Tag: Natty

Tristyn Lee Teases Bodybuilding Venture in 2024, Says He’s a Lifetime Natural Athlete
Fitness celebrity Tristyn Lee is eying a bodybuilding stage next year. In a recent Straight Outta the Lair Podcast with Flex Lewis, Lee teased a show in 2024, defended his status as a lifetime natural athlete, and underlined the benefits of his carnivore diet.
Lee is a 20-year-old fitness sensation who boasts an incredibly lean physique. His ability to stay shredded with minimal body fat year-round has made him one of the most talked about influencers over the past few years.
While building his name with social media platforms, Tristyn’s fame spread like wildfire. In addition to showcasing his statue-esque build, Lee offers fans engaging content, like his 17,000-calorie ‘carnivore Big Mac’ recipe. He also collaborates with other popular names in the community such as Bradley Martyn and Larry Wheels.
Lee maintains that he’s never used performance-enhancing drugs. As with any ‘natty or not’ topic, fans continue to debate whether he’s ever used steroids. However, Tristyn worries that even discussing the topic publicly could cause harm to his younger audiences.
Tristyn Lee Talks Competing in Bodybuilding, Mental Clarity from Carnivore Diet & Being Natural
Looking ahead, Tristyn Lee hopes to step on a bodybuilding stage in 2024.
“I want to just experiment on myself and see how far I can take things. In the coming year, I want to step on a stage, hopefully early next year. Depending or not on my coach Jared allows me to. Yes. This is the first time I’ve even talked about this.”
“We’ll see how it goes. This next year, I’m going into a massing phase with Jared. That’s definitely something that I need to check off my bucket list and just see how far I can push my body in that sense. It’s cool to have a date in mind.”
Lee says ‘commentary culture’ has taken over social media which influences young children to take measures they shouldn’t.
“On social media, there’s this commentary culture I like to call it where everybody is talking about another person. And there’s benefits to this obviously, you’re spreading the news, and you’re creating this dialogue that may be necessary to bring up certain topics. But there’s also this hyper-focus on what everyone else is doing and it propels young kids to do things that they shouldn’t be doing.
I’ve seen 15, 16, 17-year-old kids going into stuff that they shouldn’t even be going into just because they’re seeing it so frequently on social media and it’s like, ‘Oh well, everybody is doing it so I might as well.’ It’s just crazy to me that you haven’t even gone through any level of experience for yourself before jumping into something you don’t know anything about,” said Tristyn Lee.
You’re talking about PEDs I’m guessing right?” said Flex Lewis.
“Yeah,” replied Lee.
Before moving on, Flex Lewis outright asked Lee if he has ever used steroids.
“As you are a lifetime natural right? And that’s something you’re very proud of,” said Lewis.
“Right,” said Lee.
“I want to point out to the viewers. As you are truly an anomaly right now in a sport where if someone joins a gym for a week they’re already looking at doing PEDs. You don’t want to talk about this because there’s somewhat of a backlash that you feel will come from this. But what I said to you is I think it’s a very important conversation to have,” shared Lewis. “You’re still on that natural path of growth and what you’ve achieved is tremendous.”
Lee credits genetics and personal experiences to his physique.
“I haven’t put any of this stuff on social media the reason being this: my first and primary belief is that you will never look like anyone else. It doesn’t matter what you take, it doesn’t matter how you train. The science doesn’t matter with any of that, you have your own individual genetics. You will look how you look.”
“Even if it’s for better or for worse, you have to go through your own personal experiences, you have to put the work in, you have to train hard, you have to find out what your true potential is regardless of the route or the path that you go down.”
“It’s not about what the other person is doing, it’s about what you can do,” added Lee.
According to Tristyn, the mental clarity he’s received from his carnivore diet has been substantial.
“I started looking a little stringy and flat. As I started working with a coach, I’ve reimplemented some carbs and I feel great. The mental clarity on carnivore is like literally nothing I’ve ever experienced. I’m dialed 24/7. Whether or not that’s for better or for worse, a lot of people say, ‘Oh you’re in a survival state.’ Well, I’m thinking I’m surviving pretty well then. I feel pretty good.”
“So it worked for me. A lot of people low-carb diets are good for losing weight because you drop a lot of water weight because a lot of people can’t handle having carbohydrates because they’re so addictive but that’s not for everyone.”
The last time fans heard from Lee he revealed a go-to five-minute back workout. During the training session, Lee decided to perform his heaviest movement first. Given the detail of his back, Tristyn’s methods have a proven track record.
Tristyn Lee aspires to be more than a fitness influencer, but a mentor and an inspiration for emerging young athletes who seek his advice and follow in his footsteps.
You can watch the full video from the Straight Outta the Lair podcast below:
Published: 17 June, 2023 | 12:04 PM EDT

The Ultimate Guide To Natural Bodybuilding: Best Training and Diet Tips
“Natty for life” is arguably the most popular catchphrase amongst fitness enthusiasts. Ironically, “natty for life” is often used as a hashtag by bodybuilders that are guilty of using gear. But why are so many bodybuilders keen on coming off as natural?
Many people consider steroid use as a form of cheating. It is believed that folks on juice have it much easier than their natural counterparts. Whether this assumption is true is out of the scope of this article. However, you can rest assured that you will gain much more praise and recognition if you have built a diced physique without using performance-enhancing drugs.
Furthermore, unlike the governing bodies of most sports, such as Olympic weightlifting, American football, or fencing, the leading bodybuilding organization, the IFBB Pro League, does not enforce drug testing. As pro bodybuilders are not required to take doping tests, they can take anything under the sun to build a blockbuster physique.
If you aspire to compete in bodybuilding shows, knowing that most famous folks in the sport are using gear puts you at a significant disadvantage. Drug use is not limited to professional bodybuilders; many people start their first steroid cycle in hopes of breaking through on social media.
