Tag: Tony huge

Tony Huge Responds To Dennis James Over Big Ramy’s Deal With Enhanced Labs
Tony Huge responds to Dennis James recent comments on the Big Ramy and Enhanced Labs controversy
Former IFBB Pro and current coach Dennis James recently made comments about Big Ramy’s deal with Enhanced Labs. When the two-time Olympia champion was allegedly offered a new contract behind the back of his coach, James called the company “unprofessional” and a “clusterf**k.”
In an exclusive conversation with Generation Iron, Tony Huge responded to the comments made by James regarding business with Enhanced Labs.
“Dennis was brought on simply to be the liaison to help get content. But it didn’t happen. That’s fine. Ramy is a Middle East A-list celebrity with more money and influence than he ever could’ve imagined. He’s a super nice guy and a bodybuilding and success story champion. I think it’s fantastic that Enhanced supported him. But Enhanced marketing is based on cutting edge honest and revolutionary educational content. Ramy could be a tremendous benefit to Enhanced if he was interested in giving value to the American audience.”
Tony Huge Expresses Interest In Continuing Business If Done Right
The allure of working with Big Ramy was there for Huge and Enhanced Labs if it was done right. Huge continued to discuss how business is done in 2022. It might be different than how it was done years ago.
“As for the Dennis thing, I would love to work more with Ramy. I used to talk to him at every expo and even met up with him at Oxygen Gym in Kuwait years ago when he was training for Olympia. So I was excited to work with him and produce some next level content.
I don’t see any meaningful content on YouTube or Instagram. Enhanced isn’t asking for a refund but it also can’t continue paying a liaison who isn’t able to liaison. But also understand I’m not a party to the contract, I didn’t have any business communication with Dennis or Ramy. The only contact I had was trying to get content for which I was unable to get from them.”
Big Ramy has turned into a superstar in the Middle East and this is the reason he might be working on different projects in his home country. If there is time to contribute in other ways, Huge would be open to working with the duo once again.
“If Ramy is ready to rock and roll and do some content for the American audience then I am also ready and I’d love to work with him. But I also understand he has a lot of other projects that take his attention so I think if I was in his position I would also focus on the Middle East and also not waste time on America.”
Tony Huge: “Content Is King In 2022”
Having big-name sponsors is important for any company in any area but in the media today, there has to be content provided. The name alone is not as important as the content being put out anymore.
After Dennis James made his comments, Tony Huge decided to inquire about sales within Enhanced.
“I asked Enhanced what the effect of Dennis complaining was and it resulted in a bigger boost in sales than when he was sponsored. Which goes to prove exactly what I try to tell Enhanced and the community that you can’t just stick someone’s picture on a bottle. Content is king in 2022. If Dennis would have done content like this before then he would’ve been able to produce a lot of sales.”
They say that there is no such thing as bad publicity and this recent engagement between James and Enhanced is a prime example. Even if the content provided is negative toward one side, the publicity gets the name out there and could boost sales or engagement in a big way.
Tony Huge continued by explaining how this could continue if James put the energy in producing content for Enhanced and promoting different sales.
“If Dennis put that same energy into promoting sales before then he would’ve been a good investment and he still could. He still could get on board with Enhanced and increase sales. He just needs to understand again that a bodybuilder reputation isn’t alone valuable enough to increase sales. In 2022, it takes work. The old generation of bodybuilders are going to really need to learn to adapt or become obsolete.
In the end, Tony Huge reiterated his claim that he would still be open to working with Dennis James and Big Ramy if they have the time and desire.
“I love helping bodybuilders get exposure and produce content. And I’m still here to help Dennis if he wants. And I would still love to do content with Ramy if any of his time and energy gets freed up from his obligations in the Middle East.
“Anyways I stand ready to help Dennis and Ramy if they have the time, energy, and desire.”
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Tony Huge: “I May Have Just Had A Heart Attack”
Tony Huge was diagnosed with different issues in his heart.
