Tag: test

2023 CrossFit Individual Semifinals Tests Revealed
The 2023 Individual CrossFit Semifinals will begin on May 18th, just a couple of days from now. Once the Semifinals begin, they will take place for three consecutive weeks across different continents. The 2023 Individual CrossFit Semifinals will consist of seven competitions, all of which will feature seven workouts. So, the Tests (Workouts) for the Individual division have just been released.
The 2023 Individual CrossFit Semifinals will feature seven Tests (Workouts) to determine who the fittest athletes in the world are. This is also the last obstacle before the 2023 CrossFit Games which has space for only 40 of the greatest athletes. Thus, only a few athletes from each Semifinal will go through to the Games.
Each semifinal has its own number of qualifying spots for the 2023 CrossFit Games, which was determined by CrossFit’s new ranking system. This system has evaluated the strength of the rosters in all seven Semifinal competitions and attributed the qualifying spots accordingly.
The 2023 CrossFit Open and Quarterfinals featured some insane displays from multiple athletes who are now likely to be dominant in the Semifinals as well. The young Mal O’Brien proved to be the greatest female so far, topping the overall leaderboards in both previous stages of the season. On the other hand, the 2x Fittest Man On Earth, Justin Medeiros, looks to be the favorite this year as well.
Related: Ricky Garard Out of the 2023 CrossFit Season Following Shoulder Injury
2023 Individual CrossFit Semifinals Tests
For time:
3,000-meter Echo Bike
Hand-Over-Hand Pull (84 feet)
2,000-meter Assault AirRunner
Hand-Over-Hand Pull (84 feet)
1,000-meter SkiErg
Hand-Over-Hand Pull (92 feet)
Time cap: 30 minutes
Women: 180 poundsMen: 225 pounds
As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
5 Ring Complexes (1 Toe-To-Ring, 1 Muscle-Up, 1 Ring Dip)
20 Single-Leg Squats
Max Burpees Over Box
*Complete 3 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds.
*Score is total reps across the 3 minutes.
Women Wear a 10-pound ruck, 24-inch boxMen Wear a 20-pound ruck, 30-inch box
For time:
Semifinals Linda — 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:
Dumbbell Bench Presses
Squat Cleans
Time cap: 17 minutes
Women: 220-pound deadlifts, 60-pound dumbbells, 105-pound squat cleansMen: 295-pound deadlifts, 90-pound dumbbells, 145-pound squat cleans
For load:
Run 800 meters
Max Snatch
Time cap: 6 minutes
After the time cap for test four clocks out, the athletes will have just two minutes to rest before initiating Test Five.
For time:
8 Snatches
Run 800 meters
Time cap: 6 minutes
Women: 125-pound snatchMen: 185-pound snatch
For time:
20 Overhead Squats
500-meter Row
Three Handstand-Walk Pirouettes
Two Seated Legless Rope Climbs
20 Strict Chest-To-Wall Handstand Push-Ups
Two Seated Legless Rope Climbs
Three Handstand-Walk Pirouettes
500-meter Row
20 Overhead Squats
Time cap: 15 minutes (Men) — 16 minutes (Women)
Women: 125-pound SquatMen: 185-pound Squat
Three rounds for time of:
Echo Bike Calories (Men: 15 calories / Women: 10 calories)
20 Toes-To-Bar
60-Foot Sandbag Bear-Hug Carry
Women: 150-pound SandbagMen: 200-pound Sandbag
Related: Tia-Clair Toomey Unveils Full Day of Eating During Pregnancy
2023 Semifinals Schedule & CrossFit Games Qualifying Spots
All of the seven 2023 CrossFit Semifinal competitions listed below will consist of two divisions. The first one is the Individual, while the second division is the Teams. It is important to note that these two divisions do not have the same Tests (Workouts). In addition, the Teams division will feature six workouts and they were revealed a few days ago as well.
Below are the dates for each Semifinal competition along with the number of Individual qualifying spots available for the 2023 CrossFit Games in each competition.
North America East Semifinal: May 18-21 (11 Women / 12 Men)
Africa Semifinal: May 19-21 (1 Woman / 1 Man)
North America West Semifinal: May 25-28 (10 Women / 9 Men)
Oceania Semifinal: May 25-28 (3 Women / 3 Men)
South America Semifinal: May 26-28 (2 Women / 2 Men)
Europe Semifinal: June 1-4 (11 Women / 11 Men)
Asia Semifinal: June 1-4 (2 Women / 2 Men)
The 2023 CrossFit Games will take place shortly after the Semifinals. The exact date will be August 1-6, while the action will be happening in Madison, Wisconsin once again.
