Tag: Supplement

The Ultimate Guide To Turkesterone: Results, Benefits, Side Effects, and Safety
Fitness enthusiasts constantly search for extraordinary ingredients that can take them to new heights. Turkesterone, with its claimed benefits, has caught the fancy of bodybuilders and researchers alike.
If you like staying on top of fitness industry trends, you must learn about Turkesterone. It is one of the newest supplements to make waves in the sports nutrition industry. However, not everyone is convinced of its benefits.
Some people consider Turkesterone the natural alternative to synthetic testosterone, whereas others consider it a fad. We’d go as far as to say that Turkesterone gained a cult following in a very short period because it sounds like testosterone.
Derek from the More Plates More Dates (YouTube channel) fame is credited for bringing Turkesterone to the mainstream. Plus, some of the most popular podcasters on the planet, Joe Rogan and Andrew Huberman touted Turkesterone’s muscle-building effects in one of their podcasts. Rogan’s and Huberman’s backing pushed Turkesterone’s popularity into the stratosphere.
It is believed that Turkesterone has similar effects on your hormones, such as other potent steroids like Deca and D-bal.
If you have been around the fitness scene for long enough, you would already know what happens to a supplement that claims quick, gear-like results and has celebrity backing. It sells like hotcakes. This is precisely what happened with Turkesterone.
In this article, we dive deep into Turskesterone and explore its benefits, side effects, effectiveness, and safety. We also compare it to a similar compound known as Ecdysterone and reveal the most popular Turkesterone supplement on the market. We have a lot to cover, so let’s get right into it.
What is Turkesterone?
To understand Turkesterone, we must first touch upon ecdysteroids. Ecdysteroids are steroid hormones that regulate molting and metamorphosis in insects. These occur naturally in some insects and plants. Ecdysteroids have anabolic (muscle-building) and adaptogenic (stress-busting) effects.
The star of this article, Turkesterone, is a concentrated ecdysteroid. Turkesterone is found in plants such as Ajuga turkestanica and Rhaponticum carthamoides. Although Turkesterone has been in use for a long time in traditional medicine, it has recently entered the mainstream, and its effects and results are being studied extensively.
Although this ecdysteroid’s name would make you think it originates from Turkey, that is not the case. Turkesterone is derived from Russian-Asian steppes. Furthermore, Turkesterone is present in foods like spinach, quinoa, and yams. However, the quantities are too small to make a difference.
The Turkesterone supplements on the market claim improved protein synthesis, increased muscle mass, enhanced recovery, a significant boost in endurance, and improved cardiovascular performance. To sum it up, Turkesterone is a fitness enthusiast’s dream supplement. Or is it?
A few studies concluded that ecdysteroids had performance-enhancing effects in birds and beetles [1][2]. However, the world’s leading evidence-based sports nutrition and supplementation journal, the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), discarded these claims and questioned the reliability of these studies.
Although Turkesterone has gained a cult following in a short period, more human trials are needed to establish its potential benefits, dosage guidelines, and long-term effects.
What Does Turkesterone Do?
Turkesterone manufacturers make hefty claims about its benefits. It is said to help build muscle mass, burn fat, and improve strength, stamina, endurance, recovery, energy levels, cognitive function, and overall well-being.
Turkesterone gained traction because of its claimed anabolic properties. An anabolic response usually refers to the gain of muscle protein, which helps you build muscle mass and strength. Turkesterone can help promote protein synthesis, which is crucial for muscle growth and repair.
How Does Turkesterone Work?
Turkesterone and testosterone have similar chemical structures. Turkesterone is synthesized by plants from cholesterol. Plus, cholesterol is the basis of steroid hormones found in humans.
Turkesterone is a type of phytoecdysteriod that does not bind to human steroid receptors or alter natural production; instead, it acts as an influencer to signal pathways like protein synthesis.
Hence, it is assumed that Turkersterone can be an effective replacement for anabolic steroids and wouldn’t produce side effects commonly related to gear use, such as male pattern baldness, acne, gyno, aggression, and high blood pressure.
Turkesterone Benefits
Given below are the claimed benefits of Turkesterone:
Helps Build Muscle Mass
This is the USP of this supplement. While more human trials are needed to establish its muscle-building claims, user reviews indicate that the ecdysteroid delivers on its promise. Plus, studies on animals have shown that Turkesterone might have anti-obesity and metabolic-boosting properties. [3]
Improves Recovery
Supplementing with Turkesterone aids muscle glycogen replenishment after a workout, helping kickstart your recovery process. Additionally, it enhances protein synthesis, which aids in building bigger and stronger muscles.
Boosts Exercise Performance
Turkesterone use in animals improves endurance and stamina, and power, which can boost your training performance and help you get the most out of your time. Additionally, ecdysteroids can improve your ATP replenishment, which helps shorten rest duration between sets and maintain a high training intensity for longer.
Delivers Adaptogenic (Stress-Fighting) Effects
This versatile supplement can help combat stress by supporting your mental and physical health by optimizing the stress and fatigue coping mechanism. Users report better mental clarity and reduced anxiety and brain fog while supplementing with Turkesterone.
Does Turkesterone Work?
This is the million-dollar question. If you are a fitness enthusiast, chances are you already have several supplements in your routine. You don’t want to add another until it is guaranteed to work.
Although many health and fitness social media celebrities are going gaga over Turkesterone, the thing is, there are no scientific studies to prove their effectiveness.
Furthermore, the studies that are used to boast about the effectiveness of Turkesterone are mainly on ecdysteroids, not on Turkesterone specifically. The main ingredient in these studies is ecdysterone [4]. It doesn’t end here; the ecdysteroid supplements tested in the study contained 6% of the dosage listed on the label. However, it still produced significant results.
A different study divided subjects into two groups. The first group was given placebos, and the other group used ecdysteroids. In the end, the placebo group gained 2.2 pounds more muscle than the guys taking ecdysteroids. [5]
Now, it doesn’t mean supplementing with Turkesterone has no benefits or can have negative health consequences. The Turkesterone selling companies currently lack scientific evidence to back their claims.
Turkesterone Side Effects and Safety
The reported side effects of supplementing with Turkesterone include nausea, upset stomach, lightheadedness, and other digestive issues. Notably, these side effects can be minimized by taking this supp after a meal.
Further, there are no science-backed recommended dosages for Turkesterone. If you choose to use this supp, you must stick to the dosage listed on the container. A general recommendation is to take a turkesterone supplement in dosages of 500 milligrams per day. Beginners should start with half this dose.
Problems With Turkesterone Supplements
Using Turkesterone supplements has the following limitations:
Lack of Understanding
Although many supplement companies make big claims about Turkesterone supplements, the truth is that we still lack clarity on how it breaks down and is utilized in the body. Until we have a step-by-step breakdown of how Turkestone works in our body, we cannot fine-tune it to make the most out of it.
Ecdysteroids Have a Short Life Span
Ecdysteroids such as Testosterone and Ecdysterone are eliminated rapidly from the body. Users must consume frequent big doses of these supplements to achieve noticeable results.
No Standardized Dose
Since Turkesterone lacks human trials, there is no consensus on the dosage of this supplement. At this point, each company has a different recommended dose for their products. A lack of a standardized dose can be dangerous, as overdosing on ecdysteroids can lead to toxicity.
Genetic Complexity
Ecdysteroids are generally compared to anabolic steroids. However, most steroids come with a recommended dosage. Furthermore, each individual reacts to gear uniquely because of their genetics. People on juice tweak the recommended dose to get the best bang for their buck. However, the ecdysteroids have no recommended dosage, and how they influence your genes is still poorly understood.
No Human Testing
There is very limited scientific research on Turkesterone. Plus, all these studies have been done on animals. There is no scientific evidence to prove the efficacy of Turkesterone in humans.
Best Turkesterone Supplement
Although Turkesterone lacks scientific backing, many users have been getting mind-blowing results from adding this supp to their fitness regimen. If you want to try this supplement, here is the best Turkesterone supplement on the market:
Gorilla Mind Turkesterone
Gorilla Mind Turkesterone was among the first turkesterone products on the market and had a first-mover advantage. Derek from MPMD is associated with Gorilla Mind.
This supp blends turkesterone with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin, making it more bioavailable than its peers. It contains 500mg of ajuga turkestanica extract, delivering a pure turkesterone content of 50mg per serving. Gorilla Mind Turkesterone comes with a money-back guarantee.
Who Should Buy Gorilla Mind Turkesterone?
Those who want turkesterone at the recommended dosage with enhanced bioavailability.
Folks that want a tried and tested turkesterone product.
Who Should Not Buy Gorilla Mind Turkesterone?
Vegans, as the capsules contain gelatin.
Folks on a shoestring budget.
Gorilla Mind Turkesterone Coupon
Gorilla Mind Turkesterone contains the most bioavailable form of turkesterone. The product comes with a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy.
Turkesterone vs. Ecdysterone
Since most Turkesterone-selling companies use Ecdysterone studies to push their products, it would be unfair not to talk about this ecdysteroid.
Like its sibling, Ecdysterone is found naturally in some plants and insects. It is one of the most abundant and biologically active ecdysteroids found in nature. Ecdysterone is commonly found in plants such as spinach, quinoa, and various herbs. Ecdysterone supplements are also known as spinach extract, 20-hydroxy-ecdysterone, beta-ecdysterone, and alfa-ecdysone.
