Tag: TikToker

Joey Swoll Reacts to Woman Mocking Gym-Goer for Going Too Slow on Stairmaster
With gyms and fitness centers a hot spot for viral social media trends, Joey Swoll has been a busy man. In his latest attempt to correct poor gym etiquette, Swoll took issue with a woman who shamed a gym-goer for failing to keep up with her pace on the Stairmaster machine.
Over the last few years, Joey Swoll has become popular in the fitness sector for his continued fight against what he calls ‘toxic gym culture.’ Swoll makes it his top priority to defend people who have become the victim of ruthless attacks, whether it be online or in-person. Ultimately, Swoll wants to see gyms turn into more welcoming places.
Even bodybuilders have begun to encounter issues at the gym. NPC bodybuilder Charly Young was unfortunately involved in a strange mix-up recently. While posing shirtless in front of a mirror, a man started fighting with Charly. While Young’s gym allowed for posing, some don’t. Regardless, Young handled the moment of aggression with class. Swoll later commended his mature behavior.
This is far from Swoll’s first video taking a shot at someone recording at the gym. One of the last times fans heard from Joey, he stressed that public gyms aren’t private studios for influencers. Moreover, he said recording at the gym shouldn’t be a concern for everyone there aiming to work out.
Joey Swoll to Woman Mocking Slower Gym-Goer: ‘She’s Trying to Better Herself, Take a Page Out of Her Book’
Swoll believes recording people without their permission is never acceptable. In the Instagram video, the lady was attempting to market a caffeine product, but Swoll said she went about it disrespectfully.
“So you want to film that woman to post on social media to shame her, to make fun of the way she works out all for what? For some likes and attention? To act as if you’re better than her and you’re working harder all because you’re going faster. And to sell a product? Really? You’re a grown woman at the gym and you don’t know better than to treat people this way?
And I checked Caffeine Army USA’s page, I’m pretty sure this isn’t the message they want to put out there to sell their product. You know, I’m a pretty fit person but I have a bad knee. I guarantee there are days where that woman you’re filming would smoke me on stairs. Maybe she has a bad knee, it doesn’t matter.
All that matters is she’s in the gym working hard trying to better herself, you know, you could take a page out of her book,” said Joey Swoll.
This wasn’t the first time an influencer fell into Joey’s crosshairs as a result of a rude gym encounter. Back in Feb., Swoll called out a TikTok influencer after she mocked an elderly man performing strikes on a heavy bag at his local gym. Again, Swoll highlighted that people online need to stop recording others unjustly for likes and attention.
Given that people exercise at gyms for a variety of reasons, Swoll hopes his latest subject changes her ways. Many lifters and gym-goers experience injuries, which can obviously affect the way in which a workout is performed. In the months to come, Swoll aims to continue fighting against poor gym etiquette as his movement has gained traction. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger has taken notice of Swoll’s efforts lately.
Published: 22 July, 2023 | 11:51 AM EDT

Joey Swoll Calls Out Woman Hogging Machines for Supersets: “I’m Sorry You Don’t Own The Gym”
Fitness personality Joey Swoll is gaining momentum on his mission to make gyms more welcoming environments. In a recent Instagram video, Swoll called out a woman who shamed a man for trying to use one of the many machines she was hogging at the gym.
“Here’s an idea, how about instead of taking a video to make fun of this man and call him a clown to make yourself out to be a victim which you’re not, you handle it like an adult,” shared Joey Swoll.
Gym etiquette has become Swoll’s life mission as of late. Over the years, he and many others have observed bullying, harassment, and even violence at local gyms and fitness centers. He coined this problem “toxic gym culture,” and has taken to various TikTok and Instagram videos to spread his message.
In his latest endeavor, Swoll condemned the actions of a female influencer who occupied multiple machines for supersets instead of sharing the equipment in a courteous manner. In the video, a man decides to ‘work in’ and completes a set of back extensions. However, the female believes he not only crashed her video but violated her personal space a handful of times.
