Tag: Motivation

Crazy Bradley Martyn Workout For A Bigger Chest
Pump your pecs with Bradley Martyn and these great chest workouts.
Bradley Martyn is a bodybuilder, online trainer and social media influencer with a popular YouTube channel and a few other social media profiles. Knowing how important a strong chest is, Bradley knows just how to pump those pecs for a more full physique.
With so many social media influencers each claiming to have all the answers, it can be more than challenging, and honestly quite confusing, to really know who is telling you the truth and who is spouting nonsense. It is hard enough to get a plan together for yourself and knowing the right exercises, right amount of sets and reps, and simply knowing how to perform each exercise can be enough to deter you from trying. On top of a hectic search for the right person, and you’re just cooked. With professional athletes and fitness influencers, many of them do the work for you and are living proof of what these kinds of workouts can do for you. Bradley Martyn is a great one to take note of for he knows what it takes to get that massive physique and won’t steer you in the wrong direction.
Through a solid training plan, mixed with great diet and supplementation, Bradley is able to not only help himself see great gains, but also help others achieve their goals.
Full Name: Bradley Martyn
Date Of Birth
235-245 lbs.
Bodybuilder, Online Trainer, Social Media Personality
2000, 2010
These two chest workouts are full of great exercises that can really offer a nice pump and provide all the gains you need most to begin to define your well-rounded physique.
About Bradley Martyn
Bradley Martyn is a social media influencer and physique competitor who knows a thing or two about health and fitness. His YouTube video channel has garnered great support and popularity and his mission is to get his followers to be lean, feel great, and learn the healthy habits to keep it all going.
He has competed in many events and has won the 2011 NPC Southern California Championships and the 2013 NPC Phil Heath Classic. While he knows how to compete and train to be the best, his main drive is his YouTube channel which has afforded him Internet fame, a stable way to make money as an entrepreneur, and a way to help people change their lives.
Bradley Martyn Training Routine For Chest
Let’s take a look at a couple chest workouts from Bradley to really pump our pecs and see that desired growth we want most.
Chest Workout #1
Swiss Bar Bench Press
Incline DB Press
Hammer Strength Chest Press
Weighted Push-Ups
1. Swiss Bar Bench Press – 3 Sets 12 Reps
The bench press is a compound exercise which should be a staple in your chest workouts. Bradley Martyn takes this exercise to the next level by using a Swiss bar. Swiss bar, also known as the football bar, lets you use a neutral grip rather than supinated or pronated.
Don’t forget this is a Bradley Martyn workout, he leaves no stones unturned in making his workouts harder. If you don’t have access to a Swiss bar at your gym, you can perform the bench press with a straight barbell. Using a straight bar won’t leave any space for the girl to sit though.
2. Incline Dumbbell Press – 3 Sets 12 Reps
The upper chest is a weak muscle group for most people. Some of them make it worse by not training it often. Incline bench press is a great exercise to target your upper pectoral muscles. Maintain a full range of motion while performing this exercise.
While doing the incline dumbbell presses, don’t lock out your elbows at the top of the movement. Doing so releases all the tension from your target muscle group and puts it on your joints. If you don’t have enough weights at your gym, follow Martyn’s lead.
3. Hammer Strength Chest Press – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Your workouts should be a mix of compound and isolation exercises. Compound (multi-joint) exercises help in building strength and muscle mass while the isolation (single joint) exercises help with muscle definition and conditioning.
Bradley is big on pushing movements in his chest workouts. Hammer strength chest press is the perfect exercise to isolate your chest and establish a mind-muscle connection. Focus on squeezing your pectoral muscles at the top of the movement.
4. Dips – 3 Sets 15 Reps
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Dips are one of the most underutilized exercises when it comes to chest training. This exercise is incredibly efficient at the lower and middle chest development. Your pecs should already be exhausted by the time you reach this exercise.
If you feel body weight dips are too easy for you, go Martyn on this exercise and add resistance by using weights. The range of motion is the key to this exercise. Squeeze the living hell out of your chest at the top of the movement.
5. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 Sets 20 Reps
You can’t expect a Bradley Martyn workout to end without a kickass exercise. Weighted push-ups can be a chest buster when performed at the end of your workout. Most people do this exercise as a warm-up at the beginning of their workout, but where is the fun in that?