Tony Huge has been an influential name in bodybuilding for years now because of the work he does to study the sport. He has conducted plenty of experiments involving anabolic steroids and other supplements. Recently, Huge contracted the flu and this caused some issues in his chest. He also battled the COVID Delta variant back in August. He revealed that he thought he was having a heart attack.
On Saturday, Tony Huge posted a video to his YouTube page explaining what was happening.
“I think I may have had a heart attack. At least I was having a lot of pain, a lot of pressure, in my chest. I didn’t have the symptoms like the numb arm or any other symptoms but I talked to some friends who have had heart attacks and they said that sometimes they didn’t have any of those symptoms and that the symptom of just the pressure on the chest was enough to indicate that you maybe have had a heart attack,” Tony Huge said.
Tony Huge went in for multiple tests on his heart and they found that his levels were well above the normal range. This includes his D-Dimer score being over 2,500. The normal range is under 500. Also, Huge’s CPK was 1,379, which is almost seven times the normal level.
Huge referenced his lack of cardio done to strengthen the heart. He was supposed to implement cardio into his routine but found himself doing it about once or twice a month. In the end, Huge was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse. This is a condition in which your heart’s mitral valve does not close properly. It allows blood to flow backwards into the heart rather than keeping it going forward.
“I have to get more testing to see if I need a heart surgery to fix the valve…I had the flu really bad. I almost died. I didn’t realize that it could damage the heart directly and indirectly. It damages the lungs and because the lungs get damaged, the heart pressure gets backed up and it damages the heart.”
Tony Huge will undergo more tests to see how to proceed with this issue. It may require surgery to repair but this has not been determined just yet. the pressure that Huge was feeling was making him feel like he was having a heart attack but that was not the case. Hopefully this issue can be resolved with tests and a strong course of action.
“I am diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse with blood flow regurgitation, chest pain, heart working too hard, critical value heart inflammation.
Doctor suggestion: Further testing and possible surgical repair of the mitral valve in the heart. There are so many deaths and heart problems in bodybuilding recently. Time to get to the bottom of it,” Tony Huge wrote as his caption to the video.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

INTERVIEW: The Anabolic Doc Wants To Debate Tony Huge & Debunk His Steroid Claims
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Dr. Thomas O’Connor, aka The Anabolic Doc, is willing to go toe-to-toe with Tony Huge and disprove his pro steroid claims.
Throughout the years of developing films in the bodybuilding, strength sports, and fitness world – we’ve had the pleasure of connecting with Dr. Thomas O’Connor for many projects. Known in bodybuilding as The Anabolic Doc, O’Connor is a medical doctor and expert on Testosteronology. This is a medical specialty that offers comprehensive and personalized medical services for men on androgens.
O’Connor has appeared in multiple Generation Iron films including Enhanced and Enhanced 2 The Max. He often criticized and disagreed with the controversial claims of Tony Huge. For these films, both Tony Huge and Dr. O’Connor’s interviews were conducted separately. They’ve never had a chance to discuss their conflicting beliefs in the same room… but it seems like that will soon change. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, The Anabolic Doc opens up about wanted to debate Tony Huge directly and debunk Tony’s controversial claims about steroids.
It’s been over a year since we last connected with Dr. Thomas O’Connor, aka The Anabolic Doc. Since then, Dr. O’Connor appeared in a National Geographic limited series that explored the underworld of steroid use. Tony Huge, a controversial self proclaimed underground PED scientist, also appeared in the National Geographic program. This is a third time they’ve appeared in a film or TV show together – followed by our films Enhanced and Enhanced 2 The Max.
During our latest video interview with the Anabolic Doc, we discussed the National Geographic show and O’Connor’s thoughts on working on yet another project involving Tony Huge. O’Connor admitted that he felt his services were underutilized in the series. He understood that he was not the star of the program – but found that ultimately Tony Huge was featured far more. National Geographic seemed more interested in showing the danger and excitement of underground steroids. This caused O’Connor to come across, as he put it, like “the angry white man.”