In this article, we dive deep into natural bodybuilding, the difference between being a natty and a juiced-up bodybuilder, the scope of natural bodybuilders in the IFBB Pro League, and the best training and nutrition tips for building your dream physique. We also cover the 14 best natural bodybuilders that are excellent role models for aspiring natural bodybuilders.
Before we get to the meat of this article, we must clarify that this article is not about dissing bodybuilders who use gear. We are the first to admit using PEDs requires significant dedication and commitment.
What is Natural Bodybuilding?
Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Phil Heath, Kai Greene, and Flex Wheeler are some of the greatest bodybuilders of all time. However, these legends share one thing in common — they are not natural bodybuilders.
So, what is natural bodybuilding?
Simply put, natural bodybuilding involves building a muscular, balanced, symmetrical, and diced physique without using drugs. Conversely, enhanced bodybuilders use synthetic hormones that imitate the male sex hormone, testosterone, to help with the growth and repair of muscle tissue.
The sport of natural bodybuilding has evolved tremendously over the last couple of decades. We now have multiple natural bodybuilding organizations that promote several natty bodybuilding shows throughout the year.
These natural bodybuilding organizations conduct several tests and have varying guidelines on what their athletes can and cannot take.
Natural bodybuilders are generally smaller than enhanced athletes who use PEDs, such as HGH (human growth hormone), testosterone, Trenbolone, and deca, which results in significant structural changes in the human body. The Open division bodybuilders of the untested bodybuilding leagues are substantially bigger and heavier than their drug-tested counterparts.
Owing to the popularity of the IFBB Pro Mr. Olympia contest, the International Natural Bodybuilding Association and Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA/PNBA) started the Natural Olympia contest in 1998, which aims to crown the best natural bodybuilder in the world. Since then, the Natural Olympia has become the premiere bodybuilding contest for the natties.
However, we will go as far as to say that the chances of a natural bodybuilder beating an enhanced athlete in a no-holds-barred contest are as bright as a black hole in outer space.
Note: Fitness Volt doesn’t condone the use of performance-enhancing drugs. This article is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Natural Bodybuilding Federations
The following organizations are the most popular in the natural bodybuilding space:
International Natural Bodybuilding Association and Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA/PNBA)
World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF)
American Natural Bodybuilding Federation (ANBF)
Most of these drug-free bodybuilding federations use the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) guidelines that include 10 years drug-free of prescription/pharmaceutical hormones on the WADA banned substance list and two years free of over-the-counter hormones, pro-hormones, or banned substances listed or their chemical counterparts.
A natural bodybuilding federation can use blood, urine, and polygraph tests to check its athletes for drug use. These tests are done randomly throughout the year. Plus, most federations conduct drug tests on random bodybuilders before a competition.
Interestingly, most of these federations have the same bodybuilding divisions as the IFBB Pro League, including the Open, Men’s Physique, Classic Physique for the men, and the Open, Bikini, Physique, Fitness, and Wellness categories for the ladies.
The PNBA Elite World Tour and the Natural Olympia are the biggest competitions for natural bodybuilders. Although the biggest, these are nowhere close to the biggest untested competition.
In 2021, the total prize pool for the Natural Olympia was $65,000, and most division winners pocketed $1,000. On the other hand, the IFBB Pro League Mr. Olympia in 2022 had a $1.6 million prize pool, and the Mr. Olympia champ Hadi Choopan took home $400,000.
Considering this, you could think of natural bodybuilding as a hobby, whereas you could make a decent living competing in untested bodybuilding competitions.
Can natural bodybuilders become IFBB Pro athletes?
The IFBB Pro League is the world’s numero uno pro bodybuilding organization. Only IFBB Pro League bodybuilders are allowed to compete in the coveted Mr. Olympia competition, which is the biggest bodybuilding contest in the world.
Many people believe that no athlete can turn pro in the IFBB Pro League without using gear. However, this isn’t true.
Ronnie Coleman
Your genetics play a massive role in how far you can take your physique without using PEDs. The eight-time Mr. Olympia champion, Ronnie Coleman, turned pro in 1991. The 1964-born bodybuilder claims to have competed natural until the age of 30. He had taken 15th at the 1994 Olympia, his second O appearance.
Although not everyone is born with Big Ron’s genetics and work ethic, he proves that you can reach the top of the sport while staying natural.
If this wasn’t enough, the three-time Bikini Olympia champ, Ashley Kaltwasser, is the winningest IFBB Pro competitor. At the time of writing, she has 37 pro show wins to her name, which is seven more than the 2008 Mr. Olympia champ Dexter Jackson, who leads the men with 29 pro show wins. Kaltwasser claims to be a life-long natural bodybuilder.
Testing Problems With Natural Bodybuilding Federations
Doping tests can be expensive, and the natural bodybuilding federations must pay for them to get all their athletes tested. However, here lies a big problem. Competitive bodybuilding is not a mainstream sport. Plus, natural bodybuilding is a niche within a niche, meaning the money is tight for most of these natural federations.
Some of these federations rely on cheap doping tests, which often return incorrect results. An athlete who wants to appeal his test results must pay for the doping tests, which increases his competition budget. Plus, most of these natural bodybuilding federations charge their members a yearly doping test fee.
On the other hand, untested organizations like the IFBB Pro League don’t have to deal with doping tests, saving their athletes a lot of money and headache. With that said, enhanced athletes usually spend more on their gear in a month than natty athletes spend on their tests in a couple of years.
Furthermore, doping tests face a perennial problem. Athletes find ways to cheat the system. Cheating on drug tests is not isolated to bodybuilding. Many elite weightlifters, golfers, cyclists, and footballers have never failed their drug tests despite being on juice for years. People who are willing to do anything to be number one at what they do find ways to cheat a doping test.
