Tag: Talking Huge

Talking Huge | EP 16: Craig Golias Reacts To The Olympia 2021 Results
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Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin break down the full results for the Olympia 2021 weekend.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias shares his thoughts on the Olympia 2021 results across highlight divisions, follows up on George Peterson’s passing, and more.
Last weekend held the Olympia 2021 weekend event. Known as the Super Bowl of bodybuilding, this was the largest version of the competition yet. It held 11 divisions including the new Wellness category. Needless to say it was a star studded affair with excitement around every corner.
Last week, Craig Golias made his predictions for the Men’s Open division of the Olympia 2021. Now looking back at his predictions compared to the results – he was correct about four of the top five placings at the Mr. Olympia 2021. We spend most of this episode digging into the details about the results of that lineup plus Craig’s reaction to the winners of other key divisions such as the Men’s 212 and Classic Physique categories. Let’s jump into it in our latest episode of Talking Huge.
Big Ramy, Hunter Labrada, and Nick Walker’s Mr. Olympia future
Craig Golias predicted that Big Ramy would be first place. He was also correct in placing Brandon Curry at second, Hadi Choopan in third, and Nick Walker in fifth place. His only misstep was the fourth place prediction. Hunter Labrada ended up taking that spot – and pulled ahead against his contemporary Nick Walker.
Craig Golias was shocked at Hunter Labrada’s physique and placing – giving the athletes props for his impressive improvements and showing on the Olympia stage. He thinks both Hunter Labrada and Nick Walker’s placings show promise for these two athletes – and expects to see them as consistent top five athletes for years to come.
As for Big Ramy, Craig Golias isn’t 100% sure if he will be able to continue his reign in the long term. He felt that Ramy has showcased better conditioning in the past – and that if he is to maintain his first place finish, he will have to show significantly better improvements in future Olympia competitions. Craig Golias wouldn’t be surprised if Ramy falls from his first place spot as early as next year. With his predictions being so accurate this year – let’s bookmark his comments here to see if they hold up in 2022.
Derek Lunsford and Chris Bumstead at the Olympia 2021
Craig Golias also spoke with Vlad Yudin about his thoughts on the Men’s 212 and Classic Physique results. He believed that both winners were the right call by the judges. Derek Lunsford was his favorite on the stage that night and he believed that his classic look mixed with a mass monster mentality made for a superior physique. He also felt that Chris Bumstead is proving himself to be the unbeatable player in Classic Physique division.
Unlike Big Ramy, Craig Golias believes that Bumstead will be a long running champion n the Olympia for years to come. He will be the legend that all other Classic Physique competitors aspire to match up to or succeed past. Now that we are well past the baby stages of this division – it seems we very well may have our first long term reigning icon in the category.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. Craig Golias also follows up on his further thoughts regarding George Peterson’s death – and how that might affect the world of bodybuilding’s future among other interesting topics. You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

Talking Huge | EP 15: Craig Golias’ Honest Predictions For Olympia 2021
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Craig Golias breaks down his no bullsh*t predictions for the Mr. Olympia 2021.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias makes his Olympia 2021 predictions, shares his thoughts on Michal Krizo, and briefly reflects on the tragic passing of George Peterson.
Talking Huge had to unfortunately skip some episodes due to technical difficulties while both Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin were on business travel. Now that both are settled back into the studio – the two of them catch up on all events since the Arnold Classic 2021 and look ahead to this weekend’s Mr. Olympia competition. As somewhat of an outsider to professional bodybuilding – Golias’ predictions are interesting indeed. Will they come true? Let’s jump into the episode.
Craig Golias’ Bold Mr. Olympia 2021 Predictions
Craig Golias will be attending the Mr. Olympia 2021 in person this year. We were able to touch base right before he left for our episode of Talking Huge. With the Olympia only days away – we asked Craig what his thoughts were on the lineup. He had very specific opinions on who would land where in the top six. Some of his picks might not be what you expect.
