Tag: Nutrition

Water Intake Calculator: Calculate Your Recommended H20 Intake
Hydration is huge and knowing how much water to drink can be a game changer inside and out of the gym.
We all know we need to drink to water. We hear it all the time and often times we just brush it off as something we know. But in reality, are we drinking enough despite this? For us bodybuilders and athletes, we always have a water bottle on us, but even then, the question of if we are drinking enough remains number one. The right amount of water intake can affect not only your workouts but also daily life and cannot and should not be ignored.
Let’s take a look at hydration and see why this matters so much. We always hear about it, but knowing the benefits and exactly what this can do for you can greatly affect your gains and give you the best chance at fully optimizing your performance.
Why Hydration Matters
For those of bodybuilders and other strength athletes who regularly partake in grueling workouts, we know how thirsty we get. Hydration matters and for good reason. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of drinking plenty of water and why hydration ultimately matters.
Physical Performance: The right amount of hydration can reduce fatigue, enhance endurance, keep your muscles functioning properly, and even lower your heart rate, all contributing to improved physical performance for the best results (1).
Cognitive Function: Drinking enough water allows you to focus and have a clearer mind. When it comes to preventing headaches, enough water can prevent this from happening thus keeping you mentally sharp and free of pain (2).
Weight Loss: By always staying hydrated, you actually feel more full, thus decreasing your desire to snack and putting on unwanted weight. Drinking before meals is a great way to control your portions so you only eat what you need to.
Immune System: Water can flush out those nasty toxins and bacteria to support your immune system so you stay as healthy as possible without the fear of falling ill. A stronger immune system means less time out of the gym and more time seeing gains (3).
How To Tell If You Are Dehydrated
The feeling of dehydration is terrible. Plain and simple. We’ve all felt it before, that sluggish, drained feeling that most often ends with a terrible headache. Why put yourself through that? Common side effects of dehydration include things like thirst, dry skin, feeling dizzy or low on energy, and darker yellow urine (4). It’s clear that dehydration can negatively affect your workouts, so why even put yourself in that position? Working on optimizing hydration is exactly what you need in order to fully succeed both inside and out of the gym and stay as hydrated as possible.
Best Ways To Stay Hydrated
With our busy schedules, it can be tough to stay hydrated. You’re always running around, bouncing from place to place, running errands, or just consumed in work. By the time your workout comes along, you realize you’ve had maybe three sips of water. Not good enough. Always having a water bottle with you is an easy way to just take a drink here and there. Soon enough, the bottle is gone, you refill, and you’re off to the races again. For those who love caffeine, maybe try and limit the caffeinated beverages or find a good balance of water to caffeine. If you feel that drinking flat water doesn’t cut it, try flavored sparkling water or check out some awesome supplements to stay hydrated while having a great taste.
Water & Electrolytes
The relationship between water and electrolytes is important to know. We’ve all seen those bottles that have electrolytes mixed into the water. There’s a reason for that. Electrolytes are essential minerals in your body that provide benefits for a host of bodily functions. Things like muscle contractions and balancing pH levels are just a couple of examples. But of course, they also help us stay as hydrated as possible. Why electrolytes are so important is that they help distribute water throughout the body, making sure your muscles and other body parts have enough water to function properly, and of course, stay clear of dehydration (5).
Daily Hydration Chart
It should be said that depending on your exercise and activity level, you should drink more water than if you do not workout. Using things like how you feel and urine color are easy ways to gauge whether or not you are getting to a hydrated or dehydrated state.
Let’s take a look at an average daily H20 intake requirement chart from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health so you get a better sense of what we mean (6).
Age (years)
Amount in Ounces
Amount in Cups
Men, 19 and older
Women, 19 and older
Pregnant Women
Breastfeeding Women
Best Supplement To Maximize Hydration
With so many supplements on the market, it can be challenging to decide which one will maximize your gains the most. While it may be obvious to drink water and stay hydrated, the right supplement can optimize hydration so you never suffer from negative side effects. A product loaded with BCAAs and electrolytes is a sure fire way to ensure dehydration never occurs.
Enhanced Labs EAA+
Enhanced EAA+ is a great supplement to aid in your desired muscle growth and workout needs. A serious strength building formula is designed with essential amino acids, nootropics, trace electrolytes, and minerals for a complete mass gainer.
EAA+ pairs branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) with essential amino acids (EAAs), nootropics, trace electrolytes and minerals to make it a complete mass gainer, strength builder, and ultimate hydration option. With high quality ingredients in an advanced formula, you get a seriously effective supplement able to help tackle any and all of your needs. With 10g of clinically dosed essential amino acids, great blends will maximize muscle growth and hydration with just 2-3 servings per day.
Wrap Up
Hydration is absolutely key in terms of working out and with our daily life. Staying hydrated and taking in the right amount of water will greatly affect all your gains and give you the best in terms of seeing that growth you want most. This daily intake graph will hopefully help as a starting point and always remember to keep a water bottle with you so you never have an excuse.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
Popkin, B.; et al. (2010). “Water, Hydration and Health”. (source)
Grandjean, A.; et al. (2007). “Dehydration and cognitive performance”. (source)
UCI Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute (2020). “Hydration for Immune System”. (source)
Shaheen, N.; et al. (2018). “Public knowledge of dehydration and fluid intake practices: variation by participants’ characteristics”. (source)
James, L.; et al. (2015). “Effect of Electrolyte Addition to Rehydration Drinks Consumed After Severe Fluid and Energy Restriction”. (source)
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “Water”. (source)

Iain Valliere: The Struggle Of Mass Monster Eating & Vital Tips For Hardgainers
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Iain Valliere discusses the often ignored struggle of eating mass amounts of food to reach pro bodybuilding size… and shares tips to improve your appetite.
Iain Valliere is a pro bodybuilder on the rise in Men’s Open. In 2021, he received much hype for his physique winning multiple shows throughout the year. He also placed 7th at the Olympia 2021. This is nothing to slouch at. That’s why we turned to him for advice that he could share with up and coming bodybuilders. During our discussion, the topic of diet, nutrition, and the challenge of eating high amounts of calories became a focus. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Iain Valliere shares his personal struggles with eating like a mass monster and shares his tips for how to improve appetite.
Men’s Open bodybuilders are massive. There’s no getting around that. For fans of the sport, we might all be used to the mass monster size. But to the average person, these athletes look like freaks. That’s part of the appeal. But the reality is, even if it’s largely muscle, Men’s Open bodybuilders weight between 240-300 pounds on average. That’s a lot of weight. Training hardcore in the gym alone doesn’t build that kind of size. It takes a lot of food to build up that kind of weight as well. It’s a situation that Iain Valliere knows very well.
It’s no secret that most pro athletes consume far more calories than the average person. Bodybuilders fall on the most extreme side of this. In order to maintain 250 pounds of muscle, a bodybuilder needs to eat a lot. This is not natural for most people – even for most bodybuilders dedicated to the sport and lifestyle. In fact, Mr. Olympia champion Jay Cutler himself described a bodybuilder diet as force feeding.
