“I’m glad I didn’t go Pro bro, I’d been dead. Just being honest. I’m glad I had enough sense when I saw the list of what [drugs] to take, then I was like, ‘nah, I’m cool.’ I knew at that point, there’s just something in your spirit that tells you. You know what I mean.”  Kali added that bodybuilders who are ‘caught up’ in drugs, ‘don’t hear’ or heed the warnings from himself, Shawn Rhoden, and Cedric McMillan.“If you’re caught up in it, you’re caught up in it. You don’t hear Kali Muscle, Shawn Rhoden, Cedric [McMillan], like ‘oh that ain’t going to happen to me.’ I wasn’t like that. I was really conscious of injuries and having health problems. That’s why I would get off [drugs]. Like most people, they wouldn’t get off. I would get off three months out of the year,” Kali Muscle shared. In addition to the aforementioned concerns, Kali Muscle shared that life as a bodybuilder is ‘nonstop’ and the sacrifices aren’t worth the financial rewards. “I didn’t go Pro as a bodybuilder. I’m like, ‘it’s nonstop.’ A judge is like, ‘oh I want your legs 40 inches,’ and those motherfuc**rs are doing what they got to do to get it. I ain’t never been no fuc**ng sheep or pawn, letting another fat fu** man as judge telling me how I’m supposed to get my body for hardly no money.” “Bro, $400,000! Bro, he [Mr. Olympia winners] had to spend $6 million to get $400,000,” Kali Muscle said. “None of these guys got their own supplement companies or nothing. Jay [Cutler] and Ronnie [Coleman] are the only ones.” Cedric McMillan at Arnold ClassicKali isn’t the only prominent voice in the fitness community warning against bodybuilding drugs. Earlier this week, former 1983 Mr. Olympia Samir Bannout discussed bodybuilding legend Ronnie Coleman’s 2001 dehydration health scare. Bannout added that even for experienced coaches, dialing in dehydration a week before a bodybuilding contest can be deadly. The last time fans heard from Kali he was at the hospital for over two days undergoing a series of health screenings. During the visit, he underlined that it’s not just steroids killing bodybuilders but excessive amounts of food too. He said he ‘felt sorry’ for popular names in the sport like 2021 Arnold Classic champion Nick Walker and rising IFBB Pro Andrew Jacked.Kali Muscle is urging athletes to prioritize their health before it’s too late. He hopes his recent dialogue will help promote safer bodybuilding practices moving forward. Watch the full video below:RELATED: Kali Muscle and Big Boy Gets In Altercation After Getting Kicked Out Of Gold’s Venice (VIDEO)

Kali Muscle Shares Experiences With PEDs: ‘If You’re A Bodybuilder, You’re Risking Your Life’

Kali Muscle Shares Experiences With PEDs: ‘If You’re A Bodybuilder, You’re Risking Your Life’

Kali Muscle recently shared some of his negative experiences with steroids as a bodybuilder.
Kali Muscle has been vocal about steroids in bodybuilding recently. As a former competitor, Kali has plenty of experience and opinions on the use of different substances when competing. In a recent YouTube video, Kali Muscle shared some of his negative experiences from steroids over the course of his career.
Kali joined bodybuilding late but quickly became an icon because of his story and incredible physique. He gained a massive following on social media and continues to be an influential voice in the sport. Following a recent string of deaths that have hit the bodybuilding world hard, many have spoken on how to improve the sport.

