Tag: steroids

5 Training Tips For Steroid-Free Lifters

5 Training Tips For Steroid-Free Lifters

Best Advice For Natty Lifters
Many people fail to realize there needs to be a difference in the training styles of people on gear and the natties. Steroid-free lifters hold themselves back by following the programs designed for people on juice.
People on steroids can seem to grow in spite of what they do in the weight room but the steroid-free lifters don’t have it so easy. If you’re a natty who is trying to build up muscle mass, following the tips mentioned below will set you on the fast-track to gains.
Recovery Is The Key

Recovery is one of the biggest areas of improvement for people on steroids. They recover faster and efficiently between sets and workouts. If you’re a natty, you need to make sure your recovery game is on point.
After you have your diet figured out, use inter and intra-workout supplements to take your gains to the next level. Always remember that you break muscle while you’re training and build muscle while you’re resting.
Form Over Ego Lifting

While people on juice can seem to gain muscle mass just by sniffing weights, relying solely on the amount of weight you lift isn’t going to do much for you if you’re not taking the drugs.
Bodybuilding is different from powerlifting. In bodybuilding, it doesn’t matter how much weight is on the bar, the quality and the form of the rep is what gets you the results. Establishing a mind-muscle connection during your sets will improve your muscle recruitment and pumps.

Change-Up The Number of Reps
Most natties make the mistake of following a vanilla training program. You need to constantly shock your muscles if you want to stay on the gains-train. The day your muscles get used to your training style, it’s game over for you.
Experiment with the number of repetitions and sets you perform in your workouts and figure out the combination which works the best. Don’t be afraid of going up to 50 reps and 10 sets while performing an exercise.
Don’t Train To Failure
Many people wear the “I train to failure” badge with pride. While training to failure on every set, exercise, and workout can be great for people on gear, this practice can be a roadblock for natties.
You should pick a weight that is challenging for your muscles but avoid going to failure. While performing a set, leave 1-2 reps in the tank on every set, and it can greatly reduce your chances of overtraining.
Think Outside The Big-3
There is no questioning the effectiveness of the three main compound movements i.e. the bench press, deadlift, and squats but you need to add variety to your workouts by performing other compound and isolation exercises.
Sticking to performing the compound exercises while overlooking the isolation exercises can deprive your physique of conditioning. You need to strike a balance between both types of exercises to get the best of both worlds.

Who is your favorite bodybuilder of all time? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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The Late Great Mike Mentzer Breaks Down Steroid Usage and It’s Effects

The late bodybuilding legend Mike Mentzer provides some interesting knowledge on the subject of steroids.
When it comes to knowledgeable bodybuilders there’s no doubt that Mike Mentzer was one of the smartest. A true legend of the Golden Era of the sport, Mentzer was able to build a truly impressive physique on the strength of his knowledge and training methods. He was no doubt one of the most informed bodybuilders in his day.
Speaking on bodybuilding in general, there’s no way you can think of the endeavor of building massive muscle and not think of anabolic steroids. Whether it was the Golden Era, the rise of the mass monsters, or the modern era of the sport steroids have always been a subject of conversation.

There’s an argument that no bodybuilder can achieve the world class level of muscle necessary to dominate the bodybuilding world without utilizing steroids. Many bodybuilders don’t discuss the usage of steroids publicly. That’s likely due to the negative stigma the anabolic substance gets. Many athletes refrain from discussing steroid usage simply because the wrong idea can be conveyed.
Many bodybuilders are unlikely to discuss steroid usage because of a number of particular notions. Some want to avoid advocating for the usage of the substance, concerned about influencing young lifters into taking steroids. Another notion is that they don’t want to public to view their success simply through the lens of steroid usage. Many look at steroids as a magic drug that does all the heavy lifting. In reality, whether an athlete uses steroids or not, it requires a tremendous amount of rigorous training in order to reap the benefits.

Whatever there reasons, many bodybuilders are mum on the topic of steroids. But not Mike Mentzer.
A Rare Interview With The Legend
A recent video interview has surfaced of the late great bodybuilder discussing steroid usage, it’s effect on the body, and other tidbits of knowledge on the subject. The interview which took place in 1991 showcased just how knowledgeable Mentzer was on the subject matter. Take a look at the video below and hopefully get a bit more informed about steroids.

