Tag: Nutrition

Healthy Foods To Buy On A Budget For Bodybuilding Gains

Healthy Foods To Buy On A Budget For Bodybuilding Gains

Eating quality food can be a challenge, especially when on a tight budget, but these items are great for your bodybuilding gains to see great growth at affordable prices for all budgets.
Eating well can be hard. We all love to carbo load and binge our favorite shows with an expensive pint of ice cream, but does that really fulfill us? Don’t answer that. It’s amazing in the moment, but that sluggish feeling after can be debilitating and lead us down another season of that halfway decent show. It is easy to buy unhealthier products for they are often the cheaper options when faced with a tight budget. But there are ways to stretch that dollar per food and spend less in the grocery store while also eating healthy and feeling great.
Why Eating Healthy & Good Matters For Your Bodybuilding Gains
Many of the things we eat are full of those essential vitamins and nutrients can be expensive and looking at the price tag can turn you away instantly. But the benefits to eating healthy go far beyond keeping off those unwanted pounds. While eating healthy can lead to effective weight loss, it can boost your energy, keep you full for longer, and even set you up to better handle stress. The physical and emotional gains you can make by eating healthy are important to your growth as an athlete or whatever lifestyle you follow, so do not let a high price tag deter you from your goals. These products provide cheap and healthy options to keep you looking and feeling your best.
Let’s Talk About Vegetables

Broccoli For Fiber & Gut Health
Broccoli is a good source of many essential nutrients and contains more protein than most vegetables. Full of fiber, vitamins C and K, iron, and potassium per serving, broccoli is great both raw and cooked and full of antioxidants. Low in calories, broccoli is easily digested and can aid in gut health given it is high in fiber and when paired with a piece of meat, you get both fiber and protein. Add a sprinkle of salt and pepper for taste, and this green treat is a cheap and effective food to keep you going. At $1.25 to $3 per pound, broccoli is a great stand alone snack or side dish to a hearty dish along with whole grain brown rice or a stir fry to pack you full of fiber and even keep you full.

Spinach Packed With Vitamin & Minerals
Many of us remember our parents making this and forcing us to finish before we can leave the table and while we may have been upset about it then, this leafy green is full of great benefits. Packed with minerals like zinc, calcium, and fiber, along with vitamins including vitamin A per serving, spinach can help improve eyesight and also cognitive function. At $2 to $4 per eight-ounce bag, this vegetable goes great in an egg omelette or alongside any dish like brown rice that is worth your money to buy.

Frozen Vegetables As Good As Fresh Veggies?
Frozen veggies are a great way to save money without sacrificing any of the cost. On the whole, frozen veggies retain the nutrients of fresh vegetables since they are frozen very soon after being harvested. It is best to buy plain when going frozen for they don’t have the added seasonings that pack on the calories. The price of frozen veggies depends on where you shop, but at a affordable prices, pick these up and add your own seasonings per serving for whatever taste you desire that is worth the money and less expensive for this food.
Protein For Muscle Building & Gains

Chicken For Lean Protein
This is a good source of lean protein that can aid in weight loss or the promotion of lean muscle while also giving you that much needed energy boost. Full of protein, it will keep you full without the high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol that red meat can provide per meal to help with benefits. With countless recipes to read and try, a hearty piece of this will satiate any hungry stomach, especially if you pair it with whole rice. Price all depends on weight, but chicken is the perfect affordable and healthy protein per serving for your goals and bang for your buck for this food that people will love with limited calories and endless ideas to save you from boredom.

Canned Tuna Cheaper Than Fresh Fish?
Canned tuna is full of health benefits and won’t empty your wallet yet will still provide for a great source of protein. With a decent shelf life since it is canned and at affordable price, it is a cheaper option than fresh fish. Full of protein and high in omega-3 fatty acids per serving, tuna will help you stay full while also reducing inflammation and lowering your risk of heart disease. With healthy doses of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus, which can grow and repair your body cells and tissues, canned tuna is a great option at $2-3 for a 6-ounce can per serving at any grocery store.

Eggs Good For All Meals Of The Day
The perfect breakfast food, or breakfast-for-dinner, eggs are full of protein and antioxidants. Full of vitamins and minerals per serving and per egg that help your nervous system, eggs are a good addition to pair with any of those green vegetables for a tasty meal or even something like cottage cheese or Greek yogurt and oatmeal to eat. At $3-4 a dozen, you can make eggs a staple in your diet.

Carbs For That Filling Sensation

Russet Potatoes Benefit Digestion & Immune Health
Whether baked or boiled, Russet potatoes will help you stay full and offer a large amount of vitamin C and vitamin B per serving. The fiber will aid in digestion and the skin can benefit your immune system health. While all the toppings of a good baked potato are appealing, eaten plain, this starchy friend will help you big time. With a price tag of $0.56 per pound, make sure to add these to your shopping list of inexpensive things to eat and things to learn to make with limited calories.

Sweet Potatoes For That Sweet Treat & Carb Craving
Easy to cook, these can be baked or simply placed in the microwave for quick cooking. Full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants per serving, sweet potatoes are delicious in more ways than one. Feel free to add spices to give this orange carb a tasty boost and at just under a dollar a pound you’ll love that you added this to your diet to eat from the grocery store as you learn new recipes.

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta!
While too much pasta can be a carb overload, in moderation, everyone’s favorite food can be quite beneficial for you. Considered one of the best sources of carbs, along with rice and oatmeal, pasta will keep you full and give you energy, all while filling you with iron and other whole grains essential vitamins per serving. Paired with a piece of chicken, you can find and cook yourself a good, hearty meal without spending a fortune. While the low cost depends on brand and where you shop, it is still an affordable option that will last a long time from any grocery store on any given day as a really good meal or side.
Other Great Items To Consider For Your Goals

Banana To Pump You With Potassium
Bananas tend to have a reputation of being high in sugar and not the best option for a snack, but the natural sugar in fruit is something to satisfy your sweet tooth without grabbing a candy bar. Packed with vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium per serving, bananas are the perfect fruit snack with yogurt. With an average price of $0.50 per pound, this inexpensive grab and go choice is sure to do the trick for any season.

Peanut Butter For A Cheap & Sweet Treat
Peanut butter also has the stigma of being fatty, which although true, should not be a deterrent. Fats from peanut butter are healthy fats that your body needs and wants. Providing carbs, protein, and fat, peanut butter is a solid source of vitamins and nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, and copper per serving. Depending on the brand, a 15-ounce jar of peanut butter is around $3.50 average per jar and is a cheaper alternative to the other nut butters. Grab a spoonful of peanut butter and a banana and enjoy this cheap, sweet, and tasty treat next time.
Let’s Wrap This All Up
While grocery shopping can be daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Eating well is something we all want to do, but often times don’t have the means or know-how to make work. These items are cheap and effective ways to ensure you eat and stay well while not sacrificing on taste or creativity. Save money and pounds by giving these budget friendly items a try to stay heart healthy with an easy way to get all of these nutrients.
Let us know what you think of these in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Fitness Model Diet: How To Eat To Get Ripped And Shredded

Fitness Model Diet: How To Eat To Get Ripped And Shredded

If you ask most people on the street about their opinion on getting shredded and muscular, chances are that their response will something the lines of “go to the gym and workout.” They’d be correct to an extent, but the reality is far more complicated than that. While hitting the gym with a relish and determination is absolutely necessary to building a powerful and impressive physique, working out alone simply isn’t going to cut it. You have to put way more work into it than that.

Now, we know what you’re thinking. “Working out isn’t enough?! Then how am I supposed to get into the shape that I want?!” Well, there’s a fairly simple answer. Diet. If you want to get into absolutely shredded condition, you need to eat right for the occasion. Many people have this fantasy of looking like a fitness model, but they never understand that getting to the form requires them to push themselves both physically and mentally. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with our own approach to what we call the fitness model diet.
1. The Mentality
You would think a program about a fitness model diet would just be about what you put into your mouth and stomach, but the reality is that diet is more than just thinking about what foods you have to eat. You need to be in a positive mental space to be able to not only start a diet, but adhere to one as well. With dieting you want look at things from a different perspective.
This is not something you’ll just be doing for a certain period of time, but rather something thing that you want to stick to. Think of a diet as a lifestyle and sticking to a program will be far simpler. So put down that Big Mac and get your mind right. If you want to look good, you have to be mentally want it.

2. Understanding Macros
Carbs, fats, and proteins. These macronutrients are important to ensuring that you make the gains you need and lose fat to reveal the muscle underneath. Carbs and fats are primary energy sources while protein is your muscle building or muscle maintenance nutrient. Having your macronutrients balanced is absolutely paramount to attaining the body your want. You want to eat the proper percentage of carbs, fats, and proteins to give your body the best chance at body recomposition.
3. Methods
A fitness model diet is very much like a bodybuilding diet. Everyone of you out there has to realize that you’re all different and foods are going to effect you differently. For some people carbs can cause them to hold onto way too much water. Others eat carbs and simply get an energy boost from the macronutrient. That’s why following a classic program may not work for some, but may work for others.
The classic approach would be to get 40-50% of your calories from carbs, 25-30% of your calories from fats, and another 25-30% of your calories from protein. Obviously this means keeping your sodium and sugar intake at a reasonable number, avoiding saturated fats, and eating an overall clean diet. But for some individuals this classic approach will do little to effect their body recomposition.

Another great approach is the keto or ketogenic diet. This diet is a bit more strict and could be more difficult for those who are in love with carbs, which, let’s face it, who isn’t? The idea is to consume a higher amount of good fats like avocado and nuts, a moderate amount of lean protein like chicken, fish, and lean steak, and a lower amount of carbs, no more than 30 grams in fact.
This will put your body in a fat burning mode or ketosis where your primary energy source is coming from fats. After following this keto diet for most of the week, allow yourself one refeed day where you consume a higher amount of carbs, just be sure not to binge on too many unhealthy options. Remember, the goal at the end of the day is to get absolutely shredded.