But Craig Golias is also not completely crazy. He still settles on Big Ramy landing the top spot for a repeat win. While this is not guaranteed – it’s a thought that many analysis, fans, and athletes expect for the weekend event. It’s only after the Big Ramy first spot that Craig’s predictions start to get interesting.
Craig strongly believes that Hadi Choopan will be able to rise up and place second above the rest of the pack. Choopan has proven that his smaller stature cannot stop him from succeeding in the Men’s Open division. Second place would be the highest rank yet – can he really pull it off?
Craig Golias then places Brandon Curry in third, William Bonac in fourth, and Nick Walker in fifth. Walker is an interesting choice. Many fans hope for him to do a top five finish at the Olympia – but he’s still relatively young in the game. Despite this – he did have an astronomical physique at the Arnold Classic 2021. Placing in the top five certainly is possible. Craig seems to lean on this side of things. It will be interesting to see indeed.
There’s no doubt that this year’s lineup is one of the more competitive rosters in recent memory. While Big Ramy might be a clear leader in the pack – he’s nowhere near the level of guarantee that Phil Heath used to be when he was still in his reign. There’s a lot of moving pieces this year and many new generation competitors finally coming into their own. It will be a sight to behold.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. Craig Golias also talks about his take on the Arnold Classic 2021 results, his reaction to the hype behind Elite Pro athlete Michal Krizo, and answers some fan questions. You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

Talking Huge With Craig Golias | EP 14: Will The Recent Bodybuilder Arrest Strike Fear In The Sport?
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Craig Golias reacts to the recent shocking pro bodybuilder arrest and how it might affect the sport moving forward.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias reacts to the high profile pro bodybuilding arrest, talks about the importance of rest in bodybuilding, and how to avoid bloating on a bodybuilder diet.
Just hours before hopping on to record Talking Huge, breaking news shook the bodybuilding world. A pro bodybuilder was arrested for alleged possession of steroids. Suddenly, a part of our planned conversation was shifted. The news spread fast and brought up a lot of questions. Vlad wanted to know what Craig Golias’ thoughts were on the still developing story. This topic takes up a large chunk of our recent episode conversation. But we also cover some listener questions such as how to avoid bloating, Craig’s body measurements, and more. Let’s jump right into it.
Will The Recent Pro Bodybuilding Arrest Strike Fear Into The Industry?
It’s an unwritten reality that steroid use in pro bodybuilding exists. In order to reach the freak factor massive size while also holding shredded conditioning – bodybuilders often rely on steroids and other PEDs. This, of course, is illegal under US law. But in reality, it’s often rare for a bodybuilder to actually be accused and arrested for possession of steroids.
So it came as a shock when a pro bodybuilder was arrested for just that. A shipment of “controlled substances” was shipped from Canada to Miami, Florida. The authorities caught on, tracked the package, and arrested the bodybuilder upon the package being accepted and opened.
The news spread fast throughout the bodybuilding industry. Will this arrest be an early sign of more to come? Should competitors who use PEDs be worried about getting caught? Will this shocking news story change the way the industry works? At least for a short term period?
Craig Golias isn’t too worried. In fact, he thinks most pro bodybuilders understand the safety precautions to take so that they won’t get caught. The fact that controlled substances were shipped internationally was the first red flag. Most bodybuilders know not to ship drugs internationally like that.
Craig Golias also hopes that the pro bodybuilder in question gets off with very few convictions. Craig believes that the serious arrests happen for those who are creating and selling steroids. Users often get off easy. At least, that’s what Craig believes to be true.
At the time of this episode’s release – a lot is still unknown and the story is still developing. Craig Golias is no expert (nor does he claim to be). This episode is purely his raw gut reaction to the news mere hours after it was announced.