Natural bodybuilding federations take their doping tests very seriously. The INBA/PNBA has a “Hall of Shame” section on their website that features bodybuilders that claim to be natty but have failed a drug test.
Diet Tips For Natural Bodybuilding
Enhanced and natty bodybuilders start with similar diets, training, and recovery programs. The main difference in their physiques is caused by drug use. As an enhanced athlete starts using gear, he experiences an uptick in his body weight due to increased muscle mass and strength, which requires him to eat more and lift heavier to sustain his gains. This cycle keeps bodybuilders hooked to steroids.
Calorie Goals
Your calorie goals will depend on your current physique, gender, genetics, age, height, activity levels, and goal physique. Use our convenient calorie calculator to determine your daily caloric goals.
Folks looking to build muscle mass should enter a caloric surplus (eat more calories than they burn in a day), whereas bodybuilders trying to lose weight should be on a calorie-deficit diet (burn more calories than they consume).
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adding 500-1,000 to your daily calorie intake can result in gaining 1-2 pounds weekly. Conversely, cutting the same amount from your daily diet can help you lose 1-2 pounds a week. [1]
Macronutrient Goals
After arriving at a daily calorie goal, you must break it down into an appropriate macronutrient (carbohydrates, protein, and fats) split.
The macronutrient split for most natural bodybuilders lies in the following ranges:
Carbohydrates: 35% to 60%
Protein: 30% to 45%
Fats: 10% to 30%
Bodybuilding consists of three phases — bulking, cutting, and maintenance. Your macronutrient split will change depending on the phase you are in. However, one thing remains consistent throughout the three phases for natural bodybuilders; they are always on a high-protein diet.
You must analyze your transformation progress weekly to ensure you are on the correct path. Add more calories to your diet if you’re unsatisfied with your bulking progress. On the flip side, cut more calories from your diet and do more cardio if you’re not shedding body weight fast enough. Arriving at the right daily calorie intake goal and macronutrient split can take some trial and error, and you must get comfortable trying new things.
Recovery is often overlooked in a bodybuilding regimen. Most anabolic steroids, also known as super supplements, speed up your recovery, which helps the enhanced athlete get ready for their next workout relatively quickly. However, natural bodybuilders must emphasize their diet and recovery program to ensure optimal recovery.
Supplements are an excellent tool for natural bodybuilders to fill the nutrition voids in their diet. Whey protein supplements can help repair and rebuild stronger muscles, whereas a mass gainer supp can make adding more size easier. Creatine, BCAAs, pre-workouts, and glutamine supplements can also help boost your results.
You must also ensure you meet your daily micronutrient needs for overall physical development and better health, well-being, and functionality. Add a multivitamin supp to your daily routine if you cannot meet your micronutrient goals through real food.
Although supplements are a great way to meet your macro and micronutrient needs, you shouldn’t be over-reliant on them. Focus on achieving your nutrition needs through nutrient-dense whole foods.
Natural bodybuilders with competitive aspirations must check the banned substance list of their chosen bodybuilding federation to ensure the ingredients in their favorite supplements will not get them banned for life.
Training Tips For Natural Bodybuilding
There is no one-fits-all training program for bodybuilders. What works for your training partner might not work for you. You should follow a personalized training regimen that focuses on bringing up your lagging muscle groups and polishing your strengths.
Your training program will depend on your starting and goal physique. Your trainer might also change your training volume, intensity, and frequency depending on how you respond to an exercise regimen.
Here are some of the best training tips to help natty bodybuilders get the best bang for their buck:
Perform 3-5 sets and 8-12 reps of an exercise with 70-85% of your one-rep max to induce hypertrophy. [2]
Train your lagging muscle groups up to twice a week.
Limit your rest duration between sets to 60-120 seconds to maintain a high training intensity.
The eccentric (lowering) motion is just as important as the concentric (lifting) movement. Plus, focus on squeezing the life out of your muscles at the static contraction at the top.
Change your rep tempo to challenge your muscles.
Use advanced training principles like super sets, drop sets, and intra-set stretching to progressively overload your muscles.
Wait at least 48 hours before training the same muscle group again.
Switch your hand grip when possible to train your muscles from different angles and ensure overall development.
Avoid lifting too heavy close to a competition to limit your risk of injury.
Find a training partner that can push you to do your best in the weight room.
Hiring a nutritionist and personal trainer can help speed up your transformation progress and save you significant time, energy, effort, and money. Seek a certified professional’s help if you can afford it; it will pay dividends in the long run. Plus, it can help you build a solid foundation and considerably reduce your risk of injury in the gym.
14 Best Natural Bodybuilders
Most bodybuilders are on the fence about revealing their enhanced status. This trend was arguably started by the legendary Joe Weider, who barred bodybuilders competing in the IFBB from disclosing their drug use. However, things are changing for the better, as more pro bodybuilders are taking to social media and podcasts and sharing their drug cycles.
In this article, we have included bodybuilders from the whole gamut of the sport — we have athletes that compete in drug-tested bodybuilding competitions, social media stars, and athletes that compete in untested leagues.
Remember, there is no sure way to tell if an athlete has been a lifelong natural bodybuilder. In this list, we have included bodybuilders that have never failed a doping test. However, it could mean two things; first, these athletes have some of the best genetics in the world and have never used gear, or these folks are really good at gaming a drug test; you be the judge.
Without further ado, here are the 14 best natural bodybuilders:
Ron Williams
With 250 competition wins under his belt, Williams is the winningest natural bodybuilder of all time. His balanced, proportioned, and chiseled physique would make anyone question his natty status. However, Williams has never failed a drug test, making him one of the most genetically gifted natural bodybuilders ever.