Joey Swoll Torches Woman for Bashing Gym-Goer & Hogging Machines: ‘You Make Yourself Out to Be the Victim, Which You’re Not’
Here is the woman’s caption for reference:
“I was using the hyperextension machine and doing sets back and forth & no lie this man was 4 inches from my ass each time I tried to finish my sets bc of how I set up My Little space to film & he so rudely went in my frame. Like sir… you clearly saw me doing something,” the influencer shared.
Swoll believes the man who used the back extension machine did nothing wrong. He added that supersetting with three or four different exercises at the gym is poor etiquette.
“So let me get this straight you’re upset with that man you call him a clown, you say that he’s rude all because he sees the back extension is open while you’re off doing 2-3 different exercises supersetting setting up your camera and he decides to use it… and because he’s in your space while you’re filming as if your video is more important than another member’s workout, it’s not.
I’m sorry, you don’t own the gym. Not to mention it’s not good gym etiquette to do three or four different exercises supersetting and hog a machine,” Swoll said. “Not everything needs to be filmed and posted on social media. The gym is a shared space there’s going to be conflict, sort it out. You need to do better mind your business,” Joey Swoll said via Instagram.
Given the sheer number of conflicts Joey has encountered during his movement, it’s evident there is still a lot of work to be done. However, his efforts got the attention of bodybuilding legend and former seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger. Back in Feb., ‘The Austrian Oak’ praised Swoll for his continued work in making gyms and exercise locations more welcoming for everyone.
Toxic gym culture affects bodybuilders as well. Last September, Charly Young, an NPC athlete, faced verbal abuse from a man who shouted at him for just taking off his shirt and posing in the gym. Swoll commended Young for his calmness and criticized the man’s angry tirade.
RELATED: Female TikToker Snaps on Gym Worker, Accuses Him of Being a Pervert for Staring, Joey Swoll React
This isn’t the first time Joey Swoll has taken aim at filming inside gyms. Last week, the influencer made an example out of a woman for filming a workout without any respect for those around her. Following his latest effort, hopefully, in time, gyms continue to become more accepting places for people of all fitness levels.
Published: 22 June, 2023 | 2:18 AM EDT

Joey Swoll on Filming at Gyms: ‘Just Because You’re Comfortable Doesn’t Mean Other People Are’
Gym etiquette is one of Joey Swoll’s top priorities, especially with the rise of social media platforms. In a recent TikTok video, Swoll called out a female user for recording a man without consent in between sets during a workout.
Swoll has become a prominent fitness influencer by standing up for those who are forced to deal with “toxic gym culture.” This term refers to various forms of harassment, intimidation, and judgment that some people encounter at the gym.
One example of this behavior was captured by the TikTok account “xitlahly” in a viral video. The clip showed a man resting between his sets on a machine. A woman approached the adjacent machine and began to use it while recording. The man glanced at her briefly and then shook his head in disapproval before continuing his training session.
Whether it’s disrespect or someone refusing to share gym equipment, Swoll hopes to make gyms more inviting environments for everyone. His movement has spread and even reached bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger, who praised him for his positive efforts in fitness.
“I Understand Why This Man Is So Frustrated,” Joey Swoll Reacts to Female TikToker Recording in Gym
While fitness centers are for the public, Joey Swoll believes everyone deserves the right to feel comfortable when they train. Sometimes, that means not being recorded in the gym without consent.
“This is why so many want filming banned in gyms. If you can’t film with respect for others, you shouldn’t film at all.”
“I understand why this man is so frustrated and shaking his head. Your camera is pointed directly at him where you’re filming more of him than you are of yourself in your video. That would upset anybody. Not to mention, with all of these cameras and tripods popping up in gyms all over the place, people are getting frustrated because they just want to go to the gym to work out,” Joey Swoll said.
“You have to understand, just because you feel comfortable to film yourself at the gym doesn’t mean other people feel the same and this keeps a lot of people from going to the gym. Your wanting to film never takes priority over someone feeling comfortable enough to go work out in the gym and better themselves and a lot of people on your page told you this.”
In Swoll’s opinion, filming in the gym should be done responsibly and with respect to others.
“If you’re going to film, you have to film responsibly and with respect to other people. If you can’t do that, don’t film at all. You need to do better. Mind your own business.”
