Tag: workout

Mitchell Hooper Shares His First Workout Post 2023 World’s Strongest Man Victory
Mitchell Hooper is definitely a standout in the world of strength sports. The man is an absolute beast, standing at around an impressive 6’4″ and weighing in at a whopping 330 pounds. But it’s not just his size that’s impressive; his strength and power are simply awe-inspiring. Watching him perform feats of strength that would leave most people struggling just to lift the weights he warms up with is a sight to behold. This was displayed at the 2023 World’s Strongest Man competition, as Hooper dominated the events and won the title. Despite putting up tremendous efforts for multiple days, Mitchell has immediately focused on his next goals. Thus, he has already completed his first training session post competition and shared it on his YouTube channel.
As Mitchell Hooper began his first workout back after four days of intense competition, he did not want to overload himself. He decided to perform a bodybuilding style workout in order to get the blood flowing through the body in order to achieve his goal.
“We’re going to hit a bodybuilding workout. My philosophy is, if a muscle is sore, going and doing training at a lower intensity is useful. Now, I actually don’t feel sore, so I might be able to workout a bit harder than I usually would.”
So, after searching for a gym in Myrtle Beach, Mitchell Hooper stumbled upon the “Pump House”. This gym is also owned by Wayne Van Nostrand, a multiple powerlifting bench press World Record holder. Mitchell was inspired by Wayne and opted for the bench press as his first exercise of the day.
Mitchell Hooper began with one plate on each side of the barbell, and continued adding a plate with each set. Once he reached 315 pounds, Mitchell decided to stick with it and complete a set of 15 reps. He then followed it up with another 15-rep set with 225 pounds.
“I feel good. My muscular endurance is terrible though. I can already feel some fatigue setting in during that.”
In addition, Mitchell Hooper was delighted to find a Standing Bench Press machine, as a similar event will be featured in the 2023 Shaw Classic later this summer. So, he utilized this workout to get used to the machine. When asked how he felt after a few sets on it, this was his reply.
“Weird, really weird. I am getting a severe pump at the moment, big time pump… It is easier (than the regular bench), but I am just so fatigued.”
Mitchell Hooper then moved onto the lat pulldown machine to perform some reps as well. However, while performing one of the sets, his eyes wandered to a guy trying to max out his deadlift on the other side of the gym. So, as the current World’s Strongest Man, Hooper completed the set and went straight over to give a few tips to a fellow gym-goer.
Mitchell Hooper continued his workout with some light lateral raises, triceps extensions, and machine biceps curls. However, he completed a substantial amount of reps in order to get a nice pump.
“It is funny, you almost feel like you are in and out without doing anything. But, biceps are pumped, chest will be sore, triceps will be sore, objective achieved.”
Mitchell Hooper’s Workout
Bench Press
Standing Bench Press
Lat Pulldown
Lateral Raises
Cable Triceps Extensions
Machine Biceps Curls
Watch the video here:
Related: Strongman Mitchell Hooper Sets a 420-kg (925.9-lb) Raw Deadlift PR In Training
During this year alone, Mitchell Hooper has competed three times and won each competition. Most importantly, that includes two of the biggest events in Strongman, World’s Strongest Man, and Arnold Strongman Classic. Overall, during his short career, Hooper has taken part in 10 International competitions and won five of them. In addition, he became the first WSM winner from Canada.
Mitchell Hooper still has big plans for this year, which include the 2023 Shaw Classic and the 2023 Rogue Invitationals. He has stated that he still can’t fathom that his victory at the 2023 WSM was real and not a dream. However, once everything settles, Hooper’s confidence will skyrocket, which will make him an even fiercer competitor.
Discover comprehensive coverage of the 2023 World’s Strongest Man competition at our WSM coverage hub, featuring exclusive interviews, final results, event recaps and in-depth analysis: FitnessVolt.com/wsm
Published: 26 April, 2023 | 11:15 AM EDT

Average Forearm Size For Men and Women
Forearms are one of the most overlooked muscles, even though they are right under the most loved muscle group — the biceps. Developed forearms can add to your physique aesthetics and make you stand out by improving your symmetry, proportions, and balance. Your forearms are constantly on display. Whether you wear a t-shirt to work…

The Rock Shares 2:30 A.M. ‘Burning Superset Workout’: ‘Stretch & Elongate Those Lat Fibers’
Hollywood sensation Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has a packed schedule but never fails to get a workout in no matter the time. In a recent post made on Instagram, Johnson shared a brutal 2:30 A.M. workout session along with an intense superset routine. The Rock first gained attention for his humongous frame and athletic abilities…

PNBA Bikini Athlete Kat Vera Names 3 Exercises to Tone Your Glutes
3x Bikini champion Kat Vera lists the 3 exercises for toned glutes.
