Tag: The Rock

The Rock Responds To A Viral Picture Of His Doppelgänger
Lt. Eric Fields has gone viral for looking just like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
Dwayne Johnson, also known as The Rock, has done it all. He became the biggest star in WWE before shifting to the big screen and becoming one of the highest-grossing actors in the world. Now, he has gone viral for a recent picture of his doppelgänger.
The Rock’s lookalike is Alabama police officer — Lt. Eric Fields, who works for the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office. A recent picture of the duo was tweeted out and The Rock responded for his 15.3 million followers and more.
“Oh shit! Wow. Guy on the left is way cooler. Stay safe brother and thank you for your service. One day we’ll drink @Teremana
and I need to hear all your “Rock stories” because I KNOW you got ‘em
Oh shit! Wow.Guy on the left is way cooler.Stay safe brother and thank you for your service. One day we’ll drink @Teremana and I need to hear all your “Rock stories” because I KNOW you got ‘em ????? #ericfields https://t.co/G38tOr68cW
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) August 31, 2021
For the record, Teremana is The Rock’s tequila that is growing rapidly. There is no doubt that Fields has stories about being compared to The Rock. He has mentioned that Johnson and Vin Diesel are his two most-frequent mentions.
“It’s always been a running joke of people saying I resemble the Rock or Vin Diesel and I just go with it,” Fields told WBRC, Fox’s affiliate in Birmingham, AL.
Fields continued by saying even his wife enjoys the comparisons. Since this picture came out, both The Rock and Fields has commented. The Morgan County Sheriff’s Office has even invited the movie star out to patrol with Fields.
This entire story began with a TikTok video posted by an Alabama resident and tagging The Rock. From that point on, residents began asking for pictures with Fields and it went onto the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Fields is a 37-year-old who has worked in the sheriff’s office for 17 years.
The Rock is known for his incredible physique, both from WWE and in movies. Now, the question remains — will Johnson ever find a way to connect with his doppelgänger? The world will be waiting to see.
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During a Recent Interview, The Rock Explains Why He Has “Messed Up” Abs
The Rock gets abs critiqued by fan.
In a recent interview Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson got his physique taken to task. During the interview his abs were critiqued by a fan. The actor took the question on the chin and gave his reasons for why his abs look the way they do.
With a powerhouse like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson you’d think that there’d be little to critique about him physically. In most every image and video of the actor, he looks absolutely jacked and shredded. Yet despite that people will find a reason to criticize just about anything and everyone. So it was no surprise that fans have critiqued the physique of The Rock.
Brutal Critique
In a recent interview for WIRED, The Rock and his Jungle Cruise co-star Emily Blunt answered fan questions. Among one of the questions was why The Rock had messed up abs.
“That’s f—ked up,” Johnson said with a laugh. “There’s nothing wrong with them. I think because on Instagram, all these Instagram fitness models have these incredible six, eight, twelve, twenty-four pack stomachs. No, I got like a five and a half pack, sometimes a four and a half pack.”
“The problem was, and a lot of people don’t know this, in a wrestling match, I tore the top of my quad off my pelvis. It went bang in a wrestling match, and then what that did was it caused a chain reaction, and it tore my abdomen wall. So then I had to do triple-hernia emergency surgery of a tear, a tear, and a tear… So they’re not like perfect abs.”
Handling Critique Like A Professional
It’s pretty interesting to consider that even someone like The Rock has to take flack. He has worked tirelessly in the gym to cultivate his well earned muscle. Yet people will still criticize the actor and WWE performer despite how far he’s come.
It’s great to see that he had a good sense of humor about it all. Never allow others to shut down your successes. The Rock handling things in this way is a great example on how others should handle criticism.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

