Tag: Quadriceps

The 10 Best Quad Exercises for Bad Knees
No pain, no gain, or so the popular saying goes. However, there is a huge difference between the pain caused by fatigue and oxygen debt in your muscles and joint pain. While the former is part and parcel of an effective workout, the latter should set alarm bells ringing.
Exercisers ask a lot of their knees, and as such, knee pain is very common. High-impact activities like running are often associated with painful knees, and so is heavy strength training.
However, that doesn’t mean that knee pain signals the end of your exercising or lifting career. In fact, staying in shape can prevent some types of knee pain from progressing and may even make the pain more manageable (1).
That said, if you have knee pain, you should modify your workouts to avoid making it worse. You should also get the source of the pain checked out to ensure that you aren’t inadvertently turning a minor injury into a major one.
In this article, we reveal ten of the best quadriceps exercises for lifters with bad knees.
Knee Anatomy Basics
The knee is a hinge joint that opens (extends) and closes (flexes) and can laterally and medially rotate slightly when bent. It comprises the femur or thigh bone and the tibia, which is the bigger of your two shin bones. The ends of the bones are covered with a smooth, slippery substance called hyaline cartilage, which aids in the movement of the joint.
As a weight-bearing joint, the knee must be very strong and stable. As such, it’s held together by tough, inelastic cords called ligaments, and the end of the femur sits in small cartilaginous cup-like structures called the meniscus.
These structures (hyaline cartilage, ligaments, and meniscus) are prone to wear and tear and injuries. In some cases, surgical repair is necessary, while in others, rest and rehab are all that is needed. In most cases of knee pain, these are the cause of the problem, e.g., a torn ligament or meniscus or worn hyaline cartilage.
The knees are controlled by several muscles, including:
Quadriceps – also known as the quads and consisting of the vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris. The quads extend your knees.
Articularis genus muscle and tensor vastus intermedius – two small but powerful knee extenders sometimes listed as part of the quadriceps group.
Popliteus – a small muscle behind the knee that initiates flexion.
Hamstrings – the collective name for the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris, which are located on the back of your thighs. The hamstrings flex the knee.
Sartorius – also known as the tailor’s muscle, the sartorius is the longest muscle on the human body. It is responsible for the flexion of the knee.
Gastrocnemius – the larger of the two calf muscles, gastrocnemius works with your hamstrings to flex your knee.
While knee pain can be unpleasant, it doesn’t have to mean quitting your workouts. Instead, providing you avoid activities that exacerbate or worsen your pain, you can often train around whatever ails your knees.
In fact, stronger quadriceps help stabilize your knees, which is why it’s worth seeking out quads exercises even if you have bad knees.
The 10 Best Quad Exercises for Bad Knees
Is knee pain making it hard for you to build the quads of your dreams? We hear you! Try these exercises to see if they provide the workout you want without the discomfort. However, it’s generally best to get knee pain checked out by a medical professional. In some cases, continuing to train may make it worse.
1. Seated straight leg raises
If bending your knees causes pain, you need a quads exercise that lets you keep your leg extended. Seated straight leg raises put plenty of tension through your quads, emphasizing the often hard-to-hit rectus femoris. This is a common quads exercise in early-stage post-injury rehab.
Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Place your hands behind your hips and use your arms for support. Pull your toes up to increase quads engagement.
Contract the quads of the leg you want to train first.
Keeping your knee straight, lift your foot 12-24 inches off the floor.
Lower your leg and repeat.
Switch legs and do the same number of reps on the other leg.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps.
Secondary: Hip flexors.
A joint-friendly isometric quads exercise.
Virtually no stress on the knee joint.
No equipment is required.
Use an alternating leg action if preferred.
You can make this exercise harder by wearing ankle weights or putting a resistance band around your legs.
Pause for 2-3 seconds with your leg raised to make this exercise more challenging.
