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9 Causes of Gynecomastia and Man Boobs
Gynecomastia is an emerging condition in men in the recent times. It can be referred with different names including Male breasts, Man boobs or simply moobs. Although harmless, the condition can cause serious trouble including the risk of developing breast cancer. The condition can easily be avoided although there are genetic causes, which means that the person is born with man boobs. This genetic condition is called Klinefelter Syndrome and less or nothing can be done in such a case.
What actually happens in gynecomastia is that there is an increase in breast tissue, particularly the glandular tissue and not the fat tissue in men. Men usually have breast tissue but not in large amounts as women do. The hormone that brings out this difference, calls estrogen and is usually in high amounts in females than males. Therefore, when a man develops breasts, most likely it will be an increase in the hormone estrogen.
The causes in one or more ways somehow will always point to an imbalance in the hormones estrogen and androgens. Any condition or substance that will lead to an increase in estrogen and a drop in androgens in makes will make them have gynecomastia.
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What are indicators of Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition, which can easily be self-diagnosed. However, it is always advisable to see a medical specialist for proper medical diagnosis. It can occur in one or both breasts and in most cases; it starts out as a small painful or painless lump beneath the nipple. Eventually, the whole breast enlarges and then that will be gynecomastia. Breasts will enlarge unevenly sometimes. Some of the signs and symptoms include:
The breast tissue becomes swollen.
There is breast tenderness.
In some cases, it may be breast cancers causing the swelling. It is important to be able to distinguish between the two. Major differences between breast cancer in men and gynecomastia include:
Cancer in most cases will be confined on one side while gynecomastia can be on either side.
Cancer is usually not centered around the nipple unlike most cases of gynecomastia.
Cancerous breast tissue usually feels hard or firm.
Cancer have associated dimpling of the skin on the breast, the nipple may retract or some discharges nay be seen coming out and the axillary lymph node may be swollen.
How Gynecomastia is diagnosed?
Proper medical diagnosis of gynecomastia is done by a medical specialized in such a field. It basically involves taking your past medical history including drug use and medication accompanied by a physical examination of your breast tissue. Apart from doing the physical exam, other specialist go ahead to do other tests just in case you have other conditions. The most common tests include:
Blood tests for example liver functions and even hormone tests.
Testing of your urine.
An x-ray of your breast tissue that has in low doses.
Biopsy of the breast tissue when a suspicion of cancer is raised.
Risk factors of Gynecomastia
Who is likely to get gynecomastia? There are several risk factors that may lead to one getting this condition. Some are related to lifestyle while other are as a result of normal physiological processes. The risk factors implicated in gynecomastia include:
Male teenagers growing normally are at risk of developing gynecomastia.
Male infants.
People exposed to certain diseases.
Certain medications.
The causes of Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia has so many causes. Here, we highlight the top 9 causes of gynecomastia in men.
1. Obesity
Obesity refers to a situation where there is increased fat content in the body. It can be a cause of Gynecomastia and has been a common one in the recent past where we have had increased cases of obesity all over the world.
So how does obesity come in to cause obesity? It is believed that the increased fat in your body as well as in your breast tissue has a role in disrupting the hormones in your body including the estrogen and the androgen and therefore bringing about gynecomastia. The disruption is carried out because of a hormone called leptin, which increases, in levels when there is increased fat in the body.
In cases of obesity, leptin will rapidly increase in the body and this result in a condition called leptin resistance. Leptin resistance causes the brain to see that the body is starving and it directs its activities in ensuring that the body is getting enough nutrients and that reproduction is not important here. This implies that the hormones for reproduction in males, the androgens are suppressed and there will be a rise in estrogen, which will then cause gynecomastia.
2. Steroids
Perhaps the commonest causes of gynecomastia are the anabolic steroid used by bodybuilders and other athletes. Most if not all anabolic steroids are usually synthetic versions of testosterone. Since the body has the mechanisms of converting testosterone into estrogen, some of these anabolic steroids get converted into estrogen leading to development of gynecomastia.
Steroids > > HERE
Estrogen usually requires in the male body in limited amounts. It has several roles such as helping in maintaining healthy bones, sexual activities and help ensure that the fat content in men is low enough not to cause any health related conditions. However, beyond a certain limit, it comes with associated health risks one of which is gynecomastia.
So apart from causing trouble with your testicles among other side effects of the anabolic steroids, they can really make your life embarrassing by making you develop man boobs, which not every male person would want to be associated with. It is estimated that about half the cases of gynecomastia are as a result of anabolic steroid abuse.
3. Cancers
There are certain types of cancers implicated in causing gynecomastia. Most of the tumors sometimes are usually undetected hence the importance of seeking a proper medical diagnosis. Since gynecomastia is a result of hormone imbalance, these types of cancers must have a part to play in causing the hormonal imbalance.
The major tumors that have been known to have an impact on hormones are the testicular tumors and pituitary tumors (Prolactinoma). These tumors will result in either an increase in production of estrogen or a decrease in production of testosterone.
Testicular tumors for example can result in increased synthesis and production of a hormone called Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). HCG closely resembles Luteinizing hormone (LH) both in structures and in function. It therefore will also lead to increased production of testosterone and also the conversion of the produced testosterone to estrogen and that is where trouble comes in.
4. Genetic hereditary disorders
Another common cause of man boobs are some hereditary disorders that one is born with and which most likely run through their families. Klinefelters syndrome is the commonest of the causes. In this condition, an individual has 3 pairs of chromosomes instead of the usual 2 pairs. Normally, a man has the XY chromosome combination. However, in Klinefelters syndrome, there is an additional X chromosome forming the XXY combination.
In such cases, the patients will be sterile and gynecomastia is an outstanding feature. This is a bit hard to manage because it is not easy to change the chromosomal arrangement of a person.
5. Side effects of certain medications
There is a wide range of drugs that have gynecomastia as a side effect of taking them. In fact drugs ranks highly in causing man boobs causing even as high as a quarter of all the causes of gynecomastia. So how do drugs come in when it comes to causing hormonal imbalance, which causes man boobs?
Well, most drugs and especially the ones that are prescribed harbor about three effects that are likely to cause gynecomastia:
They have an estrogen like activity when taken.
Can raise the levels of estrogen directly.
Have androgens as part of them and these androgens can be converted to estrogens.
So, talk about amphetamines, antibiotics or any other common drugs and you will see that they somehow can be the reason why you are developing man boobs. It is good that you get to know the side effects of the drugs you are taking. Talk to your doctor about it and if you develop any signs of increased breast tissue, then you can consider stopping.
Here is a list of the drugs that are commonly known to cause gynecomastia:
Spironolactone – it is a diuretic substance and contains activities that are opposite to those of androgens.
Drugs that are calcium channels blockers that are important treating hypertension for example nifedipine.
Drugs that inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) also used in treatment of hypertension for example captopril.
Antibiotics such as metronidazole and isoniazid.
Drugs used in management of ulcers such as cimetidine and ranitidine.
Digoxin and diazepam.
6. Abusing alcohol
There are several ways in which alcohol can cause gynecomastia. This happens when one drinks excess alcohol every day. One can be prepared to have grown his belly and also be prepared to have man boons as well.
The first way in which alcohol can cause man boobs is through its damage to the liver. The liver is a very crucial organ in getting rid of hormones and when it is damaged due to alcohol abuse, this activity tends to reduce and eventually stop. One of the hormone that will not be eliminated from the body is estrogen. Over time, estrogen gets to accumulate and its immediate effects includes causing Gynecomastia. Apart from being inefficient in eliminating estrogen, a damaged liver is even more likely to convert the androgens into estrogens.
Apart from damage to the liver, alcohol itself in most cases contain certain compounds that will influence the balance of estrogens and testosterone in the body. The most common compounds found in alcohol are the phyestrogens. Phytoestrogens are basically compounds that mimics the estrogen in the body. How do they get into the alcohol we consume? Well, the hops that use to make beer and also some plants that have a part in making most alcoholic beverages have these compounds in abundant and that is how they end up in the alcohol we consume.
7. Aging
As men age, most of them tend to have an imbalance in their hormonal composition. The first time you may experience gynecomastia is at puberty. During puberty, one produces lots of hormones in high amounts including the estrogens. This is likely to cause man boobs. This is usually not something to worry about since as you leave teenage behind, your hormones come to level and everything goes back to normal. So as long as it does not progress for a long time, there is absolutely nothing to worry about teenage Gynecomastia.
In other cases, you may experience what the experts call idiopathic gynecomastia at some point in life and this may not go away. Idiopathic implies that the growth of the breast tissue cannot simply be traced to the cause. However, there has been some explanations as to why there may be such a case. One common one is that as we men grow, different part of the body also grow including the breast tissue. But the body does not stay in one state all the time and it is likely that the as the body reduced to grow at some point, the breast tissue did not cease for some reasons, hence gynecomastia.
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As one grows older also, testosterone levels tend to become lower and lower probably because there is less production due to aging of the tissue responsible for its production. This means that estrogens have an upper hand and can now easily cause man boobs. Sometimes older people may have been exposed to some estrogens or something that causes hormonal imbalance without actually having an idea what it was. This might also cause Gynecomastia in old age.
8. Kidney and liver diseases
Another major cause of gynecomastia is severe disease of either the kidney or the liver or even both. These two organs are particularly important in regulating some hormones and other proteins that have a role in preventing development of man boobs.
The liver as seen in alcohol abuse has a major role to play when it comes to giving you gynecomastia if you do not take great care of it. Many conditions that damage the liver are due to alcohol abuse but any other disease that damages the liver including some viral diseases can lead to disruption of normal hormonal elimination hence causing man boobs. Apart from reducing disruption, the liver has a role in regulating synthesis of certain proteins and one crucial protein regulated is the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). The SHBG binds testosterone. In severe liver disease, this protein tends to be over produced and will bind more of the testosterone produced. This lowers the amount of testosterone in circulation leading to trouble.
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Kidney diseases also cause almost a similar situation only that the most severe forms of kidney disease will lead to such a condition. Although man boobs are also a clear symptom, one tends to notice other common symptoms first including abnormal urinary discharges and even skin rashes first before noticing gynecomastia.
9. Smoking Cigarettes And Using Marijuana
Cigarette smoking causes man boobs indirectly. Excessive smoking will lead to development of lung cancers some of which just like the testicular and pituitary tumors will cause a disruption in the hormonal balance and this will lead to gynecomastia. Lung cancers in fact have an upper hand when it comes to causing gynecomastia. All the other cancers that are known to cause hormonal imbalance. The good news is that the lung cancers are a bit more preventable unlike the other forms of cancers.
Apart from cigarettes, Marijuana is another common cause of man boobs. So many people are still not aware of this and therefore sometimes they tend to think that marijuana has no role in this. Using marijuana in excess amounts has the effect of increasing breast tissue in men. Hoe this happens is still a mystery but some studies suggest that marijuana depresses the levels of testosterone.
Other common causes of Gynecomastia
There are still so many other causes of man boobs and here are some of the honorable mentions:
Depriving yourself of certain nutrition in the name of deprivation diets.
Drugs used to manage hair losses.
Plant oils and natural grooming products.
Testosterone replacement therapy.
Time in the womb as a fetus.
Read this > > Elucidation of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Will the Gynecomastia go away?
Having looked at the causes of gynecomastia, you may be wondering how long does one need to have this condition before it goes away. The truth is, it depends on the type and cause of gynecomastia. Pubertal gynecomastia for instance may regress once one is out of puberty. Of course, there are rare cases where such gynecomastia persists in which case there will be need of medical treatment.
Other forms of gynecomastia stay for a longer period of time. Cases have been reported where gynecomastia has lasted for more than 12 months without treatment. If gynecomastia lasts that long, most likely, it will undergo fibrosis and this will complicate treatment.