Knock yourself out with some weights on your back. If you can’t complete 20 reps with the weights on your back, ask someone to lift them off when you hit failure, but don’t stop without completing your set. Be ready to experience chest cramps at the end of this workout.
Chest Workout #2
Rear Delt & Fly
Flat Bench
Incline DB Press
Decline Barbell Press
Lat Pulldown
Back Extension & Rows
Best Way To Ensure Gains
The best way to ensure gains is to have a quality supplementation routine ready to go on your shelf. This could include anything from a protein powder, pre-workout, or an intra-workout BCAA for immediate pre-, mid-, and post-workout supplementation. Other notable products to consider are a fat burner for those looking to shed unwanted fat, creatine for that increase in strength and size, and a multivitamin or omega-3 supplement to aid in all things wellness.
Wrap Up
Bradley Martyn knows just what it takes to succeed and with his massive platform on YouTube and social media, seeks to deliver the best information for all. The right chest workouts can really pump those pecs so you see a well-rounded physique with optimal fullness. Give these Bradley Martyn workouts a try and really feel that burn in your pecs for all your physique goals.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Header image courtesy of Instagram

6 Moves For Shredded Lower Abs
6 Exercises To Target Your Lower Abs
A physique can’t be deemed complete without a shredded abdomen. Abs have become an aesthetic standard which every pro athlete needs to maintain. You will never see a bodybuilder without a six-pack on stage.
Lower abs are one of the most stubborn muscle groups. Love handles can be the hardest to lose. If you want a shredded six-pack, sticking to the crunches won’t get you a long way. You need to perform exercises which will target your lower abs.
1. Flat Bench Leg Raises
Performing exercises like the crunches work the upper abs. You need to have lower body exercises like the leg raise in your exercise arsenal to target the lower abs. You can perform the leg raises on a flat bench or a decline bench.
Lie down on a bench while facing the roof. Your upper body should be on the bench while your lower body hangs off the edge of the bench. Slowly raise your legs so they’re perpendicular to the floor. Your feet should be an inch away from the floor at the bottom of the movement.
2. Hanging Leg Raises
Hanging leg raises are an isolation exercise and your lower abdominal will be completely exhausted after this exercise. You could perform this exercise on a pull-up bar or parallel bars.
Most people make the mistake of using momentum to lift their legs. Doing this can eliminate the tension on your lower abs. Your upper body should not swing while you perform the hanging leg raises.
3. Scissors
The primary muscles involved in scissor kicks are the lower abs and your hip flexors. Lie down on the floor and with a slight bend at the knees, lift your legs up so that your heels are about six inches off the ground.
Now, lift your right leg about a 45-degree angle while your left leg is lowered until the heel is about 2-3 inches from the ground. Repeat on the other side by lifting the left leg and lowering the right leg.
4. Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are usually a part of a HIIT workout and will completely smoke your lower abs. Get into a high plank position with your feet placed at shoulder width. Make sure you keep your abs tight and contracted throughout the exercise.
Lift your right leg up to the chest between your hands. As you return the right leg back to the plank, lift left foot and draw left knee to the chest between your hands. Keep your upper body fixed in place and avoid hiking your hips.
5. Slider Knee Tuck
You will need sliders or a towel for this exercise. Place both your feet on the sliders and pull in your feet to your chest between your hands. Push feet back to the starting position and repeat for the target reps.
Maintain a tight core, exhale and contract your abs at the top of the movement. Make sure you don’t hunch your shoulders and back or lean forward too much while performing this exercise.
6. Reverse Crunches
Reverse crunches are the opposite of the conventional crunches. This exercise might look easy but can prove to be lethal. Lie on the floor with your hands under your lower back. Maintain a slight bend at your knees and lift your feet so they’re 2-4 inches off the ground.
Raise your knees to your chest while maintaining the bend at the knees. Return to the starting position and don’t let your feet touch the floor. You can also perform the reverse crunches on a flat bench. Doing this will increase the negative motion which in turn will increase the tension on your lower abs.
Which is your favorite lower abs exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Make These Small Changes in Your Daily Routine to Kick Start Your Fitness Journey
Everyday Changes You Need to Make for Leading a Healthy and Fit Life
Kick-starting a healthy lifestyle can be one of the biggest challenges in transforming your lifestyle. For some people, going to the gym six days a week and eating healthy can sound intimidating.