2. Wall squat
The wall squat is another isometric or static exercise that puts plenty of stress on your muscles but virtually none on your joints. The key to this exercise is pushing as hard as possible to fatigue your muscles in 30 seconds or less. Long, passive holds are much less time-efficient.
Stand with your back to a smooth wall, feet about 18 inches away.
Lean your back on the wall and then slide down until your thighs are roughly parallel to the floor. Your shins should be vertical.
Push your lower back into the wall and hold for the prescribed duration.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus.
Secondary: N/A.
An intense but joint-friendly exercise.
No equipment required.
Easy to adjust the difficulty of your workout by changing how hard you push your back into the wall.
Adjust the angle of your knees for comfort.
Do not hold your breath.
You can also do this exercise using one leg at a time:
3. Split squat
Lunges and squats are popular leg exercises, but despite their effectiveness, they can also be hard on your knee joints. Split squats are more knee-friendly than both these exercises but still deliver a similarly effective quads workout.
Stand with your feet together and your arms by your sides.
Take a large step forward and stop. Your feet should be roughly shoulder-width apart.
Bend your legs and lower your rear knee down to within an inch of the floor. Keep your torso and front shin upright.
Extend your legs and continue for the prescribed number of reps.
Switch lead legs and repeat, doing the same number on the opposite side.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus.
Secondary: Core.
A good exercise for quadriceps strength and hip mobility.
An excellent balance exercise.
Ensures that both legs are developed equally.
Do this exercise next to a railing or wall for support if necessary.
You can also do split squats with dumbbells.
Put your front foot on a raised step to increase your range of motion and make this exercise more challenging.
4. Reverse lunges
Lunges are an awesome leg exercise, but unfortunately, they can also be hard on your knees. This is especially true for forward and walking lunges. Reverse or backward lunges are much more knee friendly but no less effective for strengthening your quads.
Stand with your feet together and your arms by your sides.
Take a large step backward, bend your legs, and lower your rearmost knee down to within an inch of the floor. Your torso and front shin should remain vertical.
Push off your back foot and return to your starting position.
Do your next rep with your opposite leg.
Continue alternating sides for the duration of your set.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus.
Secondary: Core.
A knee-friendly alternative to regular lunges.
A good exercise for mobility and balance.
Easier to master than forward or walking lunges.
Step backward off a raised platform for a bigger range of motion and a more intense workout.
You can also do this exercise with dumbbells.
Take a shorter step to increase knee flexion and therefore quads engagement.
5. Goblet box squats
Bad knees do not have to step you squatting. However, you may find that descending no deeper than parallel is helpful for alleviating knee pain. Squatting to a box ensures you descend slowly and go no further than is comfortable.
Stand with your back to a knee-high exercise bench or plyo box. Your feet should be roughly shoulder-width apart.
Hold a kettlebell in front of your chest, upper arms tucked into your sides. Brace your core and pull your shoulders back and down.
Bend your knees and squat down until your butt lightly rests on the bench.
Drive your feet into the floor and stand back up.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus.
Secondary: Core.
A very functional exercise.
A knee-friendly way to overload your quadriceps.
A very scalable movement – use more or less weight as needed.
Use a lower box to increase your range of motion and, therefore, the difficulty of the exercise.
Raise your heels on blocks or weight plates to increase quads engagement.
Do this exercise without weights if necessary.
6. Backward sled drags
Most people view sled training as a conditioning tool. However, working with a sled can also build strength and muscle size. Reverse sled drags are a very effective and joint-friendly quads exercise. And yes, that burn and pump you can feel in your quads is entirely normal!
Load up your sled and attach a handle to it. Take the handle in your hands and stand facing your sled.
Brace your core and pull your shoulders back and down.
Bend your knees slightly and then take small steps backward.
Continue for the required time or distance.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps.
Secondary: Trapezius, rhomboids, biceps, core.
A low-impact quads and conditioning exercise.
A very functional workout.
An excellent calorie burner.
