Tag: transformation

On October 8th, 2023, international athletes who won their pro cards at the NPC Worldwide Invictus Pro Qualifier in 2022 traveled to the United States completely FREE to compete against the best in the world at the IFBB Pro Legion Sports Fest

Have You Ever Wanted to Transform into a Stunning Fitness Model?
Read about how Karla Adams and her Sports Model Program!
Journey, Life’s Work, Transformation
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Ethan Suplee Revisits Insane 200-lb Weight Loss Transformation
Hollywood sensation Ethan Suplee made a name for himself with roles in some of the biggest blockbuster films. Being known for his chunky physique, he tipped the scales at 530 pounds at one point. In a recent post made on Instagram, Suplee revisited the insane 200-pound weight loss transformation with a before and after snap. […]
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15 Best Foods to Eat on a Cut: Unveiling Fat Loss Secrets
Achieving a ripped physique is a process. It requires month after month of dedication, discipline, and hard training. And it requires that you are 100% on top of what you eat daily. When it comes to the cutting phase of your program, nutrition becomes more important than ever. However, knowing just what to eat on a cut can be confusing. After all, there’s a lot of conflicting advice out there.
In this article, we will identify 15 key foods and four super herbs and spices that should form the foundation of your cutting phase. Whether you’re zeroing in on a competition or trying to get in the best shape of your life, you’re about to learn what you must eat during those final three months to achieve your dream physique.
Understanding a Bodybuilding Cut
Cutting is a bodybuilding term that refers to a period when you reduce your caloric intake and carefully monitor your food with the goal of stripping as much excess body fat from your physique as possible. It follows a bulking phase, which aims to increase calories beyond the maintenance level to add as much muscle mass as possible.
Bulking and cutting, therefore, go hand in hand. Bulking can be considered like packing slabs of clay onto your frame. During the cutting phase, you sculpt and refine that clay to bring out the detail and eliminate the excess.
The success of a cutting phase often depends on how the bodybuilder went about the bulking phase. If they choose to go on a dirty bulk, where they pay little attention to the quality of the calories they’re putting into their body, they are likely to start the cutting phase with a high level of body fat. It will take a lot of work for them to first get rid of the extra fat they gained during the bulk and then burn their normal fat stores to improve their muscle definition.
On the other hand, a bodybuilder who follows a clean bulk, where they stick to lean protein sources and clean carbs, will put on minimal fat during the phase. It will allow them to start making immediate inroads into their fat stores.
During the cutting phase, your primary goal is to strip the maximum amount of body fat from your frame so that your muscles are more defined. You want every muscle fiber to be clearly visible. Ideally, cross striations in the muscle fiber should also be visible when you flex.
At the same time that you’re getting ripped, your secondary goal is to preserve the hard-earned muscle mass you’ve gained during the bulking phase.
So how long does each phase last? There is nothing set in concrete regarding the length of the bulking and cutting phase, but most bodybuilders tend to follow each phase for 10-12 weeks. We will work on a three-month cutting period for the rest of this article.
Calculating Caloric Needs
The most important thing to understand when you’re on a cut is that you can’t simply wing it. You have got to determine your numbers and stick with them. So, what numbers are we talking about?
It all starts with your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). That number represents the total energy your body needs to meet its needs over a day. This includes your resting metabolic rate, physical activity, and the thermic effect of food (how many calories it takes to digest it). Once you know how many calories you need to function, you can then make adjustments to that number to create a caloric deficit.
Creating a caloric deficit will force your body to take action to meet the energy shortfall. Without enough energy from food, your body will turn to its reserve energy source — stored body fat — to meet the shortfall. And that is how the fat loss process takes place.
So, let’s begin by determining your TDEE.
There are several calculations to work out your TDEE, each based on a slightly different formula that considers your activity level. I recommend using this convenient online TDEE calculator.
You now know how many calories you must consume daily to maintain your physique. You must create a modest caloric deficit to start shedding body fat without sacrificing hard-earned muscle mass. I recommend reducing your intake by 10-15%. So, what does that look like?
If your TDEE is 2,500 calories, you should cut back by 250-375 calories. Start with a 250-calorie reduction to take your daily calorie goal to 2,250. Assess your progress over the first couple of weeks. If you’re not losing fat at the desired rate, reduce it by another 125 calories per day.
Macronutrient Breakdown
Let’s now narrow things down to the makeup of your daily calories during your cutting phase. Here’s what you need to consider regarding each macronutrient:
Sources Healthy Protein
During your bulking phase, protein is the key nutrient for muscle growth. When it comes to cutting, protein is just as important. Of the three macros, protein is the most satiating, meaning that it fills you up faster than either carbs or fats. Protein also has the highest thermic rate. While it takes about 10% of the energy in fat or carb to digest that food, that percentage skyrockets to around 30% for protein.
Ensuring you get a plentiful supply of protein during your cutting phase will also help preserve your muscle mass while dieting.
As a result, protein should remain the foundation of your diet during a cutting phase — you’ll simply be eating less of it. You should consume one gram of protein per pound of body weight during your cutting phase. Aim for 30-35% of your calories from protein.
Related: Find your daily protein intake.
When it comes to carbohydrate intake during your cutting phase, you need to be strategic about your timing. Carbs can power your workouts, so you should consume them around your training sessions. You should emphasize complex carbs such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
Adjust your carb intake according to your activity level and how your body responds to them. Aim for 40-45% of your calories from carbohydrates.
Related: Find your daily carbs intake.
Healthy fats are an essential part of a successful cutting diet. They help fill you up while promoting nutrient absorption and hormone production. Go for sources of unsaturated fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Aim to get 20-30% of your calories from fats.
Related: Find your daily fat intake.
Focus on Whole Foods
Even though it can be tempting to grab processed foods, especially when you’re on the go, whole foods should be your priority on a cutting diet. When we talk about whole foods, we’re referring to foods in their natural, unprocessed state. Examples are fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, and seeds. Here are five reasons why you should prioritize whole foods on your cut:
Nutrient Density: Whole foods provide a lot more bang for your buck in terms of nutrient density. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber to meet your body’s daily needs.
Satiety: Whole foods don’t contain empty calories. As such, they are more filling, ensuring you get the maximum benefit from your calorie cost.
Better Digestion: Natural whole foods are easier to digest than processed foods, putting less strain on your digestive system. They also better promote a healthy gut microbiome and provide valuable fiber.
Lower Calorie Density: Whole foods tend to be lower in total calorie count than their processed alternatives. That allows you to eat more while staying within your calorie goal, making you feel more satisfied and less deprived.
Greater Ingredient Control: When you focus on natural foods, you have more control over the quality and composition of your food. You can avoid sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives added to processed foods.
15 Superfoods To Add To Your Cut
During your cut, you’re looking for every advantage you can get to strip fat from your body. That means you need to be smart about the foods you eat. The 15 foods in this section have all been shown to maximize fat burn while supporting muscle mass and promoting optimum health. Use these foods as the foundation for your cut:
1. Grapes
Grapes are a wonderful snack you can overindulge in without feeling bad since they provide a potent combination of health-improving and weight-loss advantages.
Grapes are a fantastic hunger suppressant when trying to lose fat. They can also help control blood sugar levels. By doing this, they lower insulin levels and stop leptin, the hormone that causes hunger, from being released.
Because of a high concentration of polyphenol phytochemicals, grapes have a hidden healing ability. Although the precise process is still unclear, polyphenols can protect us against cancer.
Additionally, grapes offer more nutrition per calorie than almost any other food. Beta carotene, lutein, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E are just a few of the abundant antioxidants in them.
In addition to all these health benefits, grapes contain a chemical that turns them into a superfood. The skin and seeds of the grape contain the plant-derived substance — resveratrol. It has been demonstrated to have a strong, advantageous impact on the cardiovascular system. It is an effective tool in the fight against blood clots that can cause a heart attack or stroke because it can prevent blood platelets from clumping together.
