Tag: Top Steroid Cycles

10 Best Injectable Cycles for Beginners / with Diagrams
Deciding to take steroid cycles is one thing, administering and combining them well is another. Some bodybuilders make the grave mistake of copying from anywhere. Failing to stack anabolic steroids in the smartest, most informed way leads to complications that include adverse side effects. Similarly, administering well helps you get the desired results with minimal side effects. There are several other ways of taking anabolic steroids such as pills, injecting, or both. However, the Best Injectable Cycles are most preferred because the drugs enter the bloodstream directly.
A steroid cycle involves using steroids that boost hormone production, more so testosterone, above normal levels. In our previous article, we discussed the best syringes to use for a steroid injection. In this section, we will take you through the 10 best injectable cycles for beginners.
Related Article:: The Best 8 Weeks Testosterone Only Cycle
Testosterone-Only Cycle one of the Best Injectable Cycles
Testosterone is the first thing that should come to your mind if want to start a steroid cycle. It is the common denominator for the first and subsequent cycles. Most beginner bodybuilders prefer using cypionate and esters in their first cycle. This is because you don’t need a fast-acting ester in your first cycle, thus saving you the trouble of having to inject frequently. Pros can have two or more injections every week but that is a little too much for a beginner. In your first testosterone cycle, you need to keep it steady; not rapid or slow increases.
Here is a table that shows how your testosterone-only cycle should be like. Note that the amount of testosterone may vary from one person to another but generally, this is the recommended amount. Taking a single injection of the hormone a week for 10 weeks is enough to help your body get used to it. It is important to note that interfering with the program may not help you achieve the desired results.
150 mg
150 mg
200 mg
200 mg
300 mg
300 mg
350 mg
350 mg
400 mg
400 mg
Dianabol Cycle
Now that you have hardened your body with testosterone, it is time to try harder stuff. Dianabol is one of the hardest anabolic steroids in existence but you can manage it after 10 weeks of testosterone-only.
It is known to induce the biggest muscle mass in beginners after just a few injections. A Dianabol cycle should last 6 weeks tops. It is important to note that there are many forms of Dianabol but we are going to use methandrostenolone in our case.
15 mg/day
15 mg/day
20 mg/day
20 mg/day
25 mg/day
25 mg/day
Beginners have high chances of developing side effects from using this steroid despite the small dose. However, the gains are also quite massive because the drug increases muscles significantly. You’re likely to gain up to 30lbs if you use the above cycle without fail.
Must Read:: Dianabol (Dbol) Cycle – The Best Options For Beginners and Advanced Users
Trenbolone Cycle
Tren is another one of the Best Injectable Cycles that is highly recommended for beginners. Consequently, its gains are swift and so are the side effects. This injectable is most appropriate for bodybuilders who start with a big body and want to get massive in a few weeks. Most importantly, tren is multipurpose; it can be used bulking and cutting. Its strong androgenic and anabolic properties make it quite effective for these functions. Research has shown that tren’s androgenic value is 4.99x that of testosterone.
Related Article:: Trenbolone Cycle
Lean muscle is every beginner’s desire and that is what tren offers. However, if you’re looking to bulge, perhaps you should try testosterone or Dbol.
Deca Durabolin Cycle
This is a slow-acting but highly potent injectable you should consider for your cycle. It might take a bit longer to realize changes but when they come it will be in form of massive increases in muscle mass. However, it is important to note that deca is specifically used in bulking cycles. Unlike most injectables new have already discussed, this particular one lacks androgenicity but its anabolic effects are unmatched. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a typical example of a classic bodybuilder who used deca cycle for bulking during the off-season.
Despite its potency, deca comes with side effects that are not as adverse as other injectables. It is one of the reasons the steroid is widely used for medicinal purposes. With deca, you don’t have to worry about interference with liver function and cardiovascular health. However, if you experience adverse side effects, then it means deca may have been stacked with other toxic steroids.
