Tag: Muscle Gain

Hypertrophy vs. Strength Training: Key Differences + How To Do Both
If you’re new to the gym, you might see two people lifting weights side-by-side and think of them as doing the same thing for the same purpose. But one of these people is grimacing their way through a set of dumbbell curls while the other is carefully setting up for their next set of sumo deadlifts. Are both…
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Oxymetholone cycle advice from an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Oxymetholone cycle advice from an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder. As a seasoned professional bodybuilder with years of experience both on the competitive stage and in navigating the intricate world of performance-enhancing substances, I’ve come to develop a nuanced understanding of various anabolic steroids, including Oxymetholone, widely known as Anadrol. My journey through the ranks, from an…

How to Gain Weight Fast (and Safely), According to Science
Weight loss is a popular pursuit, particularly at the start of the new year. But your health & fitness goals may not center around reducing the number on the scale. If you’re trying to gain weight fast — whether for sports or a desire to bulk up into a new shirt size — you need to know how…
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Does Training for the Pump Build Muscle?
Nothing hits like a good pump. Your shirt drapes over your chest after a few high-rep sets of pec flyes. Your shoulders, engorged with blood, stretch wider than usual and accentuate your V-taper. Leaving the gym with a glute pump at the end of a leg workout? Forget about it. Fans of bodybuilding history will know that seven-time…
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Rad-140 The Lean Muscle Building Sarm
Rad-140 The Lean Muscle Building Sarm In the dynamic landscape of bodybuilding, enthusiasts are delving into the potential benefits of combining Rad 140 with their training regimens. This article explores how Rad 140, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), is being used alongside traditional bodybuilding practices to optimize results while addressing potential side effects. …

The Only Bulking Workout Plan You Need to Build Muscle ASAP
Bulking is a two-step process. Step one; eat more. Exactly how much more varies, of course, and perfecting your bodybuilding meal prep is a science worth exacting to the letter. But once you’ve determined how many grams of protein you need, how hard you’re loading up on healthy carbs, and what the best bodybuilding supplements might be, the…
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Does Rowing Build Muscle? How to Get Ripped on a Rowing Machine
Chances are, if you’re settling down onto a rowing machine, you’re seeking all the cardio gains it has to offer. You’ll improve your endurance, build your work capacity, and pursue stronger heart health — all the while engaging in a low-to-no-impact bodyweight cardio exercises for which you can customize your intensity on a dime. But what if you…
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The 12 Deadlifts Benefits You Need to Know About
Everyone should deadlift. If you’re a strength athlete, deadlifts (and their many variations) are non-negotiable. Bodybuilders who train to gain muscle and improve the quality of their physiques can also use the deadlift to develop their posterior chains. You don’t have to be a devoted weightlifter to benefit from deadlifts, though. After all, the motion itself is as…
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How Many Sets Per Muscle Group, Per Week, Should You Do?
Dosage, dosage, dosage. If you’re into bodybuilding or powerlifting, you know that discussing the optimal dose of strength training is all the rage. When it comes to training volume, there’s a veritable mountain of evidence to work with — and everyone has their own stance. This can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand,…
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How To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle, According to Science
Some health and fitness myths are frustratingly persistent. How many times have you heard that eggs are good for you, bad for you, and back again? Does creatine cause hair loss? For way too long, it was widely accepted that your knees shouldn’t go past your toes when you squat. Luckily, most of these have been debunked. But…
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