Here are some of his achievements:
7-time Mr. Natural Olympia
7-time Mr. Natural Universe
7-time Natural World
Hall of Fame Inductee (2008): International Natural Bodybuilding Association
Donte Franklin
If you think natural bodybuilders cannot have mountain-like biceps, Franklin is here to prove you wrong. The 6-foot natural bodybuilder manages to grow and improve his physique every year, making him one of the most consistent nattys in the business.
Franklin likes to train hard and heavy, qualities he attributes as the secret to his incredible physique.
Paul Krueger
Krueger is one of the most dominant natural bodybuilders. He won the coveted Natural Olympia title in 2021, only a few weeks after getting his pro card. Notably, Krueger competed as an amateur bodybuilder for 25 years before turning pro and disrupting the upper echelons of the natural bodybuilding circuit.
Brandon Lirio
If you are a fan of the golden era aesthetics, you will love Lirio. He possesses excellent muscle mass, symmetry, balance, well-defined lines, and conditioning. Lirio is a three-time Natural Olympia champion and two-time Mr. Universe champion. He has also been inducted into the PNBA Pro Hall of Famer.
Derek Joe
Joe won the Natural Olympia Men’s Classic Physique division in his freshman year at the contest. The Classic Physique Natural Olympia champ has high expectations from himself. He nearly quit competitive bodybuilding after placing second at his debut amateur bodybuilding show in 2020. If it weren’t for the encouragement from his friends and family, Joe would never have competed at the 2021 Natural Olympia.
Steve Cook
Cook is one of the most famous fitness athletes and an OG bodybuilding YouTuber. He has appeared in numerous print and online publications and has a sizeable social media following. Cook claims to be a natural bodybuilder and has competed in the Men’s Physique division at the IFBB Mr. Olympia. His best placing was a fifth-place finish at the 2014 Mr. Olympia.
Mike Thurston
Thurston has an incredibly chiseled physique that would give his enhanced counterparts a run for their money. His washboard abs and perfectly-crafted pecs are the benchmarks for many natural bodybuilders.
Simeon Panda
Panda is one of the strongest and most popular bodybuilders on this list. The Brit was named one of the world’s top ten fitness influencers by Forbes and has over 8 million Instagram followers.
Ulisses Jr.
Ulisses Jr. is among the most famous Instagram fitness athletes. He is a must-follow on the photo and video-sharing app if you are always short on ab training ideas. The natural bodybuilder’s eight-pack abs are a symbol of his discipline, dedication, and commitment. Ulisses Jr. is among the few fitness social media celebs who have won multiple bodybuilding titles.
Lazar Angelov
If you are a fitness enthusiast, you already know about Angelov. His trademark beard, chest tattoo, and chiseled physique appear on several posters on gym walls across the globe.
Jeff Seid
Seid’s wide shoulders, narrow waist, and picture-perfect V-taper made him the youngest IFBB Pro bodybuilder of all time. The natural bodybuilder started training at the age of 12 and was an All-American wrestling champion before switching to bodybuilding.
Rob Riches
Riches has an incredibly shredded physique. The natural bodybuilder started lifting at the age of 15 after he fractured his shoulder in a mountain bike race; he has never looked back since. The British bodybuilder has competed in the BNBF, Musclemania, UKBFF, and NPA, all natty bodybuilding federations.
Ashley Kaltwasser
PED use is as widespread among female pro bodybuilders as men. Kaltwasser is the most successful natty female pro bodybuilder competing in the IFBB Pro League. She is famous for staying in incredible shape throughout the year.
Mike O’Hearn
We will get a lot of flak for this, as Mike O’Hearn is one of the most controversial nattys in the sport. However, The Titan has won the Mr. Natural Universe title four times and has never failed a drug test. Furthermore, O’Hearn was inducted into the INBA/PNBA Hall of Fame class of 2011, which is a solid endorsement of his natty status.
The American Gladiators star is also one of the strongest natural bodybuilders. He coined the term ‘powerbodybuilding’ for his unique training regimen that combines lifting super heavy weights while staying in a hypertrophy-inducing rep range.
10 Ways To Tell a Natty Bodyuilber From a Fake Natty
Every guy that is bigger than you is on the juice. No, I am just kidding. However, this is a great way to stroke your ego.
Before we get into the difference between natural bodybuilders and bodybuilders on gear, we must point out that although these things will apply to most people, there are some genetically gifted natty bodybuilder outliers who can give an average juiced-up bro a run for their money.
Here are a few tell-tale signs of a bodybuilder on steroids:
Extended Gut
An extended gut is a dead giveaway of a steroid user. HGH is usually responsible for causing a bloated gut among steroid users. Contrary to what most people think, steroids cannot spot increase a particular muscle group, like your chest or arms. When you take a PED, it acts on all your muscles, including your stomach and heart.
Extended guts due to steroid abuse hamper a bodybuilder’s physique aesthetics. They are also why untested bodybuilding contests received significant backlash between 2010-2016, including from Arnold Schwarzenegger, who pushed for rewarding more proportionate and aesthetically-appealing physiques.
Superhuman Muscle Mass
One of the first differences you’ll notice between a natty bodybuilder and a bodybuilder using gear is that the natural athlete has a much more achievable physique. On the other hand, enhanced bodybuilders have muscles you didn’t know existed. If a bodybuilder has a superhero physique with unexplainable proportions and conditioning, chances are he is on steroids.
Certain drugs, such as Tren and Dianabol, can make you super strong. If you notice a person lifting 1.5-2 times heavier than usual within a few weeks or has grown a crazy amount in a short period, he has probably started a cycle. Furthermore, social media influencers who lift crazy weights for an insane number of reps, for example, a 450-pound squat for 10 reps, are probably on juice.
Conditioning and Vascularity
Many enhanced pro bodybuilders use diuretics to achieve crisp conditioning. These PEDs drain water from your system, which helps improve your muscle definition and vascularity. If you encounter a bodybuilder with paper-thin skin, he is probably on steroids. Further, don’t let the jacked bro at your gym tell you that his roadmap-like forearm vascularity is because of their insane forearm training routine. The dude is probably on EQ.