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Treatment of Gynecomastia
There are two major approaches in the treatment and management of gynecomastia. However, gynecomastia in most cases is a condition which will go away on its own within a period of about six months provided that the condition leading to it eliminate as much as possible. If it does not go away, treatment can either be:
Using drugs.
Surgical approach.
Using Drugs in Treatment of Gynecomastia
There are several drugs, that we can use in the management of gynecomastia. Their effectiveness has been in question but they are still used. In fact, most if not all of them have not been approved by the FDA. The commonest drugs that have been in use include:
Testosterone replacement in older men but not younger males who have normal testosterone levels.
Clomiphene taken for a period of 6 months has also some good results.
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There has also been the selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen, which works by reducing breast volume. It has also been helpful in cases of severe and painful gynecomastia.
Danazol, a synthetic derivative of testosterone helps reduce the levels of estrogen in the body by limiting its production by the testis.
Surgical Approach in the Treatment of Gynecomastia
Drugs are more effective in the treatment of gynecomastia during the early stages of the condition. However, after a period of about 12 months when the glandular tissue has been transformed into a fibrous tissue, drugs become less effective and only surgery might prove helpful here.
Surgical reduction of the breast tissue refers to as reduction mammoplasty and use it in cases where we have:
Severe gynecomastia.
Long term gynecomastia.
Drugs have failed to bring the condition back to normal.
Prevention of Gynecomastia
Like treatment, prevention of gynecomastia depends on the types of gynecomastia one is talking about or how it is. Gynecomastia caused by hormonal imbalance as a result of for example aging or pubertal changes cannot be prevented. Other forms for example those which are caused by some medical conditions can be prevented. This will be through preventing the underlying conditions such as avoiding abuse of alcohol. Having a clear and sound knowledge of everything to do with Gynecomastia can help you avoid it in the future if it is the kind that can be prevented.
Gynecomastia is a common condition that has been a major cause of concern for men. It so many causes some of which have been highlighted in this article. Gynecomastia can easily be managed and one is bound to have his normal breast composition. It is however, an embarrassing condition and many men have been suffering silently. In case where you have the condition, you can do some of the following things so that you can avoid being depressed:
Get some counseling from a trusted expert.
Reach out to the people you love including your friends and family members.
Connect to people with similar conditions or who have gone through the same condition.

What is EPO and Blood Doping in Cycling and Endurance Sports?
Sporting activities such as cycling and endurance sports require energy for better performance. The amount of red blood cells and the oxygen determines athletic performance. On this note, many athletes, sportsmen, and women are taking hard drugs to boost oxygen and red blood cell production in their body. But the problem is that most of the substances available for athletes have strenuous health risks, which made them not suitable for anyone. The truth is that most of the hard drugs used by athletes to cheat in the game are banned. In this article, you will learn about EPO and blood doping in cycling and endurance sports. So, take time to read to the end of this article to get comprehensive information about the effect of Blood Doping and EPO in Cycling and Endurance sports.
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Before we can proceed to explain more about the effects of blood doping in endurance sports and cycling, it is necessary to educate you more about the meaning of doping and EPO. Blood doping is not a new topic in the athletic and sports world. It is an unlawful or prohibited method of enhancing athletic performance through the use of synthetic blood-boosting methods. It is a synthetic or artificial way of boosting the ability of the body to allow the channel more oxygen to the muscles. The reason is to enhance the endurance and performance of the athletes in the long-running distance, cycling, and more.
The effects of blood doping
The effects of blood doping are mostly required when there is shortage of hemoglobin in the bloodstream. The hemoglobin that gives the blood its color the people know. It is responsible for oxygenating the blood of the vertebrates. The red proteins come in four different unique with each unite containing an iron atom that is held together by a group known as haem. Also, the hemoglobin is a unique protein responsible for carrying oxygen to the bloodstream of the vertebrates.
Therefore, an increase in hemoglobin through blood doping can increase the amount of oxygen required in the body to fuel athlete muscles for higher performance. With blood doping, there can be an increase in stamina and endurance for cycling and other sports requiring long-distance events. So, it is not only used by cycling but other endurance sports like running, weight lifting, and others. Many sports organizations, such as the Olympic Committee have banned blood doping, which made it illegal for the athletes to go for any blood doping drugs. But, will explain more about the EPO in this article.
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Types of Blood Doping You Need To Know
There are three major types of blood doping you need to know as an athlete. The types are:
Erythropoietin (EPO) injections.
Blood transfusions.
Injections of the artificial oxygen carriers.
The EPO Injections For Blood Doping
Erythropoietin (EPO) is a natural hormone produced in the body of the kidney. The essence of this hormone is to regulate red blood cell production to enhance its capacity aerobically. Clinically, the EPO injection is done to trigger red blood cell production for the treatment of different health issues related to the blood. So, it is used to treat an anemic patient and patients with a related chronic illness like the last stage of the kidney disease.
The use of the EPO by the athletes is to stimulate the body and increase the production of red blood cells in a higher amount than normal. The goal is to boost performance for sporting activities. The increase in the production of red blood cells above normal can result in blood clotting and thickening. Resulting in chronic health issues like stroke and other related health issues. So, before you take the EPO injection into your body to increase the production of red blood cells and boost performance in sports. You should take time to consider the health risk associated with it. There are some long term risks associated with it, which made it necessary for people to be wary of injecting the drug into their bloodstream.
The Truth about Blood Doping Through Blood Transfusions
Blood transfusion is a practice in the medical field. It is used when there is a need to replace blood lost through surgery or injury. More so, transfusions are necessary when there is a need for replacement of blood to patients whose red blood count is low as a result of kidney failure, anemia, or other medical treatments or conditions.
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On the other hand, the illicit transfusions of blood are carried out to boost performance in sportsmen and women. The popular blood transfusions in the athletes are of two types, including autologous and homologous transfusion.
The Autologous transfusion: The case of the autologous transfusion, the blood of the athlete is collected and stored for the used on the same athlete in the future. Most athletes that have competitions do prepare ahead of time to ensure best performance. So, their blood are drawn by their doctor and used at the time of their event to boost their performance and endurance.
The Homologous transfusion: In the case homologous transfusion, the athlete gets the blood of another person with the same type to boost red blood count in the body.
The Artificial Oxygen Carriers for Blood Doping
Another popular method of blood doping used by the athlete is the synthetic or artificial carriers. It is a chemical with the capability of carrying oxygen. There are many types of it available in the medical world, but in this article, we will take a look at two of the examples. These are PFCs (per fluorocarbon) and HBOCs (hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers).
There is a medical application for synthetic or artificial oxygen carriers for emergency therapy. The use of this method is when certain conditions are appropriate. The conditions that determine the use of the oxygen carriers include:
There is need for blood transfusion in patient without availability of human blood.
The human blood transfusion is not an option due to blood infection.
The patient’s condition is critical without enough time to carry out test and find matching blood type for the patient.
The above mentioned are the conditions necessary that warrant the use of the artificial oxygen carrier for emergency therapy. However, athletes are making use of synthetic oxygen carriers for a different reason. They are making use of this method to get the same result from other forms of blood doping for their athletic performance. The method is effective in increasing fueling the muscle with the oxygenated blood.
Significant Facts About Blood Doping
There is a unique test for blood doping. The test helps to detect drug use in the athlete. Since blood doping is an illegal way of triggering the body during a performance in sports. It is necessary to figure the risk factor associated with it if you want to get it done on you. So, figuring out the possible risks associated with blood doping and EPO is necessary before going for it. There are a plethora of tests indicating risks associated with blood doping.
Blood Doping Risks and Potential Dangers You Need To Know
When the red blood cell production is modified, the heart is mostly the organ that suffers most. Increasing the number of red blood cells produced will result in the thickening of the blood, putting the heart into added pressure to pump the thickened blood to other vital organs of the body. Due to the blood doping, there is always an increase in the following:
Heart attack.
Blood clot.
Different types of blood doping come with different types of risks. Blood doping done through transfusion of tainted blood can result in various infectious diseases, including:
Hepatitis B.
Hepatitis C.
Adding to these health issues associated with EPO and blood doping, many others are not popular base on recent studies. Abuse of EPO triggers high blood pressure (hypertension) by producing a higher amount of red blood cells to crowd the plasma. The risk of the increasing production of blood is that it results in blood thickening, which induces constriction of muscle and leads to the closing of the blood, stroke, and heart attack.
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More so, there may be an interaction between hypotension drugs and EPO. Some of the drugs with negative interactions with the EPO are fludrocortisone (Astonin) and midodrine. That is why the professional sportsmen and men are not to take the drugs except administered by their doctor. The truth is that the use of EPO with drugs used to cancer such as breast cancer, Cytoxan (cyclophosphamide), leukemia, and lymphomas.
EPO is among the banned anabolic substance in the sporting world. The sporting agencies do carry out a regular test on the athletes to find out if they are using the banned drug or not. There is strict scrutiny of the athletes, and anyone found guilty of abusing the drug will be penalized through suspension or total stripping of the title. More so, some athletes have lost their titles for taking EPO or other hard PED drugs.
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The EPO And Blood Doping Popularity Among Athletes In The World
Sports fans are conversant with the news about sportsmen and women caught using hard substances, such as Performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) and more. The PEDs is a popular anabolic substance used by the athletes to boost performance. But the drug under the same umbrella, which most people do not know is the EPO.
This drug has recorded widespread controversies and abuse among the athletes, such as professional cyclists and more since the earlier 80s. Your knowledge of this drug, its effect, risk, and controversies will make it easy for you to know the best way to avoid being a victim. Many professional cyclists have put their life to danger through the abuse of this drug.
The Controversies Surrounding EPO Use among the Athletes in the World
The use of EPO, banned in the international sports community, such as Olympic and others since the 1990s and in 2000 blood sample used to test for drug use in the athlete during the Summer Olympic. In the year 2006, Floyd Landis was the first to lose his title for drug abuse through doping. Armstrong is another athlete to lose his title for EPO abuse and blood doping. Many other professional cyclists have tested positive for the use of EPO, and some of them include Philippe Gaumont, David Millar, Jesus Manzano, and Willy Voit. With the controversies surrounding the use of EPO and blood doping, one may wonder about the possible effect of this drug on athletic performance. If that is your question, you should not ask further as the answer to your question is not farfetched.
The Benefits Associated With EPO and Blood Doping Drugs
Despite the enormous health risks associated with EPO and other PED for blood doping, there are still some benefits associated with it, which attract more athletes to them. Some of the benefits associate with this drug are explained here.
Improve Your Strength and Live Stronger
Erythropoietin or EPO in the acronym is a natural peptide hormone that is produced by the kidney. The hormone is responsible for triggering the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. Clinically, the peptide hormone is useful in treating blood deficiencies in the body.
It is recommended during emergency and anemia treatment. However, the misuse of abuse of EPO is banned. Although erythropoietin is banned, its popularity in the cyclist and endurance event has rapidly increased. So, one of the main reasons people go for this drug despite being banned is that helps them to live stronger and perform better in sporting competition.
Performance beyond the Limit of Human Being in Sports with EPO
Performing beyond the human limit is possible with the help of the EPO and other blood doping methods. It is the drug that gives users full strength after being injected into the bloodstream. But it is only for those that can afford the cost of it. Accessing the EPO is easy when you check through the US site. You will find an injectable full strength solution for a hundred and fifty pounds. But to get the dose that will enough to boost your performance beyond the human limit, you must be ready to spend some thousands of pounds. You need not less than three thousand five hundred pounds to get the EPO injection that can last for the training cycle in circling or other endurance sports events. Therefore it is not affordable to the amateur cyclists and endurance training.
Some Common Questions About EPO And Blood Doping Cycling
With the prevalence of EPO and blood doping, it is easy for someone to wonder about its effects on the body. Also, armature cyclists usually wonder if they can improve their strength and performance by injecting drugs into their bloodstream. If you have wondered about that also, you are in the right place as you will get answers to your questions here. Some of the questions about this product and the answers include:
Can I Get Stronger And Perform Better With The Use Of EPO?
