Tag: Steve Kuclo

Flex Lewis Ready to End Retirement for ‘7-Figure’ Offer: “I’m All In”
Retired 212 Bodybuilding legend Flex Lewis raised some eyebrows during his recent interview with Steve Kuclo. In the latest Straight Outta the Lair podcast, Lewis teased a return to sport by laying out one condition: a seven-figure payday.
Building a career in the 2000s, Flex Lewis became the most dominant 212 Olympia champion of all time. Having attained his first title in 2012, Lewis’ hardness and grainy muscle maturity guided him to a total of seven 212 Olympia victories. His final title defense came in 2018, where he outlasted a crop of elite talents such as Derek Lunsford, Kamal Elgargni, and Jose Raymond.
Lewis, who has been enjoying retirement, has kept fans updated on his progress since stepping away from the sport. Showing off his physique post-bodybuilding, Lewis says his top priorities are health and wellness. However, in his latest admission to fans, it appears a comeback might be on the table as well.
Flex Lewis Says ‘7-Figure’ Payday Will Draw Him Out of Retirement: ‘If There’s a Monetary Draw, I’m All In’
According to Lewis, a seven-figure payday ($1M-9.9M) would entice him to compete as a bodybuilder in 2023.
“I don’t know if that’s something [Masters Olympia] that’s been thrown in your face. Obviously, my name has been thrown in the mix this year, and I said, ‘Eh!’ Let me dispel this right now, I’m on my own journey, it’s definitely back to the stage. I said this though, if there was a monetary draw for me – I’m all in. For me, it has to be a seven-figure monetary draw. It has to be because for me to walk away from what I’m doing right now… that’s what my sacrifice is, unfortunately,” said Flex Lewis.
Men’s Open standout Steve Kuclo credits Arnold Schwarzenegger for pushing bodybuilding into the mainstream but said no one has been able to ‘carry the torch’ to secure massive contracts/sponsorships worth seven figures.
“I truly with bodybuilding was as fruitful as many of the other sports in the world like golf and basketball and football. The contracts these guys are getting paid, it’s insane. You know. Yeah, backup quarterback [still gets paid] it doesn’t matter. It’s a shame that the sport never quite got to where it could be. I believe it’s had a lot of great – I mean Arnold was truly one of the greatest pioneers in our sport to take it to more of a public level,” said Steve Kuclo.
“Nobody was ever really able to carry the torch into the realm it could be to potentially be one of the sports that are getting huge contracts for sponsorships and stuff like that, where you’re able to win a show and it’s a seven-figure win for a show or you get seven-figure sponsorships because bodybuilding is if not, one of the hardest sports in the world because it’s 365 24/7 you’re always thinking about what you’re eating and what you’re training.”
While Lewis did not reveal any specific plans or offers for his comeback, he made it clear he’s not ruling out the possibility of stepping on stage again. Whether any promoter/sponsor is willing to meet his demand remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Flex Lewis’ passion for bodybuilding remains strong.
Watch the full video below, courtesy of Flex Lewis’ YouTube channel:
Published: 25 April, 2023 | 11:04 AM EDT

Steve Kuclo Shares Physique Update Ahead Of Texas Pro, Tells Competition “We Will See You Saturday”
Steve Kuclo is ready, mentally and physically, for his appearance at the 2022 Texas Pro.
Steve Kuclo is looking to keep the momentum of the previous two years going during the 2022 Texas Pro. Just days away from the competition, Kuclo shared a physique update and sent a message to the Men’s Open division.
Kuclo is looking to earn a ticket to his seventh Olympia competition. Over the years, he has taken a step up and has competed with some of the best in the world. This began in 2021, when he finished as the runner-up in this very show and third at the Arnold Classic. In 2022, Kuclo finished third at the Arnold Classic once again.
Kuclo last competed in Boston, where he finished third at the Boston Pro. He is looking to bring his best package to the stage against a talented card at the Texas Pro.
Steve Kuclo: “212, 250, 300…It Don’t Matter”
In a recent Instagram post, Steve Kuclo is seen performing a cable exercise before hitting a most muscular pose. He then moved to a dumbbell exercise and showed off the incredible mass of his back.
Kuclo has been sharing physique updates for followers ahead of the Texas Pro but this time, he felt confident enough to send a message.
