Tag: shred

Best 4 Kettlebell Exercises To Boost Fat Loss & Shred Down
Work to lose fat with these top kettlebell exercises.
Working with kettlebells allows us the opportunity to see great gains when it comes to those effective kettlebell exercises. As a worthwhile fitness tools to have in our routine, the ability to increase strength, enhance stability, and see full body progress is important. However, with kettlebells, the ability to tackle intense workouts can lead to fat loss and help us as we seek to shred down.
Combining strength training with higher intensity work is a great way to burn fat for it allows us to put on muscle, shed calories, and change our body composition for the better. Often times, equipment like dumbbells and barbells can seem challenging to use, especially with higher intensity work. But what you will find with kettlebells are easy to hold options that work effectively so you can tackle those fat loss gains with ease.
We’ll show you some top kettlebell exercises to burn fat and shred down as you seek that desired physique. Kettlebells are great fitness tools to enhance your workouts and with the right kettlebell product, you can achieve these goals with no problem.
Benefits Of Kettlebells
Kettlebells offer great benefits and can work to shape your routine for the better. With an influence on training and performance, knowing the benefits will make you want to put kettlebell exercises into your routine.
Benefits of kettlebells include:
Full body workout: Kettlebells target many muscle groups and increase strength, endurance, and flexibility to provide for a full body workout to save you time and get the most out each session (1).
Promote strength & power: Improved power output at an intense pace for increased lean muscle mass will allow gains for other powerful movements for either sport specific or functional movements (2).
Improved balance, stability, & coordination: Enhance mind-muscle connection and work to improve technique and form so you stay more balanced and stable and keep your body working as one unit.
Burn fat and tone: Easy to use and functional pieces of equipment allow us to burn fat and tone our physiques with things like HIIT.
Best 4 Kettlebell Exercises For Burning Fat
Let’s take a look at 4 fat burning exercises that can work to shed calories, tone us out, and aid in that desired physique. Adding these to our routine can work to enhance any training session for that extra layer of fat burn.
1. Kettlebell Squat & Press
What you will find with the kettlebell squat and press is an exercise that works to target your lower body and upper body. The squat portion allows for your legs to get some work done and the press will increase strength and stability in those shoulders.
How To: With your feet about hip-width apart, hold the kettlebell firm and bend down into a squat. Once you reach your max range of motion, drive up from the squat and push the kettlebell overhead into a press. In a controlled motion, lower the kettlebell and repeat for your desired number of sets and reps.
2. Kettlebell Swings
This compound movement offers a total body workout to increase strength and size while also getting your heart rate up. An intense movement, this is a nice fat burning exercise and fits well into any HIIT training routine.
How To: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and let the kettlebell hang with your arms extended down. Starting in a semi squat position, keep your core tight and move the kettlebell through your legs to around chest level. Continue this movement at a good pace for your desired number of sets and reps.
3. Kettlebell High Pull
The kettlebell high pull is a good exercise to improve strength and power and the nature of the movement at a faster pace will get your heart rate going so you burn some calories. With a similar movement to kettlebell swings, you will see the connection if both are in your routine.
How To: Hold the kettlebell in front of you and with a neutral spine and tight core, swing the kettlebell through your legs, similar to kettlebell swings, but once at the top, give it a pull up towards your shoulders. Keep up this movement for your desired number of sets and reps.
4. Kettlebell Goblet Lunges
Kettlebell goblet lunges are great for evening out your lower body and the continuous movement makes this efficient at burning calories. For your lower body routines, this is definitely one to consider.
How To: Hold the kettlebell with both hands under your chin. Your feet will be together and you will engage your core. Step one foot out in front of the other and bend at the knee. Step that leg back and repeat with the other. Continue switching legs for your desired number of sets and reps.
Why Kettlebells Are Great Workout Tools
Kettlebells are great workout tools because they are easy to use. The handle and design of a kettlebell allows you to hold and move with any workout. Anything that can be cumbersome to move with just won’t cut it so having a quality piece of fitness equipment is exactly what you need to see the best gains.
Also, kettlebells come in many different weights which allow you to change as you increase strength and build more muscle. The downside to kettlebells is that in order to have different weight options you need to own a variety of kettlebells which can just add up. However, some companies are creating adjustable kettlebells, similar to adjustable dumbbells, to alleviate the hassle of paying for more kettlebells and taking up space.
Check out our list of the Best Kettlebells for more great fitness products!
Wrap Up
Kettlebells are great pieces of fitness equipment and can work to burn fat so you see great results to your physique. As convenient and versatile pieces of equipment, you will find that kettlebells will help you move with ease and work to capitalize on those goals as effectively as possible. Give yourself the benefit of a great fat burning workout with kettlebells today.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
Kravitz, Len. “Kettlebell Research Update”. (source)
Beardsley, Chris; Contreras, Bret (2014). “The Role of Kettlebells in Strength and Conditioning: A Review of the Literature”. (source)

Best Summer Shredding Tips To Get You Beach Body Ready
Get that beach bod ready with these summer shredding tips.