It can help build muscle mass, improve immune function, boost athletic performance, and enhance insulin sensitivity. Unlike Turkesterone, Ecdysterone has human trials proving its effectiveness in these fields. [6][7]
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Although turkesterone promises several benefits, including enhanced muscle mass gains, better recovery, and a boost in physical performance, more human trials are needed to back these claims. At the same time, there are no science-backed data to prove that taking Turkesterone is dangerous.
Researchers are still exploring Turkesterone’s potential and trying to shed light on its mechanisms of action and long-term effects. Will Turkesterone receive widespread acceptance after it receives scientific backing? We will have to wait to find out.
Sláma K, Koudela K, Tenora J, Mathová A. Insect hormones in vertebrates: anabolic effects of 20-hydroxyecdysone in Japanese quail. Experientia. 1996 Jul 15;52(7):702-6. doi: 10.1007/BF01925578. PMID: 8698114.
Sláma K, Kodkouá M. Insect hormones and bioanalogues: their effect on respiratory metabolism in Dermestes vulpinus L. (Coleoptera). Biol Bull. 1975 Apr;148(2):320-32. doi: 10.2307/1540550. PMID: 1156606.
Das N, Mishra SK, Bishayee A, Ali ES, Bishayee A. The phytochemical, biological, and medicinal attributes of phytoecdysteroids: An updated review. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2021 Jul;11(7):1740-1766. doi: 10.1016/j.apsb.2020.10.012. Epub 2020 Oct 16. PMID: 34386319; PMCID: PMC8343124.
Isenmann E, Ambrosio G, Joseph JF, Mazzarino M, de la Torre X, Zimmer P, Kazlauskas R, Goebel C, Botrè F, Diel P, Parr MK. Ecdysteroids as non-conventional anabolic agent: performance enhancement by ecdysterone supplementation in humans. Arch Toxicol. 2019 Jul;93(7):1807-1816. doi: 10.1007/s00204-019-02490-x. Epub 2019 May 23. PMID: 31123801.
Wilborn CD, Taylor LW, Campbell BI, Kerksick C, Rasmussen CJ, Greenwood M, Kreider RB. Effects of methoxyisoflavone, ecdysterone, and sulfo-polysaccharide supplementation on training adaptations in resistance-trained males. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2006 Dec 13;3(2):19-27. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-3-2-19. PMID: 18500969; PMCID: PMC2129166.
Kizelsztein P, Govorko D, Komarnytsky S, Evans A, Wang Z, Cefalu WT, Raskin I. 20-Hydroxyecdysone decreases weight and hyperglycemia in a diet-induced obesity mice model. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Mar;296(3):E433-9. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.90772.2008. Epub 2009 Jan 6. PMID: 19126784; PMCID: PMC2660145.
Parr MK, Botrè F, Naß A, Hengevoss J, Diel P, Wolber G. Ecdysteroids: A novel class of anabolic agents? Biol Sport. 2015 Jun;32(2):169-73. doi: 10.5604/20831862.1144420. Epub 2015 Mar 15. PMID: 26060342; PMCID: PMC4447764.

MyProtein Whey Forward Review
Our Complete Review Of MyProtein Whey Forward: Everything You Need To Know
Editor’s Note: Generation Iron’s content is meant to be informative and should not take the place of advice and/or supervision from a medical professional/trainer. The articles and opinions on this site are not meant to be used as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. Speak with your physician/trainer if you have any concerns.
What is Protein
Protein can be found within every cell of the human body and is essential for repairing those cells, making new ones, and growth and development. Protein can be associated greatly with muscle recovery as well.Typically it is recommended that most of your proteins come from whole foods like meats and fish, but it is not always easy to get those foods into your system!
Why Protein Powder is Beneficial
For starters, meat and fish can get pricey, especially in today’s economy. Another thing is, if you are short on time, you may not be able to prepare those foods for consumption, especially if you are someone who likes to get an influx of nutrients right after a workout. Not to mention, not everyone eats meat or fish, and for people who live like that, protein intake is not as easy.
This is where protein powder comes in! Protein powder makes it a lot easier to hit your protein intake for the day in a time efficient and typically cost effective manner. You can get all types of protein powders ranging in flavor, macronutrients, animal or plant based, and so much more. And let’s not forget, the flavor of protein powders can be a sweet treat throughout the day, especially for someone that is dieting.
However, protein powders can be hit or miss when it comes to taste, texture, pricing, and so on. The new Whey Forward protein from MyProtein balances all of those things for a tasteful, smooth, and affordable protein. Not to mention, it is animal free!
Let’s dive into the full review of MyProtein’s new Whey Forward protein powder.
MyProtein is changing the way of dairy. Made by microflora, not cows, they have produced protein that’s identical to traditional whey. It’s fermented, not farmed. And it’s the most sustainable whey protein around. Each delicious serving is packed with 20g of protein, providing your body with the high-quality protein it needs every day.
Product Overview
MyProtein’s new Whey Forward is not only animal free, but also environmentally friendly and sugar free. It provides the same benefits as standard whey protein, only it does not come from cows! What else does this new Whey Forward line have to offer?
Well, in one serving, you are getting:
20 grams of protein
4.7 grams of BCAAs
Same taste/texture as whey
How is this even possible to have a protein that is so similar to whey, yet is animal free? Well, MyProtein explains that is all thanks to Perfect Day’s four-step fermentation process. This process consists of tiny organisms called microflora being fed simple plant sugars, which they convert into dairy-identical protein.
Benefits of Whey Forward
The benefits of this protein start off with 20 grams of protein in a single serving. It has been proposed that the average person can only digest 20-25 grams of protein in one sitting. This makes the serving size of 20 grams fits that pretty much perfectly.
Another benefit of Whey Forward is the 4.7 grams of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). There are many suggested benefits of BCAAs, which include, but are not limited to: bringing on muscle growth, decreasing muscle soreness, and preventing muscle wasting. There are many foods that contain BCAAs, and Whey Forward helps boost your intake of them.
Other benefits of Whey Forward protein include it being sugar free, animal free, lactose and hormone free, and the overall taste and texture bringing a bit of creamy goodness to make your diet a little bit more enjoyable.
Why Choose Whey Forward
MyProtein is changing the way of dairy. Made by microflora, not cows, they have produced protein that’s identical to traditional whey. It’s fermented, not farmed. And it’s the most sustainable whey protein around.
Each delicious serving is packed with 20g of protein, providing your body with the high-quality protein it needs every day.
What Does Whey Forward Taste Like?
According to the description from MyProtein, WheyForward is as creamy and delicious as your usual whey protein, just without the lactose or hormones.
Not to mention it comes in three flavors that have our mouths watering.
These three flavors include: Creamy Mint Chocolate, Decadent Chocolate Brownie, or Rich Salted Caramel.
How is Whey Forward Environmentally Friendly?
According to MyProtein: Whey Forward has all the benefits of regular whey protein, with less impact on the planet.
Compared to whey protein from cows: Whey Forward uses up to 99% less water, 60% less non-renewable energy, while creating up to 97% fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
Suggested Use
As with most protein powders, it is suggested that you mix one scoop of Whey Forward with 6-8 ounces of water. Or, you could use your favorite type of milk.
Whey Forward Ingredients
So, if it is not a typical whey protein, what exactly does Whey Forward consist of? That is a great question. Let’s see the ingredients for the three flavors:
Decadent Chocolate Brownie: Non-Animal Whey Protein, Cellulose Gum, Natural & Artificial Flavoring (Natural & Artificial Flavor, Modified Food Starch), Cocoa Processed with Alkali, Salt, Sucralose. CONTAINS: MILK
Rich Salted Caramel: Non-Animal Whey Protein, Cellulose Gum, Natural Flavoring (Natural Flavor, Modified Food Starch), Salt, Sucralose, Caramel Color.CONTAINS: MILK
Creamy Mint Chocolate Chip: Non-Animal Whey Protein, Natural & Artificial Flavoring (Natural & Artificial Flavor, Cocoa Powder, Xanthan Gum, Gum Arabic), Cellulose Gum, Chocolate Cookie Pieces (Wheat Flour, Cane Sugar, Palm Oil, Cocoa processed with Alkali, Corn Flour, Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate, Dextrose, Soy Lecithin, Natural Flavor), Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium. CONTAINS: MILK, SOY, WHEAT
Nutrition Facts
Now you have seen the ingredients and you know there are 20 grams of protein in each serving, what do the nutrition facts look like for each flavor? Let’s take a look at what the labels consist of.
Each flavor has between 90-100 calories per serving consisting of no fat, 2-4 grams of carbs, no sugar, and 20 grams of protein. They also have between 220mg and 240mg of sodium per serving. There is 90-92mg of calcium, accompanied by 170-210mg of potassium.
Whey Forward Reviews
Sure, we can tell you all about how great MyProtein’s new Whey Forward protein is, but we are not the only ones that think it is great. Whey Forward has landed a solid 4.96/5 stars in its reviews after only being on the market since July of 2022.
Whey Forward is not the cheapest, but it is affordable, especially for the quality of product you are getting when you order it. Whey Forward comes in two different sizes, one of them being the option for 10 servings per container, and the other being 20 servings per container.