Glutes help give women a curvy physique, and a shapely, tone body is a big part of the judges scoring in the International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA)/Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) bikini division. PNBA bikini athlete Kat Vera named the three glute exercises you should do if you want to build strong and toned glutes. Recently Kat Vera posted these glutes movements and a demonstration of her doing them on Instagram. Vera’s post said:
“A must for a juicy glute day: hip thrusts, rdls, bulgarian split squats”
You can see Kat Vera’s Instagram post below.
Glute Exercises
The glute exercises Kat Vera suggests for toned glutes are hip thrusts, Romanian deadlifts, and split squats.
Hip Thrusts
Hip thrusts activate muscles in your hips, glutes, and quadriceps. This movement allows you to add resistance via machine, dumbbell, resistance band, and barbell. You’ll perform this movement with your back elevated on a surface and your legs in a bent-leg position to prepare for a hip extension.
Romanian Deadlifts
The Romanian deadlift (RDL) engages the muscles in your posterior chain–erector spinae, glutes, and hamstrings. The primary difference between this movement and barbell deadlifts is that barbell deadlifts are lifted from the floor, and RDL begins with dumbbells held in your hand at hip level. As a result, the RDL will engage more of your glutes and hamstrings compared to a barbell deadlift.
Split Squats
Splits squats are unilateral movements, meaning single-limb exercises. Since it’s a unilateral movement, you’ll activate your core more and challenge your balance, knee, and hip stability. In addition, single-leg movements will help correct muscular imbalances in your lower limbs. Split squats are an effective exercise for targeting your quads and glutes.
About Glutes
The glutes are the largest muscle in your body and are responsible for hip extension, internal rotation, and abduction of your hips. In addition, your glutes play an essential part in walking, running, and jumping. Therefore, a good strength training program will include exercises targeting your glutes.
Moreover, often, tight glutes lead to lower back pain. So aside from training your glutes through the correct exercises, it’s essential to stretch your glutes and foam roll them for mobility and to reduce lower back pain.
Glutes in Natural Bodybuilding
Of course, firm and toned glutes are essential in natural bodybuilding to rank well in competition. However, in some categories, your glutes will be more critical than others. For example, in the Men’s Physique class, competitors wear board shorts, so aesthetic glutes won’t be near as important as a shredded upper body. However, in the Bikini Divas class, women are wearing bikinis. Therefore, they need to have a degree of definition and toning in their glutes.
Furthermore, muscle mass in your glutes will help women look more shapely and give them an hourglass shape, with a small waist and wide hips. That’s because building your glutes will improve women’s waist-to-hip ratio.
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more tips from natural athletes!

Pendlay Row: How to and Exercise Guide
A full guide on how to properly execute the Pendlay Row to achieve optimal back gains
There are all sorts of rows you can be doing; dumbbell, T-bar, machines; but are you incorporating the Pendlay row into your back workouts? The Pendlay row is a movement crafted by the late Olympic Weightlifting Coach, Glenn Pendlay, to help in pulling movements. Conducted in a very similar fashion to the barbell row, the Pendlay row aids in back gains for both muscular size and strength.
This guide will be covering how to do the Pendlay Row, the benefits, alternatives, Dos and Don’ts, and suggestions.
Editor’s Note: Generation Iron’s content is meant to be informative and should not take the place of advice and/or supervision from a medical professional/trainer. The articles and opinions on this site are not meant to be used as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. Speak with your physician/trainer if you have any concerns.
How to Do The Pendlay Row
Form is more important than weight, words to live by. It is also an accessory movement, and you want to nail the proper form before going heavy. Proper form helps contribute to better results, such as strength, size, and hypertrophy.
Step 1: Setting up
The barbell should be on the floor, and grip should be approximately shoulder width apart with the hips setup like you are about to deadlift.
Step 2: Pull
Brace your core, and in a controlled manner, pull the barbell to the base of your chest, but do not allow your shoulders or hips to come forward.
Step 3: Do it Again
Return the bar all the way to the floor with control, reset, then repeat the movement for the desired amount of repetitions.