Resveratrol has emerged as a crucial tool in the battle against breast, colon, and esophageal cancer since it inhibits numerous crucial processes that result in tumors. Resveratrol also has potent anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that it helps regulate blood sugar levels, lowering insulin levels and preventing binge eating and cravings. [1] [2]
2. Nuts
Healthy Nuts
Nuts, which are packed with healthy fats and protein, represent the ideal cutting snack. When you eat nuts as a snack, they will keep you full while also working to improve your health.
Consuming any kind of nut significantly lowers the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, consuming almonds has been demonstrated to lessen the risk of colon cancer. If that’s not amazing enough, scientists predict that eating nuts daily can add two years to a person’s lifespan. [3]
Naturally, nuts may provide you with the amino acids you require, devoid of cholesterol and saturated fat, since they are a plant-based source of protein. Magnesium, a vital mineral that aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure, is also abundant in nuts. Additionally, they offer a first-rate supply of B vitamins like riboflavin and niacin.
Omega 3 fatty acids, which are chronically undersupplied in the Western diet, are also abundant in nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids can significantly increase your ability for fat loss.
Nuts are an excellent healthy carbohydrate source for weight loss because they lower leptin levels, improving fat burning by reducing insulin resistance.
Nuts are also a great source of fiber, which plays a significant role in losing weight. It slows down carbohydrate absorption and digestion, enabling a more regulated rise in blood sugar levels.
The best nuts to eat as a cutting snack are:
Macadamia Nuts
3. Berries
According to scientists, berries are now considered among the world’s top foods for fighting disease. That results from their abundance of antioxidants, which also contributes to their brilliant colors. Berries’ antioxidants have been linked to reducing the incidence of certain malignancies, improving cognitive conditions, and fending off the effects of aging.
In addition, berries are a fantastic source of nutritional fiber. Blueberries have got to be the best disease fighter among all the berries. Antioxidants included in blueberries help lower cholesterol levels, which lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Berries contain a lot of flavonoids as well. Flavonoids have positive effects on the circulatory system and can lower cardiovascular risks. Blackberries, in particular, have a high flavonoid content. [4]
Although berries are a seasonal food, frozen berries are accessible all year round and have the same health benefits as fresh berries.
A super fruit that offers the antioxidant properties of other berries boosted by a factor of five has recently been made known to the Western world. This extraordinary food has more antioxidants than any other food identified so far. It is raised in the remote Tibetan Himalayas, which have some of the highest elevations on earth. It’s the goji berry.
Researchers refer to goji berries as the Rolls Royce of berries, and they are currently becoming a sensation in the nutritional world. Here are several reasons to eat goji berries:
Boosts testosterone and libido
Contain 19 amino acids, including the essential ones
Comprise 22 trace minerals, including zinc, calcium, and selenium
Lower blood sugar levels and satisfy cravings faster than other berries
Contain 500 times more Vitamin C than oranges, vitamin E, which is extremely rare in fruit, and more beta-carotene than carrots. [5]
4. Apples
Apples are among those common foods that are easy to take for granted. If you’re one of those folks who overlooked the apple’s benefits, it’s time you sat up and paid attention.
Antioxidants can be found in abundance in apples. Additionally, they are an organic source of phytonutrients that support the health of your bones.
They contain both soluble and insoluble forms and are also a fantastic source of fiber. Because of how incredibly full the insoluble fiber in apple skin is, it is fantastic for weight management. Roughage is another benefit that aids in preventing and treating constipation.
Pectin, found in apples, is extremely helpful for detoxifying the body. It is a wise choice when you sense a cold coming on because it also reduces throat swelling and pain.
Blood sugar levels can be effectively managed by eating apples. Fructose, a naturally occurring fruit sugar, is present in them. These sugars are delivered into the bloodstream very gradually due to the high fiber component of the apple. This is a fantastic tool for ensuring consistent blood sugar levels, making apples great for losing weight. [6]
5. Salmon
Salmon provides your body with the perfect one-two power punch to knock fat for six — it is a fantastic source of protein and a rich source of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
To appreciate the amazing health-giving benefits of salmon, we must look to the Inuit Eskimo peoples of Greenland. Half a century ago, scientists were puzzled at these people’s low incidence of heart disease. Now they know why — it is all down to their diet, which is extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Studies of Eskimo people compared to those who follow a typical Western diet have made it clear that the risk of heart disease decreases as the amount of fish in our diet increases.
Salmon is also an effective stress fighter, as it can suppress the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. And, with stress being a critical factor in binge and craving eating, the link between salmon and fat loss is obvious. [7]
6. Avocado
If you had to choose just one food to eat for the rest of your life, you couldn’t do much better than the avocado. Avocados have all the nutrients you need to survive, thrive, and quickly reduce weight.
A typical avocado consists of 60 calories and 9 grams of carbohydrates, with 7 of those grams being fiber. Additionally, it contains 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fat. Plant sterols, which have been demonstrated to decrease cholesterol levels, are abundant in avocados. Studies have shown that avocados’ high monounsaturated fat content reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
Additionally, researchers think that substituting avocado oil for vegetable and palm oils when cooking can reduce visceral body fat in the abdomen area. The avocado is not only low in calories, nutrition dense, and packed with healthy fats, but it also speeds up metabolism and stabilizes blood sugar.
One of the best-known ways to satisfy hunger is a scoop of guacamole. According to a Nutrition Journal study, half a fresh avocado with lunch reduced participants’ appetite by 40% for the next four hours.
According to a 2012 study from Chile, eating half a medium-sized avocado per day was highly connected with better diet quality overall and a 50% lower chance of developing metabolic syndrome. In addition to reporting a lower body mass index and smaller waist circumference, the avocado eaters also reported eating more fruits and vegetables and fiber and vitamin K, two nutrients linked to weight loss.
Your metabolism will continue to run smoothly after eating an avocado, allowing you to burn calories even while you sleep. [8]
7. Tea
Amazing thermogenic characteristics in green tea can aid in your natural fat loss. Green tea can increase body temperature naturally, which helps burn calories. So, why is green tea so good at accelerating your metabolism? It’s down to two essential compounds — caffeine and a catechin known as epigallocatechin (EGCC).
These two substances cause the release of epinephrine, which in turn accelerates metabolism. EGCC is a very potent antioxidant. Without endangering healthy tissue, it can destroy cancer cells. The prevention of heart disease has also been demonstrated to be greatly aided by EGCC. Additionally, it aids in maintaining normal cholesterol levels.
Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that promote the body’s use of fat as a source of energy. Green tea “increases your daily fat-burning rate by 43%,” claims Dr. Nichola Perricone, a well-known weight loss specialist and the author of three books.
Green tea’s catechins compel the body to produce heat. Because of this, the body absorbs carbohydrates into the bloodstream more slowly after eating, which helps control your insulin levels. [9]
One particular variety of green tea stands out as the best for losing weight — oolong tea. Another name for oolong tea is Wu-Ling Tea. If you thought that green tea’s capacity to increase metabolism by 43% was impressive, get ready to be astounded. Oolong tea burns fat 220 percent faster than green tea.
Numerous studies conducted in China have revealed that individuals who consume 2-3 cups of oolong tea daily lose weight at a pace that is 8% higher than those who drink green tea. According to one study, this amounted to a one-pound weekly weight loss from simply drinking two cups of oolong tea! [10]
Oolong tea can help your body burn more fat for energy, speeding up fat burning and causing weight loss. Drinking two to three cups of oolong tea each day will strengthen your immune system, lower your risk of developing some malignancies, and accelerate weight loss.