During our conversation with Iain Valliere, we talked about bodybuilding diets and the struggle of eating mass amounts of food. Valliere revealed that he is naturally a hardgainer. When he graduated high school he only weighed 106 pounds. Putting on massive bodybuilding weight was always a challenge for him. Eating large amounts of food every day was basically a chore.
So what can a hardgainer do when they simply have no appetite to eat more food? What happens when the prospect of eating one more bite of anything disgusts them? We asked this question to Iain Valliere – and he had some vital tips to share.
First there’s the unfortunate truth, it simply takes time for you to physically and psychologically adapt to eating mass amounts of food. Iain Valliere admits he had more struggles when he first started. But consistency and constant effort into the sport simply rewires your mentality over time. It’s not going to make the early efforts any easier – but it does get better.
Thankfully, Iain Valliere also has some truly actionable tips to help increase your appetite. Many bodybuilders will avoid cardio during bulking season. This is due to the fear of cardio cutting away at muscle on top of the fat. Valliere has learned that cardio is actually necessary for bodybuilders – even during the off season. It doesn’t have to be hardcore cardio – but some aerobic action each day will increase your appetite. Valliere suggests talking a jog or walk after every meal. It will not burn too many calories – but help prevent bloating and fullness in the long run.
You can watch Iain Valliere explain his full experience with eating and his tips to increase appetite in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Is It Better To Eat Treats In Moderation Or To Avoid Them Completely
What is the best way to approach snacks and treats?
The fitness and nutrition industry is full of extremes. One moment, it says breakfast is the most important meal. The next, it says fasting and skipping breakfast will turbocharge you into a fountain of youth.
The true answer usually lies somewhere in the middle. Processed foods, junk food, or treats are a similarly polarizing topic. They have so many terms to them that I will use interchangeably, but we all know what they are. They’re the super fun high calorie foods that everybody loves. You know, foods like donuts, ice cream, acai bowls, nachos, pizza, onion rings, cheesecake, and lasagna. The list goes on.
These fun foods can have some nutritional value, but they are often highly caloric for a small volume. They also taste so good that they stimulate further consumption. It’s easy to stop eating after one apple. It’s much harder to stop after eating one cookie.
And because these foods are so relevant in our culture, everyone has an opinion on how to handle them. And as usual, the extreme voices reign the loudest.
You’ll have people who say that you don’t need any restraint and that you can include these foods into your diet all the time as long as you make it work. And if you can’t, well who cares, body image, food relationship, keep being flexible, blah, blah, blah.
Conversely, you’ll also have people who say these foods are demons that ruin your health, give you cancer, and must never touch your lips or else you’re a despicable person. Only losers eat chips right?
You’ve probably heard both extremes above. Let’s find a more appropriate middle ground to things while applying context to the many different types of people that may be reading.
What Flexible Dieters Got Right
Flexible dieting has many definitions and variations. Generally, flexible dieters track their calories and macros, ensuring they stay within their macros limits. As long as these targets are met for protein, carbs, and fat, they can eat whatever they want.
The beauty of flexible dieting is that it helps you understand energy balance which is basically the law of thermodynamics that dictate human’s long term weight loss/gain. If you eat more energy aka calories than you can burn off over time and you’ll gain weight. This is called an energy surplus.
Contrarily, if you eat less energy aka calories than you burn off over time and you’ll lose weight. This is called an energy deficit.
Tracking holds you accountable to the energy balance you set whether your intentions are to gain, maintain, or lose. It doesn’t restrict your food choices which is huge breath of fresh air, especially if you’ve yo-yo dieted on needlessly restrictive diets. In fact, if you look at the terrain of common diets out there, the restriction makes you feel like dieting jail.
Vegan: No animal products which means no meat, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, etc.
Keto: Practically, there’s no starch or fruit sources which means you can’t eat grains, potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, flour, sweeteners, any traditionally made dessert, and most fruits.
Paleo: No dairy, grains, bread, legumes, sugary sweetener, zero calorie sweetener, processed foods, protein powders, etc.
Carnivore: No plants, fruits, vegetables, grains, or anything that’s not meat
Somehow, the American public was like, “Let’s make the dumbest, most arbitrary rules we can come up with to create diets. Then let’s popularize those diets to turn eating from a pleasurable experience to a miserable one.”
It sounds absurd, but that’s basically what we’ve done and guess what? The vast majority has bought into all these diets. It seems the more extreme the diet is, the more novelty it presents which causes people to chase them.
So flexible dieting literally smashes all of these rules. Want fatty meat? Make it fit your macros.
Want carbs? Make it fit your macros.
Want chips? Make it fit your macros.
It’s great, but even flexible dieting has it’s pitfalls.
What Flexible Dieters Got Wrong
There’s an inherent level of flexibility with flexible dieting which is great, but in some cases, a degree of freedom that is mishandled. You technically can eat whatever you want, but not everyone can and should.
Some flexible dieters don’t seem to grasp this concept as they’re obsessed with eating their daily pop tart or having a few squares of chocolate from time to time. That’s because these people are usually moderators instead of abstainers.
Moderators are people who can eat high calorie, high rewarding foods in moderation. They’re able to fit it into their macros and stop at appropriate points. Abstainers on the other hand can’t. They have trigger foods where certain treats will inevitably cause them to overeat despite them being aware of their macro limits.
Like if you gave me a dozen of assorted Krispy Kreme Donuts and put on a good show for me, that dozen would be gone within the opening intro. Repeat the same scenario with 2 dozens and I’d smash that too. You might be the same way. It doesn’t mean you’re broken or not good enough to have complete food flexibility.
It simply means you’re wired differently. In fact, the deck is often stacked against you. What do I mean? Well, think about food processing. We live in a time, where we can engineer food every which way. Many food and restaurant companies do rigorous testing to create not just good food, but irresistible foods. Foods that are so good, every bite makes you want more.
So despite how often you hear that you can just cut portions and have whatever you want, it doesn’t always play out that way in a world of mind blowing foods that our ancestors didn’t have. These should be labeled trigger foods and they can be different for everyone who has trigger foods.
Finding a Balance
When you’re dieting, especially if your calories are low, you simply can’t have anything and everything. Furthermore, life stress and personal responsibilities make it difficult to simply have whatever all the time. Your food menu is not an endless streaming service like Netflix.
Unless you have a personal chef, you have to plan ahead, pick your battles, and repeat certain meals.
This doesn’t mean flexible dieting is bad. It simply means many people out there don’t understand the true essence of it.
Flexible dieting is successful not because you do eat whatever, but because you can eat whatever. The option is there. It nurtures a mindset of being able to swap things out and allows you to be in the driver seat. Thus, your mind should be flexible. If you mess up, you should be flexible. If your circumstances change, you should be flexible.
But despite all this flexibility, you should also have structure, meal planning, and for abstainers, you also need a clear game plan on how to avoid certain foods. The key point is that when you abstain, you’re choosing to abstain to be wise about your goals. You’re not forced to abstain. That’s how you set up clear structure while still having a flexible mindset.
