Tag: muscle mass

Build New Muscle Over The Holiday Season
For the next few weeks, switch your goal from fat-loss to muscle-building. You’ll effectively utilize those extra calories and feel less stressed about having a few bites of pie! Oh, joy, the holidays are upon us! Oh, wait, how do I get through the season without packing on 10 unwanted pounds? As if the media senses […]
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Short Steroid Cycle: Good Gains, Less Sides.
A weight training program helps in a faster development of your muscles especially if you are taking anabolic Steroid Cycles. These drugs help to increase blood flow and nutrients to the exercising muscle groups. Weight Training Schedule Involves The Following: – Identifying the muscle groups you want to […]
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Top 5 Keys to Build Muscle and Strength
Not all the times long hours spent in the gym lifting weights end up with amazing muscle gains in muscle and strength. People seeing you might still doubt whether you are lifting or not, and even ask about it. The worst feeling ever and definitely no one wants to experience […]
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How to Keep a Small Waist While Packing On Muscle Mass
Bulking can help you gain weight at a very high rate. It would be fantastic if there was no problem with adding inches to your waist too. As bodybuilding boards prove, the issue of excess fat around the waist while trying hard to gain weight is quite common and chances are […]
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Gaining Lean Muscle Mass Without Gaining Body Fat
Introduction If you follow what some fitness gurus or even health and fitness magazine, be sure of one thing, you might go crazy! I came across a fitness magazine that said I should take almost 5000 calories every day to build tons of muscles. […]
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How Important Is Getting a Pump For Building Muscle?
Sometimes after working out, you may feel like you’re are about to lose it all. Like your muscles are about to pop-out from your skin…Well, it is an experience that wears you out since your muscles feel like they want to come out and grow visibly larger. What you […]
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2018 Post-Summer Lean Bulking Guide
The summer might be nearing its end. And thus, you think of switching to a bulking mindset. You could actually continue the journey of shred-dom. You could deprive yourself of every holiday celebration. But, it will also help if you will change your goals. It will be a good idea to […]
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Steps / Tips to Keep in Shape Your Muscle Mass After Steroid Cycles.
The most question which is discussed among all bodybuilders and those who use steroids is if you can keep the muscle mass after you stop your steroid cycles. Unluckily, or not, the answer to this question is no. How Effective are Anabolic Steroids At Making Muscular Mass? […]
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How To Gain Muscle Mass Quickly – A Guide On What To Eat And How To Train
Put On Muscle Mass Using This Technique
Many people quit the fit lifestyle when they join a gym to put on muscle mass but can’t see the weight scale budge in the right direction. Most people want to get results in the shortest time.
If you want to put on muscle on a timeline, you can’t afford to go wrong with the training, diet, and recovery. In this article, we’ll show you the way by telling you everything you need to know about gaining muscle on a deadline using a technique.
Setting The Right Target
Before you begin your transformation, you need to make sure you’re setting achievable goals. To keep your bulking phase sustainable, we suggest not wanting to put on more than 2lbs weight every week.
Whatever your diet is right now, add 500 calories to it if you want to put on 1lbs weight in one week. Adding 1,000 calories to your diet can speed up the bulking process and help you gain up to 2lbs a week.
How To Train To Put On Muscle Mass
Earlier, people used to overlook their diet when it came to building muscle but now a personalized training program has taken its place. Many people think that they will put on muscle mass irrespective of how they train unless their diet is right.
You can’t afford to put the training program on the back seat. If training routines were so inconsequential, the pros wouldn’t be spending thousands of dollars every month on their coaches trying to fine-tune their exercise routines, numbers of sets and reps they perform.
Designing The Right Training Program
If you’re a beginner or want to do a transformation, you should give your body at least 12 weeks to show major improvements. We would suggest you divide the 12 weeks into 3-week training routine splits.
