Tag: Protein Powder

Best Protein Powder For Sensitive Stomach

Best Protein Powder For Sensitive Stomach

Are you someone who has trouble digesting whey supplements due to a sensitive stomach? If yes, then this blog is for you. These supplements are an excellent source of nutrition, and consuming good calories but they can be challenging for individuals with sensitive stomachs to digest. In this blog, we will explore the connection between protein supplements and sensitive stomachs, as well as the importance of hydrolyzed and pre-digested options. We will also list the best protein powder for sensitive stomach. Furthermore, we will discuss how adjustments in your diet and lifestyle can complement the use of these supplements. Finally, we will look at alternative options that individuals with sensitive stomachs can consider if they are unable to consume these supplements.

Understanding the Need for Nutrition By Protein Powders


Protein supplements offer a convenient and efficient solution to meet our daily nutritional requirements. For those with sensitive stomachs, finding supplements that are easier to digest becomes crucial. It is recommended to opt for products that are free from common allergens like dairy, soy, and gluten. Additionally, considering options that contain digestive enzymes can aid in digestion. Reading reviews and trying samples can help you find the best supplement for your sensitive stomach. By incorporating these steps into your selection process, you can ensure that you find a product that not only meets your dietary needs but also supports your digestive health.

Importance Of Plant Based And Grass Fed Whey Protein

Understanding the symptoms and triggers of sensitive stomachs is crucial for individuals seeking the best supplement for their needs. Choosing the right product can make a significant difference in digestion and overall well-being. When selecting for sensitive stomachs, it’s essential to consider factors like ingredients and certifications. Look for options that are lactose-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free, as these can help minimize digestive issues such as bloating or upset stomach. Products with digestive enzymes and fillers can also aid in optimal digestion. To ensure a sensitive stomach-friendly diet, incorporate supplements from grass-fed cows into smoothies or shakes with ingredients like chia seeds, quinoa, or berries. It’s recommended to opt for plant-based protein powder options like pea or hemp protein, which are gentle on the digestive system. By making informed choices, individuals with sensitive stomachs can enjoy the benefits of supplementation without discomfort or digestive issues.

Discomfort Due To Protein Intake

Excessive protein intake causes discomfort when the body can’t process it effectively, leading to bloating, gas, and abdominal issues. Inadequate hydration further complicates protein metabolism, straining the kidneys. Moderation is essential to avoid these problems while still benefiting from its vital functions.

Individual tolerance varies, with some people having sensitivities to specific sources, worsening discomfort. Balance protein intake with other nutrients based on age, sex, and activity level. A well-rounded diet with diverse sources provides necessary nutrients without causing discomfort. Consult a healthcare professional or dietitian for persistent issues.

Hydrolyzed Protein Powders Are the Best For Sensitive Stomachs

Hydrolyzed and pre-digested protein supplements play a crucial role for individuals with sensitive stomachs. These types of powders, such as isolate powder, are specifically designed to be easier to digest, offering relief from digestive discomfort and bloating. Through the process of hydrolysis, these are broken down into smaller, more easily digestible components, making them ideal for those with sensitive stomachs. Despite being pre-digested, these powders still provide essential amino acids that promote muscle recovery and growth, with some containing up to 30 grams of protein per serving. When choosing the best supplement for sensitive stomachs, factors such as taste, mixability, and quality should be considered. By opting for hydrolyzed and pre-digested powders, individuals can enjoy the benefits of supplementation without the potential digestive issues. One great option for flavor and nutrition is to add strawberries to your protein shake.

What is Hydrolyzed Protein?


Hydrolyzed protein, such as whey powder, means, it has been broken down into smaller molecules. This process makes it easier for the body to digest and absorb. It is often recommended for individuals with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues.