“5 days out of @battleupproductions TEXAS PRO??chest & delts highlights212, 250, 300… it don’t matter we will see you Saturday ?”
Steve Kuclo did not compete during the 2022 Tampa Pro last week but four of the top-six finishers from the show will compete in Texas. Kamal Elgargni turned heads during his Men’s Open debut as he finished as the runner-up to Akim Williams. Many thought Elgargni should have been crowned the champion but he will quickly return to the stage. This is a battle to watch come the weekend.
Andrew Jacked is also preparing to compete this weekend. He has been sharing many physique updates as he trains with some of the best of all-time, including Flex Wheeler. Jacked has shown off some incredible size and conditioning in the gym and is ready to take it to the stage.
This year’s Texas Pro is shaping up to be an exciting competition because of the athletes hat are expected to appear. When it is all said and done, Steve Kuclo believes he has the physique to take home the title and qualify for the Olympia.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Steve Kuclo Looks Impressive Days Out From 2022 Texas Pro
Steve Kuclo looks incredible heading into the Texas Pro.
Ten days out from the 2022 Texas Pro Steve Kuclo is looking impressive and poised to win the show. The veteran bodybuilder has been posting physique updates and workouts in prep for the show and looks as good as ever.
2021 proved to be a tough year for Steve Kuclo. The veteran competitor was all but ready to step onto the Olympia stage if not for being out dueled by Iain Valliere at last year’s Texas Pro. While acquitting himself well and showcasing an incredible physique, Kuclo was outdone in just a few choice poses that would ultimately cost him the Olympia qualification.
Now, having to return to the drawing board, Steve Kuclo has kept his head down and has been hard at work in the gym. The countless hours of preparation has seen his physique improve gradually throughout the year. He’s looking to dominate the competition at this year’s Texas Pro. It’s take no prisoners and Kuclo is looking the part of champion two and a half weeks out from the show.
2.5 weeks out of @battleupproductions #TexasPro
281lbs in the video & Team Kuclo dialing things in one day at a time. The ? of Texas will remain in Texas this year.
Now with just days left until the show, Steve Kuclo is putting the finishing touches on his physique. While the competition was more fierce at last year’s show, Kuclo appears to be the front runner in 2022. The Texas Pro is his to lose, but that only means Kuclo will be even more focused to secure victory.
10 Days Out
In a recent clip posted to Instagram, Steve Kuclo is seen performing specific movements for both his triceps and delts days out. From the looks of things Kuclo is looking more massive than ever and appears to be in solid condition.
Some of the bread & butter tricep movements today after training delts. 10 days out of the Texas Pro… laser focused and dialing it in.
Steve Kuclo has been top of the food chain for years now with a few setbacks holding him back. This year we’re likely to see the best version of Kuclo yet as he hopes to qualify for the 2022 Olympia with a big win in just under 10 days time.
What do you think of Steve Kuclo and his physique heading into the Texas Pro?
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Steve Kuclo Shows Inhuman Vascularity Heading Into The Arnold Classic
Steve Kuclo may be the most vascular athlete competing at the 2022 Arnold Classic.
Steve Kuclo shows off some truly insane vascularity in his most recent post to social media. The bodybuilding veteran is looking to bring his most beastly form to the 2022 Arnold Classic.
When it comes to bodybuilding aesthetics it can’t be denied that vascularity is extremely appealing. The freak factor is something that can not be divorced from high level bodybuilding. Competitors hope to look their monstrous best heading into a show. The countless reps in the gym, the dieting, the cardio, all of it is to produce a look that is truly inhuman.
Steve Kuclo seems poised and ready to bring that inhuman factor to the stage at the Arnold Classic.
It looks like Steve Kuclo is taking his prep for the Arnold Classic super serious. The veteran bodybuilding has always had a great physique and great potential to go along with it. Kuclo has always had the goods but it appears that this training camp is producing a truly insane look for the veteran.
Crazy Vascularity
A recent post to Instagram shows Steve Kuclo looking at his vascular best in the midst of training.
Just under 4 weeks out to @arnoldsports
Let’s Go , Let’s Grow, Let’s Win!