Hair Loss
Most pro bodybuilders are neither bald by choice nor is it a fashion statement. Many steroids cause hair loss. If a person with a full head of hair starts experiencing a receding hairline while building a significant amount of muscle mass, strength, and conditioning, it is a sign he has started a steroid cycle.
Roid Rage
Many steroids can cause severe mood swings. Dianabol and Tren are especially infamous for causing short tempers. Bodybuilders on gear usually have a short fuse. The extent of anger usually depends on a person’s steroid tolerance and its dose.
Syringe Marks
Although steroids come in various forms, including oral and injectable, most pro bodybuilders prefer injecting their drugs as it delivers better and quicker results and minimizes wastage. Nonetheless, frequent injections can leave syringe marks on your body. Many bodybuilders like to use injections on body parts that are usually covered, like their glutes.
You are effectively altering your natural hormones by injecting steroids into your body. Many enhanced bodybuilders tend to experience acne, especially on their backs, while on a cycle. Notably, food allergies can also cause acne in natural athletes.
Gynecomastia, also known as gyno, is a breast tissue swelling in men that is mostly caused by excessive production of estrogen or prolactin as a result of anabolic drug use. Synthetic testosterone is the primary cause of gyno in men as it can cause a testosterone and estrogen imbalance. [3]
Next Read: Gyno in Bodybuilding: The Ultimate Guide
Competing in Tested Federations
This one is a no-brainer. Fake nattys do not come near a tested competition. People who use multiple steroids throughout the year have a hard time stopping drug use or using steroid masks without compromising their physique.
With that said, untested bodybuilding competitions are more popular among fans than tested ones. It is arguably because people love to witness the mass monsters pushing the limits of the human body. However, natural bodybuilding is slowly and steadily building a cult following.
Advantages and Drawbacks of Natural Bodybuilding
Here are the pros and cons of natural bodybuilding:
Improve Physique Aesthetics and Strength: Most people start lifting weights to improve their physique aesthetics. Natural and enhanced bodybuilding can improve your strength and muscle mass and boost your self-image and confidence.
Pride: If building muscle naturally wasn’t so appealing, the natty vs. fake natty debate would not exist. Natural bodybuilding is a testament to an individual’s grit, determination, consistency, and patience.
Longevity: This is arguably the biggest and most important difference between natural and enhanced bodybuilding. Using PEDs can cause irreversible damage and lead to chronic health conditions, whereas natural bodybuilding improves your overall health and well-being.
Boosts Testosterone Levels: Natural strength training can enhance testosterone production in men, boosting their strength, muscle mass, and overall health. Conversely, enhanced athletes inject synthetic test into their bodies, which can stop natural test production in their bodies. [4]
Know Your Limits: This one is a blessing in disguise. Most people start their first cycle with a single drug. However, the desire to look better pushes them to do multiple drugs simultaneously. It doesn’t end here. Some people also inject oils such as synthol into their muscles to make them look bigger, which can cost them a limb and even their life!
Bigorexia: Whether you are an enhanced or natural bodybuilder, you will likely struggle with bigorexia. Folks dealing with bigorexia believe they are small and skinny, despite being typically or even unusually muscular. Bigorexia is one of the biggest reasons why many natural bodybuilders jump ships and make peace with drugs. However, the irony is these folks still cannot get rid of bigorexia after beginning their cycles.
Lack of Fame and Money: Natural bodybuilding is a cult within a cult sport. The prize money from winning some of the biggest natural bodybuilding shows is not enough to pay the monthly bills for most bodybuilders. Since it is such a small sport, even the best bodybuilders in the natural bodybuilding space have menial clout.
Comparisons: Tell someone you are a natural bodybuilder, and they will instantly compare you to some of the best enhanced bodybuilders. You must be prepared to explain the difference between natty and enhanced bodybuilding every time you meet someone new.
With all said and done, if you do not aspire to compete at the biggest competition in the pro bodybuilding circuit or have no plans to make a living out of your bodybuilding career, staying natural is hands down the better approach. Don’t get us wrong; natural bodybuilders can make considerable gains and compete in bodybuilding shows. However, the fame and compensation aren’t close to what untested athletes enjoy.
Being consistent with your diet, training, and recovery program will put you in the top 1% of the world and help you achieve your dream physique. Plus, if you have the genetics and talent, there is nothing stopping you from becoming a social media sensation and building a fitness empire.
Wrapping Up
Natural bodybuilding involves building your best physique without using anabolic steroids. Although natty bodybuilders can not build as big or conditioned a physique as top-tier enhanced athletes, testing your natural limits before going down the dark path is always advised.
While it might not be possible to win the coveted Mr. Olympia title while staying natural, you can absolutely build a Greek god-like physique without using a syringe. This article gives you the best diet and training tips for building a jacked natural physique. We have also covered the 14 best natural bodybuilders that are the role models of natty and enhanced athletes alike. So, what are you waiting for? Eat your chicken breast, take your vitamins, train, and you will never go wrong, brother. Best of luck!
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Hany Rambod Talks Enhanced vs Natural Athletes & Steroid Abuse: ‘You Can’t Run PEDs Forever’
Renowned bodybuilding guru Hany Rambod has cemented his status as one of the greatest coaches in the sport. He boasts a stellar roster of athletes that have won nearly two dozen Olympia titles under his guidance. In a recent episode of The Truth podcast, Rambod shared his thoughts on how natural and enhanced athletes might differ in the off-season and cautioned against the constant use of PEDs performance-enhancing drugs).