How to Avoid Treats
So once you get real with how to make your diet practical. You’ll realize, it’s in your best interest to eat mostly whole nutritious foods and repeat the same meals often. Furthermore, there’s not always enough practicality to fit certain treats in.
To identify these treats, you need to ask yourself, can I fit this in daily, weekly, or within the week in portions that allow me to maintain my diet? If the answer is yes, figure out which frequency works best for you, so you don’t feel deprived, but also don’t overconsume.
However, if the answer is not, that’s a trigger food. Continually attempting to fit in trigger foods will make you run in circles and never see the scale drop.
So the first step is to maintain your flexible mindset. Understand that this trigger food is only gone for a little bit while you diet. It’s not gone forever. It will exist till the end of time.
Next is to setup your environment. If it’s a trigger food, it has no business being in your house. Having trigger foods in your pantry is like saying I have no intentions of getting back with my ex, but I’ll invite them over tonight.
Extremely illogical.
Once your environment is rid of the trigger food, you’ll need to buy foods that you do intend to eat. Research finds that when cafeterias cut back on vending machines and have more stations for healthier options, workers naturally eat healthier and cut back on processed food purchases without even knowing about the experiment.
Your environment is everything. This brings me to my next point.
Avoiding Triggers at Social Events
Unfortunately, you’re not home 24/7. You enjoy going out as every human does. However, outside environments can quickly sabotage your diet. Many social events have lots of free tasty food. Your flesh wants to take advantage, but your spirit is intending not to.
Here’s how to outsmart the environment and stick to your goals.
Come well satiated. If you are fuller, cravings are less noticeable.
Bring your own dish if you can. Bring a lower calorie dessert too if you can.
Avoid looking at any trigger foods and don’t hang around them. People who hang by the snack table, snack all night. Don’t be that person.
Have someone hold you accountable. This could be a spouse or a friend at the party.
If you get hungry or bored, bring zero calorie sparkling water and gum to munch on. It’ll keep your mind and tastebuds occupied, so it does wander towards that bowl of chips. Better yet, socialize and play games. Find enjoyment with people as opposed to food. If you have to eat to have fun, is the party even worth attending anyways?
How to Reintroduce Trigger Foods
Remember, trigger foods may trigger you now, but they may not do that forever. That’s some light at the end of the tunnel. To understand how to reintroduce such rewarding foods, it’s important to understand the model of why we’re abstaining in the first place.
You’re ultimately choosing to abstain because the food is not worth it’s cost of calories and the fact that your self control won’t hold up to your intended portions.
However as you starve away certain foods, you crave them less. You will even start enjoying more nutritious foods more than before. The brain’s reward response is being rewired.
Once you’ve gone long enough without a certain treat and have finished dieting, you can reintroduce your previously triggering food. It’s also best to reintroduce it when you’re full. Being hungry increases your reward response which we don’t want to reintroduce to your brain to associate with that food.
So the world of nutrition is not as simple as this food is good and this food is bad. It’s also not as simple as all foods are good, so eat whatever. There is lots of individualizing to be done when it comes to specific food choices, proximity, location, and the brain’s response to certain flavors.
Ultimately, it comes down to, will I be able to succeed in my diet with this food and will this food not make me feel deprived? If so, then include that food.
But if that food is more like a, “If this exist in my life, I will fail continuously and never lose weight,” it’s probably best to abstain from it for a while.

Ryan Terry: How To Prepare For Long Distance Travel Before A Bodybuilding Competition
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Ryan Terry shares the tips and tricks of preparing for long distance travel without ruining your bodybuilding diet and retaining too much water.
Ryan Terry is a pro bodybuilding competitor in the United Kingdom. Due to this – he often has to travel long distances for the biggest competitions of the year. The Arnold Classic and the Olympia, two of the biggest bodybuilding shows each year, both are held in the United States. This creates a mandatory 10 hour flight for Terry anytime he wants to compete at a major show.
This kind of long distance travel does not fit in with the structure needed for the daily bodybuilding lifestyle. When trying to look perfect for a competition – one 10 hour flight can throw off your peak timing right before a show. So how does a pro bodybuilder prevent disaster before appearing on stage? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Ryan Terry breaks down his tactics for maintaining the necessary bodybuilding diet during long distance traveling before a competition.
It can’t be emphasized enough, a pro bodybuilder runs his or her body like a well oiled machine. Just like a machine, or say a car engine, everything must be kept in perfect condition to prevent issues down the road. This comes down to a daily level for bodybuilders – especially during the final weeks of contest prep. One wrong move can throw off peak timing. This means the athlete’s physique is off and a year of hard work is thrown out the window.
So when it comes to travel, a long flight can be a death knell for a pro bodybuilder right before a competition. Unfortunately, many pro bodybuilders must travel, sometimes across the globe, in order to compete in the best shows of the year. This is certainly true for Ryan Terry – who must usually travel at least 10 hours via plan to arrive in the states. During our video conversation, we asked for his personal tactics on maintaining his pinpoint diet and training alongside a flight throwing a wrench in traditional daily planning.
Ryan Terry acknowledges that a long flight can be disastrous for a bodybuilder. The 10 hours sucks up any time he could have been training and food options are limited. Also – staying seated on a flight for 10 hours can build up water retention in the body. This is the worst thing that can happen to a pro bodybuilder right before a show. That’s why Terry works backwards from landing in the United States – and plans out every single step of his travel plans well in advance.
It’s important to arrive early before a show – so that any problems that arise can be dealt with once settled in the competition location. Beyond this, Ryan Terry plans out his meal prep and his actions after landing off the plane by the minute. He looks up where nearby grocery stores are that fit his diet needs (usually Whole Foods), and plans out his trip step by step. He knows when he will land, when he will arrive at the grocery store, when he can get his first training session in a nearby gym.
By working backwards, he can then plan out the necessary meals to bring on the plan with him. Know if he needs to squeeze in a meal right before getting on a flight. He ensures that he eats the right kind of food to avoid water retention on the flight as much as possible. If it sounds like a lot – that’s because it is. The day of traveling requires the laser focus of a bodybuilder diet cranked up to 11.
You can watch Ryan Terry break down his travel prep in even more detail by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Complete Guide To Casein Protein Supplements For Overnight Repair
Casein protein is that slow-digesting protein you need most to capitalize on overnight growth and repair.
How many supplements do you have on your shelf? Probably a lot. You want to maximize your gains and supplements are the best way to do that. We get it. But how many of those could be replaced by something you may not have? Ah, we found our answer. Yes, it’s true that each and every supplement has the potential to boost your gains, but casein protein may be one you haven’t tried, and maybe have never heard of, but is one you need on your shelf, especially if you are someone looking to enhance growth and recovery right now.
Let’s take a look at this complete guide for casein protein to see what this is all about. We’ll tell you all about it so by the end, you’ll want nothing more than to add this supplement to your shelf to optimize your gains.
What Is Casein Protein?
Casein is a slow-digesting protein, meaning it releases amino acids slowly to optimize growth, recovery, and a host of other benefits. This is why it is so common for people to take overnight. It is a milk protein, along with whey, but is much slower than whey when it comes to digesting. A great supplement to boost training, enhance performance, and aid in your overall health, casein is certainly one supplement to look into (1).