Steve Kuclo looks truly insane in this image. He may be the most vascular athlete that will step on the Arnold Classic stage in March. He has the size, the musculature, and the vascularity to standout amount his competitors.
Kuclo’s training shows that he is motivated, a man possessed in his mission to bring his best to the Arnold.
Leg day finisher going old school with barbell squats 405×20 reps.
What do you think about Steve Kuclo and his insane vascularity?
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.
Steve Kuclo Does Monstrous Leg Day 5 Weeks Out From 2022 Arnold Classic
Steve Kuclo looks monstrous weeks out from the Arnold Classic.
Steve Kuclo is looking monstrous 5 weeks out from the 2022 Arnold Classic. The talented veteran bodybuilder still has plenty left in the tank and a recent training video posted to his Instagram page shows Kuclo is in top form ahead of the event.
The 2022 Arnold Classic is shaping up to be quite the event. The show promises to feature some of the best and brightest in the bodybuilding world. With the return of Cedric McMillan and William Bonac to the stage, two Arnold Classic champions, is sure to be quite a treat for the fans. But besides these stellar champions, we’ll get to see some other very talented bodybuilders take to the stage as well. One of those bodybuilders is Steve Kuclo.
Steve Kuclo has still shown some incredible potential in recent competitions. He impressed at the 2021 Texas Pro as well as the 2021 Arnold Classic. While he was unable to win at both shows he was able to showcase just how impressive his physique is and how much he has left in the tank.
As he preps for the 2022 Arnold Classic it’s clear that Steve Kuclo is still in fighting shape. He looks truly impressive and will no doubt give the other competitors, including former champions Cedric McMillan and William Bonac.
Monstrous Leg Day
In the Instagram post below, Steve Kuclo breaks down his leg day training in detail. The talented bodybuilder has shown massive legs during his career and his wheels just keep on improving.
? & ? of leg day
All exercises are 4 sets 10 reps
Heavy Pendulum squat (got 8 reps)
Heavy lying leg curl
Other exercises:
Horizontal leg press
Leg extension
Seated leg curl
Walking dumbbell lunges
5 weeks out from the 2022 Arnold Classic Steve Kuclo isn’t just hitting the weights. The bodybuilder is also pushing his cardio and hoping to improve his athleticism as well. Kuclo hit a Rogue air bike and pushed himself hard to get his heart rate up.
The @roguefitness echo bike 50 cal challenge
How fast can you bust out 50 calories on the echo bike?
I never do cross fit or train for something like this but the inner athlete In me is still there and had to give it a try. At 30 calories in I felt my soul wanting to leave my body from all the lactic acid.
I Ended up doing it :29 seconds peak watts 1908.
It’s great to see Steve Kuclo not only staying in bodybuilding shape, but also in good cardio condition as well. It’s exciting to see what he can potentially bring to the table.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.
Steve Kuclo Reacts to Third Place at the Arnold Classic: “I Felt I Was Either Going To Be 1 or 2”
Steve Kuclo gives his insights on coming in third place at the 2021 Arnold Classic.
Well it appears that Steve Kuclo was a bit taken aback by his third place showing at the Arnold Classic. One of the top bodybuilders in the world, Kuclo impressed at the show.
With a well muscled, well conditioned physique, Steve Kuclo cut a rather impressive figure on stage. He looked like he was carved out of granite. Despite that fact, Kuclo was unable to topple both Nick Walker and Iain Valliere who took first and second respectfully.
2021 Arnold Classic Prejudging complete… amazing top 5 callouts with @nick_walker39 & I battling it out for 1 & 2.
Steve Kuclo was no doubt a truly impressive competitor that night. In fact it wouldn’t be surprising if there were those who thought he deserved to win the whole show. But it appears that the one most surprised by his third place showing is Kuclo himself.
Kuclo Reacts
Taking to Instagram to share his feelings on his performance, Steve Kuclo revealed that he thought he deserved to take first or second place at the show. See his full reaction below.
2021 Arnold Classic – 3rd place
It’s always an honor to take the stage at the @arnoldsports with the best in the world to compete for one of the most prestigious titles in bodybuilding.
First I want to congratulate @nick_walker39 for showing up and making everyone a believer. Nick is an absolute freak and it was an honor to battle it out for the title.