Over the last two decades, Hany Rambod has helped shape top talent in multiple divisions such as the Men’s Open, Figure, and Men’s Physique. He guided the likes of Phil Heath and Jay Cutler during their days of professional competition. His unique training methods helped Heath become a dominant champion with seven Mr. Olympia wins in a row and also helped Cutler during his illustrious career.
In addition to the Open contenders, he assisted in Jeremy Buendia’s rise to the top of the Men’s Physique Olympia. He also played a role in helping Nicole Wilkins and Jenny Lynn win Figure Olympia.
Rambod presently serves as a coach for former 212 Olympia champion Derek Lunsford, four-time Classic Physique Olympia winner Chris Bumstead, and reigning Mr. Olympia Hadi Choopan. He gave fans a look into his signature FST-7 (fascia stretch training) style legs workout with Choopan in preparation for the 2022 Mr. Olympia last November.
Bumstead is one of the more recent athletes to join Rambod. He teamed up with ‘The Pro Creator’ after splitting with his longtime coach and Men’s Open contender Iain Valliere last season. Considering the incredible track record of Bumstead, many believed Rambod was under a ton of pressure to deliver results. In the end, Bumstead added the fourth title under his belt whereas Choopan won the Mr. Olympia while Lunsford slotted in second in his Open debut.
Following the event, Hany Rambod opened up on working with ‘CBum’ in the final stages of his preparations for about 12 weeks. He also stayed in communication with Valliere leading up to the contest. Over time, Cbum and Rambod built a close bond.
Rambod gave his take on training Choopan and Lunsford at the same time earlier this year. He compared the experience to the time he worked with Heath and Cutler in their heydays. To deal with the problem, he just focused on bringing the best out of both athletes as individuals.
Hany Rambod Talks Natural vs Enhanced in Off-Seasons
In a recent YouTube video, Hany Rambod shared his thoughts on the differences in off-season preparations for a natural and enhanced bodybuilder.
“When it comes to natural and unnatural, I think people try to break it down a little differently. The key is, off-seasons should be just dependent on what you are going through at the time,” said Rambod. “It shouldn’t be because you’re natural or not, it’s just that you gotta listen to your body. If you are an enhanced athlete, you’re going to go through a set time of off-season that usually has to do with either a training cycle or a PED cycle and you can’t just keep running PEDs forever.”
Rambod Torches PED Abusers: “For Those That Are, Shame on You”
Rambod warned those using PEDs and encouraged being conservative with protocols.
“For those that are, shame on you. You’re not doing your body any justice. You’re creating excessive wear and tear to your organs but you’re also not allowing your body to actually benefit from taking gear. That’s why it’s called a cycle. You don’t stay on it perpetually because if you do, you end up actually having reduced amounts of benefit from what you’re taking.”
He stressed the importance of balancing out PEDs and cautioned against their adverse effects.
“It’s an addiction to the look, the feel, the endorphins are heightened because of the hormones. So, know your place and know what these are for; recovery. When you’re doing PEDs and you’re balancing that out, you’re trying to get away with taking the least amount of gear to get the best benefit so that’s why you build sleep, supplements, diet, active therapy all around it. You don’t make your PEDs the base of anything. You just sprinkle it in like seasoning to help with recovery.
“If you do that you’re going to get the best out of your gains and being able to take the longevity of your body so you’re not going to have problems down the road with your kidneys, liver, and everything else that goes along with the destructive effect of PEDs.”
“What you need to do is balance things out and add in for additional recovery and not build it as the base foundation of any program,” he added. “The more that you do the lesser your career is going to last.”
Hany Rambod expressed his excitement for Lunsford’s guest-posing appearance at the 2023 Pittsburgh Pro last week. Lunsford left the fans stunned with his monstrous package on stage and goes into the upcoming 2023 Mr. Olympia as one of the frontrunners. Samson Dauda, who claimed gold at the March’s Arnold Classic is also considered a threat.
RELATED: Hany Rambod on Big Ramy’s 2022 Olympia 5th Place Finish: ‘His Physique Looked ‘Faded/Watery’
Rambod’s latest offering will certainly help educate fitness enthusiasts and competitive bodybuilders on the proper way to incorporate PEDs into their prep.
You can watch the full video below:
Published: 19 May, 2023 | 9:45 AM EDT

Dana Linn Bailey Joins Jay Cutler, Defends Natural Status, Talks Health Scares & Thyroid Issues
Dana Linn-Bailey is a pioneer of the growing Women’s Physique division. In a recent Cutler Cast podcast, Linn-Bailey discussed a number of topics including breast implants, competing drug-free, thyroid issues, and Kai Greene’s influence on her posing routines.
Despite struggling to find her footing in the IFBB Pro League, Dana Linn-Bailey would eventually carve out a successful career, having graced the stage with a unique balance of muscularity, conditioning, and detail. Her striated chest and shoulders helped her reach the pinnacle of bodybuilding in 2013 when she claimed her lone Olympia title in the newly created Women’s Physique category.
While she would surrender gold to Juliana Malacarne in 2014, Dana continues to prove herself in the training room and online. Since stepping away from the sport, she’s built a successful empire, boasting over 2 million followers on Instagram and half a million on YouTube.
Dana’s ability to create engaging content online has only bolstered her name recognition within the bodybuilding and fitness communities. She has taken part in brutal workouts with four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler, as well as Hany Rambod, who coached Derek Lunsford and Hadi Choopan to first and second at last year’s 2022 Olympia.
Sitting down with Cutler, DLB spoke about breast implants and whether or not she uses steroids. In addition, she discussed health problems stemming from a Rhabdomyolysis infection and a thyroid condition.
Dana Linn-Bailey Looks Back on Breast Implant Pressures and Talks ‘Natty or Not’ Status
Linn Bailey ultimately decided that she didn’t want the procedure despite what it could have done to further her career.