The Benefits of Pre-digested Proteins

Pre-digested protein powders offer several advantages for individuals with sensitive stomachs, including the promotion of muscle mass. These powders are easier to absorb and gentle on the digestive system, making them ideal for those with digestive issues or allergies to traditional sources. One of the key benefits of pre-digested powders is their ability to minimize digestive discomfort and maximize nutrient absorption, providing a high amount of grams and calories. Unlike other powders, which may cause bloating or upset stomach, pre-digested powders undergo a process called hydrolysis, which breaks its down into smaller, more easily digestible components. This not only improves digestion but also promotes quick and efficient muscle recovery after workouts. Additionally, pre-digested powders contribute to improved nutrient utilization by the body. So if you are in search of best protein powder for sensitive stomach, by incorporating pre-digested powders into your routine, you can experience improved digestion, reduced bloating, and enhanced overall nutrient absorption.

Choose Supplement Powders Without Artificial Additives and Sweeteners

When choosing the best protein powder for sensitive stomach, it’s important to consider a few key factors. First, opt for supplement powders made with easily digestible like whey isolate or hydrolyzed proteins. These are broken down into smaller molecules, making them easier to digest and absorb. Additionally, look for supplements that are free from common allergens such as lactose, gluten, and soy. This can help minimize the risk of digestive issues or discomfort.

In addition, it’s advisable to choose supplement powders that are low in artificial additives, sweeteners, and preservatives, such as artificial ingredients. These ingredients can potentially cause bloating or digestive upset. For individuals who follow a plant-based diet, plant-based powders like pea or rice can be a great option. These alternatives are often more gentle on the stomach while still providing essential amino acids.

Our Suggestions For Best Protein Powder For Sensitive Stomach

Total Frag 250

Total Fragmentation 250 (Unflavored) | 454 grams

$60.00 — or $60.00 $57.00 / month

Total Frag 250 is specially designed for individuals with sensitive stomachs, providing a solution for those who experience digestive discomfort. This supplement powder contains easily digestible proteins, minimizing bloating and other digestive issues. It is free from common allergens such as lactose, gluten, and soy-free, making it suitable for people with dietary restrictions or sensitivities. In addition to aiding digestion, this also offers essential amino acids necessary for muscle recovery and growth. With its smooth texture and great taste, it makes for a pleasant and enjoyable daily supplement. For those looking for supplement powder that supports their sensitive stomachs, Total Frag 250 is an ideal choice.

Dutch Pea Protein Powder


This is specifically designed for individuals who are looking for best powder for sensitive stomach, offering a solution to their protein needs without causing discomfort. These are easily digestible and are gentle on the digestive system, promoting muscle recovery and supporting lean muscle growth. Free from common allergens like dairy, gluten, and soy, this vegan supplement powder provides a convenient and delicious way to meet your daily requirements. Dutch pea protein allows you to enjoy the benefits of a high-quality supplement without worrying about bloating or upset stomach. Whether you prefer a vegan or whey-based supplement powder, Protein Factory offers a range of options to suit different dietary preferences, including stevia as a natural sweetener.

Lean Pro Peptides

Lean Pro Peptide is specially formulated for individuals with sensitive stomachs, ensuring easy digestion and supporting weight loss. It is made from high-quality sources providing a balanced amino acid profile to support muscle recovery and growth. . One of the key advantages of Lean Pro Peptide is its mild flavor and smooth texture, allowing it to be easily mixed into shakes or recipes without causing any digestive discomfort. With its focus on easy digestion, high-quality ingredients, and weight loss support, It is an excellent choice for individuals looking for best protein powder for sensitive stomach.

Salmbolic 98

Salmbolic 98 is specifically designed for individuals with sensitive stomachs, offering a solution to their unique dietary needs. This is easily digestible and minimize digestive discomfort, making it ideal for those who often experience bloating or an upset stomach. In addition to supporting digestion, it provides essential amino acids for muscle repair and recovery, helping users achieve their fitness goals. Furthermore, it is fortified with vitamins and minerals, including probiotics, to support overall health and wellness.