It’s clear that Mike Mentzer knew quite a bit about steroids. While you’d be hard pressed to refute most of the information Mentzer shares here, one thing he said could be challenged. He mentions that bodybuilders were unlikely to get larger and leaner in the future. When you see the state of modern bodybuilding, it’s clear that Mentzer couldn’t have anticipated the mass monsters of today.
Do you agree with Mike Mentzer in this interview? What are your views on the current state of steroid usage in modern bodybuilding?
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Dr. Testosterone Warns: You Must Not Smoke Or Drink While On A Steroid Cycle

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Dr. Testosterone discusses the strict realities of combining steroids with other recreational drugs such as cigarettes, alcohol, cocaine, and more.
There’s no question that steroids are a major health risk when used recreationally for athletic enhancement. Whether an athlete wants to take that risk is up to the individual. But having as much information and education before making that decision is crucial for the athlete to make the right choice. That’s why Dr. Testosterone is crystal clear in his messaging regarding steroids and bodybuilding. He’s not against using the drug – but he’s not ignorant to the real and dangerous risks involved. This is especially true when considering the rest of your habits in relation to steroid use. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Dr. Testosterone explains why athletes must not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or use party drugs while on a steroid cycle.
When discussing any sort of drug use, the most challenging aspect for doctors and scientists is that these things do not happen in a vacuum. Asking if steroids are safe, for example, is more complicated than it seems. There are the inherent dangers of using such a powerful drug. But there are also dangers when considering other human habits that can go along with it. A doctor cannot control what we do outside of their office – they can only warn and suggest the right strategies for a healthy life.

Most bodybuilders understand the pros and cons of using steroids for athletic enhancement. What might be less known are the bad habits that can actually increase risk alongside the drug. Other things that we put in our body including the type of food we eat, other drugs we take, and also social drugs such as alcohol or cigarettes can all have a huge impact on the effect steroids put on our bodies.
During our conversation with Dr. Testosterone, we asked him how serious it is for a bodybuilder to continue other vices such as drinking or smoking while on steroids. Dr. T makes it very clear. He tells all of his patients that they much choose between steroids and. other drugs. He warns that a bodybuilder or athlete must not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or use other drugs such as cocaine while on a cycle.

Dr. Testosterone warns that continuing to use these drugs alongside steroids, at best, will lead to worse results. At worst, it can amplify health dangers caused by both the other drugs and also the steroids. It’s the kind of cocktail that is not worth it. It’s these kinds of habits that can lead to bodybuilders becoming frustrated with results of steroids, for example, and then start taking higher doses in hopes of seeing results. This can be a slippery slope towards serious health issues.
Additionally, alcohol and cigarettes are already bad vices to have as an athlete. They make fitness simply harder, and can lead to degradation of your body that pulls away from your athletic ability. Add steroids into the mix and you are simply getting more negative effects than positive. No serious athlete should ever consider these things in combination.
You can watch Dr. Testosterone go into full medical detail by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!
*DISCLAIMER: Generation Iron does not recommend or condone the use of steroids or other PEDs. The views and opinions expressed in this video are not that of Generation Iron.

Colin Congo Answers: Are All Pro Sports Riddled With Steroids?

Colin Congo Answers: Are All Pro Sports Riddled With Steroids?

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Colin Congo compares pro bodybuilding to other sports when it comes to steroid use and policing of PEDs.
Colin Congo is a pro natural bodybuilder and also an active member in the FBI. This creates an interesting intersection between his personal beliefs about steroid use in bodybuilding – and the legal reality behind policing illegal steroid use in bodybuilding and other sports. The sport of bodybuilding is a strange beast in this way. Most leagues don’t actively test for illegal steroid use. That being said, it’s a general understanding that most pro bodybuilders use PEDs in order to reach the shocking level of muscular and size on display during contests. This fact, it’s argued, is what prevents a more mainstream version of success for the sport – such as being televised on mainstream broadcasts.
But there are those who point out that bodybuilding really isn’t any different from other pro sports. While different sports have different degrees of testing – it can be argued that almost all pro sports have athletes that use steroids and PEDs. The fact that Olympic teams such as Russia were the subject of wide spread steroid use seems to be proof that not everything can get caught (even if they do get caught eventually). That’s why we ultimately pulled on Colin Congo’s expertise as both a natural bodybuilder and a member of the FBI – do all pro sports really engage in consistent use of steroids? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Colin Congo shares his take on steroid use across all pro sports, how it’s policed, and if it can ever really be stopped.