8. Grapefruit
Grapefruit Slices
Recent studies on grapefruit have shown its effectiveness as a fat-loss stimulant. Half a grapefruit was consumed before each meal by a volunteer group in a 2006 trial at the Scripps Clinic in La Hoya, as opposed to a control group. The grapefruit-consuming group shed almost twice as much weight as the other group. [11]
Grapefruit’s secret weapon is its capacity to regulate insulin. Balanced insulin levels, in turn, regulate blood sugar, which then regulates hunger. Insulin regulates the amount of stored fat because it is also a hormone that causes the body to store fat.
You should include half a grapefruit as a mainstay in your cutting diet plan.
9. Dark Chocolate
It may sound too good to be true, but eating chocolate can help you lose belly fat. Research from the University of Copenhagen shows that dark chocolate reduces the urge for sweet, salty, and fatty foods. In another study, people who ate a candy bar’s worth of dark chocolate for 15 days straight decreased their insulin resistance potential by 50%. This is due to the flavonoids and healthy fats that dark chocolate contains. [14]
10. Broccoli
Broccoli is an extremely nutritious, fiber-rich vegetable that is also very low in calories. That makes it a smart choice if you’re trying to curb belly fat. It also contains high vitamin C and folate levels to help ward off heart attack and stroke.
11. Yogurt
Yogurt is a rich source of protein and calcium. According to a 2015 study, obese study participants who were given three servings of fat-free yogurt daily lost 22% more weight and 61% more body fat than those who merely reduced caloric intake. The yogurt eaters also lost 81% more belly fat than the control group!
12. Peanut Butter
Peanut butter makes a great snack option. A single serving provides you with 8 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber, which assist with fat loss. It is also a rich source of L-arginine, which helps counter fluid retention.
13. Peas
Peas are one of the most nutrient-dense foods you will ever come across. A single cup delivers 8 grams of protein, along with antioxidants and phytochemicals, all at a very low calorie cost. Peas are also rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and iron, making them a genuine nutritional powerhouse.
14. Eggs
Eggs are among the most digestible forms of complete protein available. They also contain healthy fats with virtually no carbs. Eggs also have good amounts of calcium, zinc, and vitamins D, E, K, and B6. They are among your best options for breakfast. High protein breakfasts have been linked to enhanced weight loss.
15. Asparagus
Asparagus is filled with prebiotics which positively affects your gut biome. This will increase your levels of healthy bacteria, boosting digestion and helping to eliminate bloating. Asparagus spears are also an excellent source of the B vitamin, folate, which is essential for synthesizing key mood-influencing neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
4 Herbs & Spices to Ramp Up Your Fat Loss
You can significantly increase your fat-burning potential by strategically adding herbs and spices to your cutting diet plan. Here are four herbs and spices that deserve to be part of the equation:
1. Turmeric
In terms of weight loss, turmeric has established itself as a wonder spice. It is rich in essential nutrients like fiber, protein, potassium, calcium, iron, and vitamins C, E, and K. It is known as the “Queen of Spices” because of its many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
The capacity of turmeric to stop fat storage is its most remarkable quality. Curcumin, the turmeric root’s active component, binds to fat cells and induces their contraction and shrinkage by inhibiting the blood arteries necessary for forming fat tissue.
Additionally, turmeric has a thermogenic, metabolism-boosting impact and is very good at lowering blood sugar and insulin resistance.
You should use turmeric as your go-to herb for weight loss during your cut. This golden, powdered spice helps accelerate your weight loss efforts with just one teaspoon consumed daily. You may either consume turmeric as a supplement or utilize it to make scrumptious soups and curries that burn fat.
2. Basil
Basil is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb with great therapeutic properties. It considerably facilitates digestion, which boosts the calorie-burning process. Basil also kills the dangerous bacteria that cause food poisoning. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that this herb aids in stress reduction, which in turn helps with weight loss. Basil leaves also replenish your energy levels and promote the production of new blood cells.
Use fresh and dried basil liberally to reap the most rewards from this incredibly useful herb.
3. Cumin
The spice cumin has gained popularity among people who follow the most recent studies on weight loss. In a recent Iranian study, 88 obese women were divided into study and control groups. Both groups completed nutritional education while consuming 500 fewer calories daily for 12 weeks. The study group also consumed 3 grams, or roughly one teaspoon, of cumin powder daily. Five ounces of yogurt was combined with the cumin. The yogurt was also given to the control group but without the cumin.
After the 12-week research, the study group’s percentage of fat reduction was three times higher than that of the control group (14.64% vs. 4.91%). [12]
Along with these remarkable fat reduction findings, the cumin groups’ triglyceride levels had plummeted by a staggering 23%, as opposed to a 5% drop for the control group. Additionally, compared to the control group, the cumin group’s LDL (bad cholesterol) values were reduced by an average of 10 points.
Consider how such outcomes came about from consuming just one teaspoon of cumin daily.
Researchers have identified that it is high in phytosterols, which are substances derived from plants that can absorb cholesterol. Cumin also can significantly increase metabolism.
4. Capsaicin
For years, people have applied capsaicin topically to relieve pain. However, recent research has shown that it also has a ton of weight loss potential.
The naturally occurring spicy substances in red hot peppers are known as capsaicinoids. One particular member of the capsaicinoid family is capsaicin. It is the primary active ingredient that gives red hot peppers their heat.
In a 12-week trial conducted by the University of Maryland Medical School, obese men and women received 6mg of capsaicin daily. At the conclusion of the study, the capsaicin group had not only lost more weight than the control group, but a significant portion of that weight had come from visceral fat in the abdominal regions. [13]
The researchers concluded that using capsaicin supplements increased metabolism, leading to faster calorie burn. They also hypothesized that capsaicin stimulated the production of adrenal hormones, causing a strong burst of energy.
7 Tips for Next-Level Leanness
Ready to take your leanness to the next level? If you’re already under 15% body fat and want to drop even lower, these proven tips, in conjunction with hard training and a clean diet, will get you there.
Tip #1: Energy Flux
When it comes to fat loss, the amount of calories you turnover is crucial. This is called energy flux and is the relationship between calorie intake and expenditure.
Most people look at fat loss as calories in (eaten) versus calories out (burned). While that basic model can get you by, using the energy flux method improves upon it. It demonstrates that when you eat more and exercise more — even at the same calorie balance — you maintain a faster metabolic rate and a better lean mass-to-fat mass ratio.
Research shows that a high energy flux can significantly increase your resting metabolic rate. In other words, when your energy flux is increased, there is a corresponding boost in sympathetic nervous system activity. This causes an upward shift in metabolic rate and improved nutrient partitioning.
Let’s say you are dieting, eating 2,000 calories daily while burning 2,500 calories. Because you’re in a negative energy balance of 500 calories, you should be losing weight. Yet, if you were to add 1,000 calories to your diet (3,000 calories total) and burn another thousand calories (3,500 calories total), you would see improved body composition benefits.
First, your metabolism would be about 10 to 15% higher since it won’t detect a reduction in calories.
Second, you’d increase your lean mass because your muscles would be constantly supplied with amino acids through your protein intake.
Both of these factors contribute to significant fat loss.
Third, you’d avoid feelings of deprivation since you’d be eating more. In fact, some bodybuilders consume more calories at the onset of a fat-loss phase in conjunction with increased exercise volume.
So, the take-home message is this: when kicking off an advanced nutrition program, boost both your total calorie burning and your total food intake. As a general rule, the best fat loss happens when you exercise 7 to 10 hours a week and eat the right foods at the right times.
Tip #2: Time your Nutrients
If you’re not familiar with nutrient timing, you are missing out. It could be a limiting factor in improving your health, physique, and performance.
Traditional exercise nutrition focuses on what to eat and how much. Research over the last few years, however, shows that when you eat may be equally important. Think of your daily food intake as falling into one of these three categories:
Before strength training
After strength training
Rest of the day
Before you hit the gym, your focus should be to consume a whey protein shake with 5 to 10 grams of added branched-chain amino acids for cellular energy and the initiation of muscle recovery. Since maximal fat loss is your goal, avoid carbs at this time.