The Top 10 Best Protein Powders For People With Sensitive Stomachs

Total Frag 250

Salmbolic 98


Silk Cocoon

Pea Protein Isolate

Native Whey Protein Isolate

Ion exchange whey protein isolate

German Whey Isolate

Muscle Shake

Wisconsin Whey Isolate

The Worst Protein Powders To Use If You Have A Sensitive Stomach

Milk protein concentrate

Whey protein concentrate flavored

Whey protein concentrate unflavored

Protein blends with whey protein concentrate and whey isolate

Egg White protein

soy protein

potato protein

wheat protein

Role Of Protein In Bodybuilding


Supplements play a crucial role in bodybuilding, athlete performance, and overall fitness. They provide a convenient and effective way to supplement nutritional intake, essential for muscle growth and recovery. However, individuals with sensitive stomachs may face digestive issues with certain supplements. It is important to look for options that are easily digestible and free from common allergens like lactose and gluten. Plant-based options, like pea or brown rice, can be great alternatives for them. Before starting any new supplement regimen, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to ensure the best protein powder for sensitive stomach.

Athletes and Protein Intake

Protein powders play a vital role in supporting muscle recovery and growth for athletes. Due to their intense training and physical demands, athletes often have higher needs. These powders offer a convenient and quick way to meet these increased requirements. For athletes with sensitive stomachs, choosing a whey powder that is easily digestible can be beneficial. It ensures that they receive the necessary nutrients without experiencing discomfort or digestive issues. To determine the right whey powder for their specific needs, athletes should consult with a nutritionist or dietitian who can provide expert guidance. By incorporating the appropriate supplement into their diet, athletes can optimize their performance and support their overall fitness goals.

Fitness Enthusiasts and Protein: The Ideal Balance

Protein powders are valuable for fitness enthusiasts, providing essential amino acids that support muscle recovery and growth. To achieve the ideal balance of intake, it’s essential to consider individual goals, activity level, calorie intake and body composition. For athletes engaging in intense training, higher intake may be necessary to enhance performance and support optimal muscle function. Powders, especially those with easily digestible like hydrolyzed whey or whey isolate, offer a convenient solution for fitness enthusiasts with sensitive stomachs. It’s important to select supplements that are low in additives and allergens to prevent any potential discomfort. By choosing the right supplement, fitness enthusiasts can effectively meet their nutritional needs while maintaining digestive health.

How Protein Powder Upsets Your Stomach?

Consuming excessive amounts of protein powder at once or choosing ones with lactose or artificial sweeteners can cause stomach discomfort. Some individuals may also have sensitivities or allergies to certain types of protein. Poorly mixed shakes or consuming them on an empty stomach can lead to digestive issues. That’s why you need to be more careful while choosing best protein powder for sensitive stomach.

Common Side Effects

These supplements, while providing good calories for many, can have some common side effects on sensitive stomachs. Digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and stomach cramps may occur after consuming powders. Additionally, some individuals may experience diarrhea or constipation as a result of their intake. It’s important to note that certain sources like whey or soy can trigger allergies or intolerances in sensitive individuals. In some cases, artificial sweeteners or additives present in powders can lead to stomach upset. To mitigate these side effects, it is recommended to choose a powder that is easily digestible and free from common allergens. By selecting the right supplement, like gluten free options, individuals with sensitive stomachs can enjoy the benefits of it without experiencing discomfort.

Why Some People Have a Sensitive Reaction


Protein powders can sometimes cause a sensitive reaction and bloating in certain individuals due to various factors. Some of these powders contain lactose or other ingredients that can trigger digestive discomfort in people with lactose intolerance or sensitivities. Additionally, they may include artificial sweeteners or additives that can lead to stomach upset or digestive issues in some individuals. Sources derived from common allergens like soy or dairy can also cause allergic reactions or gastrointestinal discomfort for those with sensitivities. Furthermore, certain individuals may have difficulty digesting and absorbing specific types of protein, such as whey or casein, which can result in stomach upset or bloating. It’s worth noting that poorly formulated or low-quality supplement powders might contain contaminants or impurities that can exacerbate digestive issues among sensitive individuals.