This isn’t the first time Swoll has come to the defense of a gym-goer on TikTok. Earlier this year, he took a shot at a Female user who called a man ‘fuc**ng feral’ for looking at her inside the gym. Swoll, taken aback by her actions, made an example out of her by underlining the difference between glancing and staring.
Even bodybuilders have become subject to toxic gym culture. NPC athlete Charly Young made light of his concerning situation last Sept. when a man cursed at him repeatedly for simply posing with his shirt off inside the gym. Swoll praised Young for his maturity and condemned the aggressive man’s behavior.
RELATED: TikToker ‘Nikki Fitness’ Apologizes After Joey Swoll Responds To Her Shaming Man During A Drag Curl Exercise
Joey Swoll has ambitious plans, and his movement to correct gym etiquette has grown. As for his latest subject, Swoll believes in filming others with respect, or just not at all.
Published: 15 June, 2023 | 1:57 PM EDT

TikToker Shows Off Severe Back Acne After Using Steroids for 4 Months: “It Feels Pretty Terrible”
TikToker John Joshua James is determined to keep building muscle with steroids despite some unwanted side effects. In a recent TikTok video, James showed off his scarred and inflamed back from acne following four months of continued PED use.
Whether fans or athletes like it, steroids have influenced sports for generations. From the steroid eras in baseball to bodybuilding, athletes are willing to go to great lengths to achieve an edge over their competition.
While these compounds have utility, some believe people take steroid use too far. This topic often surfaces in bodybuilding because athletes are known for using substances to enhance their muscle-bound physiques. However, these measures have consequences. This is something Seth Feroce has tackled head-on. In a series of YouTube videos and Instagram posts last year, Feroce warned whoever would listen about the harmfulness of steroids.
In addition to Feroce, Kali Muscle, a popular fitness influencer and bodybuilder, issued a grave warning about steroid abuse. Simply put, Kali Muscle believes steroids ‘will make you die young.’ Moreover, he expressed concern for athletes in the IFBB Pro League, who are forced to use such drugs to keep up with their contemporaries.
Even though he’s not a bodybuilder, TikToker John Joshua James is eager to add muscle fast. And while he has a very severe case of bacne, it appears he has no desire to taper off or eliminate steroids from his routine. Check out his severe back acne from a few months of using gear below.
“Steroids in Four Months Have Done This To My Back” – TikToker Reveals Harsh Side Effects from Gear
According to James, the back acne feels ‘terrible all the time,’ but mentioned he has no intention of stopping. He shared that his cycle has allowed him to train more frequently.
4th month on the juice? #bodybuilding #steroids #fitness pic.twitter.com/Ecycn5EGIb
— Johnathon J. James (@John_J_James) April 29, 2023
“Steroids in four months have done this to my back and I gotta say, it’s worth it. After doing a bit of research, I found out that steroids actually give you back acne and it’s not great. My back is completely covered in scars and it feels pretty terrible all the time, but I do like being able to go to the gym more. I finally hit 180 pounds, so I’m going to keep doing them.”
#gym #fitness #steroids pic.twitter.com/UD0odD0Gbx
— Johnathon J. James (@John_J_James) May 11, 2023
“Steroids have not only made my back look like a bit of strawberry shortcake but they’ve also made my shoulders way bigger than my arms. The first day I went to the gym is the first day I started doing steroids. It’s not hard to tell. Not because I don’t have any muscle to speak of but because I have all the symptoms,” the TikToker shared.
John Joshua James’ TikTok video immediately went viral after he published it online. He started his fitness journey at 150 pounds and achieved his goal of reaching 180 pounds. Some fans have questioned whether or not he’s telling the truth about his steroid use.
Eventually, James’ video got the attention of Derek of the More Plates More Dates YouTube channel. According to Derek, he’s not convinced the TikToker is using gear, which he said would make him the first ‘fake, fake natty.’
“I think this is an interesting, probably a first time ever if I’m correct, of a guy that is a fake, fake natty. Does that even make sense? He is faking being on gear. That is what I think is going on.”