That is one of the most popular questions you can find among the cyclists and other athletes. The answer is simple, injecting this drug into the bloodstream triggers the production of red blood cells unnaturally. With the increased red blood cell comes the possibility of boosting the muscle strength, endurance, and agility for performance in sports.
How EPO Works to Increase Endurance?
The main effect of EPO is to increase strength and endurance. That is why it is used by runners, cyclists, and other endurance trainers. Long-distance runners go for this injectable drug to make them perform beyond normal human strength. To ensure the effectiveness of the EPO, it is injected under the skin to induce the production of red blood cells and the delivery of more oxygen to the muscle.
Is erythropoietin drug still useful for cycling?
While some people have ended up damaging their kidney and increasing their risk of stroke, heart disease, and others with the EPO abuse, a new study has it that the drug may not improve performance in cycling. The discovery about this drug has resulted in controversies and discouraged more runners, cyclists, and more from taking this as it does not produce the same result needed to perform better as cyclists of a long-distance runner.
Is EPO good enough for sports and endurance?
Before you starting taking EPO for no medical purpose, it is necessary to research more about the drug. Make sure that you find out the effects of this drug on the body and how it works to boost performance and endurance. There is only a 6% increase in performance on the distance runners after taking the hormone for four weeks. With this knowledge, it is obvious that the drug does not produce the same result as purported by the public, which resulted in its abuse among the athletes.
Is EPO Categorized Among the Steroid?
Although anabolic steroids are the popularly known PEDs used by the athletes, the EPO is also in the same category. The drug is clinically approved and recognized to help in handling different health issues. Also, the use of this drug for medical purposes is mainly during an emergency when all hopes are lost. Also, when blood transfusion is not an option due to certain reasons. The EPO is always the solution to the immediate problem. The health risks associated with the use of this substance comes following its abuse.
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Some of the Short Time Side Effects of EPO You Need To Know
If you are planning to boost your performance in long-distance running with EPO. It confirms the short term and long term side effects associated with it. There exist some temporary side effects associated with the abuse of EPO, which you need to know before going for it. Some of these side effects you need to know include:
High blood pressure.
When you develop any of the side effects mentioned here, you should discontinue the use of the drug as quickly as possible. Make sure that you consult your doctor when you discover that you discover a strange feeling in your body following the use of the drug.
How to Administer EPO for Best Result?
Depending on the effects you want to from the EPO, there are many ways to administer the drug. Medically, you can use the drug in three different ways, and that includes:
Epoetin Alfa.
Darbepoietin Alfa.
Injection intravenous to the vein.
So, if you do not like the pain of the injection needle. Also, you can take the medication in another way to get the same result.
Notwithstanding the temptation to boost your endurance, performance, or others through the use of EPO, you must consider the health risk associated with it. Abuse of drugs generally is dangerous to health. So, even if you are armature athletes and discovered with low performance, you should not start your career with supplements. There are many other healthy solutions for underperforming athletes, which they can utilize to improve their overall strength, endurance, and performance.
There are ways to resolve your underperforming challenge as an athlete. One way to do that is by talking to your coach to figure out the safer solution to your problem. Alternate training options and nutrition could be the solution you need to regain y our level as a trainer. Your coach will find out the best solution to your career as a cyclist and not drugs. Some other treatment options can yield the same result without causing more damages to your health. With such a solution, you will stay away from drug abuse to damage your life forever. So, go on and improve your endurance as a cyclist or runner through a safer method.

Top 10 Sports where Players Use Steroids
Sports players are always prepared to win at all costs, be it individually or as a team. The pain of losing is unbearable, sometimes. Sportsmen and women participate in their respective sports at the local, regional, national, and international levels for different reasons. While some do so to satisfy themselves, most compete for fame and recognition. The latter group of athletes is prepared to do anything to succeed in the competition. Anything that will put them in front of the eyes of the world is an option worth exploring. And it comes with humiliation and loss of morale. Although doping, better known as the use of performance enhancement drugs, is illegal in most sports, players continue to do it.
Steroid in Sports
Anabolic steroids refer to roids, pumps, hype, and juice in sports. Although many people view steroids to be generally illegal, they are, in fact, powerful prescription drugs—most anabolic steroids derived from testosterone. When not misused, anabolic steroids sometimes to treat certain disorders, including managing cancer forms. On the other hand, it can be fatal, so their use has not been given a greenlight by most governments and organizations. Consequently, steroid use is prohibited in most sports because they are harmful and give users an unfair advantage over the rest.
We don’t know the exact number of athletes who use steroids, but we know sports where they compete. We also know they are many, even though most of them have not. Some are in contact sports, while most are in the track. Although sports regulatory bodies have tried to crack the whip on steroid-using athletes, they have not eliminated the vice. Somehow, athletes are still finding ways to cheat their way to victory.
Must Read:: The History Of Steroid Use By Athletes
The top 10 sports where athletes use steroids:
Baseball players have used steroids to enhance their performance for many years without being detected. However, before 1991, there was no clear rule prohibiting doping in baseball, so we cannot say the players broke the rules.
In the years that followed, I discovered that the prevalent use of steroids in the sport gave some teams and players an upper hand. Consequently, the use of steroids in baseball was banned in 2005. Since then, there haven’t been many steroid use cases reported, but the players keep using them. The BALCO Scandal of August 1, 2005, involving baseball player Palmeiro, saw the Major League Baseball Players Association call for stricter regulations on doping in baseball.
Track and Field
Doping in Olympic games started as far back as the 1968 Summer Olympics when Hans-Gunnar Liljenwall, a Swedish pentathlete, tested positive for PEDs (Performance Enhancement Drugs) alcohol. As a result, she lost her bronze medal and became the first athlete to be punished for doping. Since then, athletic regulatory bodies have tightened the rope on doping to ensure everyone’s level playing ground. However, athletes continue to invent new ways of cheating the system and performing beyond their natural abilities.
The fight against doping at the Olympics derail by sabotage. It happens in and without the International Olympic Committee (IOC). For instance, the KGB accused of posing as anti-doping authorities to undermine doping tests on Soviet athletes in the 1980 Summer Olympics. It was not until the 1990s that the IOC started taking a more organized approach against doping in athletics. The new regulations saw the introduction of efficient testing methods and harsher punishments for athletes found to have used doping substances. Some of the steroids that have been banned by the International Olympic
Committee includes:
Bodybuilders use anabolic steroids for two main reasons; to build more muscle and to recover from injuries sustained much faster. Although there are no tight regulations against steroids in bodybuilding, the drugs’ side effects are not hard to notice. Bodybuilders rarely seek treatment when affected by steroid use, partly why data on steroid use in bodybuilding is scarce. Additionally, bodybuilders tend to distrust professionals when it comes to steroids. All in all, steroid use is very much prevalent in bodybuilding despite the adverse side effects.
There have been calls to test for steroid use during major bodybuilding competitions, such as Mr. Olympia, but the National Physique Committee has been reluctant to heed those calls. Somehow, bodybuilders are more responsible for steroid use than other sports, so it is not prohibited. Additionally, steroids help bodybuilders burn fat and build more muscle.
The use of steroids in basketball has been ongoing for some time now. For instance, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has seen a sharp rise in suspensions due to substance use in the sport. However, the most abused performance enhancement substance by the new generation of NBA players is not a steroid. The latest suspensions are due to the use of the growth hormone, Ipamorelin. The hormone helped players reduce fat and increase lean muscle. Chandler is the latest high-profile NBA player to be suspended for using the substance.
When it comes to steroids, basketball players use them to increase their muscle mass and overall performance. The NBA first came up with an anti-doping policy in 1983. Since then, players caught using outlawed substances have between 5 and 20 game bans. Other notable NBA players to test positive for performance enhancement substances, precisely, steroids, are Don MacLean and Matt Geiger.
High School Sports
If you thought steroid use only happens in professional sports, think again. The fact is that steroid use occurs at the high school level, where participants use them to shine in their respective fields. Sometimes the young lads face tremendous pressure that pushes them to take shortcuts. You may wonder where these youngsters got to know about performance enhancement substances. In a world where information moves thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, wonder no more. Social media has played a particularly central role in exposing high school students to substance use, including the use of anabolic steroids. Furthermore, most teenagers who want to pursue careers in professional sports do anything to get noticed at such an early stage.
Steroid use in high school games continues to take a toll on the competition because players are rarely tested. For example, in the United States, only 20% of schools test their players for PEDs before sending them to the competitions.
Steroid use in the National Football League sometimes started before 1987. Currently, all performance enhancement substances prohibited by the sport’s governing body. NFL tests players for substances such as steroids once per season.
Those found to have been using them are banned for a minimum of 4 games. Although the body regularly increases the number of random tests every season, anabolic steroids have doubled from the 90s. Anabolic steroid use is seen in professional American Football and high school and college football. Richard Sherman was the most prolific NFL player to test positive for PEDs. He subsequently made a successful appeal that saw him avoid a 4-game ban imposed by the NFL.
The association football has not seen wide-spread steroid use, but we cannot say it is not there. It is more of a case of missing evidence rather than no use. The late Argentine soccer star Diego Maradona used cocaine later in his soccer career, especially in Napoli and Barcelona. Lately, soccer management bodies are putting more stringent measures to control the use of banned substances in the beautiful game. That includes furthering PEDs investigations among players, improving data collection strategies globally, and coming up with effective detection techniques.
Before the 2006 FIFA World Cup, the soccer management body ratified the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). However, FIFA has not put strict measures in place to battle the use of performance enhancement substances. It only applies a 2-year ban on soccer participants found to be using prohibited substances. In the run-up to the 2010 FIFA World Cup, WADA announced that it would increase offenders’ punishment from a 2-year to a 4-year ban.
Wide-spread steroid use in cycling was first witnessed in the 1970s. Unlike in most sports where performance enhancement drugs are used to build muscle, steroids improve cycling recovery.
Research has shown that most unfit men in cycling use synthetic testosterone to compete with more fit ones. Over the years, there report deaths among cyclists who have used steroids and other PEDs in competition. The first case of fatal doping in cycling was that of a Welsh cyclist who died after combining cocaine, caffeine, and strychnine. Lance Armstrong, a US cyclist, was handed a life ban and loss of previous results after testing positive for a banned substance.
There is a dark side of boxing many people don’t know about; that is illegal PEDs. Notable boxing icons have been linked to steroid use to enhance their performance in the ring. The mouth-watering money returns associated with boxing are partly why participants resort to using banned substances to beat their opponents.
However, as is the case in bodybuilding, steroid use in boxing goes undetected for various reasons. One such reason is the fact that boxing competitions don’t happen often. If a boxer has been using steroids a few months before the actual battle, the substance may be hard to detect in their system. Kid Galahad, an undefeated boxing professional from the UK, was recently banned for two years after testing positive for Stanozolol. A popular steroid used by boxing professionals.
Although triathlon is not well known in most parts of the world, it somehow made it to our top sports list where players use steroids. It is worth noting that virtually every triathlon player caught doping has not had a better performance than those who don’t use PEDs.
So one wonders, why are they taking the drugs in the first place? Dmitriy Gaag of Kazakhstan is the closest player who ever came close to winning a title in the 2000 Olympics after using the drugs. Interestingly, he wasn’t second or third, but fourth from the title.
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Steroid use in sports continues to be a big problem, and the end to it is nowhere in use. According to sports governing bodies, they are trying to properly fair completion by prohibiting steroid use and protecting athletes’ and women’s lives. However, sportspeople don’t seem to buy this line of thought. More of them continue to use steroids in different sports to enhance their performance and improve recovery.