Check out this video from Jeff Nippard if needed:
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What are the Benefits of the Pendlay Row?
Muscular Development
Transfer to Other Lifts
Pulling Power
The Pendlay Row has plenty of benefits in both muscular development, improving performance in other lifts, as well as developing both strength and power.
Muscular Development
The Pendlay Row forces the lifter to use strict form and a full range of motion, focusing mainly on the lats and rhomboids. Combine that with proper loading, maintained tension throughout the movement, and some decent volume, muscle hypertrophy will improve as you stay consistent and practice the movement.
Transfer to Other Lifts
The Pendlay Row is something that helps the development of all pulling exercises, as well as a few others. Being that the lifter is bracing their back and core with this movement, it can be transferred over to movements such as the big three compounds: squat, bench, and deadlift. It transfers to compound lifts where the stress on the back will be greater as the lifter is adding more weight or has a technique that involves more activation from the back.
Pulling Power
The Pendlay Row also contributes massively to overall pulling power. The movement comes from a dead stop and contributes massively to concentric strength. The strength and power here can be transferred to becoming stronger in other pulling movements such as the snatch, clean and jerk, and deadlift.
The Pendlay Row also improves grip strength, which can be applied to lifts as simple as bicep curls or even farmer carries.
Sets and Reps
The Pendlay Row is considered both a compound and an accessory movement, so just how heavy should you go? How many sets should you do? How many reps? Well, this all depends on what your personal goals are.
Strength: For strength gains, 3-4 sets of 1-5 with relatively heavy weight (but not heavy to the point where form is sacrificed)
Size and Hypertrophy: For the goal of gaining more muscle mass and definition, 4-5 sets with the rep ranges of 6-12 are ideal with moderate weight.
Endurance: Endurance athletes should be aiming for 3-4 sets of 12+ with light weight.
Tip: The lifter can increase weight throughout the exercise, but not to the point of compromising form!
Rep ranges may vary depending on the exercise as well as the goals of the lifter. Check out this video from Gravity Transformation for more on rep ranges.
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What to Avoid
Unlike a barbell row, the Pendlay row does not give the lifter that momentum to help complete each rep. There are a lot of things you could do when performing the Pendlay Row that could hinder performance or the desired results.
Poor Form
Form can easily be compromised with the Pendlay Row, specifically the angle of the back. Maintain the hip hinge throughout the movement, pulling mostly with your arms and shoulders, without jerking your back up just to achieve a completed rep.
Elbow flare is also another way that form can be compromised which in turn does not deliver the best results because this can lead to more activation of the rear deltoids rather than the lats and middle back. Elbows do not completely need to be tucked to your side, but you certainly do not want to chicken wing your arms; this will put more of the stress and tension on shoulders and arms rather than the lats.
To keep yourself in check, use cues to guide yourself throughout the lift. Remind yourself to pull the bar to your hips, keep your elbows close, etc.
Too Much Weight
Just about everyone loves to lift heavy, no doubt about it. However, going too heavy can lead to not only poor form, but also injuries, something that may affect your progress moving forward. Go lighter, nail that form, get that good contraction, and grow! As your technique improves, the strength will come along with it.
Pendlay Row Alternatives
Maybe you have not been fully convinced of throwing the Pendlay Row into your programming, and that’s okay. There are a couple of great alternatives that are similar movements which provide similar benefits.
The Barbell Row
Classic, iconic, infamous. Three words to describe the movement, also known as the bent-over barbell row. The simple yet effective movement has been a staple in back workouts across the globe since the dawn of time. Maybe not that long, but it has been around for a while.
The barbell row can be done with overhand or underhand grip and is performed almost exactly the same as the Pendlay Row, but you do not rest the weight on the floor after each repetition. This in turn puts more stress on the lower back as well as the hamstrings when compared to the Pendlay row, where the bar would be going to a dead stop after each repetition.
Form Tip: Because the bent-over barbell row puts more stress on the lower back, the lifter should consider using less weight and hitting higher repetitions (better for muscular development and hypertrophy).
The Seal Row
The seal row is something that completely removes stress on the lower back and hamstrings from the equation, but still provides great back gains for both size and strength wise.
In this movement, the lifter will be laying face down on a bench with the barbell underneath the bench. From there they will pull the weight to their chest, which would essentially be the underside of the bench. This can be done on a flat bench, or an incline bench where the lifter will set up the same way but drag the bar along the metal piece that props the bench up into its incline position. Both variations can help grow that extra thick and strong back.