4. The Supplements 

These supplements will give you an edge when it comes to getting your physique lean and stage ready. Offering a boost to metabolic rate, decreased appetite to make that calorie deficit more comfortable and even some recovery and energy benefits for your athletic performance.

5. The Diet
So finally the coup de grâce, the foods you should be eating to get you in prime condition. This fitness model diet isn’t something you necessarily need to stick to, this is just an example of the foods you can eat that can be beneficial to your gains. Remember, there tons of great food options out there for you, this is just an example for you to start with.

Classic Style: This is all about balance. Don’t be afraid to mix and match with this approach, but be sure to avoid too many carbs at night before bed.
Breakfast: Oatmeal, side of bacon, black coffee
Lunch: Sweet Potatoes, chicken breast, salad with olive oil (for dressing)
Dinner: Salad, chicken breast and rice
Keto/Low Carb Style: This is a low carb alternative to the classic approach. Be sure to aim for higher, good quality fat content with moderate protein.
Breakfast: Bacon (pork or turkey) and eggs
Lunch: Steak, chicken or turkey with avocado, and asparagus
Dinner: Salmon in pesto sauce
Remember, think of this is just a starter kit. Get creative with your macronutrient intake and be sure to continue to research other great recipes. Jump start your fitness goals by following this simple plan, then begin to explore.

Looking for the best fat burners for bodybuilders?
Our Best Fat Burners for Bodybuilders features some of the most innovative and best products money can buy!
Click here to take a look

What do you think of this fitness model diet? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Are Protein Bars Worth The Hype Or Just An Excuse To Eat “Candy”?

Are Protein Bars Worth The Hype Or Just An Excuse To Eat “Candy”?

Protein bars have potential to be game changers but is the word protein simply synonymous with candy.
It’s fair to say that many of us have heard the comparison of protein bars to candy bars. But we think to ourselves, why is that a fair comparison? For those who believe that, it can be easy to see how it’s a possibility. With flavors like Birthday Cake and Cookie Dough, as well as so many others that make it feel like an ice cream shop, how can these bars not be synonymous with candy? But companies have begun to work tirelessly to produce great tasting and healthy protein options so those athletes on the go can enjoy a good source of fuel while not compromising all of their gains.

Let’s take a look at protein bars and see how effective they can be. When compared to a candy bar, the option is very clear as to which choice is better and why and while we all know it, sometimes we have to just see it to believe it.

What Is A Protein Bar?
Protein bars are nutritional supplements perfect for those always on the go. Formulated to contain a great ratio of macronutrients, they can fit nicely into your diet and not totally destroy all your gains. As a popular and convenient source of all dietary needs, it is no wonder why people have gravitated towards these as their source of on-the-go fuel to enhance energy and physical activity (1).

Benefits Of Protein Bars
What a good protein can do for you is really amplify the effects of growth and recovery, especially for those of us always on the go. Benefits of protein bars include:

Great ratio of macros: A good protein bar will offer the right balance of macros to ensure all of your gains are met in an effective and healthy way (2).
Packed with fiber: With a focus on fiber, they can keep you moving regularly and work to be easier on your gut.
Sugar control: While many think these bars are packed with sugar, most companies are adding in alternatives to control just how much sugar is actually in them (3).
Convenient for on-the-go: For those always on the go, protein bars are that convenient option to stay full and boost growth and recovery.

Comparison With A Candy Bar
We felt it would be interesting, and sort of fun, to take a look at two protein bars and compare them to a fan favorite candy bar in the Kit Kat Bar. We all love that crunch covered in chocolate, but to make this point about the health benefits of these bars, it may be good to see the real difference between these. While every protein and candy bar is different, it is important for us to remember that the general point being made is that protein bars have great benefits to our health and wellness, especially those of us who are active.

For this, we are going to look at Jacked Factory Authentic Bars, Question Nutrition Protein Bars, and as mentioned before, the famous Kit Kat Bar. Both protein bars are Birthday Cake flavor.

Jacked Factory
Quest Nutrition
Kit Kat


Total Fat

Total Carbs



Less than 1g

In looking at this comparison, we can see that the candy bar (Kit Kat) is moving us in the wrong direction when it comes to our gains. It is nearly double in calories and total fat, and even more in terms of total carbs and sugar, while the protein content just doesn’t compare.
Now, we know that you know a candy bar isn’t the best nutritional option. This comparison was supposed to break the myth that most protein bars are just candy in disguise. While protein bars taste good and do have high amounts of carbs, fat, and sugar (in some cases), it is about ratio and the other intended ingredients included that make protein bars great. While it is totally fine to splurge a bit and enjoy a good Kit Kat once in a while, adding a protein bar to your busy schedule is not going to kill all your gains.
Featured Protein Bar
While finding the right protein bar for your own personal goals can be a challenge, we wanted to share a great option for you to help tackle any challenges that may come your way. Swiss Natural Foods T Bar is one of those options that can work to give you the best in terms of ingredients and includes natural ingredients like Ashwagandha, Tongkat Ali, and zinc to really enhance your health and wellness.
Swiss Natural Foods T Bar

Swiss Natural Foods T Bar is a fully natural protein bar with a twist. They have added a few extra ingredients to ensure your health and muscle growth take priority. Powerful plant extracts mixed with the right vitamins and minerals for optimal hormonal balance, this bar is the best Mother Nature can offer with great potential for your power, performance, but more importantly, health. With 16g of protein, a good ratio with the other macronutrients, and only 250 calories, this protein bar does its job, and it does it well.
Click here for the best price
Price: $29.99
Check out our individual review for Swiss Natural Foods T Bar here!

Check out our list of the Best Protein Bars for more great protein products!

Wrap Up
Protein bars are great sources of fuel for those of us athletes on the go and can be game changers when it comes to our training, performance, health, and wellness. Finding the right bar is incredibly important and can work wonders for us when we finally manage to come across it. Looking into solid options is exactly what we need to do in order to achieve our goals as best we can and with the right guidance, a good protein bar is just around the corner.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Swiss Natural Foods and Envato

Tanskanen, Minna M.; Westerterp, Klaas R.; Uusitalo, Arja L.; Atalay, Mustafa; et al. (2012). “Effects of Easy-to-Use Protein-Rich Energy Bar on Energy Balance, Physical Activity and Performance during 8 Days of Sustained Physical Exertion”. (source)
Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)
Hassan, Sami K. (2020). “Quantitative and qualitative effects of proteins and natural sugars on hardening and color of high-protein nutrition bars during storage”. (source)

Best Time To Take A Protein Supplement For Maximum Gains

Best Time To Take A Protein Supplement For Maximum Gains

Protein is the essential building block for muscle and knowing when to best take it to optimize performance is important.
We may choose to exercise for any number of reasons from staying fit and healthy, to promoting weight loss, to aiding in our cognitive abilities, and a host of others. But regardless of our reason, for those of us who want to see big gains, or just simply give our bodies the proper fuel post-workout to really aid in our overall health, then a good protein supplement is needed to enhance those goals. Considering the indispensable role protein plays in muscle growth and weight loss, placing a protein supplement on your shelf is a must.
With so many protein supplements on the market today, it is important for us to break down just what protein is, why it is so important, the key benefits of protein, and of course, the best time to take it to optimize maximum gains. As an energy source and a muscle builder, you won’t be disappointed by what protein can do for you.

What Is Protein?
Protein is made up of organic compounds called amino acids that provide the foundation for protein to act as the building blocks for cells. This will allow cells to grow and repair themselves. There are 20 amino acids that make up protein and can help with benefits like muscle growth and recovery when it comes to your fitness goals. While many foods are high in protein, or at least contain some protein, it is important to recognize that a good protein supplement can work wonders for you and your bodybuilding goals (1).

Whey Isolate Vs. Whey Concentrate
The two major types of whey protein supplements to take are whey isolate and whey concentrate. While they are largely both the same in terms of benefits, there are a few differences that exist to potentially make you lean one way or the other. While whey protein seems to be the most popular protein supplement, there are other plant-based products that are really great for those who are vegan or sensitive to dairy, or who are looking for an alternative source of protein for their supplement.
Check out our list of the best vegan protein powders here!

Whey concentrate is one protein supplement to consider when looking to enhance your goals. It is high in protein, but also high in carbs and some fat, which is where some people tend to stay away. It does contain vitamins and minerals, as well as a variety of bioactive compounds that give whey plenty of benefits (2). The downside to whey concentrate is the amount of carbs and lactose included which can cause bloating and not be conducive to some diets.
Whey isolate is the other form of whey protein that you can consider for your supplement. Whey isolate is a more filtered form of whey that undergoes an isolation process that is more intense than a whey concentrate. This will result in a higher protein content while eliminating many of the excess carbs and fat, so for those carb or calorie conscious, this is a great choice. As a leaner source of protein, it does tend to be more expensive, but is a more pure source of protein to really aid in recovery (3).

Benefits Of Protein
While the benefits of protein seem fairly obvious at this point, we wanted to make sure this macronutrient doesn’t go unnoticed. The benefit to your overall growth and development as an athlete but also as a person are greatly affected by your protein intake and it is important to not neglect it.
The benefits of protein include:

Promotes muscle growth and recovery: Containing BCAAs, which are a major role in stimulating protein synthesis, you promote muscle growth and recovery by allowing your muscles to heal and strengthen (4).
Maintains muscles: With plenty of protein, you won’t lose that hard earned muscle due to muscle wasting.
Increases metabolism: Protein has a higher thermic effect on your body as a result of food and that energy used in digestion can boost your metabolism to see that desired physique (5).
Encourages fullness: By reducing appetite and hunger levels, it will lower your caloric intake and lead to weight loss.

