Tag: Steroid Cycle

GW-501516 (Cardarine)
GW-501516 (Cardarine) Trenbolones Perfect Match for Lean Gains When it comes to achieving lean gains and maintaining cardiovascular endurance, the combination of Trenbolone and Cardarine (GW-501516) is unparalleled. While bulking season may be the norm for many, some prefer to focus on recomping their physique without sacrificing leanness. This is where the dynamic duo of…

Does An Injury Stop A Steroid Cycle?
Nobody likes injuries, but this doesn’t mean they don’t happen. Unfortunately, not few are those who got injured in spite of big attention paid to stretching, proper technique and weights. If you are running through some injury issues while taking steroids and are not sure what to do further, […]
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5 Best Steroid Cycles For Beginners
Steroid Cycles for Beginners are undoubtedly some of the most stressful due to the unknown they carry and meanwhile, the most excited, because of immense hopes invested in them. You are walking on a path never tested before and want the reward to meet your expectations. […]
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The Five Basic Stipulations of Proper Steroid Cycles and Responsible Steroid Use
Anabolic steroids are technically known as steroids. They are drugs that have similar effects like dihydrotestosterone and testosterone in the physique. In addition to that, they are responsible for the increase of protein synthesis in the cells. This even more result in the increase of cellular tissues in the muscles. […]
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Starting New Cycle Right After Test only and a PCT – Your Thoughts!
Actually, there are so many thoughts that have been shared by a lot of people. That is due to the reason that the situation or condition varies from one person to another. But, of course, you will find one that is better for you to start a new cycle. One Can […]
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How to Prepare For Your First Steroid Cycle?
First Steps to The First Cycle Disclaimer: This article is not endorsing the use of steroids, especially if you live in an area in which steroids are illegal. If you are after medical advice or anything more than general information. Please see a doctor or pharmacist about your questions for […]
The post How to Prepare For Your First Steroid Cycle? appeared first on What Steroids.

The Anatomy Of A Mass Cycle
Are you ready to run your first cycle of anabolic steroids for all-out mass gains? You should expect to gain 15 to 25 pounds if you train correctly, and experience only minor side effects. Let’s check out some of the details you may have overlooked!
Be assured of quality
You are definitely testing your luck if you are attempting to purchase steroids online from an unknown source. You don’t know about the quality, the safety, or any law enforcement involvement. It’s a great risk you may be taking for an impure product. Think twice if you are unable to be assured of quality or at the very least order from an online pharmacy where many of the gurus you know and trust have had good experiences.
Determine your goals
Before you make that first injection, you’ll want to know exactly what your goals are. If adding ten pounds of water weight to your frame isn’t something you can tolerate, you need to plan that into your cycle. You cannot just quit your cycle mid-stream and not expect a dramatic crash. You should always plan ahead for both the positive and negative side effects commensurate with your goals.
Stacking is required
You will find 3 to 4 times the amount of gains to be expected when you add a second compound to your original drug. For this reason, it’s almost required for an off-season steroid stack to consist of two or more drugs. Testosterone and Nandrolone work together in a very successful manner, making it probably the most common and popular stack.
Go heavy, go fast
You will likely be using fairly large amount of fairly toxic compounds for your cycle. For this reason, the cycle should be short (6 to 10 weeks). The immediate result of heavy androgen use will be fat and water gain, hair loss, acne, and increased aggression. By the 8th week on these compounds, the side effects soon become unmanageable. It’s almost unfathomable to imagine those bodybuilders who stay on the same heavily androgenic cycle all year round. Aside from their own natural testosterone production, the long-term effects of the continuous and cumulative side effects are something that should scare even the most veteran user.
PCT all the way
A the conclusion of this heavy 8 to 10 week cycle, you’re going to want to immediately jump to a per-contest ramp-down stack. Commonly used AI or SERMs following a cycle will allow the bodybuilder to ramp down his testosterone levels gradually, and will keep estrogen levels from spiking, which is often the cause of very terrible side effects.
The decision to run a mass cycle is one that should be weighed very carefully. Steroids are serious business when taken in a small compromise or cutting cycle. When they’re used in a highly toxic mass cycle, they become something much more unnerving. Don’t allow yourself to damage your body and health, or lose personal freedoms by using a poorly planned mass gain cycle. Think it through, and plan ahead!

Get Mass With These Killer Steroid Cycles
Q: Can you give me a few good cycles for mass building? Guys in the gym won’t touch me because I’m new and they don’t know what the deal is yet. I’m totally on the up-and-up, but I can’t find help. I’ve taken a few cycles back in my home state, but now that I’m in another state, I don’t know anyone. I didn’t really understand the first ones and why my buddies put them together the way that they did, so I don’t really have the ability to put one together on my own yet. Can you help?
A: First off, I’ll say that that’s common: new bodybuilders will get cycles from people and not really understand why something is the way it is. That’s an important part of the learning process. You should try to really understand why you are taking what you are taking before you do, since it will enable you to adjust as your body responds and doesn’t respond. I almost hesitate in giving you anything because of that fact – but I will give you a relatively mild cycle so that you can see why and how things work.
Currently….400mg Test E eod250mg Deca e/3rd day200mg Dbol ed20u’s of Apidra 5/2-off100-150mg of ephedrine training days only
If you are planning to stay on longer than 8 to 10 weeks, then you need to change some stuff up. I would say that you should add 100mg of Anadrol in for the Dbol in about 8 weeks, and change out Test Enanthate for Test Cypionate. Don’t forget to take PCT but that a whole other topic and you should probably know about it if you are taking mass cycles anyhow. HCG, Clomid, and Nolvadex are good.
After a 6 to 8 week break and good PCT, your next one, based on availability, can be:300mgs Tren (Trenboxyl E)500mgs of Sustaxyl
It’s a sound cycle and one you should stay on for about 10 to 12 weeks. Then follow that up with this for 10 weeks:50mg Stanoxyl Depot200mg Boldaxyl4IU Kalpatropin
Rotation and refreshing cycles by trading things in and out is key. Don’t stay on something too long without trading things in and out. It minimizes sides and it gives you the best growth for the dollar.

How Long Should Your Steroid Cycle Last?
Q: I’m now stacking 200mg of Test a week, 200mg of Deca, and 20mg of D-Bol a day, and I’m sitting huge! I went from 191 to 213 in just 5 weeks! I want to stay on for another 19 weeks for a strong 24 week cycle! What is your opinion of this stack?
A: My opinion is it’s awesome, and congrats on getting so big! However you are staying on this cycle far too long! Remember you’ll be taking 540mg a week, 200mg Deca + 200mg Test + 140(20mg x 7 for the D-Bol). Now, this is not a t all a huge dose by todays standards, it’s more in line with what guys used thirty years ago, but it will still greatly impede your natural test output after just a month or so! I would suggest a 6 week cycle followed by 6 weeks off, and then go back on once you have regenerated your test! Another idea is to use testosterone compounds and anabolic agentsthat do not impede your natural test output! CorTESTEN is a real testosterone compound by Pharma-Stuttgart and it uses a novel approach to testosterone therapy by dramatically increasing what’s called ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) which increases androgen in the bloddstream.
Additionally corTESTEN contains several phytochemicals that have shown in numerous clinical studies to dramatically increase LH (Luteinizing hormone) production which then produces androgen from another faucet, so to speak. So corTESTEN increases test two ways, through increased ACTH production and increased LH production! This is a much better approach because you do no have to “ween” off like you would with steroids.