Benefits Of Casein
Taking a casein protein for your gains is massive. You already take a protein powder, so why not try and maximize your gains as much as possible? If you’re going to shell out money on other supplements, take a good look at what they’re doing for you. You may get way more out of casein protein than some of the other pills and powder you’re taking.
High-Quality Protein
A high-quality protein source like casein protein is exactly what you need to optimize that overnight repair. A source of protein that will give you what you want in a safe and effective way can greatly work for your benefit and not only build muscle but also enhance recovery.
Support Muscle Retention
With the continue flow of fuel for your muscles, even while you sleep, you give yourself the best chance at retaining that hard-earned lean muscle so you work for body composition changes and serious definition either for competition or to simply look good (2).
Aid In Weight Loss
Like whey or non-dairy protein powders, casein can help keep you full and curb those unwanted cravings to eliminate useless snacking that unfortunately packs on the pounds. It will also keep your body active while you sleep to boost your metabolism to keep burning those calories.
Enhance Recovery
With the benefit of muscle growth comes that of recovery and repair. Casein can repair those damaged muscles so they grow back stronger and faster allowing you to take your training to the next level. Faster bounce back time also means you have the ability to see more gains more often (3).
Check out our list of the Best Casein Protein for more awesome growth and repair supplements!
Casein Vs. Whey Protein
You might be wondering about the difference between casein and whey protein. The benefits are fairly similar, they’re both protein powders- what gives? Whey protein tends to be more of a fast-digesting protein, hence why you take it fairly close to after a workout. Casein is more slow-digesting, making this great for overnight repair. At their core, they are both proteins, perfect for growth, recovery, weight loss, amongst other things. But how you use it will really determine how your gains will go. The right approach means you can optimize growth with both whey protein and casein protein on your shelf (5,6).
Safety & Effectiveness
Casein protein is safe to take and highly effective as a protein supplement. Since this is derived from dairy, those sensitive to dairy may want to avoid. While it may help your gains, the discomfort may not be worth it. For your growth and recovery needs, especially overnight, casein is exactly what you need to succeed.
Featured Casein Supplement
With so many casein powders on the market, finding the right one for you can be a challenge. You want to make sure you’re getting only the best when it comes to your supplements and your casein should be no different. With a clean and effective powder, you’re gains are more likely to happen and in a much safer way.
Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Casein Protein
Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off
Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Casein Protein is the cleanest casein protein powder with 25g protein and only 120 calories.
Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Casein Protein is the cleanest casein powder around providing essential amino acids to keep you anabolic up to 8 hours. Micellar casein works great to support muscle growth and recovery throughout the night and this powder is gentle on your stomach and tastes great. A fully transparent and honest label, this supplement contains no artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives and has 25g protein with just 120 calories.
Price: $59.00
Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Casein Protein here!
Check out where Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Casein Protein fell on our list of the Best Casein Protein!
Wrap Up
Casein protein is a highly effective protein designed to increase overnight growth and repair by working as a slow-digesting protein to boost all gains. A safe and effective supplement, this does differ from whey in that it is slow-digesting, where as whey is much faster, but the benefits are fairly similar. For those looking to really increase in strength and size, with added benefits like weight loss and management, casein protein is the supplement for you. This complete guide has everything you need to get you started so you see only the best gains and even better results.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
Tipton, K.; Elliott, T.; Cree, M.; Wolf, Steven; et al. (2004). “Ingestion of Casein and Whey Proteins Results in Muscle Anabolism after Resistance Exercise”. (source)
Stark, M.; Lukaszuk, J.; Prawitz, A.; Salacinski, A. (2012). “Protein timing and its effect on muscular hypertrophy and strength in individuals engaged in weight-training”. (source)
Cintineo, H.; Arent, M.; Antonio, J.; Arent, S. (2018). “Effects of Protein Supplementation on Performance and Recovery in Resistance and Endurance Training”. (source)
Pesta, D.; Samuel, V. (2014). “A high-protein diet for reducing body fat: mechanisms and possible caveats”. (source)
Res, P.; Groen, B.; Pennings, B.; Beelen, M.; et al. (2012). “Protein ingestion before sleep improves postexercise overnight recovery”. (source)

These Are The 10 Best Physiques In The World
Disclaimer: The opinions in this article do not represent the opinions of Generation Iron.
Best Physiques In The World
A well-crafted physique can be aesthetically appealing and a symbol of godly strength. This is one the reasons people don’t mind sweating in the gym. Building a shredded physique takes a lot of hard work, patience, and persistence, and only a few people have what it takes.
Following athletes living the fit life can push you to take your first step towards working out. If you’ve already been working out, these athletes can help you in staying on track and motivating you so you never give up. These are the 10 best physiques in the world –
1. Steve Cook
You just can’t hate this guy. Steve is one of the most humble people in the fitness industry. He treats his fans as family and shares everything with them. Follow him on his social handles to stay motivated.
2. Flex Lewis
Flex Lewis is a former 7x 212 Mr. Olympia and has undoubtedly one of the best physiques in the world. Only a few other people can beat Flex when it comes to muscle symmetry. He’s now taking his physique to the Men’s Open division (though unfortunately no longer competing in 2020). We can’t wait to see this fantastic physique maxed out without a weight limit.
3. Michelle Lewin
Michelle is one of the most famous fitness celebrity. She has graced numerous magazine covers and shows no signs of stopping. Her persistence and hard work in the gym can push you to work on crafting your physique.
4. Phil Heath
Phil Heath is a 7x Mr. Olympia for a reason. He is considered to be one of the best bodybuilders in the world. For years, when he stepped on stage it is was an instant game over for his competition. After being dethroned in 2018, he is making a comeback at this year’s Mr. Olympia to reclaim his thrown and join Ronnie Coleman and Lee Haney as a world record Sandow trophy holder.
5. Courtney King
Courtney is the reigning Ms. Bikini Olympia. She is also one of the bubbliest characters you can follow on social media. Don’t fall prey to her pretty face, her workouts are some of the most grueling ones. No wonder she has such a shredded physique.
6. Rob Riches
Rob Riches might arguably be the most shredded guy on this list. He maintains his peeled look throughout the year. If you’re looking for training tips and hacks, Rob is your guy. He also has some of the best collab videos with other fitness athletes.
7. Calum Von Moger
Calum is the modern-age Arnold. We won’t blame you if you confuse him with the Governator. His monstrous muscle mass and vascularity will leave you in awe. If you’re a fan of the classic physiques, Calum Von Moger won’t disappoint you.
8. Paige Hathaway
Paige is challenging the idea that women should not have big muscles. Not only is she ripped, but can take your breath away in any outfit. Follow her on Instagram and she will keep you hooked and wanting for more.
9. Ulisses Jr.
Ulisses Jr. is a muscle monstrous. His Cobra back and shredded abs will give you some serious goals. While he is shredded to the bone, Ulisses is one strong individual. Try out some of his exercises the next time you’re in the gym and you’ll be sore for weeks.