Keep your torso upright or lean back slightly. Do NOT lead with your butt, as doing so could cause lower back injury.
Go heavy – this is a powerful exercise.
Use a waist harness instead of handles to remove your upper body from this exercise.
7. Deadlifts
Deadlifts are often viewed as a posterior chain exercise, meaning they work your glutes, hamstrings, and back. However, deadlifts also involve your quads, albeit with a relatively short range of motion. This makes deadlifts more knee-friendly than squats while allowing you to lift moderate to heavy weights.
Place your barbell on the floor and stand behind it with your feet under the bar, shoulder to hip-width apart.
Squat down and hold the bar with a double overhand or mixed grip.
Straighten your arms, drop your hips, and lift your chest. Pull your shoulders back and down and brace your core.
Drive your feet into the floor and stand up, taking care not to round your lower back or allow your hips to rise faster than the bar.
Lower the weight back to the floor, let it settle for a couple of seconds, and repeat.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Hamstrings, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, core.
Secondary: Biceps, forearms.
A knee-friendly alternative to squats.
A very functional exercise.
A great way to build a bigger, stronger back.
8. Standing quadriceps stretch
Your quads don’t just need to be strong; they need to be flexible too. The standing quads stretch is simple yet effective. Tight quads are a leading cause of knee pain, so stretching is just as important as lifting for people with bad knees.
Stand with your feet together and arms by your sides.
Bend your leg, lift your foot behind you, and reach back and grip the top of your ankle with one or both hands.
Keeping your thighs together, gently pull your foot toward your butt to lengthen and stretch your quads.
Hold for 20-60 seconds, increasing the stretch as your quads relax and lengthen.
Lower your foot to the floor, swap legs, and repeat.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps.
Secondary: Hip flexors.
A simple and convenient exercise.
Ideal for warm-ups.
Good for developing better balance.
Push your knee backward to extend your hip and increase the stretch on your rectus femoris muscle.
Lean against a wall and use a hand for balance if required.
Keep your hips and shoulders square and level throughout.
9. Prone quadriceps stretch
While the standing quads stretch is an excellent exercise, it does require a reasonable amount of balance. Also, it’s not easy to hold for lengthy periods, which you may want to do during your cool down. Stretching your quads in the prone (lying face down) position is the obvious solution to both these issues.
Lie on your front with your head resting on your folded right arm.
Bend your left leg and reach back with your left arm, taking hold of your foot.
Gently pull your foot into your butt and hold it for 20-60 seconds, increasing the stretch as your quads relax and lengthen.
Lower your foot to the floor, swap legs, and repeat.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps.
Secondary: Hip flexors.
A very comfortable quads stretch that’s perfect for cooldowns.
Ensures you keep your hips level and square.
A relaxing exercise that’s ideal for longer developmental stretches.
Loop a yoga strap or belt around your feet if you cannot reach it without straining.
Increase the depth of the stretch by resting your bent knee on a yoga block.
Rest your head on a cushion or folded towel for comfort.
Related: Quadriceps Stretch Guide: How-To, Muscles Involved, Benefits, and Variations
10. Half-kneeling quads stretch
Most quads stretches are done with the knees together. That’s great for your joint health but not so good for hitting your rectus femoris, which crosses the knee and the hip joints. The half-kneeling quads stretch puts your hips into mild extension, so it stretches the rectus femoris more. However, this exercise may be challenging if you have poor flexibility.
Adopt a half-kneeling position with one foot flat on the floor in front of you and your opposite knee roughly two feet behind.
Bend your back leg, grasp your ankle, and pull your foot into your butt. Keep your torso upright, do not twist your hips or shoulders, and do not hyperextend your lumbar spine.
Remain in position for 20-60 seconds or more, increasing the stretch as you feel your muscles relax and lengthen.
Release your foot, swap sides, and repeat.
Muscles Targeted:
Primary: Quadriceps.
Secondary: Hip flexors.
Provides a deeper-than-usual quadriceps stretch.
