Tag: muscle wasting



MK 2866 – OSTARINE: The Definitive Guide to the Revolutionary SARM Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 or Enobosarm, is one of the most studied and widely used selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) on the market. Developed for the treatment of muscle wasting and osteoporosis, Ostarine has become a cornerstone in the bodybuilding community for its…

Testosterone-CHP (various esters and cycle dosing schemes) Testosterone base

Testosterone-CHP (various esters and cycle dosing schemes) Testosterone base

Testosterone-CHP (various esters and cycle dosing schemes) Testosterone base Testosterone-CHP Leave it to French if you want something off the menu or out of the normal. If you thought their Parabolan and its 76mg per 1.5ml dosage ampules was strangely dosed wait until you see their various esters Testosterone CHP dosage scheme.  Basically, what we…