While steroid use has helped many of them cling titles. Some have not been very lucky and have died or become seriously ill after taking the drugs. That begs the question, what is the difference between the two kinds of steroid users? The answer lies in the steroids they use and whether they use them correctly or not. As we mentioned earlier in this article, most steroids are prescription drugs used to treat certain conditions.
Whenever a drug or misused, there are bound to be consequences. That is why regulatory bodies for most sports have banned drugs in their sports. However, some sports such as bodybuilding do not entirely prohibit the use of steroids by participants. If you are really into steroids and not ready to stop using them, you avoid some sports altogether. Furthermore, you can always choose those sports that do not have strict anti-doping policies and excel.

6 Best Anabolic Steroids for Men – The Top List!
What are Steroids?
They are drugs designed to activate or stimulate the growth of specific hormones in one’s body. This stimulation helps to repair your muscles and body quickly. Steroids can be consumed in various ways depending on the results one wants. Some individuals will ingest steroids in the form of tablets to help with muscle pain or other hormonal problems. Anabolic steroids are commonly used by bodybuilders to achieve a bulky body.
Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone. They have two main effects on the human body; an anabolic, muscle-building, effect and an androgenic, or masculinizing. The realization that their use can achieve increases in weight and strength led to the widespread use of steroids in sport, and today there is hardly a strength sport in which anabolic steroids have not been used.
Its availability from illegal sources has made anabolic steroids readily available, and they are currently widespread. Legal anabolic steroids are those that have been prescribed by a doctor. If anyone is considering using steroids, it is important that they clearly understand the potential benefits and risks of using them. We will look at the 6 best anabolic steroids for men and important things to consider when you want to buy and use these steroids.
Dianabol aka D-Bal
If it’s your first-time researching steroids for bodybuilding, you will quickly realize that Dianabol is one of the most popular types of steroids used. Dianabol is also known as methandienone and is both an androgen and anabolic steroid. It is one of the few steroids that was mainly created for performance enhancements in athletes.
Dianabol aka D-bal > > HERE
It is widely available in numerous countries worldwide and belongs to group C17 in the steroid family. This steroid has received much recognition due to its positive results in enhancing performance. It is quite a powerful muscle-boosting drug. Other local names of Dianabol include Anabol and Dbol. It is also one of the most affordable types of steroids out in the market.
Primary Benefits of Methandienone (Dianabol)
Dianabol has proved to be one of the best muscle-building steroids in the market. Once consumed, it will immediately cause your free testosterone level to increase, stimulating huge muscle gains in just a few days. Some of the primary benefits of using this anabolic steroid include:
The rapid boost in protein synthesis within the cells which in turn boost muscle growth.
Increased conversion of carbohydrate glycogen (both in liver and muscle cells) which helps in breaking down of glucose into energy.
The proper balance of nitrogen and retention, which helps keeps the body in its best anabolic shape.
The strength and muscle gains brought by the use of Dianabol is quite impressive. When used, it will allow one to train longer and harder without having to over train. Bodybuilders who use Dbol will train for several hours a day without burning out. Users are known to gain 20 to 30 pounds of muscle mass within a week, which is one of the highest gains one can achieve within this timeframe.
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Dianabol – Side Effects
It is expected that you familiarize yourself with any potential side effects when buying any type of steroids. Legal use of Dianabol is known for not causing much side effects; however, when purchasing illegal Dianabol from unregulated markets, one can encounter the following side effects:
The recovery process will depend on the dose, and how long one uses Dianabol. Recovery can take several weeks to several months. If the drug is abused, it can cause irreversible liver damage. Luckily, one can minimize liver damage by using protective supplements, such as milk thistle. Consumption of alcohol should be avoided when using D-bol.
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Buying Dianabol aka D-bal
Buying Dianabol from unknown online platforms or strangers can be quite risky for you. If planning to buy illegal steroids or the black market, it would be best to have someone vouch for a specific seller. Blindly buying Dianabol can lead to negative side effects. Buying legal Dianabol will involve purchasing from a legitimate firm.
Numerous countries have prohibited the sale of these steroids, so it is important to deal with a reputable supplier. When buying Dianabol for the first time, it is best to opt for a legal supplement, whereby you can experience muscle gains without having to risk your health.
Also known as Durabolin or Norandrostenolone, this type of Nandrolone is included in the class II of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) composed of 19-nortestosterone-derivates. Nandrolone is applicable in clinical practice, burns, radiation therapy, surgery, trauma, and various anemia forms.
Nandrolone / DecaDuro > > HERE
However, due to its beneficial properties such as tissue-building booster, maintenance of strength and muscle mass, libido, and bone health, it has become very popular among athletes to increase their strength, accelerate muscle development, and promote recovery enhance aggression. The compound is famous among adults and adolescents because of its anabolic, muscle-building properties.
Primary Benefits of Nandrolone
Durabolin has been used worldwide for a very long time. It is known to help users bulk up in a short duration. The main ingredient in this supplement is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, which is responsible for bulking. Below are some of the known benefits of Nandrolone Decanoate to its users:
The gain in overall mass – The main ingredient in this supplement is responsible for the bulking effect. When used in the proper dosage, it can enhance the body and ensures muscle loss is minimal.
Fast muscle recovery rate – Nandrolone supplement helps regulate the amount of cortisol the body produces, which means that muscle recovery will take place much faster.
Collagen synthesis – Compared to other steroid supplements, this one has proven to help in collagen synthesis, which means one will have added pain-relief and increased recovery.
Other known benefits of using Nandrolone include retaining nitrogen levels, boosting o testosterone levels, and increased red blood cell production. Proper dosage should be adhered to when using this supplement so that you get the desired results. It is important always to seek professional guidance from a doctor or someone who has successfully used the supplement.
Read This:: Nandrolone Decanoate
Durabolin Side Effects
A Majority of the professional bodybuilders buy the drug to assist them in getting to the top. The drug stimulates muscle building, and when regular exercises accompany the cycle, it does wonders for your body. The normally produced testosterone hormone in your body cannot give you the muscles the bodybuilders have and other benefits that they enjoy. Using the Nandrolone alone may not show you the results you desire; you must take the right dose and use it in a recommended nandrolone cycle. If misused, Nandrolone Decanoate may have adverse side effects, both common and unusual depending on the victim’s sensitivity. Some of its side effects include:
Hepatic dysfunction.
Peliosis hepatis.
Liver Failure.
Liver tissue death.
Blood clots in the veins.
The best way to avoid Nandrolone side effects is to follow the right dosage and use the supplement in the right way and reasons. Once you start experiencing any side effects, discontinuation should be done immediately.
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Buying Nandrolone
The use of this supplement is through injections. It directly administrate into the muscles. The drug is legal in most states in the USA. However, it can also be accessed on the black markets. It mainly goes under the name Nandrolone Decanoate. As you are shopping for this supplement, you need to make sure that you know counterfeits and scammers.
Unscrupulous sellers tend to underdose buyers, which means they will not get the desired results and waste money. Always make sure that you are getting Nandrolone Decanoate from a trustworthy and reputable seller. Before buying, take the time to understand the law of your state or country on this supplement. For minimal side effects, it’s best to get a prescribed dose of Nandrolone Decanoate.
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Anadrol (Oxymetholone)
Anadrol is another common supplement used in the world of sports. It is very popular when it comes to bodybuilding and fitness. Originally, Oxymetholone designed to help with various pathologies. However, it’s ends up you use it for so much more. Considered one of the most powerful types of oral steroids in the market. It mainly use by bodybuilders during the off-season when bulking. Its popularity primarily grew in the 60s for cosmetic purposes. It is also popularly known as Anapolon.
Anadrol > > HERE
Primary Benefits of Anadrol
Anapolon introduced into the market in the form of injectables and oral formats. However, its oral form is the best one. Due to its numerous benefits, bodybuilders have found the use of Anadrol to be quite effective. Some of its common benefits include:
Rapid weight gain – It has proven to be the best steroid supplement when it comes to weight gain. It’s ideal for users who want to have huge muscle gain fast. Weight gain mainly comprises of muscle and water retention.
Muscle-building – Anadrol is three times more anabolic than testosterone, which means that the lean muscle gain will be significant. Depending on the dosage, one can have 18 pounds of skeletal muscles within the first 6-week cycle.
Joint support – Due to its water-retaining benefits, it is, to some extent, healthy for the joints. It lubricates the joints and reduces inflammation or joint pain.
Anadrol Side Effects
Regardless of the numerous benefits of Anadrol, it also comes with severe side effects. The more one uses the supplement, the more the side effects can be. When it comes to Anadrol, it is best to stick to short cycles. Some of the common side effects involved with the use of Anadrol include:
Extended and high usage of Anadrol can cause polycythemia (increased production of red blood cells). Anadrol is not recommended for beginners or if one has a family history of heart diseases. It is best to seek medical advice from a licensed health care provider before you start using this steroid supplement.
Must Read:: Anadrol
Buying Anadrol
In some countries, Anadrol is legal and mainly used to treat anemia. It is illegal in most states, buying the supplement is unlawful, and bodybuilders will be forced to buy it from the black market, which can be risky. In areas where it is legal, it can be conveniently be purchased from a local pharmacy, which a prescription. Buying Anadrol from unlicensed or unregulated sources can have very high risks. Make sure that the source you are buying from is trusted and has reliable reviews. Avoid being scammed since this can lead to negative health effects on your body.
Winstrol or Winsol
Released back in the 1960s, it was mainly introduced in the market to help treat various diseases. Winstrol (also known as Stanozolol) you can administe it through injections or orally. Its main chemical component (Stanozolol) interacts with the body by biding the androgen receptors, which founds within the body tissue and muscles. These androgen receptors play a vital role in muscle building. This anabolic steroid supplement has become quite popular due to its positive effects on muscle gain. Before using Winstrol, it is important to know if it is right for your weight loss/bodybuilding goals.
Winstrol aka Winsol > > HERE
Primary Benefits of Winstrol
Since its incorporation in the sports world as an anabolic steroid, Stanozolol has proven to have a wide range of benefits. It is best known for cutting down on fat and creating a much leaner and stronger physique. For the best result, when using this supplement, it is best that you do your research and know-how to best use it before you start dosing. Some of its benefits include:
Strength increase – Users have reported a significant increase in strength without increasing muscle mass or bulkiness.
Muscle Hardener – Different from other supplements in the market, Winstrol gives its users a lean appearance; it dries out muscles nicely.
Collagen synthesis – Continuous use of Winstrol boosts collagen synthesis, which helps recover and heal from any injuries.
Fat loss- Those who follow a strict work routine can use Winstrol as a fat loss supplement. It helps boost metabolism.
Winstrol’s other benefits include performance enhancement, muscle prevention, and reduction do the SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin).
Winstrol Side Effects
Like any other anabolic steroid, using Winstrol will indeed have some side effects. To minimize the side effects, it is important to make sure that you are using the supplement responsibly. Consulting a medical expert would be the best place to start. Misuse of Winstrol can lead to various side effects, including:
Cholesterol problems.
Liver damage.
Testosterone suppression.
Poor testicular function.
Heart palpitations.
Sleeping issues (trouble sleeping).
It is important when using Winstrol that your dosage is within the recommended guidelines. It also interreacts with other medications, so it is best to seek medical advice before using it.
Buying Winstrol
Buying Winstrol online can be both safe and unsafe, depending on your source. When purchasing this supplement, it is best to buy from sources that have built a reputation for providing genuine products. Avoid buying from the black market since one can get scammed.
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Another popular anabolic steroid for men is Boldenone, also marketed as boldenone undecylenate, Equipoise, and Sybolin. It was initially a veterinary drug, but quickly after is as a performance-enhancing drug that numerous athletes use. Boldenone stimulates the synthesis of protein and erythropoietin in the kidney. Bodybuilders will use this supplement to increase muscle mass and strength. In humans, there is no known medical or therapeutic use. It is also not FDA approved for use in humans in any way.