“I do see this style of video he is doing… the really aggressive. I almost feel like I’m watching a Mr. Beast intro to a video but it’s about a guy doing gear that has never worked out in his life. This is the imrpession I get. This is a viral focused endeavor, and the entire page is centered around this: ‘started juice when I started working out,” Derek of More Plates More Dates said.
John Joshua / Instagram
The last time Derek of MPMD tackled a ‘natty or not’ topic, he took a closer look at popular influencer Andrew Tate’s physique. After fans accused Tate of using TRT or steroids after getting out of jail, the 36-year-old issued a fiery message on Twitter where he stressed that he’s never touched any PEDs. Derek thought the evidence pointed to Andrew Tate having a natural body.
John Joshua James’s story shows that steroid use alone will not result in dramatic muscle gain. Building an ideal physique is a calculated effort that requires hard work, discipline, nutrition, and a holistic training approach.
RELATED: Liver King Looks Crazy Ripped After Being Natty for 120 Days
You can watch Derek’s full video on the More Plates More Dates YouTube channel:
Published: 2 June, 2023 | 3:41 PM EDT

Gym Bros Ripped Online By Fans After Risking Their Lives For Gym Stunt
Social media provides aspiring influencers with one of the fastest ways to grow their following and build an audience. In a recent Instagram video, two gym bros were trashed by fans online after they attempted to shoulder press a heavy barbell together that almost caused serious injuries.
There is no shortage of people doing crazy things online in hopes of going viral. While some engage in hilarious pranks or amazing feats, others are willing to push the boundary for attaining fame. Fitness sensation Liver King found popularity by eating raw meat and performing insane workouts. On the other hand, influencer Joey Swoll made a name for himself by leading the charge against the rise in toxic gym culture over the last few years.
In June 2022, a female TikToker made headlines after confronting a gym worker in an angry tirade for allegedly staring at her while she stripped down to a sports bra. She lost her gym membership for falsely accusing the worker of being a pervert. Then, she received a fiery message from Swoll where he told her to reflect on her behavior and do better.
A female TikToker named Alice Elizabeth left her fellow male gym-goers stunned with her incredible strength in July 2022. Elizabeth casually walked up to a heavy barbell and pulled off a 120-kg (264.5-lb) deadlift for six reps, leaving the other gym-goers in awe of what they witnessed.
Zach Charlesworth, a college student from Montreal, got pranked into competing at a bodybuilding competition by his friends last September. He was misled into believing they would go swimming but ended up on stage next to the Men’s Physique contenders at the Montreal Summum Classic.
In a different situation, a female TikToker uploaded a clip mocking other gym members for grunting too loudly while lifting heavy weights. Swoll hit back at the woman for her offensive message and advised her to help make gyms a safe space for everyone.
Gym Stunt / Instagram
Swoll took issue with Jessica Fernandez, a TikToker who hurled insults at a man for glancing in her direction and offering help earlier this year. Fernandez later admitted she was in the wrong for trying to label the guy a creep and issued an apology for the behavior.
TikTok user Newas Sharif was admiring his gains in the training room when he flexed too hard and ended up falling face first into a mirror. The incident resulted in Sharif suffering from a broken nose three months ago. The latest influencers to test their luck on camera were a couple of gym bros who were aiming to pull off an unconventional lift.
Gym Bros flamed online after risking their lives for a gym debacle
In a recent Instagram post, two gym bros were torn online after putting their lives at risk for a failed gym stunt.
The duo tried to shoulder press a heavy barbell together. However, the bar came crashing down on them and knocked them to the ground. Even the cameraman fell down from the incident presumably in shock.
Reactions came flooding in with many expressing their disapproval of the stunt.
“No hospital? Try again! Want to see them hurt,” wrote one user.
“Good… well deserved,” commented another.
A user chimed in, “Stop f*cking around in the gym for TikTok.”
“What brand of stupid did they sprinkle in their protien this morning?” asked another.
“I broke my hip just watching this,” commented one.
“When u a *etard,” weighed in another.
“Thats too bad I was hoping atleast one got seriously injured,” commented a user.
Two months ago, an online trend caught the attention of the fitness community after TikTokers suggested incorporating Pedigree dog food into their diets to bump up their overall daily protein intake. The user who started the trend eventually came clean about the prank and pleaded with the public not to eat dog food for protein.