10. Alice Matos
Alice Matos is a fitness athlete and an entrepreneur. This Brazilian beauty has her own line of apparel called Labellamafia. Alice is a must follow if you dig girls who speak a foreign language.
Who else do you think should be on the list? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Instagram

How Margarita Ventura Prepares For The 2021 NPC East Coast Cup
Professional bodybuilder and Generation Iron managed athlete, Margarita Ventura, shares her training routine, nutrition plan, and mental state leading up to NPC East Coast Cup.
Margarita Ventura is set to compete at the NPC East Coast Cup Championships in what is shaping up to be an exciting event. Juggling her advertising career and bodybuilding has not been easy, but her incredible work ethic and mindset, along with a great training plan and nutrition routine, has allowed her to compete at a very high level. In the days leading up to this championship event, Margarita walks us through her training, nutrition, and mental state as she gears up for a bodybuilding battle in East Haven, Connecticut come Saturday.
About Margarita Ventura
Like many of us, Margarita Ventura found herself caught in the struggle of balancing her work and personal life. Seeing the negative toll this was taking on her, she sought to make a change and now takes these lessons that helped her to inspire and help others to do the same. She made her amateur debut in 2015, placing first in the Masters Bikini Division and in the top two of the Open Bikini Division. Now with her pro card in hand, she sought to prove herself at the highest level of the sport. At the WBFF Worlds Bahamas competition, she finished in the top five, all while working a full-time job, proving anything is possible.
NPC East Coast Cup Preparation
When it comes to Margarita’s competition prep, she knows how easy it can be to get overwhelmed. For Margarita, it is easy to get overwhelmed with competition prep when you are thinking too far out. For her, it is best to approach each day one at a time and follow and trust the process. A great pro tip from a true professional.
Training Plan
When it comes to Margarita’s training plan, it usually revolves around cardio and weightlifting, staggered throughout the days and week to maximize her workouts. Leading up to this event, cardio is done 7 days a week, with a 35-minute morning cardio session and 35 minutes performed in the evening. She will also perform three glute exercises 7 days a week for around 15-30 minutes. For weightlifting, a 4-day split will see 60-90 minute workouts.
To sum Margarita’s workout routine up, she trains twice a day, morning and evening with cardio performed everyday and lifting dependent on her schedule. With juggling her business and finding time for self-care, she will either workout at her apartment gym or on Chelsea Piers, all depending on how she feels and what kind of time she can commit.
Nutrition & Supplementation
Her diet has to be strict and meal prepping has been a huge help for this. Typically, food will be delivered on Sunday and Thursday so she only has to buy other food in smaller windows, if need be. As someone who isn’t the biggest fan of microwaved food, working from home has allowed her to heat food on the stove in efforts to control everything she eats to really stick to her diet.
Supplements are vital for a routine and can fill in any gaps and eliminate deficiencies. Margarita takes her supplements religiously as directed to make sure nothing is sacrificed at any point.
Mental State
Bodybuilding always saved Margarita from the adversity, stress, and workaholic mind frame and has been a guide for how to decompress when dealing with an overachieving personality. Choosing to leave her WBFF Pro status to start fresh in NPC was a difficult decision, but one that has allowed her to learn from the best.
Having such an accomplished career thus far, she realized there is no good time to compete and that when life throws you obstacles or challenges, you need to roll with the punches and take them head on. For Margarita, when she would be preoccupied with other factors, it would add unnecessary stress and not allow her to feel fully comfortable or open to succeed.
Having left a job full of toxicity and an unhealthy work environment, she now works for a much healthier company which has alleviated much of her stress and has improved her bodybuilding ten-fold. What you do for work makes up so much of your day and impacts your health and fitness greatly, making this important to prioritize. Now in a spot she wants to be in, she has tailored her professional career in advertising to align nicely with her fitness and bodybuilding lifestyle.
How Margarita Stays Motivated
With her busy schedule and constant stress on both her mind and body, Margarita must find ways to stay motivated throughout her journey. For her, she lives almost a modern-day Mad Men-ad agency lifestyle while juggling bodybuilding all at once. She hopes to be an example of how you can prioritize and protect your health, fitness, and self-care without letting your career, business, and social events take full control. She hopes to break stereotypes, systemic racism, ageism, and sexism across both sides of the industry between fitness and business. And she hopes to be a role model for others, showing that you can in fact be an educated, career-oriented athlete. At the end of the day, you have one body and putting your longevity and health at risk just isn’t something you should stand for.
About NPC East Coast Cup
The NPC East Coast Cup Championships are set to take place this weekend, starting on October 16. A national qualifier event, athletes will compete in the following divisions: Bodybuilding, Classic Physique, Figure, Fitness, Bikini, Men’s Physique, Women’s Physique, and Wellness.
Where: East Haven High School, 35 Wheelbarrow Lane, East Haven, CT 06513
When: Saturday, October 16, 2021
Time: Pre-judging starts at 11:00 am and Finals start at 5:00 pm
Tickets: Pre-judging costs $30 each and Finals General Admission costs $40 each
Click here to purchase tickets!
You can check out all the information you need at the NPC Northeast website here!
Wrap Up
Margarita Ventura is set to compete at NPC East Coast Cup Championships with her eyes on that top prize. Her training, nutrition, and mental state are all pivotal in getting her to where she is and this is shaping up to be an exciting event for her. Making the jump from the WBFF to NPC wasn’t easy, but her work ethic and love of the sport has carried her a long way, and there’s slowing down now.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Margarita Ventura

How Erin Stern Solidified Herself As A Bodybuilding Icon
This 2X Ms. Figure Olympia champ knows what it takes to win on the pro bodybuilding circuit.
Using Cellucor supplements and knowing exactly what it takes to win on the biggest stages, Erin Stern only uses the best to power her workouts. Winning the Olympia contest twice in the Figure division, she has now re-compositioned her physique to compete in the Bikini division.
About Erin Stern
Erin was born and raised in Florida and spent her school years training to be a professional track athlete. However, after falling short in qualifying for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Erin turned her attention to bodybuilding.
She began lifting and stepped on stage to win the overall in her first and second shows. And in just three months, Erin became a pro by winning the overall at NPC Nationals.
She’s had an extensive bodybuilding career with many notable results that include:
2X Ms. Figure Olympia Champion
Madrid Arnold Classic Champion
12 IFBB Titles
Cellucor has made it possible for Erin to maximize her training and performance with the best supplements. She has now re-compositioned her body to compete in the Bikini division, and Cellucor supplements continue to power her results.
Erin Stern Workouts
Erin focuses on compound movements, and often incorporates training from her collegiate track and field days to get maximum results. When she can’t hit the gym, she’ll opt for at-home HIIT training or get outside for a quick workout.
Assault Bike or Spin Bike HIIT Workouts
Shorter HIIT day:
4x “Wind sprints”: 15 seconds all out, 30 seconds rest, 15 seconds all out. This is one sprint. 2-4 minutes recovery between “wind sprints.”
HIIT endurance day:
4x 30 second sprints. 2-4 minutes in between.