An excellent hip opener.
A good movement for more advanced exercisers.
Place your knee on a folded exercise mat, towel, or foam pad for comfort.
Loop a yoga strap or belt around your feet if you cannot reach it without straining.
Take care not to hyperextend your hip, as doing so could cause injury.
Quad Exercises FAQs
Do you have a question about the best quad exercises for bad knees? No problem, because we’ve got the answers!
1. What are some of the common causes of bad knees?
While some knee pain is idiopathic, meaning it has no obvious or known cause, others are caused by specific conditions or injuries. These include:
Bursitis – inflammation of the bursa, which are fluid-filled sacks that reduce the friction between tendons and bones.
Iliotibial band syndrome – where the iliotibial band, which runs down the outside of the thigh, rubs against the outside of the knee joint, causing inflammation and knee pain.
Knee crepitus – grinding, cracking, or popping within the knee joint, which could be a precursor of osteoarthritis.
Meniscal tears – damage to the meniscus.
Osteoarthritis – wear and tear of the hyaline cartilage within the knee joint.
Patellar tendonitis – inflammation of the tendon that connects the kneecap to the tibia.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome – pain behind the patella or kneecap caused by roughening of the inside of the patella.
Strains and sprains – strains affect the muscles, while sprains affect the ligaments.
Tendonitis – inflamed, swollen tendons, usually caused by overuse.
Tendonosis – degeneration of the tendons, often caused by ignoring chronic tendonitis.
Some knee conditions get better with rest or light training, which others need medical intervention to heal properly. As such, and with so many possible causes, getting knee pain properly diagnosed is vital.
2. How often should I train and stretch my quads?
It’s generally best to train a muscle 2-3 times per week or every 48-72 hours. This allows adequate time for rest, recovery, and muscle growth. Exercising a muscle more often than this could lead to overtraining and poor progress.
In contrast, you can stretch your quads daily or even several times a day. In fact, if you have tight quads, i.e., cannot get your heel to your butt during prone or standing quad stretches, more frequent bouts of stretching will help you restore lost flexibility sooner.
3. So, are squats bad for your knees?
Contrary to common opinion, squats are not bad for your knees (2). The original studies that reported a link between squats and knee pain were performed on veteran NFL players, many of which already had banged-up knees.
Rather, doing squats with appropriate loads and good form can help prevent and control knee pain.
That said, squats are not the only exercise for strengthening your quads. As revealed in this article, there are plenty of other knee-friendly exercises you can use instead.
4. Some exercise hurts my knees – what gives?
While the exercises in this article are all certified knee-friendly, that doesn’t mean they won’t cause some people knee pain. Instead, knee pain can be influenced by a host of factors, from injury status to muscle tightness to leg length to underlying joint structure.
So, if one or more of these exercises bother your knees, cut them from your workout and try something else. You may find that you can return to the offending exercise in a few weeks or months once whatever is affecting your knee has a chance to heal.
5. What should I do if my knees hurt?
If you experience knee pain, you should initially use the RICE method. RICE is an acronym for:
Rest – take a break from the activity(s) that cause pain.
Ice – use ice packs for 15-20 minutes 3-5 times a day to reduce swelling and pain.
Compression – wear knee supports to protect the joint and further reduce swelling.
Elevation – raise your knee above heart height to minimize swelling and keep your weight off the injured limb.
Once the pain subsides, you can gradually return to exercise, backing off it the pain returns or worsens. However, if the pain is severe or long-lasting, you should seek medical attention.
Read more about coping with and preventing knee pain here.
Closing Thoughts
Exercise is good for everybody’s body. Not only can it change the way you look and improve your body composition, but it can also make you healthier and could even lead to a longer life. Ironically, though, being physically active can also take its toll on your joints, and shoulder, hip, lower back, and knee pain are common in exercisers.
The good news is that pain doesn’t mean you have to quit working out. However, you may need to modify your training to work around any aches and pains that have developed.