Many people never start working out and transforming their bodies because they think it is too hard and will take up a lot of time from their daily schedules. Getting over this misconception is almost like winning half the battle.
This article isn’t about what to do when you’ve entered a gym. It is about how to reach the gym and commit to a healthy lifestyle in a progressive manner. A spurt of motivation is the last thing you need before starting on your fitness journey.
We see hundreds of people joining gyms as their New Year’s resolutions but almost all of them drop out soon. You need the determination to take on this challenge as transforming your physique isn’t going to be easy and it is going to take time. Usually, longer than you would have imagined.
The first change you can make is to drink water, lots of it. Our bodies are made up of 70% water and people still make the mistake of only drinking water when they are thirsty. If you want to get in shape, you should be drinking at least a gallon of water every day.
Drinking four litres of water might look like a monumental task if you’re someone who drinks 4-6 glasses of water in a day. You can set mini goals of drinking a glass of water every half an hour to achieve this goal.
Setting reminders on your phone can also help you in achieving this goal. By keeping yourself hydrated, you can increase your brain power, flush out toxins, boost your immune system, prevent headaches, cramps, and sprains, among many other benefits.
You don’t have to hit the gym on the first day you feel you need to work on your body. It is perfectly fine to start small. Set a daily move goal for yourself according to your long-term fitness goal. The daily goals could be to do 20 pushups, run a mile, swim two laps, etc.
Some people start working on their bodies but drop out soon. This problem can be tackled by keeping yourself accountable to someone. Share your goal with people around you, it could be with your family, friends, or even on social media.
By telling people what you’re working on, you’ll be setting a mental challenge for yourself. Most people stop working out and hitting the gym because they had no goal, and no one knew about it. By committing to the goal and sharing it with people, you’ll be accountable and will find it harder to drop out.
Eat Right
Don’t make the mistake of getting an appointment with a nutritionist on the first day of your New Year’s resolution. If you do, ask your nutritionist how many people actually stick to their diets.
Take baby steps into the world of fitness. This will improve your chances of staying on track. The next time you eat out, try to avoid junk food and stick to eating something like a salad or roasted chicken. Change your diet one meal at a time.
It might be a good idea to supplement your diet with supplements to help your body achieve the results. But always remember, supplements are called supplements for a reason. They can never replace real food.
Take it Easy
No matter how hard you workout, your body isn’t going to change in a single day – or week for that matter. Your muscles break down when you work out, and repair when you sleep. Just like a baby grows in its sleep, your body transforms while you’re sleeping.
Sleeping for 6-8 hours a day is essential for recovery. If you’re sleeping for less than six hours a day don’t expect your cognitive abilities to function at optimal levels. Most of the high-level executives and performance athletes advocate sleeping for eight hours a day.
Don’t plan on exercising seven days a week when you start working out. Plan your workouts as per your goals. Most of the pros don’t work out more than six days a week, so chances are you won’t have to either.
Are you planning to start your fitness journey? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Gym Crush: Ana Cheri
Presenting Ana Cheri
You have to be living under a rock if you don’t know about Ana Cheri. For all the turtles, Ana Cheri is a social media sensation with over 10 million Instagram followers. Ana arguably has one of the hottest bodies on the internet.
If you’re into women with hourglass figures, you’re in for a treat. Cheri was Playboy’s Playmate of the Month for October 2015. Before you google her Playmate adventures, read on to know more about her.
Ana Cheri proves the people wrong who think muscular girls look manly. Cheri has a perfectly crafted physique which can put many to shame. Ana has proportionate muscles which add to the aesthetics.
Ana can rock any outfit and this picture is the proof. Cheri keeps her fans entertained with her Instagram posts and stories. She even lets her fans into her life by sharing behind the scenes videos and photos.
Cheri has to be one of the most beautiful women you will ever see. Her thoughtful captions will give you a little something to ponder over. You can expect a few nuggets of knowledge every now and then from her.
Ana is much more than a pretty face. She is an entrepreneur and has her own line of swimwear called Cheri Swim. These adjustable bottoms are a new approach to the otherwise boring swimwear.