Within 2 to 3 hours after your workout, you should focus on consuming meals high in protein and carbohydrates and low in fat. This combination helps quickly stimulate muscle protein synthesis as well as glycogen resynthesis. The first of these meals should be a whey protein shake with added branched-chain amino acids. Have this within half an hour of finishing a workout. You can also eat some fast-digesting carbs (20-40 grams), such as white bread or a banana.
Have a whole food meal 1.5 to 2 hours after this that is rich in protein and moderate in slow-digesting carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice, or beans).
All of your other meals will fall into the rest of the day category. Keep them high in protein and healthy fats and low in carbs. This helps keep insulin levels down while preserving muscle mass.
In the end, nutrient timing allows you to take advantage of specific windows of opportunity when protein and carbohydrates are most efficiently used. Under these conditions, the perfect balance between fat loss and muscle preservation can be achieved.
Tip #3: Burn Fat with Fish Oil
Omega-3 fats such as flax oil and fish oil can boost resting metabolic rate by 300 to 400 calories per day. In addition, research indicates that fish oil can improve carb tolerance and decrease inflammation, and it has been found to provide a host of benefits across the health and wellness spectrum.
However, be aware that the minimal doses recommended by most manufacturers are too low to offer the physique benefit that most hard-training people seek. To get maximum benefit in fat loss, take about 1 gram of fish oil per body fat percentage up to a maximum of 30 grams. So, if your body fat is 15%, you should take 15 grams of fish oil.
After about four weeks, drop the dose to about 0.5 grams per percentage of body fat. If you don’t know your body fat percentage, go with 12 to 15 grams for the first four weeks and then cut it in half to 6 to 7 grams afterward.
Tip #4: Cycle your Calories
As your diet progresses and your calories drop, your exercise volume will have to increase. This creates a highly negative energy balance that will eventually cause a metabolic slowdown. But that’s not all; sex hormone and anabolic hormone output will also diminish. This means your fat loss progress will drop while muscle begins to waste away.
To prevent this from happening, start cycling your calories in the later stages of the fat loss program (about the 8 to 10-week mark). But instead of just cycling calories, cycle your macronutrients as well. One great way to do this is to devise four different menu plans, such as those below.
Menu 1: Low calories, lower carbs, low fat: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
9 calories per pound of bodyweight
50-70 grams of carbs per day
30-60 grams of fat per day
·Protein makes up the rest of your calories
Menu 2: Moderate calories, higher carbs, low fat: Thursday
11 calories per pound of bodyweight
100-140 grams of carbs per day
30-60 grams of fat per day
Protein makes up the rest of your calories
Menu 3: High calories, high carbs, high fat: Sunday
13 calories per pound of bodyweight
200-280 grams of carbs per day
60-120 grams of fat per day
Protein makes up the rest of your calories
Menu 4: High calories, low carbs, high fat: Thursday
13 calories per pound of bodyweight
30-50 grams of carbs per day
60-120 grams of fat per day
Protein makes up the rest of your calories
By varying your amounts of calories, carbs, and fats, you prevent falling into starvation mode and make your fat loss more continuous. In addition, a varied diet like this one is psychologically easier to follow.
Tip #5: Supplement with BCAAs and Creatine
Many dieters find that their muscle mass starts to drop off as a diet continues. To help combat this, try supplementing with BCAA’s and creatine. The BCAAs, especially leucine, have powerful anti-catabolic effects that can help stimulate protein synthesis and a positive protein balance.
Creatine can assist in the preservation of muscle cell volume as well as performance during a low-calorie phase. Both supplements can also aid fat loss, and together, they can help prevent muscle loss during a strict diet.
The best strategy is to take 5 to 10 grams of BCAA’s with breakfast, pre-and post-workout shakes, and a meal late in the day. Take 3 to 5 grams of creatine with your pre-and post-workout shakes. On rest days, take your creatine with your BCAAs at breakfast.
Tip #6: Eat More Whole Food
When you follow advanced dieting principles that aim to take you into the land of single-digit body fat percentages, you will be hungry. In fact, sometimes you’ll be famished. So ensure that most of your calories come from whole foods instead of shakes.
Whole food meals consisting of lean meats, healthy fats, vegetables, and unprocessed carbohydrates are slower to digest, keeping you satisfied longer. In addition, these foods deliver a steady supply of blood glucose and amino acids between meals.
Although protein shakes are more convenient, they can leave you feeling unsatisfied, causing you to reach for a snack much sooner. As your calorie intake decreases, fill up on whole foods for an easier time sticking to your diet. Of course, you should continue drinking protein shakes around workouts, as they will help build more muscle.
Tip #7: Improve your Sleep
Most people do not associate fat loss with sleep quality. There is, in fact, a huge link between the two. Not getting enough sleep not only triggers carbohydrate cravings but also stimulates appetite-increasing hormones and muscle-wasting stress hormones such as cortisol.
Interestingly, many dieters find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep as their energy balance declines. That is bad news for fat loss. If you begin to suffer from sleep abnormalities, try one of these two courses of action:
If you think you might suffer from elevated levels of evening cortisol, try taking 100 to 200 mg of Phosphatidylserine at dinner and another 100-200 mg before bed. Phosphatidylserine effectively decreases cortisol levels so you can fall asleep again. It is a phospholipid molecule found in cell membranes, particularly in the brain. It is important for normal cellular function and has been shown to have potential benefits for memory and cognitive function.
If you don’t believe it’s a cortisol issue, try supplementing with ZMA. Magnesium will help improve your sleep quality, while zinc and magnesium together can help boost fat loss and size and strength gains.
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only. Do not take it as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
By building your cutting diet around the foods, herbs, and spices profiled in this article, you’ll ensure that you optimize every calorie you put in your body. Be sure to get plenty of lean protein spread throughout the day, along with those complex carbs around your workouts, and aim for a 10-15% calorie reduction of your TDEE. Then adjust as needed to get the results you’re after. Remember, experimentation and adaptability are keys to a successful cutting program.
Bertoia ML, Rimm EB, Mukamal KJ, Hu FB, Willett WC, Cassidy A. Dietary flavonoid intake and weight maintenance: three prospective cohorts of 124,086 US men and women followed for up to 24 years. BMJ. 2016 Jan 28;352:i17. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i17. PMID: 26823518; PMCID: PMC4730111.
Galiniak S, Aebisher D, Bartusik-Aebisher D. Health benefits of resveratrol administration. Acta Biochim Pol. 2019 Feb 28;66(1):13-21. doi: 10.18388/abp.2018_2749. PMID: 30816367.
Tey SL, Brown R, Gray A, Chisholm A, Delahunty C. Nuts improve diet quality compared to other energy-dense snacks while maintaining body weight. J Nutr Metab. 2011;2011:357350. doi: 10.1155/2011/357350. Epub 2011 Aug 10. PMID: 21845219; PMCID: PMC3154486.
Kalt W, Cassidy A, Howard LR, Krikorian R, Stull AJ, Tremblay F, Zamora-Ros R. Recent Research on the Health Benefits of Blueberries and Their Anthocyanins. Adv Nutr. 2020 Mar 1;11(2):224-236. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmz065. PMID: 31329250; PMCID: PMC7442370.
Vidović BB, Milinčić DD, Marčetić MD, Djuriš JD, Ilić TD, Kostić AŽ, Pešić MB. Health Benefits and Applications of Goji Berries in Functional Food Products Development: A Review. Antioxidants (Basel). 2022 Jan 27;11(2):248. doi: 10.3390/antiox11020248. PMID: 35204130; PMCID: PMC8868247.
Oyenihi AB, Belay ZA, Mditshwa A, Caleb OJ. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”: The potentials of apple bioactive constituents for chronic disease prevention. J Food Sci. 2022 Jun;87(6):2291-2309. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.16155. Epub 2022 May 3. PMID: 35502671; PMCID: PMC9321083.