“As a competitor, you want – your wanting to do, like what if I stopped training the way I trained and I became a pro Figure girl, I wouldn’t have been the first Physique winner; I followed what I wanted and I just think it’s such a weird decision to even think, just not getting boob implants.”
“We sat down because I wanted to do this thing, and I wasn’t doing well. I thought, ‘Cool, I’m not going to get sponsored, none of this is going to be happening, I won’t be there unless I do well in this sport.’ So I sat down, ‘Do I get them so I actually do well?’ He’s like [her husband] he just asked me, ‘Do you want them?’ I’m like, ‘Not really.’ Because again, I went back to, ‘How am I going to bench?’” said Bailey.
“We just sort of moved forward with it [not getting implants], he’s like, ‘You’re perfect the way you are, you’re getting attention no one else is getting by being you. So there’s something there.’”
According to Dana, she suffers from hyperthyroidism. Having considered a comeback, Dana said if she followed through, she would prove her natural status by receiving drug tests in the weeks leading up to the show.
“If I travel a lot my labs will be off because stress messes with your thyroid, the thyroid messes up everything. It’s something I have to regulate all the time. Every year, I was always like, yeah, I was like maybe I’ll come back, I feel like I need to do something. And Rob’s always been the one like, ‘No don’t do it.’ He’s so… I just felt like it would be great for business.”
“There’s a part of me that just wants to see what the heck I would look like on stage but I don’t want to see myself next to the girls that are winning now,” laughs Bailey.
“Cool, I’m going to use this, if I’m going to compete, I’ll get drug tested every single week leading up to the show to just be like, ‘Suck it guys.’ They’ll probably just say I had a doctor alter it, it’s okay I’ll never win it’s fine. That was going to be my, ‘Okay, if I do compete I’m going to do it at a different angle.’ Only to prove, that hey you can do this. It takes 30 weeks for me [a prep drug-free].”
Linn-Bailey Details Health Struggles, Names Kai Greene As Biggest Posing Inspiration
In addition to problems with her thyroid, Dana revealed that she contracted Rhabdomyolysis and said it caused her liver to fail.
“Usually with Rhabdomyolysis it affects your liver your pee will be like brown a brownish, it will be discolored because it’s breaking everything down, but my pee was fine, and she thought that was so weird and but she said, ‘I’m pretty sure you have rhabdo.’ Like, ‘You shouldn’t have done the GHDs it’s a huge no-no in the CrossFit world, they shouldn’t have let you do that.”
“I went to the doctor probably by Friday, they took my labs, Saturday or finally got them back a day or two, this is like a week later, my labs were astronomical. I can only imagine what they probably were on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. So literally, my liver was not – I was in liver failure.”
Even though she didn’t have a lot of female bodybuilding idols, Dana was inspired by the detail and artistry of Kai Greene’s posing skills.
“I’m such a meathead. All my favorite bodybuilders were all men, I never looked at women. Like Kai [Greene] as far as posing and stuff – like a lot of my routines I used to just watch videos of him posing and a lot of the moves and lot of my poses are from him.”
Given her decorated career and active lifestyle, there’s a lot to learn from DLB. From building bigger biceps to her three favorite squat tips, she makes her fans feel included. She also shares her personal struggles and achievements, inspiring others to overcome their own challenges and pursue their goals.
Unafraid to speak her mind, Dana Linn-Bailey is a trailblazer of the sport who paved the way in helping make the Women’s Physique division one of the most exciting in the IFBB Pro League.
Watch the full video below, from the Cutler Cast YouTube channel:
Published: 13 May, 2023 | 11:50 AM EDT

Liver King Looks Crazy Ripped After Being Natty for 120 Days
Influencer Liver King, AKA Brian Johnson, became the subject of controversy when he got exposed for lying about steroid use last year. He came clean about misleading his audience and promised to get off gear. In a recent post made on Instagram, Johnson shared a crazy ripped physique update after claiming he’s been off steroids for 120 days.
Liver King first gained attention for his monstrous build and antics online during the pandemic in 2021. He promotes the consumption of raw meat and a natural way of living based on the nine ancestral tenets. His videos of eating raw meat like liver, kidney, brain, and bull testicles went viral on multiple occasions. His unusual diet combined with his intense workouts quickly garnered a massive Instagram following of nearly 2 million and over 4.3 million on TikTok.
There was a ton of speculation about whether Johnson used steroids based on his muscle-bound frame. Johnson repeatedly denied the accusations in several media appearances and credited his health to his ancestral lifestyle. In November 2022, Derek of MPMD (More Plates More Dates) revealed Johnson had been lying about his steroid use. He showed leaked emails exposing Johnson’s steroid cycle and bloodwork. Following the reveal, Liver King admitted he took steroids in an apology video.
UFC color commentator Joe Rogan never bought Johnson’s claims. He went on the offensive against Johnson’s over-the-top gimmick and called on The Rock to come clean about his alleged use as well. Things didn’t seem to end there as Liver King’s former coach ‘Vigorous Steve’ pushed back on the apology. Derek expressed a similar sentiment and said there was more to the story than meets the eye.
Liver King opened up about his motives for lying as well. He claimed he used steroids to help spread the message of ancestral living. Then, he dispelled the rumors that he got ab implants by getting a thorough check from a doctor.
A New Yorker filed a $25 million lawsuit against Johnson and his companies for deceiving people into buying their products. He argued that Johnson knowingly misled his audience and persuaded them to buy products based on a disingenuine social media campaign.
Liver King gave fans a look into his physique after quitting steroids for seven days earlier this year. He appeared to have shrunk down in size and weighed 188 pounds after fasting for 42 hours. Two months ago, he provided another impressive physique update after going 58 days without steroids.
Liver King looks ripped after being natty for 120 days
In a recent Instagram story, Liver King shared a ripped physique update after stopping steroids for 120 days.
via Instagram @Liver King
Liver King took inspiration from The Rock to prepare his epic cheat meal last month. He devoured massive quantities of pizza, fast food, fried items, and desserts for a change from his meat-based diet.