Legs & Glutes Workout
Glute bridges – 4×8
Leg press EMOM (every minute on the minute) – 5×10
RDLs (1.5 reps) – 3×6
Hack squat (b-stance) superset with Skater squats – 3×8 (each)
Finisher/complex – 1×20 (each)
Dynamic step ups
Reverse lunges
Pop squats
Home Workout with Resistance Bands
For Erin, working out from home requires the 3 C’s: Compound movements, Circuits, and Creativity. This workout below is performed 3 times through with 15 reps per exercise and is roughly 30 minutes long.
Circuit #1
Bent Over Rows
Bicep Curls
Circuit #2
Good Mornings
Upright Rows
Triceps Kickbacks
Circuit #3
Reverse Lunges
High Rows
Hammer Curls
Circuit #4
Sumo Squat
Shoulder Press
High Incline Fly
Nutrition Tips
When it comes to nutrition, Erin focuses on whole foods, lean meats, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Avoiding things like gluten and high-fat dairy, as well as artificial sweets and processed foods, allows her to stay fit and focused for every training day. Her diet is based on high protein, high carb, and low fat with little room for cheat meals. Sticking to a strict diet, Erin knows just what it takes to be the best — and her resume proves it!
Cellucor Supplements with Erin Stern
As a Cellucor Athlete, Erin is always excited and ready to promote their products. Designed with clinically studied ingredients, Cellucor powers you to train harder, go farther, and take your results to the next level!
BCAA Sport
Cellucor BCAA Sport is a great intra-workout supplement designed to maximize hydration and recovery. Packed with BCAAs in a great 2:1:1 ratio, this will allow for better energy, reduced fatigue, and more lean muscle support.
BCAA Sport is a great intra-workout supplement designed to maximize all-day hydration and recovery. With a 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs for optimal performance, 11 amino acids, and hydrating electrolytes, this supplement helps support recovery and lean muscle growth.
C4 Ultimate
Cellucor C4 Ultimate is a powerful pre-workout supplement designed to increase energy, provide powerful muscle pumps, and enhance focus for peak performance. Effective ingredients and a fully transparent label ensure you get the best for your pre-workout needs.
C4 Ultimate Pre-Workout powers your training with explosive energy, powerful performance, muscular endurance, and extreme focus for the results you want most.
M5 Ultimate
Cellucor M5 Ultimate combines three forms of creatine into a cutting-edge creatine supplement to support muscle growth, strength, endurance, and performance.
M5 Ultimate is a powerful creatine supplement that combines three forms of creatine to support muscle growth, strength, and endurance.
Wrap Up
Erin Stern is one of the most iconic bodybuilders on the pro circuit today. With two Olympia wins, 14 IFBB titles, and a relentless drive, Erin will now transition into the Bikini division to compete at an entirely different level! Cellucor supplements have powered her mission and continue to fuel her results as she enters this new phase of her career in the Bikini division.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Cellucor

Best Multivitamin For Women In Bodybuilding 2021
An ultramodern multivitamin designed for peak performance in women.
Product Overview
Finding the right multivitamin can be challenging. With so many on the market, it can be difficult to sort through all of the ingredients to find which one will work best for you. The benefits of a good multivitamin are essential for a healthy diet and fitness regimen and are non-negotiable when it comes to your overall health and wellness. Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for Women is a great multivitamin supplement geared toward women to provide peak performance and overall health.
Multivitamins will work to pump you full of essential vitamins and minerals to keep you on top of your game. While many of these essentials can be found in food, for those that slip through the cracks, a good multivitamin can compensate so you don’t miss out on anything. Providing overall coverage, NutriGenesis Multi for Women is an absolute must for women looking to stay in peak shape.
Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi For Women is perfect for women and female athletes looking to optimize training and performance. With 17+ essential daily vitamins and minerals, this formula is specifically calibrated to work for women’s needs.
Performance Lab is one of the leaders in nutritional supplements and works to optimize consumers’ daily performance and long-range health. With formulas that include industry-leading ingredients, their products are advanced and combine nutritional technology with innovative supplements to revolutionize the supplements game.
With their own ultramodern take on nutrition, NutriGenesis vitamins and minerals are clean and bioavailable for safety and effectiveness. With clean labels that are non-GMO and 100% gluten-free, you can be sure that all dosages on the labels are correct with no hidden agendas and that their facilities are registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) compliant.
NutriGenesis Multi for Women Highlights
NutriGenesis Multi for Women is an ultramodern multivitamin that supports overall health for peak performance. With 17+ essential daily vitamins and minerals, this multivitamin is specifically designed for all the nutritional needs of women. Any nutrients missing from their diet will be replenished and the NutriGenesis ultramodern technology is engineered to boost absorption in efforts to maximize all of the benefits.
As a vegan-friendly, non-GMO, and caffeine free multivitamin, this supplement is great for all of your overall health and wellness needs. Customized for women with gender-specific dosages and hormonal support, it will support daily vitality and biological performance. Supplying 100% of your daily value with their unique and high-quality ingredients, NutriGenesis Multi for Women is a great multivitamin to keep you healthy and fit.
Key Benefits:
17+ essential daily vitamins and minerals: Packed with everything you need so all of those valuable nutrients work for your benefit.
Supports daily vitality and long-range overall health: This gives you the overall benefit of a healthy lifestyle and solid performance.
Ultramodern nutrition technology: The patented NutriGenesis system provides you with high-quality ingredients that boost absorption to maximize your benefits.
About The NutriGenesis Process
Performance Lab uses their patented process NutriGenesis to mirror nutrient genesis in nature, so even though their vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are lab grown, they mirror the natural process for your health and safety. They are seeded with micronutrients and the live cells can metabolize the micronutrients and thrive, naturally growing new vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to include proteins, complex carbs, probiotics, and antioxidants. Since NutriGenesis works to match whole foods’ natural structure, your body can absorb them more easily and they will be fully utilized by your body.
Why These Vitamins Are Key
All of the vitamins found in this multivitamin are there for your overall benefit and while the ingredients list may seem long, that is a great thing. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin known for it’s support of immune function and vision, while B vitamins are amazing to have as well. Vitamins B6 and B12 can promote muscle growth and repair muscle mass and work for a boost of energy. With many more ingredients listed below, NutriGenesis Multi for Women has all of your bases covered.
Vitamin C: A safe an effective nutrient in protecting against immune system deficiencies and promoting solid immune health (1). It can also influence muscle growth and tissue repair for your athletic needs.
Vitamin D: Promotes absorption of calcium in your gut and promotes bone-building and strengthening (2). It also aids in immunity and works to settle inflammation.
Vitamin E: Great for vision, reproduction, and blood and brain health, vitamin E has powerful antioxidant properties to protect your cells against free radical damage (3). It can also boost immune health and support your cardiovascular system.
Calcium: Works to maintain strong and healthy bones, as well as plays a role in muscle movement by assisting the proteins in muscles that carry out contraction. It can also relax muscles around the heart to help with blood flow and regulate blood pressure levels (4).
Iron: Form hemoglobin which is a red blood cell protein that helps transport oxygen in the blood. It can help provide oxygen to your muscles for improved muscular endurance and also aid in reduced fatigue (5).
