Tag: Martin Fitzwater

Hany Rambod Says Andrew Jacked Faces Threats From James Hollingshead and Martin Fitzwater at Arnold UK
Hany Rambod thinks Andrew Jacked, James Hollingshead, and Martin Fitzwater will battle for the top spot at the Arnold Classic UK.
With the Arnold Classic UK fast approaching, Hany Rambod believes Andrew Jacked, James Hollingshead, and Martin Fitzwater will be battling for the top spot at the show. All three bodybuilders have their own distinct body types that they will showcase on stage.
There’s no denying that Andrew Jacked is one of the best up and coming bodybuilders in the world today. His impressive win at the Texas Pro showed that the IFBB Pro League newcomer has what it takes to challenge the top of the division. But as he heads into the 2022 Arnold Classic UK, the talented upstart will face some tough competition.
Hany Rambod, one of the top bodybuilding coaches in the world today, recently confirmed that Andrew Jacked would compete at the show. There was a bit of confusion as to whether Andrew would compete or not. But it appears that Rambod has put those questions to bed.
“[The 2022 Arnold Classic UK] the next big show since the Texas Pro and one thing it has in common: Andrew Jacked. So, Andrew Jacked is in. We got confirmation — someone saw that George mentioned that he is in because there’s been a lot of talk about him being in, him being out.
“I talked to several people — George did comment that he is in. So as of right now, he’s in. Those of you who think that he’s out and think he’s not going to be a part of the equation, he’s back in.”
A UK Threat
Singing the praises of Andrew Jacked in a recent podcast, Hany Rambod explained that the IFBB Pro League newcomer has a ton of momentum heading into the Arnold Classic UK. In the same podcast Rambod explained that homegrown UK talent James Hollingshead could be a legit front runner at the show.
“The momentum he has… I think the person that is going to try to give him the most amount of trouble is Hollingshead. You have James Hollingshead, who is regrouping, putting his physique back together. He looks massive. We’re going to have two different types of physiques going after this title.
“I think that you’re going to have apples and oranges to a degree but it’s going to be great to see him next to some other types of athletes.”
Here Comes Another Challenger
James Hollingshead isn’t the only bodybuilder that Hany Rambod says will test Andrew Jacked. Rambod also spoke on Texas Pro runner up Martin Fitzwater who also shows great potential to play spoiler.
“Another athlete that’s going to try to take another run at him is the guy who placed second — Martin. Martin Fitzwater is going to be in this show as well. He took second in Texas and I know that he’s going to work on his tan, work on his conditioning to try to bring it in even tighter.”
Click here for the full podcast.
With so many different body types expected at the Arnold Classic UK, it’s anyone’s guess as to who will pick up a win. Will it be Andrew Jacked, James Hollingshead, or Martin Fitzwater?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Martin Fitzwater Says Andrew Jacked Will “B*tch Out” Of Arnold Classic UK: ‘He Ain’t Showing Up, I Can Promise You That’
Martin Fitzwater is “disappointed” that Andrew Jacked might not be showing up to the Arnold Classic UK.
Martin Fitzwater finished as the runner-up during the 2022 Texas Pro. The winner? Andrew Jacked. Now, Fitzwater might have to wait to get another shot at Jacked if he does not show up to the Arnold Classic UK. According to Fitzwater, Jacked will “b*tch out” of the event and not show up.
Andrew Jacked was a highly-touted bodybuilder entering the professional ranks. He was able to win his first show and qualify for the 2022 Olympia. Despite his impressive performance, there were many competitors close to Jacked — including Fitzwater. During the show, Fitzwater displayed great conditioning and showed that he might be in the best shape of his career.
Jacked spoke against any claims that there is a feud with Fitzwater. The rematch between the two was supposed to take place at the Arnold Classic UK but it came out that Jacked was having trouble with his Visa and might not be able to make it to the show.
Martin Fitzwater on Andrew Jacked: “I Guess We’ll See Him At The Olympia”
Andrew Jacked admitted that the condoning of Martin Fitzwater was above his but that he could still beat him. In a recent episode of Bodybuilding University, this topic was brought up to Fitzwater and he took some shots at Jacked.
“I am disappointed because he’s going to b*tch out from the Arnold UK from the way that interview sounded. He ain’t going to show up. I can promise you that.”
Following his victory at the Texas Pro, Andrew Jacked said that his preparation was not the best and that he was not 100%. This is where some disgruntled feelings were created on the side of Fitzwater.
“If you’re going to stand on the Texas Pro stage and talk shit and tell everybody that you weren’t even getting ready for the show and the show you’re getting ready for, you don’t even have a f***ing Visa for, quit talking shit.”
Martin Fitzwater is not yet qualified for the Olympia but is planning to punch his ticket during the Arnold Classic UK. If this is the case, he will get a second chance at Andrew Jacked. Fitzwater has until the Nov. 20 deadline to qualify for the biggest show of the year.
Milos Sarcev, along with other bodybuilding veterans, believe that Jacked has a chance at the Olympia title immediately if he brings his best package to the stage.
Martin Fitzwater wanted another shot at Andrew Jacked at the Arnold UK but now believes he will have to wait until the Olympia.
“I’m just going to call it how it is. It’s going to be me and James Hollingshead, since he can’t show up, and Marc Hector. I guess we’ll get a shot at him at Olympia, since he’s going to b*tch out.”
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Martin Fitzwater Speaks on “Beef” With Nick Walker
Martin Fitzwater talks about his past rivalry with Nick Walker.
Young up and coming bodybuilder Martin Fitzwater speaks on his rivalry with Nick Walker in a recent interview. The bodybuilding hopeful has a great deal of potential and it appears that his past run ins with Nick Walker is giving him some extra motivation.
Every athlete needs a good rival to get their fires stoked. If you aren’t looking to compare yourself to the best in the world then you’re aiming too low. While not everyone will reach the summit, aiming for it should be a serious competitive athlete’s goal. It’s the exact mindset that up and coming bodybuilder Martin Fitzwater has in regards to Nick Walker.
As both young bodybuilders rise through the ranks, it’s been Nick Walker who has exploded onto the scene and taken the bodybuilding world by storm. Martin Fitzwater had competed against Walker in the past and the two have even traded some heated words.
In a recent interview Martin Fitzwater addressed the apparent “beef” that he has with Nick Walker. When asked about his conflict with Walker, Fitwater had this to say.
The thing between me and Nick is just bodybuilders, being bodybuilders, if you will. We’re both guys that have potential to be Mr. Olympia someday. We’re both very young. And then we both kinda always clashed heads because I think we both see each other as competition.
I respect the hell out of Nick. I think he’s one of the best bodybuilders we have in the world right now. That being said, my plan is to become a better bodybuilder than him.
I don’t want to have any issues with Nick or anything like that anymore. I just like to put my nose down, keep my head in Texas, here in the heat and show everybody what I can do this year and then people can talk about us competing against each other or this and that.
Martin Fitzwater was very candid about where he sizes up against Nick Walker. Fitzwater gave an honest assessment of his current standing when compared to Walker.
Right now, I’m not in his league, to be honest with you. He did some very big things last year and I just have something that I need to prove. So, until then, you know, each to their own and you know, good on Nick, keep doing his thing and I wish him the best man.
So, while it seemed like they had some bad blood in the past, it at least seems that Martin Fitzwater has come to grips with his rivalry with Nick Walker.
To see the full clip, click here.
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.