Best Time To Take Protein
Much debate is had around this topic of when the best time to take a protein supplement is. For muscle growth, in the window of 15-60 minutes after you finish working out is a reasonable time frame, but some studies have shown that up to two hours after your workout is also a reasonable window for adequate consumption (6).

If you typically train in a fasted state, aim to take it as soon after a workout as you can. For those endurance athletes, taking protein during and after a workout can see improved performance and recovery, and resistance training athletes should consider taking right before or immediately after.
Featured Protein
Transparent Labs is a great sports supplement company with high quality products to aid in all of your bodybuilding goals. A company who prides themselves on transparent labels and the best ingredients, these two protein supplements from Transparent Labs are everything you need for your whey isolate or concentrate goals.
ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

This protein supplement is sourced directly from American cows and contains no artificial coloring, preservatives, or sweeteners. Packed with 28 grams of protein, this isolate only contains 120 calories and is great for anyone looking to pack on lean muscle. With only 2g of carbs and 0g fat, this isolate is surely a pure isolate supplement free from steroids or hormones.
Try Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate Here
Check out our review for Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate here.
ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Concentrate

This supplement is a great protein powder for those looking to bulk up and pack on muscle mass. Since this is a concentrate, it doesn’t undergo any additional isolation process. With 24 grams of protein, 1.5 g of natural dairy fat, and 3g carbs, this protein concentrate comes in at 120 calories making this an amazing whey concentrate with no artificial additives yet still great flavors.
Try Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Concentrate Here
Check out our review for Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Concentrate here.
Also, check out our list of the Best Protein Powder Supplements here!
Wrap Up
Protein is more than important when it comes to our bodybuilding goals. The ability to put on muscle and aid in weight loss while also supporting recovery and repair is all dependent on how much protein we intake. Whether it be a whey isolate or a whey concentrate, or one of the many other protein alternatives out there, knowing best when to take it can really help maximize your goals. Transparent Labs is a great company to consider when looking into protein powders and these supplements should definitely be on your shelf.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato and Transparent Labs

Wolfe, Robert R. (2000). “Protein supplements and exercise”. (source)
Junior, Paulo S.; Ribeiro, Alex S.; Nabuco, Hellen C. G.; Fernandes, Rodrigo R.; Tomeleri, Crisieli M.; Cunha, Paolo M., et al. (2018). “Effects of Whey Protein Supplementation Associated With Resistance Training on Muscular Strength, Hypertrophy, and Muscle Quality in Preconditioned Older Women”. (source)
Cooke, Matthew B.; Rybalka, Emma; Stathis, Christos G.; Cribb, Paul J.; Hayes, Alan (2010). “Whey protein isolate attenuates strength decline after eccentrically-induced muscle damage in healthy individuals”. (source)
Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)
Tipton, K. D.; Wolfe, R. R. (2001). “Exercise , protein metabolism, and muscle growth”. (source)
Kerksick, Chad M.; Arent, Shawn; Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Stout, Jeffrey R.; Campbell, Bill; et al. (2017). “International society of sports nutrition position stand: nutrient timing”. (source)

Best Bodybuilding Multivitamins For Health & Wellness (Updated 2021)

Best Bodybuilding Multivitamins For Health & Wellness (Updated 2021)

These top multivitamins are ideal for fitness-minded individuals to keep your overall health high.
Multivitamins are a beneficial aid for active people and those who need more vitamins in their diets but finding the right multivitamins for bodybuilding can be tricky. Vitamins are important for daily life and health functions of the body and you will find the best bodybuilding multivitamin benefits like muscle maintenance and immune health to give you extra energy so you get all you need in your day to make you better.
Now, people who weight train need sufficient nutrients to support muscle growth and strength and the best multivitamins for bodybuilding can help with that. The body is placed under stress and muscle fibers tear down during a training session. And without adequate vitamins and mineral deficiencies can occur if nutrition is not up to par.
Check out these awesome multivitamins which have everything you need to support your fitness goals, each a unique supplement at a great value to ensure you are taking care of all your nutrition goals, muscle growth, and bodybuilding desires to give you the best multivitamin for bodybuilding.
Best Multivitamins For 2021

Best Multivitamin Overall: Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for Men

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
4 NutriCaps

Best Way To Take
Take two capsules twice per day with or without food.

The Performance Lab Multivitamin is another great option as a multivitamin for men specifically formulated for bodybuilders to help with your supplement needs. Being non-GMO, as well as additive and allergen free, we found this to be a very appealing and healthy multivitamin. By working to restore nutrients missing from your diet, it supports healthy cell performance across all body systems.
This ultramodern multivitamin with work to enhance your overall health and peak performance while boosting immunity with great ingredients like vitamin C, vitamin D3, and zinc. It can also enhance energy metabolism and provide for foundational nutritional support to promote vitality, long-range overall health and recovery.

Contains a diverse group of vitamins to cover your overall health
All ingredients are natural
Ultramodern design with patented technology


Low in calcium and magnesium
Only available on their website

Price: $39.00 for 120 tablets
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review here!

Best For Bodybuilding: National Bodybuilding Co. Bodybuilder’s Multivitamin

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
2 Capsules

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules with water.

Looking for a multivitamin that keeps you protected, energized and builds on strength and power?
This supplement is a leading multivitamin for bodybuilding. Created by National Bodybuilding Co., we found this formula will help quickly advance your goals every day, offering your muscles the right micronutrients for growth. Also helping to keep your joints stable, and improving your workouts to help get rid of fat and stay lean by keeping you much healthier, and stronger.
This multivitamin will work to provide for more daily energy with advanced ingredients while promoting better workouts so you perform better and recover faster. With key ingredients to boost hormones, this will give you the best anabolic and muscle boosting edge while working to offer better immunity for overall health and wellness.

Quick results, feel improvements and perform better
Advanced blend of ingredients perfect for athletes and has parallels with some t-boosters!
Simple to use and stack with other supplements
Free fast shipping
Competitive price point and multi buy deals


Only available direct
Currently USA only shipping

Price: $29.00 for 60 capsules / 0.93c a day
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review here!

Best Multivitamin For Women: Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi For Women

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
4 NutriCaps

Best Way To Take
Take two capsules twice per day with or without food.

While this multivitamin is the Best Overall for all women, when it comes to active women and female athletes, this supplement is the ultimate choice to enhance your training and performance. When looking for clean and effective ingredients, this ultramodern multivitamin for women from Performance Lab is designed for overall health and peak performance. The 17+ essential daily vitamins and minerals are calibrated for the specific needs of women with a powerful NutriGenesis process and the vegan-friendly NutriCaps make digestion easy and all of those vitamins and nutrients are properly absorbed.

Potent ingredients
Tested for quality control and proven benefits
Clean, vegan and eco-friendly, and GMO-free multivitamin


Premium priced option
Only available directly through their site
Four tablets per servings is a lot

Price: $39.00/ 120 capsules
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review here!

Best For Men Over 50: Ritual Essential for Men 50+

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
2 Vegan Capsules

Best Way To Take
Take two capsules with water.

Ritual Essential for Men 50+ is a scientifically-developed multivitamin for men 50+ to help fill any nutrient gaps in their diets. Packed with micronutrients to help support key bodily functions, this multivitamin can aid in heart and bone health, support normal muscle function, and work to boost your immune system. With 10 traceable ingredients, you know exactly what you are putting in your body to help better yourself.
Omega-3 DHA will help support heart health and is a key omega-3 fatty acid that is in vegan-certified form. With vitamins A, D3, and K2, you get the full benefit of these vitamins coupled with valuable minerals like magnesium and zinc. Vitamin D3 and Magnesium will work to support healthy muscle contraction, while zinc works as a valuable helper to boost the effects of vitamin A.

Clean ingredients, well researched, and clinically dosed
Easily absorbed by the body
Vegan-friendly supplement
Great slow-digesting capsule design


Simple ingredients
Isn’t specific to any one need and is a general multivitamin

Price: $35.00 with 60 capsules per container
Click here for the best price

Best Personalized Multi: Controlled Labs Orange Triad Multivitamin

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
6 Tablets

Best Way To Take
Take 3 tablets twice a day with meals.

Controlled Labs Orange Triad Multivitamin is a specially formulated and power multivitamin that uses high quality vitamins, minerals, and nutrients essential for muscle building and recovery. As a great sports supplement, Orange TRIad works to support joint, digestion, and immune function all in one serving. Designed for athletes who put their bodies through incredible amounts of stress, this multivitamin works for your overall benefit so you can breakdown, recover, and re-build effectively while working to support immunity and see great growth. Containing ingredients common to many multivitamins as well as some unique ones to add to this formula, Orange TRIad seeks to be different by offering an iron free multivitamin supplement.

Highly effective multivitamin
Great ingredients
Various complexes for overall coverage


6 tablets is a lot for a serving size

Price: $39.99
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review here!

Best For Serious Athletes: My Protein Alpha Men Multivitamin

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
2 tablets

Best Way To Take
Take 2 tablets daily.

MyProtein Alpha Men Multivitamin is another strong contender for athletes looking for a daily vitamin supplement and solid multivitamin for men. The high dose of selenium has immune-boosting qualities, while the inclusion of calcium and biotin help prevent possible injury in the gym. Another great feature of the MyProtein Alpha Men Multivitamin is that it comes in both 120- and 240-count bottles, so you can potentially buy it and not have to worry about your daily multivitamin for a long time.

Full ingredients profile
Great for boosting your immune system and preventing injury
High amount of selenium adds to the immune benefits
Unlikely for you to feel any side effects


Some essential ingredients are left out
No money-back guarantee could lead consumers to other options

Price: $19.99 for 120 tablets
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review here!

Best For Potency: Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
3 tablets

Best Way To Take
Take 3 tablets with food.

