Tag: strength

10 Best Food For Gaining Size and Strength

10 Best Food For Gaining Size and Strength

Gain Size and Strength With These 10 Muscle Building Food
People who are training for gaining size and strength can sometimes overlook the importance of the right diet in their transformation. Eating the right food can put you on the fast-track to muscle gain.
Contrary to the popular belief, you don’t have to rely on supplements for your transformations. You can achieve your dream physique by eating real food. In this article, we’ll take you over the ten food items you should have on your grocery list.
Protein Sources
Chicken Breast
The good old chicken breast is one of the most trusted sources of protein in the bodybuilding and fitness world. In this article, we’ve broken down the best foods into three categories as per the three macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats). 100g of chicken breast has 31g of protein.
Salmon is a great source of protein. Due to its fast-absorbing quality, you can eat salmon right after your workout to ensure your muscles are re-fed with the highest quality of protein. 100g of salmon has 20g of protein.

Egg Whites
It’s no secret the bodybuilding community swears by the egg whites. Egg whites are easy to cook and consume. 1 large egg has 3.5g of protein in the white portion. Egg whites in the bottled form can make them more convenient.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is one of the most overlooked and under-rated protein sources. Many professionals prefer yogurt as their dairy protein source. 100g of greek yogurt has 10g of protein.
Carbohydrate Sources
While there are a ton of sources you can get your carbs from, you need to be diligent in choosing the right source for yourself. Rice is a staple in many bodybuilding diets. 100g of white rice has 28g of carbs.
Whole-Grain Bread
Whole-grain bread is a good source of carbohydrates. Brown bread is convenient enough to be consumed at any point in the day especially when you’re tight on time. Two slices of whole-wheat bread have 24g of carbs.
Most bodybuilders add oats to their breakfast as they are a high-quality source of carbohydrates. Oats can help in providing your body with the required amount of carbs and calories to fuel your mornings. 100g of oats has 12g of carbs.
Fat Sources
Most people make the mistake of cutting out fats from their diets as they think it can add to their body fat. High-quality fat content is critical for an effective diet plan and almonds are one such source. 100g (3 ounces) of almonds have 49.2g of fats (ideal serving size – 1 ounce).
A good source and amount of fats in your diet is essential in keeping your joints and other body parts functional. There are hundreds of delicious avocado recipes on the internet you can try. 100g of avocados has 15g of fats.
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is one of the most talked-about food in the bodybuilding and fitness world. It’s healthy, delicious, and convenient. 100g of peanut butter has 50g of fats (ideal serving size – 2 tablespoons i.e. 32g).

Which is your favorite food out of the 10 listed in the article? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Top 10 Things Every Woman Should Know About Strength Training

Top 10 Things Every Woman Should Know About Strength Training

Women tend to keep a distance from the gym – especially the weights – because of the myths that have been pelted by broscientists for decades. Most of the ill-things that are said about women’s strength training are either incorrect or unproven.
Through this article, we want to put an end to the obnoxious myths and list a few benefits of strength training for women. You’ll surely be shocked – in a good way – to know some of the advantages of hitting the gym.
What All Should You Do?

If you want results, you should follow a structured plan that must include compound, isolation and isometric exercises. Sticking to one form of training will make you hit a plateau sooner or later.
You Won’t Become Manly
Most girls shy away from the weights because they have been told that it can make them look manly. Women don’t generate enough testosterone to build muscles like boys. Training with weights, on the other hand, will help you tone, sculpt and tighten your muscles.

Spot Reduction Doesn’t Work
If you always shake your head unapprovingly while watching ads about sauna fat reduction belts but go to the gym and solely rely on crunches to lose belly fat, you’re in the same boat with the people who buy spot reduction products. Spot reduction is a myth. If you want to shed weight, you’ll be better of doing HIIT cardio.

Lifting Weights is Not Necessary
Many people have the misconception that strength training can’t be done without lifting weights. Lifting weights is a small part of resistance training. If you don’t like to pump iron, you could use resistance bands, medicine balls, do bodyweight exercises, etc.
You Don’t Have To Train Every Day
A busy schedule and the inability to hit the gym every day shouldn’t stop you from starting your transformation. Design your workout program around your hectic schedule and not the other way around.
What Should Be Your Intensity?
Many people are confused about the weights they should be lifting, the number of reps they should be doing and the amount of time they should be spending in the gym. There is no short answer to this question. Your intensity will depend on your goals and current experience level.
A beginner who wants a chiseled physique should be spending at most an hour in the gym, doing 12-15 reps per set and using moderate weights. A pro should be spending the same amount of time in the gym as the beginner, lifting heavier weights and doing a lesser number of reps.

How To Get Better?
Like other things, you can only get better at fitness by putting in the time. Malcolm Gladwell, an award-winning writer, thinks that you need to dedicate 10,000 hours to a subject to achieve mastery. We’re sure you can transform your physique by putting in a fraction of this time.
You Won’t Gain Weight After Quitting
Some people believe that once you quit working out, you go back to your old self. They use this myth as an excuse to never start working out. While you might lose your peak conditioning after you quit training, you won’t go back to ground zero if you control your diet and engage in some kind of physical activity.
One Fitness Plan Works For Everyone
Googling “the best fitness program for beginners” is the first thing most of the noobs do when they start their fitness journey. Remember – there is no one-program-fits-all solution for physical transformations. For desired results, design a fitness program that suits your lifestyle and schedule.
Consistency is Key
Discipline and consistency are the names of the game when it comes to fitness. If you can’t stick to a diet, training or recovery program, you should never start a transformation program in the first place. Save yourself the time, energy and money.

How often do you work out? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Testosterone-CHP (various esters and cycle dosing schemes) Testosterone base

Testosterone-CHP (various esters and cycle dosing schemes) Testosterone base

Testosterone-CHP (various esters and cycle dosing schemes) Testosterone base Testosterone-CHP Leave it to French if you want something off the menu or out of the normal. If you thought their Parabolan and its 76mg per 1.5ml dosage ampules was strangely dosed wait until you see their various esters Testosterone CHP dosage scheme.  Basically, what we…