Ramel A, Martinez JA, Kiely M, Bandarra NM, Thorsdottir I. Effects of weight loss and seafood consumption on inflammation parameters in young, overweight and obese European men and women during 8 weeks of energy restriction. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Sep;64(9):987-93. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2010.99. Epub 2010 Jun 16. PMID: 20551965.
Lerman-Garber I, Ichazo-Cerro S, Zamora-González J, Cardoso-Saldaña G, Posadas-Romero C. Effect of a high-monounsaturated fat diet enriched with avocado in NIDDM patients. Diabetes Care. 1994 Apr;17(4):311-5. doi: 10.2337/diacare.17.4.311. PMID: 8026287.
Maron DJ, Lu GP, Cai NS, Wu ZG, Li YH, Chen H, Zhu JQ, Jin XJ, Wouters BC, Zhao J. Cholesterol-lowering effect of a theaflavin-enriched green tea extract: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med. 2003 Jun 23;163(12):1448-53. doi: 10.1001/archinte.163.12.1448. PMID: 12824094.
Ng KW, Cao ZJ, Chen HB, Zhao ZZ, Zhu L, Yi T. Oolong tea: A critical review of processing methods, chemical composition, health effects, and risk. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2018;58(17):2957-2980. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2017.1347556. Epub 2017 Aug 24. PMID: 28678527.
Silver HJ, Dietrich MS, Niswender KD. Effects of grapefruit, grapefruit juice and water preloads on energy balance, weight loss, body composition, and cardiometabolic risk in free-living obese adults. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2011 Feb 2;8(1):8. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-8-8. PMID: 21288350; PMCID: PMC3039556.
Zare R, Heshmati F, Fallahzadeh H, Nadjarzadeh A. Effect of cumin powder on body composition and lipid profile in overweight and obese women. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2014 Nov;20(4):297-301. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2014.10.001. Epub 2014 Oct 13. PMID: 25456022.
Zheng J, Zheng S, Feng Q, Zhang Q, Xiao X. Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications. Biosci Rep. 2017 May 11;37(3):BSR20170286. doi: 10.1042/BSR20170286. PMID: 28424369; PMCID: PMC5426284.
Sørensen LB, Astrup A. Eating dark and milk chocolate: a randomized crossover study of effects on appetite and energy intake. Nutr Diabetes. 2011 Dec 5;1(12):e21. doi: 10.1038/nutd.2011.17. PMID: 23455041; PMCID: PMC3302125.

Bodybuilder Matthew Greggo Inspires with Epic 10-Year Body Transformation
American bodybuilder Matthew Greggo has been on the rise in the IFBB Pro League over the last few years. Much like most other competitors, Greggo has come a long way in his bodybuilding journey. In a recent post made on Instagram, Greggo inspired fans with an epic 10-year body transformation picture highlighting the difference in his physique over time.
Matthew Greggo is one of the fastest-growing athletes in the sport. Having found his passion for lifting weights in his teenage years, he embarked on a mission to become a bodybuilder. He dominated the competition in his debut to win the top prize at the 2016 NPC Lehigh Valley Championships under the NPC league. He continued to gain experience with several contest participations and worked his way up the ranks. After narrowly missing out on gold at the 2020 NPC Universe & National Fitness Championships, Greggo managed to earn a pro card in the IFBB Pro League eventually.
Greggo gained attention for his impressive upper body muscle mass, definition, and overall symmetry in the Men’s Physique division. He turned in a strong showing at the 2021 IFBB Optimum Classic Pro, where he took bronze behind runner-up Rodrigue Chesnier and winner Arya Saffaie. Then, he made his way to the 2021 DC Pro and closed his rookie season with a promising performance at the 2021 Europa Orlando.
Greggo turned heads with his insane package at the 2022 Atlanta Pro last year. He showcased his potential with a sixth-place finish in a stacked lineup. He followed up with another solid appearance at the 2022 Chicago Pro before concluding his run at the 2022 Tampa Pro, where he battled it out with Mr. Olympia contender Andre Ferguson.
Matthew was last seen in action at the 2023 New York Pro last month. He chose to switch gears and made a splash in the Classic Physique division instead of his traditionally favored Men’s Physique class. He rounded out the top six in his maiden Classic Physique outing.
Matthew Greggo inspires with epic 10-year body transformation
In a recent Instagram post, Matthew Greggo inspired fans with an epic 10-year body transformation snap showcasing the difference in his physique from when he started to now that he’s an elite IFBB pro competitor.
“10 YEARS OF WORK,” wrote Greggo.
It’s hard to imagine how different competitors looked before they picked up bodybuilding. While many focus on the end result, it’s inspiring to get insight into the dedication, discipline, patience, and work ethic it takes to become a top athlete in the game.
In June 2020, Men’s Open standout William Bonac showed off his impressive body transformation nine years after starting his bodybuilding career. It was stunning to see the amount of size Bonac had packed on and how different he looked while competing as an amateur bodybuilder.
Former Arnold Classic champ Nick Walker gave fans a look into his bodybuilding progress with a crazy transformation earlier this year. For someone who’s considered a freak in a division full of some of the freakiest mass monsters in the world, it was shocking to see where he started and to comprehend how far he’d come in the sport.
Former 212 Olympia champ Derek Lunsford motivated fitness enthusiasts with his incredible body transformation last month. Lunsford, the 2022 Mr. Olympia runner-up, juxtaposed his contemporary look to his early days of competition to highlight the amount of muscle mass he’s packed on as of late.
RELATED: IFBB VP Tyler Manion Reveals New Height and Weight Restriction Rules for Men’s Physique Division
If his track record is any indication, Matthew Greggo will continue to improve at a rapid pace and may soon find himself competing with the very best of the sport, whether it be in Men’s Physique or Classic Physique.
Published: 13 June, 2023 | 4:59 PM EDT

28 Day Workout Challenge: Get Fit, Feel Powerful, and Unlock Your True Potential
Irrespective of your experience level, fitness challenges are a great tool for leveling up. Beginners can use challenges to kickstart their fitness journey and build healthy habits, whereas more advanced athletes can use them to break through plateaus.
However, there are a few common problems with most fitness challenges. Some challenges are so overly ambitious that people detect a hint of deception and refrain from embracing them; ‘Build six-pack abs in seven days’ is one example of such a fitness challenge. On the other hand, some fitness challenges are so excessively fixated on results that they repel exercisers; for instance, no beginner (in their right mind) will ever sign up for a “Learn to squat 315 pounds in 30 days” challenge.
Process goals should be the way to go for most people, especially beginners. Process goals are milestones that comprise smaller, controlled accomplishments that help you achieve a larger objective. “Hit the gym six days a week for 28 days” is a process goal. Most beginners will be more receptive to this objective as there are no overwhelming expectations here. We will focus on a process goal in this program.
The 28 day workout challenge will help you kickstart your transformation journey and get fitter, faster, and healthier. This training program includes a balance of strength, hypertrophy, and conditioning exercises to help you get in the best shape of your life and improve your overall functioning.
The following 28-day workout regime is broken into four weeks. The programming for each week will change to help you build a well-rounded physique. You will require a pair of light dumbbells and an iron grit for this program.
Although this is a challenge, the objective here is not to bench 225 pounds or run 5K at the end of these 28 days. The test is to stick to the workout regimen for 28 days and do your best. The results will follow. I promise.
Prerequisites For The 28 Day Workout Challenge
The benefits of an exercise program go far beyond improved aesthetics. Following a training regime can boost your overall health and mental well-being, enhance your daily functioning and heighten your productivity. [1]
Since this is a beginner-friendly workout challenge, the barriers to entry are shallow. Here are a few requirements of the 28 day workout challenge:
You don’t need to know every exercise in the Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding to start this exercise program. That said, it would make a world of difference if you knew how to perform some of the most basic compound movements correctly.