3-weeks is the right amount of time for your body to get the most out of your workouts without letting it adjust to your routine. Change the intensity of your workouts week-on-week to push your muscles as you get closer to the 12-week mark.
For example – start your training program with a vanilla training program where you perform five exercises in a workout and do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. In the second week, switch to the German Volume Training (GVT) where you do 10 sets of 1 exercise before moving on to other exercises.
In the last week, you should increase the intensity of your workouts in a way that you’re only doing 3 exercises but are performing 5-7 sets and 15-30 reps on each lift. The increase in intensity will help in conditioning your muscles.
What And How Much To Eat To Put On Muscle Mass
If you’re planning to build muscle mass, your goal should be to eat around 3,000 calories a day. Of these 3,000 calories, 40% should come through carbs and the remaining 30% from proteins and fats each.
If your weight (muscle mass) isn’t increasing at the required pace, bump up your calories by 500 every time. We would suggest you wait for three weeks before modifying your diet. You need to give your body enough time to respond to your diet and training program.
You also need to make sure your recovery is on point. None of the diet and training improvements will do you any good until you’re recovery well. You should be sleeping between 7-8 hours every night.
How many calories a day do you eat currently? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Top 10 Ways To Naturally Gain Muscle Faster For Optimal Growth
We all know the old saying “work smarter, not harder”. But do you know how that applies in the gym?
It’s true that amazing gains never come overnight, but there are still things you can be doing to maximize the amount of muscle you get out of your workouts. Of course, we know that taking certain supplements and focusing on our training can be sure fire ways to see those gains we want most, but sometimes figuring out the best steps can be challenging and ultimately may put us in an overwhelming hole as we try and figure it out. With so many options, it can be difficult to nail down the best ways to gain muscle, especially naturally, but it is possible.
While many of these ways tend to be self-explanatory and potentially obvious, our busy lives and schedules tend to keep us from fully realizing exactly what needs to be done to achieve this. Sometimes just reading it and hearing it again can be exactly what we need to make sure we hear it through and can tackle all of these muscle building needs in a safe, effective, and natural way. Working smarter is very much a true saying in the world of lifting and while working hard is important, doing so efficiently is the key to success.
Let’s take a look at the top 10 ways to naturally gain muscle faster so you never need to worry about that vital growth again. Not only will some of these ways benefit your lifting goals, but other areas of your lifestyle will change for the better as a result of taking better care of yourself.
Top 10 Ways To Naturally Gain Muscle Faster
1. Training Volume Is Key
Too many people get complacent in the gym and stop trying actively to push themselves. The fundamental key to muscle growth is progressive overload – meaning you increase the intensity of your workouts overtime (1). If you aren’t getting that burning feeling from overloading your muscles, it means you aren’t building them, period. Increase the amount of weight over time and make sure to increase the volume, too – that’s the number of sets and reps you do for each workout with weights.
2. Be Consistent
The second biggest thing to remember about making massive gains is that it’s also a game of consistency. There’s only so much muscle that can be put on by the body in a day; one huge workout, or even one huge workout once a week, will get you nowhere. Make a plan and stick to it but be in the gym three to five times a week and make sure to do that every week. Muscle is gained incrementally. Even if you aren’t pushing yourself, it’s better for your body and overall muscle mass to do so after workouts five times a week than it is to really push yourself in the gym only once or twice a week. That’s a surefire way to lose gains.
3. Take Advantage Of Supplements
Depending on your unique needs as an athlete, different supplements will work for you. Creatine, casein, and whey protein are the three cornerstone proteins of making huge gains (2). Your muscles need to consume food to grow and develop, so you need to make sure you’re giving them all the fuel they need. In some cases, eating casein before bed can actually provide the muscles with enough amino acids to literally grow overnight while you’re asleep. Imagine waking up with more gains than when you went to bed.
Other supplements to know are pre-workout, which can provide for energy and insane muscle pumps, BCAA intra-workout products to burst through fatigue and keep you going stronger, and fat burners, which can shed that unwanted fat while maintaining lean muscle mass (3). Having a good supplementation routine can really work wonders for all of your gains.