Form Tip: When performing a seal row on a flat bench use smaller plates to get a better range of motion. If smaller plates are not available, you can also elevate the bench on small boxes.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Congratulations, you made it all the way to the end of the article! Now it’s time for the questions that need to be answered.
How can I Improve My Form?
Should I use the Pendlay Row?
Do I Need to use a Barbell?
Let’s take some time and answer these questions!
How can I Improve My Form?
One of the biggest things to improve form is by using cues. Cues are specific actions you tell yourself to reinforce your technique during a lift. They remind the individual of key points needed to complete the lift or weak points to focus on.
For example, when performing the Pendlay Row the lifter can remind themself:
To dig their feet in – for lifters that are using their legs for momentum and doing almost a Romanian deadlift.
Pull the bar to their hips – for lifters that are not completing a full range of motion to help them squeeze at the top of the lift.
Keep the elbows tight – for lifters that might be flaring their elbows and have trouble engaging their lats.
Should I use the Pendlay Row?
Yes. Do not be afraid to program these into your workouts! The Pendlay Row is beneficial for muscle building and strength as a whole. This does not just pertain to people who compete in things such as weightlifting or powerlifting! This is a great exercise for bodybuilders, crossfitters, or recreational gym-goers that want to improve their overall core and back.
Do I Need to Use a Barbell?
A barbell is only one way to perform the exercise! Yes, originally the Pendlay Row was created using just a barbell. However, you can absolutely complete a Pendlay Row with dumbbells or even kettlebells.
Brennan, Dan (2021). “The Difference Between Strength Training and Hypertrophy Training”. (Source)
Healthline (2018). “All You Need to Know about Concentric Muscle Contractions”. (Source)
Hosford, Beverly (2015). “4 Critical Exercise Technique Cues”. (Source)
Personal Touch Fitness (2019). “Muscular Endurance”. (Source)

Spider Curls: How to & Exercise Guide
An effective exercise to help blow your biceps up
Biceps. A favorite muscle to train amongst almost all gym goers. Who doesn’t enjoy a good bicep pump? Barbell curls, preacher curls, cable curls; they are all effective movements to blow up your biceps. However, after a while you’re going to want to throw in something different that can make those biceps really pop. What should it be?
Enter…the spider curl. One of the simplest, yet one of the most effective curl variations you can utilize for your biceps. Spider curls are a movement that provides a great contraction and amazing tension throughout the movement, making it a great exercise to build those peaks.
In this article we will cover just exactly how to properly perform spider curls, how they work, training tips, and if you should be throwing this all time classic exercise into your workouts. Additionally we’ll be answering some FAQs to help you get the most out of your biceps!
Editor’s Note: Generation Iron’s content is meant to be informative and should not take the place of advice and/or supervision from a medical professional/trainer. The articles and opinions on this site are not meant to be used as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. Speak with your physician/trainer if you have any concerns.
How to Do Spider Curls
While spider curls are indeed a rather simple exercise to execute, there are some things to keep in mind as far as doing them properly in order to maximize the benefits.
The Tools
Spider curls can be done in a variety of different ways, all effective, which is what makes it such a useful exercise. All you need is an incline bench, and something to curl. The movement can be completed using an incline bench with dumbbells, an EZ bar, a barbell, or even cables!
Setting up for Spider Curls
For setting up this exercise, begin by adjusting the incline bench on a slight angle
Typically a 45 or 60 degree angle works great
Grab whatever you are using to curl; again you can choose from dumbbells, barbells, EZ bar, or cable attachments, all while using an underhand grip
Lie on the bench with your torso and stomach pressed against the backrest (The top of the bench should be at armpit length)
Keep shoulders and upper arms locked in place, with the forearms being the only part of the arm moving through the bending of the elbows
Curl towards your shoulders, squeezing the biceps throughout the whole movement and hold the contraction at the top of the movement. Make sure to really focus on that squeeze
In a controlled manner, lower the weight back to your initial starting point
Repeat this for your targeted rep range
See the Pro use it: To see some spider curls in action, check out this video from 4x Mr. Olympia Champ, Jay Cutler:
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Sets and Reps
Due to spider curls being an isolation movement for a relatively smaller muscle group, it is not an exercise you will want to go too heavy on. You do not want to be hitting one rep PRs or sets of low reps. Instead you want to do this movement with moderate weight and higher reps to maximize hypertrophy.