The summer months are around the corner and now it’s time to show off that beach body and these summer shredding tips can help. If you were someone who hibernated all winter and maybe let your diet slip, fear not. The top tips for shredding can get you back on track and seeing those gains you want most.
The winter months can be hard. Trekking through snow and cold temperatures to have to hit the gym. It feels like more of a process than actual enjoyment. And if you are someone who maybe slacked off a bit, what you will find is that you might not look as beach ready as you would like.
The top summer shredding tips on the other hand can get you looking and feeling great and without these tips, you may find yourself floundering through spring only to be dissatisfied come those sunshine summer months. Your shirt off can prove to everyone that you were willing to put in work and get that beach body ready for viewing.
Let’s jump into the top summer shredding tips so you can better prepare yourself for when you want to go shirtless. The right approach to making this happen can make your life a bit easier and allow for only the best gains to unfold.
Top Summer Shredding Tips
By following these tips, you will find you can better tackle those goals and allow yourself the ability to see great gains. While it may be challenging to stick to all of these all the time, know it is just until you see that summer shred and get that body beach ready.
Effective Workout Plan
You need to make sure your workout plan is working for you. This means a nice mix of strength training and high-intensity interval work to enhance both muscle building and cardio. What you will find is that by building effective muscle and working towards increasing high intensity intervals, you burn fat without suffering any muscle loss (1). With too much cardio, you start to diminish strength gains and ultimately will lose that definition you want most.
Healthy Diet
We know that healthy diet can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people. But what we mean by this is to maximize protein and not sacrifice the other two macronutrients (2). At the end of the day, a well-balanced diet is imperative to a summer shred. If you restrict too many calories thinking you can starve yourself to a shred, it won’t work and you will not see gains.
Give Your Body Rest
Your body needs rest and it needs to recover overall as well. What you will find with better recovery is you will feel better and you will give your body the time it needs to recuperate and heal. By feeling better and more loose, you won’t be so tight and wound up so as to cause unwanted stress and you will move better in the gym, thus giving yourself a better workout.
STOP Tracking Your Weight
Tracking your weight will only lead to obsession. It is good to know how much you weigh. But when it comes to a summer shred, pay attention to how you look and feel as opposed to how much you weigh. Muscle weighs more than fat and sometimes it isn’t a question about losing weight, but instead about losing fat.
Use Supplements
Using supplements is absolutely key in a summer shred and what you will find is there are certain supplements to aid in your goals for the most effective shred. A protein powder is exactly what you need post-workout to see great gains for muscle growth, recovery, and fat loss while a pre-workout can give you energy and muscle pumps for that pre-workout boost (3,4). Plus, to aid in that summer shred, a fat burner can kickstart your metabolism and work to suppress your appetite for better gains to fat loss.
Staying hydrated is key for it helps with all of the above tips. For exercise, it will keep those muscles hydrated and moving efficiently to see great gains and optimize recovery. When it comes to diet, what you will find is this can increase satiety and work for overall better support. For its role in weight loss and overall better recovery, staying hydrated is absolutely key in allowing you to shred and optimize all forms of training for the best results possible (5).
Featured Shaker Bottle For Increased Hydration
We wanted to share a high-quality shaker bottle so you see the best gains possible and actually want to stay hydrated. With a great design and overall excellent durability, this shaker bottle is worth every dollar in efforts to help you shred and keep you hydrated.
Ice Shaker 26oz. Shaker Bottle
Code GENIRON For 20% Off
Ice Shaker 26oz Shaker Bottle is a great shaker bottle for those looking for durability, portability, and the best mixing for those training and hydration needs.
Ice Shaker 26oz Shaker Bottle is a kitchen grade premium stainless-steel cup perfect for training and everyday use. This no sweat bottle keeps everything dry, the odor resistant stainless steel allows for longevity and no foul odor, and double wall vacuum insulation allows drinks to stay hot for up to 12 hours and cold for 30 hours or more. Great for mixability, you will find this shaker bottle tackles any and all of those needs and can hold 26oz of any desire beverage.
Price: $34.99
Check out our list of the Best Shaker Bottles to make sure you keep up with all your hydration needs!
Wrap Up
As these warm summer months approach, these summer shredding tips are exactly what you need to succeed. By focusing on the right approach and working to maximize your shredding goals, what you will find is you can effectively shred with these worthwhile tips. That beach ready body may seem farther away than it is and by looking ahead and thinking positively about your prospective gains, you will absolutely get there with the right plan of attack and top summer shredding tips to follow.
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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
Roy, M.; et al. (2018). “High-Intensity Interval Training in the Real World: Outcomes from a 12-Month Intervention in Overweight Adults”. (source)
Leidy, H.; et al. (2015). “The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance”. (source)
Frestedt, J.; et al. (2008). “A whey-protein supplement increases fat loss and spares lean muscle in obese subjects: a randomized human clinical study”. (source)
Gonzalez, A.; et al. (2011). “Effect of a Pre-Workout Energy Supplement on Acute Multi-Joint Resistance Exercise”. (source)
Shirreffs, S. (2009). “Hydration in sport and exercise: water, sports drinks and other drinks”. (source)

Mike O’Hearn Tips On Getting Shredded & How To Keep Up Your Physique
Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
Mike O’Hearn offers advice on how to get shredded and best way to take care of your body.