Optimum Nutrition is a leading brand because they have always delivered products which stood above the rest. This is a good daily multivitamin for bodybuilding that includes many ingredients worth taking.
Now, Opti-Men is nothing incredibly special but it’s a good quality multivitamin which will meet your bodybuilding needs. It has a complete vitamin and mineral profile so there’s nothing to miss there. And it interestingly has a Phyto blend similar to the EVL multi with green tea extract to really boost energy.
The “Viri Men Blend” has some nice additional ingredients to support men’s health as well. Saw Palmetto may be beneficial for improving urinary symptoms of an enlarged prostate. And Ginkgo Biloba extract is added for its antioxidant properties.

Powerful blends that are great for foundational immune health in bodybuilders
Complete vitamin and mineral profile offers a wide array of benefits
Good choice to help you function properly


The vitamin forms are not 100% ideal for absorption
Good quality multivitamin but there is nothing obviously special about it

Price: $19 for 90 servings
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review here!

Benefits of Multivitamins
The benefits of multivitamins are ones to absolutely know so you can get the most out of your supplements.

Muscle maintenance: Keep muscle integrity intact and stop damage from free radicals.
Aid in healthy diet: Get those essentials that we often times miss into your diet to maintain a good and healthy balance.
Increase energy: Reduce fatigue and boost energy without the need for stimulants.
Increase cognitive function: Promote better mood and stimulate brain functions, while also working to reduce anxiety and stress.

Important Vitamins To Know

Vitamin A is crucial for maintaining healthy vision. It’s also important for immune function, cell growth, heart, kidney, and lung health. (1)
Vitamin C is necessary for a healthy immune system, and it plays a role in connective tissue health. (2)
Vitamin D plays a big role in the absorption of calcium for bone health. But Vitamin D is also essential for cell growth modulation, immune function, and it has anti-inflammatory properties. (3)
Vitamin E is used by the body in the form of alpha-tocopherol and it’s a vital antioxidant which protects the body against free-radical damage which can cause diseases and cancers. (4)
Vitamin B6 is an enzyme which plays a big role in many chemical reactions in the body. B6 is essential for brain health, immune function, nervous system, and blood cell health. (5)
Vitamin B12 is vital for creating red blood cells, nerves, and DNA. Plus, it’s important for cellular energy and even mental health. (6)
Vitamin K is necessary for making proteins which support healthy bones and tissue. And K also makes proteins for blood clotting. (7)

How We Choose
Multivitamins can be challenging because you want to make sure you get the most out of each multi. With so many ingredients included in each, it can be hard to decide which one is best to buy. This list is built around the idea of a well-rounded multi that can provide all the benefits you need to get you through the day. The quality and reputation of the company directly affects what these products do for you and we’ve chosen only the best. Each of these is packed with essentials to keep you grinding and working hard in daily life and exercise. For price, we look at what will give you the most bang for your buck. Multivitamins can be expensive but it is possible to find a top tier multi while still being affordable.
FAQ Section
What is the best multivitamin?
National Bodybuilding Co. Bodybuilder’s Multivitamin. This multi is one to boost daily energy and provide for better workouts while still giving you a muscle boosting edge. This multi will also help immunity and other bodily functions needed for athletes and gym goers alike. All in all, this is a well-rounded multivitamin.
How do I know which multivitamin is right for me?
When looking for the best multivitamin for you, look to see what is geared for you in terms of age, fitness level, and overall needs from the multi. Looking at ingredients and the label will also provide great insight into how to properly use the multivitamin for your benefit.
I eat a well-balanced diet. Should I still take a multivitamin?
Absolutely. Even with a well-balanced diet, you can still miss those essentials that you need most. A multivitamin will work for your overall benefit so definitely consider one.
Can I take a multivitamin with an omega-3 supplement?
Yes, you can take a multivitamin with an omega-3 supplement. If you have further concerns, talk with your doctor or an expert to make sure you’re comfortable with your decision.
Final Words
Multivitamins are effective in replenishing lost nutrients after intense training sessions. But, they also make a good daily supplement for maintaining good health and the right multivitamins for bodybuilding can make your training that much better and give you what your body needs. And of course, different products will vary in what they offer, although not significant. A good multi won’t skimp on quality and these products are a good example of that. So, choosing the best multivitamins for bodybuilders is all about what will suit your needs and budget, as there are several options you cannot go wrong with and enhance your overall health with the best multivitamin for bodybuilding around.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
1- “Office of Dietary Supplements – Vitamin A”. ods.od.nih.gov.
2- “Office of Dietary Supplements – Vitamin C”. ods.od.nih.gov.
3- “Office of Dietary Supplements – Vitamin D”. ods.od.nih.gov.
4- Boston, 677 Huntington Avenue; Ma 02115 +1495‑1000 (September 18, 2012). “Vitamin E”. The Nutrition Source.
5- “Vitamin B-6”. Mayo Clinic.
7- Skerrett, Patrick J. (January 10, 2013). “Vitamin B12 deficiency can be sneaky, harmful”. Harvard Health Blog.
8- “Vitamin K”. medlineplus.gov.

Best Non-Dairy Protein Powders & The Benefits Of Them

Best Non-Dairy Protein Powders & The Benefits Of Them

Whey protein is the most popular form of protein powder, but non-dairy proteins are just as effective and are great alternatives to enhance growth and recovery.
With whey protein being a widely accepted and very popular form of protein supplements, it is hard to believe that anything else would be worth taking. The conversation seems to always revolve around whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate, but there are great alternatives in plant-based and non-dairy proteins that are taking the market by storm. Whether these be for vegan bodybuilders or other vegan athletes, or for those sensitive to dairy who need that protein boost fulfilled, these alternatives are great products to enhance anyone’s gains for growth and recovery.

The argument against these alternative forms of protein are based in that most plant proteins aren’t complete with an optimal level of essential amino acids to support protein synthesis. Essential amino acids (EAAs) and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are essential for providing the foundational building blocks of protein and act as a catalyst and fuel for protein synthesis so your muscles see huge growth. But this isn’t a problem if you eat a variety of plant proteins and the argument simply doesn’t hold ground when it comes to comparing these whey proteins with alternative non-dairy forms.

Whey Protein Vs. Non-Dairy Protein
Whey protein is an animal protein derived from milk and is widely accessible and available in an abundance of products. It contains valuable BCAAs being leucine, isoleucine, and valine which serve as the essential building blocks of muscle, leading to optimal protein synthesis and faster muscle gains and recovery (1). But sometimes people tend to be sensitive or have poor reactions to the dairy in whey and seek alternative protein sources to continue to capitalize on all their gains.

Plant-based and non-dairy proteins, like pea, hemp, or soy proteins, serve as alternatives which are less likely to cause negative side effects and often contain more natural ingredients. While whey protein contains a complete profile of those essential amino acids, non-dairy alternatives may be lacking in them slightly so supplementing with other products may be a smart idea. For this reason it is important to combine certain plant-based ingredients and more often than not, a non-dairy protein product will contain two or more forms of protein, like a pea and brown rice blend, to ensure you receive the same amino acids profile as whey (2), making these options just as viable.

Types Of Non-Dairy Proteins
Pea Protein: Derived from yellow split pea, this protein is rich in BCAAs and can support muscle gain and muscle building, while keeping you full (3).
Hemp Protein: Comes from seeds of the cannabis plant and has moderate levels of protein but is packed with fiber for great aid to digestive health.
Brown Rice Protein: Inexpensive and available, this has BCAAs and has potential to be as effective as whey when it comes to growth and recovery.
Soy Protein: A complete protein, this rich source can provide desired growth and recovery goals.
Sunflower Seed Protein: A new form of non-dairy protein, it has BCAAs to supply the benefits of a quality protein but is often combined with others to maximize effects.

Benefits Of Non-Dairy Protein

Reduce Digestive Stress

Since dairy can cause digestive stress for some people who are sensitive to it, non-dairy alternatives allow them to experience similar gains to their health and fitness without the fear of an upset stomach or digestive stress. Eliminate the feeling of bloating and low energy by trying one of these great alternatives. Some may also contain antioxidants which can cleanse your body, adding to the extra health benefits associated with these alternatives (4).

Diversity In Your Diet

Adding one of these non-dairy proteins to your diet can provide diversity to your nutritional routine. Since non-dairy alternatives provide great vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and probiotics, you enhance your health and fitness with organic, non-GMO, and effective supplements. Other supplements like pre-workouts and intra-workout BCAAs may be helpful for you as well to pump you with essential amino acids, but in terms of an overall diet and proper nutrient intake, these protein sources can provide a healthy amount for your intended goals.

Aid In Weight Loss

Non-dairy protein alternatives have great benefits in losing and maintaining weight. By being lower in calories, you don’t waste any caloric space with added nonsense only hurting your overall gains. Some have also been shown to decrease appetite which can eliminate unwanted snacking and cravings that ultimately hurt those same gains.