RELATED: Larry Wheels Alleges Liver King Set Up Steroids Confession: ‘That Email Was Leaked On Purpose’
Based on the latest update, it appears Johnson is working hard to maintain his muscular build. He seems to have gained adequate mass, which may prompt fans to once again question his natty or not status.
Published: 3 May, 2023 | 6:02 PM EDT

Chad Nicholls: ‘If You’re Taking SARMs & Claiming Natty, Fuc**ng Get Real Man’
For decades, bodybuilding coach Chad Nicholls helped create Mr. Olympia champions. In a Desktop Bodybuilding interview, Nicholls discussed athletes pretending to be natural while taking selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). In addition, he explained the utility of cortisol blockers and testosterone.
Guru Chad Nicholls shaped the Men’s Open division, having guided several high-profile names to gold. During the late 1990s and 2000s, an unproven Ronnie Coleman connected with Nicholls following the advice of his rival Flex Wheeler. Within a year of their bodybuilding partnership, Coleman won his first Mr. Olympia title in 1998. Under the tutelage of Nicholls, Coleman tied the all-time Sandow record with Lee Haney at eight.
In addition to working with ‘The King,’ Nicholls started training Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Elssbiay, who went on to secure a pair of Mr. Olympia titles in 2020 and 2021. While Ramy came up short in fifth place last December, he made a quick turnaround at the recent Arnold Classic in fourth.
Taking a rest from contest preparations, Nicholls took part in a candid podcast to discuss the inner workings of a bodybuilding prep, most notably, the use of SARMs, testosterone, and cortisol blockers.
Chad Nicholls Takes Shot at Athletes Using SARMs Claiming Natural, Says Gear Hasn’t Changed Much Era-to-Era
According to Nicholls, athletes who use SARMs and claim natural aren’t ‘really natty.’ He argued that they might as well ‘jump to the dark side’ instead.
“I think the side effects that come with SARMs are relatively close to the side effects of what you would get from the real thing. I think there are a couple things out there as far as cutting agents that could definitely be added to a protocol as far as leanness and conditioning, but if you’re talking you know serious muscle gain and stuff like that, I know a lot of guys like to say they’re on SARMs and still claim natty or whatever, it’s – fuc**ng get real man. If you’re taking SARMs, I don’t care what you’re taking you’re not natty. You might as well make the jump to the dark side there.”
During the 90s, Nicholls shared that the purity of steroids was higher than it is today. He believes the doses haven’t changed much in the last 30 years, however.
“Pretty close. Pretty close. I mean there’s some things that have changed a little bit. Back in the 90s we’re talking about a lot of American pure gear. So, we’re talking about stuff that’s coming directly out of a hospital or a pharmacy versus now we’re talking about stuff that’s not as quite pure, still – those things all factor in, those things all change a little bit.
Purity, amount, how is everything going to be taken, but overall, when you’re talking about how much you’re going to use, it’s pretty close [from the 90s]. There’s always going to be guys that need a little bit more than others and other guys who don’t need very much. I think the key is finding out what is the least amount to get the biggest results right. It’s simple,” Chad Nicholls said.
Nicholls Says Best PED to Grow Muscle With Is Testosterone, Touches on Cortisol Blockers
Nicholls credits testosterone as the best PED for growing muscle in the shortest amount of time. He also said he’s seen athletes find great success micro-dosing testosterone.
“Testosterone. You know, but here’s the thing about testosterone, everybody thinks it’s this and that or whatever, but everybody is a little bit different. I think the key is, I’m big on using testosterone as a base. But you also have to see how your body responds to it, some people respond really really well to a slow Ester, so it could be Cypionate, but based off of how well your body metabolizes that and utilizes it within the system and how your body basically sets a baseline of testosterone; sometimes guys run better with that and a combination of like propionate, because of how it kind of spikes but then the one keeps it a little bit more steady.
Other people because of that spike, doesn’t respond well. The key is finding out where your body really gets the best benefit from the testosterone and which one of those esters or which combination of esters is best for you.”
“I’ve seen some guys make some really good progress over that way [testosterone] because you’re still stable. You’re using less but you’re taking it more often. The body is much more stable, especially if you’re just starting out like if you’re just getting started and stuff because a lot of the ups and downs can throw that body so far out of whack and the progression even slows down based off where you should be just natural.”
Next, Nicholls discussed the utility of cortisol blockers and mentioned some of his athletes currently use them.
“Ornithine, it was a cortisol blocker. It also blocked estrogen too, so it was utilized as – yeah, it would block estrogen a little bit, it would also block cortisol. The crazy thing about, it would basically it didn’t block it completely but what it did was regulated it. So there was never a high level of cortisol spiking in the system.”
“Some guys have access to it right now. I know, I’ve got some guys that have been using it a little bit and stuff. Again, it makes you feel pretty much like shit. You’re tired as fu**. It’s really hard on the stomach so you have to take it with food. Usually, no longer than four to five weeks, 250-milligram capsule usually, most people don’t go over 500.”
Nicholls says the dosages of steroids haven’t changed much since the 1990s, but there are some bodybuilding veterans from that era who disagree. Rich Gaspari recently took aim at Open Bodybuilding by suggesting that athletes are over-depending on drugs rather than quality training and nutrition.
Bodybuilding is a sport that requires dedication, discipline, and hard work. However, some athletes may utilize performance-enhancing drugs such as SARMs, to gain an edge over their competitors. Nicholls’ experience and knowledge can help aspiring bodybuilders make informed decisions about their respective careers.
You can watch the full video below, courtesy of the Desktop Bodybuilding YouTube channel:
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Published: 23 April, 2023 | 10:31 PM EDT