Price for 10 Servings: $24.99
Price for 20 Servings: $39.99
If you buy a container for 10 servings it comes out to about $2.49 per serving, but if you buy the container for 20 servings it comes to about $2 per serving.
You also can get a sample packet to try it out for only $4.99. This way, you’ll know if you like Whey Forward before diving into a full purchase of a bigger container.
Pros and Cons
There are a few pros and a few cons of Whey Forward that you may want to take into consideration before purchasing. Let’s take a look.
Animal free
Environmentally friendly
Includes 20 grams of protein and 4.7 grams of BCAAs
Smooth texture
Unique flavors
Good reviews
Price is higher than some other proteins
Only comes in containers of up to 20 servings
MyProtein is changing the way of dairy. Made by microflora, not cows, they have produced protein that’s identical to traditional whey. It’s fermented, not farmed. And it’s the most sustainable whey protein around. Each delicious serving is packed with 20g of protein, providing your body with the high-quality protein it needs every day.
MyProtein’s Whey Forward brings together taste, texture, and affordability to add a little variety into your diet. Whey Forward is for anyone! Even if they do not consume animal products. Whey Forward is revolutionary starting at the fermentation process, as it is fermented and not farmed. Yet it still brings the same benefits of standard whey protein when it comes to nutrients, taste, and texture. The only difference is there are no animals involved in the process. You can grab your Whey Forward in containers of 10 servings, 20 servings, or try a sample packet first! What are you waiting for?
“Protein in Diet: Medlineplus Medical Encyclopedia.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002467.htm#:~:text=Every%20cell%20in%20the%20human,%2C%20teens%2C%20and%20pregnant%20women.
Schoenfeld, Brad Jon, and Alan Albert Aragon. “How Much Protein Can the Body Use in a Single Meal for Muscle-Building? Implications for Daily Protein Distribution.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, BioMed Central, 27 Feb. 2018, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5828430/.
Stuart, Annie. “Branch-Chain Amino Acids: Uses and Risks.” WebMD, WebMD, https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/branched-chain-amino-acids-uses-risks.

Do Testosterone Boosters Work As They Are Intended Too?
Testosterone boosters are supposed to boost T levels, but do they work?
Suffering from low testosterone can be debilitating. It is something none of us want. But as athletes seeking the best for our gains, having our T levels at the right place is important. Testosterone boosters are around to help us get there, but as supplements that have been around for a while, some people still question if they actually work.
A good question actually. As supplements designed to improve our overall health and wellness, they should work. They need to work. Why spend money on something that doesn’t work. It simply doesn’t make sense. But it can be hard to tell sometimes if supplements work because these things affect people differently. Sometimes it is trial and error, sometimes it is finding the right product, and sometimes it is taking other measures to ensure our testosterone stays at optimal levels.
Let’s take a look at testosterone boosters and really get into these supplements. Knowing what they are and what the benefits are, plus the ins and outs of what exactly a T booster can do, we can better set ourselves up to answer the question of if these testosterone boosting supplements actually work.
What Are Testosterone Boosters?
Testosterone boosters are supplements designed to increase your testosterone levels. This may seem simple, and a definition you already know, but put simply, a testosterone booster is just that. But why this matters goes to the fact that testosterone is necessary to aid in a number of bodily functions. From things like muscle growth and recovery, to more energy and better sex drive, and into cognitive functioning, maintaining optimal levels of testosterone is important as we seek the best for our goals inside and out of the gym.
Related: How To Increase Testosterone Naturally For Explosive Gains
Benefits Of T Boosters
The benefits of testosterone boosters are important to know for this lends to the question of if they work or not. By understanding what testosterone boosters can do for you, you get more of an idea of how these can better assist your T boosting needs.
Benefits of testosterone boosters include:
More muscle growth: Testosterone can aid in protein synthesis which allows for more muscle growth and subsequently an increase in strength gains (1).
Potential fat loss: By balancing out T levels with those of estrogen, this may help shed some unwanted fat. Plus, when paired with increased muscle and strength, this can change your body composition (2).
Increased sex drive: Can increase libido and overall sexual function for an increase in your sex drive (3).
Better cognitive function and energy: With more energy, you start to feel more alert and can even have a better mood (4).
These are just a few benefits of what testosterone boosters can do, but they are incredibly important to know nonetheless.
Do They Actually Work?
When it comes down to it, whether or not testosterone boosters is hard to answer. Supplements work differently for everyone and so to definitively say one way or the other would most likely be a disservice.
However, there is a reason companies keep producing them and people keep buying them. The ingredients in testosterone boosters have long been touted as ways to improve sex drive, energy, muscle growth, and the production of testosterone. Studies have been conducted, but again, these supplements effect people differently and more factors come into play than simply taking a T booster.
Your lifestyle, what you eat, how active you are, and a host of other things come into play and can greatly affect how you and your testosterone levels operate. Testosterone boosters can work, that is why they are still around. Making sure your supplement contains natural and effective ingredients, while also being from a reputable company, is the best way to ensure your product is working for your benefit.
Related: A Deep Dive Into Testosterone Booster Ingredients For Optimal Health
Top Choice For Testosterone Booster
We wanted to share one of our top choices for testosterone boosters so you can get the most out of your supplement. With the right approach to buying, plus knowing what to look for, the right T booster is out there and it just takes a little knowledge on where and how to find it.
Testo Lab Pro
Testo Lab Pro is an ultramodern test booster making this a strong option. Great for improving masculine vitality and muscle mass, this is a great natural option.
Testo Lab Pro boasts an “ultramodern” upgrade to the testosterone-boosting blend typical of most natural booster pills making this one of the strongest natural test booster options to improve masculine vitality and muscle mass. Testo Lab Pro is allergen-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, and free of all synthetic additives, making this a great choice for those who have allergies or other sensitivities to chemicals. From a reputable company with great benefits, Testo Lab Pro can work to increase those levels so you don’t suffer a deficiency again.
Price: $69.00
Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally
Aside from taking a testosterone booster, there are other ways to increase your testosterone levels that can be helpful. One is eating the right foods. Things like tuna, oysters, leafy greens, certain nuts and seeds, and even coffee and ginger, can all help increase your levels of testosterone. To potentially have these work for your benefit, consider adding these into your diet and routine.
Of course, strength training can be a great help as well and there are certain exercises to add to your workout regimen that can help greatly. Working with compound exercises that act on many muscle groups can help increase testosterone so you see real results that you want most.
Check out our list of the Best Testosterone Boosters for more great T boosting products!
Wrap Up
Testosterone boosters can be great aids to those looking to increase their T levels. But some people wonder if they actually work, or are as effective as people say they are. If the ingredients are well-studied and researched and the company is reputable, there is a very high chance that is what you need to see real results. Be critical of your supplements and make sure the quality and care is there because if it is designed to improve your health and performance, it should do just that.
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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
Storer, Thomas W.; Magliano, Lynne; Woodhouse, Linda; Lee, Martin L.; Dzekov, Connie; et al. (2003). “Testosterone dose-dependently increases maximal voluntary strength and leg power, but does not affect fatigability or specific tension”. (source)
Corona, G.; Giagulli, V. A.; Maseroli, E.; Vignozzi, L.; et al. (2016). “Testosterone supplementation and body composition: results from a meta-analysis of observational studies”. (source)
Travison, Thomas G.; Morley, John E.; Araujo, Andre B.; O’Donnell, Amy B.; et al. (2006). “The Relationship between Libido and Testosterone Levels in Aging Men”. (source)
O’Connor, Daryl B.; Archer, John; Wu, Frederick C. W. (2004). “Effects of Testosterone on Mood, Aggression, and Sexual Behavior in Young Men: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Study”. (source)

What Can The Strongest Testosterone Booster Do For Me?
The strongest testosterone booster can go a long way in efforts to see real results.
Low testosterone can be debilitating. It’s not secret. For those of us looking to capitalize on energy, muscle growth, and the other necessary functions that testosterone can provide, we need to have our levels be as optimal as possible. Anything less and we start to feel it.
While there are certain foods you can eat that will help increase those testosterone levels, looking to supplements has long been thought as an effective way to see the best gains possible. Supplements are just that; supplemental. What you will find with supplements are they can work in tandem with a good diet, well-structured training routine, and healthy lifestyle to deliver results in a safe and effective way.
When it comes to those testosterone levels, enter testosterone boosters. Designed with ingredients to increase testosterone production, enhance libido, deliver energy, and a host of others, you will find these supplements may help get you to where you want to be. The strongest testosterone booster is something to not take for granted for what it can do to your overall health and performance.
Let’s take a closer look into testosterone boosters and see what makes these supplements so great. For some, they work really well, and for others, a potential other approach is necessary. But with the strongest testosterone booster working for you, the choices to see real results are possible.
Why Use A Testosterone Booster
Using a testosterone booster is important for those who want to increase testosterone levels. There are other forms of treatment that can increase your levels, but supplement companies have begun to use premium ingredients in efforts to give you a natural and effective way of raising those levels. Using one allows you see results and also capitalize on the supplement market.
Related: A Deep Dive Into Testosterone Booster Ingredients For Optimal Health
Quick Recap Of Benefits
Some of the benefits of using testosterone boosters include:
More testosterone production
Better sex drive
Body composition changes
More muscle growth
Stronger bone density
Increased energy
Improved cognitive function
It is important that more research into these above benefits are done, but there are some good resources that further explain these above (1,2,3,4).