Getting 3rd place was a shock as after prejudging I felt I was either going to be 1 or 2… but I tip my hat to Nick & Ian. This is a huge year for both of them!
The rest of the field @akim_bkbeast_williams @sergioolivajr @justindifbb all brought stellar packages that could win any show.
I want to thank my family and all the fans who supported me at this show and have over the last 15+ years competing.
We will come back with a vengeance and continue to do the work and fight to the top!
While he may have expected to do better, Steve Kuclo appears to be taking the whole thing well. After all, coming in third place out of all those talented competitors shows that Kuclo has plenty left in the tank. With some fine tuning it’s possible that he could easily win and major show and qualify for the 2022 Olympia.
What did you think of Steve Kuclo and his performance at the 2021 Arnold Classic?
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Arnold Classic 2021: Nick Walker & Steve Kuclo Leading The Pack With Epic Face-Off
Nick Walker and Steve Kuclo battle for first going into the Arnold Classic 2021.
Leading up to the Arnold Classic 2021, Nick Walker was hyped to be the lead for first place. This was largely due to many other athletes dropping out – including returning champion William Bonac. With many legacy competitors dropping out last minute, the competition was wide open for a new champion. In what may have been a surprise to some fans, Steve Kuclo rose to the occasion challenging Walker during the pre-judging. The Arnold Classic 2021 comparison rounds ended with an epic top two face-off between Nick Walker and Steve Kuclo.
First, let’s talk about the individual posing routines. The moment Nick Walker walked out on stage, something in the air changed. Walker built much hype after his win at the New York Pro. Despite his massive and impressive physique – he held some structural flaws that might have been hard to fix in a year. Any doubts some may have had were erased upon seeing Walker’s individual pre-judging posing routine. Walker truly put the word monster back into mass monster. He’s incredible size, separation, and intensity were a sight to behold. It’s almost as if the ground shook as he walked out.
On the other hand, Steve Kuclo also pleasantly surprised fans. After falling behind Iain Valliere at the Texas Pro just six weeks earlier, there was a question of how high Kuclo would place at the Arnold Classic. Kuclo’s individual posing routine showed a finely tuned bodybuilder – far more on point than what we saw in Texas. It became immediately clear that Kuclo would land at the very least in the top three.
Pre-Judging: The Battle Of Nick Walker And Steve Kuclo
When the comparison rounds began, our first callout pulled Nick Walker, Steve Kuclo, Iain Valliere, and Justin Rodriguez onto the stage. This was our presumed top four. Very quickly, the judges moved Kuclo and Walker into the center. Things started to become more clear – Kuclo was making a big impression.
But this didn’t fully lock into place until the final top two callout. Nick Walker and Steve Kuclo were invited back onto the stage. All became clear – these were our two options for Arnold Classic champion… it’s also where the fun began. The judges certainly were torn between Walker and Kuclo. The final comparison round was stretched out to a much longer length – a trend that has been increasing in recent years.
Nick Walker and Steve Kuclo posed, and posed… and posed. Each mandatory was gone through at least twice in a cycle. Not only that – but the most muscular was held for an extended period of time. This seems to reveal just how close this competition is as the judges double and triple checked each pose comparison. Not only that but this extended comparison tactic is a way to push the athletes farther. Who would fade first? Who has the most stamina to hold their pose for a full minute? This could give the edge that either Walker or Kuclo needed to pull ahead.
The crowd went wild (and commentator Amanda Kuclo also couldn’t help but cheer for her husband on stage). With each new passing pose, Walker and Kuclo became more intensified. Who would break first? Would one fade? Ultimately, both competitors held their composure extremely well.
Steve Kuclo’s height over Nick Walker is certainly an advantage in this moment. He seemed to tower over Walker with each pose. That being said, Walker’s insane conditioning and musculature can’t be ignored. This is the best version of Nick Walker we’ve seen yet. If we had to choose at this moment – we predict that Walker will pull ahead ultimately for the prize.
But a lot can change between the pre-judging and finals. Both of these competitors are neck and neck. Their success lies on a razor’s edge. One wrong move can throw off their finals routine. Alternatively, we’ve seen competitors rise up with a surprising transformation between pre-judging and finals. Perhaps one of these two can show up even better – or perhaps even a wild card throwing off this current face-off.