Use the exercises in this article to train around bad knees while building bigger, stronger quads. In many cases, keeping your quads in shape will enhance knee stability, taking stress off your joints.
However, if your knee pain is new, severe, or long-lasting, get it checked out to make sure your workouts aren’t making it worse.
1 – Susko AM, Fitzgerald GK. The pain-relieving qualities of exercise in knee osteoarthritis. Open Access Rheumatol. 2013 Oct 15;5:81-91. doi: 10.2147/OARRR.S53974. PMID: 27790027; PMCID: PMC5074793. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5074793/
2 – Hartmann H, Wirth K, Klusemann M. Analysis of the load on the knee joint and vertebral column with changes in squatting depth and weight load. Sports Med. 2013 Oct;43(10):993-1008. doi: 10.1007/s40279-013-0073-6. PMID: 23821469 https://doi.org/https:/link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40279-013-0073-6

Leg Press Variations for Powerful Quadriceps
While the squat remains the number one exercise for building powerful quads, the leg press is right up there. The leg press is a terrific alternative exercise if you can’t do squats due to your structure, mechanics, or inherent weaknesses. And, if you can squat, following it with a few sets of heavy leg presses will help you build power and mass in your quads.
In this article, we will uncover several leg press variations that will allow you to better target your quads for power. Most of these changes involve your foot positioning. As you’re about to discover, where you put your feet on the platform can make all the difference when it comes to targeting different muscle groups.
Leg Press Muscles Worked
The leg press is a compound exercise because it operates through two joints — the knee and hips. You are performing hip flexion when you lower the weight to bring your knees back. Then, when you push back to the start position, you perform knee extension.
Leg Press Muscles Worked
The leg press mainly works the quadriceps, which is a four-headed muscle group. These four muscles are:
Rectus femoris: This is the only quad muscle that crosses the hip joint. It originates at the base of the spine, running down the front of the quads to attach to the kneecap. This muscle plays a part in knee extension and hip flexion. A wider leg press stance will put more focus on the rectus femoris.
Vastus lateralis: It originates at the top of the upper leg bone (femur) and runs down the outside of the quads to attach to the kneecap. A wide stance will better activate this muscle.
Vastus intermedius: This muscle runs down the middle of the quads, from the top of the femur to the kneecap.
Vastus medialis: This muscle lies on the inner side of the quads, again running from the femur to the kneecap. Adopting a narrow leg press stance will maximally engage the vastus medialis.
The other muscles engaged when you do the leg press are the glutes, calves, and hamstrings.
Leg Press Benefits
Before we delve into the variations that will allow you to ramp up the intensity on the leg press, let’s consider three reasons why adding this exercise to your leg day workout in the first place makes sense.
Stable Environment
A major benefit of the leg press is that it allows you to work your legs in a stable environment. When you do exercises such as squats and lunges that don’t lock you into a fixed movement pattern, many things can go wrong, especially when working with heavy weights.
Built-in Safety
Because your back is supported when doing the leg press, you can concentrate 100% of your focus and energy on pressing the weight. The machine also has a built-in safety mechanism; with a simple twist of the handles, you can activate the locks that secure the weights in place. That means you can go extra heavy on this exercise without needing a spotter.
Greater Quad Focus
Your range of motion for the leg press is typically shorter than if you were doing squats. If you’re trying to develop quad mass and power, that’s actually a good thing. That’s because it keeps the focus on your quads rather than transferring it to your glutes and hamstrings.
Which Type of Leg Press Should You Use?
There are two types of leg press machines commonly found in gyms:
With a horizontal leg press, you push your legs directly out in front of you. On the other hand, the 45-degree version has you pressing your legs at an angle.
So, which is best?
There is no definitive answer to this question. At this stage, no studies have directly compared the effectiveness of the two versions of the exercise in terms of building quad power. However, we can be informed by simple physics on this subject.