Craig Golias Answers: How To Avoid Bloating In Bodybuilding
Craig Golias also touches upon the topic of bloating in bodybuilding. Does he ever suffer from bloating? And how does he deal with it. The unfortunately reality is that most bodybuilders have to deal with bloating. A bodybuilder diet, especially while bulking, requires a massive influx of food. This more often than not causes bloating.
So what does Craig Golias due to relieve the uncomfortable pressure of bloating? Craig often drinks a lot of water. It might feel worse at first but helps flush the bloating. Beyond that, he simply lives with it. It’s unavoidable as a bodybuilder. He makes sure to simply give himself a few hours between eating and actually training – so that he’s more comfortable while in the gym.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. Craig Golias also talks about the proper amount of sleep a bodybuilder should have per day, his body size measurements, and more! You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

Talking Huge | EP 13: Craig Golias & Vlad Yudin Debate Ronnie Coleman’s Shocking Comments
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Craig Golias shares his thoughts on Ronnie Coleman’s recent bold comments asking for diuretics to be banned from competitive bodybuilding.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias debates with Vlad Yudin about Ronnie Colemans call to ban diuretics in bodybuilding, tips to be a successful bodybuilder, and the importance of genetics.
Craig Golias has had a busy week. He has been remodeling his home and showing off the transformation on social media while also keeping tabs on the latest news in bodybuilding. The biggest news came in the form of the legendary Ronnie Coleman. In a recent interview, he bluntly claimed that diuretics kill bodybuilders and they should be drug tested and banned from the sport. Craig Golias shares his gut reactions to Ronnie’s comments. He also shares the advice he gives his new clients who want to be bodybuilders. And comments on how important genetics are to succeed in the sport.
Ronnie Coleman Calls For A Ban Of Diuretics – Is He Right?
After some a truly tragic string of deaths in the bodybuilding world, many have been speaking out about the unhealthy side of the sport. Let’s be clear up front – there has been no definitive connection between many of the too soon bodybuilder deaths as of late. Many were coincidence. But despite that – many are opening up about certain dangerous tactics athletes make to be perfect on stage.
One such tactic is the use of diuretics to be as lean and conditioned as possible on the day of a competition. Ronnie Coleman recently spoke out in an interview calling for the drug to be banned and tested in competition. Ronnie claims that it can cause deaths in bodybuilding that could have been avoided. During our latest Talking Huge conversation, we asked Craig Golias his thoughts on the matter.
Craig Golias believes that Ronnie Coleman is right. Diuretics are a very dangerous supplement that can quickly become dangerous. In a vacuum and when used correctly, diuretics cause little issue. But bodybuilders are often using many other supplements and under a unique kind of diet. This case cause accidental “overdoses” and deeply dangerous outcomes. It’s something that bodybuilders have spoken out about before on our network.
Craig Golias understands this and agrees whole heartedly with Ronnie Coleman. But he’s also cynical about a change really happening. Ultimately, he thinks nothing will change. That athletes will always do whatever they can to be the best – and take those risks.
Advice For Aspiring Bodybuilders & The Importance Of Genetics
Craig Golias also talks in depth about the kind of advice he gives clients who are just starting their bodybuilding journey. The number one tip he can give is less functional and more mental. The person needs to truly have a passion for bodybuilding and fitness. Bodybuilding is more than a sport, it’s a lifestyle. To become a bodybuilder is a 24/7 endeavor. If you’re not completely in love with bodybuilding – it will eventually wear you out. If that happens – you won’t succeed in the long run.
Sadly, Craig Golias also admits that genetics do matter. Some people may be in love with bodybuilding but have awful genetics. They can still succeed a lot – but they might not ever be able to earn something like an Olympia title. We asked Craig Golias if he could know in advance if someone has bad genetics before they start bodybuilding. He answered that it’s hard to predict. Unfortunately you can only know once you start putting yourself through the work.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. Craig Golias also talks about his recent renovations to his house, a blood test health challenge he is currently undergoing with Tony Huge, and more! You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!