4. Be Strict About Form
This is an easy one to forget. Exercises like squats, barbell presses, and crunches are all considered staple exercises for a true gym rat. But exercises only help you gain muscle if they’re performed correctly. Are you leaning forward when you squat? It could be a sign you overloaded with too much weight. When you do a sit-up, is your spine straight and your stomach flat? If not, it’s a sign you’re overloading a weak core. Take the time to do these exercises the right way. Otherwise, you’re only getting a fraction of the gains you set out to make.
5. Get A Full Night’s Sleep
This is another no-brainer people often don’t think about. Studies have shown that sleeping for eight hours instead of five can increase testosterone by 10 to 15%. That has a huge impact on how much you gain muscle when you work out (4). This is a really easy thing you can do to improve your performance in the gym and give yourself the best chance for a better tomorrow.
6. Recovery Is An Important Part Of The Process
If you go hard in the gym five nights a week every week for a year, you will absolutely destroy your body. Set aside cycles of rest so you can recover after tough workouts. Pushing yourself too hard will only lead to burnout. Trust me, your body will thank you. Recovery will also support things like mobility and an overall better mood, so don’t neglect this vital part of your workout and post-workout routine (5).
7. Stay Healthy Outside The Gym
It doesn’t mean you can’t drink or have fun with your buddies at the bar, but you should do your best to be generally healthy in your habits outside of the gym. This means no binge drinking and stay away from drugs and smoking, at the very minimum. You definitely won’t be maximizing gains in your workouts if you’re dehydrated and hungover from a long night out partying.
8. Keep Your Workouts Simple
You don’t need fancy equipment to get shredded. Remain focused on the basics and the tried-and-true exercises that have worked for bodybuilders for generations. Don’t get caught up in the promises of fancy equipment and “new breakthroughs” that offer shortcuts. There is no shortcut; just do the work.
9. Stay Organized & Manage Workouts
Huge gains are no easy task and getting organized definitely helps make the process smoother. Consider keeping a journal of your workouts and your meal plan. You’re less likely to slip up and cheat with a greasy cheeseburger at the end of a long day if you’ve already got a plan in place and food waiting prepared at home.
10. Lift Heavy While Being Safe
If you feel comfortable lifting, you probably aren’t pushing yourself hard enough. Lifting the heaviest amount of weight you can is a critical factor in making the most gains for it will work your muscles to grow, increase that time under tension, and allow for massive gains to your strength and size which is what you want most.
Wrap Up
While it may seem daunting to find natural ways to boost your muscle growth and gain that valuable muscle faster, following these simple yet highly effective steps can work wonders for you. Looking to the top ways to see gains while still making your life easier is a sure-fire way to get this done. Give these top 10 ways a try and see how your muscles grow bigger, faster, and stronger as you also promote a better lifestyle overall.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
Mangine, Gerald T.; Hoffman, Jay R.; Gonzalez, Adam M.; Townsend, Jeremy R.; et al. (2015). “The effect of training volume and intensity on improvements in muscular strength and size in resistance-trained men”. (source)
Tipton, Kevin D.; Elliott, Tabatha A.; Cree, Melanie G.; Wolf, Steven E.; et al. (2004). “Ingestion of Casein and Whey Proteins Result in Muscle Anabolism after Resistance Exercise”. (source)
Jeukendrup, A. E.; Randell, R. (2011). “Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism”. (source)
Dattilo, M.; Antunes, H. K. M.; Medeiros, A.; Neto, M. M.; et al. (2011). “Sleep and muscle recovery: endocrinological and molecular basis for a new and promising hypothesis”. (source)
Sands, William A.; McNeal, Jeni R.; Murray, Steven R.; Ramsey, Michael W.; et al. (2013). “Stretching and Its Effects on Recovery”. (source)