Kali Muscle suffered a heart attack in 2021. He explained that this was caused by a clogged left artery. Shawn Rhoden passed away last year of a heart attack. Dallas McCarver and Cedric McMillan also died of complications with their heart. Kali Muscle believes that all substances used in bodybuilding have negative effects.
“Do not take Insulin, if you’re a bodybuilder you’re risking your life. There’s quite a few bodybuilders dying because if they don’t get that sugar spike, they just ‘oh I’m going to go to sleep’, and they go to sleep and die. Leave that stuff alone,” Kali Muscle said.
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Kali Muscle Bodybuilding Beginnings

Kali Muscle had an incredible physique from an early age but he did not begin bodybuilding until around 2009. He entered a show and saw great success. This led to his move to Los Angeles in 2010 in hopes of becoming a professional.
Kali continues to explain how he quickly put on weight once he was given guidance. He began taking different steroids to put on size to compete on stage.
“So during this time, let me rewind back a little bit. During the time of me doing these bodybuilding shows, I studied a minimum of eight hours a day. I bought all the anabolic books, I was on Google eight hours a day because everyone does the same workouts, everyone does the same supplements, it’s how you stack the PEDs, you know what I mean.
“I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. I didn’t have no advisor, the guys I knew were amateurs that were guessing as well. So, I remember this one time I experienced a bad infection. My partner or guy I knew gave me some testosterone and all of a sudden a boil had came on the side of my hip. I immediately knew it was from bad juice.”

Kali Muscle Offseason Stack
Kali Muscle was able to get up to 270 pounds but this is when he had a close-call using Insulin. Kali ate a lot of carbs before helping a person move out of their apartment. He became dizzy and was fearing that he would fall into a coma. Kali had to eat a Snickers bar to get his sugar back to normal. This was the final time he took Insulin.
“Enathate, Tren 1600, sometimes Anidrol, sometimes D-bol, Remedyx, that was my stack.
So getting ready for shows, I would do Test, Propofol, Tren, Ace, Winstrol, Anivar, Clenbuterol, T3, and sometimes, well Lasix and water pills if you’re getting ready for a show. That was my stack man. I never did Synthol. I never did anything to pump up my muscles for a day or anything like that. After a show I would get off everything. I would do nothing. I would come off everything. Do Clomid, and HCG when I would come off.”
Kali Muscle says that doctors did not specifically say that this was the cause of his heart attack. He explains how he grew up with a bad diet and how that could have been a factor, along with experimenting with different drugs.
There is a concern with steroids in bodybuilding today and it is not a problem that is going to go away. Kali Muscle remains on the side against steroids because of his own medical complications.
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Kali Muscle Believes Bodybuilding Must Stop: ‘You Are Gonna Die, Young’

Kali Muscle Believes Bodybuilding Must Stop: ‘You Are Gonna Die, Young’

Kali Muscle has a strong message for all athletes in the sport of bodybuilding.
Kali Muscle is a former bodybuilder who has been through it all to this point. After a successful career on stage building an elite physique, Kali dealt with health risks of his own from all supplements that were taken. This is the reason that he believes the sport of bodybuilding has to stop and will eventually fall off.
Kali Muscle was in great shape from the time he was young. He was a three-sport athlete who earned a football scholarship to Fresno State. During his time in college, Kali was arrested for robbery and sentenced to 11 years in prison. Despite a poor diet, the natural athlete was able to keep up his incredible physique. This is why he decided to take up bodybuilding.

In 2009, Kali Muscle began competing in bodybuilding and saw great success early on. This led to more supplements being used to keep up a championship physique. After suffering a heart attack of his own in retirement, Kali Muscle has a simple message for bodybuilders.
“All y’all bodybuilders out there, quit. You’re gonna die, young. Simple as that.”
Kali Muscle suffered a heart attack in November of 2021. It came on the same day that Shawn Rhoden passed away. Rhoden’s death, among others, opened the eyes of many around bodybuilding including Kali Muscle.