Talking Huge With Craig Golias | EP 12: Which Celebrity Should Become A Bodybuilder?
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Craig Golias answers: Which celebrity would be the most entertaining to transform into a bodybuilder?
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias muses about celebrities becoming bodybuilders, shares tips on drop sets, and the artistry of social media collabs.
This past week saw a big celebrity boxing match in the form of Jake Paul vs Tyron Woodley. It was yet another exhibition match of many where an influencer or celebrity turns to the boxing ring for a big pay day. While Craig Golias did not see the fight – he did hear that there were claims the fight was fixed. It also caused him to ask the question – what if celebrities tried to become bodybuilders the same way they are training to become boxers? Craig and Vlad discuss this plus many more topics including the best tactics for drop sets, how much water should a bodybuilder drink, and his favorite genre of movies to watch. Let’s jump into it.
Which celebrity would be the most entertaining bodybuilding transformation?
Craig Golias points out that many celebrity figures have tried or trained to become boxers. While Jake and Logan Paul are two of the most recent (and successful) influencers to make this attempt – it’s not exactly a new concept. As early as the 80s there have been stunt boxing matches where an actor jumps into the ring to box a few rounds. The difference between then and today – is that the celebrities seem to be taking it very seriously.
This line of thinking brought up an interesting thought to Craig Golias – what if a celebrity seriously attempted to become a bodybuilder? Vlad Yudin agrees that the attempt would be very fascinating – and might even make a good reality show. Craig jokes that he would love to see Owen Wilson become a mass monster.
The best tactics for drop set training
Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin also discuss drop set training. Drop set training is an advanced technique that bodybuilders often use. It’s when the lifter focuses on completing a set until failure. Then, the lifter lightens the load (typically 10-30%) with no rest in between sets.
But when is the best time to use drop sets? Should all bodybuilders use this technique with every workout? Or does this lead to over-exhaustion? Craig Golias breaks down his tactics for using drop sets.
Typically, Craig’s advice is to use drop sets on weak and lagging body parts. Craig claims that bodybuilders should – “destroy the body part that is weak.” Ultimately, drop sets are the best way to help bring up lagging body parts and complete the evolution of your physique.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. Craig Golias also talks about the importance of hydration (and how much water a bodybuilder should drink daily), his latest social media collab with a boy who has a strangely large neck, and also his favorite genre of movies – including the Human Centipede francise. You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

Talking Huge With Craig Golias | EP 11: Hafthor Bjornsson Transformation & Milk Crate Challenge
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Craig Golias talks Hafthor Bjornsson’s incredible shredded transformation, the new viral milk crate challenge, and more.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias reacts to the insane shred and weightloss transformation of Hafthor Bjornsson. Other topics include the milk crate challenge and the dangers of pro bodybuilding.
Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin catch up again this week for another episode of Talking Huge debate and conversation. The biggest highlight of the week included Hafthor Bjornsson’s continued transformation from titan strongman to lean and shredded boxer. As someone who values being huge above all else, Craig’s reaction to Hafthor might not be what you expect. Craig also gives his take on the new viral milk crate challenge (will he do the challenge as a 300+ mass monster?) and also the dangers of pro bodybuilding vs natural bodybuilding.
Craig Golias thinks Hafhtor Bjornsson is getting too lean
Ever since Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall announced that they would box each other – both strongmen have taken the future battle very seriously. This means losing a ton of that strongman weight and focusing on being lean. Hafthor specifically has showcased an incredible transformation. He’s lost over 100 pounds and looks shredded as a beast.
Craig Golias is certainly impressed, though for his personal taste he feels that Hafthor took the cutting a bit too far. Craig is a man who loves mass monsters and being huge. He thinks that Hafthor looked his best somewhere between his original weight and where he is now.