Only time will tell – and Generation Iron will continue to provide updates, analysis, and result updates later tonight when we return for the Arnold Classic 2021 finals!

Texas Pro Preview: Can Steve Kuclo hold off Iain Valliere and Philip Clahar?
Can Steve Kuclo hold off Iain Valliere and Philip Clahar?
The Texas Pro is upon us and will feature some of the best bodybuilders in the world. The competitors list is absolutely stacked, particularly in the Men’s Open Bodybuilding division. With competitors like Steve Kuclo, Iain Valliere and Phillip Clahar, the Texas Pro is sure to be an incredible show.
With so much talent on stage and only one opportunity to punch a ticket to the Olympia, who will earn the top spot?
Steve Kuclo
A favorite to win the show just a few weeks ago, Steve Kuclo now has a bunch of top competitors to contend with. Kuclo has been looking absolutely impressive heading into the Texas Pro. Hoping to win at home, Kuclo will now have his hands full with Iain Valliere and Phillip Clahar. It’s anyone’s guess as to which man will have the advantage heading into the show. What is certain is that Steve Kuclo possesses the kind of grainy physique and impressive improvements to potentially outshine the competition.
Iain Valliere
Fresh off an impressive victory at the Tampa Pro, Iain Valliere is looking to spoil someone’s Olympia hopes at the Texas Pro. Many have questioned why Iain Valliere would make this move after earning a spot at the Olympia. But when consider it, it’s actually a brilliant move. If he can claim victory at the Texas Pro it means lessening the competition at the Olympia. Should he lose however he’ll definitely lose a bit of momentum heading into the Olympia. With Phillip Clahar at the show and Steve Kuclo looking beastly, Valliere surely has his hands full at this show.
Phillip Clahar
While he may not have picked up a victory at the Tampa Pro, Phillip Clahar is riding a wave of momentum heading into the Texas Pro. Clahar nearly defeated Iain Valliere at Tampa and clearly has the physique to contend with the best of the best. He could be the dark horse of the competition. He has the potential to crush the competition and earn his spot at the Olympia. His conditioning and his back development is top notch and could potentially see him securing victory.
Here is the full list of competitors at the Texas Pro.
Men’s Bodybuilding
Men’s 212
Men’s Physique
Women’s Physique
Classic Physique
So who do you think will win at the Texas Pro?
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Steve Kuclo Looks Insane 3 Weeks Out at 285Lbs
Steve Kuclo is looking beastly at 285lbs.
Steve Kuclo has packed on some massive muscle during his off season. The bodybuilding vet is tipping the scales at a whopping 285lbs. As he preps for the Texas Pro, it’s clear that Kuclo is pushing himself to a new level.
Steve Kuclo is looking like an absolute beast three weeks out from his next show. The former fireman has looked pretty impressive in recent shows. Now that his next competition is on the horizon, Kuclo is showing some top flight condition.
After sitting out 2016 and 2017, Steve Kuclo made his return to action at the 2018 Olympia where he would come in tenth place. Since then the former fireman has been keeping busy and rising through the ranks. At last year’s Arnold Classic Steve Kuclo came in a respectable sixth place and was able to replicate is success at the 2019 Olympia in the same position. At the 2020 Arnold Classic, Kuclo took fourth place, not exactly top honors, but certainly an impressive feat.
Now the veteran bodybuilder hopes to put on an impressive performance in three weeks time. Steve Kuclo recently made a post to Instagram talking about his upcoming competition at the Texas Pro. In the post Kuclo looks to be in top shape, his physique looking hard and grainy.
Everything is bigger in Texas! Don’t be sleeping on this Texas Boy ????just under 3 weeks until show timeWt: 285lbs
Steve Kuclo is bringing his top form to the the Texas Pro. With his chance to compete at thr 2021 Olympia, Kuclo is looking to bring his all in the upcoming pro show. Will he secure victory or will his efforts be all for naught?
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Steve Kuclo Profile & Stats
The biography, life, and accomplishments of Steve Kuclo
Steve Kuclo is an IFBB professional bodybuilder and firefighter from Plano, Texas (USA.) He’s made a name for himself through winning professional competitions, and standing on the Mr. Olympia stage 4 times.