No matter the sport, it seems at some point in time the greatest athletes in sporting culture ultimately get caught for steroids or other PED usage. Lance Armstrong is a famous example, as well as MMA legend Jon Jones. Most recently, the entire Russian Olympic team was the subject of a in-depth documentary exposing wide-spread steroid use among its athletes. Different pro sports handle drug testing in different ways. But one thing that seems to remain true is this – pro sports cannot 100% police PED use. Even for the most lucrative leagues – it’s too expensive and too logically complicated to regularly test all athletes.
With this in mind, how often are pro athletes really using steroids? Pro bodybuilding often gets a bad rap for steroid use and its unwillingness to test for it. But is bodybuilding really any different to other pro sports that are far more popular? Baseball, Basketball, Football – all major sports have their own steroid scandals. Is steroid use simply unavoidable on a pro level?

We asked this very question to Colin Congo – a bodybuilder who has dedicated his life to being all natural and also is an active member in the FBI. While he has no way of knowing the truth behind all key athletes across all pro sports – he is able to use his anecdotal experiences between the FBI and natural bodybuilding as a foundation for the bigger picture. As far as Congo is concerned, the logic is sound – steroid use is most likely far more used in pro sports than many fans realize.
Colin Congo says that a combination of massive money on the line and an uneven playing field contribute to steroid use in pro athletes. If an athlete knows some are using steroids, that puts them at a disadvantage. So why not close the gap by using PEDs as well? On top of that, many pro athletes have their income directly related to their ability. When hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line – the risk is suddenly becomes more worth it.

Colin Congo points out the irony for how reviled athletes become upon being caught for steroids. For example, Congo recounts Lance Armstrong having his entire reputation destroyed by being caught for PED usage. A friend and colleague of Congo’s took a look at the stats for other cyclists during Armstrong’s time. All of them were hitting close levels to Armstrong. After he was caught, in the years after those times and stats dropped significantly.
Congo’s take on that data? Many more cyclists were using the same drugs – but didn’t get caught. The reality is that Lance Armstrong was doing the same thing as all other athletes on his level. He got caught, his reputation is sullied, but really the entire sport’s reputation should take a hit. The problem is more endemic than media makes it out to be.
You can watch Colin Congo go into full detail about his thoughts on steroid use across all pro sports in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.