What The Strongest Testosterone Booster Can Do
The strongest testosterone booster out there has the ability to offer the above benefits so you see effective results. Now, we understand that this can be subjective. One supplement that works for one athlete may not work for another. And that can continue on. But there are certain companies that produce better products that are proven to see better results, at least in the eyes of consumers. In an unregulated market, it is still important to remember that using supplements is a personal choice and one that should be well-researched before hand.
However, once you find a strong testosterone booster, you will be able to fully understand why people gravitate towards these supplements. As bodybuilders and men looking to keep our testosterone levels as high as possible, we want that strong supplement working for us. There is no point in using some run of the mill product if it is only going to hurt our gains in the long run.
What To Look For
When diving into the strongest testosterone booster, there are a couple of things to really look for:
Quality of Ingredients
The overall quality of ingredients is first and foremost because you want natural ingredients to positively impact your health and effective ingredients to actually see results. Looking into the actual ingredients individually is smart as well, so you actually see what they can do. Many of the ingredients can have conflicting opinions around them so you diving in and doing your own research will give you a better conclusion.
Related: Do Testosterone Boosters Really Work? A Guide On T-Booster Supplements
Reputation of the Brand
Reputation is everything in the supplement game and as we said before, in an unregulated market, you cannot settle for anything that seems average. Talk to other people you know and see what they use and make an educated decision from there. If a product is more on the expensive side, that doesn’t always mean it is a reputable brand, however, it is a good sign that they are doing something right.
This brings us to price. These kinds of supplements are expensive. That’s just the truth. You need to be price conscious, but also know that a little investment into something effective is worth more than going to just some average so-so product. Be sure to look at the price and price per serving to accurately know how much you are going to spend.
Featured Testosterone Booster
In a world where there are so many testosterone boosters, we wanted to share a product that can really improve your gains so you see the best results possible. We’ve done the research with our list of the Best Testosterone Boosters and wanted to make sure that you get only the top choices on your final list.
Testo Lab Pro
Testo Lab Pro is an ultramodern test booster making this a strong option. Great for improving masculine vitality and muscle mass, this is a great natural option.
Testo Lab Pro boasts an “ultramodern” upgrade to the testosterone-boosting blend typical of most natural booster pills making this one of the strongest natural test booster options to improve masculine vitality and muscle mass. Testo Lab Pro is allergen-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, and free of all synthetic additives, making this a great choice for those who have allergies or other sensitivities to chemicals. Testo Lab Pro is a great testosterone booster for those looking towards an effective supplement to see results.
Price: $69.00
Check out our list of the Best Testosterone Boosters for more great T boosting products!
Wrap Up
The strongest testosterone booster may seem hard to come by but it isn’t totally impossible to see great gains. Knowing what to look for and how best to tell those premium products apart from those average ones is important as you look to improve your goals. Testosterone matters and you don’t want to feel like you are settling for anything less than. When it come to your health and performance, only have those top choices in mind and you will put yourself in the best spot possible.
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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
Travison, Thomas G.; Morley, John E.; Araujo, Andre B.; O’Donnell, Amy B.; McKinlay, John B. (2006). “The Relationship between Libido and Testosterone Levels in Aging Men”. (source)
Corona, G.; Giagulli, V. A.; Maseroli, E.; Vignozzi, L.; et al. (2016). “Testosterone supplementation and body composition: results from a meta-analysis of observational studies”. (source)
Griggs, R.; et al. (1989). “Effect of testosterone on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis”. (source)
Beauchet, O. (2006). “Testosterone and cognitive function: current clinical evidence of a relationship”. (source)

Why You Should Use An Intra-Workout Drink During Your Workouts
Boost your workouts with the right intra-workout drink.
For those of us who engage in regular workouts, we all know those staple supplements to use, however, an intra-workout drink is something to take your gains to the next level. Pre-workouts, protein powders, creatine, and all of those other great supplements can work to build muscle, offer energy, enhance focus, and increase our overall strength in efforts to pump up our physique. But what about the middle of your workout?
It seems that supplements work on multiple fronts, whether that be our pre- or post-workout needs, but we often neglect to realize that much of our success comes during our workouts, and that is when our bodies need the most attention. What you will find with a great intra-workout supplement is the ability to push through fatigue and keep that energy high throughout the entirety of the workout. It can be debilitating to get into your workout only to lose energy, focus, and ultimately, motivation.
We’ll talk intra-workout supplements below and why it is necessary to use an intra-workout drink for those workout goals. With the right approach to all things intra-workout, you can better prepare yourself for what is to come during those grueling workouts.
What Is An Intra-Workout Drink?
An intra-workout drink is typically a supplement that you drink throughout the entirety of your workout in order to give you fuel and that extra boost needed to continue working hard. For those longer, more steady workouts, these can keep your body fueled to push through fatigue and keep you motivated to get that workout done. This could be a long run or bike ride for example.
Related: BCAAs vs. EAAs: Will They Help With Muscle Growth?
On the other hand, maybe your workout is a bit shorter and you need to focus on getting through it with as much energy as possible while also starting to build muscle. Intra-workouts, or at least the right one, can work well for you here. What is important for both of these here is that this supplement works to help kickstart recovery so you actually see those gains you want most.
Benefits Of An Intra-Workout Drink
The benefits of an intra-workout drink go a long way and can greatly impact all of those areas you need help with. What you will find with an intra-workout beverage is that you can better tackle those fitness goals while also keeping your health in mind with these many great benefits.
Benefits of an intra-workout drink include:
Better muscle growth: Work to repair, grow, and add new muscle tissue while aiding in the process of protein synthesis (1).
Less fatigue: Raise serotonin levels to keep energy high and not suffer from any fatigue (2).
Reduced muscle soreness: Lower enzymes that play a role in exercise-induced damage to improve recovery and alleviate any unwanted soreness (3).
Prevent muscle wasting: Help your muscles by restoring lost amino acids that keep your body primed and ready to go.
Sustained energy for longer sessions: For those longer training session, most likely cardio based, this will help with that sustained energy so you can complete your workout with no problem.
Kickstart recovery: An essential part of your routine, working to get recovery going is an important step to effective growth (4).
Related: When To Take BCAA Supplements For The Best Results
Why You Should Use An Intra-Workout Drink During Your Workouts
Bodybuilders and strength athletes, and any fitness goer who cares about results for that matter, can benefit from an intra-workout drink. Given the above benefits, it would be hard not to want to take this supplement as an effective way to see the best gains possible.
Muscle growth seems like a no brainer, given that is what we all want to see most, especially as we tone and work to develop our shredded aesthetics. On top of that, less muscle wasting ensures we keep on that lean muscle and don’t sacrifice any of those gains we work so hard for. Less fatigue and muscle soreness only ensure we continue to push hard through our workouts so we see the best gains possible while also taking advantage of a great workout routine.
Finally, and this is something many of us may take for granted, is the fact that this works to help boost recovery and kickstart that for the better. By taking advantage of recovery before you actually begin your process is one step into seeing massive gains that you may otherwise not see.
Are Intra-Workouts Safe?
Intra-workouts are generally safe for use, but it is important to always look at the nutrition label and make sure it is a product you should be taking given your lifestyle and health needs. Always consult a doctor or expert if you have further questions on if a supplement is right for you though.
Featured Intra-Workout Supplement
We wanted to share a great intra-workout drink and supplement that can help your gains come to life. A premium product will be worth taking and you will see great results.
National Bodybuilding Co. Pro Contest BCAA
National Bodybuilding Co. Pro Contest BCAA is great for improving strength, endurance, and recovery. Naturally sourced ingredients are put into an awesome formula for the best results.
National Bodybuilding Co. Pro Contest BCAA is one of those supplements you need to upgrade strength, endurance, and recovery faster than before. Naturally sourced ingredients and a side effect free guarantee, this formula will work to build muscle and recovery, stop muscle breakdown, boost athletic performance, and is great for all types of training. Tested and formulated from clinical studies, this supplement is safe for all your performance and recovery needs. By elevating your overall athletic lifestyle and keeping you going, National Bodybuilding Co. Pro Contest BCAA is the best for reducing fatigue and keeping you going strong.
Price: $38.00
Check out our list of the Best BCAA Supplements for more great intra-workout products!
Wrap Up
An intra-workout drink is something you can really benefit from as you look to capitalize on all your workouts. The right supplement can work for better muscle growth, enhanced energy, better focus, and will help kickstart recovery so you see the best gains. Check out a high-quality intra-workout drink today and work to boost your workouts.
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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
Negro, M.; et al. (2008). “Branched-chain amino acid supplementation does not enhance athletic performance but affects muscle recovery and the immune system”. (source)
Blomstrand, E. (2006). “A role for branched-chain amino acids in reducing central fatigue”. (source)
Shimomura, Yoshiharu; et al. (2006). “Nutraceutical Effects of Branched-Chain Amino Acids on Skeletal Muscle”. (source)
VanDusseldorp, T.; et al. (2018). “Effect of Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation on Recovery Following Acute Eccentric Exercise”. (source)

Best Non-Dairy Beef Protein: MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate
With a brand-new Rocket Pop flavor and high-quality beef protein, is this non-dairy protein dominant above all?