You’re lactose intolerant

If you’re lactose intolerant, finding the best protein powder for sensitive stomach can be challenging. Look for alternatives that are lactose-free and made from alternative sources such as pea, hemp, or soy. These are gentle on the stomach and easy to digest. Moreover, they offer a variety of amino acids that are essential for muscle growth and repair. So, if you’re looking for an option that won’t cause indigestion or bloating, go for lactose-free or vegan whey.

Insufficient digestive enzymes

If you have a sensitive stomach, finding the right whey powder can be a challenge. One issue that people with sensitive stomachs often have is insufficient digestive enzymes, which can lead to discomfort and bloating after consuming certain foods. Fortunately, there are whey available that contain digestive enzymes to help break down the protein and make it easier for your body to digest. Look for options that contain protease enzymes, which specifically help break down proteins, and consider trying a plant-based option if you find that whey or other animal-based alternatives still cause issues.

When consuming protein powders with a sensitive stomach, there are several tips to consider. Firstly, look for sources that are specifically formulated for sensitive stomachs. These formulations are designed to be gentle on the digestive system. Go for powders that are low in lactose, gluten, and artificial additives and are vegan as these ingredients can potentially trigger discomfort or digestive issues. Vegan powders, such as pea or rice, are often well-tolerated by individuals with sensitive stomachs. Start with a small serving size and gradually increase to assess tolerance. It’s essential to pay attention to the ingredients list and avoid any potential allergens or irritants. For personalized recommendations, consulting with a healthcare professional or nutritionist is highly recommended. It comes in different flavors like strawberry, vanilla etc.

Is There a Perfect Time to Consume It for Sensitive Stomachs?

Determining the perfect time to consume protein powder for sensitive stomachs can vary from person to person. Some find it beneficial before or after a workout, while others prefer it with meals or as a snack throughout the day. Experiment and listen to your body to find what works best for you.

Key Features

When selecting best protein powder for sensitive stomach, it’s crucial to consider key features that can help alleviate potential digestive issues. First and foremost, opt for powders that are free of artificial sweeteners, flavors, and additives, as these can often contribute to bloating and discomfort. Additionally, prioritize powders that are easily digestible and gentle on the stomach, such as plant-based options like pea or rice protein. If you have lactose intolerance, look for powders that are labeled as “low lactose” or “lactose-free.” These options can provide the necessary without causing digestive distress. Lastly, consider choosing powders with added digestive enzymes, which can aid in digestion and reduce the likelihood of experiencing stomach discomfort. By paying attention to these key features like vegan, plant-based, individuals with sensitive stomachs can find a powder that supports their nutritional needs without causing any digestive issues.

Reading Ingredients and Labels

While selecting the best protein powder for sensitive stomach, it is crucial to carefully examine the ingredient list. By doing so, you can identify potential allergens or irritants that may cause discomfort. Opting for powders that are free from artificial sweeteners, colors, and flavors can also help alleviate digestive issues. Additionally, consider choosing powders made with easily digestible sources like pea, rice, or hemp. These plant-based powders are often well-tolerated by sensitive stomachs. Keep an eye out for labels indicating the presence of lactose or gluten, as these can trigger discomfort as well. By reading between the lines of ingredients and labels, you can make an informed choice and find the best powder for your specific dietary needs.

Expert Advice On Using Protein Powder

When it comes to choosing best protein powder for sensitive stomach, there are expert recommendations that can help ensure a smooth digestion process. One key recommendation is to look for powders that are specifically formulated for sensitive stomachs. These powders are designed to be gentle on the digestive system and minimize any potential discomfort or bloating.

Another important consideration is to choose powders that are easily digestible. Options like pea or rice powders are known for their high digestibility and can be a great choice for individuals with sensitive stomachs. It’s also crucial to avoid powders that contain common allergens such as dairy, soy, or gluten, as these ingredients can trigger digestive issues.

Furthermore, it’s advisable to start with a small serving size when incorporating powders into your diet. This allows you to assess your tolerance and gradually increase the amount as needed. Consulting with a healthcare professional or nutritionist can also provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and sensitivities.