That being said, Craig Golias also understands that his personal taste is different than Hafthor’s goal. Since Hafthor is training to box in the ring, he needs to be as lean, fast, and agile as possible. It’s a completely different requirement than what strongman or bodybuilding entails.
Will Craig Golias do the milk crate challenge?
A new viral challenge has swept the nation. This one is called the milk crate challenge. The goal is to stack a pyramid of milk crates and have an individual walk up and then down the slope without falling. Of course, the fun part is that many people fall… and hard.
Craig Golias knew little of this challenge but watched a few clips. He finds the challenge funny and admits that the challenges seem to be getting more and more dangerous. Craig understands why the stakes keep getting raised. In this new era, people will do anything for clicks, views, and attention.
But would Craig Golias be willing to do the milk crate challenge. It would certainly be a sight to behold. Imagine a 300+ pound mass monster walking up and down those shaking crates. Craig knows that video would explode – but he’s also concerned about getting injured if he fell. He’s already currently injured with nerve damage in his arm and shoulder. Training is key to Craig’s lifestyle and brand – so he will likely avoid a challenge like this.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

Talking Huge With Craig Golias | EP 10: Bodybuilding World Reacts To Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Comments
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Craig Golias weighs in on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “screw your freedom” comments, analyzes Roelly Winklaar’s future, and more.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias reacts to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recent comments about freedom, analyzes Roelly Winklaar’s recent physique, and shares tips on how to keep motivated during training.
This past week has been another busy bodybuilding week with plenty of controversial, exciting, and sadly more tragic news. So there’s been much to talk about with Craig Golias since our last episode. The biggest story that has been making waves is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s comments about mask mandates – stating, “screw your freedom” to anti-maskers. Craig shares his personal reaction to the comments as well as how the bodybuilding community has been responding as a whole. Other topics discussed include breaking down Roelly Winklaar’s recent on stage performance at the Europa Pro and what his future holds as he struggles to gain a first place finish; how to not get bored in the gym, and how to not give up when results aren’t meeting your goals.
The Bodybuilding World Erupts As Arnold Schwarzenegger says, “Screw Your Freedom.”
Earlier in the week, Arnold Schwarzenegger took to a news program to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, mask mandates, and vaccines. Ultimately, in a moment of passion, Schwarzenegger stated, “Screw your freedom” in a response to anti-maskers claiming they have the freedom to not wear masks. This statement started making waves in the bodybuilding world. Most notably, RedCon1 pulled sponsorship from the Arnold Classic. RedCon1 is one of the larger supplement companies to support and sponsor the Arnold Classic event.
Once RedCon1 made this move – more attention was brought to Schwarzenegger’s comments. Bodybuilders have made stances on social media and even strongman Brian Shaw removed his Schwarzenegger poster from his wall. So what does Craig Golias think?
Craig Golias was actually on vacation when the news first broke – and so he was out of the loop for the first few days. When he finally saw the news – he was able to read everyone’s immediate reactions as well as the initial comments. He was surprised at just how intense the reactions were – but he also understood why so many have become incensed.
Craig Golias, personally, believes that he should be allowed to not wear a mask if he is vaccinated. He thinks if a person doesn’t want to be vaccinated but is afraid of getting sick – they should simply stay home. As a large man of towering huge muscle – wearing a mask for long periods of time makes it hard for him to breath. Especially in claustrophobic spaces such as a plane.
Breaking Down Roelly Winklaar And His Future
Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin also discuss Roelly Winklaar and his latest activity in the 2021 bodybuilding season. After placing fifth at the Chicago Pro and then later falling just short of first at the Europa Pro – it seems that the hype behind Winklaar is slowing down. His second place finish at Europa Pro still earned him an Olympia qualification – but if he can’t win there, how will he handle the Mr. Olympia itself?
Craig Golias considers Roelly Winklaar one of his favorite bodybuilders of all time. He thinks that Winklaar can be a Mr. Olympia champion – but only if he holds on and doesn’t give up. This might end up being a rougher year for Winklaar, but if he hangs in there, he can readjust and come back stronger. He still has a chance.