Proven Risks of Mixing Steroids and Alcohol

Proven Risks of Mixing Steroids and Alcohol

Risks of Mixing Steroids and Alcohol
            Steroids and alcohol are legal for persons aged 21 years and above in most parts of the world. While alcohol is purely for recreational purposes, the same cannot be said about steroids. Nevertheless, the two substances affect the body in many ways. But, have you ever asked yourself whether combining the two is good for you? Well, we have done a little research and found some Risks of Mixing Steroids and Alcohol  and surprising details.
        Bodybuilders and other athletes love having fun, that is without a doubt. However, the kind of substances they consume to enhance their performance may not go well with alcohol. Alcohol is a combination of several chemicals that cumulatively slow down brain activity. Anabolic steroids on the other hand work by boosting testosterone levels, the result of which is increased muscle mass and loss of fat. It is important to note that anabolic steroids are different from corticosteroids in that the latter are used purely for anti-inflammatory purposes. This article will discuss steroids and the proven risks of mixing them with alcohol.
Related Article:: How are Steroids Abused?
Stomach Upsets, Ulcers, and Bleeding
           Prednisone, when taken alone may cause serious side effects such as stomach bleeding. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption causes stomach bleeding due to wearing out of stomach walls and injury to the liver. But what happens when you mix the two substances? Your guess is as good as mine – the effects will be twofold. However, you can reduce the combined effects of alcohol and steroids on your stomach by eating before taking the substances. This is because a full stomach will reduce the probability of either of the substances interacting with your stomach lining. Alternatively, take alcohol and steroids separately to avoid their combined effect on the stomach.
Must Read:: Effects of Alcohol On Muscle Building
Reduced Immunity
           While most steroids are not associated with a reduced immune system, the same cannot be said about alcohol. Excessive drinking compromises the drinker’s immune system, thus making them prone to opportunistic diseases. Pneumonia and tuberculosis are some of the diseases the body is exposed to in the case of excessive drinking. Additionally, people who have a condition known as autoimmune may take steroids that suppress immunity. While this may be justified medically, mixing the steroids with substances such as alcohol may lower immunity to dangerous levels. Most importantly, alcohol, being the strong depressant, we know may interfere with how you take your steroids. That includes forgetting to take the drugs at the right time or not following the necessary aftercare procedures. Any steroid user should put a stop to alcohol intake until they achieve the steroids achieve desired results.
              Depression is a serious health issue that can be brought about by a mixture of alcohol and steroids. A regular steroid user can confirm that indeed these drugs can have a toll on you. To escape the nasty side effects and mood changes, many steroid users have turned to alcohol. Well, this is not a good idea. Alcohol is known to cause extreme depression itself. So, what makes one think that it can help them overcome another type of depression? It could be peer pressure or something else. But the thing is mixing alcohol and steroids will only make the situation worse. Do yourself a favor and never try to cure any type of depression by taking alcohol. Instead, find other treatment options for the depression such as counseling and psychiatric therapy.
Weakening of Bones
              Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakening of bones, maybe as a result of mixing alcohol and steroids. However, the condition usually occurs when one abuses alcohol. Steroids such as Prednisone may also cause it on their own but it happens in one out a thousand users. Moreover, osteoporosis is not serious enough to warrant medical intervention but it can limit the weights you can lift. It will also make it difficult to perform high-intensity exercises. To be on the safe side, avoid mixing alcohol and steroid such as prednisone to avoid this condition.
Breathing Difficulties
Tired black sportsman breathes with difficulty, rests with arms on knees, being fatigue after racing competition, wears leggings and comfortable shoes, copy space against mountain landscape.
               Melatonin and several other steroids, when mixed with alcohol, cause the blood sugar level to rise or drop. This means the rate of absorption of the steroids is increased or lowered respectively. In either case, breathing becomes irregular and difficult. However, it is more dangerous if alcohol increases the effect of a drug like melatonin. One will not only have breathing difficulties but may also develop weak joints, drowsiness, lack of balance, among others.
Risk of Developing Diabetes
               Steroids are not known to induce diabetes but long-term use can cause the condition. Alcohol, on the other hand, more so excess of it, causes high blood pressure and diabetes. A combination of alcohol and steroids and alcohol, however little the latter is, may cause one to develop diabetes. The two substances and their combination destabilize a person’s sugar levels. Whether you’re genetically susceptible to a particular type of diabetes or not, taking alcohol while using steroids triggers a rise in blood sugar. To be safe, don’t take any form of alcohol during your steroid cycle or when under any form of steroid treatment. Unlike other risks, this particular one does not have a safe way of getting around it. You have to choose between steroids or alcohol; a decision that may require the services of a therapist.
Related Article:: Down the Hatch: Alcohol’s Effect on Muscle Growth
Steroid and Alcohol Abuse
            Studies have shown that risks associated with mixing steroids and alcohol stem from the abuse of the two substances. Steroid abuse is not very common among athletes but individuals who have used them for a long may develop some complications. Additionally, steroid use requires discipline and commitment. Also, one must practice self-care to deal with some adverse side effects associated with the steroids. Failure to adhere to any of these may result in some of the following conditions.

Premature baldness.
Growth of breasts in men.
Reduced sperm count.
Irregular menstrual periods in women.

          Alcohol abusers are more likely to develop the aforementioned side effects compared to occasional drinkers. However, the former category of drinkers is addicted to the substance and hence cannot control how they take it. The fast step towards the safe use of steroids and alcohol is knowing whether you’re abusing alcohol or not. Occasional drinkers don’t have much to worry about they can always stop taking alcohol whenever they want until their steroid cycle is complete. Here are signs you may be abusing alcohol and at greater risk of developing the conditions discussed.
Signs You’re Abusing Alcohol
             Abusing alcohol may cause adverse side effects such as high blood pressure and even death. Steroids use and alcohol go well for as long as you’re drinking it responsibly. Please note that this option is for those who can’t do without it completely. Otherwise, it is highly recommended that you don’t take alcohol alongside steroids because of the risks we shall share with you. Here are signs that your alcohol consumption is not healthy. Please note that only a qualified medical practitioner can determine whether a person’s alcohol consumption is healthy or not.