For so many of us, we look back on our younger selves, or even photos of us from a few years past, and wonder how we looked so good and how to get that back. Given our busy schedules and lives, it can be easy to lose the discipline and start to slack off in our routine. Before long, we find ourselves asking these questions with no real place to turn.
Mike O’Hearn is a familiar name to many and as a natural bodybuilder he knows just how important it is to thrive and stay consistent with an all-natural approach to building his body and seeing huge gains. Now that he has quite the accomplished career stacked up, he seeks to push himself to new heights, trying new approaches and testing his body. However, he still takes proper care for he knows how important his body is.
He is updating folks on his new diet and the progress he is seeing, being sure to mention some key tips and offer advice on how best to stay the course and see the best gains. For someone like Mike, it might seem easy to reach those goals, for he is a natural physical specimen, but even this pro has his own struggles, but doesn’t let those get in the way.
Let’s take a look at Mike and some of the great tips his picked up along his career. For those wondering how to reach these goals in a natural way without help from PEDs or other junk, Mike is the perfect mentor and role model to follow.
Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
About Mike O’Hearn
Mike O’Hearn is a bodybuilder, fitness model, and entrepreneur, having a long of apparel, supplements, and workout plans. Having been in the bodybuilding games for decades now, he is a role model and someone to look up to for his calm demeanor, fun personality, and natural approach to looking huge.
As the youngest of 10 kids, Mike always strived to keep up with his older siblings. His dad being a former bodybuilder and football player, Mike wanted to follow in his footsteps and really took the health and fitness lifestyle.
Over the years, his hard and heavy approach to training earned him tons of bodybuilding wins, hundreds of magazine covers, and appearances in American Gladiators and Generation Iron 4: Natty 4 Life. Now with a massive platform and a desire to help others achieve their goals, Mike makes his best efforts to share what he knows and keep people up to date on the best ways to see gains.
Photo via @mikeohearn Instagram
Getting Shredded & How To Keep Physique
In a latest YouTube video, Mike offers up an update and helpful advice as he moves into his shredding diet. Mike wants to get a full body back and one that was seen in his younger years. With this diet being all about metabolism, he wants to get his metabolism to that of when he was 20-years old because he wants to peak and have people question how he can do all this naturally. But this requires his body working at 100%.
Eating almost 5,000 calories a day, people often ask how he can function at 100%. He makes it clear that your body has to tell you when it’s time and when it’s ready. You can’t tell your body. For Mike, it’s his body at the right time operating the right way as he wants to live his life. It is never about the show, but rather how well his body is functioning.
Mike uses an interesting metaphor that is actually very wise. He says how all of these fitness guys want to be millionaires for a day only to spend it all in a day. What he is alluding to is the fact that so many of these influencers want to get there fast so they load up on junk, try to get off it, and end up losing everything.
You have to do things the right way if you want to keep it. In the words of Mike, when you force it and cheat it, you don’t get to keep it.
For Mike, he keeps the same workouts and doesn’t mess around with cardio, supersets, or other extracurriculars because he is keeping everything for later. He isn’t trying to blow it all right away and seeks to only set himself up to win. At the end of the day, the whole goal is to keep it.
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Why Your Metabolism Is So Key
Mike makes a point to talk a lot about your metabolism and how important this is especially for those looking to make changes and really shred down. Your metabolism is what allows you to lose or gain weight. We all know that a faster metabolism allows you to lose weight faster (1).
In the video, Mike refers to wanting to get his metabolism back to when he was 20-years old. As we age, our metabolism starts to slow down (2) and for Mike, who wants to cut and shred in his older years (older being relative to when he was a teenage competitor), taking care of his body and working to improve his metabolism is key.
Thankfully, there are some key ways to improve your metabolism along with dieting that include strength training, high-intensity interval training, increasing your intake of green tea, coffee, and spicy foods, and getting more sleep, just to name a few (3,4,5).
Wrap Up
As Mike O’Hearn looks to shred and see great gains during his new diet, he was great in sharing some key tips that make a difference when on something like this. A key takeaway is to take care of your body and give it time. Those who rush the process will look back and wish they didn’t. A well-sculpted and toned body takes time so enjoy the process and know it will happen.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Mike O’Hearn Instagram
Harvard Medical School (2021). “The truth about metabolism”. (source)
Pennington Biomedical Research Center (2021). “Metabolism changes with age, just not when you might think”. (source)
Hirsch, K.; et al. (2021). “Metabolic effects of high-intensity interval training and essential amino acids” (source)
Acheson, K.; et al. (1980). “Caffeine and coffee: their influence on metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals”. (source)
Sharma, S.; et al. (2010). “Sleep and Metabolism: An Overview”. (source)