As it stands now – Craig Golias thinks Roelly Winklaar still has time to tighten up his physique for the Mr. Olympia. That’s the beauty behind sports, there’s a wide amount of variables that come together for each competition. Anything can happen – however unlikely.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

Talking Huge | EP 9: Craig Golias Weights In – Is Phil Heath Done Competing?
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Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin reflect on the life of John Meadows, talk about Phil Heath’s future, and debate if progress pics can be trusted.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias looks back on the life and times of the late John Meadows, talks about the physique updates of Phil Heath and Big Ramy, and the illusions of progress pictures.
After a few weeks away, Craig Golias returns to speak with Vlad Yudin to catch up on the latest and trending topics in bodybuilding. The biggest story, of course, is the tragic passing of beloved bodybuilder and coach John Meadows. While Craig did not know him personally – he was aware of the impact he had on the sport both as a bodybuilder and as a human being. Craig and Vlad also look at some of the latest progress pics that popped up over the past few weeks – focusing on Phil Heath and Big Ramy. Will Phil make another comeback? Does Ramy look on point for another victory? Let’s jump into it.
In Memory of John Meadows
The bodybuilding world was shocked earlier this week to learn that bodybuilder and beloved coach John Meadows had passed away. Meadows is known as one of the most iconic trainers in modern bodybuilding. But more importantly than that – he was a man with a kind personality that truly touched any person he met. In a sport that can be somewhat isolating, John Meadows made many connections. His kindness and optimism was felt strongly even during some of his hardest hurdles – such as the heart attack he suffered last year and recovered from.
While the exact cause of John Meadows death does not seem tied directly to bodybuilding, there’s no doubting that a mass monster bodybuilding lifestyle increases some risks. Vlad asks Craig Golias if Meadow’s passing made Golias think about his health and future. Is Golias worried that he may run a higher risk of serious health issues or death too soon?
In a surprisingly candid and quiet moment, Craig Golias admits that he does sometimes think about his choices and how it will affect his health. Especially in his younger years, Golias did anything possible to be HUGE. This included some not-so-healthy diet habits. There’s also no way around it – 300 pounds of muscle is still 300 pounds of weight that the heart has to pump blood through. That can take a toll.
The Future Of Phil Heath
Vlad Yudin and Craig Golias also discuss some of the biggest physique progress pictures that were released onto the internet. One of the biggest trending updates come surrounding Phil Heath. Many of his social media posts over the summer have showcased an increasingly conditioned physique. Some fans think he already looks better than his past two Mr. Olympia showings. This has led to speculation that he’s ready to come back yet again… and maybe win it.
But Craig Golias isn’t convinced. In fact, he’s convinced the other way around. He thinks that Phil Heath is done. That he will never win the Mr. Olympia again – and will likely not compete at the Olympia again. Even is Golias is wrong, he thinks that Phil Heath will simply place lower.
Craig Golias points towards every other great Olympia legend including Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler. Both are amazing athletes, as is Phil Heath, but after they fell from their throne – they never really got it back. Jay Cutler may have returned for a win at the Olympia after a short knock off – but ultimately when it was obvious he was declining he kept placing lower. Ronnie Coleman is the greatest bodybuilder of all time – but still succumbed to a lower placing on his last attempt at Mr. Olympia. Golias believes this is the point that Phil Heath is at now.
Progress Pics: Truth or Illusion?
Ultimately, this leads to Vlad and Craig talking about progress pictures overall. Do they help or simply hurt by raising expectations too far? Photos are a far cry from being under the hot lights of the competition stage. It’s easy for a bodybuilder to manipulate their physique with the right angle, lens, and alternate lighting on Instagram. It seems more often than not – the photos look more impressive than the final physique we see on stage.