Aim for 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps. Really get the most out of each rep, focusing on good control on the way up, a tight squeeze at the top, and extending the bicep back down slowly.
Training Tip: When using cables for your spider curls, you can use a variety of attachments such as a straight bar, D-Handle, or rotating curl bar (shaped like an EZ bar)
Benefits of Spider Curls
So…what does this movement have over other bicep movements? For starters, it is a great bicep isolation exercise that keeps the muscle under constant tension. The way the lifter is positioned makes it hard for them to cheat the rep up, making this exercise really tear up the biceps.
Another reason this movement is beneficial is the range of motion. Unless you have abnormally long arms or your incline bench is too low to the floor, you will get a full range of motion with each rep.
Muscles Targeted
The biceps brachii are the main muscles worked within this exercise. You are targeting both the long head and the short head of the biceps.
The spider curl also hits secondary muscle groups, these include the brachioradialis, brachialis, and forearms as well. The forearms and grip strength also come largely into play once the biceps start to fatigue.
Image Credit: @MuscleEngineered Instagram
As stated before, spider curls can be performed with a number of different pieces of equipment. This includes barbells, dumbbells, or cable attachments. This is another reason the spider curl is an exercise that can easily be added into any arm day routine. It provides so many different ways to effectively hit the muscle.
Switching up what you are using, whether that be barbells, dumbbells, or cable attachments, attacks the muscles from different angles and can help with squeezing and contracting. Find what works best for you and ditch those baby biceps.
Common Mistakes of Spider Curls
Although it is hard to cheat on the spider curl due to positioning of the lifter on the bench, there is plenty of room for error within the movement to hinder effectiveness and results.
Too Much Weight
Too much weight is a problem on just about any exercise. You never want to go too heavy, not only at the risk of injury, but also going too heavy ruins the contraction. You will not be able to get that good squeeze, which is something you want for the best results.
Too much weight can also cause your biceps to fatigue sooner. As your biceps fatigue, a lifter may sacrifice form for reps thus losing the strict focus on the bicep.
Range of Motion
Image Credit: @fitkill instagram
On this exercise you really want that full range of motion. Curling all the way up towards your shoulders, and extending all the way down slowly back to the starting point. Your arms have a lot of freedom in the spider curl, so utilize it.
Poor Form
Poor form could be caused by the issue of too much weight, but with moderate weight you should be able to focus on good form. You want your upper arms and shoulders locked in, while the forearms are really doing the work to curl that weight up to get the most out of this exercise.
Training Tip: Start with extremely light weight just to get the feel for the movement. Nail the form, and then increase the weight to maximize those gains.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Now that we are at the end of the article, you may not be completely sold on trying out the spider curl and may have a few questions regarding this exercise.
Are Spider Curls Actually Worth it?
Can I Perform Half Reps or Cheat Reps During Spider Curls?
Let’s dive in.
Are Spider Curls Actually Worth it?
Short answer, yes. The spider curl is worth throwing into your workout routines when it comes time to hit biceps.
As stated before, the position of the lifter on the bench really stabilizes your upper body and lets you really focus on hitting the targeted muscle, due to cheat reps being harder to perform. The spider curl is an exercise that can help yield great results because of it forcing the lifter to complete quality reps.
Can I Perform Half Reps or Cheat Reps During Spider Curls?
Technically, you could do cheat reps or half reps, like the 21’s bicep exercise. No one is really stopping you from doing this, but cheat reps and half reps may cause you to lose focus on the full contraction of the bicep.
Cheat on your diet before you cheat on this exercise (do not take that literally). But don’t get it wrong, cheat reps on other bicep exercises can help build great arms. Just take a look at the late Rich Piana’s take on it!
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More on Biceps
Don’t limit yourself to boring biceps exercises, blow them up with some exercises from the archives!
Hughes, Chrisman (2021). “4 Important Tips for Better Biceps: Engage Both Sides of Your Bicep”. (Source)
Mayo Clinic (2021). “Overuse Injury: How to Prevent Training Injuries”. (Source)
Physiopedia (2022). “Biceps Brachii”. (Source)
Physiopedia (2022). “Range of Motion”. (Source)
Sweeny, H.L., et. al (2018). “Muscle Contraction”. (Source)

MyProtein The Pre-Workout Review
Everything you need to know about Myprotein The Pre-Workout to boost workout performance
Product Overview
Trying to garner the energy to hit the gym after a long work day sometimes seems impossible. Pre-workout fatigue will not only prevent you from training. But if you do end up exercising, it will impede your performance. Fortunately, a quality pre-workout can give you ample energy to train hard and boost your workout performance. So you can build the most robust and muscular body you’ve ever had.