Below is a complete breakdown of his profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.
Full Name: Steve “King Snake” Kuclo
Date Of Birth
300 lbs.
2000, 2010
Growing up, Steve was amazingly enthusiastic about sports. He played baseball, hockey and football at school, loving every moment. He figured out how to become so skilled at hockey as a young athlete that he was put in the hockey hall of fame for his endeavors. Steve says that personal development was always his main goal, and it turned into an “addiction” as he entered adulthood.
Steve’s love for self-improvement in sports, allowed him to develop an interest in improving his body and becoming as strong as he could. Because of this, he began going to the gym in order to improve his ability in the hockey rink. As he spent more time in the gym, his love for bodybuilding grew naturally. He decided that he would try competing to see where the sport would take him.
Steve stepped on stage for the first time when he was only 28 years old. He managed to win the 2004 NPC ‘Capital City Classic’ teen class, coming 3rd in the overall Men’s Open division.
Steve winning made him obsessed with the sport. He would go on to win the Teen Nationals Heavyweight in 2004 and 2005, as well as the 2004 NPC Michigan Bodybuilding State Championships.
Steve was a successful bodybuilder, but he knew that he would need a day job to pay for his food and gym subscription. He joined the fire and rescue service when he was 21, with the intention to help people in his local community. Though it became hard to juggle long (sometimes 24 hour long) shifts, he believed that this career and his bodybuilding lifestyle complimented each other. The strength gains he made in the gym, were useful in his very physical firefighting role.
In the late 2000’s, Steve began to compete in full adult events, finding success at the 2008 and 2010 NPC Nationals, with 3rd place positions. In 2011, Steve tried for the third time to win the same competition in Las Vegas, USA. He trained extremely hard for the event, and managed to win easily.
Through doing so, he managed to claim his Pro Card, starting a career which would lead him all the way to the top.
The first professional contest he entered was the 2013 ‘Europa Super Show Men’s Open’ in Dallas. He figured out how to win this show and take the first place trophy home.
This wasn’t all he got following this event though. He also discovered that he had qualified for the 2013 Mr. Olympia contest. This was a dream that Steve had supported since he was a teen, so to be welcomed onto this stage with the best on the planet was an amazing opportunity.
He managed to place 14th at Olympia. His long training period paid off, and he could say that he was officially in the top level of bodybuilders on earth. He demonstrated his ability by winning the ‘Arnold Classic’ in Brazil a couple of months after the fact in 2014.
In 2015, Steve started working with the professional coach George Farah. He says that doing so “completely transformed” his physique.
George’s approach with Steve was to keep things basic. They worked hard on making small, but noticeable changes to Steve’s diet by introducing new foods and supplements where needed.
He managed to land a 2nd place trophy at the famous ‘Wings of Strength Texas Pro’, but unfortunately came in 16th at his third Mr. Olympia a few months later. Steve saw this as an opportunity to rebuild and prepare for the next years’ contests.
Steve goal was always to win the Olympia, and he attended the 2016 competition with an intention to beat his previous years 16th. He came 13th this time round, which was an improvement, but it was still nowhere near his 2014 9th place result.
Steve knew that it was only a matter of time before he would eventually be on the podium as a top placer. He viewed these years of training and competing as “self improvement”, the initial motivation which started him out on the bodybuilding path in the first place.
Steve says “taking your body to new limits is not an easy or comfortable process.” His weekly split is a grueling 6 day marathon, with each day focused on a different area of the body.