Ana owns a gym with her husband (sorry boys) called Be More Athletics. Cheri is always pushing people to be their best selves. She holds transformation challenges to give people a kick start on their fitness journies.
Cheri has a heart of gold and goes out of her way to help the people in need. Be More Athletics was one of the few gyms which came together to donate to the families affected by Hurrican Harvey.
This is what a day at the office looks like for Ana Cheri. If you think building a physique like Ana’s is easy, this video will give you an idea of what it takes. Ana follows a high-intensity workout which can be incredibly effective at melting the fat away.
Cheri has one of the best rears and her Instagram is full of training and nutrition tips for how you can achieve the same results. We would watch every single baseball match if Ana Cheri was playing.
Ana has the travel bug. If you have the wanderlust but can’t make the time to satisfy it, following Cheri on Instagram is the next best option. Ana Cheri and beautiful landscape are a deadly combination.
Ana has a picture for every possible scenario. We couldn’t find a better picture to wrap up this article. On second thoughts, we could find a better picture but we love Cheri’s quirkiness.
Do you follow Ana Cheri on Instagram? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Ana Cheri’s Instagram.

These Are The 10 Best Physiques In The World
Disclaimer: The opinions in this article do not represent the opinions of Generation Iron.
Best Physiques In The World
A well-crafted physique can be aesthetically appealing and a symbol of godly strength. This is one the reasons people don’t mind sweating in the gym. Building a shredded physique takes a lot of hard work, patience, and persistence, and only a few people have what it takes.
Following athletes living the fit life can push you to take your first step towards working out. If you’ve already been working out, these athletes can help you in staying on track and motivating you so you never give up. These are the 10 best physiques in the world –
1. Steve Cook
You just can’t hate this guy. Steve is one of the most humble people in the fitness industry. He treats his fans as family and shares everything with them. Follow him on his social handles to stay motivated.
2. Flex Lewis
Flex Lewis is a former 7x 212 Mr. Olympia and has undoubtedly one of the best physiques in the world. Only a few other people can beat Flex when it comes to muscle symmetry. He’s now taking his physique to the Men’s Open division (though unfortunately no longer competing in 2020). We can’t wait to see this fantastic physique maxed out without a weight limit.
3. Michelle Lewin
Michelle is one of the most famous fitness celebrity. She has graced numerous magazine covers and shows no signs of stopping. Her persistence and hard work in the gym can push you to work on crafting your physique.
4. Phil Heath
Phil Heath is a 7x Mr. Olympia for a reason. He is considered to be one of the best bodybuilders in the world. For years, when he stepped on stage it is was an instant game over for his competition. After being dethroned in 2018, he is making a comeback at this year’s Mr. Olympia to reclaim his thrown and join Ronnie Coleman and Lee Haney as a world record Sandow trophy holder.
5. Courtney King
Courtney is the reigning Ms. Bikini Olympia. She is also one of the bubbliest characters you can follow on social media. Don’t fall prey to her pretty face, her workouts are some of the most grueling ones. No wonder she has such a shredded physique.
6. Rob Riches
Rob Riches might arguably be the most shredded guy on this list. He maintains his peeled look throughout the year. If you’re looking for training tips and hacks, Rob is your guy. He also has some of the best collab videos with other fitness athletes.
7. Calum Von Moger
Calum is the modern-age Arnold. We won’t blame you if you confuse him with the Governator. His monstrous muscle mass and vascularity will leave you in awe. If you’re a fan of the classic physiques, Calum Von Moger won’t disappoint you.
8. Paige Hathaway
Paige is challenging the idea that women should not have big muscles. Not only is she ripped, but can take your breath away in any outfit. Follow her on Instagram and she will keep you hooked and wanting for more.
9. Ulisses Jr.
Ulisses Jr. is a muscle monstrous. His Cobra back and shredded abs will give you some serious goals. While he is shredded to the bone, Ulisses is one strong individual. Try out some of his exercises the next time you’re in the gym and you’ll be sore for weeks.
10. Alice Matos
Alice Matos is a fitness athlete and an entrepreneur. This Brazilian beauty has her own line of apparel called Labellamafia. Alice is a must follow if you dig girls who speak a foreign language.