By following these expert recommendations, individuals with sensitive stomachs can enjoy the benefits of powders without any digestive discomfort.

Adjusting Diet And Lifestyle

Adjustments in diet and lifestyle can enhance the benefits of protein powders. Incorporating a balanced diet with nutritious whole foods provides additional nutrients. Regular exercise and an active lifestyle can maximize the effectiveness of these. Consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized recommendations.

Future Of Protein Powders and Sensitive Stomachs

The future of protein powders for sensitive stomachs is heading towards the development of easily digestible formulas. We may see an increase in plant-based options that are gentle on the stomach. Advances in technology and research could lead to improved digestion and absorption rates. Manufacturers might focus on creating alternatives specifically designed for individuals with sensitive stomachs.

Alternatives For Sensitive Stomach

Yes, there are alternatives for individuals with sensitive stomachs. Plant-based sources like tofu, tempeh, and legumes can be great options. Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are also suitable for those with sensitive stomachs. It’s important to find best protein powder for sensitive stomach.

Third-Party Testing

When looking for the best protein powder for sensitive stomach, it’s important to choose a product that has undergone third-party testing. This type of testing provides an unbiased evaluation of the product’s quality and safety. Third-party testing ensures that the supplements does not contain harmful ingredients or contaminants that could cause digestive issues. Additionally, it guarantees that the product contains the amount of product listed on the label. So, before purchasing any supplement, make sure to check if it has undergone third-party testing to ensure its safety and efficacy. We hope now you will have a broader picture while choosing the best protein powder for sensitive stomach.

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

How To Use These Proteins For Better Results!

How To Use These Proteins For Better Results!

The better quality protein you consume, the better your gains will be. One of the highest-quality protein powders you can use is any of my hydrolyzed protein powders. However, the big problem with hydrolyzed protein powders is the taste. 

Listen to Alex Rogers, talk about hydrolyzed protein powders. 

Here are some tips, ideas, and tricks to get these excellent protein powders into your regime if you are concerned with the taste.

The most straightforward formula is to do something like this:

1/4 cup of whey protein powder

1 tbs of leucine peptides

Protein Maximizer: Leucine Peptides

We know that leucine is THE major player in muscle protein synthesis. So if you are going to keep it basic and spend money on something, leucine peptides are the way to go. (NOT L-Leucine!)

If you need something that mixes really easily, substitute and leucine peptides for Peptopro or Total Frag 250.

Protein Blend:

Combine whey protein with casein and then add 1 tbs of Hydrolyzed 520 or Salmbolic.  

Use a Drink Enhancer.

In the past, I used to recommend using Gatorade with hydrolyzed protein. It is effortless to take 20 grams of hydrolyzed protein and, put it in a 32 oz bottle of Gatorade, and drink it. You can barely taste it. And it makes for a great recovery drink.  

However, I am against consuming artificial colors and am not particularly eager to consume artificial sweeteners. 

I searched online and found this.


These are great to use for flavor hydrolyzed protein powder. Typically, citrus fruits are better to use.

If you are looking for something cheaper, try this

These are pretty cool as well.

Salmbolic 98, believe it or not, is easy to drink!

I know drinking salmon protein sounds gross, but I’m telling you it aint. I would not carry it if I thought nobody could consume it. Salmbolic is very easy to flavor with lemon or lemonade.

Two tbs of salmbolic with 16 oz of lemonade, and you can’t even taste it. Yes, you can smell it a little bit, but you can’t even taste it. It is a super high-quality protein to use. The guys that manufacture it say it is better than whey. 

Use Depo Nitrolase 250

All of my hydrolyzed protein powders, with the exception of Total Frag 250 are only max, 28% hydrolyzed. That is why I am selling the Depo Nitrolase 250 because it will support the digestion and utilization of the hydrolyzed protein powders.  

If you are using any protein powder, get the Depo Nitrolase 250. 