Unfounded fear is the first sign that you’re not drinking responsibly. Paranoia has something to do with impaired judgment, where the person is unable to distinguish between real threats and non-existent ones.

Feelings of Invincibility

It is a very serious effect of alcohol abuse and addiction where one thinks they can tackle any threat head-on. Feelings of invincibility are even stronger if one is a bodybuilder.

Poor Appetite

If you notice a gradual loss of appetite despite training and using steroids, then it means your alcohol consumption is on a dangerous level. No or reduced appetite means your system is overwhelmed by the huge amount of alcohol you’re taking.
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This is a state where one does not comprehend anything happening around them after taking a little too much. Drinking to this point without being forced is a clear sign that one has developed alcoholism. It is the most dangerous stage for one to be taking steroids because they may not only skip their dose but may also fail to take care of themselves.
When to Seek Help
                Health problems associated with mixing steroids and alcohol may be fatal if ignored. If you know you have a drinking problem and feel like using steroids at the same time, it is advisable to consult your doctor first. Most importantly, let your trainer know about this so they can arrange how to go about it. Although some side effects may appear to be mild, it is best to monitor them closely so as not to develop into something serious. Finally, ensure to take every substance, whether it is a steroid drug or alcohol, in moderation to avoid these risks.
              We might spend the whole day arguing against mixing steroids and alcohol but can’t run away from the truth; it will always be there. The best we can do is find solutions that include being cautious about it. With over a hundred types of alcoholic drinks in the world today, you will always find one that will go easy on you. But if you could avoid mixing these two substances, it will be for the better.

Steroid Products Banned by FDA And Where to Find Substitutes

Steroid Products Banned by FDA And Where to Find Substitutes

             Most drugs with adverse side effects banned by regulatory organizations for the same reason. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a regulatory body that ensures the safety of the foods and drugs we consume. Most of the drugs that have been brought to the FDA’s attention are anabolic steroids that do more harm than good to the user. Apart from health consequences, these drugs have also ruined the careers of athletes such as bodybuilders. The drugs come in many forms, including dietary supplements used to enhance performance and recovery after training.
           The FDA recalls drugs it considers harmful to users. Additionally, the companies involved, after doing their investigations recall the drugs, thus helping protect the public from harmful products.

          Nevertheless, some unscrupulous manufacturers and suppliers sell these counterfeits, thus prompting the FDA to issue are warning. The regulatory body has also put many such products under their radar and violators face the consequences. In this article, we’re going to look at some steroid products that have been banned by the FDA and their possible substitutes.
Related Article:: When Were Steroids Banned?
Tri-Methyl Xtreme
              This steroid product has long been used by bodybuilders to achieve certain fitness goals. However, what many of them don’t know is that this drug is on the FDA’s red list. That means its manufacture, distribution, and use violate the law. The chemical is found in dietary supplements and passes out as an anabolic steroid. Although this is true, its adverse effects on the user’s body distance it from the anabolic steroids we know. Surprisingly, this chemical is potent even when it is taken in small quantities. And that is probably why is difficult to detect other chemicals found in supplements.
             The good news is that there are other steroid drugs like Tri-Methyl Xtreme that are completely legal. These drugs achieve the same fitness goals but with less severe side effects. To avoid rubbing shoulders with the FDA, visit our shop for potent anabolic steroids that are friendly to your body.
THG – A Hazardous Steroid Designer
              This is probably the most popular steroid drug that was controversially banned by the drug agency. Before its ban in 2003, THG was used as a supplement. However, after laboratory tests, the FDA established that the supplement contained a previously prohibited drug. Consequently, manufacturers and suppliers were ordered to withdraw the drug from the market immediately. Expectedly, the drug remained in the market and continues to be used illegally to date.
             Why exactly was the drug banned? Well, it turned out THG had grave health risks. For instance, it was found to affect reproduction in males by causing the shrinking of the testicles. The result of it is reduced sperm count and finally, impotency. Additionally, THG was found to cause feelings of aggression in users. Such feelings do not only lead to violence but also cause depression in the long term. Some users were found to develop liver problems among other health hazards. It is for this reason that the drug agency continues to prohibit the use of the drug and those found going against this directive are either fined or jailed.
MedFit Sarmacuticals
          Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies globally. However, there are as many fake SARMs products as there are genuine ones. The owner of MedFit SARMs was recently convicted and fined $350,000 for distributing harmful products. Some of the chemicals that were found to be unfit for human consumption include Ligandrol, Testolone, Ostarine, among others.