When doing the 45-degree leg press, the weight you load on the machine is spread out over the diagonal plane of the leg press machine. This creates a wide moment arm, which is the distance between the line of action and the pivot point, which in this case is the hip joint. The wider the moment arm, the lower the force needed to lift the weight.
But when you do the horizontal leg press, the weight is spread out directly in front of your hips, creating a shorter moment arm. A shorter moment arm means you’ll need more force to lift the weight.
That’s why you’ll find it harder to light the same weight on the horizontal leg press than on the 45-degree leg press.
As a general guide, you should be able to lift about 30% more weight on the 45-degree leg press. But simply being able to lift more weight will not make your quads stronger if the physics of the machine have made it easier.
The fact that it’s easier to lift a weight on the 45-degree leg press doesn’t mean that you should only use the horizontal machine. But if you’ve got access to both machines, you should compensate when using the 45-degree machine by adding extra weight to make up for the longer moment arm. If you don’t, you won’t be pushing your weight limit, and you’re likely to plateau your quad power.
Leg Press Form Tips
Whether using a horizontal or a 45-degree leg press machine, ensure that your lower back and glutes are pressed hard against the pads.
Do not use a weight that is too heavy. This will restrict your range of movement. Don’t be that guy who loads up seven or eight 45s on each side and then moves just a few inches.
Slow down. When you go too fast, your knees tend to cave in, and you may even bounce the weight using momentum at the bottom.
Don’t lock your knees at the top of the rep. Stopping just short of lock-out keeps the tension on your quads.
Consciously think about keeping the weight evenly distributed between both legs.
Should Your Knees Go Over Your Toes?
The knees-over-toes debate is usually associated with the squat, But the same applies to the leg press. For decades, lifters were told not to allow their knees to track over the toes because it would damage the knee joint. Recent research, however, has thrown that argument out the window.
One study showed that allowing your knees to track over your toes during the squat led to significantly improved activation of the vastus medialis head of the quadriceps. This part of the quads is often known as the ‘teardrop’ because of its appearance on a developed bodybuilder with low body fat levels. Furthermore, there was no adverse effect on the knee joint reported. [1]
It should be noted that this study specifically looked at the muscle stimulation of the quads during the squat. It is reasonable to speculate that the same thing applies to the leg press but, to date, there are no studies specifically testing the leg press in this regard.
The leg press foot platform is generally a large area. That gives you the freedom to vary your foot placement from very wide to very narrow. Where you choose to palace your feet on the platform will work your muscles differently. Here’s an overview of the different foot placements and what areas each one targets:
1. High & Wide
When you place your feet high and wide on the platform, you will target your hamstrings. You want to place your legs as high and wide on the platform as possible without your hips coming off the seat pad. Your toes should actually be off the edge of the platform’s top and angled outward. To accentuate the hamstrings, push your heels into the platform on the descent.
In the high and wide position, your feet should be about one and a half times your hip width.
2. Low & Close
Putting your feet low and close together on the platform will emphasize your quads. Your heels should be almost, but not quite, hanging off the bottom of the platform, with your feet about six inches apart.
When pressing, think of pushing your quads out and over your knees. Think also about keeping the weight distributed over the balls of your feet. This position is going to really blow up your quads, but only if you go deep on the descent. So don’t let your ego get in the way of a full range of motion.
As we’ve seen, the more your knees can track over your toes, the greater the quad activation, especially on the vastus medialis head. One way to increase this effect is to wear elevated-heel weightlifting shoes when doing the narrow stance leg press. This is especially beneficial if you have poor ankle flexibility and find your heel coming off the platform in the bottom position of the leg press.
3. Neutral
A neutral stance is where your feet will naturally go on the platform if you’re not thinking about it. Find your most comfortable position with your feet hip distance apart. This position will provide an even distribution across the quads, glutes, and hamstrings.
A neutral foot placement will help you lift the most weight. Focus on a slow descent, bringing your knees down to the outside of your shoulders, and then push the heels through the platform on the ascent. Drive your lower back into the seat pad the whole time.