Depo-Nitrolase 250 (Original Formula)

Product on sale

$59.99 $48.00

Cera Products

A few months ago, one of my kids bought this product called Liquid IV (yes, they never listen to their father). I almost smacked him. This Liquid IV is a grand marketing scheme, and whoever came up with the name is a marketing genius. However, the product is nothing more than dextrose with electrolytes. In my opinion, its garbage. 

Instead, if you want a high-performance hydrolyzed powder, Cera Powder is it. Now, why am I mentioning this? Because if you combine it WITH any of my hydrolyzed protein powders, you have pretty much the best recovery/hydration powder that can be constructed.

Cera powders are great to use during the summer when it is hot outside. Put in a little Peptopro or Total Frag, and it turns it into a high-performance drink for sure!

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Try This Anabolic Stack On For Size!

Try This Anabolic Stack On For Size!

I love seeing great formulas and stacks being ordered by customers.  Here is an excellent anabolic stack.  


1/4 cup of hydrolyzed 520

1 tbs of Peptopro

1/4 cup of Rilose (amount really depends on goals)

1 tsp of Creapure.

Here is the deal.  One can buy protein powder like whey, and that is fine. But one can also buy a stack like this with the objective of capitalizing on the insulin spike from the Rilose and hydrolyzed protein and then add the Creapure, which works “better” when stacked with hydrolyzed proteins and carbs.  Nice job by customer!!!!

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein 520

$70.00 — or subscribe and save up to 10%

Rated 4.00 out of 5 based on 63 customer ratings

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Make Sure THIS Is NOT In Your Protein Powder

Make Sure THIS Is NOT In Your Protein Powder

Here is another reason to avoid sucralose, especially when it is in protein powder or, worse yet, ready-to-drink protein beverages. A new study was just published online: 29 May 2023, in which the author stated this, 

The study, published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, found that a metabolite of sucralose, called sucralose-6-acetate, is “genotoxic.” That means it breaks down the genetic material that makes up DNA, explained Susan Schiffman, PhD, senior author of the study and an adjunct professor at North Carolina State University.

When DNA strands break and are then rearranged and repaired, that can increase the risk of cancerous cells forming, previous studies have shown. ( 1)

Buying protein powders without anything added, like artificial flavors and artificial sweeteners, is the best way to ensure you’re getting the purest, cleanest, and highest protein percentage powder. Thus, I’ve been telling my customers this with an emphasis on avoiding sucralose A.K.A. Splenda.    

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Check Out These Awesome Protein Recipes

Check Out These Awesome Protein Recipes

Check out these awesome customer recipes that were submitted for the contest. ENJOY!


Good morning, Alex,

Here is my entry for the recipe contest. I call it “Keto smooth.” I use a scoop of your Dutch Pea Protein Isolate, a tsp of organic cacao powder, a tsp of organic maca powder, a quarter tsp of vitamin c powder, a quarter tsp of lion’s mane cacao mix, a quarter tsp of mushroom powder (reishi, lion’s mane, chaga, cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, tremella and turkey tail), a handful of strawberries, a handful of blueberries, an avocado (for extra fat and creaminess), and a tablespoon of MCT oil. This original creation keeps me in ketosis with a sufficient ratio of protein, fat and net carbs. I tell myself the cacao and fruit make it taste like a chocolate dessert, and the mushrooms and Vitamin C help boost my immune system.

Even if I don’t win, you should give this a try!





Six oz Organic Plain Unsweetened Kefir

One serving PF Muscle Shake

One serving PF Mod 6

Two tablespoons PF Tectanic Red

1/2 teaspoon PF Creatine

Two tablespoons Local, Raw, Unfiltered NorCal Honey

1/2 – 1 teaspoon of a Flavor enhancer; my favorite is either Lime or Berry; both pair well with Tectanic Red

Add water as / if necessary

This mixture comes out thick like pudding. I usually only need to add a little water to thin it some.  I consume a version of this shake almost every day.  I only use the Tectanic Red on lifting days.