Product Overview
Most of us get so used to whey protein that all other options don’t even cross our minds. For those who follow a plant-based diet, you obviously gravitate towards those vegan powders to avoid dairy and not deal with any of those unwanted side effects. But what if we told you there was a protein powder that wasn’t dairy or plant-based. In fact, one that uses beef protein as its primary source. MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate is a non-dairy and fast digesting protein supplement that is changing the protein powder game.
We know what a protein powder does for our gains. It helps us build muscle, especially after those grueling workouts where our muscles beg for protein and fuel. In efforts to repair those torn and damaged muscle fibers, protein works for better recovery and increases the strength and size of our muscles as a result. And depending on your goals, protein powders can either help you bulk or lean out. Regardless, a protein supplement needs to be in your routine and a high-quality product like Carnivor can do all of this and much more.
Carnivor is a 100% beef protein isolate that is fast digesting and great tasting for an effective non-dairy protein supplement.
MuscleMeds has pushed the boundaries in the sports nutrition game for over a decade and relies on innovation and premium ingredients to produce the best supplements for bodybuilders, strength and high-performance athletes. Focusing on those who seek to enhance training, build muscle faster, and perform at their best, MuscleMeds puts a focus on what counts so you see results.
Main Takeaways
23g of hydrolyzed beef protein that is fast digesting and easy on your stomach
Non-dairy to avoid dairy and unpleasant side effects
Great flavors like their new one, Rocket Pop
What Is Lactose Intolerance?
MuscleMeds puts a real focus on Carnivor being non-dairy because the protein powder market is so saturated by whey protein. And while those plant-based proteins do exist for those sensitive to dairy, Carnivor is on a whole new level with significantly higher amounts of amino acids than plant-based proteins.
Nearly 70% of the global population is lactose intolerant. This intolerance is likely genetic and occurs because your body fails to reduce and breakdown lactase, the chemical that works to help digest dairy. Symptoms include things like stomach discomfort and cramps, among others, and with Carnivor being a non-dairy protein supplement, not only do you get something that is fast digesting, but you have an option with an advantage over whey and casein.
How To Tell If You Are Lactose Intolerant
If you are lactose intolerant, you will feel symptoms within a reasonable time frame after eating or drinking anything containing lactose. Many people experience some sort of bloating and stomach discomfort from drinking whey protein. Typical symptoms of lactose intolerance include:
Stomach cramps
Carnivor Highlights
MuscleMeds Carnivore Beef Protein Isolate is a revolutionary protein supplement that is well-researched and clinically tested to improve muscle gains and aid in your overall protein goals. Using 23g of hydrolyzed beef protein, this is 350% more concentrated in amino acids than steak and is fast digesting to make it easier on your stomach. Being non-dairy gives athletes the opportunity to get a dairy-free product that will still produce gains, potentially at an even better rate.
In fact, it was shown in studies between whey protein and Carnivor that this beef protein isolate supplement is not only comparable to whey but slightly better. Athletes consuming Carnivor had 3.8% higher gains to lower body strength, nearly a 1% increase in body lean mass gains, and that Carnivor had a higher release in total amino acids levels than whey protein concentrate.
Carnivor Vs. Whey Lower Body Strength Graph
Carnivor Vs. Whey Body Lean Mass Gains Graph
Carnivor Vs. Whey Total Amino Acid Levels Graph
Carnivor has some very good clinical data which supports its effectiveness. Perhaps the most compelling data is from a study conducted in 2015 at the University of Tampa. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of post workout consumption of 46 grams (two scoops) Carnivor beef protein isolate on athletes . The results of the study showed the athletes consuming Carnivor gained an amazing 7.7 lbs. of lean muscle in 8 weeks (1).
This protein supplement undergoes a 6-stage purification process to ensure the highest quality protein source. What you will find is a low calorie (just 110) protein powder with 23g of protein, 4g carbs, and 0g fat to power your gains and give you real results.
Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate: Shown to increase muscle mass and show effective lean body mass change while offering no stomach discomfort like whey protein sources (1,2).
BCAAs: May work to ignite muscle protein synthesis, decrease soreness, and push through fatigue. It may also help prevent muscle protein breakdown (3,4).
Glutamine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate (GKG): Can help you build muscle and may increase energy for better workouts.
Ornithine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG): May improve performance by working to strengthen muscles and prevent muscle loss (5).
Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG): May increase athletic performance through improving energy and reducing fatigue and muscle loss (6).
Other Ingredients
Alpha-Ketoisocaproate (KIC), Maltodextrin, Cocoa, Natural And Artificial Flavors, Salt, Silica, Acesulfame Potassium, Xantham Gum, Sunflower Lecithin, Sucralose, Antifoam
Rocket Pop, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Vanilla Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Strawberry, Fruit Punch
Number Of Servings
Price, Flavors & Effectiveness
MuscleMeds Carnivore Beef Protein Isolate is that non-dairy protein powder great for those seeking a high-quality protein option without worrying about any digestive issues or discomfort while still seeing gains. With 56 servings per container, 1 scoop of this protein will pump you with premium beef protein isolate for serious gains.
Great flavors in Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Vanilla Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Strawberry, Fruit Punch, and their brand-new Rocket Pop will ensure you never grow bored of the taste.
23g of hydrolyzed beef protein isolate
Non-dairy to eliminate any dairy concerns or discomfort
Fast digesting and clean ingredients
Great flavors
Could have better mixability
Price: $69.74
Who Should Buy & Who Shouldn’t Buy
Who Should Buy: Those looking to avoid dairy and who want a revolutionary source of protein. Bodybuilders and high-performing athletes who want the best for their gains with a nutritional, non-dairy and great tasting protein powder.
Who Shouldn’t Buy: Those who wouldn’t buy are probably those who don’t want to stray away from their protein powder.
How Best To Take Carnivor
When taking Carnivor, MuscleMeds advises to mix 1 scoop of this powder with 6-8 fl. oz. of cold water in a shaker bottle. For the best mixing, give it a good shake and enjoy!
Overall Value
MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate is a high-quality beef protein isolate powder with clean and effective ingredients and great flavors. A revolutionary approach to the protein powder market, MuscleMeds has gone outside the box and sought to create something that elevates gains for bodybuilders and high-performance athletes. What you are really getting is a high-quality, non-dairy protein powder designed for results with clean ingredients and great flavors. Try MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate and take advantage of a revolutionary and non-dairy protein powder today.
Try MuscleMeds Carnivor Beef Protein Isolate Today
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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of MuscleMeds and Envato
Sharp, M.; et al. (2015). “The effects of beef protein isolate and whey protein isolate supplementation on lean mass and strength in resistance trained individuals – a double-blind, placebo controlled study”. (source)
Valenzuela, P.; et al. (2019). “Does Beef Protein Supplementation Improve Body Composition and Exercise Performance? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials”. (source)
Blomstrand, E. (2006). “A role for branched-chain amino acids in reducing central fatigue”. (source)
Blomstrand, E.; et al. (2006). “Branched-chain amino acids activate key enzymes in protein synthesis after physical exercise”. (source)
Walrand, S. (2010). “Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate: could it be a new therapeutic option for sarcopenia?”. (source)
Cai, X.; et al. (2018). “α-Ketoglutarate prevents skeletal muscle protein degradation and muscle atrophy through PHD3/ADRB2 pathway”. (source)

What Can The Best Greens Powder Do For Your Gains?
The best super greens powder can enhance gains and keep you healthy overall.
For those of us athletes, we are constantly pushing our bodies to the max and with great supplements out there to help, the best greens powder can do a lot for our gains. What you will find is that even with a well-structured diet, often times those vital nutrients can be missed which can negatively affect our health and performance. But not anymore. With a quality super greens product those needs can be taken of with no problem.
The right nutrients can be hard to come by and with our diet, we may find ourselves constantly chasing various vitamins and minerals. But having them all in one place can be a game changer and that is why athletes and fitness folks alike gravitate towards multivitamins and super greens supplements.
Let’s take a look at what makes the best super greens powder so you can enhance those gains and stay healthy overall. With the right supplement on your shelf, you will tackle those goals in no time. Plus, you will never be short on any nutrients again.
Benefits Of Super Greens
The benefits of super greens are important to know for these can ensure no nutrient deficiencies and will work to provide optimal health and performance. By knowing what you will get out of super greens, you may feel more inclined to give the best greens powder a try.
Help weight loss: Work to suppress appetite and cravings while still giving your body the energy it needs to perform and stay healthy overall (1).
Increase energy levels: Consisting of slow-release carbs and proteins, super greens can provide consistent energy supply throughout the day for the best results.
Improve gut health: Provide necessary enzymes to aid in digestion and help your gut break down food for more maximum nutrient extraction and absorption.
Fill you with antioxidants: Help fight oxidative damage in the body from free radicals by pumping you with antioxidants (2).
Act as a vegetable substitute: While you should always try and eat whole foods, super greens can act as a solid substitute for vegetables missed in your diet so you get all those vitamins and minerals.
Why Use A Super Greens Supplement
Using a super greens supplement will provide the above benefits while also filling in any nutrient gaps missed with whole foods. As athletes always pushing our bodies to the limit, what you will find is your body is quickly depleted of necessary fuel to power you through the day. Working with supplements like multivitamins and super greens ensures those valuable nutrients are never forgotten about.