Zinc: Supports immune function and helps the body return to homeostasis (6). It also acts as an antioxidant to help fight oxidative stress and decrease chances of disease. Its role in balancing hormones allows for maximum hormone health and fertility and is needed for the production of estrogen.
Other Ingredients
Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Vitamin b2, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folatet, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Iodine, Magnesium, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenium, Potassium, Inositol, Boron, and Vanadium
Number Of Ingredients
Number of Servings
Serving Size
4 NutriCaps
Best Way To Take
Take 4 NutriCaps daily with your desired beverage.
Price & Effectiveness
Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi For Women is a powerful multivitamin supplement able to pump you with those vital nutrients to keep you going strong and ensure you never suffer a deficiency. With a monthly supply of 120 capsules, a serving size of 4 NutriCaps will provide all those essential vitamins and minerals.
The potent ingredients included have proven benefits and assured quality control
Clean, vegan and eco-friendly, and GMO-free
No side effects with this multi specifically designed for women
From a reputable company in Performance Lab
Premium priced option
Only available on their website
Four tablets is a bit much for a serving size
Price: $49.00
Ideal Time To Take A Multivitamin
Each multivitamin will come with different instructions on how frequently to take them and the ideal time. Some will say one serving while others may promote 3-4 servings. Our thoughts on this is that 2 daily servings is a healthy amount. This way you do not load up on too many micronutrients at once and ensure a convenient way to get all of those vitamins and minerals.
Many people decide to take their multivitamins in the morning and then around mid-afternoon and it is best to consume these fat-soluble vitamins and minerals with food. Taking one with breakfast and the other with lunch will work great for your daily schedule.
Check out our list of the Best Multivitamins For Women for more great multivitamin supplements!
Overall Value
Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for Women is an ultramodern multivitamin designed for women to aid in overall health and peak performance. With 17+ active ingredients and great bioavailability, this multivitamin is calibrated for women’s specific needs. What you are really getting is a great multivitamin supplement from a company who seeks the best products with the newest technology at an affordable price with maximum benefits. Try NutriGenesis Multi for Women today and work to elevate your overall performance and health.
Try Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for Women Today
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Performance Lab
Carr, Anitra C.; Maggini, Silvia (2017). “Vitamin C and Immune Function”. (source)
Kulie, Teresa; Groff, Amy; Redmer, Jackie; Hounshell, Jennie; Schrager, Sarina (2010). “Vitamin D: An Evidence-Based Review”. (source)
Lewis, Erin D.; Meydani, Simin N.; Wu, Dayong (2018). “Regulatory role of vitamin E in the immune system and inflammation”. (source)
Piste, Pravina; Sayaji, Didwagh; Avinash, Mokashi (2012). “Calcium and its Role in Human Body”. (source)
Allen, Lindsay H. (2002). “Iron Supplements: Scientific Issues Concerning Efficacy and Implications for Research and Programs”. (source)
Shankar, A. H.; Prasad, A. S. (1998). “Zinc and immune function: the biological basis of altered resistance to infection”. (source)

Sixteen High-Fiber Foods To Add To Your Diet
The Many Benefits Of A High-Fiber Diet
Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate that is found in beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and grains.
Consuming enough fiber each day is imperative for maintaining good health and function. Unfortunately, however, many individuals fail to consume enough.
This article will provide detail on sixteen excellent high-fiber foods that you should look to incorporate into your diet to boost your fiber intake.
The Health Benefits Of Fiber
Before moving on to the high-fiber foods, let’s first consider some of the health benefits associated with increased fiber intake.
1) Enhanced Digestive Health
Fiber plays an important role in regulating digestion and causing regular bowel movements. Failing to consume enough fiber may lead to constipation or diarrhea.Furthermore, consuming ample fiber every day may also enhance gut health as the consumption of specific fibers can promote the growth of good bacteria (1)
2) Decreases Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol is a waxy-like substance that the body requires for maintaining the structure of cells and transport, amongst other things.Having a high level of a type of cholesterol, known as low-density lipoproteins (LDL), can increase your risk of developing heart disease. However, consuming adequate fiber has been found to reduce LDL levels (2).
3) Better Blood Sugar Regulation
Research on high fiber consumption has indicated that it may also help to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent them from spiking (3).Based on these findings, it has been suggested that consuming plenty of fiber may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
4) Body Weight Management
For those who aspire to lose weight, eating a lot of fiber is recommended. This is partly due to the fact that fiber can suppress appetite and leave you feeling fuller for longer.It is thought that fiber draws in water in the intestine which consequently slows the absorption rate of nutrients thus increasing feelings of fullness (4).
5) Reduced Disease Risk
A combination of the above health benefits combine to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory-related diseases. (5).
Sixteen High-Fiber Foods
This section will recommend sixteen foods that you should consider adding to your diet due to the fact that they contain a large amount of fiber.
High Fiber Beans and Legumes
1) Split Peas
With 16.3 grams of fiber per cup, increasing the amount of split peas you eat can have a positive impact on your total fiber intake.
Split peas are a highly versatile food which can commonly be found in dishes such as dhals and soups.There are two main varieties of split peas – green and yellow. Green split peas tend to be sweeter and less starchy than the yellow variety.
2) Lentils
A cup of lentils contains 15.6 grams of fiber. In addition to being high in fiber, lentils also contain a great amount of protein which plays an essential role in growth and repair.
Like split peas, lentils can be used in a variety of ways and are common ingredients in salads and soups.
There are different lentils types including brown, green, yellow, red, Puy, and Beluga. Be aware that the fiber content varies slightly between each type.
3) Black Beans
As well as being high in essential micronutrients such as manganate, folate, and thiamine, a cup of black beans contains 15 grams of fiber.
These nutrients can have an array of positive effects on bone, muscle, and heart health while also significantly reducing the risk of developing disease.
In summer, a black bean salad goes brilliantly with basically all foods that are cooked on the grill while in winter, considering adding them to vegetarian chili.
4) Lima Beans
While lima beans may not be the most popular choice for some, they do contain a great amount of fiber and can be used in many different ways in the kitchen.
Lima beans, sometimes referred to as “butter beans”, contain 13.2 grams of fiber per cup. Adding them to a range of meals can quickly and easily bump up your total fiber intake.
As well as being one of the main ingredients in succotash, lima beans can be added to soups, stews, and hummus, and salads.
High Fiber Vegetables
5) Artichokes
This strange-looking vegetable is loaded with key nutrients and antioxidants and also contains 10.3 grams of fiber per cup.
As well as potentially improving digestive health, artichokes have been associated with positively impacting cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Artichokes are great boiled, braised, stuffed, and baked. They also go well with a variety of other foods including dairy products, chicken, seafood, and eggs.
6) Peas
Peas are particularly high in vitamins A and C which play important roles in the repair and maintenance of body tissues. In addition, per cup, peas provide 8.8 grams of fiber.