The All-Natural Cinnabomb Shake

This is one of my top 5 favorite recipes that my wife and I have created for our protein shakes…

the flavor for this shake falls someone in-between a cinnamon roll & cinnamon toast crunch cereal

12oz of RAW Cow’s Milk

30g Phytosterol Free Protein Isolate

1oz Condensed Milk (Copper Cow all natural) 

1 Tsp Saigon Cinnamon Powder

¼ Tsp Natural Madagascar Vanilla Extract

Pinch of Ground Nutmeg

1 Handful of ice cubes

Combine all ingredients into a blender & blend*Optional; 1 tsp Creapure


Hey Alex! Dropped a TikTok for bio serum and here is the recipe! 

5-8oz raw milk

1c blueberries 

1tblsp cinnamon

2tblsp raw unfiltered honey

1 scoop whey isolate 

2-3 tblsp bio serum 

4 superfood ice cubes (veggies/fruits)

8oz serving provides 

10g fats

32g carbs

50g protein. 


Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Secret Ingredient In Bio-Serum 1 Improves Muscle Benefits!

Secret Ingredient In Bio-Serum 1 Improves Muscle Benefits!

The added cocoa in our Bio-Serum 1 may act as a performance enhancer. We do have our reasons for adding it. Take a look at the studies below, and you’ll see the benefits of cocoa. Therefore you combine the benefits of Bio Serum 1 PLUS the benefits of cocoa, and you have yourself one potent muscle recovery powder. (BTW look at the second study below….add blueberries or our Blue Generator to your post-workout shake.

How To Mix

1/3 cup of Bio Serum 1

1 cup of Blueberries

2-3 tbs of raw honey

1 banana

WOW talk about awesome!

1) The effects of cocoa flavanols on indices of muscle recovery and exercise performance: a narrative review. Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2021; 13: 90.


Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is associated with oxidative stress and inflammation, muscle soreness, and reductions in muscle function. Cocoa flavanols (CF) are (poly)phenols with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and thus may attenuate symptoms of EIMD. The purpose of this narrative review was to collate and evaluate the current literature investigating the effect of CF supplementation on markers of exercise-induced oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as changes in muscle function, perceived soreness, and exercise performance. Acute and sub-chronic intake of CF reduces oxidative stress resulting from exercise. Evidence for the effect of CF on exercise-induced inflammation is lacking and the impact on muscle function, perceived soreness and exercise performance is inconsistent across studies. Supplementation of CF may reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress, with potential for delaying fatigue, but more evidence is required for any definitive conclusions on the impact of CF on markers of EIMD.

(2) Regular Consumption of Cocoa and Red Berries as a Strategy toImprove Cardiovascular Biomarkers via Modulation ofMicrobiota Metabolism in Healthy Aging Adults. J.Nutri. 2023, 15(10), 2299.

Abstract: The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of cocoa flavanols and red berry anthocyanins on cardiovascular biomarkers, such as homocysteine, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), nitric oxide (NO), flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD), blood pressure and lipid profile. Ad-ditionally, we aimed to ascertain their possible interactions with microbiota related metabolites, such as secondary bile acids (SBA), short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). A randomized, parallel-group study, single-blind for the research team, was performed on 60 healthy volunteers between the ages of 45 and 85, who consumed 2.5 g/day of cocoa powder (9.59 mg/day of total flavanols), 5 g/day of a red berry mixture (13.9 mg/day of total anthocyanins) or 7.5 g/day of a combination of both for 12 weeks. The group that had consumed cocoa showed a significant reduction in TMAO (p = 0.03) and uric acid (p = 0.01) levels in serum, accompanied by an increase in FMD values (p = 0.03) and total polyphenols. corrected by creatinine (p = 0.03) after the intervention. These latter values negatively correlated with the TMAO concentration (R = −0.57, p = 0.02). Additionally, we observed an increase in carbohydrate fermentation in the groups that had consumed cocoa (p = 0.04) and red berries (p = 0.04) between the beginning and the end of the intervention. This increase in carbohydrate fermentation was correlated with lower levels of TC/HDL ratio (p = 0.01), systolic (p = 0.01) and diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.01). In conclusion, our study showed a positive modulation of microbiota metabolism after a regular intake of cocoa flavanols and red berry anthocyanins that led to an improvement in cardiovascular function, especially in the group that consumed cocoa.