Read This:: Deca Durabolin Steroid Cycle
Anadrol and Test Cycles
Anadrol and testosterone are a good combination if you’re skeptical about using the slow-acting deca. These two injectables stacked together have the potential of bringing an amateur to their knees. Therefore, it is recommended for pro bodybuilders only whose bodies are not affected by mild steroids.
Related Article:: Top 5 Best Steroid Cycles For 2019
Expectedly, this stack produces exceptional results within a short period. Muscle and tissue mass will increase exponentially until the end of the cycle. Here is how the stack should be administered. It is recommended that the cycle should last six weeks tops to reduce the risk of worsening side effects.
50 mg/day
200 mg/day
50 mg/day
200 mg/day
65 mg/day
300 mg/day
65 mg/day
300 mg/day
75 mg/day
350 mg/day
75 mg/day
350 mg/day
One might notice significant increases in blood pressure and a drastic drop in testosterone production as the cycle progresses. Luckily, these effects are normally reversed after the cycle with good PCT.
Dbal and Test Cycle
This is another powerful stack that is widely used to increase mass. Dianabol and testosterone are powerful injectables whose combination only multiplies potency. The gains will be massive but the side effects are much more. Notable adverse side effects include increases in:
Gyno ✓
Blood pressure ✓
Water retention ✓
Low testosterone ✓
Test and Deca Cycle
Considered one of the safest combinations, this stack is known to increase both mass and strength. Its safety comes from the fact that testosterone alleviates some of deca’s adverse side effects. Most importantly, you won’t have to worry about low libido which is associated with deca because testosterone’s androgenicity will help overcome it.
Anavar Cycle
If you’re looking for a mild steroid for cutting, then Anavar is your best choice. Anavar’s most important property is that it doesn’t aromatize, thus making it best for cutting. Additionally, this injectable promotes fat loss, among other benefits.
Read This:: The Anavar Cycle
Anavar does not come with severe side effects, so you can take it to improve strength even when you’re taking fewer calories.
Test and Tren Cycle
This stack is recommended for bodybuilders who have already had a tren-only or test-only cycle. This is because the combination of these two steroids is so powerful that only advanced bodybuilders can go through with it. A test and tren cycle is known to bring massive gains of both strength and mass. Additionally, the stack promotes fat loss through the speedy burning of calories.
The cycle should run for 8-10 weeks but since it is recommended for pros, you can stick to 10 weeks. The dosage is as follows:
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
500 mg/day
200 mg/day
Winstrol and Tren Cycle
Winstrol burns fat at a greater speed than most injectables. Stacking it with trenbolone is the best way to alleviate this effect among others. Similarly, the presence of tren enhances muscle growth, something you cannot achieve with Winstrol alone. Despite this apparent balance, this combination is quite harsh for an average bodybuilder. Anyone that is thinking of taking this route should be prepared to pay a small price in form of severe side effects. However, if you can handle the side effects, the gains that come your way are quite impressive. This stack also helps to regulate blood pressure, in addition to muscle and strength-building capabilities.
Moreover, the two steroids are used when bulking, rather than cutting. This combination should only be an option if you find it hard to achieve fat loss through diet. Additionally, only use it if you can tolerate tren without strain.
Injectable cycles are the most effective when it comes to cutting and bulking. As a beginner, you need to be careful with the kind of cycle you choose. Always start with mild steroids and prepress to stronger ones before finally combining them. Most importantly, know what you want with your body before rushing to any cycle. Also, it is advisable to do hard steroids for shorter periods to minimize their impact in terms of side effects. Overall, injectable cycles are highly recommended to beginners because they yield rapid results. You also get to familiarize yourself with the main steroids and become tolerant of their use. Visit our shop for various legal steroids for your cycle.

Top Roids Cycles For Extreme Size and Strength
Best Steroid Cycles For Size and Strength Disclaimer: I would recommend that all first-time users start out with a low dose of Testosterone as the entirety of their cycle. You will learn to get a feel of what it’s like to be on Test, along with which side effects you […]
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