The Rock Reveals the Diet That Got Him Shredded for Black Adam
How The Rock ate to get shredded for Black Adam role.
Black Adam is clearly a passion project for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He pushed his body to the absolute limit in order to portray this iconic DC Comics character. He not only put in some serious training, but he also modified his diet in order to get into shredded condition.
The Rock has documented most of his training for the film. It’s clear that his physique has become truly impressive to behold. That said, it takes more than lifting to get into such incredible shape. It also takes adhering to a well constructed diet.
In a recent video, The Rock revealed the diet he’s been on in order to get and remain shredded for Black Adam.
This coming week is a big one – our final week of production for the filming of BLACK ADAM
All the training, the diet?, with Covid it’s been 2 years of character, story and production prep and it all culminates to next week.
Here’s a look at my breakfast/
Sodium pulled.
Water limited.
Flank, egg whites, brown rice and blueberries
Dialing all the conditioning in as we save the hardest scenes for last.
Appreciate you guys so much for all the BLACK ADAM support – I think we’re making a movie and creating a universe that’s definitive, unique, bad ass and cool.
Fingers crossed ?? we bring it on home strong next week.
Stay disciplined, focused and trust in the process.
And shovel it all in and drink it all down ?
It’s clear that The Rock has been very disciplined in his approach to his diet. In order to stay in optimal condition the actor had to stick to his strict regimen while training to maintain his heavily muscled frame. While it may seem like a simple task to train, eat right, and read your lines, the reality is that The Rock had to essentially perform like an athlete.
Doesn’t look like much, but here’s my Saturday night post leg training meal/
ground tenderloin, brown rice with broccoli ? & pineapple?(for digestion ?)
With 8oz-10oz of water.
All my 6 meals per day are strictly measured out – including water and sodium – as we go into our final three weeks of production for the filming of BLACK ADAM.
Commit, push all chips in and do your best to trust the process ??
While it may have been an acting role, The Rock essentially needed to be a high level athlete to bring the character of Black Adam to life. He needed to push his body to places he never had to before. That is truly saying something for someone who has played high level football and performed as a professional wrestler. It really must have been a tall task, The Rock admitting that himself.
The Rock was truly in the best shape of his life for this film. It will be interesting to see how Black Adam turns out.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

The Rock Says Intense Prep for Black Adam Film Unlike Any Role Before
The Rock says his prep for the Black Adam film is unlike any role he’s done before.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently admitted that prepping for his role as DC Comic’s Black Adam has been taxing. In fact, the popular actor says that it’s his hardest prep for a role ever. That’s saying something considering the shape he’s gotten into portraying characters like Luke Hobbs in the Fast and Furious franchise.
If there’s one thing you can say for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson it’s that he’s workhorse. The popular actor is always looking to keep himself in top condition for roles and his overall health. He’s a hard worker who is always looking to improve upon his athleticism and physique. That said it appears that his role for the Black Adam film has been rather taxing.
After being a pro wrestler and NFL hopeful you would think The Rock would be prepared for getting in shape for a role. But to portray the DC Comics character, The Rock has needed to push himself harder than ever before.
Intense Preparation
In a recent post to his Instagram, The Rock detailed just how hard the training for Black Adam has been.
Late night training ??Big week for #BlackAdam shooting my “champion” scenes with my shirt off and showing my body.
Been working extremely hard dieting, training and conditioning unlike any other role of my entire career.
Manipulating water, sodium, cardio but also having to push and pull real iron to have dense, dry, detailed muscle.It’s a real science that takes months and months to dial it all in with my strength & conditioning coach @daverienzi who keeps a very watchful eye, constantly fine tuning our strategy daily.
As many of you know, the intense (and exciting) comic mythology of Teth Adam – he becomes the immortal “champion” by the Gods.Blessed with the powers of Superman and dangerous magic from the wizards.
Then his rage turns his soul dark, forever becoming Black Adam
Big week, grateful for the grind & support – here we go??
It’s clear that The Rock has a great deal of motivation for the role. He’s been willing to push his body to the next level in order to get things right. Not only is he a fan of the source material, but he hopes to give fans exactly what they’re seeking for a Black Adam film. That means getting into the best possible physical condition to portray the legendary comic book character on the big screen.
But to think that the role has been this taxing on The Rock is truly surprising. With the goal to make this into a franchise, the question becomes, will The Rock be able to put himself through this over and over again? With his work ethic it’s likely he’ll be up to the task.
What do you think of The Rock and his current condition?
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.