RELATED: Watch: Female TikToker Shocks Male Gym-Goers After Deadlifting 425lbs With Relative Ease
The latest video shows that gym stunts are alive and well in the fitness community. Fortunately, the gym bros don’t appear to have been seriously injured as a result of the crazy incident.
Published: 31 May, 2023 | 6:45 PM EDT

TikTok Mom Shamed for Wearing Revealing Top to Gym: ‘Your Boobs are Hanging Out’
TikTok has become the new launching pad for those looking to attain fame and popularity. From pranks to positivity, there have been all sorts of content that have found a home on the short-video sharing platform. In a recent video posted on TikTok, Kylen Suttner shared her experience of getting shamed by a fellow gym-goer for allegedly wearing an inappropriate outfit in the gym.
Over the last two years, social media fitness influencers migrated from other platforms to TikTok in droves as the app experienced a major surge in popularity. Internet sensation Liver King is one of the most recognizable names along with bodybuilder Bradley Martyn who used the platform to their advantage.
In Sep. 2022, TikToker Zach Charlesworth of Montreal made headlines after he was at the receiving end of a prank. His friends tricked him into believing they were going swimming but he ended up in a bodybuilding competition without any preparation. Although he didn’t boast a stage-ready physique, he received praise for going against the Men’s Physique contenders at the Montreal Summum Classic.
A TikTok woman went viral for her deceptive nude leggings last October. The user uploaded a video performing squats while donning skin-color leggings that misled viewers into thinking she was not wearing any pants. She later explained her affinity for nude colors to clarify the situation.
Fitness sensation Joey Swoll has been a leading force in pushing back against the rise of toxic gym behavior. He took issue with a female TikToker who taunted a gym-goer for grunting too loudly while lifting heavy weights months ago. He criticized her for making fun of others instead of mocking them and encouraged her to create a safe space for everyone considering she was a trainer.
Earlier this year, Swoll bashed a female TikToker for her poor gym etiquette. The woman refused to share the equipment she was using while performing supersets with another fitness enthusiast. Swoll called on her to improve her behavior and not behave in such a hostile manner. Then, Swoll showed another female TikToker named Jessica Fernandez the error in her ways after she hurled insults at a man for glancing in her direction and offering help at the gym. Fernandez admitted her fault and issued an apology message inspired by Swoll’s callout.
TikTok Mom was shamed for wearing a revealing sports bra to the gym
In a recent TikTok video, user Kylen Suttner shared her experience of being shamed by another gym-goer for the sports bra she wore to the gym. The 21-year-old new mom got accused of wearing inappropriate attire that was too revealing according to the other member.
“Guess it’s time to build a home gym,” she wrote.
“Do you really think you can walk around the gym wearing that? Your boobs are hanging out,” called out another gym-goer.
“Are you kidding me?” Suttner replied.
The other said, “No, we’re in a public place, do you not see everyone around you? No one wants to look at your boobs hanging out.”
“I am fine, thank you,” Suttner said.
The other said, “I don’t think you are. Whatever, put on a shirt next time.”
guess it’s time to build a home gym #gym #gymkaren #publicgym #publicgyms #postpartum #postpartumbody #postpartumrecovery #gymtime #workout #liftingweights #publicgymproblems #publicgymprobs #publicgyms #karen #karenvideos #karensgoingwild #karensoftiktok #karentok #karensgonewild #karenontheloose
♬ original sound – Kylen Suttner
Suttner was not discouraged by the negative interaction. She added that she usually showed way more skin and refused to back down from wearing what she wants to the gym.
Three months ago, a TikTok bro did rounds on the internet after breaking his nose while posing. The user named Newas Sharif flexed too hard and passed out, crashing right into a mirror and injuring his nose.
A trend of consuming dog food picked up momentum after several TikTokers started eating Pedigree dog food due to the claims of high protein content last month.
Regardless of who was right in the latest TikTok clip, it is yet another example of the negative content that rises to the top on the app.
Published: 6 May, 2023 | 5:04 PM EDT