Published: 12 May, 2023 | 12:44 PM EDT

Fitness Test – 12 Things Every Lifter Should Be Able To Do
12 Things Every Bodybuilder Should Be Able To Do
The fitness test in the article is not your typical fitness check-up. We aren’t going to ask you to check your BMI or to take your body measurements. We’ll test you in functional aspects and let you be your own judge.
Lifting weights shouldn’t be about moving big weights and pumping your ego. Your goal should be to be muscular, agile, flexible and strong. Bodybuilding shouldn’t turn you into a slab of meat. It should rather add to your lifestyle and make you active in all aspects.
1. Bench Your Bodyweight
This fitness test is for people who have passed the beginner stage in the gym. If you have reached the intermediate stage, you should at least be able to bench press the equivalent of your own bodyweight.
2. Squat Your Bodyweight
Many people focus on their upper bodies and lack lower body strength. You should be able to squat with your own bodyweight on the barbell. Another squat test would be to squat and hold at the bottom for 30 seconds without any added resistance. Repeat this for 10 reps.
3. Deadlift Two Times Your Bodyweight
Deadlift is one of the most badass exercises. Lifting heavy weights off the ground is one of the most functional exercises you can do. Deadlifting two times your bodyweight is the ultimate sign of brute strength.
4. 50 Strict Push-Ups
Most people in the gym focus on lifting weights and completely ignore the bodyweight exercises. It can’t get more functional than working out with your own bodyweight. Perform 50 strict push-ups in one set without resting.
5. 20 Strict Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are one of the few exercises which work the entire upper body. Most people use leverage while performing the pull-ups by generating momentum with their legs. Your goal should be to perform 20 strict pull-ups without jerking or using any momentum.
6. Planks for Two Minutes
Planks are a great exercise for building core strength. While performing the planks, your body should be in a straight line from head to toe. Make sure your hips don’t slouch or form a bridge.
7. Sit on Floor Without Using any Support
Many people are incompetent in sitting on the floor without using any help. You should be able to sit cross-legged on the floor without using your hands or knees. Similarly, your legs should be strong enough that you can stand up without any support.
8. Touch your Feet without Bending Your Knees
While standing, you should be able to touch your feet – or even the floor without bending your knees. In the second variation, sit on the floor, stretch out your legs and touch your toes without bending your knees.
9. Balance on One Foot for 30 Seconds
It’s important to maintain your balance as you get bigger and stronger. Stand on your right foot and lift your left leg so your quad is parallel to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the left leg.
10. Carry Your Bodyweight for 30 Seconds
Farmer’s walk is one of the best exercises to build grip strength. Use a trap bar to do a 30-second farmer’s walk. You can use dumbbells if you don’t have access to a trap bar at your gym.
11. Long Jump Your Height
You need to constantly fight against turning into a chunk of meat by performing agility exercises and routines. You should be able to long jump the equivalent distance of your height from a standing position. High jumps and box jumps should also be a part of your exercise arsenal.
12. Run a Kilometer in 4 Minutes
This fitness test isn’t just about lifting weights. We’ll be testing your strength, flexibility, agility, and endurance. Having great cardiovascular conditioning is a must for a healthy lifestyle. You should be able to complete a 1K run in under four minutes.
Perform all the exercises mentioned in the article and rate yourself on a scale of 1-12, with 12 being the fittest and 1 being the worst fitness level. Give yourself a point for completing each exercise listed in the article.
When was the last time you took a fitness test? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

8 Good Ways on How to Pass Tests for Steroid Users
Many people who are less aware of the steroids usage and its related medicines. Might not understand the importance of the information provided in this article. People who remain updated with sports news and have considerable knowledge about athletes and sportsman. They must have heard about the use of steroids […]
The post 8 Good Ways on How to Pass Tests for Steroid Users appeared first on What Steroids.

HGH and Testosterone Cycle and Dosages – PROs & CONs
We all want quick results and for that sometimes we acquire means that boost the process of achieving our goal. Increasing muscle mass in a natural way is demanding and requires rigorous hard work. Men have to go through the pain and struggle for many weeks along with a protein-rich diet […]
The post HGH and Testosterone Cycle and Dosages – PROs & CONs appeared first on What Steroids.

Decoding Genetics: Check If You Have Bodybuilding Genetics
How to know if you have bodybuilding genetics.
