Tag: rules

The Only Rules You Should Break In The Gym
The Gym Rules You Need To Break To Take Your Gains To The Next Level
As cliché as it might sound, the rules are meant to be broken. The gym isn’t one of the safest places to be in so you need to be careful about the rules you’re going to be challenging.
If your goal is to live the fit lifestyle, you need to design your training keeping longevity in mind. We have compiled a list of so-called rules you should break to maximize your results in the gym while minimizing the risk of an injury.
Never Train To Failure
It’s no secret people love to throw around fancy words to look smart. Gym bros emphasis the fact you shouldn’t work out to failure as you might risk overtraining your muscles. Overtraining is easier said than done.
Overtraining is the state when your body can’t keep up with your workouts, and your immune system and central nervous system take a hit. Only around 2-5% of the people who workout train hard enough to hit the state of overtraining. So, don’t limit yourself and go as hard as you can in your workouts.
Avoid Cardio While Bulking
Most people make the mistake of cutting out cardio from their routines when they’re in their off-season and want to bulk up. Some of these people mistake bulking up with fattening up.
Cardio is important no matter if you’re trying to shed the extra kilos or trying to put on some size. The cardio helps in burning off the extra calories and makes sure you’re putting on quality muscle and not fat.
Perform High Number of Reps For Conditioning and Low Reps For Strength
High reps for cutting and a low number of reps for strength have to be one of the most common myths amongst lifters. Tweaking the number of repetitions you perform in a workout can’t solely change your body.
The results from the number of reps don’t work in a vacuum. Other things like your diet, training split, and the amount of cardio you’re doing will play a big role in the results you’ll be getting. Changing the number of reps can act as a shock for your muscles but it solely isn’t big enough a change for your muscles to show any significant results.
Prefer Free Weights Over Machines
This is one of the first things the gym bros tell the newbies. The gym bros argue the golden era athletes built their physiques in bare bone gyms and the fancy machines don’t help in carving an aesthetic body.
Avoiding the machines can be a big mistake as the isolation you’ll get by using the cables and pulleys will always be better than using barbells or dumbbells. Your workouts should strike the right balance between isolation and compound lifts.
Always Use A Full Range of Motion
Almost everyone, at some point in time, has been disturbed in-between a set by a gym bro asking you to perform the exercise with a full range of motion. The gym bros tell you that if you don’t follow a full ROM, you’ll not be getting any results.
On the contrary, when you follow a full ROM and lockout your elbows on the top and let your muscles relax on the bottom of the movement, you’re taking the tension off the muscles and putting it on the joints. It’s okay to limit your range of motion so there is constant tension on your muscles.
Have you ever been injured in the gym?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

5 Rules Of Being A Great Workout Partner
How To Be A Great Training Partner
Working out with the wrong training partner can be worse than not having a workout buddy. The right training buddies are a match made in heaven and are blessed by the bodybuilding Gods, old and new.
If you have trained with lifting partners in the past, you’ll know that a bad spotter can not only make you hit a plateau but can also hamper your gains. In this article, we’ll teach you how to be a great workout partner so you can lead by example for your future training buddies.
Patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn new techniques is the key to being a great workout partner. If you’re too rigid about following your training program, people with more experience might not be eager to train with you.
Exploring new training, nutrition, and recovery techniques can enrichen your fitness journey. Dismissing your training buddy’s suggestions too often is a sure-shot way of cutting short your partnership.
More often than not, people let their egos get the better of them in the gym. Look around in your gym and you’ll surely see a spotter doing more work than the lifter. Even worse is the fact that the spotter doesn’t ask his training partner to drop the weight even when both of them are struggling with the weight.
The next time, before you say “it was all you” when it wasn’t, know that you’re doing your training buddy and yourself disfavor. Be honest about your form, performance, and any other aspects you could improve on.
Keep Your Ego In Check
People who train with a lifter who is on an advanced level often end up falling victim to their egos. Playing catch-up can prove expensive in the weight room. If you’re a beginner, focus on learning the right form instead of trying to lift heavier weights.
It’s your responsibility to keep your partner’s ego in check if you’re the advanced lifter. Remember, there is a thin line between ego lifting and pushing your boundaries. You shouldn’t get so conservative that you stop pushing your limits.
The best training partners keep themselves and their buddies accountable. You should be proactive in making sure none of you misses workouts, meals and check if you are meeting your progress goals.
Accountability doesn’t end here, you are the person responsible for your and your partner’s motivation. When any of you lose the inspiration to train, you need to step in and make sure the train remains on track.
It Takes Time
While this article is about how to be a great training buddy, you’ll still have to find a person who you’ll be a partner to. Your and your partner’s training, diet, and recovery approach should fit live a glove.
We could give you tips for selecting the right training partner, but you’ll have to train with a bunch of people before you could find the right match for yourself. Be patient and willing to train with people across experience levels.
Do you train with a training partner? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