A premium pre-workout gives you the edge you need to crush your workouts. They’ll contain critical ingredients such as caffeine for endurance and focus and creatine to boost physical strength. In addition, the right pre-workout has additional vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B6, to fuel your body for peak performance. Plus, they’ll get you through any workout, whether a high-intensity circuit for endurance or a weightlifting session focusing on strength.
Moreover, the amount of ingredients each pre-workout contains is imperative. For example, Myprotein The Pre-Workout has the perfect quantity of 200mg of caffeine to withstand any workout duration. And 3g of creatine and the proper dosage of micronutrients needed for any great pre-workout.
Main Takeaways
Myprotein The Pre-Workout has 200mg of caffeine, increasing energy, endurance, and concentration for maximal performance.
This supplement has creatine to improve physical performance and build lean muscle mass.
Myprotein The Pre-Workout has beneficial vitamins, such as vitamin B6, to prevent workout fatigue.
Myprotein The Pre-Workout has the proper ingredients that make it an excellent pre-workout. It’s packed with a good dosage of caffeine and creatine that will give you the fuel you need to increase the number of reps you can perform and the amount of weight you can lift.
THE Pre-Workout Highlights
Myprotein delivers The Pre-Workout. And Myprotein only offers the best supplements on the market for your fitness, including Clear Whey Isolate protein. The Pre-Workout is formulated with the ideal ingredients that make up a stellar pre-workout. The Pre-Workout has 200mg of caffeine for maximum energy, focus, and endurance. And it also contains creatine monohydrate to enable you to bust out more reps or use heavier weights. In addition, it has other micronutrients and ingredients that benefit your workout performance, such as L-glutamine and vitamin B6.
Ingredients to Boost Workout Performance
Below are the researched-backed ingredients in Myprotein The Pre-Workout, proven to boost your workout performance.
Creatine monohydrate is a must-have in a good pre-workout. Numerous studies prove its effectiveness in building lean muscle mass (1).
The proper dosage of caffeine is imperative for a pre-workout. Because you need enough caffeine to increase your energy and endurance for an intense workout while not too much that it causes jitters and crashes. This 2021 study found caffeine effective at improving aerobic and anaerobic performance (2).
L-glutamine is an amino acid found in protein. And protein is essential to building muscle.
AstraGin helps with the absorption of essential nutrients, such as creatine.
BioPerine is a patented piperine extract that helps your body absorb critical nutrients. Moreover, it helps with inflammation.
It’s derived from cayenne pepper and helps with thermogenic properties, such as boosting your metabolism and curbing your appetite. In addition, research on 75 healthy individuals concluded that Capsaicinoidcs effectively lowers body fat (3).
Other Beneficial Ingredients
Besides the ingredients listed above, The Pre-Workout contains other beneficial ingredients for rigorous workouts, such as vitamin B6 and L-citrulline. Vitamin B6 helps reduce fatigue since it’s vital in creating red blood cells, which transport the oxygen throughout your body to feel energized. And L-citrulline aids blood flow to your muscles, increasing your muscular endurance.
Number Of Servings
Serving Size
1 Scoop
Stim Or Non-Stim
Best Way To Take
Mix 1 scoop with 300ml of water and drink 30 minutes before your workout.
Effectiveness, Flavors and Price of The Pre-Workout
THE Pre-Workout has pros and cons and comes in different flavors.
It has 200mg of caffeine.
This supplement has creatine.
It has other beneficial pre-workout properties, such as L-citrulline and vitamin B6.
It may cause jitters if you’re sensitive to caffeine.
Most creatine monohydrates have 5g per serving of creatine, whereas this product has 3g.
Myprotein The Pre-Workout comes in five fruity flavors: Orange Mango Passionfruit, Blue Raspberry, Cola, Grape, and Lemon Sherbet.
Price: $14.26
Myprotein The Pre-Workout has the proper ingredients that make it an excellent pre-workout. It’s packed with a good dosage of caffeine and creatine that will give you the fuel you need to increase the number of reps you can perform and the amount of weight you can lift.