Environmentally Friendly

Using these products can be more environmentally friendly and ethical by using less water, fuel, and land than animal protein.
Featured Supplement
Having a high-quality supplementation routine is imperative to our growth as athletes and bodybuilders seeking nothing but the best for our gains. Great product exist like pre-workouts, testosterone boosters, and fat burners which can greatly affect all of our goals. For those looking to fill in the BCAA gap in their diet with some vegan proteins, look to a BCAA intra-workout supplement to really have great effects when it comes to rounding out a complete profile.
This vegan protein is an amazing supplement from National Bodybuilding Co., a premiere company in producing great bodybuilding supplements.
National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan Protein

National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan Protein is a great protein supplement designed for bodybuilders to progress with their personal goals. A 100% natural and organic plant-based protein, this supplement works to increase the rate of muscle protein synthesis, optimize nutrient utilization, boost metabolic efficiency, and enhance athletic recovery. A blend of organic rice and pea protein, this product is loaded with 20.5g protein and only 117 calories to fit well with any diet while providing an amazing non-dairy alternative to your muscle-building and recovery goals.
Price: $40.00
Try National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan Here
National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan was a runner-up for Best Protein Powder in the 2020 GI Supplement Awards. Check it out here, as well as our individual review here!
Wrap Up
Non-dairy protein alternatives are great substitutes to the almighty and powerful whey protein. For many, whey protein causes an upset stomach and for others, it may not be conducive to their diet, especially those on a more plant-based diet. With so many alternatives on the market, including pea protein, brown rice protein, soy protein, sunflower protein, and a host of others, the opportunity for you to see that desired growth is possible and enhanced through these great supplements. Pumping you with vital nutrients, eliminating digestive stress, and enhancing muscle growth are all great benefits these non-dairy alternatives provide. It is still possible to see great gains with these alternatives and don’t let a wrong impression keep you from achieving your goals. Check out some great non-dairy protein alternatives and see what they can do for you today.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of National Bodybuilding Co. and Envato

Cooke, Matthew B.; Rybalka, Emma; Stathis, Christos G.; Cribb, Paul J.; Hayes, Alan (2010). “Whey protein isolate attenuates strength decline after eccentrically-induced muscle damage in healthy individuals”. (source)
Rogerson, David (2017). “Vegan diets: practical advice for athletes and exercisers”. (source)
Babault, Nicolas; Paizis, Christos; Deley, Gaelle; Guerin-Deremaux, Laetitia; et al. (2015). “Pea Proteins oral supplementation promotes muscle thickness gains during resistance training: a double-blind, randomized, Placebo-controlled clinical trial vs. Whey protein”. (source)
Santos-Hernandez, Marta; Alfieri, Fabio; Gallo, Veronica; Miralles, Beatriz; et al. (2020). “Compared digestibility of plant protein isolates by using the INFOGEST digestion protocol”. (source)

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat For A Desired Physique

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat For A Desired Physique

This is how to get rid of stubborn belly fat so you can be comfortable and confident with a shredded aesthetic.
Most people get a gym membership to lose weight and get in shape but stubborn belly fat is certainly something that is much harder to lose than with a simple gym membership. It takes constant work, continued dedication, and knowing just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat in a safe and effective way so as to not hurt your lifestyle or overall goals. Belly fat can be very stubborn and might take some serious work ethic to lose. Don’t fool yourself into thinking love handles are cute. Anyone who says they are is lying and while the sentiment of keeping your confidence up is there, why not try and give yourself the best chance at seeing the weight loss you know you deserve by looking into ways on how to lose stubborn belly fat. Trust us, we know it’s hard, but it’s absolutely possible.

There is no such thing as “spot reduction” and you can’t expect to lose the fat around your midriff with a few crunches. If you have been trying to lose your stubborn belly fat but have not been successful, this article is what you need. Taking that leap and finding out just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat is important, but again, takes more than just working out. It requires a solid plan of attack, a great strength training program, a clean diet, and an effective supplementation routine. But more importantly, it takes a will to want to change and get better because that is the only way we get things done and make it happen. Stubborn belly fat is just that; stubborn. But it is possible to lose it, work hard, and see a shredded physique others will certainly envy.
Let’s dive right into this and find out just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat so all of our goals can be achieved. With the right plan and routines, we can absolutely work to change our physiques and give ourselves the best chance at serious growth. When you work hard and follow the process, you won’t be disappointed by the results. Without further adieu, let’s take a look at how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

Top Ways To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat
From your diet, to your training, supplementation, and other factors, losing that stubborn belly fat is achievable and absolutely worth trying to do.
Diet and nutrition play an integral role in losing body fat and many of our gains happen in the kitchen. If you don’t understand nutrition and can’t design a diet plan for yourself, it’s advisable you take the help of a professional. Experts know just what works and doesn’t work for people and can put you on a solid plan to get you on track to fully succeed.

Think of protein as an absolutely necessary part of your diet. Protein is beyond important for our weight loss and muscle building goals, and as the key and foundational blocks to muscle growth, it would be foolish to ignore protein. A high protein intake can lead to fullness and reduced snacking, a great first step in how to lose stubborn belly fat (1). By building muscle and increasing strength, you also work to change your body composition and rely on fat stores for fuel, thus breaking up that stubborn belly fat and thinning out.
Fiber is also an important component to this as it is vital to look for ways to keep yourself full. When you stay full for longer, you don’t snack and pump excess and unnecessary calories into your body that will just be stored as fat (2). Fiber will also help keep your digestive system healthy overall.
Carbs & Fats
Carbs and fats tend to be where things get tricky. We need them for they are two of the three macronutrients our bodies need to thrive. But eating too much, or eating the wrong kind, can start to hurt our gains. These two provide for things like energy and cognitive focus, but it is important to remember to have them in moderation so as to not pack on unwanted weight which can be stored and seen as stubborn belly fat.
Things To Avoid
One key piece to the puzzle on how to lose stubborn belly fat is to not eat a lot of sugary foods. While it is of course okay to indulge here and there, a constant intake of sugar can lead to weight gain and that stubborn belly fat you seek gone (3). Limiting your alcohol intake is also wise for heavy alcohol consumption can work against your weight loss goals.

Strength training and cardio are perfect for kicking off your training routine for strength training works to change your body composition and pack on that lean muscle, while cardio can give you a great boost to shed calories and work to burn that stubborn belly fat.
If you’ve been reading about losing weight, you might have come across the concept of fasted training. Fasted training is when you work out first thing in the morning before eating your breakfast. The fasted training works because your body has already entered in a fat burning state because of being fasted throughout the time you were sleeping (4). Make the most of fasted training by following high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts.
Although spot reduction doesn’t work, you can target the areas you need to work on during your workouts. You can target your abdominals by doing specific exercises to get them in shape. Working with exercises that target stubborn belly fat is a great way to begin the process and can really attack those stubborn spots.

Compound exercises are also great for eliminating stubborn belly fat because they work multiple muscles at once to burn calories, build muscle, get a sweat going, and make you feel accomplished. Compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, and push-ups are perfect for targeting those stubborn areas while also giving your body great changes to composition and lean muscle growth.
Compound Exercises For Stubborn Belly Fat
Let’s take a look at some good exercises to help form a training plan that will really spark some weight loss and help you see that desired physique by losing stubborn belly fat.


Walking Lunge

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Dumbbell Goblet Squat





Box Squat

Inverted Row

Barbell Romanian Deadlift

Barbell Overhead Press

Advanced/Mass Building


Barbell Bent-over Row

Barbell Bench Press

Barbell Deadlift

Barbell Clean & Press

When it comes to your strength training, look into exercises that you enjoy performing and that are manageable for your body. A lot of exercises may fit your lifestyle and fitness capacity while others may cause unwanted strain which you just don’t need. Talking with a trainer and knowing your body is absolutely key when looking to lose stubborn belly fat and getting your weightlifting goals to where they need to be.

Having a good supplementation routine is absolutely vital on your journey to lose stubborn belly fat. With so many supplements out there, and so many companies created said supplements, it can be difficult to choose and quite frankly it can be overwhelming. With the right supplement, you will be well on your way to producing a body you can be confident in and never have to worry about that stubborn belly fat again.
For your workout goals, a supplement like a pre-workout can give you those desired energy boost and really work for muscle pumps to get you ready to tackle any workout that comes your way. An intra-workout BCAA will work to keep you primed and ready to tackle any challenge that may arise by reducing fatigue and muscle soreness to allow for better, stronger, and more effective workouts. Of course, having a multivitamin will work to give you those daily nutrients you need most and something like a testosterone booster will work to increase vitality and boost those low T levels in men who may be suffering as a result.
But two supplements are vital to losing stubborn belly fat and keeping you on track when it comes to your weight loss and fitness goals. A fat burner is a must if you want that extra boost in getting rid of stubborn belly fat as it will work to boost your metabolism and move that stored fat around to be used as fuel (5). A protein powder will give you the edge when it comes to growth and recovery, while also keeping you full and providing a clean source of protein to boost all of your gains.
Let’s take a look at two awesome supplements which can give you the best chance at changing your physique and helping to answer the question of how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.
Fat Burner: Burn Lab Pro

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues. With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be.
Price: $59.00
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review for Burn Lab Pro here!

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners for more great fat burning products!

Protein Powder: Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey boasts an impressive array of eco-friendly accomplishments. It’s organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free. There are no artificial sweeteners — a rarity in a world full of whey protein powder, which are almost always filled with chemical flavorings to disguise the chalkiness of protein. There are also no artificial colorings or preservatives added. If you have a sensitive stomach, allergies, or just care about the environment, this is an excellent choice for you and your body weight goals and is easy to digest compared to a whey concentrate.
Price: $59.00
Click here for the best price
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate here!

Check out our list of the Best Protein Powders for more great protein supplements!

Other Helpful Tips For How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat
While a solid training plan, good diet routine, and proper supplements, you can work to change your physique and burn that stubborn belly fat. But there are some other lifestyle factors that may also help you on your weight loss journey.
Work To Reduce Stress
Our lives can be stressful and we know we have to find a balance between our work life, personal life, and everything else in between. But too much stress can boost our levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, thus triggering negative effects on our body. Cortisol can increase our appetite and influence fat storage (6). When we get stressed, we often turn to those comfort foods but those are typically foods high in carbs, fat, and sugar. Finding ways to reduce stress like working out, meditation, or yoga are ways to stay active while working on producing a better, healthier mind set.