Bolde-250 > > HERE
Primary Benefits of Boldenone
Boldenone Undecylenate has grown popular among athletes and bodybuilders due to its significant benefits. Also, known to boost anabolism and enhance how the body develops tissues. Some of the benefits include:
Helps retain lean muscle mass and boost strength.
Enhances the production of red blood cells.
Inhibits catabolism.
Aid in protein synthesis.
The main reason why this supplement is quite popular is because of its half-life. It has a half-life of 14 days when administered through intramuscular injection. Other steroids in the market have a longer half-life.
Boldenone Side Effects
Boldenone Undecylenate has a normal dosage like most anabolic steroids. However, it may not work for everyone the same way. The safe dosage of the supplement will range between 200mg and 400mg in a week. Most individuals will be sensitive to this steroid, so it is best to start with small doses. One needs to monitor any changes that they go through when they begin dosing. The supplement has moderate side effects. Some of the common side effects include:
Oily skin.
High blood pressure.
Drop-in cholesterol.
Fluid retention.
Excess body hair growth.
Some of the mild side effects will subside within a few days. Serious side effects will require one to seek medical attention.
Buying Boldenone
When buying Equipoise, it is important that you know that there are certain risks involved. You want to make sure that you get the right supplement or pose certain health risks to your body. The buying process should entail one being careful, especially when buying from an online shopping site. It is important always to try and prove the authenticity of the steroid. Also, be aware of scammers who will give you fake or poor-quality supplements that can prove to be dangerous.
When it comes to the best anabolic steroids for men, Anavar (also known as Oxandrolone or Oxandrin) should be on your list. Users use Anavar to mainly regain weight or help in weight gain in different situations. It primarily administes orally and helps promote lean muscle mass. Especially for those suffering from muscle-wasting conditions. Anavar was initially for women, men, and children for several types of medical illnesses. It is one of the mildest steroids out in the market, and it is three times stronger than most anabolic steroids. For great results, one requires to take it in big daily doses. It has grown popular since it allows people to get rid of fat, especially around the lower back and stomach.
Anvarol aka Anavar > > HERE
Primary Benefits of Anavar
Despite its high market price, Anavar continue to grow in popularity among bodybuilders and athletes. Some of the remarkable benefits of Oxandrin include:
Fat burning – Due to increase metabolism, this supplement helps in burning fat at a high rate.
Protein synthesis – This enhances how your old and damaged proteins are replaced and repaired.
Nitrogen retention – Growth of muscle supports at a much faster rate.
Anavar is well-known for overall performance enhancement. Anavar has proven to boost speed, power, and strength. Once one has completed their Anavar cycle, they will have a more defined physique. There will be minimum weight gain, and muscles will shred and get stronger.
Anavar Side Effects
When it comes to side effects, Anavar is one of the market’s supplements that does not have numerous side effects. Its mildness has grown in popularity, and it is ideal for bodybuilders and athletes who are beginners. However, if abused, it can cause several side effects, including:
Temporary hair loss.
Acne breakout.
Changes in sex drive.
Sever side effects will include suppression of testosterone production, liver toxicity, or fertility problems. If you encounter severe side effects, one should seek medical attention.
Buying Anavar
Anavar was legal; however, it became illegal due to the Anabolic Steroids Control Act in 1990. One cannot purchase the drug without a medical reason or prescription. In most countries, Anavar is illegal. Nevertheless, people can still get Anavar from the black market or unregulated online shops. When buying this supplement online, it is important that you are keen and avoid to get scam. Dosing with bad or poor-quality steroids can be dangerous to one’s health. It is important that you buy Anavar from a reputable shop with genuine reviews and a good background.
Final Verdict
There you have it; the above are 6 of the best anabolic steroids for men to use. When searching for anabolic steroids, it is important that you know the right one for your goal and needs. Before you can start on any cycle, always seek medical or professional advice. Misuse of anabolic steroids can lead to severe health complications. Also, the improper dosage can lead to addiction. When buying steroids, you need to be careful to get genuine supplements, especially if the drug is illegal in your area.

Pro Tips for Pre-Contest for Bodybuilding Shows
Pro Tips for Pre-Contest
Bodybuilding is how individuals carry out continuous workouts to enhance entirely developed muscles, muscularity, and, most probably, beauty. A person who involves themselves in such exercises is called a bodybuilder. Bodybuilding requires a lot of preparation, determination, and hard work. Find Pro Tips for Pre-Contest; It takes physical and mental practice for anyone to get involved in bodybuilding contests. It is not a must you walk into the gym to be ready for bodybuilding shows, but you should be prepared to adjust your everyday living as follows;
Adjusting your meals for quite some time.
Prepare to exercise every day as you have never done before.
Be ready to lose some either at the workplace or those you usually interact with now and then.
You ought to be fully prepared and focused without looking back on the bodybuilding show.
Maybe you have been practicing regularly to build your body for contests, but you have never gotten the required characteristics for anyone to win. You can work extremely hard to make your muscles without dieting. Still, it is essential to note that dieting and managing your calories by increasing them. It is the most crucial thing in bodybuilding. Specific steps will help you attain the requirements of winning in a bodybuilding contest.
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Prepare for a Long Time
We all know the saying that states practice makes perfect. You could utilize the phrase in this step, and you will be pleased with the results. But in case you do not give yourself enough time, the following takes place;
Get physical and mental pressure.
Get involved in too much aerobic exercise.
You will exceedingly decrease calories.
To avoid the above actions, which will negatively impact bodybuilding. It is simple to give yourself more time. Some people think that these three actions will help them get the required characteristics in winning in a bodybuilding show by lowering fat amounts, but it is not the case. But they will reduce your body weight and increase hormone levels that manage stress in your body called cortisol. And higher levels of cortisol will cause damage in your body rather than helping you. Of course, you can’t spend your whole life building your body, but you are just required to make proper arrangements on how long you should prepare.
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Steps can guide you;
Exercise competition weight. You can do so by observing the required weight from the previous competitions. Most competitors usually have a fixed competition weight, but this will eventually change with time. For instance, if you have never competed, check your lowest weight and decrease it by 5%.
Exercise appropriate rate of weight loss. The aim here is to obtain many muscles so you can’t drop your weight abruptly. The recommended rate of weight loss is 0.5% to 1.5% of your body weight weekly. The percentage is higher at that is 1%, but it drops to 0.5% as you approach the show.
The time required for exercising. It can be estimated using the current weight and the expected with on the show day. You are supposed to calculate using your actual weight. For example, if you have 180lbs and your desired weight during the show day is 150lbs, figure how long it will take to lose 30lbs.
Your weight can relatively go up or down, but this can adjust by proper dieting. Within five weeks of observing all the necessary conditions, you are good to go for a contest and assure of winning.
Understand All Your Measurements
It is vital to understand how your body measures, especially if you are preparing for a competition. These measurements include your nutrition, calories, macros, sets, and body weight. To know your requirements here, you need to measure the following;
Your body weights daily and takes an average every week.
How your performance in training is progressing? Is it decreasing or increasing?
Determine your nutrition measurements in terms of fats, proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates.
All these must be measured routinely without failing, thus resulting in the required conditions of winning. Whatever nutrients you take vary from one person to another, but you will undoubtedly attain the requirements if you have a proper follow-up. For a regular data collection, weigh your weight in clothes, without clothes, before and after eating. Generally, you can manage to succeed and maintain your muscle only if you measure your numbers regularly.
Moderate Your Training
Avoid training excessively, and your aim should be training muscles to retain the performance of muscles. You are now keeping an eye on your measurement, but your account is going down. To curb this quickly and efficiently, you are required to lower a set; for instance, if you can’t sustain your six settings from 7 to 9, then drop them to 6 sets. Focus on increasing your performance at all times.
You usually are breaking down your tissues while dieting. However, weight training behaves the other way round. When you train excessively, more calories burn, more fat is lost as well. Also, muscle breakdown inhibits so the increase in your capacity to burn more fats.
Aerobic exercises increase your appetite, so it is good to eat more and, at the same time, lose more fats. Nevertheless, lowering your aerobic exercises comes with improvements such as fat metabolic passage keeps active, division of nutrients, and increased workability. To result in minimal weight loss, decrease your aerobic exercises, and lower your calories.
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Establish a Bold Connection with Other People
You are required to relate closely to people who know your focus: people who won’t pull you down but those in full support of you when you are weak. When you are out there in the gym doing your aerobic exercises as you prepare for the contest, a mere text or a call from friends or family members will motivate you to work harder. You can use social media to enhance a robust social network to get encouragement and support from those who believe in you. To establish a full social network, you can;
Open a YouTube channel, Instagram account, or a Blog where you can post your progress and communicate with your followers.
Regularly inform the people you get in the gym, and they will gladly assess your daily performance.
Inform your family and folks concerning your focus and that you want them to hold you back.
Look for a person with experience to guide and train you.
Link to Facebook groups that will be beneficial to your goal.
When times are hard, asking yourself what you are doing, and you feel like giving up, these people will offer you a shoulder to lean. So you are encouraged to move on until to attain your objective.
Break for a While in Between the Entire Activity
You might be determined to win and get the required weight, but you need to take a break. By pausing, you will maintain more muscle, and you will find the process more pleasing. How do you take a break to produce better results? It is by taking some breaks to take your meals and refeeds that will boost your metabolism. Refeeds are the time in which you eat measurable calories, especially fats and proteins.
The break can last for approximately one week, but you must always observe your diet and other requirements. Reasons for taking a diet break is because you are not eating much food, so the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) decreases, you lose weight; hence Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) also decreases. As a result, you will have little energy, so your Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) and Non-Exercise Physical Activity (NEPA) drops; hence your body will always be cold, leading to fewer calories than burn. Additionally, you will still be hungry because your hormones will try to fight the fat loss. Also, you will continually feel stressed because Cortisol fastens while Catecholamine and Serotonin decreases. Furthermore, testosterone goes down, and so you will use less energy.
By eating more, your body will balance, and the problems that come with dieting will lower. You will continually lose fat, maintain a healthy body, and finally reach your required conditions. As you take more carbohydrates, it is good to determine how your body will approach the last week of preparation. At the moment, you can choose the best food for you, that is, the food that makes better or worse.
At first, you will experience haste in losing weight, and then gradually, you can withstand the loss of muscles and get used to metabolism. So when you feel that you have adapted, you are fit to take a break in your dieting. Afterward, focus on a decreased weight loss because you are physically fit and take fewer calories because you at a higher risk of muscle loss and getting used to metabolism.
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Therefore, you might need another diet break, but it depends on you, and you can now consider yourself ready for the contest. To enhance your appearance and good bodyweight, you can opt to eat all your diet but with your trainer’s advice.
Avoid Messing Up during the Final Week
The last one week could ruin the entire preparation process, which is very disappointing. However, the previous might also help you succeed in the contest. Be extremely careful on the last week as you approach the bodybuilding show. Some people give wrong advice that you should work extremely hard during this week, and it might harm you other than improving your winning conditions. Follow all the steps mentioned earlier carefully, and definitely, you will get the winning prize.
Pro Tip: Alcohol Pre Contest
Is it a good idea to take an alcoholic drink a night just before the bodybuilding shows? The reason behind that awkward idea is that the drink flushes out all the water in your body such that your body will seem to be physically fit. The glass also improves your vascularity, and your nerves calm down due to anxiety. A drink will also give you confidence, make you courageous, and eliminates any doubts in you. An alcoholic beverage also makes your veins clear on the surface of your skin, creating a bodybuilder look as if they have what it takes to take part in a bodybuilding competition. They also make your body to be dehydrated. You can add alcohol to your diet, and it will result in fewer potential adverse effects.