READ MORE: Bodybuilders Are Dying: An Investigation Into Modern Bodybuilding, Health, & PED Use
In his recent YouTube video, Kali referenced specific bodybuilders such as Rhoden, Cedric McMillan, George Peterson, and John Meadows. These are deaths that Kali Muscle believes could have been avoided if they were not in bodybuilding.
“Taking all these health risks and as we see, they dying in their 40’s. I almost died. I didn’t know about roids until I was 34. I was a late bloomer so I thought maybe it wouldn’t happen to me because like I said, I was a late bloomer. Now you got guys 15 and 16 taking steroids, which is stupid to me.”
Kali Muscle explained that he suffered from different issues growing up as well. From the age of 15-31, Kali dealt with severe migraines which he described as feeling like “mini strokes.”
“It’s the most unhealthy sport there is, if you want to call it a sport. It’s just terrible. There’s no purpose for it, bro. I see bodybuilding on its way out, phasing out. And I agree. Too many people die.”
The recent string of deaths has hit the bodybuilding world hard. Whether it is steroids causing the problems or something else, Kali Muscle believes that it is an issues that has to find a solution.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Kali Muscle Hospitalized After Suffering A Heart Attack

Kali Muscle Hospitalized After Suffering A Heart Attack

Kali Muscle has suffered a heart attack due to a 100% clogged left artery.
Kali Muscle took to YouTube on November 7th, 2021 to announce that he has suffered a heart attack. The video was taken from his hospital bed. He appeared stable in the video and stated that the heart attack was caused by his left artery being 100% clogged. He is recovering well and should be leaving the hospital in one or two days.
Kali Muscle is a bodybuilder, fitness influencer, actor and entrepreneur from Oakland, California. Also sometimes also known as “Mr. Muscle.” Kali rose to fame as a YouTube guru who attracted millions of subscribers on his channel – which he still maintains to this day.

Kali Muscle admits that he had been suffering from edema, the swelling of his feet and ankles, for many years. In fact, he claims the issue tracks back all the way to his teenage years. Being young, he didn’t think much of it. But he does also admit in more recent years he was concerned about the swelling. Kali also states that he had a physical a few years back and was told “something about his heart” but ignored it.
Due to his past issues, he does not consider the heart attack a wake up call. But he also acknowledges that this will be a life-changing moment in being more serious about his health. “Health is everything,” he states in the video and later says, “God is using me as an example.”

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Kali Muscle then takes us through the moments leading up to the heart attack. A few days ago, he went to the dentist for some dental work. This required some form of anesthesia. After getting home he took vicodin the next day to help with the pain. When he woke up, he felt a burning pain in his chest. He likened the pain to heart burn.
Since he thought the pain was heart burn, he took some over the counter medication to help subside it. After two ours with no change in the burning chest pain – his girlfriend suggested the he go to the hospital. Upon running tests at the hospital, he was informed he was having a heart attack and was rushed to surgery.
Due to his left artery being 100% clogged – they were able to put a stint in the artery. He did not require to be put to sleep for the surgery, which he claims put him at ease during this emergency.

According to Kali Muscle, he ultimately ignored early warning signs for about 15 years. At the end fo the video, he emphasized using his situation as an example for all of his followers to prioritize health. He then mentions Shawn Rhoden:
“Make sure you guys take care of your health. That’s what I’e been talking to you about anyway. And you know, God is using me as an example. ‘Cause as we just saw, you know, RIP Shawn Rhoden.”
At this moment Kali Muscle became emotional, paused, and held back tears. After recomposing himself, he continued:
“Some people don’t get a second chance, man. I got my twins and I gotta live, man.”
News of Kali Muscles heart attack comes just one day after the tragic passing of Shawn Rhoden. While not confirmed, the initial reports claimed that Rhoden suffered a heart attack in his sleep. His passing has been mourned by the bodybuilding community with athletes like Flex Lewis also calling for a change in the sport’s health protocols.
Earlier in October, pro bodybuilder George Peterson also passed away just days away from competing in the Mr. Olympia 2021 competition. Again, while the cause of his death has not been revealed – his death alongside Shawn Rhoden’s have put a spotlight on pro bodybuilding and health concerns. For Kali Muscle, it appears that he had a long history of heart issues beyond his life as a bodybuilder.
The entire staff at Generation Iron would like to wish Kali Muscle a speedy recovery and well health as he moves forward from this medical emergency. Also make sure to stick around the Generation Iron Fitness Network for more updates as they become available.