Related: Top Reasons Why You Should Use Super Greens Supplements
As bodybuilders looking to shred and cut down fat, we often structure our diets in such a way that may miss a vital nutrient or two. By working with the best greens powder you will optimize performance and improve your overall health.
The best greens powder can really enhance your gains by pumping you with often missed nutrients and offering benefits like energy and improved gut health to not only improve performance, but also increase your overall health. And as bodybuilders and athletes constantly pushing the limits, this is never a bad thing.
How To Find The Best Greens Powder
Finding the best greens powder can be challenging, but it is not impossible. It takes knowing what to look for and what can best help tackle those goals. The best greens powder will first come from a reputable company, for this ensures quality and a trusted source, considering it is affecting your health and performance.
Like any supplement, you want to make sure the ingredients are from only best sources and that the nutrition label properly reflects what is in the product. This keeps transparency high so you know exactly what is in your super greens product. To go with this, some companies will offer great flavors, but it is important that you check the sugar content and make sure nothing artificial is in there to ruin what would be otherwise a great product.
Related: Best Muscle Building Fruits & Vegetables For The Best Gains
Also, make sure you know what you are looking for out of your super greens supplement. If your goal is weight loss, look to see if there is a company making a greens powder targeted for that. If it is even more energy, maybe look in that direction. It helps knowing your goals and having the right blueprint for these supplement can go a long way in the end as you look to improve training and see those results you want most.
Featured Super Greens Supplement
We wanted to share a top greens powder so you can feel confident in your ability to perform inside and out of the gym without worrying about a poorly made product. This supplement is trusted and produced with the highest quality ingredients to only impact you in a positive way.
Transparent Labs WellnessSeries Prebiotic Greens
Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off
Transparent Labs WellnessSeries Prebiotic Greens is a mineral rich and nutritious prebiotic greens supplement. Two parts to this formula works to maximize nutrient utilization as effectively as possible.
Transparent Labs WellnessSeries Prebiotic Greens offers a solid mineral rich and nutritious prebiotic supplement to maximize nutrient utilization. With two parts to this formula, their Algae Greens delivers much needed vitamins and minerals to aid in detoxification and their Prebiotic Fibers will provide healthy gut fibers to maximize this nutrient utilization. With clean ingredients and a transparent formula, Transparent Labs takes pride in knowing their product is geared towards the needs of the consumer with no ulterior motive.
Price: $39.99
Check out our list of the Best Super Greens Supplements for more great products!
Wrap Up
The best greens powder doesn’t have to be hard to come by if you look in the right spot. By putting an emphasis on what matters and giving yourself the best chance at seeing success, the best super green supplement will work to kill any deficiencies and give you the best chance at health and performance success. Give a good greens product a try and see what it can do for all your goals today as you look to optimize both health and performance.
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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Envato
National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. “Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss”. (source)
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. “Antioxidants: In Depth”. (source)

Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner Review
Everything you need to know about Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner supplement.
Product Overview
If a good fat burner is working for you, you will feel lean and see that desired physique pop. But finding that right fat burner supplement can be hard with so many on the market. Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner is one that can offer great results while keeping you healthy and looking great.
While there is no magic fat burning pill, PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner is great for those looking to lose weight fast without sacrificing muscle in order to achieve that toned physique. There are three ways to lose fat being increased metabolic rate, the suppression of hunger cravings, and a lifestyle that you can enjoy.
Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off
Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great burner to expedite weight loss in 3 ways. A 100% honest label ensures quality ingredients and optimal effectiveness.
Like many fat burning supplements, PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner will provide you with all three to make your weight loss goals attainable and fun in the process for an enjoyable weight loss lifestyle.
With no added artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives, Transparent Labs prides themselves on a transparent and honest label to ensure you get the highest quality ingredients with no hidden formulas. Each product has clean ingredients at clinically effective doses.
Transparent Labs products are manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility in Utah that is certified current good manufacturing processes (CGMP) and registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). With each product third party tested, the quality remains high and your buying experience becomes easy and affordable.
Transparent Labs Fat Burner Highlights
PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner offers the benefit of increased fat loss while also maintaining that lean muscle mass you’ve worked hard for in the gym. With 9 simple ingredients and no additional artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives, you can find comfort in a clean and trustworthy fat burner. The easy-to-swallow veggie capsules make this product easy and convenient for all of your needs.
This product will increase your metabolic rate to levels that healthy nutrition cannot do alone, while also suppressing your appetite and hunger cravings to avoid snacking and keep you feeling great. While the physical benefits alone make this product unique, the effects on reducing mental and physical stress are perfect to curb the jitters and keep you in a healthy state of mind to power through fat loss.
Ingredients To Lose Fat, Maintain Muscle & More
Forslean, consisting of 10% forskolin, is a high quality extract that aids in fat loss. It can stimulate the release of fatty acids and works as an herbal metabolism booster. Aside from aiding in weight loss and changing your body composition, it can also increase bone mass and testosterone levels (1).
Green tea and the benefits surrounding it have been studied for a long time and is known to decrease fat synthesis and increase glucose utilization (2). It also increases your metabolic rate to keep your body burning calories efficiently to lose weight for the most effective weight loss. This will also help with normal caffeine consumption, so you don’t take in too much caffeine.
5-HTP stands for 5-hydroxytryptophan and is good for curbing cravings to suppress appetite and can result in a decrease in your caloric intake (3) and aid in weight loss and those fat loss efforts with an increase calorie burn.
L-tyrosine improves your fat loss outcome by working as an anti-stress amino acid. It can reduce the amount of mental and physical decline that results from poor sleep and high-level performance (4), providing positive impact when it comes to stress and cognitive decline.
L-theanine is commonly found in green tea and works to reduce jitters and increase focus (5) to keep your workouts or daily routine running smoothly. It also works to increase serotonin and dopamine levels to increase mood.
Other Ingredients
While the ingredients listed above make up the large part of PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner, other ingredients are present as well, including: caffeine anhydrous, white willow, cayenne pepper, and synephrine. These all aid in the fat loss process to suppress appetite, increase your metabolic rate, and help with caloric expenditure, raising your energy levels, and stimulating thermogenesis (6, 7). All of these ingredients are quality tested and clinically-dosed to ensure a healthy formula and a solid fat burner for your fat loss needs.
Number Of Servings
Serving Size
2 Capsules
Stim Or Non-Stim
Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules with 8-10 ounces of water, twice daily, 30-60 minutes before meals.
Price & Effectiveness For Shedding Body Fat
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner is a great supplement to shred down and keep that lean muscle mass. The easy-to-swallow veggie capsules make this product very easy and convenient. With 60 servings per container and 120 capsules included at a price of $49, PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner is an easy, clean, and affordable fat burner that beats out many currently on the market.
Clean and effective ingredients
Fully transparent label
Benefits to fat loss and lean muscle mass
From a reputable company
Premium priced option
Only available on their website
Price: $49.00
How Transparent Labs Fat Burner Can Help Overweight And Obese Men Lose Weight
It is important to start this by saying you should work a fat burner into a well-structured diet and workout routine. In obese women and men, this fat burner, as listed above, may work to help things like suppressing appetite and killing unhealthy cravings while promoting more energy and thermogenic effects.
With proper nutrition, the supplement industry and those products can be helpful, however, physical activity is advised and one should know that supplements work differently for everyone.
If you are looking to lose more fat and operate with a reduced appetite, fat burner products may be right for you. Always consult a doctor or expert if you have questions about how this supplement may affect your overall health and wellness. For those looking to avoid caffeine, there are stim free fat burner options that may be right for you.
Sponsored Athlete
Transparent Labs welcomed strongman Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson to their team as a spokesman for their top of the line products. His famous role as “The Mountain” on HBO’s Game of Thrones is matched by his wins at the Arnold Strongman Classic, Europe’s Strongest Man, and World’s Strongest Man competitions to make him the first to win all three in the same year and hold his reign atop strongmen. Transparent Labs helps Björnsson get to where he needs to be as an elite athlete.
Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners for more great fat burning products!
Overall Value
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner is a great choice for your fat loss needs as you look to burn body fat. From a company that prides itself on transparency, you can be sure that no hidden formulas or ingredients ruin this product. For those looking to lose weight fast yet keep on that lean muscle, PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner will give you an effective product, with no fillers or additives, to keep you on track for that stellar physique. What you are really buying is a great fat burning supplement from a reputable company, that ensures benefits both inside and out of the gym. Try Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner today and get that physique you want most.