If you are a rookie, I recommend turning this four-week program into a five-week program and using the first week to learn the exercises in this program. I will link each exercise to a detailed guide. Please feel free to explore those guides to drill the movements. Learning the correct exercise technique improves your exercise form and significantly reduces your risk of injury.
Basic Equipment
Don’t worry; I won’t ask you to drop a bundle on a squat rack or a treadmill. This 28 day workout challenge requires minimum training equipment, such as a pair of dumbbells and a resistance band. You can also switch the dumbbells with kettlebells if you have a few lying around your house.
People that lack the budget to buy new training equipment can use water jugs, backpacks, and suitcases. Think outside the box and use anything in your home to challenge yourself.
Diet and Recovery
Although training is a crucial aspect of building muscle and losing fat, it is not the be-all and end-all of a transformation program. You must focus on your nutrition and recovery program to make the needle budge in the right direction.
Begin by determining your daily calorie goal and using an appropriate macro intake target to help you move toward your body recomposition objective. Further, you must sleep seven to eight hours each night to allow your body enough time to rest and recuperate from your workouts.
Remember, you cannot outwork a bad diet, and you break muscle tissue while training. Your muscles grow back bigger and stronger when you are resting.
28 Day Workout Challenge Program Outline
Burning workouts are one of the most common reasons why people give up on their transformation journey without achieving their objective.
This 28-day workout program is different. This training regimen is programmed to ensure the exercises deliver enough stimulus to build strength and muscle mass and boost fat loss and will keep you on your toes with consistent volume and intensity changes over the four weeks.
Outline of the 28 Days Workout Program
Although the exercises will remain the same in this four-week workout challenge, you will perform a different number of reps and sets and use different weights (if possible) to boost muscle fiber stimulation. It will help you drill the form of these exercises, which will set you up for better performance down the line.
If you are a rookie, you should spend the first week, let’s call it “Week 0,” learning the correct exercise form and building a foundation. Although one week will probably not be enough to drill the movements, it will be enough to make you feel comfortable. Since you’ll not be using heavy weights in this 28 day workout challenge, these four weeks will also help you master the exercises without putting you at risk of injury.
Without any further ado, here is a brief outline of this four-week workout challenge:
Week 1: Build a Foundation
We will use the first week to ease into the 28 day workout challenge. Week one is not the time to go pedal to the metal. You want to keep muscle soreness to a minimum, as you don’t want to sit out of a workout because of restricted joint and muscle range of motion due to stiffness. Avoid lifting heavy and focus on familiarizing yourself with the exercises.
Week 2: Increase the Reps
You will increase the intensity slightly in the second week by ramping up the number of reps you perform in each exercise. Limit the rest time between sets and exercises to 60 seconds to keep your heart rate up. Doing more sets with the same weights as week one should result in better muscle pumps.
You will remain in the 8-12 rep range in the first, third, and fourth weeks. However, you must bump up your reps to 15-20 in the second week. You might have to use lighter weights to achieve the new rep goal.
Week 3: Lift Heavier
Two weeks of training will improve your form and develop muscle memory, making it the right time to go heavier. If you train at home and want to purchase dumbbells, I recommend getting adjustable ones, as they are more versatile and take up less space. Folks that do not have heavier weights can get creative with resistance bands to make the exercises more challenging.
Beginners can go up to 20% heavier in the third week. Ensure you don’t compromise your form while chasing bigger weights. Use a weight that allows you to complete eight reps with perfect form. Feel free to reduce the reps to six as fatigue starts to set in.
Week 4: Boost the Volume
Three weeks of training will condition your muscles enough to handle more volume. For the fourth week, you will increase the training volume by doing an additional set of each exercise. Plus, we will be adding one exercise to each workout. Following the same training program for too long can lead you to a plateau. Programming progressive overload into your training regimen ensures you are making consistent gains.
28 Day Workout Challenge: Weekly Split
Here is the weekly split of this training challenge:
Day 1: Upper Body Strength
Day 2: Full-Body HIIT
Day 3: Lower Body Strength
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Full-Body Strength
Day 6: Cardio and Core
Day 7: Mobility and Skill / Rest
This 28 day workout challenge involves training six days a week. Although the seventh day of the week is reserved for mobility and working on developing new skills, you can also use it as a rest day if you feel sore.
Workout Plan
Although the exercises will remain the same week-over-week, keep an eye on the sets and reps and adapt your workouts according to the weekly outline described above.
Day 1: Upper Body Strength
You can swap the dumbbells with resistance bands in each exercise in this workout. Furthermore, if you don’t have access to a flat bench, you can swap the first exercise of this workout with the dumbbell or resistance band floor press.
Day 2: Full-Body HIIT
After the upper body strength workout, you will perform a full-body HIIT workout focusing on increasing your heart rate and burning calories. This will be a 14-minute bodyweight workout. Complete three circuits of these seven exercises. You are allowed a 15-second rest between exercises and a 60-second rest after completing each circuit.
Feel free to break up your sets if you cannot perform an exercise for the stipulated time. For example, take a five-second breather if you cannot perform pull-ups continuously for 30 seconds.
Perform four circuits of this full-body HIIT workout in the fourth week.
Day 3: Lower Body Strength
Spend 5-10 minutes warming up before each workout. It will get your blood flowing, improve your range of motion, and significantly reduce your risk of injury. Your warm-up routine should include a combination of static and dynamic stretches.
Day 4: Rest
Rest days on this 28 day workout challenge are not a free pass to becoming a couch potato. You must keep your body moving on your rest days as well. Go for a 20-30 minute walk, bike ride, or hike on your off days.
Day 5: Full-Body Strength
Most exercises in this workout program are compound movements, which demand greater energy input than single-joint exercises. However, you must limit your rest duration between sets to 60 seconds to maintain a high intensity.
Day 6: Cardio and Core
You’ll be doing a 15-minute HIIT cardio session and five core exercises on day six of this training program. Training your core will help develop a six-pack, improve your overall functionality, and reduce your risk of lower back pain and injury.
Day 7: Mobility and Skill / Rest
The seventh day of each week is reserved for mobility drills. Working on your flexibility will improve your range of motion, leading to greater muscle stimulation. You can also use this day to drill exercises you have difficulty performing. CrossFitters can work on their Olympic lifts or gymnastics techniques on day seven. Feel free to take this day off if you feel sore and tired.
Tracking Progress
Twenty-eight days is a relatively short time to see any significant improvement in your physique. However, you must track your progress weekly to ensure you are on the correct path. Recording body weight, anthropometric measurements, workout performance (sets, reps, and weights used), and taking physique photos are the most popular ways of tracking your progress. Seeing the needle budge in the right direction can boost your motivation and push you to work harder.
Common Obstacles
These are the most common problems faced by people on a transformation program:
Diminishing Motivation
Many people lose their motivation to train and eat healthy when they do not see progress within a few weeks. To avoid this, set measurable short-term objectives. For example, you can set a new goal to do 20 sit-ups in a set by the end of two weeks if you can only do 15 right now. Routinely ticking off goals will keep you excited about your workouts.
Lack of Support
The importance of a support system is often overlooked in a training program. A support system can keep you accountable and motivated. A support group consisting of individuals who share common goals can be invaluable. Your friends and family can also be a part of your support group.
Unplanned Events
Major life events, emergencies, and other unplanned events can disrupt your workout program. Some of these events are unavoidable. However, you must ensure that you return to your transformation program after dealing with the situation at hand.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to lose weight?
Losing weight boils down to calories in vs. calories out. You must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, meaning you must burn more calories daily than you consume. According to the CDC, you can lose 1-2 pounds weekly by cutting 500-1,000 calories from your daily diet. [2]
Can I build a six-pack in 28 days?