Who Should Buy And Who Shouldn’t Buy
Who Should Buy: If you want to enhance your workout performance, try this pre-workout, especially if you suffer from fatigue before and during your workouts.
Who Shouldn’t Buy: You shouldn’t buy this product if you’re sensitive to caffeine.
How The Pre-Workout Boosts Workout Performance
Myprotein The Pre-Workout has the perfect proprietary blend of quality ingredients at the correct dosage for maximal workout performance. This supplement’s creatine and caffeine blend are ideal for giving you the firepower you need to make explosive gains.
How to Best Use The Pre-Workout
Myprotein recommends mixing one scoop (15.5g) of The Pre-Workout with 300ml of water and drinking it 30 minutes before exercise.
Overall Value
Myprotein The Pre-Workout has the proper ingredients that make it an excellent pre-workout. It’s packed with a good dosage of caffeine and creatine that will give you the fuel you need to increase the number of reps you can perform and the amount of weight you can lift. In addition, this supplement has other beneficial ingredients, like vitamin B6 and l-glutamine, to help maximize your gym gains. This is a pre-workout worth trying for an explosive workout.
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and let us know what you think of the pre-workout in the comments section on social media.
Chilibeck, P. D., Kaviani, M., Candow, D. G., & Zello, G. A. (2017). Effect of creatine supplementation during resistance training on lean tissue mass and muscular strength in older adults: a meta-analysis. Open access journal of sports medicine, 8, 213–226. https://doi.org/10.2147/OAJSM.S123529
Guest, N. S., VanDusseldorp, T. A., Nelson, M. T., Grgic, J., Schoenfeld, B. J., Jenkins, N., Arent, S. M., Antonio, J., Stout, J. R., Trexler, E. T., Smith-Ryan, A. E., Goldstein, E. R., Kalman, D. S., & Campbell, B. I. (2021). International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and exercise performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 18(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-020-00383-4
Rogers, J., Urbina, S. L., Taylor, L. W., Wilborn, C. D., Purpura, M., Jäger, R., & Juturu, V. (2018). Capsaicinoids supplementation decreases percent body fat and fat mass: adjustment using covariates in a post hoc analysis. BMC obesity, 5, 22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40608-018-0197-1

Mike O’Hearn Shares Two New Tricep Exercises To Use During Training Session With Aleksey Mokshyn
Mike O’Hearn showed off two creative tricep workouts to add into the mix.
Mike O’Hearn has been a fitness guru for quite some time. Over time, he has sculpted a physique that has found success as a bodybuilder, model, and actor. Now, O’Hearn continues to work hard in the gym and share some of his knowledge with the next generation.
O’Hearn was joined by bodybuilder Aleksey Mokshyn for a tricep exercise that added some new variations. He told the Ukrainian bodybuilder that it is important to enter the gym with a purpose and understand your goals before the workout begins.
This mindset, along with different workouts and discussions about fitness and bodybuilding, can be heard on The Mike O’Hearn Show, which has been brought to you by Generation Iron and BarBend.
Mike O’Hearn’s Tricep Variations
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Crossover Single-Arm Tricep Extensions
The first of two workouts for Mike O’Hearn and Aleksey Mokshyn begins on the cable machine. The starting position is often seen when training delts but this time, O’Hearn throws in a bit of a wrinkle.
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The two can be seen standing straight up with their elbows bent at a 45-degree angle. From here, the arms are straightened out to work the tricep. O’Hearn explains how it is important to perform this exercise while standing straight up as opposed to bent over.
“You’re going to find pressure on the racks itself. Then you find out that spot there where the balance is. Your body is balanced. It’s not forcing. For me, I like that. I never liked doing cable crossovers where you’re so leaned in that your body is holding it.
It’s not an intense exercise, a very simpleexercisn. It’s a good warmup, a good opener, a good mind-to-muscle connection to start the workout.”
Skull Crushers/Push-Up Superset
The final exercise of the workout is a superset to hit all areas of the tricep. It begins with a variation of a skull crusher performed on the Smith machine. O’Hearn uses just his bodyweight when performing this exercise lowering his body under the bar and driving it up. From there, the duo goes right into incline push-ups, which are also performed on the Smith machine.
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“He is demanding how much his body works throughout the workout. Not the other way around.”