Craig Golias agrees with this. It’s the double edged sword of social media. These kinds of frequent posts help make bodybuilders more of a brand. It helps them gain sponsors and a following and make money. But back in the day, bodybuilders often trained not knowing what anyone else would look like. The fans faced the same situation. That led to more shocking reveals at the actual competitions. It was exciting and also led to less overextended hype.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. You can watch Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin discuss other topics such as the consistent natty or not debate. Should athletes owe fans proof when they don’t believe natural claims? You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

Talking Huge With Craig Golias | EP 8: Surgery Mishaps, Travel Diet Tips, & More
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Craig Golias discusses the tragic death of Odalis Santos Mena, training to failure, and how to maintain a bodybuilding diet while traveling.
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias talks about the tragic and recent passing of Odalis Santos Mena, training to failure, and diet trips for bulking while traveling.
There were a lot of topics to cover in this week’s episode of Talking Huge after a busy week and as the bodybuilding season moves closer and closer to Olympia weekend. The top of the week was met with tragedy in the bodybuilding world. Odalis Santos Mena sadly passed away at just 23 years old due to a botched surgery. Craig and Vlad discuss the situation and open up the conversation to surgeries in bodybuilding as a whole. They also discuss training to failure, how important it is in bodybuilding, and tips to properly train to failure without injury. Other topics include how to stay motivated after taking a break from the gym, the best supplements for bodybuilders, and how to properly diet while traveling without losing gains. There’s a lot to cover so let’s jump right into it.
The Tragic Passing of Odalis Santos Mena
Odalis Santos Mena’s death this past week hit the bodybuilding world hard. Not only is any death sad – but to pass away at such a young age (23 years old) is truly heartbreaking. Additionally, the death was seemingly preventable. Odalis Santos Mena underwent a procedure to stop sweating. A strange, and rare procedure indeed. Unfortunately, it was a procedure she would not survive. Though there has yet to be an official investigation – signs point towards the anesthesia as the main attribution to her death. Was it due to a freak accident, malpractice, or something else? We’re not quite sure at the moment.
Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin send condolences out to friends and family of Odalis Santos Mena. They also talk about how much more sad it feels when a death happens so randomly as this one. All deaths are tragic. But seemingly sudden and simple ones such as this feel heavier on the heart. Of course, the sad truth is that there is always an inherent risk to any procedure or surgery that requires anesthesia.
Craig and Vlad talk about other surgeries that are popular in bodybuilding and the risks involved. Is this kind of surgery culture bad in the big picture? Is the risk, even when minimal, not worth it when an outcome like this could happen? Craig and Vlad break it down.
Craig Golias’ Tips On How To Travel And Stay Huge
Craig Golias is a bodybuilder who values staying huge above all else. He has admitted previously to doing unhealthy things with his diet just to achieve that in the past. More recently, he has become more educated on how to properly bulk with clean meals, stay huge, and keep himself healthier.
But when it comes to traveling – a lot of healthy options get thrown out to of the window. If you have a six hour flight or even longer, how do you maintain the mass amount of clean meals required to keep bulking? Is it okay to take one day off? Or does it throw off everything completely?
Craig Golias breaks down his tips and tricks to staying huge and staying on diet while traveling. The truth of the matter is, sometimes you have to do some things that are less pleasurable when it comes to taste and comfort in your diet. Pre-prepped meals are always the way to go. If you need to eat over 6,000 calories in a day – make sure to bring pre-prepped chicken and rice on your flight.
Craig recounts having to cut up his cooked chicken into small cubes and breaking it down into tiny bags so that it would pass security on check out. He would then scarf down little cubes of chicken on the plan every few hours. It wasn’t glorious. It felt like work in fact – but sometimes that is what is necessary to maintain a bodybuilding diet.