Technically, yes, you can. If you have a low body fat percentage, you can improve the definition of your six-pack by performing ab exercises. However, folks with a body fat percentage of 20% or more usually require more than a month to build washboard abs, as they must first lose the excess fat by running a calorie deficit.
Is it possible to spot-reduce belly fat?
No. You cannot spot-reduce fat from your abdomen. Most people lose fat in a generalized manner across their entire body while in a calorie deficit. Genetics can also play a role in your fat loss pattern.
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Congratulations on seeking a challenge. Following a 28 day workout program requires you to leave your comfort zone, try new things, and test your limits. You should be proud of yourself for making this decision to explore your potential and work toward your best self.
Remember, the challenge here is not to build a six-pack in record time or maximize your VO2 performance. This 28 workout challenge has just one goal — hit the gym for four weeks and complete your workouts. Give yourself a pat on the back after you complete this challenge. On the other hand, don’t hang your head low if you can’t achieve this objective for some reason. Shake off the unpleasant emotions and try again. Best of luck!
Ruegsegger GN, Booth FW. Health Benefits of Exercise. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2018 Jul 2;8(7):a029694. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a029694. PMID: 28507196; PMCID: PMC6027933.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html

Charolette Sweeney: Defying Age and Winning Trophies -A Remarkable Fitness Journey After 50
After winning 9 trophies in figure competition after age 50, Charolette had a whole new outlook on her fitness and abilities!
When Charolette Sweeney of Riverside joined the Karla Adams Fitness Model Program, her goal was to lose some weight. What the then 50-year-old retired corrections officer didn’t know at the time was that she would soon find herself on stage, accepting trophies in figure competitions.
“I had been training for 20 years and always worked out. But just before I retired in 2010, Inoticed that what I had been doing wasn’t working anymore. My uniforms were getting a little tight. I couldn’t seem to get the weight off,” Sweeney said. “I decided to get a trainer, and that really helped me learn more about my nutrition and different ways I could train.”
It wasn’t long before Sweeney noticed results in Karla’s program, which is built on a profiling system that is customized and considers personal nutritional needs, fitness goals and physical status. Sweeney said she was surprised with her ability to quickly “lean out,” or lose body fat while building muscle mass.
“After a few months, one of the trainers suggested that I do competitions. I didn’t get a trainer to do competitions,” she said. “It took a little convincing. I didn’t want to be on stage.”
While Sweeney was hesitant, she agreed to train for figure competition, which she said falls between bodybuilding and bikini competitions. Throughout the next four years, she would find herself in about 12 different competitions, placing ahead of her competitors in many of them. In fact, she said, in her first National Physique Committee (NPC) competition for ages 45 years and older held in the Los Angeles Veterans Auditorium, she made the top five.
“I was surprised. It was a huge show and one of the biggest competitions I did. I was really nervous. I didn’t think I placed, and I started to walk off the stage to get my stuff out of the dressing room,” she said. “I didn’t know if I was posing just right. But I knew I trained hard and really stuck with the diet for it. Then a guy said, ‘Go back out.’ I stood there as they called out the winners. I couldn’t believe I got a trophy.”
After ago 50, Sweeney had won nine trophies in figure competitions and a whole new outlook on what she could accomplish.
Sweeney said training for the competitions through Karla’s program transformed her body evenmore. Her training intensified from jogging circles in the gym to jogging around the Riverside Plaza and eventually sprinting in the mountains. Her fitness routine also included a healthy dose of squats, lunges, and other body sculpting movements to prepare for competition.
In addition, Sweeney said she learned about her dietary needs and changes while training for competition. At times, she would need to eat more calories as she built more muscle mass. Other times, as the competition time would near, she would need to cut back on her food intake.
“Every few weeks the diet would change. Everything is measured and you become focused on looking at your meals. The meals on Karla’s program are all planned. You have five or six meals a day,” she noted.
Sweeney said she had never meal prepped much before she joined Karla’s program and started to train for competition, but quickly realized the importance of planning what she would eat. “When I first started working out, I just got rid of sugars. I could eat carbs and maintain weight.
Then, when I got closer to 50, I felt the weight coming on. I didn’t know how to change mydiet,” she said. “In Karla’s program, I learned that carbs were becoming a problem for me.”Sweeney said she learned to meal prep with lean meats, fish and vegetables. She said she relied on her trainer to adjust the diet for her depending on what she needed throughout her competition training.
Now, at the age of 63, Sweeney said she looks back over her time as a figure competitor and is proud of what she could accomplish. She said she has never been more in shape in her life and hopes to serve as an inspiration to others that anyone can achieve their fitness goals, no matter the age.
“If you can move, you can get in better shape,” she said. “I have seen what people can do in all kinds of health situations. I can’t take excuses from people when I have seen what people can do. You just have to want to do it and put in the work.”

69-yo Hulk Hogan Shares Incredible Body Transformation & Fitness Tips
American wrestling icon Hulk Hogan, real name Terry Gene Bollea, is widely regarded as one of the most prolific and iconic wrestlers to ever exist. Having started his pro career in 1977, he was a mainstay of elite promotions for decades before retirement. In a recent Men’s Health interview, Hogan shared crucial health tips that helped him achieve an incredible body transformation at 69 years old.
Hulk Hogan rose to prominence after joining the World Wrestling Federation (WWF/WWE) in 1983. He instantly became a fan favorite due to his giant frame, patriotic character, and brash personality. His athletic talents inside the wrestling ring earned him several honors, including eight headlining spots for the annual WrestleMania event. He holds the record for the most American television viewers in pro wrestling with over 33 million people, a feat he accomplished in a special 1988 fight against Andre the Giant.
Hogan briefly stepped away from wrestling to test out the waters in other entertainment fields. He joined the cult classic boxing film franchise Rocky for the third installment. His role saw him play an antagonist named Thunderlips and used this endeavor to make an even bigger splash in the acting world. He made his way back to the WWE after getting reinstated into the Hall of Fame in 2018 and made his last appearance at WWE Raw is XXX show earlier this year.
The famous wrestler picked up many injuries during his time in the ring. Hogan underwent multiple back surgeries along with hip and knee replacements. In 2020, Hogan took inspiration from Ronnie Coleman who faced similar health issues. He called on the bodybuilding legend for a charity tag team wrestling match. The eight-time Mr. Olympia was so thrilled by the idea that he issued a response video urging Hogan to make it happen.
Chris Hemsworth played the role of Hulk Hogan in a biopic based on the wrestling hero, which is currently in development. In 2020, the Marvel superstar revealed he would need to add more muscle to his lean frame. Hogan took notice of Hemsworth’s dedication and expressed admiration for the actor’s jacked arms with a favorable comment in 2021.
Hogan left fans in awe of his leaner physique in an impressive update in Nov. 2021. He opened up on dropping over 25 pounds to get down to 275 pounds after suffering a string of health issues. While the change was quite drastic, he appeared to be in good spirits.
Hulk Hogan shares incredible body transformation & tips
During the interview, Hulk Hogan showed off his incredible body transformation at the age of 69 and shared tips for health maintenance.
Hulk Hogan had been taking drugs to compensate for the pain stemming from an estimated 25 surgeries in the past decade. He revealed his health began to improve significantly after he cut down on alcohol and started using CBD products instead, which enabled him to train regularly.
For Hogan, consistency is important to maintaining a high level of personal fitness. Besides alcohol, Hogan also stopped consuming dairy and no longer eats after sunset. Additionally, he follows a clean diet and doesn’t eat eggs every day. He now lives up to one of his most popular catchphrases: “Say your prayers, eat your vitamins.”
“I initially started dropping weight because I didn’t have the extra calories from drinking, and I had taken dairy out of my diet,” Hogan told Men’s Health. “These days, I try to eat really clean. I’ve kind of gotten away from the typical “eggs every day” diet—I only hit the egg whites every three or four days. In the mornings I’ll hit the yogurt and fruit, drink a couple cups of organic coffee, and get a workout in. Then I’ll eat a small amount of protein at lunch time. I try to eat every three or four hours, then have a slightly larger meal at four or five o’clock in the afternoon.