First Day: Quads
Second Day: Chest
Third Day: Back
Fourth Day: Rest Day
Fifth Day: Hams/Glutes
Sixth Day: Arms
Seventh Day: Shoulders
Straight Bra Squat: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Leg Press: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Hack Squat: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Led Extension: 9-10 reps
Machine Squat: 9-10 reps
Lunge: 9-10 reps for each leg
Incline Barbell Press: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Flat Hammer Press: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Hammer Incline: 9-10 reps
Cable Fly: 9-10 reps
Pec Dec Fly: 9-10 reps
Barbell Bentover Row: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Lat Pulldown: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Seated Low Cable Row: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
On 4th Set: Perform Power Partial and Triple Drop Set
Hammer Strength Row: 9-10 reps
V Bar Pulldown: 9-10 reps
Dumbbell Pullover 9-10 reps
Hamstrings And Glutes
Stiff Leg Barbell Deadlift: 3 sets, 10-12 reps
Triple Drop Set on the 3rd set
Lying Leg Curl: 3 sets, 10-12 reps
Power partial and Triple Drop Set on the 3rd set
Standing Single Leg Curl: 3 sets, 10-12 reps for each leg
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on the 3rd set
Barbell Hip Thrust: 12-15 reps
Abductor: 12-15 reps
Abductor: 12-15 reps
Standing Wide Grip Curl: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on the 4th set
Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on the 4th set
Preacher Curl: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on the 4th set
Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 9-10 reps
Reverse Curl: 9-10 reps
Cable Curl: 9-10 reps
Close-Grip Bench Press: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on the 4th set
Cable Rope Extension: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Overhead Rope Extension: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Dip: 9-10 reps
Wide Pushdown: 9-10 reps
Cable Rope Extension: 9-10 reps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Barbell Military Press: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Machine Shoulder Press: 4 sets, 10-12 reps
Power Partial and Triple Drop Set on 4th set
Rear Pec Dec Fly: 9-10 reps
Cable Lateral Raise: 9-10 reps
Rear Delt Rope Face Pull: 9-10 reps
First Meal
6 oz. of lean steak
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup of egg whites
1-cup spinach
5 cups oats
Second Meal
7 oz. of chicken, or lean ground turkey
2 cups of white rice
1 banana
Third Meal
7 oz. chicken or lean ground turkey
2 cups of white rice
1 apple
Fourth Meal
7 oz. chicken or lean ground turkey (cooked)
2 cups of rice (cooked)
1 cup pineapple
Fifth Meal
8 oz. salmon (cooked)
10 oz. sweet potato (cooked)
Vegetable of choice
Sixth Meal
2 scoops
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1 hand full of mixed nuts
½ cup low fat natural Greek yogurt
Cheat Meals
2-3 cheat meals per week including a variety of food from fast food burgers to pizza
Competition Diet
First Meal
5 cups egg whites
2 whole eggs
2 cups oats
2 slices Ezekiel bread
Second Meal
10 ounce fillet
12 ounce sweet potato
Third Meal
10 ounce chicken breast
2 cups rice
1 tablespoon avocado oil
Fourth Meal
10 ounce chicken
2 cups rice
Fifth Meal
2 scoops whey protein isolate
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
5 cups oats all in a shake
While Steve uses his own supplements of choice, having a good supplementation routine is key in seeing gains. Whether that be a protein powder for growth and recovery, a pre-workout for those pumps and energy boosts, or a fat burner to help shed that stubborn fat, a quality supplement routine can work wonders for you. Also, be sure to look into top multivitamins, testosterone boosters, and intra-workout products to really enhance your health and performance.
Competition History
2004 NPC Capital City Classic, 1st Teen, Overall Men’s 3rd
2004 NPC Michigan Bodybuilding State Championships 1st place in the Teen, Teen Overall, 4th Place Men’s
2004 NPC Teen Nationals Heavyweight, 1st
2005 NPC Collegiate Nationals, 3rd
2005 NPC Michigan Championships Teen, 1st
2005 NPC Michigan Championships Heavy Weight, 5th
2005 Teen Nationals Heavy Weight, 1st
2007 North American Championships, 8th
2008 NPC Nationals,3rd
2009 NPC Nationals, 13th
2010 NPC Nationals, 3rd
2010 NPC USA Championships, 6th
2011 NPC USA, Men’s Overall 1st (pro card)
2013 Dallas Europa Super Show Men’s Open, 1st
2013 Mr. Olympia, 14th
2014 Arnold Classic Brazil, 1st
2014 Finland Pro, 2nd
2014 San Marino Pro, 7th
2014 EVLS Prague Pro, 5th
2014 Dubai Open, 4th
2014 Mr. Olympia, 9th
2015 Wings of Strength Texas Pro, 2nd
2015 Mr. Olympia, 16th
2015 IFBB Europa Phoenix, 6th
2015 IFBB EVL’s Prague Pro, 10th
2015 IFBB Arnold Classic Europe, 10th
2016 Mr. Olympia, 13th
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