Ultimately, Craig Golias states that anyone who is serious about their bodybuilding lifestyle and diet will see food as a means to an end rather than a pleasurable dining experience. Like Jay Cutler once said, “I don’t eat for taste, I eat for function.” Traveling is not an excuse to break your bodybuilding diet. It’s simply a challenge you’ll have to overcome.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. You can watch Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin discuss other topics such as training to failure and tips on how to avoid getting injured. They also discuss the best supplements that all bodybuilders should take who are looking to bulk up. You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!

Talking Huge With Craig Golias | EP 7: Bodybuilding Heroes & Villains, Eating & Genetics, + More!
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Craig Golias talks about bodybuilding rivalries – do we need heroes and villains in the sport?
Welcome to another episode of Talking Huge – a weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In this episode, Craig Golias talks about rivalries, trash talk and drama in bodybuilding. He also discusses eating and genetics, the problem with bodybuilding sponsorships, and more.
Craig Golias brings an interesting perspective to professional bodybuilding. Having abandoned the competitive side of the sport, he is simply a man passionate about the lifestyle while keeping tabs on pro bodybuilding. He’s not even 100% a die hard fan of the sport. This allows him to be a bit more honest and less subjective about the current trends in pro bodybuilding.
That’s why a significant chunk of today’s episode revolves around how to make pro bodybuilding entertaining. Should it go down a more wrestling route with drama, heroes, and villains? Or does that cheapen the very real integrity behind competing in pro bodybuilding? We dive in with our latest episode of Talking Huge. Read on for a full recap and watch above!
Heroes and Villains in Bodybuilding
Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin start today’s conversation reflecting on the past weekend’s Conor McGregor fight. He ultimately lost and broke his ankle. This is one of a string of setbacks for McGregor. Yet, both Craig and Vlad are certain that McGregor will continue to be a major figure in MMA for the foreseeable future. It has less to do with his record and more to do with his personality. He can sell the hell out of an upcoming MMA fight.
This begs the question – does bodybuilding need more drama and characters like Conor McGregor? Blessing Awodibu recently tried this tactic leading up to the New York Pro against Nick Walker. Ultimately, Walker came out victorious with Blessing falling quite behind. Does his lower placing deter destroy his ability to build hype before a show? Or will his personality always prevail?
Craig Golias thinks that characters like Blessing Awodibu are important for the sport. He thinks that the past decade of bodybuilding has been missing that kind of exciting hype leading up to events. While Kai Greene and Phil Heath are famous rivals – Craig doesn’t find their clash all that exciting. Instead, he turns towards the early 2000s when Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman faced off year after year. To Craig, that was the shining example of what rivalries should be with significant hype leading up to the big shows.
Beyond rivalries, Craig Golias also thinks it’s good to have true characters – heroes and villains – in pro bodybuilding. Similar to wrestling, this kind of dynamic creates fan drama and connections. In some sense, Phil Heath accepted his role as villain in the sport. But didn’t have anyone, other than Kai for a short time, to match against his personality.
Craig Golias On How Genetics Skew Perceptions Of Bodybuilding Diets
Craig and Vlad also discuss the truth behind bulking and cutting in bodybuilding. Many fans believe that during the bulking phase, that pro bodybuilders can eat as much junk food as they want. They believe that due to drugs like insulin or steroids that athletes have more leeway in what they can eat during the offseason.
Craig Golias wants to debunk this myth. If anything, certain athletes simply have the genetics that allow them to eat what they want and still come to stage shredded later. This is simply a general thing. We all know the kid growing up who could eat junk food all day and never gain a pound. Genetics can be a powerful thing that separates how each of us react to our diets. Unfortunately, in a sport so focused on size, physique, and diet – bodybuilders with phenomenal genetics skew the perception of how to really train and eat as a bodybuilder.
Wrap Up
There are far more topics discussed in this episode than we can cover in this article. You can watch Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin discuss other topics such as how the internet destroyed bodybuilding sponsorships and also why bodybuilding mass monster physiques will never be mainstream. You can check it all out in the latest episode of Talking Huge above! Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!