Gym trainers will have you believe you can achieve your dream physique if you work hard enough, buy their training program, take the supplement they are selling, or hire them as a personal trainer. But truth be told, not everyone can be the next Mr. Olympia.
We agree that hard work, smart work, the right mentor all are important, but if you don’t have the genetics, you cannot make it as a pro bodybuilder. It might be too much to digest, but this is the truth.
Don’t believe us? Perform this simple experiment.
Start training with an individual who is approximately the same height, weight, age, and has the same BMI as you. Follow the same diet plan and perform the same exercises for the same number of reps and sets.
Compare your results at the end of eight weeks. One of you will have put on more muscle mass compared to the other. It is not because that person has been eating or lifting more behind the scenes. The gains are a result of his superior genetics.
Factors Affecting Muscularity
Muscle Insertions
Muscle insertions are one of the least talked about aspects of bodybuilding. Insertions determine to what degree a specific muscle can develop. Biceps and calves can best describe the effect of muscle insertions on your muscle mass and symmetry.
Depending on your bicep insertion, your guns might be long, short, or average in length.
How To Take A Bicep Length Test
Flex your bicep so that your upper arm forms a right angle with your lower arm.
If there is a lot of stance between your biceps and elbows, your biceps are short.
In case there is about an inch of space, consider your bicep average length.
If your bicep muscle is jammed right up against the elbow joint, the Greek gods are kind to you, and you have long biceps.
If a muscle is attached lower on the bone, it will look longer and fuller when developed. Insertions are what give your muscle bellies the “full” appearance. Longer bicep muscle creates a bigger and better peak when you flex your arm.
Calves work the same way – the two extremes being high and low calves.
How To Take A Calf Test
Flex your calf and see where the muscle ends on its way to your ankle.
If it ends not too far down from your knee – you have high calves. Train them as hard as you can, but they will always be a weak muscle group.
If your calves go way down, you are blessed. You probably are a proud owner of a pair of full-grown bulls.
Body Type
Most people mistakenly put themselves in the wrong body type group. Successful bodybuilders are usually a mix of two body types. You might need the same to win a bodybuilding show.
You need the muscle mass of an endomorph and small joints of a mesomorph to create the perfect muscle proportionality and symmetry illusion on stage.
On the other hand, if you are an ectomorph, you will have to work extra hard to add some meat to your naturally lean frame.
It is not the end of the world for you if you are an ectomorph, though. Other “branches” of fitness like calisthenics, CrossFit are great fits for an ectomorph.
How To Know If You Have The Perfect Genetics For Bodybuilding
There is only one way of knowing if you have the right genetics for being on top of the pro bodybuilding food chain, and that is to take a test. Don’t worry, you don’t have to sit in a classroom and write long answers for this test. We are talking about a lifestyle genetic test.
Lifestyle genetic tests are gaining popularity and are more affordable than ever. All you have to do is order a kit, send a sample to a testing company and wait for the results. These tests can help you determine your strengths and weaknesses in training, building muscle, nutrition, and losing, gaining, or maintaining weight.
Bodybuilding and DNA
ACTN3 is a crucial gene that has been studied and proven to impact strength and muscle size. This gene codes for α-actinin-3, a protein in fast-twitch muscle fibers. This type of fiber allows muscles to contract rapidly and is necessary for power sports like weightlifting and sprinting.
Elite power athletes have a much higher amount of functional ACTN3 as compared to the general population. If you too have the functional ACTN3 gene, you have an advantage in strength training and bodybuilding.
Genetics, Body Composition, and Weight
A lifestyle genetic test can tell you how strength training will affect your body composition and weight. Body composition describes the amount of fat, bone, water, and muscle in the body. This test assigns you one of three genotypes for this measure:
A person with an “enhanced” genotype is perfect for bodybuilding. An enhanced person will see significant gains in muscle mass, losses in body fat and weight in response to regular strength training.
2. Normal
A majority of people who take this test fall into this category. It means you will lose some weight and convert some body mass by doing regular strength training workouts. People in this category shouldn’t expect extraordinary results in return for ordinary work in the gym.
Individuals in this genotype will have to lift heavier weight, use more intensity, and volume compared to the “enhanced” people to stimulate muscle tissue growth.
3. Below Average
If a person gets a “below average” result for this test, strength training alone will not do much in improving his body composition and weight. They will have to step their training, diet, and recovery programs up a notch to match the “normal” folks.
Hypertrophy resistance training will be the best type of workout for these individuals.