4. Heels Elevated
An adaptation of the neutral position may place extra emphasis on the quads. This involves wearing weightlifting shoes with elevated heels. The increased angle this creates puts more load on the vastus medialis quad muscle that runs into the knee joint.
5. Toes Elevated
To assume a toes elevated position, you need to place a pair of small weight plates or a squat wedge under your toes on the foot platform. Your feet should otherwise be in a neutral stance. This will shift the emphasis to your hamstrings.
Single Leg Press
The single-leg press allows you to work each quad independently. It helps correct quad strength imbalance, where one leg is stronger than the other.
When you do the two-legged leg press, your dominant side will take a disproportionate percentage of the weight. Doing the single-leg press forces each leg to carry its own weight, which will eventually help balance the strength between your quads.
Place your foot low and inside hip width to target the quads with the single-leg press. Place the other foot firmly on the ground. Unrack the weight and slowly bring the platform back toward you. Concentrate on the knee traveling back and out as you descend. This will lengthen your range of motion so that you don’t hit your knee into your ribcage.
Come back until your leg forms a right angle at the knee, and then push your heel into the platform to return to the start position. Don’t lock out at the top but move smoothly into the next rep.
Do not allow your heel to lift off during the descent. If you do, you’ll transfer the force from your quad to your knee. You must also not allow your hips to roll up off the pad in the bottom position.
A Leg Press Workout For Power Quads
Now that we’ve identified the best ways to do the leg press to target the quads, we can put them together to create a mini quad workout on the leg press machine. We’ll be doing the following three leg press variations:
Neutral-stance leg press
Low and close stance leg press
Single-leg press
The first two exercises will be done as a mechanical drop set. This is when you do a drop set without changing the weight by shifting your foot position. We’ll start with the low and close stance version, as this is the one that most directly targets the quads. After pumping out eight reps, you quickly rack the weight and shift to a neutral stance. Then immediately unrack and do another eight reps.
Because you’re strongest in the neutral stance, following a set of narrow stance reps with eight more neutral stance reps will tap deep into your quad’s strength reserves, allowing you to eke out every ounce of benefit from the set. The key to getting the most out of a mechanical drop set like this is minimizing the downtime between the two phases — it should only take a few seconds.
Once you’ve completed your 16 reps on the mechanical drop set, get out of the machine, shake your legs out, and then take half the weight off the machine. Now get straight back on and start pumping out single-leg presses. This transition should take you less than 30 seconds.
Your goal is to get 16 reps on each leg on the single-leg press. At that point, your quads will be on fire. Rest for two minutes, and then do the whole thing over again. Work up to doing three total sets. Here’s what it will look like:
Set One:
Narrow-stance leg press: 8 reps
Neutral stance leg press: 8 reps
Single-leg press (right leg): 16 reps
Single-leg press (left leg): 16 reps
Rest for two minutes and then repeat for another two sets.
Wrap Up
The leg press is an effective quad power and mass builder. You can target different areas of your upper legs depending on where you place your feet on the platform. The best way to target your quads is with a low, narrow stance. You can target the quads even more by elevating your heels using weightlifting shoes.
The next best foot stance to hit the quads is the neutral stance. This is also the version you can lift the most weight with. Our final quad-centric leg press move for power is the single-leg press with a low stance.
Combine these three exercises into a killer mechanical drop set followed by a unilateral quad isolation workout. You can either do this as the first part of your quad workout and follow it up with leg extensions and lunges or, if you’re game, do four sets of squats first and then jump into your leg press workout.
Just don’t expect to be able to walk the next day!
Escamilla, R. F., Fleisig, G. S., Zheng, N., Lander, J. E., Barrentine, S. W., Andrews, J. R., & Bergemann, B. W. (2001). Effects of technique variations on knee biomechanics during the squat and leg press. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(9), 1552-1566.