             The FDA’s argument concerning the MedFit issue is that the drugs are new and lack approval for healthy fitness use. It added that drugs outside its oversight are considered new and may pose a risk to users. However, some companies produce the testosterone booster that does not pose serious health risks. To be on the safe side, ensure to buy SARMs products from trusted outlets to avoid consuming illegal drugs unknowingly. You can check out SARMs products from our shop and be assured of a safe product with great testosterone-boosting capabilities.
Accelerated Genetics
            This US-based company that sells sports supplements was made to defend its products in a West Virginian district court. The owner was put on the spot for distributing unsafe steroid drugs to the public. Additionally, the company was accused of by-passing the FDA’s safety requirements for the kind of drugs they supply. Accelerated Genetics, like MedFit admitted to producing supplements that contained outlawed substances such as Ligandrol and Ostarine. The products were also found to contain other banned drugs, something that pitted them against the law further.
              The drugs mentioned not only cause life-threatening conditions such as liver cancer but also cause death. Additionally, the chemicals have been found to increase heart thumbing significantly thus exposing one to heart failure.
Possible Substitutes to Banned Steroids
             As mentioned, these performance-enhancing drugs that banned have substitutes in the market. Although the substitutes do not cause adverse body reactions, some banned in some sports. However, bodybuilders have a little bit of freedom concerning the kind of body enhancers they can use. Some sports are more strict concerning performance enhancement drugs hence the need to steer clear of them if they’ll affect your career. Here are some high potent drugs that are legal and can be used instead of the banned ones.

              It is mostly used to enhance testosterone production levels. The drug consists of natural ingredients that do not have severe health risks. However, you may experience a drop in your sex drive when used for too long. Some people have also reported hair loss but the effects rarely go beyond these. The secret to getting positive results from using TestoPrime is to use it in moderation. Also, avoid using the drug for too long to avoid a negative reaction from your body.

            This steroid does not only help you to have lean muscle but it is also legal and completely safe. D-Bal usually use to achieve the same results as Dianabol. The latter is classified as an illegal steroid.

            If you’re looking to burn fat, this is the drug you should look for. Clenbutrol has received many positive reviews for its efficacy in weight loss without losing muscle. It also helps you to sculpt so you don’t have to worry about hanging skin after your weight-loss journey

            This drug is best for cutting, thus serves as the perfect alternative to banned strength-enhancing steroids.
            Unlike banned substances, this drug improves blood circulation and vascularity in general.  Most importantly, Winsol does not cause adverse side effects. So, every time you’re thinking about using a performance-enhancer, with your cardiovascular health in mind, consider getting yourself Winsol.

               The drug is good for general fitness. However, it is best for improving strength, thus allowing you to have a power-packed training session. Most importantly, the steroid allows bodybuilders to lose excess fat while retaining their muscle mass.
             Anabolic steroids continue to be a controversial topic because of their versatility. Although these drugs help the body attain and even surpass its limit, they also come with nasty side effects. Some are more hazardous than others and that is the category the FDA is trying to keep out of the market. However, it is important to note that some of the steroids that are considered to be legal are not without side effects. All one has to do is to use them appropriately and avoid those drugs their body reacts too violently.
              Also, take your time to go through the FDA list of banned substances to avoid getting into trouble with the law. The other option would be to consult your coach and doctor before you start using a particular steroid product. It is likely that they know which drugs are good for you and which ones will harm you. Meanwhile, check out potent anabolic steroids in our shop. Our products are completely safe and are legal.

The Anabolic Doc: Don’t Be Fooled – Bodybuilders Suffer From Steroids Quietly

The Anabolic Doc: Don’t Be Fooled – Bodybuilders Suffer From Steroids Quietly

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The Anabolic Doc warns: Even healthy looking steroid users might be suffering in private.
Dr. Thomas O’Connor, aka the Anabolic Doc, has dedicated his entire career to studying the effects of steroids and other anabolic substances on athletes. He has always tried to bridge the gap between the hard truth of science, and the psychology and desires of athletes that use PEDs. He understands why athletes might be willing to take health risks for greatness. But he also wants to make one thing clear – long term steroid use will always have consequences.