Who else do you think should be on the list? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Instagram

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Building Muscle
Top 5 reasons your (probably) not building muscle.
Bodybuilding isn’t an easy sport. Many people give up working out before they see any results. These people either blame their genetics for their inability to build muscle or throw out the “too busy to workout” excuse.
While bodybuilding can be hard, it is not rocket science. If you do all the things right, you will be on your way to building your dream physique. These could be the 5 reasons why you’re not building muscle mass.
1. You’re A Hardgainer
If you’ve not been able to build muscle mass, there could be chances you’re a hardgainer. It can be more difficult for a hardgainer to build muscle mass because of a variety of reasons which we will discover in this article.
You might start out skinny but you can pack on considerable muscle by breaking out of the hardgainer hell by following tips mentioned in this article. Don’t let being a hardgainer be an excuse for taking it easy in the gym.
2. Your Muscles Have Adopted To Your Workouts
Many people have the habit of the following the same workouts. Although doing this could be convenient but it will hurt your gains in the long run. In order to build muscle, you need to constantly shock your muscles.
Change your exercises every 2-3 weeks to see optimal gains. If you have a problem coming up with new exercises, you could follow one of the training programs available for free online or hire a trainer to design a personalized training program for you.
3. Your Diet is Not on Point
Depending on your body weight and your goals, your body needs macro and micronutrients to grow. If you’re not meeting your daily required nutrition goals, you will not see any progress.
If your goal is to build muscle, you should be consuming two grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to see results. For eg – if you weigh 70 lbs, you should be taking 140 grams of protein every day. If you don’t know how to make your diet plan, take the help of a professional.
4. Lack of Recovery
No matter how hard you workout, you won’t see results until your body recovers from your workouts. You don’t build muscle in the gym. Your muscles break down when you lift weights. Your muscles grow when you’re in deep sleep.
You need anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep every night to recover from your workouts. Joint pains and prolonged muscle soreness are a sign of lack of recovery. Supplements can be an effective way to recuperate from your workouts.
5. Indiscipline
Bodybuilding is a sport which needs military-like discipline in all respects. You need to follow a regime with your training, diet, and rest. Following a program is the best and the fastest way to reach your goals.
You should follow a schedule for your workouts and diets. You should hit the gym at the same time every day because doing this will help your body respond better to your workouts. By being inconsistent with your training, diet, and rest, you are leaving gains on the table.
Are you a hardgainer? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Bakhar Nabieva Workout For The Perfect Legs
Bakhar Nabieva is a 23-year old Ukranian. Nabieva arguably has the most shredded legs you will ever see on a girl. If you’re a guy and you’re reading this, you might feel a tiny bit ashamed of your wheels on seeing her.
Nabieva is the dream girl for guys who dig chicks with shredded legs and a perfectly shaped butt. Bakhar’s leg workout could easily be one of the hardest lower body routines you will go through.
Bakhar Nabieva Workout For Killer Legs
Squats – 3 Sets 12 Reps
It shouldn’t be a surprise to see squats on this list. Squats are a complete leg builder. If you have skinny legs and want to add size to them, squats are your best bet. Squats are a compound (multi-joint) exercise and will help in shaping your quads, hams, and glutes.
Squatting will add size to your legs and will make you stronger at other exercises as well. The range of motion is the key while squatting. ‘Ass to the grass’ is the way to go while squatting. Bakhar uses 80 kgs for warming up, we don’t expect the same from you.
2. Romanian Deadlifts – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Bakhar is big on training hamstrings. Hamstrings were her weakest muscle group when she started working out. Deadlifts are a compound movement and recruit multiple muscle groups.
While performing the Romanian deadlifts, maintain a slight bend in your knees and keep your back arched. While on the concentric movement, push back your glutes so all the tension is on your hamstrings.
3. Walking Lunges – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Walking lunges are an incredibly effective exercise at building the tear drop in your quads. Nabieva uses a barbell while performing the lunges. You don’t need to take long strides while performing this exercise, keep your strides normal.
While performing a lunge, the quad of your rear leg should be parallel to the calf of your front leg. Your front leg’s quad and calf should be forming a right angle. Your rear leg should be only an inch from the floor at the bottom of the movement.