The Only Rules You Should Break In The Gym, You Won’t Believe Number 3
The Gym Rules You Need To Break To Take Your Gains To The Next Level
As cliché as it might sound, the rules are meant to be broken. The gym isn’t one of the safest places to be in so you need to be careful about the rules you’re going to be challenging.
If your goal is to live the fit lifestyle, you need to design your training keeping longevity in mind. We have compiled a list of so-called rules you should break to maximize your results in the gym while minimizing the risk of an injury.
Never Train To Failure
It’s no secret people love to throw around fancy words to look smart. Gym bros emphasis the fact you shouldn’t work out to failure as you might risk overtraining your muscles. Overtraining is easier said than done.
Overtraining is the state when your body can’t keep up with your workouts, and your immune system and central nervous system take a hit. Only around 2-5% of the people who workout train hard enough to hit the state of overtraining. So, don’t limit yourself and go as hard as you can in your workouts.
Avoid Cardio While Bulking
Most people make the mistake of cutting out cardio from their routines when they’re in their off-season and want to bulk up. Some of these people mistake bulking up with fattening up.
Cardio is important no matter if you’re trying to shed the extra kilos or trying to put on some size. The cardio helps in burning off the extra calories and makes sure you’re putting on quality muscle and not fat.
Perform High Number of Reps For Conditioning and Low Reps For Strength
High reps for cutting and a low number of reps for strength have to be one of the most common myths amongst lifters. Tweaking the number of repetitions you perform in a workout can’t solely change your body.
The results from the number of reps don’t work in a vacuum. Other things like your diet, training split, and the amount of cardio you’re doing will play a big role in the results you’ll be getting. Changing the number of reps can act as a shock for your muscles but it solely isn’t big enough a change for your muscles to show any significant results.
Prefer Free Weights Over Machines
This is one of the first things the gym bros tell the newbies. The gym bros argue the golden era athletes built their physiques in bare bone gyms and the fancy machines don’t help in carving an aesthetic body.
Avoiding the machines can be a big mistake as the isolation you’ll get by using the cables and pulleys will always be better than using barbells or dumbbells. Your workouts should strike the right balance between isolation and compound lifts.
Always Use A Full Range of Motion
Almost everyone, at some point in time, has been disturbed in-between a set by a gym bro asking you to perform the exercise with a full range of motion. The gym bros tell you that if you don’t follow a full ROM, you’ll not be getting any results.
On the contrary, when you follow a full ROM and lockout your elbows on the top and let your muscles relax on the bottom of the movement, you’re taking the tension off the muscles and putting it on the joints. It’s okay to limit your range of motion so there is constant tension on your muscles.
Have you ever been injured in the gym?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

4 Golden Rules You Need To Follow To Lift For Decades Injury-Free
Follow These Four Rules To Train Injury-Free
The gym isn’t the safest of places to be in, especially if you want to lift for decades to come. If you’re a gym frequent, you need to be careful around the unforgiving iron. A little carelessness inside the iron paradise can cause a big injury.
An injury can be a major setback as it can rule you out for a long time. Not being able to train might sound like a life sentence to a pro or someone on a deadline. Follow these four rules if you want to train injury-free.
Learn The Right Form
To remain injury-free, you need to get the basics right. Some people make the mistake of joining a gym and head straight to the weight room without learning the right way to perform the exercises.
While it’s impossible to eliminate the chances of an injury while training, you can take the necessary steps to bring down the probability of suffering a setback. Once you learn the right form of performing the exercises, you can carry on the right approach to when you lift heavier weights.
If you start on the wrong foot, there are higher chances of getting hurt and it might take a long time for you to unlearn the wrong ways. Focus on learning the basics, and the weights will come later.
Drop Your Ego At The Entrance
The infamous gym fail videos are mostly the result of inflated egos. Letting your ego get the better of you in the weight room can cause more harm than good. If your goal is to build muscle, you should focus on the muscle contractions and mind-muscle connection more than the amount of weight on the bar.
For some people, the amount of weights they can lift is directly proportional to their self-esteem. While a few people lift heavier than they correctly can to feel good about themselves, the others do so to impress someone – mostly a girl.
Drop your ego at the front door while entering the iron paradise and don’t be reluctant to ask for a spot when you might need it. Performing an exercise with lesser weight is better than watching your gym fail video go viral on YouTube and Instagram while lying in a hospital bed.
Warm-Up Before Training
Numerous people make the mistake of heading straight for the dumbbells as soon as they step into the gym. Some of these people consider warm-ups to be a waste of their time. If you’re serious about training, warming-up should be a ritual before starting your workouts.
Stretching and warming-up before a workout help relax and pump blood into your muscles. Spending 15-20 minutes on warming-up before your working sets can dramatically reduce the chances of an injury.
Use Lifting Gear
There has been some widespread craze of “raw lifting” by gym bros around the world. Raw lifting includes not using any assistive gear while you lift heavy weights. The gym bros try to overdo lifting heavy by lifting heavy – raw.
Using assistive gear like a weightlifting belt, wrist and knee wraps can drastically reduce the chances of an injury. Apart from the reducing possibility of an injury, the gym gear can help you better target your muscles as they reduce the involvement of the secondary muscles.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements
Have you ever been injured in the gym?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.