“But I have to be careful at night, because I turn into this monster…I just want to feed the beast! So I tend not to eat after the sun goes down.”
The 69-year-old is feeling three decades younger and says he has enjoyed a considerable energy increase along with a mindset shift after transforming his body. In Jan. 2022, Hogan made headlines for offering his four essential rules of life while boasting jacked biceps.
As far as inspiration is concerned, Hogan isn’t short on that in the slightest. The professional wrestling superstar still lives by a mantra and long-standing philosophy: “If you slow down, you go down.” Therefore, the 69-year-old doesn’t miss an opportunity to test himself in the gym despite his age and nagging injuries.
In the end, Hogan encourages those who follow him to remain regimented and strict with workout frequency. As a former professional wrestling legend, he is uniquely qualified to speak on the matter given the body he’s sporting at almost 70.
Four months ago, pro wrestling veteran Kurt Angle disclosed that Hulk Hogan lost sensation in his lower body after undergoing numerous back surgeries. Angle further shared that Hogan used a cane to walk and endorsed him to kick off the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of WWE’s Raw.
RELATED: WWE Hall of Famer ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham Dies at 79, Wrestling Legends Pay Emotional Tribute
Hogan’s latest offering will certainly motivate the older and younger generation alike with some crucial tips from the legend that help shape a healthy lifestyle.
Published: 25 May, 2023 | 6:44 PM EDT

2023 Mr. Olympia Contender Derek Lunsford Shares Incredible Body Transformation
Bodybuilder Derek Lunsford made waves in the IFBB Pro League with his switch to the Men’s Open division for the 2022 Mr. Olympia contest. The former 212 sensation made a statement in his Open debut and believes he’s destined for glory ahead. In a recent post made on Instagram, Lunsford showed off his insanely jacked body transformation from years ago to today.
Derek Lunsford first rose to prominence for his impressive muscle mass, shape, and definition as a Men’s 212 competitor in 2017. He earned an invite to the Mr. Olympia competition after dominating the competition at the 2017 Tampa Pro. He turned in a strong performance and finished fifth in his maiden Olympia appearance. Over the next three years, Lunsford continued to work his way up the ranks and narrowly missed out on the 212 Olympia title twice in 2018 and 2019. In 2021, he finally secured first in the 212 category.
Last season, Lunsford expressed a desire to test himself against mass monsters of the Open class. He shocked fans with a guest-posing appearance at the 2022 Pittsburgh Pro which paved the way for him to receive a special invite for competing in the Open 2022 Mr. Olympia contest.
He entered the show as the wildcard of the division with a ton of buzz surrounding him. In the end, Lunsford backed up the hype and shook up the division with a runner-up finish behind Hadi Choopan at the event last December.
Forging ahead, Derek made it clear his aim was to become Mr. Olympia and laid out his training and diet regimen for achieving his goals two months ago. In a follow-up video, he demonstrated a grueling arms workout he utilized for gaining muscle in the off-season.
IFBB Pro League athletes’ representative Bob Cicherillo backed Lunsford and Samson Dauda as frontrunners to dethrone Choopan. Additionally, Lunsford faced heat from fellow standout Nick Walker who believes he should’ve placed ahead of the former 212 Olympia champ. Moreover, Walker discounted Choopan’s chances of defending the title and predicted a war with Lunsford on stage.
Derek Lunsford teamed up with bodybuilding legend Ronnie Coleman for a brutal back and biceps training session last month. The eight-time Mr. Olympia mentored Lunsford through the challenging workout routine. A week later, Coleman was convinced Lunsford would win the next Olympia event.
Derek Lunsford shares jacked body transformation
In a recent Instagram post, Derek Lunsford shared an unreal body transformation comparing his older look to his new physique, where fans can see the bodybuilder has clearly packed on a substantial amount of muscle tissue.
Derek Lunsford stunned fans with an impressive guest posing appearance at the 2023 Pittsburgh Pro earlier this week. Following the outing, it was evident that fans agree Lunsford and Dauda are the favorites going into the upcoming Mr. Olympia contest.
RELATED: Milos Sarcev Says Samson Dauda ‘Can Beat’ Derek Lunsford, Hadi Choopan at 2023 Mr. Olympia
Lunsford is determined to win the Mr. Olympia title in November. Given the success he’s achieved in the Open class in such a short time, fans are convinced 2023 might be his year.
Published: 21 May, 2023 | 11:16 PM EDT

Jay Cutler Shares Jacked Physique Update Ahead of ‘Fit for 50’ Transformation Challenge
Bodybuilding legend Jay Cutler dominated the IFBB Pro League Men’s Open division in the mid-2000s with his monstrous muscle mass and size. While he moved on from professional competition years ago, he has kept up an insanely high fitness level. In a recent post made on Instagram, Cutler shared a jacked physique update ahead of his ‘Fit for 50’ body transformation challenge.
Jay Cutler presented one of the best packages of any Open competitor during his days of competing on stage. He shared a fierce rivalry with legendary bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman. Cutler racked up three Arnold Classic titles while taking four silvers at Mr. Olympia, falling short of the eight-time Mr. Olympia champ on each occasion. In 2006, Cutler returned with a vengeance and finally won his maiden Sandow trophy. He defended the title successfully the next year before getting dethroned by Dexter Jackson in 2008. He reclaimed the title and hung up his posing trunks with four wins under his belt.
Cutler has not lost his passion for working out. He’s working on achieving his best look outside of competition as part of his personal ‘Fit for 50’ body transformation challenge.
Earlier this year, Cutler gave fans a look into his chest training techniques. He laid out the four exercises he used to target the chest after pairing the session with a brief calves workout routine. Then, he left the fans stunned with a massive physique update as part of the challenge. The update ignited speculation about whether Cutler would make a comeback for the returning 2023 Masters Olympia. However, renowned coach Chris Aceto shut down the talks quickly.
via YouTube @JayCutlerTV
Cutler is confident he could improve his physique through proper nutrition, training, and TRT (testosterone replacement therapy). He argued against using other steroids or amping up the intensity based on his existing package last month.
Jay Cutler broke down his training style in comparison to six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates a few weeks ago. Cutler believed in using high-volume routines in stark contrast to Yates’ high-intensity training methods where he’d push himself to near failure in every session. He also reported eliminating fasted cardio from his routine.
Last month, Cutler joined forces with Classic Physique standout Urs Kalecinski for a heavy back workout. He lauded the rising German sensation’s potential and encouraged him to increase his presence in the American market.
The 49-year-old laid out the high-protein diet he’s utilizing in preparation for the body transformation challenge along with a shredded physique update last week.
Jay Cutler shares jacked physique update ahead of ‘Fit for 50’ transformation challenge
In a recent Instagram post, Jay Cutler shared an impressive physique update ahead of his ‘Fit for 50’ body transformation challenge.
He revealed he tipped the scales at 239.5 pounds in the update.
“239.5. It begins,” wrote Cutler.
Jay Cutler gave his take on the 2023 Pittsburgh Pro earlier this week. He backed former 212 Olympia champ and Men’s Open sensation Derek Lunsford to turn in another stunning performance. He also extended his support for some of the other elite contenders, including Nick Walker, Samson Dauda, and former two-time Mr. Olympia Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Elssbiay.
Cutler offered an intense lower body training routine inspired by quad-stomp a few days ago. He opened up on his ambitions to get to a lower body fat percentage, preferably between 6 and 8 percent this year.
Based on the latest update, Cutler appears to be in good shape and will likely crush his goal by the time his 50th birthday comes around.
Published: 14 May, 2023 | 10:36 AM EDT