While doctors and scientists have always been making such alarming claims, there are many who don’t believe it. This is largely due to the number of athletes who seem perfectly healthy after admitting to a career of steroid use. The Anabolic Doc wants doesn’t want people to be fooled – just because an athlete seems healthy in their older age, doesn’t mean they actually are. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, the Anabolic Doc explains how more often than not steroid users suffer quietly. Even if they outwardly appear to be healthy long term.
Most athletes who consider using steroids or other PEDs understand the risk they are taking with their health. Some athletes, in the pursuit of greatness, are willing to take that risk. But there are also a large swath of steroid users, both athletes and casual athletic individuals, who simply don’t know how bad the long term affects can really be.

This is due to the fact that famous athletes who get caught for steroid use, well, seem perfectly fine. Even long after retirement, a star athlete who had been caught doping seems to be living a normal healthy life. This kind of optics makes it easier to ignore the very real health issues that arise from long term steroid use. It’s this kind of optics that the Anabolic Doc wants to warn young steroid users about.
As the saying goes out of sight, out of mind. Things that are far off into our future are easy to ignore. This is especially true if there are no obvious warning signs publicly spoken about by iconic athletes. Outwardly, it appears that an athlete can use steroids, retire, stop taking steroids, and be perfectly fine – so long as they stop early enough. The Anabolic Doc can’t stress enough how untrue this idea is. While he can’t speak for every individual who takes steroids, his studies and experience prove this – most steroid users are suffering silently.
Dr. O’Connor details exactly the kind of private suffering that steroid users face down the road:

“We don’t know. Now, these men suffer quietly. I know, in this mind, because who comes to see me? They come to see me and they tell me the truth with their wife, their children, their mothers. And there’s a lot of tears. Because thy have heart disease and kidney disease. And they have psychiatric disease.”
The Anabolic Doc can’t speculate on specific high profile athletes or individuals – as he doesn’t know them personally. What he can rely on is the years of clients and data from studies that show how much suffering long term steroid users face. What goes on privately can be vastly different than what we see presented in public.
You can watch the Anabolic Doc’s full comments in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Dr. Testosterone Answers: Is It Possible To Undo Damage Caused By Steroid Use?

Dr. Testosterone Answers: Is It Possible To Undo Damage Caused By Steroid Use?

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Dr. Testosterone breaks down the reality of prolonged steroid use and whether or not the damage can be reversed.
While there are some who believe steroids to be completely healthy, most athletes understand that athletic use of PEDs can come at a health cost. Ultimately, these athletes decide that it’s worth the risk. But what about down the road after retirement? Does the long term damage truly create regrets in former bodybuilders? Or can the damage be reversed with medical intervention? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Dr. Testosterone explains whether or not damage caused by long term steroid use can be reversed.

Dr. Testosterone had previously stated in one of our interview segments that bodybuilders must abuse steroids to succeed. Based on that statement, it seems that, in his opinion, bodybuilders must decide if they want to take the risk of long term damage to become a potential champion. It’s been well documented that former athletes and bodybuilders often have to go on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Treatment) upon coming off steroids. But just how much healing can be done medically after a career of steroid abuse?
We asked that question to Dr. Testosterone in our latest interview segment. Dr. T is often pro steroids – but honest about the medical realities of long term steroid use. He has the education and background to break down in detail exactly how much of the damage can be undone. Like many things, it’s not a simple yes or no question.

There are various organs that can become damaged from long term steroid use. The key main organs most affected are the kidneys, liver, and heart. Of course, each body is different in how much abuse it can take. Dr. Testosterone admits that if steroid use damages is done to the kidneys, for example, this can be irreversible.
On the other hand, Dr. T claims that the liver has great regenerative properties. There is some permanent damage that can be done in the extremely long term. But if a bodybuilder gets out at the right time – it’s possible to avoid it and to reverse the smaller damage done.