(3) A single dose of microencapsulated cocoa supplementation attenuated eccentric exercise-induced endothelial dysfunction. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 09 May 2023


In the present study, it was evaluated whether microencapsulated cocoa supplementation could attenuate endothelial dysfunction caused by eccentric exercise in healthy subjects. Thirteen volunteers were enrolled in this double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), blood flow and muscle O2 saturation (StO2) were evaluated by ultrasound and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), respectively, before and after microencapsulated cocoa supplementation. The eccentric exercise was performed after microencapsulated cocoa supplementation to generate vascular dysfunction. Eccentric exercise significantly reduced FMD in the PLA condition, but cocoa attenuated this exercise effect. No significant effect was observed on muscle StO2 and blood flow after eccentric exercise and nutritional supplementation. In conclusion, the present study showed that a single dose of microencapsulated cocoa ingestion attenuated FMD-induced eccentric exercise. These findings suggest that a single dose of microencapsulated cocoa may be an alternative nutritional strategy to attenuate vascular dysfunction induced by eccentric exercise in healthy individuals.

(4) Arterial stiffening following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. J Appl Physiol (1985)

Bio Serum 1
Bio-Serum 1 protein is a high-tech muscle-building protein powder specifically made for hard-core bodybuilders and athletes.
Helps increase muscle mass by providing you with a potent protein source.

$99.99 – $449.99 — or from $89.99 – $404.99 / month
Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Bio-Serum 1 & Bio-Serum Black Released!!!

Bio-Serum 1 & Bio-Serum Black Released!!!

After almost three years of research and development, Bio-Serum 1 and Bio-Serum Black have been released. Bio-Serum 1 is 100% Bio-Serum chocolate flavor, and Bio-Serum Black is Bio-Serum and whey isolate. Bio-Serum Black is formulated for people that want something that tastes good. Therefore we combined Bio-Serum 1 with a whey isolate, a delicious oreo cocoa flavor, plus stevia.

What is Bio-Serum 1?

Bio-Serum 1 is a bovine blood plasma protein powder. It contains all the amino acids to make up a complete protein, plus BCAA’s, and an enormous growth factors. (All naturally occurring)

What makes Bio-Serum so effective for muscle support?

Bio-Serum is a super high-quality protein that the body loves. There is a direct correlation between the quality of protein one consumes and the quality of muscle that one builds. Bio-Serum is an ultra-high-quality protein that is what I like to call a direct animal protein source.

Currently, the best quality protein for bodybuilders is whey protein. However, this is a product that the animal creates. Bio-Serum 1 is part of the animal. This, in my opinion, makes Bio-Serum 1, better at creating an anabolic state in the human body when consumed over whey protein.

Bio Serum 1
Bio-Serum 1 protein is a high-tech muscle-building protein powder specifically made for hard-core bodybuilders and athletes.
Helps increase muscle mass by providing you with a potent protein source.

$99.99 – $449.99 — or from $89.99 – $404.99 / month
Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Breaking News On My Most Anabolic Protein!

Breaking News On My Most Anabolic Protein!

Bio Serum 1 is in the works. Get ready!

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Does The Anabolic Window Exist?

Does The Anabolic Window Exist?

In this video, I discuss the anabolic window.

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Time To Stop Using Artificial Sweeteners In Your Protein Powder

Time To Stop Using Artificial Sweeteners In Your Protein Powder

It is time to man up and stop using artificial sweeteners in your protein powder. I found a disturbing study that was just published this year.

In my opinion, the reason that you are seeing this study is that it was done in France, NOT the U.S.A. (shameful, really).

I compare my Hydrolyzed protein powders to others on the market.

Summary of my hydrolyzed proteins.

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.