Must Read:: Down the Hatch: Alcohol’s Effect on Muscle Growth
Crucial Points That You Must Understand First
As for an alcoholic drink, muscle growth and loss of fat, you are supposed to know the following;
Alcohol Consists of Calories
Alcohol does not make you fat. It holds roughly 5.7 calories per gram; hence it has a favorable higher thermic effect. However, it is essential to consider calories present in an alcohol drink just like you check present in the food and other drink you take. If you do not take charge of the calories present in your drinks, and precisely if they are in higher amounts, you will likely get adverse outcomes.
The Difference Between Direct and Indirect Impact of Alcohol on Muscle Growth or Fat Loss
If you are consuming a lot of alcohol, then be assured of inhibition in your regular training and nutrition strategy. It might result in inconsistency being affected though you can easily control this.
Also, if you take much alcohol and you find yourself failing to attend regular workouts or destroys the entire preparation, you are supposed to rethink and opt to abstain or moderate the amount of your alcohol intake. Nevertheless, do not go ahead and judge alcohol for this direct impact because it is your behavior, and you can easily control it.
However, for alcohol and bodybuilding to go inline such that you can reach your expectations, you are required to;
Consume alcohol just like a normal macronutrient that contains calories that are useful in your bodybuilding.
Ensure that alcohol consumption does not intrude your regular workouts, training, and diet to achieve your goal.
Generally, if you consider all the steps involved in obtaining all the conditions necessary for a bodybuilding competition, add moderate alcohol, and be assured of emerging a winner.
Ways to Take Alcohol without Interfering With Your Progress
Take Drinks with Reduced Calories
Liquids with meager calories should incorporate with dry wines and spirits. Avoid sugary and healthy drinks because they contain a lot of calories that aren’t fit for you. But it is not that you can’t enjoy drinks with higher calories; know there are better options that will not negatively affect your body.
Prolong the Time Between your Training and Alcohol Intake
You usually will skip training if you spent the whole night taking alcohol. So your immediate regular exercise will be affected, but you can proceed with your workout after you have regained your strength. But to avoid the affected activity, make sure you compensate it for consistency in training.
When Drinking Maintain Reduced Fat Intake
The toxic element of alcohol interferes with the standard fat burning in your body once you take alcohol. Because when you drink, fat absorbs faster into the blood. If you take half of the amount of fat that you usually take, it will not ruin your body’s normal functioning.
Consume a Lot of Water to Keep you Dehydrated
When you are on a night out, ensure that you take much water and before going to sleep. Alcohol is an excellent dehydrating agent, so this will lower any hangovers that may be resulted from consuming a lot of the drink. Water will help you recover quickly from your previous night’s drinking.
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Economize some Calories for a Later Night Out
If you are used to eating a lot after consuming alcohol, ensure that your calorie intake is reduced in the morning to economize some for later use. Your strength at that night might be relatively down due to the day’s workout, so a higher intake of calories will help you regain your strength.
Final Say
The fact that you are building your muscles and focusing on losing fat does not hinder you from enjoying your favorite drink. But consume alcohol with moderation. Be wise and answerable to lower negative impacts on your bodybuilding training sessions. Just think critically; if you are consistent in training, you keenly observe your diet, you maintain the required body weight. Carry out your workouts as instructed; you are careful with what you do during the peak week. And you drink responsibly; you will achieve your hard-worked goal, which is winning the bodybuilding competition such that your precious time and hard work will not go in vain.

Deca Durabolin vs Trenbolone: When and Why to Use Each?
The most popular steroids in bodybuilding, Deca Durabolin vs Trenbolone are still a mystery to some users. It is never a good idea to get involved in what you don’t know, and more specifically on substances that go into your body. We shall be taking through the possible health risks of these two drugs, when and why to use each. Additionally, we shall explore alternatives to the drugs in case the two don’t work on you.
There is no shortcut when it comes to steroids; you must gate a doctor’s prescription before you start using one. Just like they can transform your body in a good way, things can go south as well. Avoid taking non-prescribed, illegal steroids at all costs. The best thing about legal steroids is that they not only give you perfect results, but you will also enjoy the peace of using legal stuff.
What is the difference between Deca Durabolin and Trenbolone?
First off, let us be clear about the two; they serve the same purpose and are administered the same. The two are administered through injection: Deca Durabolin Trenbolone function by building muscles and pack on size. Users normally use them in bulking cycles as prescribed by a physician. At the same time, Deca is an FDA – approved steroid, but not for purposes of bodybuilding. The drug should only be administered for the treatment of anemia.
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Consequently, Deca has been banned by the FDA for any other use other than that, including as a bodybuilding injectable. Why is the drug banned? Because of its adverse, mostly fatal side effects.
Tren, on the other hand, was created to help cattle bulk up. For this reason, the drug is not approved for any human use. It doesn’t matter whether you have a prescription or not; it is just not safe. Despite the risks associated with both Deca and Tren, they are still widely used for bodybuilding.
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Deca Durabolin vs. Trenbolone Pros
While Deca is only used in bulking cycles, Tren is quite a versatile steroid. Users who use the latter have gotten large amounts of lean mass when bulking. At the same time, Tren helps in cutting cycles; it is perhaps the reason this particular steroid is widely used than Deca and many others. Can you believe it that someone could gain up to 20lbs of muscle a season with a ten Tren-only cycle? Very incredible.
The working mechanism of Tren involves helping the user retain muscle when eating calories. It speeds up fat-burning due to its androgenic nature. Androgen receptor (AR) properties of the drug are efficient in inhibiting fat storage and promoting fat loss in adipose tissue.
What are the gains from using Deca? Well, not much, but they are still significant. Deca has to be used with a supplement for it to have any significant results. Many bodybuilders prefer stacking it with potent steroids to enhance strength and muscle. As a result, Deca produces huge lean muscle and generally makes the user look huge and thick.
Which One Gives Quick Results?
Tren is the fast-acting steroid of the two, but this only occurs with short esters. Deca, on the other hand, is slower than Tren on long esters but acts moderately with short esters. Deca cycles are longer; hence its slow buildup in the person’s system. Generally, Tren is considered fast-acting under all circumstances.
Expectedly, Trenbolone’s side-effects are far-reaching than Deca’s. Bodybuilders using Tren typically report uncomfortable side effects from the 6th or 7th week of usage. For this reason, the drug takes longer cycles of approximately 6 to 8 weeks. In comparison, Deca’s cycles can go beyond ten weeks, and as far as 14 weeks in some cases. Somehow, this is a win-win situation for both Deca and Tren.
Moreover, the biggest benefit that comes with using Deca is the few injections one needs; just about once a week. Tren would require a daily injection, which may have a huge toll on you. The results are fast-coming for the latter, but there is a price to pay.
It is highly recommended that you learn your body first to know how your system works. If you feel you won’t be able to deal with the drug’s effects, then find an alternative. Furthermore, you are looking to be a better version of yourself. The best thing about steroids is that they come in many varieties; you only need to pick the best. Your body should inform your decision to pick a particular product. But that is after considering other factors like the legality of the product.
Deca vs. Tren: Effects on the Heart
The heart is arguably the most delicate and sensitive organ in the human body. People instantly freak out when potential heart problems are mentioned concerning these steroids. Well, these are the facts:
What Impact Have Anabolic Steroids Taken On Your Heart and Blood Cells?
While Deca has little to no effect on blood pressure, it can be the cause of a serious cardiovascular strain. But don’t freak out yet; this only happens when the drug is taken on a high dose of 600mg a week for ten consecutive weeks. It is quite unlikely that you will run this risk if you have foreknowledge of the drug’s working mechanism.
Trenbolone can raise blood pressure to dangerous levels if overdosed. The high blood pressure will then set off a chain of other cardiovascular problems that can be fatal or irreversibly damaging. The reason this drug has severe side effects is due to its inability to convert to estrogen. You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of estrogen; it is the chemical that protects the heart. Water retention due to the accumulation of estrogen should be every bodybuilder’s least concern. The more it is, the better.
Testosterone Suppression
When it comes to the effects of testosterone levels, both steroids will shut down the user’s levels. It will take several months for the person to restore their testosterone levels after discontinuing the drug. However, Deca’s effects are relatively low, but still consequential. PCT is recommended to remedy this.
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The product helps you return testosterone levels to the original after every cycle. Testosterone suppression is a common side effect for almost all steroids, so you shouldn’t be scared.
Androgenic side effects of the steroids
Tren has a higher androgenic rating of 500 while Deca’s is a mere 37. What does this mean? Trenbolone usage can result in things like acne, hair loss, oily skin, and bigger-than-normal prostate. However, the cases mentioned only increase if one is naturally prone to those conditions. Tren particularly causes back acne and on other sections due to the production of sebum which blocks the pores.
Due to the highly androgenic nature of Tren, users will have shoulder and trap muscles blowing more than the rest of the body. Those areas have more receptors than others. The feature makes it easy to recognize people who are using Trenbolone. They look huge at the top; you’d think they are photoshopped. When such people stop using the drug or when they begin ageing, you may notice that their legs show signs of swelling. It is because of the enormous weight the legs had to bear.
Deca Durabolin vs. Trenbolone: Gyno
Tren gives the user a very dry look. It is because the steroid does not aromatize. The same applies to Deca; although it has been found to aromatize to 20% more than Tren. For this reason, it is believed that Gyno is very unlikely for these drugs. It is important to note that bodies respond differently to foreign substances, and the effects may vary among individuals. It is the reason a prescription is required for every steroid. Your doctor may have facts or clues about your body.
Even though Deca and Tren are considered non-estrogenic, it has been proven that the two drugs raise progesterone levels. Consequently, Gyno is made a possibility by breast tissue forming like estrogen. And this risk increases with the use of Deca with other estrogenic compounds like Anadrol and testosterone. If you want to prevent it, it is recommended that you use anti-estrogens, although they may also affect your blood lipids.
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Effects on Sex Life
Deca has been widely linked with erectile dysfunction. The steroid lowers DHT levels, thus reducing blood flow to the penis. The condition can be remedied by stacking Deca with estrogenic steroids like testosterone which boosts DHT level. Tren has not been reported to cause serious sex problems, but the effects are still there. People have been raising concerns about the possibility of permanent sexual incapacitation of the drug.
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Although this a possibility, no one has ever become completely incapacitated in that regard. But to be safe, ensure to accompany small levels of estrogenic compounds for as long as you use it. Furthermore, side effects caused by steroids normally come to an end on their own once the user discontinues the drug.
How does one deal with a permanent loss of erection caused by Deca use? The following may save the situation:
Discontinuing the use of all steroids.
Finding a suitable alternative to the drug.
Stacking it with estrogenic steroids like testosterone.
Psychological Effects
Generally, every steroid affects your mental health one way or another. Tren again comes top when it comes to the adversity of effects on the mind. Its severity with the mind is as bad as the physiological ones. Tren use will likely experience paranoia, anxiety, and irritability.
The psychological effects are manifested in the way the user interacts with people close to them, more so friends and family. If the steroids are affecting you psychologically, you will experience frequent fights and arguments with your partner. It is more like the unexplained stress, which has to be taken out with someone nonetheless. It would help if you treated provocative or irritating situations with caution once you start using Tren. Most importantly, let your partner know that you are using the drug, so they know how to handle you better.
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Experiments conducted on Tren have revealed that the drug stimulates the nervous system, triggering a rush of adrenaline. The hormone then causes instant euphoria and nervousness. Other long term effects may include insomnia. The psychological effects of the drug can be managed by reducing the dose once the effects start to manifest.
Trenbolone and Women
Virilization symptoms are common with women who use Tren. It doesn’t matter the dosage a woman takes; Tren is so strong that it instantly turns you into a man. Unless you are prepared for that, you can use alternatives like Deca. In rare cases, prolonged use of Tren has affected women emotionally. Some women have been discovered to exhibit mannerisms similar to those seen in me. It includes basic choices like the kind of people to hang out with as well as the type of clothing. Some experts have argued that it is due to a feeling of masculinity resulting from using Tren. But it is more of a hormonal issue that is directly connected with the mind.