In The Anabolic Doc’s opinion, National Geographic essentially released a promotional video for Tony Huge and underground steroids while offering much less impactful information about the true dangers of long term use.
That’s why we then suggested that the Anabolic Doc and Tony Huge should have a direct debate on the Generation Iron Network.
While Dr. O’Connor and Tony Huge have now appeared in three different projects together – they’ve never actually been in the same room during those films and shows. Vlad Yudin asked O’Connor if he would be open to directly debating Tony Huge. O’Connor was happy to oblige.
“I’d love to do it. If he [Toney Huge] has the balls to do it. He might not have the balls to do it,” Dr. Thomas O’Connor stated in our interview. He continued:
“It would be super awesome because it would get tons of millions and millions of views and I would be able to sell what I sell. Which is my information and love and care and knowledge to limit steroid use by young men. I would love to do it.”
The Anabolic Doc has always positioned himself as a doctor who empathizes and loves bodybuilding and strength sports. But he also is honest about the very real dangers of long time steroid abuse. He has always made it his mission to help any bodybuilder or strength athlete without discrimination. He wants to empathize with their passion and design to succeed while also opening their eyes to the true risk and permanent damage they might accrue due to their choices.
Conversely, Tony Huge has made it his mission to publicly inform bodybuilders and strength athletes of the benefits of steroids. According to Huge, steroids are not unhealthy and the long term effects are overblown. He feels that steroid use can be the next step in humanity’s evolution. He thinks doctors such as The Anabolic Doc are simply part of a conspiracy to limit information on steroids and keep it from becoming legalized.
This clash of beliefs would certainly be exciting to watch in a debate format – as both Dr. O’Connor and Tony Huge state to have evidence to back their claims. To see them directly challenge each other’s evidence would be a site to behold. Stay tuned to the Generation Iron Fitness Network for updates as we plan to make this debate a reality.
For now – you can watch The Anabolic Doc share his opinion on Tony Huge and his desire to debate him in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Tony Huge Provides Update After Battle With COVID Delta
Tony Huge took to Instagram to provide an update on his condition following catching the COVID Delta variant.
Tony Huge is a bodybuilder and spokesperson for enhanced labs. He is a huge name in the sport in many areas and has plenty of work under his belt. On Wednesday, he took to Instagram to reveal his latest battle.
Huge revealed that he has been battling COVID for three weeks. This was not the original variant that sent the world into a pandemic, but the Delta variant that seems to be coming on strong.
“2 weeks with Covid Delta took 30lbs of my gains and almost took my life. I’m completely recovered from the virus but it’s going to take a loooooong time to recover my energy, strength, and mental performance. This is really embarrassing to me because I should be the last person that should get nailed this bad given my health and my expertise but the first thing it took was my brain power. Confusion and mental fog and low energy hit fast and I wasn’t able to treat myself properly.”
Tony Huge has conducted many experiments on himself with different anabolic steroids. He is a self-proclaimed underground scientist and this is why he has been able to do studies in different ways. Huge has made an impact on bodybuilding in many ways but his progress was slowed down by his battle with this virus.
There is no doubt that Huge will be back to normal soon enough but it shows that the virus does not discriminate. He mentioned that it will take some time to get back to where he was physically and how the virus even took a toll on his mental state.
“As my brain function comes back slowly now I’ll be able to reflect on all of it and learn and help others better. Note: I was immune to the first strain of covid. this one was definitely a mutation. I won’t be able to respond to all comments/questions but ill use them to make videos so I will end up answering all your posted questions by video over the next few weeks,” Huge continued on Instagram.
It is clear that Tony Huge will not be shy about discussing his recent battle with Covid Delta. He will be able to speak on his experiences and help others, which is something he has been interested in doing for a long time now.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Tony Huge experiments leads to an overdose.
Tony Huge experiments leads to an overdose. Tony Huge has no qualms with conducting underground experiments involving performance enhancing drugs. In fact, he has made it his mission to try and change the world with his underground tests. While being freed from the limitations of supposedly unfair laws and rules in certified science experiments is…