Try Transparent Labs Fat Burner Today
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Transparent Labs, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson Instagram, and Envato
Godard, Michael P.; Johnson, Brad A.; Richmond, Scott R. (2005). “Body composition and hormonal adaptations associated with forskolin consumption in overweight and obese men”. (source)
Grove, Kimberly A.; Lambert, Joshua D. (2010). “Laboratory, epidemiological, and human intervention studies show that tea (Camellia sinensis) may be useful in the prevention of obesity”. (source)
Ceci, F.; Cangiano, C.; Cairella, M.; Cascino, A.; Del Ben, M.; Muscaritoli, M.; Sibilia, L.; Rossi Fanelli, F. (1989). “The effects of oral 5-hydroxytryptophan administration on feeding behavior in obese adult female subjects”. (source)
Neri, D. F.; Wiegmann, D.; Stanny, R. R.; Shappell, S. A.; McCardie, A.; McKay, D. L. (1995). “The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness”. (source)
Smith, Jessica E. (2011). “Caffeine, theanine and anxiety: fMRI and behavioural studies”. (source)
Gutierrez-Hellin, Jorge; Del Coso, Juan (2018). “Effects of p-Synephrine and Caffeine Ingestion on Substrate Oxidation during Exercise”. (source)
Hodgson, Adrian B.; Randell, Rebecca K.; Jeukendrup, Asker E. (2013). “The Metaabolic and Performance Effects of Caffeine Compared to Coffee during Endurance Exercise”. (source)

Best Caffeine Free Pre-Workout For Clean Energy Boosts 2022
Maximize your exercise performance without the caffeine crash or jittery brain-drain.
When it comes to stimulants and the best pre workout supplements, there’s really no contest: everyone loves caffeine.
Sure, in our Adderall age, there are certainly more powerful stimulants available. However, for a more sustainable headrush with a limited risk of long-term issues, caffeine remains a reasonable choice for boosting performance, both mentally and physically, and caffeine free pre-workouts are great for this.
Because caffeine is associated with “feel good” performance enhancement, many pre-workout supplements offer generous amounts of caffeine in their formulas, as well as really great vitamins and minerals. However, many of these same supplements tend to mask their poor-quality ingredient forms and overall ineffectiveness with caffeine megadoses, making these failed supplements for those looking for a good caffeine free pre workout supplement.
A few common problems with these cheap, weak supplements include:
Jitters related to excess stimulation
Poor absorption due to excess caffeine
Low-grade creatine forms linked to gastric distress
Unhealthy, pointless synthetic flavors and artificial additives
And more. In other words, caffeine isn’t the only problem with today’s standard pre-workout formula; although, it does often distinguish effective caffeine free pre-workout stacks from ineffective formulas.
As a reliable “dopaminergic” brain booster, caffeine can be used to trick consumers into thinking an inferior, cheap pre-workout supplement is working as they misattribute the noticeable “feel good” feelings of caffeine to the formula’s efficacy.
In this guide, we cover the advantages of avoiding caffeine in your pre-workout stack, as well as how you can optimize yours with the best stim-free ingredients.
But before diving into all of that, here is a deep-dive analysis of Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout, the best all-in-one caffeine free pre workout.
Best Pre-Workout Without Caffeine: Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout
Transparent Labs Stim-Free Pre-Workout is a 100% transparent formula great for serious athletes and bodybuilders looking for a high-intensity workout experience without caffeine.
Working with key ingredients like citrulline malate, beta-alanine, taurine, and others, this is a great supplement for those intolerant or avoiding caffeine. With clinically-effective dosages, this is a safe supplement to provide for a host of benefits.
Altogether, Transparent Labs Stim-Free Pre-Workout works by:
Increasing nitric oxide to the muscles to support enhanced muscular blood flow and oxygenation, priming the “muscle pump” feel for every great workout.
Enhancing focus to give raise alertness so you stay engaged throughout the entire workout.
Boosting endurance by working as a buffer for lactic acid build up and giving you a great endurance boost.
Promoting lean muscle growth for increased strength and definition for better training, performance, and that desired aesthetic.
Plus, with a transparent label and safe, effective ingredients, you know exactly what you are putting into your body.
Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off
Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free is an amazing option for those looking for stimulant free supplements for strength training, weight loss, and improved performance. With key ingredients at effective dosages, this is a great pre-workout for anyone looking for stim-free options.
Formula Analysis
Citrulline Malate 2:1, 6,000mg
BCAA 2:1:1, 4,000mg
Beta-Alanine, 4,000mg
BetaPure Betaine Anhydrous, 2,500mg
Taurine, 1,300mg
L-Tyrosine, 1,000mg
Choline Bitartrate, 500mg
ElevATP Ancient Peat and Apple Fruit Extract, 150mg
BioPerine, 5mg
Huperzine A, 50mcg
Transparent Labs Stim-Free brings strength and endurance gains to a whole new level with a unique combination of highly potent, bioavailable, and caffeine-free pre-workout ingredients.
Compared to the standard hyper-caffeinated pre-workout supplements lining the shelves, this is a smarter, cleaner stack that provides a natural boost with all-natural, stim-free ingredients.
Plus, you don’t get those unwanted jitters or caffeine related side effects that typically ruin a great product. With no stimulants and a transparent label, this supplement also contains no artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives and is gluten-free and non-GMO to truly maximize your athletic fitness and workout performance.
Shop Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout Here
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Stack with Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB and CoreSeries Post-Workout
To maintain consistent progress with your anabolic gains, fat loss, and other fitness-related goals, stacking a caffeine free pre workout supplement with a post-workout supplement and a “rest day” stack can help. A more complete Transparent Labs stack would look like:
Stim-Free Pre-Workout– a caffeine-free pre-workout enhancer designed to boost nitric oxide, muscle strength, and endurance.
Post– a post-workout formula designed to promote anabolic muscle gains and protect against muscle breakdown.
Creatine HMB– a creatine supplement perfect for restoring depleted muscle tissue and increasing strength.
Transparent Labs CoreSeries Post-Workout
Formula Analysis
L-Glutamine, 5,000mg
Betaine Anhydrous, 2,500mg
L-Carnitine L-Tartrate, 2,000mg
Beta-Alanine, 2,000mg
Tart Cherry Powder, 500mg
Astragin, 25mg
Transparent Labs Post is a great post-workout supplement to maximize muscle growth and see results immediately. Working to optimize recovery and muscle repair, the body needs targeted nutrients to fully recharge that are backed by science. With Post, you get great ingredients working together for the best results.
Altogether, the benefits of Post include:
Bolster nitric oxide production
Reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness
Facilitate protein synthesis
Enhance insulin sensitivity
Prime your body for growth and recovery
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Transparent Labs CoreSeries Post is a great supplement to optimize recovery and muscle repair with 6 great ingredients. Paired well with any protein supplement, this can ensure big gains are met.
Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB
Formula Analysis
Creapure Creatine Monohydrate, 5,000mg
B-Hydroxy B-Methylbutyrate (HMB), 1,500mg
BioPerine Black Pepper Extract, 5mg
Transparent Labs Creatine HMB will work to boost performance without losing those hard-earned gains. The added ingredient of HMB along with creatine works in tandem to promote growth, recovery, and provide for the best results possible. BioPerine is exactly what you need to increase absorption so nothing goes to waste.
Altogether, the benefits of Creatine HMB include:
Promote strength and lean muscle
Increase endurance
Prevent lean muscle loss
Decrease fat mass
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Transparent Labs Creatine HMB is clean and effective for tackling all of your strength building needs. With no artificial additives or preservatives, what you get is pure creatine with added HMB for better strength.
The World’s Favorite Drug: Caffeine
Coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, energy shots, pre workout supplements, fat loss supplements, nootropic supplements, energy-boosting gum pack—more and more, it seems like caffeine is sneaking its way into everything these days. And from a seller’s point of view, this makes sense: caffeine makes people feel great, and people buy things that make them feel good (1).
What’s more, caffeine makes people feel good in a reliable way that’s relatively safe to other habit-forming stimulants and quote-unquote “drugs.”
As a naturally occurring compound, caffeine is found in roughly sixty different plant species, including (2):
Coffee Beans
Tea Leaves
Cocoa Beans
Kola Nuts
Yerba Maté
Guarana Berries
Yaupon Holly
Which is interesting and all, but the more important question here is:
What Exactly Is Caffeine?
Caffeine, or 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine (if you want to get fancy with it), is an alkaloid, which means that its chemical structure is predominated by nitrogen. Pure caffeine is highly water-soluble and can, thus, act rapidly on the brain and body after ingestion without aid of fatty foods (as is the case with fat-soluble compounds) (3). Those sensitive to this strong stimulant would require a caffeine free pre workout for muscle building and lean muscle.
Structurally, caffeine is similar to adenosine, a compound that binds with adenosine receptors to induce cognitive drowsiness and fatigue. Which gives us the perfect segue into the more important question:
What Exactly Does Caffeine Do?
Caffeine, as a compound structurally similar to adenosine, binds to adenosine receptors to block the drowsiness of adenosine. In other words, caffeine achieves its stimulatory properties on the central nervous system (CNS) through its inhibitory effects on adenosine, resulting in a boost on:
Catecholamines – dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, etc. (4).
Adrenal Activity– encouraging the release of stress hormone cortisol (5).
Dopamine Signaling – in high dosages (300+ mg), caffeine may increase the availability of dopamine receptors (6).
The Pros Vs. Cons Of Caffeine For Exercise
Several factors largely determine the advantageous vs. disadvantageous use of caffeine or caffeine free pre workout supplements for the best performance enhancement. However, perhaps the two most important factors are:
Dosage – the amount of caffeine per serving
Timing– when you take caffeine (i.e., morning or night?)
Caffeine Sensitivity– your personal tolerance to stimulants
Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, and therefore they require smaller dosages to reach peak effect. Others may feel like they need to guzzle a significant amount of caffeine just to reach their cognitive baseline so knowing the pros and cons is huge.