Genetics and Power Potential
Sports can roughly be divided into two categories: power and endurance. Power sports like bodybuilding require short bursts of force, and endurance sports like distance running require less force generated over a longer period.
Depending on your genotype you could be better at power or endurance sports. People with more type I (slow-twitch) muscle fibers will be more likely to be good at endurance sports, whereas individuals with more type II (fast-twitch) fibers will excel at strength sports.
Types Of Endurance Genotypes:
1. High Endurance – Good at power sports like bodybuilding and weightlifting.
2. Equal Endurance/Power – Good at sports with a mix of endurance and power. This is the most common type of genotype.
3. Higher Power – The best genotype to have if you want to be a pro bodybuilder.
Your genetics might act as a hurdle if your goal is to win international bodybuilding shows, but you should not use it as an excuse to never start working out or to quit the lifestyle if you are already in it.
Even if you are not as gifted as Phil Heath in the bodybuilding genetics department, you still have a chance to win bodybuilding shows by competing in your local bodybuilding shows.
Have you ever taken a lifestyle genetic test?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Top Six Ways To Test Your Body’s Limits
Best Ways To Test Your Strength and Body’s Limits
If you’ve been around the fitness scene for some time, you probably have been asked “how much can you bench?” or “how many muscle-ups can you do?” Even if you know the maximum weights you can lift, you still have a feeling that you can do better.
In this article, we’ll give you solid ways of testing your body’s limit so that the next time you face a life-or-death situation or a simple question as above, you know what you’re capable of doing.
Squat, Curl, and Push Press
Fit: 20 reps in one minute
Above-average: 18 reps
Ordinary: 16 reps
The squat, curl, and push press will test your anaerobic conditioning. Anaerobic endurance refers to your ability to work at the near-maximal intensity in bursts of 20 to 60 seconds. In this type of exercise, your body uses fat as a source of fuel.
Test – Pick up dumbbells that are roughly 30 percent of your body weight and hold them by your sides while placing your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a squat, curl the dumbbells to your shoulders as you stand up, and then press them straight overhead using your legs. Return to the starting position and repeat for one minute.
One Controlled Wall Squat
Fit: Full squat in control
Above Average: Halfway down
Ordinary: Less than halfway
The controlled wall squats test your mobility which is one of the most undervalued aspects of fitness. The more mobile you are, the better you can move your joints through their full range of motion and the less likely you are to be injured.
Test: Stand facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes 2 inches from the baseboard and turned slightly out. Keeping your feet flat, chest up, and back naturally arched, see how far you can lower your body without touching the wall or falling backward.
Long Jump
Fit: 8 feet or more
Above Average: 6 to 8 feet
Ordinary: Less than 6 feet
Explosive strength is an integral part of overall fitness. There is a reason why everyone from college strength coaches to drill sergeants uses the standing broad jump to gauge raw power.
Test: Stand with your feet placed shoulder-width apart and your toes on a line. Dip your knees, swing your arms, and jump as far as you can. Measure the distance from the starting line to the back of your heels.
Clapping Push-ups
Fit: 10 clapping push-ups
Above Average: 5 clapping push-ups
Ordinary: No clap
A strong upper body makes all the difference inside and outside the gym. It gives you an edge in most sports, whether you’re trying to tackle an opponent in football or trying or spring off the mat in a UFC Octagon.
Test: Place your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet should be closer than shoulder-width. Use the 3:1 ratio as a guide – lower yourself 3 times slower than you push. Push yourself back up explosively so your hands leave the floor. Maintain a straight body as you clap in midair and land back in the starting position.
Fit: More than three minutes
Above-average: 2 to 3 minutes
Ordinary: one minute or less
Planks are one of the most brutal exercises. They are one of the exercises which look easy from far away but can kill you once you start performing them. Planks entered the mainstream as CrossFit caught fire.
Test: Get into a planking position by placing your forearms on the floor. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders and your entire body should be in a straight line throughout the exercise. Brace your core by contracting your abs as if you were about to be punched, and hold the position for as long as you can.
Deadlift 1.75 Times Your Bodyweight
Fit: 1.75 x bodyweight
Above Average: 1.5 x bodyweight
Ordinary: Bodyweight
Deadlifts have been a symbol of machoism for a long time. There are only a few other exercises that can test your strength like the deadlifts. Deadlifts are a must for people who want to build strength and muscle mass.
Test: Since you’ll be performing a one-rep max, load a barbell with the maximum amount of weight you can lift once, and bring the bar close to your shins. You need to make sure you’re following the correct form or otherwise you risk getting injured.
How much can you bench? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.