4. Unilateral Hamstring Curls – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Bakhar Nabieva loves doing the unilateral hamstring curls. Hamstring curls on a machine is an isolation exercise. Using a machine helps in maintaining constant tension on the muscle throughout the exercise.
Unilateral hamstring curls involve training one leg at a time. Unilateral exercises are great at fixing muscle imbalances and building strength. You can even have a better mind-muscle connection with your hamstrings while doing the unilateral curl variation.
5. Hack Squat Good Mornings – 3 Sets 12 Reps
Hacks squat good mornings are one of Bakhar’s favorite exercises. Performing good mornings on a hack squat helps in isolating the hamstrings as compared to performing them with free weights.
You need to make sure you don’t put on too much weight on the machine while performing this exercise. Keep the reps slow and deliberate and squeeze the living hell out of your hams at the top of the movement.
What do you think of the Bakhar Nabieva workout for building an iron butt? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Instagram

Build Shredded Legs With This Dumbbell Workout
There can be many reasons why people don’t want to use a barbell. It could be because of a back pain or your general dislike for the barbell that you want to stay away from it. It is said compound movements with a barbell are the best way to build big legs.
This is complete BS! Your muscles have no idea if you’re using a barbell or dumbbells. All they know is if you have trained them to failure. You can completely eliminate barbells and other machines from your leg workouts and still build monster wheels.
1. Goblet Squats – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Goblet squats can be a life saver if you’re suffering from a back injury. This exercise forces you to keep your back straight and hence eliminates all the tension from it. Goblet squats target your quads and will leave you limping by the time you’re done with this exercise.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulders width apart. Hold a dumbbell in front of your chest with both your hands. Perform a squat until your hams touch your calves. Keep your back straight, and head and chest up.
2. Dumbbell Lunges – 3 Sets 15 Reps On Each Leg
The range of motion is the key while performing this exercise. Most people make the mistake of placing their feet way too far apart or way too close to each other. Use weights with which you can complete 30 reps in one set.
Your front knee should not extend farther than your big toe and the quad of the second leg should be parallel to the calf of the front leg while you’re at the bottom of the movement. This is the optimal position to perform dumbbell lunges.
3. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts are one of the best exercises to target your hams. Using dumbbells instead of a barbell will help you increase your range of motion. Barbells can limit your motion by making you follow a straight line of movement.
Using dumbbells lets your arms free and you can follow a movement where you have the greatest amount of tension on your quads. Most people complain about lower back recruitment while using a barbell, this problem is eliminated when you use dumbbells.
4. Dumbbell Step Ups – 3 Sets 12 Reps On Each Leg
Dumbbell step ups are a complete leg buster. This exercise will set your quads on fire. If you don’t have access to an elevated platform at your gym, you can use a flat bench for this exercise.
Stand while facing the platform with dumbbells at your sides. Step onto the platform with your right foot, extend your right leg and hip at the top of the movement. Place your left foot on the platform as well. Step down with your left foot and repeat with the right leg.
5. Dumbbell One-Legged Deadlifts – 3 Sets 12 Reps On Each Leg
Dumbbell one-legged deadlifts are a unilateral exercise. Unilateral exercises are the ones which work one side of your body at a time. This can help with developing the muscles and strength on your weaker side.
One-legged deadlifts help with isolating the hamstring and establishing a mind-muscle connection. Hamstrings can be a hard muscle group to train and develop as you can’t see them in the mirror and hence it becomes harder to develop a connection with them.
Have you ever tried a dumbbells only leg workout?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

5 Reasons Why Your Transformation Isn’t Working
Why Your Transformation Isn’t Working
A body transformation is easier said than done. Most people get a gym membership to transform their bodies but quit soon after they don’t see results and when the motivation fades away. If you’ve not given up the hope of getting in shape, you’ve come to the right place.
Transformations are set on some basic principles which work for every individual whether they want to lose weight or build muscle mass. If you avoid the things mentioned in the article, nothing can stop you from transforming your physique.
Many people don’t make any progress in the gym because they underestimate the discipline and commitment which is required to transform their bodies. If you want to change your physique make sure you never skip a workout, eat clean food and get enough sleep.
When you’re training, you shouldn’t engage in chatting with people or use your phone while on the cardio equipment or between sets. Plan everything in advance and execute it to the best of your abilities.