The biggest threat, Dr. Testosterone states, is damage done to the heart. If the heard grows thicker and the arteries grow thicker – this will cause less blood to pump into and out of the heart. As we age, this kind of damage can cause cardiovascular disease. It’s often near impossible to reverse this kind of damage. Beyond steroids, heart attacks are one of the highest risk health treats in the United States. That gives some perspective on how serious this kind of damage can be.
So how long can a person go before irreversible damage is done? Unfortunately, that’s not an easy answer either. Each person’s genetics are different. Also their lifestyles can be completely different in addition to steroid use. It’s nearly impossible to prescribe a “safe exit point” for bodybuilding. That’s a huge part of the danger and a big reason why it’s not legal for recreational use in the US.
You can watch Dr. Testosterone go into far greater medical detail in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!
*DISCLAIMER: Generation Iron does not recommend or condone the use of steroids or other PEDs. The views and opinions expressed in this video are not that of Generation Iron.

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Building Muscle

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Building Muscle

Top 5 reasons your (probably) not building muscle.
Bodybuilding isn’t an easy sport. Many people give up working out before they see any results. These people either blame their genetics for their inability to build muscle or throw out the “too busy to workout” excuse.
While bodybuilding can be hard, it is not rocket science. If you do all the things right, you will be on your way to building your dream physique. These could be the 5 reasons why you’re not building muscle mass.
1. You’re A Hardgainer

If you’ve not been able to build muscle mass, there could be chances you’re a hardgainer. It can be more difficult for a hardgainer to build muscle mass because of a variety of reasons which we will discover in this article.
You might start out skinny but you can pack on considerable muscle by breaking out of the hardgainer hell by following tips mentioned in this article. Don’t let being a hardgainer be an excuse for taking it easy in the gym.
2. Your Muscles Have Adopted To Your Workouts

Many people have the habit of the following the same workouts. Although doing this could be convenient but it will hurt your gains in the long run. In order to build muscle, you need to constantly shock your muscles.
Change your exercises every 2-3 weeks to see optimal gains. If you have a problem coming up with new exercises, you could follow one of the training programs available for free online or hire a trainer to design a personalized training program for you.

3. Your Diet is Not on Point
Depending on your body weight and your goals, your body needs macro and micronutrients to grow. If you’re not meeting your daily required nutrition goals, you will not see any progress.
If your goal is to build muscle, you should be consuming two grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to see results. For eg – if you weigh 70 lbs, you should be taking 140 grams of protein every day. If you don’t know how to make your diet plan, take the help of a professional.
4. Lack of Recovery
No matter how hard you workout, you won’t see results until your body recovers from your workouts. You don’t build muscle in the gym. Your muscles break down when you lift weights. Your muscles grow when you’re in deep sleep.
You need anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep every night to recover from your workouts. Joint pains and prolonged muscle soreness are a sign of lack of recovery. Supplements can be an effective way to recuperate from your workouts.
5. Indiscipline
Bodybuilding is a sport which needs military-like discipline in all respects. You need to follow a regime with your training, diet, and rest. Following a program is the best and the fastest way to reach your goals.
You should follow a schedule for your workouts and diets. You should hit the gym at the same time every day because doing this will help your body respond better to your workouts. By being inconsistent with your training, diet, and rest, you are leaving gains on the table.
Are you a hardgainer? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

20 Luxury Gifts for Bodybuilders in 2021

20 Luxury Gifts for Bodybuilders in 2021

              Are you undecided on what kind of gift to buy your bodybuilder friend? Well, we have prepared this article to give some cool ideas in that regard. We cannot tire from telling you that bodybuilders are indeed special people and must be treated as such. Most importantly, this group of athletes is easy to please; you don’t have to kill your budget to make them feel special. All you need is a simple, yet unique item that will uplift their spirits. Here is a list of luxurious and affordable gifts that befit a bodybuilder.
NutriBullet Blender System
             A great diet is an integral part of a bodybuilder’s career. Therefore, there is no better way to honor that than getting them a blender to help mix and shake foods. The blender does not only saves them time but will also help them make a variety of drinks. This gift will enable them to make protein shakes, omelets, fruit smoothies, and more. Using a blender to mash anything you want inspires creativity and that could be all a bodybuilder wants.
> > NutriBullet Blender System Adjustable Jump Rope ARM CURL BLASTER > ULTIMATE GYM BAG > Monument Grills 24633 Gymreapers Lifting Wrist Straps