Get Adequate Amounts Of Sleep
We all say we love to sleep yet too often do we not get enough. This ties into our busy lives, for it can be challenging to often times get the proper amount of sleep we need. But with quality sleep we give our bodies time to recover and rest to tackle any challenge that comes from the next day. Especially if you work out, sleep is the time our body heals itself and allows for muscle growth and gains to fully flourish (7).
Keep Track Of Everything
One way to help stick to your goals is to stay on track with everything you do. Writing down your meals, what times you ate, what supplements you took, and what your workouts were like can prove to be very beneficial for you in the long run. While you don’t need to be religious with every detail, being organized and having a list ready is a great way to set goals, boost confidence, and make sure those goals are achieved. Staying more organized can also help reduce stress of the many things you need to do and will promote better sleep knowing you didn’t forget to do anything.
Wrap Up
Losing stubborn belly fat can be hard but there are ways on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat that can boost your training, performance, overall health, and wellness. Whether it be your diet, supplementation routine, training plan, or just making every day changes to better yourself, losing that stubborn belly fat is not as overwhelming as it may seem. Look into fun ways to stay engaged and remember that determination and a will to get it done goes a long way. With a great plan of attack, your goal of how to lose stubborn belly fat is much closer than you think.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Burn Lab Pro, Transparent Labs and Envato

Leidy, Heather J.; Clifton, Peter M.; Astrup, Arne; Wycherley, Thomas P.; et al. “The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance”. (source)
Slavin, Joanne L. (2005). “Dietary fiber and body weight”. (source)
Malik, Vasanti S.; Schulze, Matthias B.; Hu, Frank B. (2006). “Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain: a systematic review”. (source)
De Bock, K.; Derave, W.; Eijnde, B. O.; Hesselink, M. K.; et al. (2008). “Effect of training in the fasted state on metabolic responses during exercise with carbohydrate intake”. (source)
Jeukendrup, A. E.; Randell, R. (2011). “Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism”. (source)
Moyer, A. E.; Rodin, J.; Grilo, C. M.; Cummings, N.; et al. (1994). “Stress-induced cortisol response and fat distribution in women”. (source)
Dattilo, M.; Antunes, H. K. M.; Medeiros, A.; Neto, M. M.; et al. (2011). “Sleep and muscle recovery: endocrinological and molecular basis for a new and promising hypothesis”. (source)

The Personal Keto Diet Experience: Is It The Best Fat Loss Program Out There?

The Personal Keto Diet Experience: Is It The Best Fat Loss Program Out There?

My personal keto experience.
The Ketogenic diet has been gaining a ton of popularity in recent years. While there have been many low carb diets that have influenced the masses as of late, the keto diet has really made a major impact and with good reason. The keto diet works and that’s not just hyperbole. In the past when I needed to cut weight for fights or even now when a fighter needs advice for shaving off those last few pounds, the keto diet has always been the answer.
A Whole New World of Options
So the initial switch from rice, potatoes, beans, and other carb filled products to fats like oils, avocados, and nuts was a bit daunting. You basically throwaway everything that you’ve grown to love and replacing it with foods that just aren’t the same. Being keto means embracing fats which is something so many people seem to get wrong. Fats are demonized mainly because they are so calorie dense, not because they’re horrible for you. Yes, there are the trans fats that you want to avoid at all costs, but coconut oil and avocados will actually do your body good rather than the reverse.

The options you have at your disposal may at first seem limited, but that’s why you have a little thing called a brain. Research is required to do keto the right way. You can easily get caught up in the pitfalls of eating way too much protein while on the diet which will push you right out of the sweet spot of ketosis. Ketosis is when your body switches over from using carbs for fuel to fats. If you spend too much time eating chicken breast and not enough time consuming oils and nuts then you’re probably doing something wrong.
Entering Ketosis
With my experience first entering ketosis I noticed having a very dry sensation. What does that mean? Well, whether you’re drinking a few sips or all the water your body can handle, it always felt as if you’re just constantly dry. For whatever reason, there was a constant feeling of never getting enough water. But that’s only one man’s observation after all. I venture to bet that every person will have a different experience initially.
Energy Levels
In terms of the energy levels, there have been talks that lifting heavy or doing explosive work on a keto diet is ill advised and could be taxing on the body. Considering that the average person gets most of their energy through carbohydrates, switching over to fats as your primary fuel source does feel a bit different. Initially you’re going to feel sluggish, there’s no doubt. After passing the first hurdle however, life gets better and the suffering passes.
A keto diet during fight week and when you’re just living your everyday life can be considerably different. On fight week sodium intake is put in check. That means you’re not going to be slogging down barrels of salt while you’re trying to cut water weight. Sodium holds onto water which means kicking the table salt to the wayside. If you’re simply trying to lose fat however, the sodium intake is less of a worry. That doesn’t mean pour a mountain of salt on your food, but it does mean you don’t have to be nearly as strict as a fighter or bodybuilder getting prepped for competition.

As far the results go, water weight melts off of you like butter (another fat source to be embraced on keto by the way). When you add the high fat, moderate protein, and low carb method to your diet along with vast quantities of water, you’ll watch as your body dumps out the extra fluid. That said, we have to understand that water weight and fat are entirely two different things.
Water weight comes back easily which means if you hop on the keto diet for a week, see crazy results, get lazy and stuff your face with garbage, you can expect to see the pounds come right back.
Whenever I cut weight for a fight it was less about getting fat off forever and more about getting the water out of my system while still holding onto my muscle. Hind sight being twenty-twenty however, putting back all of the water I had lost the week prior over night wasn’t perhaps the smartest approach. In fact, after one massive twenty pound cut within one week, I packed back on the pounds by eating whatever I pleased. I thought to myself “I’ve been disciplined enough for the last several weeks, no big deal in celebrating a bit.” Little did I know that would end up throwing my metabolism off the rails and pack a good deal of fat onto my frame.
If you’re looking to keep the results of your hard work and dedication then you need to stay strict and maintain the diet for an extended period of time. It also means having a plethora of choices at hand so you won’t fall off the wagon due to lack of options. This may be a bit of “broscience” but by sticking to the game plan for a short time and throwing it all out the window, it ensured that the results would go up in smoke. The secret to success on the keto diet is by looking at it as a lifestyle choice rather than just some fad you’re looking to take up. Staying in ketosis for a long range of time will ensure that you’re not just dropping water weight, but that you’re burning fat as well. But that requires something else.
Training on Keto
Can you lose fat and maintain muscle on a keto diet alone? Yes, that’s totally possible. That said, it works even better if you’re training hard to maintain your muscle mass. Staying active, primarily with resistance training, explosive movements like heavy bag work and sprints, while adding some steady state cardio like walking or jogging into the mix will blast fat easily while you’re in ketosis.
Some people believe you can grow weaker while on a keto diet, but really it’s about what you’re fueling up on. If you have some grass-fed ground beef or steak with avocado and nuts, you’ll be surprised just how explosive and powerful you’ll feel on keto. It’s all about training smart and meal planning intelligently if you want to make strength and muscle gains.

Long Term Use
So can you stay on the keto diet long term? Well, I’ll say so far so good. being sure to understand your options is a big deal with this diet so you’ll need to game plan in order to keep up. But just from personal advice, give yourself a refeed day after about two to three weeks of being on the diet. That means reintroducing carbs back into your diet which will both boost your metabolism while at the same time satisfying those urges and cravings you could be having.
If you start a refeed in the first week, it could be a slippery slope which could lead to binging. Instead you should make smart carb choices while sneaking a cheat meal in there somewhere. We’re all human, so we need a little break from things once in awhile.
While you could follow a keto diet indefinitely, it would be a good idea to alternate between a traditional macro approach and a keto diet every other week or at your leisure. Variety is the spice of life after all and being limited to fifty grams of carbs all the time can become a bit unrealistic at times. All in all, it’s an effective diet that requires a lot of diligence and patience to follow, but will get you the results you desire.
For a more scientific in-depth look at how the keto diet can be effective for bodybuilders, make sure to check out Dr. Jacob Wilson’s researched breakdown on the diet and many other insights on bodybuilding nutrition with Generation Iron Plus.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.

How to Optimize Meal Timing for Gaining or Cutting

How to Optimize Meal Timing for Gaining or Cutting

Meal timing is something that you are bound to have heard about at one point or another during your training career. At some point, one of your friends or maybe a gym veteran has spoken to you about drinking a shake post-workout to start promoting recovery and muscle growth or getting protein in every few hours to stave off catabolism. Those are both forms of nutrient timing that are used for a specific purpose.
In more practical terms, nutrient timing is how you can bring out the full capacity of a diet. While alone it doesn’t account for a huge portion of your results (maybe about 10%), proper timing along with a well-calculated plan will see you outperforming your peers at the gym that just focus on calories. Typically there are two ways I like to use nutrient timing with my clients:
1) As a way to build adherence with new clients (i.e scheduling meals at times they’re more likely to not miss or overeat)
2) As a way to improve the results of an advanced client during gaining or cutting phases