Imbalanced Diet
While most people realize the importance of a balanced diet, they make the mistake of trusting their senses to make the right food choices. If you’re serious about transforming your body, you should be tracking your calories.
Design your diet keeping your micro and macronutrients in mind. If your goal is to build muscle and lose fat, you should be following a high protein and low carb diet. If you’re on a deadline, you might have to skip the cheat meals.
Poor Training Programming
Some people take the training aspect of a transformation lightly. They think doing 3 sets of 12 repetitions of an exercise using lightweight is enough to change their physique for the better. If you want to transform your body, you need to follow advanced principles and programs.
You can’t expect to see the results a pro gets by following the program of a rookie. The right training program is one of the most underrated aspects of a transformation. In the beginning, you should focus on finding out your body type and finding a workout program which suits it.
Pushing Too Hard
When people decide on starting a transformation, some push themselves too hard. You need to remember that you break muscles in the gym and build muscle or lose fat while you’re resting.
You need to give equal importance to your recovery otherwise you run the risk of burning out. Target 6-8 hours of sleep every night to give your body enough time to recover and recuperate from your workouts.
Goal Setting
If you want to transform your physique, know what the end goal will be. Write down your goals on paper and compare your progress every week. If you want to lose weight, write down your target weight and check your progress every week.
If you want to build bigger biceps, measure your current bicep size and check how close you are to the target size once every week. If you’re on the right path, keep going otherwise make adjustments. You can’t afford to want to transform your physique and then just hope for the best.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements
What is your transformation goal? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

6 Badass Exercises You Can Do With A Pull Up Bar
6 Exercises You Can Do With a Pull-Up Bar
When people think about pull-up bars, they think of people performing pull-ups, but the pull-up bar can help you get so much more accomplished. You can train your complete upper body with nothing more than a bar you can hang on.
In this article, we will walk you through a few exercises you can perform on a pull-bar and build strength, muscle mass, and conditioning as a result. Once you’re done reading the article, you’ll have some cool things to try when you walk up to a pull-up bar the next time.
Call them whatever you want, but the ability to do a pull-up is the biggest proof of your upper body strength. Pull-ups are also one of the most functional exercises you can perform. Imagine apocalypse has hit and you’re hanging by a cliff and the only way to save yourself is to pull yourself up.
We’re sure, at this moment, you wouldn’t want to regret not doing pull-ups at the gym. If you’re a beginner and can’t complete a pull-up, use momentum by jumping to grab the bar or get a spotter to help you with the exercise. Once you get better at this exercise, you can add resistance by using weights.
Muscle Ups
Muscle ups are what separate the men from the boys. It takes a whole new level of strength to complete a muscle-up. Start from a dead hang, complete a pull-up, and once you’re at the top of the pull-up, jerk and get into a chest dip position and complete a chest dip. Return to the dead hang and repeat for reps. The Muscle ups will work your back, biceps, triceps, core, and shoulders.
Underhand Pull-Ups
Life might put you in situations where you need an immediate biceps pump but have nothing more than a straight bar to hang on. Grab the bar with a supinated grip inside shoulder-width, lock your elbows in a place and lift yourself up using your biceps. By the end of this exercise, your biceps will be on fire.
Burpee Chin-Ups
If you’re in a mood to get your cardiovascular system going, we’ve got just the exercise for you. Stand under a pull-up bar, squat and get into a push-up position. Complete a push-up, return to the standing position, jump, grab the bar and complete a chin-up.
Hanging Leg Raises
Hanging leg raises are one of the most effective ab exercises. Hanging onto a bar provides your abs with the isolation to completely annihilate your midriff. Start in the dead hang position, lock out your knees and lift them so they are parallel to the floor.
Hanging Windshield Wipers
Obliques are one of the most overlooked muscles when it comes to upper body training. Hanging windshield wipers will smoke your obliques. In this exercise, you need to copy the movement of a car’s windshield wiper with your legs.
Hang from an overhead bar and shorten your armpits so you’re engaging your shoulders and not just hanging by your armpits. Squeeze your abs and lift your legs so you’re forming a “V” with your upper body and legs. Move your legs from side-to-side while holding them together like they’re one windshield wiper.
Which is your favorite pull-up bar exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.