The simplest way to cook peas is to simmer them in slightly salted water for approximately five minutes. Pureeing peas is another commonly used method in cooking.One of the most well-known ingredients to pair with peas is fresh mint. However, peas also go extremely well with onion and ham too.
7) Broccoli
Along with lima beans, broccoli is another controversial food that some seem to love while others despise.
Similarly to peas, broccoli provides an abundance of vitamins A and C and also contains 5.1 grams of fiber per cup.
Often when cooking broccoli, only the florets are used and the stems discarded. However, the stems are edible and can actually be used in a variety of different snacks and meals.
8) Brussel Sprouts
With 4.1 grams of fiber per cup, Brussel sprouts are another vegetable that you should consider consuming more often.
Brussel sprouts are particularly high in vitamin K which plays a crucial role in bone health and blood clotting.
Sprouts are cruciferous vegetables that are typically cleaned, cut, and cooked to accompany a main course. They can go with a range of different foods such as chicken, pork, duck, tofu, and mustard.
High Fiber Fruits
9) Raspberries
As well as being low in calories, raspberries contain many vital nutrients and antioxidants that are critical for good health. They also provide 8 grams of fiber per cup.
It is very straightforward to add raspberries to your diet as they can easily be added to your favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner dishes.
Considering the sweet taste that raspberries have, they are mainstays of many deserts. Adding a cup of raspberries to your deserts is a quick and easy way to get a fiber boost.
10) Blackberries
Blackberries are an absolute staple of summer. As well as tasting great, they can bring a number of health benefits which can partly be associated with the high fiber content.
There are 7.6 grams of fiber found in a cup of blackberries. In addition, this fruit is packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese.
Although commonly used in desserts, fruits such as blackberries are becoming more popular in savory foods such as salads, sauces, and even sandwiches!
11) Avocados
While you may not consider avocado to be a fruit, it technically is a single-seeded fruit. The avocado is held in high regard by health-enthusiasts and for good reason!
As well as having a variety of culinary uses, the avocado contains 6.7 grams of fiber per cup. Furthermore, it contains healthy fats that can protect against heart-related diseases.
Avocados can be used in a number of different ways and are commonly eaten with eggs, toast, pasta, and more. They can also easily be added to salads, soups, and smoothies.
12) Pears
At 4.6 grams per cup, pears are another excellent source of fiber. However, be aware there are many pear varieties and, therefore, the fiber content may differ.
In terms of health, as well as providing fiber, pears also contain folate, niacin, and vitamin A. These substances play an important role in energy synthesis and cellular function.
Pears go well with a number of dairy products such as mascarpone and creme fraise. However, they can also be paired with savory foods such as pork and nuts.
High Fiber Grains
13) Bran Flakes
Bran flakes a great source of fiber with one serving of bran flakes providing approximately 7 grams of fiber.
Additionally, bran flakes are also highly nutritious and are rich in plant compounds and key minerals such as niacin, iron, vitamin B6, riboflavin, thiamin, and folic acid.
While a bowl of bran flakes in the morning is a great way to start the day, adding them to smoothies, yogurts, and desserts can help to increase your fiber intake.
14) Wholewheat Pasta
Although perhaps less popular than white pasta, wholewheat pasta has many additional health benefits.
While white pasta contains approximately 2.5 grams of fiber per cup, wholewheat pasta contains more than double at 6.3 grams per cup!Pasta is one of the most versatile foods around. Consider cooking a wholewheat pasta-based meal that combines a number of the aforementioned high-fiber foods.
15) Pearled Barley
Barley is a grain that comes in a number of different forms – pearled, hulled, barley flakes, and barley grit. This grain is widely consumed and is commonly found in slices of bread and cereals.
As well as containing 6 grams of fiber per cup, pearled barley also nourishes the body with key micronutrients such as manganese, thiamine, riboflavin, and selenium.
When it comes to cuisine, barley is commonly associated with soups, such as Scotch broth. However, barley can be used in many different dishes including risotto, salads, and stews.
16) Oatmeal
When it comes to a nutritious and delicious breakfast, you need to look no further than oatmeal. Not only is it quick and easy to make, it can be combined with a variety of other high-fiber foods.While oatmeal contains a modest 4 grams of fiber per cup, adding other high-fiber products such as fruits and nuts can significantly increase the fiber content.
Oatmeal can also be added to baked goods such as muffins, granola bars, and cookies to boost fiber intake further.
Four Simple Ways To Add Fiber To Your Meals
There are a number of ways that will allow you to quickly and effectively boost your fiber intake. This section will highlight four simple methods that can have a positive impact on the fiber content of meals.
Although not mentioned in the previous section, seeds are an excellent and versatile source of fiber. To put this in perspective, just two tablespoons of flaxseeds contains 3.8 grams of fiber.
Therefore, adding flaxseeds to your oatmeal, baked goods, and yogurts is a simple way of boosting your total fiber intake. Additionally, consider breading fish or chicken using flaxseeds.
Chia Seeds
Leading on from the previous point, chia seeds contain an even greater amount of fiber than flaxseeds at 5.5 grams per tablespoon!When combined with water, these seeds create a paste that makes a great addition to many smoothies and desserts.
Carrots and Spinach
Although carrots and spinach don’t contain the same amount of fiber as the vegetables mentioned above, they can easily be grated down and added to a variety of meals to boost fiber content.
Food Processors
Food processors allow you to puree a number of these foods together to substantially increase fiber content. Consider pureeing a variety of cooked vegetables before adding them to sauces and stews.
Final Word
It is clear that consuming enough fiber per day is of great importance and something that should be prioritized. By incorporating a number of the foods outlined in this article, you can substantially increase your fiber intake and consequently experience these health benefits.
1 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22555633/ Parnell, Jill A.; Reimer, Raylene A. (2012-01). “Prebiotic fiber modulation of the gut microbiota improves risk factors for obesity and the metabolic syndrome”. Gut Microbes. 3 (1): 29–34. doi:10.4161/gmic.19246. ISSN 1949-0984. PMC 3827018. PMID 22555633.
2 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9925120/ Brown, L.; Rosner, B.; Willett, W. W.; Sacks, F. M. (1999-01). “Cholesterol-lowering effects of dietary fiber: a meta-analysis”. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 69 (1): 30–42. doi:10.1093/ajcn/69.1.30. ISSN 0002-9165. PMID 9925120.
3 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18287346/ Weickert, Martin O.; Pfeiffer, Andreas F. H. (2008-03). “Metabolic effects of dietary fiber consumption and prevention of diabetes”. The Journal of Nutrition. 138 (3): 439–442. doi:10.1093/jn/138.3.439. ISSN 1541-6100. PMID 18287346.
4 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10721886/ Burton-Freeman, B. (02 2000). “Dietary fiber and energy regulation”. The Journal of Nutrition. 130 (2S Suppl): 272S–275S. doi:10.1093/jn/130.2.272S. ISSN 0022-3166. PMID 10721886.
5 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5731843/ McRae, Marc P. (2017-12). “Dietary Fiber Is Beneficial for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: An Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses”. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 16 (4): 289–299. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2017.05.005. ISSN 1556-3707. PMC 5731843. PMID 29276461.