Tag: Parent Topic: Nutrition

Noom Weight Loss App Review
Noom is a weight loss app that emphasizes building a healthy and sustainable relationship with food more than it does on counting calories and restricting your eating. It runs primarily on the Noom app, which is available on both iOS and Android devices. Noom offers daily lessons that cover the psychology of eating and how it affects your…
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HOP WTR Mango Is a Crisp Entry Into the Non-Alcoholic Beverage World
Many outlets credit the year 2010 as the official starting point of “Sober October,” a monthlong challenge where people forgo all alcohol. Thanks to various podcasters and influencers boasting the positive effects of the “sober curious” movement, the concept has stuck. Fast forward to 2023, and 63 percent of 1,000 participants in a survey said they heard about…
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The Best High-Protein Breakfast Ideas for Muscle-Building and Fat Loss
Your alarm goes off in the morning, and it’s time to crack open your eyes and get out of bed. After brushing your teeth and making your coffee, you think about your morning meal. Some people skip breakfast, some love it. If you’re having breakfast, loading it with nutritious foods and plenty of protein can set you up…
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HOP WTR Classic Brings a Non-Alcoholic, Calorie-Free Alternative To IPA Fans
Few economic success stories can rival that of the craft beer boom of the last decade. In 2010, there were around 1,813 craft breweries in the U.S. In 2022, that number had ballooned to 9,552 breweries, pumping out a total of 24.3 million barrels of beer a year. Both those numbers are all-time highs. In recent years, the…
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8 Vitamins and Nutrients You Need To Take To Stay Fit Over 40
As the popular quote attributed to Mae West goes, “Getting old isn’t for the faint of heart.” One quite literal explanation for this may be that aging simply makes it difficult for your heart and the rest of your organs to acquire all of the nutrients they need to function properly. When you’re in your 20s and 30s,…
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The Best Foods High in Magnesium for More Energy in the Gym
Choosing what foods make up your diet directly impacts your overall health. As a fitness enthusiast, you may hit your macros daily and aim to get enough protein to reach your goals. But beyond macronutrients, vitamins and minerals matter, too. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in energy production and your overall health. Over half…
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6 Black Seed Oil Benefits You Should Know About
A glance down any supplement aisle will advertise superfoods galore. One herb that has gained recent popularity in the Western supplement industry is black seed oil. Also known as black caraway, black cumin, or Kalonji, it comes from the ancient plant Nigella sativa (N. sativa). For over 2,000 years, people have used Nigella sativa seeds to treat various…
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The Best High-Protein Foods to Help You Pack on Muscle
Whether you like to meal prep, cook each meal, or shake up a smoothie — as a fitness enthusiast, protein is crucial to your diet. Protein helps you build muscle mass and recover from training so you can hit the gym for your next session, ready to keep crushing deadlifts and bench presses. There are health benefits to…
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How Many Protein Shakes a Day? Here’s What You Need for Muscle Growth
You’ve just finished a grueling workout, and as you’re catching your breath and heading to the locker room, you’re already thinking about your post-workout meal. Does it really have to be a protein shake? In today’s health-conscious world, protein shakes have evolved from dietary supplements to dietary staples for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and casual gymgoers alike. They’ve become…
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These Are the Best Prebiotic Foods for Gut Health and Gym Gains
When it comes to supporting health, performance, and physique goals, people across strength sports are starting to look beyond calories, macros, and supplements. Figuring out how to improve gut health is becoming a … Read more
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