The Goal of Nutrient/Meal Timing
The goal of proper meal timing is not just about splitting calories up during the day. If you’re at a high level, you’re using trying to get the most results possible; and without knowing how to split up your macros appropriately you can be leaving gains on the table.
When creating a plan for your day, the first thing we need to do is set meals around when you wake up, train, and go to bed. The meals around these events will have the most variation, whether from the total amount of calories you are eating or the specific macronutrient breakdown.
Through these variations, we can cut hunger during a caloric deficit; make it easier to get all your food in during gaining phases; or manage things like insulin resistance in general populations [1].
How to Use Nutrient Timing to Your Advantage
The first way anyone can use nutrient/meal timing to their advantage is simply by splitting the total amount of protein they consume equally across all meals. We want to do this because while protein will almost always be used for various processes within the body, only a certain amount of it can be used effectively for muscle protein synthesis.
A simple and effective way to split protein is to divide it equally across all meals, though if that causes your macros to be awkward numbers your best bet would be to increase the protein consumption post-workout and at your last evening meal. The higher protein post-workout can help to drive a positive net protein balance especially after very taxing workouts while increasing protein at a regular meal will help to increase satiety – this is an especially powerful tool during cuts where caloric deficits will surely drive hunger up.
To contrast that last point, you can also use meal timing during a gaining phase to push most of your caloric intake around workouts or times where hunger levels are very high to avoid having to inevitably force-feed yourself to stay on track.
Here is how we can look at meal timing to optimize workouts:
Your goal with your pre-workout meal is to be able to fill glycogen stores maximally to fuel your workout. As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, you are in the gym to lift and to gain or preserve muscle mass, to that end, you want to always make sure that your pre-workout nutrition is centered around improving the performance of your workout.
Carbohydrates intake pre-workout will most likely be your second biggest consumption of carbs during the day (the biggest being post-workout), however, that isn’t the only nutrient you need to be eating. Your protein intake pre-workout will also have a twofold effect; the first being an increase in serum amino acids causing a positive net protein balance. The second being a pro-anabolic response resulting from ingesting at least 20g of whey protein before exercising [2,3]. It also seems that through these mechanisms, there are sufficient circulating nutrients to maximally stimulate protein synthesis right after the workout is complete.
One caveat to this is that eating within a short amount of time pre-workout might have the opposite effect on performance since digestion will take precedence. A trick here would be to try and aim to have your pre-workout meal 2 – 3 hours before training. Additionally, try to reduce the amount of fiber and fats that this meal contains and instead consume simple carbohydrates and protein. Fats and dietary fiber will slow down digestion and delay the time it takes for these nutrients to reach their destination [4]. Smaller meal sizes and quickly digesting carbs are your friends here.
While most people think that their intra-workout nutrition is going to make or break their results, the vast majority of lifters do not really need it. The exceptions to this rule are those are a very high level of lifting that train hard for well over an hour on average. The types of lifters that I’ve seen intra-workout nutrition make a difference for are high-level bodybuilders, Olympic lifters, powerlifters, and some CrossFit athletes training multiple times per day. Unless you fall into this category or are competing in a sport that requires a full-day event (a soccer tournament or Brazilian jiu-jitsu competition for example), chances are you might be better off saving the calories for your meals.
However, if you do fall into this category the rules are pretty simple: In lifting sports, choose rapidly digesting carbohydrates and protein (high glycemic carbs or powders work great here), to maintain steady blood sugar and stay anti-catabolic. For team sports or non-lifting sports carbohydrates and electrolytes will generally be the priority during the event, and protein ingestion to stave off catabolism and improve recovery will become the priority towards the end.
Lunch bodybuilders, chicken breast with vegetables and rice, water
Here is where most lifters focus their nutrient timing efforts. Now, I will preface this part by saying that research does not strongly support a post-workout anabolic window, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other reasons for optimizing your post-workout nutrition.
One of the main attributes of post-workout nutrition is carbohydrate intake. Something that I picked up from the guys at Renaissance Periodization has to do with putting 35% of your daily carb allowance at your post-workout meal. Research has shown that muscles become more sensitive to insulin and therefore to glucose absorption post-training which creates an optimal opportunity to ingest a larger amount of carbohydrates – this is especially helpful for those that tend to put on body fat easily during a gaining phase [1]. Some people will also talk about needing to ingest carbohydrates post-workout to quickly resynthesize glycogen stores or to become more anabolic, however that research is divided. On the one hand, you do utilize stored glycogen to fuel intense workouts, but we’ve also seen that it is rare to completely deplete glycogen, and athletes only drinking water post-workout can replenish glycogen up to 75% within 6 hours, but it is true that ingesting carbs would replete up to 91% [5]. In addition, some research has also suggested that adding carbohydrates to a protein dose of 20-25g has no added stimulus to muscle protein synthesis [6].
Now even though it’s sad to find out that your post-workout nutrition is important but not necessarily in the way you might have wanted, it’s important to note that the benefits surrounding absorption of nutrients post-workout is still viable and should be the focus.
Final Word
Right now you’re probably saying to yourself:
“Alright, so then what’s the point of all this, James?”
Glad you asked.
Here’s what you should take away from this: Your lifting is stimulating enough to trigger anabolic responses and protein synthesis (i.e get jacked) however, the nutrition side of things might seem complicated, but it isn’t – we just want it to work synergistically with our lifting. The first rule is to figure out how many calories you need to eat, then I like to focus on my pre-workout and post-workout meals because while the pre-workout meal will be smaller, they both have the same goal: easy and quick digesting carbohydrates and protein with minimal fiber and fat. A good rule of thumb is 25% Carbs pre-workout and roughly 35% post-workout (see Renaissance Periodization for more detail). After that the rest of your meals should be split with your goal in mind; if you’re bulking then try and fit more food during times when your hunger levels are high to avoid needing to force-feed (even splits here don’t work super well). If you’re cutting, then try and stick more of your fats and fiber later in the day and especially at your last meal since these are the most satiating nutrients, and in this way, you can avoid having to fight hunger and improve your ability to sleep restfully.
If you like what you read and want to learn even more right in your inbox, click HERE to subscribe to my newsletter and get a free transformation checklist while you’re at it.

[1] Ivy, J. L. “Glycogen resynthesis after exercise: effect of carbohydrate intake.” International journal of sports medicine 19, no. S 2 (1998): S142-S145.

[2] Tipton, Kevin D., Blake B. Rasmussen, Sharon L. Miller, Steven E. Wolf, Sharla K. Owens-Stovall, Bart E. Petrini, and Robert R. Wolfe. “Timing of amino acid-carbohydrate ingestion alters anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise.” American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology And Metabolism (2001).

[3] Tipton, Kevin D., Tabatha A. Elliott, Melanie G. Cree, Steven E. Wolf, Arthur P. Sanford, and Robert R. Wolfe. “Ingestion of casein and whey proteins result in muscle anabolism after resistance exercise.” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 36, no. 12 (2004): 2073-2081.

[4] Lattimer, James M., and Mark D. Haub. “Effects of dietary fiber and its components on metabolic health.” Nutrients 2, no. 12 (2010): 1266-1289.

[5] Pascoe, David D., David L. Costill, William J. Fink, Robert A. Robergs, and Jeffrey J. Zachwieja. “Glycogen resynthesis in skeletal muscle following resistive exercise.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 25, no. 3 (1993): 349-354.

[6] Figueiredo, Vandre C., Michelle M. Farnfield, Megan LR Ross, Petra Gran, Shona L. Halson, Jonathan M. Peake, David Cameron-Smith, and James F. Markworth. “The effect of carbohydrate ingestion following eccentric resistance exercise on AKT/mTOR and ERK pathways: a randomized, double-blinded, crossover study.” International journal of sports nutrition and exercise metabolism 29, no. 6 (2019): 664-670.

Boirie, Y., Dangin, M., Gachon, P., Vasson, M. P., Maubois, J. L., & Beaufrère, B. (1997). Slow and fast dietary proteins differently modulate postprandial protein accretion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 94(26), 14930-14935.

Lemon, P. W., Berardi, J. M., & Noreen, E. E. (2002). The role of protein and amino acid supplements in the athlete’s diet: does type or timing of ingestion matter?. Current sports medicine reports, 1(4), 214-221.

Best Protein Bars For Bodybuilding Growth & Performance (Updated 2021)

Best Protein Bars For Bodybuilding Growth & Performance (Updated 2021)

These protein bars are sure to keep you full and aid in your bodybuilding goals by pumping you with protein and other nutrients that are vital for maximum growth.
Protein bars are designed to serve as a convenient source of nutrition for athletes, gym-goers, and everyday people to keep nutrition at the top of the list for priority. If you’ve ever walked through the isle at a store, boxes upon boxes of protein bars line the shelves and the choices become so overwhelming, you just give up. And we don’t blame you. That’s why we provided this list of the best protein bars for your bodybuilding goals for 2021.
Don’t let an overly saturated market keep you from seeing great gains and while many companies claim their protein bars can serve as solid meal replacements, it is important to remember that many bars are loaded with sugar and other additives that you just don’t need from a bar. This list has some of the best bars on the market today to make your life a little easier when it comes to choosing the right protein bar.

Check out our list of the Best Protein Bars as you aim to continue your health hunt to aid in your overall growth, performance, and wellness for the best protein bar. We seek to make your life easier by providing you with a solid list to start to narrow down your search as you look for nothing but the best for your fitness, health, and wellness goals.
Best Protein Bar For 2021

Best Protein Bar Overall: Jacked Factory Authentic Bar






Birthday Cake, Peanut Butter Candy, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Coconut Cashew, Kitchen Sink, Mint Chocolate Chip

Jacked Factory Authentic Bar is a great protein bar with authentic ingredients, taste, and results. This decadent high protein bar is made with real ingredients and whey protein isolate for that clean, filtered protein to help with muscle growth and recovery. With no artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols, this protein bar is exactly what you need to round out a great dietary routine. No gut wrenching fibers and awesome flavors are matched by honesty and transparency with this amazing protein bar.

High in protein and uses whey isolate
No artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols
Made with real ingredients
Great flavors


Comparable to less expensive bars

Price: $24.99 for 12-pack
Click here for the best price

Best For Strength & Performance: Swiss Natural Foods T Bar






Honey & Salt, Peanut Chocolate

Swiss Natural Foods T Bar is a fully natural protein bar with a twist. They have added a few extra ingredients to ensure your health takes priority. Powerful plant extracts mixed with the right vitamins and minerals for optimal hormonal balance, this bar is the best Mother Nature can offer with great potential for your power, performance, but more importantly, health. With 16g of protein, a good ratio with the other macronutrients, and only 250 calories, this protein bar does its job, and it does it well.