Pro #1 – Cognitive Performance
As a dopaminergic stimulant, caffeine may heighten mood and intensity for greater mental motivation in the gym. Taken prior to exercise, caffeine may help ward off mental fatigue in service of a more alert, more ready mindset.
Study: in a placebo-controlled study on caffeine consumption on judo athletes, morning caffeine ingestion was suggested to have “ergogenic properties with the potential to benefit performance, increase anxiety and vigor, and decrease the simple reaction time” (7).
Con #1 – Anxiety, Nervousness, and Jitteriness
Conversely, the mood- and intensity-boosting advantages of caffeine may also tip over into cognitive impairment by promoting anxiety, nervousness, and jitteriness, which is where a great caffeine free pre-workout would come in handy. Encouraging mental arousal, caffeine may often encourage too much arousal, throwing the mind into a scatterbrained state of anxiety that can be detrimental to athletic performance that requires cool composure.
Study: under conditions of anxiety disorder, caffeine consumption may exacerbate anxiety symptoms, potentially as a consequence of increased sensitivity to caffeine associated with anxiety disorder (8). Abstaining from caffeine altogether may significantly help maintain a level head under such conditions.
Pro #2 – Thermogenic Fat Loss
In addition to boosting cognitive arousal, caffeine’s stimulatory effects also seem to boost thermogenesis, or fat burning. By encouraging the activity of “fight or flight” catecholamines and stress hormones, caffeine seems to heighten the body’s energy expenditure capacity, potentially resulting in greater fat loss results during workouts.
Study: in one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 100, 200, and 400 mg caffeine dosages were observed to determine what happened with thermogenic, metabolic, and cardio health measures. The results: caffeine dose-dependently increased thermogenic energy expenditure in association with increased plasma lactate and triglyceride levels (9).
Con #2 – Poor Sleep Quality
Nothing disrupts performance, endurance, and metabolic health quite like sleep deprivation. Contributing to a wide range of metabolic disorders and performance decrements, poor sleep quality is often associated with excess caffeine use and you won’t necessarily feel these effects with a caffeine free pre workout. And the relationship between the two is a downward spiral: caffeine promotes sleep deprivation, which encourages further caffeine use, and so on.
Study: comparing the sleep disruptive effects of caffeine administered at 0, 3, and 6 hours prior to bedtime, a group of researchers observed that “caffeine taken 6 hours before bedtime has important disruptive properties on sleep and provides empirical support for sleep hygiene recommendations to refrain from substantial caffeine use for a minimum of 6 hours prior to bedtime” (10).
Pro #3 – Vasoconstriction
Caffeine has a vasoconstrictive effect, meaning that this stimulant promotes the constriction of blood vessels, thereby decreasing blood flow. While this sounds like a negative (as we’ll get into in “Con #3” below), caffeine’s vasoconstriction may potentially have a pain-relieving effect on headaches, namely headaches associated with excessive flow to the brain.
Study: as one study on caffeine’s vascular mechanisms of action suggests, “caffeine has some cardiovascular properties and effects which could be considered beneficial,” (11) involving the association between decreased cerebral circulation and migrainous headache.
Con #3 – Vasoconstriction
One of the main reasons we take pre-workout supplements: boost circulation. And so, naturally, the vasoconstriction of caffeine are typically viewed as a negative when it comes to performance enhancement. Whether we’re talking nootropic cognitive enhancers or bodybuilder pre-workout stacks, the goal is to boost blood flow, not inhibit it and caffeine free pre workouts are great for this.
Study: in one 2009 study on the effects of daily caffeine use on cerebral blood flow, caffeine was shown to reduce cerebral blood flow by an average 27%, (12) which may significantly impact cognition and goes against the vasodilatory aims of pre-workout N.O. boosters.
Okay, So Is Caffeine A Legitimate Performance Enhancer?
Based on the study’s compiled above, the best performance enhancement potential of caffeine significantly depends upon how much caffeine you use, your personal caffeine tolerance, and when you take caffeine (i.e., how close to bedtime) so if sensitive, a caffeine free pre workout would be the way to go.
Of course, much of this is common sense.
But with a better understanding of how caffeine affects your mental and physical performance, you may make a smarter decision as to whether or not you want a caffeine free pre-workout supplement (or any stack for that matter).
An Optional Source Of Pre-Workout Caffeine: Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK Pre-Workout
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Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK is backed by science with clinically effective dosages to increase muscle size and mass. This pre-workout is perfect for reducing fatigue, aiding in muscle growth, and boosting energy levels for better overall performance.
Transparent Labs BULK is the best bulking pre-workout for those looking to gain size and increase muscle mass. With 19 active ingredients and a transparent label, this supplement contains zero artificial sweeteners, flavors, or other additives for only the best in terms of your training and performance.
Top 5 Non-Caffeinated Pre-Workout Ingredients
Whether you’re looking at a caffeinated or caffeine free pre-workout supplement, some of the best pre-workout ingredients you need to look for include:
#1) Creatine
An organic compound highly concentrated in tissue, creatine works as precursor fuel for the natural production of ATP energy, a cleaner, more natural energy source than the stimulatory effects of caffeine. As a dietary supplement, it boosts exercise performance by (13,14):
Replenishing exercise-depleted ATP energy
Stimulating insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)
Buffering muscular lactic acid build-up for better endurance
Because creatine concentrates in muscle tissue, ongoing supplementation is required for creatine to reach peak saturation and, thus, peak ergogenic effect.
Best Pre-Workout Creatine: Creapure® pH10
Creapure® pH10 is 99.5% pure creatine monohydrate
pH-balanced to enhance bioavailability
Clean and easy-to-absorb to reduce bloating and gastric distress
#2) Beta-Alanine
A well-known sports nutrition aid, namely for the skin-tingling sensation associated with it, Beta-Alanine replenishes levels of carnosine, a dipeptide molecule, in muscle tissue, namely fast-twitch fibers for increased strength and power during high-intensity exercise. Consistently loading and maintaining, carnosine benefits performance and recuperation by (15):
Delaying onset fatigue and failure
Enhancing overall strength and stamina
Neutralizing exercise-induced free radicals
Inhibiting advanced glycation end-products (AGEs)
Buffering the impact of damaging acids
And more. The strength and endurance benefits of beta-alanine are unmatched and pair incredibly well with the endurance-boosting advantages of creatine supplementation and caffeine free pre workout.
Best Pre-Workout Beta-Alanine: CarnoSyn®
CarnoSyn® is the only beta-alanine with NDI (New Dietary Ingredient) status
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)
Well-backed by years of clinical research
#3) L-Citrulline + L-Glutathione
L-Citrulline is an amino acid that, once absorbed, converts in the body to L-arginine, a nitric oxide (N.O.) booster that enhances muscular circulation, strength, and growth. In other words, L-citrulline works as your go-to pre-workout “muscle pump” booster and will help with mind-muscle connection.
Additionally, L-Glutathione is an antioxidant enzyme that, when paired with L-citrulline, benefits performance in a few ways. Combined, L-citrulline + L-glutathione work by (16):
Promoting oxygen delivery to tissue
Protecting muscle against oxidative stress
Sustaining L-citrulline’s N.O.-boosting bioactivities
Improving energy and anabolism
Strengthening immunity against gym-related challenges
And more. Stacking these two compounds may significantly boost performance and protect against the deleterious side effects of boosted performance.
Best Pre-Workout L-Citrulline + L-Glutathione: Setria® Performance Blend
Setria® Performance Blend is made by Kyowa Hakko Bio Co. Ltd., a world leader in supplement development
Kyowa Quality® L-Citrulline is exceptionally clean and bioavailable
Setria® is an advanced glutathione form that pairs well with Kyowa Quality® L-Citrulline
#4) Maritime Pine Bark Extract
Formed by the harsh salty climes of the sea, maritime pine bark extract supplies proanthocyanidins, a potent class of antioxidants that:
Promote endothelial production of nitric oxide (N.O.)
Protect muscle tissue during intense training
Boost long-term cognitive attentional performance
Look for maritime pine bark extract standardized to 95% proanthocyanidins for optimal results with this unique performance enhancing herbal extract.
#5) Himalayan Pink Salt
Hydration is key to muscle growth, and, yet, when it comes to rehydration, we tend to overlook the importance of electrolytes to sustaining healthy H2O levels. As a natural source of electrolyte trace minerals, Himalayan Pink Salt is a smart choice for restoring sweat-depleted electrolytes when taken in a pre-workout context.
Frankly, our caffeine options are far from limited. If you want caffeine, you can get some. Odds are you’re enjoying a hot cup (or a cold can) of caffeine right now, as you read this, so looking for a caffeine free pre workout or one with caffeine is the choice you have to make.
However, what is hard to come by is a real-deal health and fitness supplement that genuinely supports athletic health and fitness. And with its all-natural, hard-hitting ergogenics packed in its caffeine-free pre-workout formula, Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout certainly fits the bill.
What’s more, Transparent Labs Stim-Free can be synergistically stacked with other top supplements in Transparent Labs Creatine HMB and Post-Workout.
The point isn’t to completely force you into a caffeine-free workout, but to grant you the option. Head to Transparent Labs to see more formulas with PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout.
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Images courtesy of Transparent Labs and Envato
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