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Trenbolone and Coughing
Tren has a 1-in-5 probability of causing persistent violent coughing immediately after injection. The coughing which may be accompanied by a tight chest typically lasts for some seconds. As one continues using the drug, the coughing becomes less violent and may stop completely at some point. Only a few people experience Tren Cough outside their cycle. It means that the irritability doesn’t go away for such individuals.
Don’t be surprised if you feel a mild fever or some trembling when while coughing. It is usually due to the combined effects of inhaling large amounts of foreign substances and straining your respiratory system. If such occurs, you are advised to spend a few minutes resting and to let your body adjust to the injection.
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Why does Tren cause you to cough? Well, Tren is an irritant, just like any steroid. But its irritability becomes severe once the needle hits a blood vessel. Apart from coughing, Tren will also leave a metallic taste in your mouth, mainly due to irritation of the lungs. If the cough doesn’t go away even after you have allowed your body enough time to overcome the irritation, see a doctor immediately.
Alternatives for Deca Durabolin and Trenbolone
Decadron and enrol are the main alternatives for Deca and Tren. Can you remember our opening statements concerning the legality of bodybuilding steroids? Well, these two are very legal. Crazy Bulk manufactures decadron and enrol. If you are familiar with Crazy Bulk products, you know that they are all 100% legal. FDA has approved them because they have no side effects on the user. We have selected the drugs as alternatives because they are made up of powerful herbs and other natural ingredients. The components work by spiking anabolic hormones in your body. It is those hormones and chemicals that convert harmful substances in the drugs to less harmful ones.
Buying Deca Durabolin and Trenbolone
It is safer to buy Deca and Tren online than on the streets. Products bought online are mostly unique and safe to use. Why is that so? It is due to the simple reason that the seller is usually the manufacturer of a legit supplier. The streets are full of counterfeits which will expose you to every single risk we have addressed in this article. Another advantage of buying online is that you have the opportunity to research the drugs before you commit your hard-earned money. Generally, you will be sure you are buying the right drug. You will also not need a prescription when buying the product online, yet you will still be provided with the correct usage information. It is something not provided by dodgy black market dealers.
Why are bodybuilders being encouraged to buy steroid alternatives? Because it is their best chance of escaping the dangerous side effects associated with Tren and Deca. And yet still get almost the same results as the two.
Alternative for Trenbolone
Tren is surprisingly the most used steroid by bodybuilders despite its severe side effects. The reason is obvious; it has the fastest results of any steroid. But do you think the quick results are worth the risks? Note. There is a similar steroid that does not suppress testosterone, cause mood swings, or increase your blood pressure. That drug is Trenorol. The steroid does not increase the user’s blood pressure level, does not suppress testosterone, and doesn’t cause mood swings.
If you are the type that is afraid of needles, then Trenorol is your best choice. You don’t have to inject yourself with it since it comes in tablet form. All you need is a glass of water and some strength to swallow it, and you are good to go. Additionally, Trenorol has not been found to cause any problems to the liver and is not associated with any coughing.
Alternative for Deca Durabolin
Deca has a better alternative, just like Tren. As we have seen, Deca has very few and less severe side effects when used in bodybuilding. Its major shortcoming is that it remains largely illegal, more so in the United States. It is safe, yes. But you will always look over your shoulder when using it. It would be best if you surely had some peace of mind to focus all your energy on bodybuilding. It is where Decaduro comes in. Decaduro can be used to achieve the same results as Deca Durabolin without causing any side effects such as Gyno and low testosterone levels.
Decaduro will not interfere with sexual performance with the user being able to maintain an erection and attain orgasm during the cycle. Customers have given positive reviews about this product and continue to do so. Crazy Bulk has published some of these reviews on their website, a clear indication that the product is legit.
Final Thoughts
Both Deca and Tren have their good sides and equally bad sides. While Tren is excellent in building more muscle and burning more fat, its side effects are also very severe. The most uncomfortable side effects associated with Tren are hair loss, acne, and increased blood pressure. Deca, on the other hand, has less severe side effects but the thought of potential sexual incapacitation is enough to send you into a panic mode. Deca does not also require frequent use, which means it has beneficial and safer to use compared to Tren. Deca’s biggest undoing, however, is its illegality.
All in all, both Deca Durabolin Trenbolone will reduce testosterone levels below normal, thus leading to cardiovascular problems long after one stops using them. The highlighted issues are reason enough to avoid using illegal steroids and instead start using legal alternatives. It is for a good reason that the relevant regulatory bodies have banned them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which is better for vascularity, Deca Durabolin or Trenbolone?
Tren can flush water out from below the skin, leaving veins conspicuously popping out. Its diuretic effects also raise deeply-located veins close to the surface. Similarly, this steroid easily gets rid of fat under the skin, thus allowing veins to be seen. If you didn’t know, the veins are about the same size for everyone, but the presence of too much water and fat around the vessel makes it almost invisible.
Is it safe to stack Deca Durabolin with Trenbolone?
Yes. Using a combination of the two steroids will bulk muscles even more. Strength will also be enhanced considerably when Deca Durabolin is stacked with Trenbolone as compared to using Tren alone. The only thing you should be careful with is the dose. The side effects of such an overdose are likely to be very uncomfortable, but not as severe as using a Tren-only cycle. However, this stack is not an ideal one given that Tren is a dry steroid. A better stack would be one with testosterone.
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What Steroids Can Be Stacked with Trenbolone?
The best steroid to stack with Tren is one that has few side effects but with many gains. The only candidate with such a property is testosterone. However, Anadrol can be used in place of testosterone. The steroid is good for bulking, but its combination with Tren is such a powerful stacking that it can overwhelm your system. Unless you are very experienced, don’t stack it with Tren. It is reserved only for those whose bodies can handle the compound.

HGH vs. Steroids: What Is the Strongest One?
What makes you a regular visitor to the gym? A masculine, aesthetic, and strong body? Or is it for a health reason? Either way, performance enhancement is not a new concept in fitness and bodybuilding. PEDs are a major topic in sports, and it is almost always covered in news media and publications. HGH vs. Steroids never miss out on any discussion involving body enhancement drugs. Arguably some of the strongest body enhancers in existence, there is a thin line between HGH and steroids.
HGH and Steroids: Key Difference
First off, what are the main similarities between HGH and steroids? That the two compounds are body enhances is an obvious similarity. The two drugs are classified in a broad class of body enhancers called ergogenic acids. However, Steroids should not be confused with human growth hormones; the two are different.
Sportsmen and women use both steroids for recovery purposes, to be able to get back in action early enough, when the time comes. HGH, on the other hand, is used to enhance performance in action. The difference between the two is in the manner in which they affect the body’s coordination capabilities. While steroids make you stockier and slow, HGH improves limb-eye coordination, thus making you faster, and that is in addition to looking stockier.
Now that you know the difference between the two enhancers let us now take you through certain things that make either of them stronger than the other. Please note that the differences, advantages, and disadvantages cancel out one way or another. How is that so? For the simple reason that both HGH and steroids are quite versatile with features unique to each.
HGH Legal Notice
The use of all anabolic by persons of any gender is regulated by law. Generally, anabolic steroids have been banned for use in any other purpose other than the one prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner. The law’s stance on these substances has been informed by the life-threatening effects associated with their usage. Controlled usage is not harmful, like the case with many other drugs, misuse, and overdose is. Unfortunately, it has not proven easy to monitor the drug’s usage by individuals. People have lost lives or have been permanently incapacitated by the use of drugs.
Naturally, we wouldn’t recommend the usage of HGH and steroids under normal circumstances. But people have continued to use them even though they know how dangerous the side effects could use. It leaves us with only one option; to educate, inform, and guide those who decide to use the drugs nonetheless.
The drugs have been banned not because they are bad. The reason they are not recommended is that the results are a mixture of hits and misses. Scientifically, any substance showing such characteristics is considered unsafe and is not released to the public. However, the legal consequences of using the drug are not as severe. Come to think of it this way; the law doesn’t recommend the drug but has not outlawed it completely. It is more of a use-it-at-your-own-risk situation. It means you are left with a huge responsibility and choice. If you don’t use the product well, then you have yourself to blame.
Human Growth Hormone
HGH is ‘Human Growth Hormone’ in full. The body produces HGH naturally. It provides the body with various anabolic properties that enable it to carry out specific physiological functions. The brain exclusively does synthesis and production of the HGH. The pituitary gland is the specific organ of the brain that produces the hormone. HGH is then transported to areas of growth such as joints, where they enhance the growth and multiplication of tissues.
Human Growth Hormone > > HERE
It is at the liver where the hormone is used to increase the concentration of other hormones in the body. The hormones play a role in various physiological processes that support growth. One of these anabolic hormones is testosterone. Testosterone is particularly important in enhancing the efficiency of HGH; that is why this compound is usually stacked with the hormone.
HGH is wrongly assumed to be a reserve for amateurs. That belief is false and misleading. Even if you consider yourself to be a pro, this is one ground you should tread carefully. We have already explained that different systems respond differently to the drug. Yours might be one of those which response fast and negatively. Unfortunately, this is one drug that is almost impossible to get a doctor’s prescription. However, one can get their private doctor to guide them appropriately.
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Scientists how used this understanding of the naturally produced HGH to manufacture it artificially. HGH used by bodybuilders is a particularly strong peptide hormone with 109 amino acids. If used well, the drug comes with many benefits for the bodybuilder.
What Are the Main Benefits of HGH?
Synthetic HGH is nothing more than the enhanced version of the hormone produced by the body. It is necessary to enhance the naturally-occurring hormone because it is not strong enough to be of any muscular advantage. It also does not speed up recovery after strenuous activity. HGH has the following benefits for bodybuilders and other sportspersons:
Muscle Strength –
Enhanced muscle strength is the ultimate gift to bless any bodybuilder with. What could be more humiliating than trying to lift a weight in vain, yet people around you are doing it like a cutting cake? HGH comes to your rescue if you have been a victim of that. The compound gives you strength that is nearly as good as natural muscular strength. You may argue that progressive training where you lift heavier weights in every subsequent training session is a way to go.
Although it is an effective way of gaining natural muscle strength, it might take you longer than you expected to achieve that objective. Users normally inject HGH to gain strength faster. And just like that, you will start Lifting weights that are twice heavier than the ones you are used to. HGH increases strength and power output by stimulating collagen within the skeletal muscle system and tendons.
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Muscle Recovery After Injury –
Bodybuilders and sportspeople use HGH to speed up their recovery after an injury or after undergoing surgery. HGH works on the muscles, so the muscular tissues around an injured area will heal faster when the drug is used. The recovery process quickens once the muscular tissue has been rehabilitated. Typically, a combination of hormones, minerals, and growth factors are responsible for tissue healing. HGH helps heal torn or pulled muscles as well as injured bones. The drug ensures that every injured athlete gets back in action faster than they would if they healed naturally. It is one of the reasons HGH is popular in high contact and competitive sports.
Faster General Recovery –
Although HGH works best with muscles and tendons, it generally speeds up the body’s recovery process. It doesn’t necessarily mean recovery from an injury. When you have been lifting weights the entire time and need to recover your strength, HGH will help you with that. Vigorous physical body activities involve breaking down the muscles. The recovery process involves giving your muscles time to recover. The body carries out its repair, but the process is so slow. If you were to wait for your muscles to repair themselves before resuming your sport, you might as well end up missing one or two sessions. With the help of HGH, one can resume competition almost immediately.