Packed with whey protein and other powerful ingredients
Natural and effective
Innovative approach to protein bars


Taste is hard to swallow
Usual chalky texture from protein bars

Price: $29.99
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review for Swiss Natural Foods T Bar here!

Best For Energy & Metabolism Support: GNC Total Lean Layered Protein Bar






Whipped Chocolate Mousse, Girl Scouts Coconut Caramel

GNC Total Lean Layered Protein Bar is a great protein bar to satisfy hunger and provide for lean, high quality protein support. Being gluten-free, and with great flavors, you can enjoy this bar and get all of the benefits without the guilt. At 190 calories per bar and with 16g protein, 8g fat, and 14g carbs, this provides a perfect ratio for all of these macronutrients for your diet. Made with a protein blend of whey concentrate and isolate, as well as other ingredients to fuel muscle growth, repair damaged muscle, and aid in other bodily functions, this meal replacement bar is perfect for a pre-workout boost or a post-workout recovery protein packed snack while also being great tasting to boost your protein intake and help lose weight.

Great ingredients
190 calories and 16 grams of protein
Delicious flavors


It does contain sucralose and maltodextrin
High amount of sugar adds to the taste but may not be compatible with certain diets

Price: $9.99/ 5 bars
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review for GNC Total Lean Layered Protein Bar here!

Best For Recovery: Optimum Nutrition Opti-Bar






Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Brownie, Cookies ‘N Creme

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Bar is a high quality and very convenient protein bar designed for on-the-go muscle support to assist muscle recovery  and muscle growth in efforts to get you primed for that next workout. As a leader in sports nutrition and a reputable brand you can trust, Optimum Nutrition seeks top-tier products with innovative technology to really get consumers to where they need to be with their diet, like with this meal replacement bar. With 20g of protein per bar, up to 10g of fiber per bar, and less than 5g of sugar, your recovery goals are surely on their way. Three great flavors in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Brownie, and Cookies ‘N Crème make this bar a delicious option for your on-the-go needs as one of the best bars on the market to build muscle.

High protein, low carb, and very little sugar
From a reputable company
Great flavors and taste


Little sugar is very healthy
Some may not enjoy the texture

Price: $29.95/ 12 bars
Click here for the best price

Best For Tackling Cravings: Quest Nutrition Protein Bar






Birthday Cake, Blueberry Muffin, Caramel Chocolate Chunk, Chocolate Brownie, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Hazelnut, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Sprinkled Doughnut, Cinnamon Roll, Cookies & Cream, Double Chocolate Chunk, Lemon Cake, Maple Waffle Protein, Mint Chocolate Chunk, Mocha Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Brownie Smash, S’mores, White Chocolate Raspberry

Quest Nutrition protein bars are made with complete, dairy-based proteins to provide your body with 9 essential amino acids. With a lot of flavors to choose from, each bar is a sweet treat with less than 2g of sugar in each bar to satisfy cravings to keep you full longer. With up to 21g of protein and 16g of fiber per bar, net carbs round out to 4-6g giving you a really great ratio of all of those macronutrients you need for fuel, growth, and recovery along with your diet needs. With a solid protein blend and not a lot of ingredients, this bar comes out to be a great option for those looking to satisfy cravings while also seeing gains from a protein packed snack with clean ingredients to provide energy and build muscle.

There are a multitude of flavors to choose from
Ratio of macronutrients is perfect
High in protein and one of the best tasting bars
Little sugar


May be hard to digest for some
Does contain sucralose as well

Price: $22.22/ 12 bars
Click here for the best price

Importance Of Protein For Growth
Protein is a macronutrient vital for many functions in the human body. Since the body cannot produce protein, we must obtain this vital nutrient from foods. Once digested, amino acids are produced which are the building blocks of protein the body then uses to build and maintain muscle (1), produce blood and connective tissue, and work to keep your body primed for whatever comes its way.
While it is easy to obtain protein from a great whey powder, whether that be a concentrate or an isolate, sometimes we need to get protein from other sources, those sources preferably being whole foods. Yet even still it can be hard for us to make a home cooked meal with our busy schedules and this is where protein bars come into play to really advance our goals and give us all of that protein for serious growth (2). As a vital component for muscle growth and muscle maintenance, protein in whatever form should never be overlooked, especially for workout recovery and a protein bar is a great way to get that nutrition.
Benefits Of Protein Bars
Protein bars have great benefits to your growth and recovery while also aiming to keep you full (3). Benefits of protein bars include:

Packed with protein: Provide enough protein content to offer growth and keep you full while still allowing for proper digestion. This will also aid in muscle building and maintenance and workout recovery.
Full of fiber: Keep you full longer and moving regularly which is an important piece for your body to properly function and keep weight off.
Short on sugar (if any at all): Be careful of added sugar and other sweeteners that ruin the health benefits of a good bar and ruin all of your dietary work thus far.
Inexpensive and convenient: Don’t break the bank for a protein bar that will only provide some benefits and really look for one that will give you everything you need (and deserve) from a bar.

Why You Should Eat Protein Bars For Performance?
Protein bars are simple, tasty, and convenient snacks to enjoy while also adding protein and other nutrients quickly into the body for any lifestyle. It is important to not fall victim to the best looking box or advertisement because its all about ingredients. You need to find the right bar for you as many are flooded with sugar and other ingredients that can really hurt your gains (4).
While this may seem like a daunting task, trust us, we get it. We’ve all spent time wandering the isles in the supermarket or health store, or browsing endless pages online searching for the next best thing to elevate our health and fitness. Sometimes there is a diamond in the rough and once we find it, it is game over. But sometimes it takes more diligence than we want, or have time for, and that can really hurt our chances of finding a really great supplement or health food product.
What To Look For In A Good Protein Bar
A good protein will have:

Minimal calories: Be sure to look for a lower calorie bar that also has plenty of benefits. They do exist.
A quality fat content: Depending on your goals, knowing the fat content can be extremely important. Also, make sure it is conducive to whatever diet you may be on.
Clean ingredients: Be sure to look for any harmful additives or just extra junk that you do not want in your protein bar snack.

At the end of the day, choosing the best bar for you all comes down to preference. What you desire in taste, what you want in texture, and what you seek for your bodybuilding goals. The best part is, you can always mix and match bars and are not tied down to one in particular. Many companies offer a variety of bars for various occasions while you can work to create your own group of different bars to really diversify your palate and your goals (5). Don’t get hung up on trying to find the one perfect bar for you because the truth is there may be more than one that fits your desired goals. In fact, there are more than one and it just takes some work in finding it.
How We Choose
When choosing this list of the best protein bars, we wanted to focus on three things: reputability of the company, taste and effectiveness, and price. Each company should be working for you and the name of the brand matters. We look at those trusted companies who work tirelessly to product the best protein bars around. We also know your bar should taste good and be effective for keeping you full and working on producing more gains. These bars have both of those covered and you shouldn’t settle for anything less. Lastly, price matters. We know it can be expensive to find a good bar and these above are perfect for all your goals while still being affordable options.

FAQ Section
What is the best protein bar?
Jacked Factory Authentic Bars. This is a great protein bar with authentic ingredients, taste, and results. This decadent high protein bar is made with real ingredients and whey protein isolate for that clean, filtered protein to help with muscle growth and recovery. With no artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols, this protein bar is exactly what you need to round a great dietary routine.
What makes a protein bar great?
Protein bars should offer the right balance of macronutrients with the highest amount being protein. Often times, protein bars will have a lot of fat and carbs that don’t match the amount of protein. They should also taste good and be effective in their goal of providing you with the best nutrients and ingredients so you progress with your goals.
Can protein bars be used as meal replacements?
Protein bars can be used as meal replacements but sparingly. It is always best to eat a whole food meal so you don’t miss out on any nutrients, or even looking to products designed for meal replacements is a great place to start as well. Check out our list of the Best Meal Replacements for some awesome supplements!
When is it best to eat a protein bar?
Protein bars are great for many occasions. For your pre-workout or post-workout fuel, protein bars can really prove to be worth your while. On busy days, taking a protein bar on the go is a great option when looking to stay on your diet and eliminate the desire to snack.
On the whole, are protein bars healthy?
That is a tough question as it really depends on the bar. Protein bars can be healthy if they have the right balance of macronutrients and don’t contain artificial flavors, sweeteners, or sugar alcohols. Doing your research is the best way to determine if the bar of your choosing is a healthy option for you.
Wrap Up
Protein bars should work for your benefit and your benefit only. While they should taste good, they should also provide for overall quality health benefits and it is possible to have both. These protein bars listed above are really great sources of protein that taste good and will give you that boost to fuel a workout, recover from tough training, or offer a healthy snack during the day as you power through to the end.
With protein as an essential building block for muscle, having a protein packed bar is something to really look for to advance your goals. While it can be frustrating to search and search for the best option, it is out there. Your goals are priority number one and while it can be daunting to know there are a ton of products on the market, the benefit is that you don’t have to change your goals to find the right one. It will find you. Check out these protein bars for your bodybuilding goals and see your progress unfold today with a great meal replacement.
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)
Tipton, K. D.; Wolfe, R. R. (2001). “Exercise, protein metabolism, and muscle growth”. (source)
Tanskanen, Minna M.; Westerterp, Klaas R.; Uusitalo, Arja L.; Atalay, Mustafa; et al. (2012). “Effects of Easy-to-Use Protein-Rich Energy Bar on Energy Balance, Physical Activity and Performance during 8 Days of Sustained Physical Exertion”. (source)
Hassan, Sami Kadhim (2020). “Quantitative and qualitative effects of proteins and natural sugars on hardening and color of high-protein nutrition bars during storage”. (source)
Shmerling, Robert H. MD (2015). “Are protein bars really just candy bars in disguise?”. (source)