The drug enhances the process of protein synthesis, thus allowing the body to produce more muscle protein to replace the ones damaged or destroyed by the heavyweights. Replacing muscle tissue is not the only benefit of HGH. It also produces more muscle so that there are more muscles compared to when you began lifting the weights. It is important to note that delayed recovery after a vigorous activity leads to a condition known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). For faster protein synthesis and recovery, use HGH after every workout.
Steroids have received more stereotypes than any other body enhancement drug. Is difficult to talk about steroids without making people viewing them in a bad light. The level of misunderstanding accompanying steroids has been made worse by a media that is fond of blowing things out of proportion. Unfortunately, major sports management bodies have believed the lies and half-truths surrounding steroids. Sportspersons have borne the brunt of this kind of misconception and misinformation to a huge extent.
Since we are about putting bare facts on the table, we are going to give you a brief scientific review of steroids. Just how bad are steroids? Do you have to worry about using them at all? You will decide for yourself once you have read about them.
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
Steroids, officially known as Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) have been proven to offer bodybuilders many benefits. Depending on how you use them, steroids are also considered a double-edged sword. People have had their performance greatly enhanced by their use. And at the same time, people have lost their life by merely using them, not necessarily abusing them. Generally, your body’s tolerance to enhancement substances will determine whether they are for you or not.
Just like the case with HGH, steroids used by bodybuilders are synthetic and have many benefits. Technically, steroids are synthetic forms of testosterone with almost every benefit that comes with testosterone. However, the sheer amount of testosterone and other additives contained in steroids is far more than the amount recommended.
How Steroids Work in the Body?
Steroids are constantly changing the number of individual component molecules and end up not looking like the way they started. One such component is ester bonds which h increases the rate at which the body utilizes steroids. How helpful or harmful is this scenario? It is helpful because it gives you the ability to do things that you are not naturally capable of. If a particular weight has been giving you problems, using steroids gives you instant energy to handle it. The energy and power caused by steroids can be too much and will burn you down. That is the danger of using steroids beyond levels that can be tolerated by your body.
There are two ways of finding out if you can tolerate the drug. One is to start with a small dose that is not taken frequently. If there are no serious effects, you can proceed to use the normal dosage with the required frequency. Secondly, you could look for a personal doctor who will analyze your body to see if it is compatible with the drug. Once you get results through either of these methods, make sure to do the needful. Most importantly, never force something on your system if it is resisting it. That way, you will be safe and healthy.
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Can Energy in Steroids Be Managed?
The simple answer is YES. And the difficult one is YES and NO. Ester bonds which are characteristic of steroids can be shortened or lengthened. Shortening or lengthening affects the active uptake rates of the steroids. While this method is the only sure way of regulating the work of the drugs in the human body, there is little that can be done to change them once they have been administered. If not done outside the body, the steroids will do what they will once they get into the system. Sometimes they are lengthened outside the body, but once they arrive in the system, they behave quite differently. Additionally, how the body utilizes the drugs is something difficult to predict. All one has to do is sit back and hope their body will only utilize the correct amount of steroids and convert the rest to a less harmful product.
Why Do People Fear Steroids?
People who have no idea of the working mechanisms of proteins don’t know that there are weaker ones and powerful ones. Trenbolone, for example, is one powerful steroid that packs heaps of muscle mass. Anavar, on the other hand, is relatively weaker and rarely has any side effects at all.
Despite all the negativity, steroids are perfect for building muscle because they improve testosterone circulation in the body. The presence of this hormone is the reason steroids are highly anabolic.
Benefits of Steroids
If you asked experts who have done an independent analysis of steroids, they would tell that indeed steroids have more benefits than side effects. But there are conditions one has to meet to get the benefits in full, just like any other drug. Firstly, you must be active in a sport or any other high-adrenaline activity. Reason? The immense energy that will be provided by the steroids must be used somehow. The second condition that must be fulfilled is the obvious one; you must not misuse or abuse the drug through overdosing or any other way. We may never exhaust all the benefits of steroids, but we shall share the main ones.
Muscle Growth –
This is by far the biggest benefit that comes with using steroids correctly. As discussed, some steroids build more muscle than others. If you are starting from scratch, we recommend starting with weaker steroids and progress to the more powerful ones as your muscles grow. People with bigger natural muscles can handle stronger steroids like Tren. As you may be aware, the process of protein synthesis, which is responsible for muscle building uses nitrogen within the muscle system. Most steroids will create a nitrogen balance within the muscles.
Powerful steroids work by increasing nitrogen supply to the muscles while weaker ones only increase it to a lesser amount. As a result, weaker asteroids will only have marginal effects on the muscles, while stronger ones increase them considerably. One cycle of a powerful steroid-like Tren, Test-E, or Dianabol will increase the muscle mass from 10 to about 35 pounds.
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The increase happens in about 4 to 12 weeks if you are on the right diet and with discipline in your training sessions. Sometimes the transformation is so spectacular that the user looks photoshopped in pictures. But don’t be deceived by the sheer muscle size, sometimes they are not as strong and powerful as they look.
Enhanced Athletic Performance –
Apart from bodybuilders, most athletes use steroids to enhance performance in their respective sports. To such individuals, a good physique is just a plus. The elite level in every competition is so competitive that some competitors have to use body enhancers to compete favorably. However, this little trick has landed many athletes in trouble with the law since steroids are banned. Steroids help users in the following ways:
Boosting red blood cells count. The more red blood cells there are, the more oxygen reaches body tissue such as muscles. More oxygen means the muscles can replenish their energy at a faster rate. Other body cells and tissues also receive increased energy and nutrients, and their combined functions improve the user’s performance.
Asteroids increase the muscular mass, hence improving performance. Bigger muscles perform better compared to smaller ones. The drugs increase the body’s metabolic rate. Increased metabolism means nutrients are being produced at a faster rate and being supplied to organs to replace depleted energy reserves.
Fat Loss –
Asteroids have thermogenic properties which means they promote the metabolism of amino acids—fat metabolism results in the production of tremendous amounts of energy. Powerful steroids promote the conversion of virtually every bit of fat to produce energy. Such steroids should only be taking in moderate amounts to avoid burning you down. For this reason, steroids are used by bodybuilders in the lead up to a competition.
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Winstrol is one example of steroids that work efficiently in cutting—powerful steroids like this one speed up fat metabolism without causing bloating or water retention in your body. Bodybuilders are the biggest beneficiaries of steroids in this regard because sometimes all they need is the energy to activate their muscles.
HGH Vs. Steroids: What Is the Strongest One?
Having looked at each of these body enhancers in detail, it is about time we gave our verdict about which of the two is stronger. If you have been following keenly, you already have an idea.
Although some people use the two drugs to complement each other, the two are quite different and works in fairly different ways. If you are looking to have an impressive physique with outstanding features, then steroids are your best chance to get there. For this reason, steroids are more popular with bodybuilders. HGH does not produce any noticeable physical differences. Instead, this kind of body enhancer mainly enhances performance. They are thus more popular with athletes in competitive sports, not bodybuilders.
To enhance performance and arrive at a middle ground between a great physique and an excellent performance, the two drugs are stacked together. The combination will give you strength and stamina to perform exceptionally in any sport or activity.
Before you decide to use either of these drugs, you should start by deciding what you want. If you are after massive muscle mass and strength, then you should go for steroids. For those who want to maintain their relatively medium size and perform better at the same time, we recommend taking HGH alone. There are many steroids to stack with HGH, but you have to be careful not to create a bomb from it. If you must use high-energy steroids like Tren, the dosage should be very little. But it all depends on what you want for your body.
So then, what is the strongest one? Asteroids are the strongest. HGH can only be as strong as steroids if they are stacked with steroids. They don’t stand a chance on their own, not if you are to use it for bodybuilding services. However, HGH works perfectly well if you intend to enhance your performance only to a small degree. For beginners, you are recommended to start with HGH.
After a while, you could upgrade to HGH stacked with steroids. When your body has grown strong and tolerant of the substance, you can proceed to use steroids on their own. Similarly, start with weaker steroids like Anavar and gradually climb the ladder. Only pros can use more powerful steroids like Trenbolone without experiencing serious side effects.

Steroid Acne in Men: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
Naturally, about everyone has some form of acne, some small, some big. Steroid acne is a result of using anabolic steroids for a long. Or it could be your body is just sensitive to a particular compound present in anabolic steroids. First, it is essential to note that this kind of acne is very typical, only that it may appear more significant than usual. Also, keep in mind that it is no disease, just a reaction.
Steroid Acne
Usually, acne is caused by a change in hormones, which triggers the production of fat. The fat clogs the pores on the skin, resulting in a lump referred to as acne. It is unclear what causes steroid acne, but it results from individual compounds found in a particular steroid. Whether the steroids prescribes or those used in bodybuilding, steroid acne affects the skin to make someone feel uncomfortable.
Steroid acne is a skin condition seen in people with high corticosteroids circulating in their system. Anabolic steroids are known to cause severe acne, which causes inflammation and swelling of an area of the skin. While there is a high chance that acne appearing on a bodybuilder’s skin caused by steroid use, it is also worth noting that some acnes are very normal and natural. Steroid acne may be of two types.
Acne vulgaris – this particular type of acne affects specific sites prone to acne, and the location varies from one person to the next. But the most common regions are the back, chest, and face.
Malassezia folliculitis is a kind of steroid acne caused by yeast and bacteria found on the skin. The use of corticosteroids triggers the condition, more so those injected, ingested, or applied on the surface.
Steroid acne, somebody can manage by applying special cream with anti-inflammatory characteristics. Alternatively, one can halt the use of steroids temporarily until the concentration of acne on the skin goes down. However, in most cases, steroid acne does not prevent bodybuilder from doing regular exercises. It only becomes a problem when they expose to hot temperatures, which increases itchiness.
Types of Steroid Acne
Steroid acne occurs in two main kinds. The most dominant is fungal acne. Also known as Malassezia folliculitis, this kind of acne is due to infection of the hair follicles. Acne Vulgaris is another type of steroid acne that affects most steroid users. It occurs whenever one uses an injected steroid, although it also occurs naturally. Steroid acne is mostly seen in adolescence but can also occur in other groups of people. It is important to note that most chemicals found in steroids are naturally occurring, and that’s why steroid acne cause in people who don’t use steroids.
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10 Bodybuilders on Instagram you Need to Follow
Bodybuilders on Instagram
Bodybuilding has become a phenomenon and is sweeping through the world of sports. However, it takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice to become a top-class fitness celebrity. Some bodybuilders have built for themselves a name and cult following on various social media platforms. Instagram specifically, has given them the perfect platform to flaunt their immense muscle mass and send everyone drooling, men and women alike. These fitness men and women have built empires of followers on Instagram to rule with strength and muscle.
Note: Most of them have used body enhancement supplements at some point in their career. Some are even using them this very moment, and the results are there to be seen by all.
1. Simeon Panda

Covid-19: Advices to Steroid Users
If you think a visit to the gym during the Covid period is a breeze, think again. Not now, not before a lasting solution for the virus is found. Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc worldwide. People no longer have the luxury of working out in groups or visiting public gyms. Like everyone else, Steroid users are not sure of the relationship between the virus and the drugs they take. Luckily for people already using steroids, you may have found a solution already. Instead, your body may be in a position to fight the virus, thanks to particular strains of corticosteroids. Medical experts are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to find solutions for Covid-19. That means exploring a range of treatment options, including possible treatment with systemic corticosteroids.
Steroids help people treat a range of conditions, specifically to manage pain and inflammation. However, most of the steroids used today are for bodybuilding, fitness, and performance enhancement purposes.
Corticosteroids and Covid-19 Management: Dexamethasone
The World Health Organization has conducted several types of research on the effectiveness of steroids in managing Covid-19. The findings are inconclusive yet, but there is hope that steroids could help manage the virus better than traditional medicine. The most significant advantage of using corticosteroids for Covid treatment is that they have fewer side effects than regular clinical medication.
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