Mike O’Hearn remains extremely shredded at 53 years old and it is because of workouts like this one. He has remained an active voice in fitness because of his overall knowledge and passion. From here, continue to follow O’Hearn’s tips and tricks on how to get a better pump in the gym.
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Marvel Inspired Training Clothing on Amazon in 2022
Marvel is one of the biggest film franchises of the 21st century. Lately, the American giant has spread its wings to other sectors such as clothing. Virtually everybody has a Marvel superhero they admire. You can identify these superheroes from several unique attributes, including the clothes they wear. You have probably dreamed of wearing the same clothes as your hero. Well, Marvel is well aware of this and has come up with superhero clothing you can buy. Most of the wear is sold on Amazon at incredibly affordable prices. In this article, we will look at some Marvel clothing you can use for training on Amazon.
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Marvel Men’s Comic Full Zip Up Hoodie
First on our list is this $44.95 full zip-up hoodie. It has a hooded neck and a soft brushed lining fabric for comfort. Notably, the smooth non-pilling outer layer gives the hoodie a classic design. It is blue and yellow, with an X symbol patched on the top-left chest, the X-men emblem on the sleeve, and the words ‘Xavier Institute’ printed on the back. The product is officially licensed by Marvel Apparel and is designed for the cosplay of the X-men. Additionally, the hoodie is multipurpose; it has two large pockets at the front to keep your hands warm, adjustable drawcords, a cuff and hem, a built-in hold, and an elastic band. It is the ultimate training clothing for comfort and versatility you should seriously consider buying.
Two-Pocket Iron Man Leggings
You will get these iron man leggings for as little as $19.99 on Amazon. The product is made with safe material comprising 88% polyester and 12% spandex. Notably, the training leggings are ultra-soft and lightweight, allowing for natural movement as you run, cycle, or work out at the gym. It also provides quick air circulation, cools in the summer, and retains considerable heat during the cold season. Iron man leggings have an abrasive fabric to ensure good elasticity and durability. Finally, these leggings have left and right size 3*5″ pockets to keep your items or tuck in your hands.
Shogun Fight Compression T-Shirt
For $54.00, the Shogun fight compression workout T-shirt is beautifully designed beyond comprehension. Its most notable feature is the full-colour Samurai art at the front. The back also has a dye-sublimated printing you cannot resist. Apart from the beautiful design, the T also has a premium rashguard. Finally, the Shogun compression T-shirt has a full-colour wrap to ensure it does not crack or peel off over time. It is the ultimate training clothing every bodybuilder should have in their closet.
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Iron Addict Bodybuilding T-shirt
You will get this beautifully decorated T-shirt for a mere $17.99 on Amazon. The iron addict. The bodybuilding T-shirt comes in solid colours. It is 100% cotton: Heather grey; 90% cotton, 10% polyester; All other teachers; 50% cotton and 50% polyester. The product is not only lightweight, but it is also a classic fit with a double-needle sleeve and bottom hem. The T is machine was and at low heat, per the manufacturer’s instructions.
Men’s Women’s Hooded Jacket
If you’re afraid of sunburns while training outdoors, this is the perfect hoodie. The hooded jacket costs $25.97 on Amazon and has thumb holes to keep the sleeves in place. Additionally, the jacket’s safety is guaranteed as it is made of 87% polyester and 13% spandex. Its silky fabric also gives ultimate comfort, thanks to state-of-the-art knitting technology. Comfort in this training clothing is further ensured by its soft-textured feel that is perfect for outdoor activities. Finally, the hoodie has two zippered pockets at the front. Here you can put keys, phone, and every other essential item you want to carry along.
Spider-Man Vintage Top Tank
Going for $25.99, this classic top is fully and officially licensed by Marvel Apparel. Its most essential feature is an expert double-needle sleeve and bottom hem knitting. Additionally, the T is a classic fit and lightweight. Black is the primary colour, with seven more colours adding to its beautifully decorated appearance. Moreover, it is of solid colours: 100% cotton: Heather grey; 90% cotton, 10% polyester; All other heathers; 50% cotton and 50% polyester. Place an order for this top today, and you might just become the spiderman of your gym.
Red Plume 3D Men’s Muscle T-shirt
Do you want to show off that beautiful physique in a superhero manner? Well, the Red Plume Muscle T-shirt will do the job just fine. Going for as little as $9.90, this classic training clothing allows free natural motion while working out. Additionally, the soft material is unexplainably comfortably for a bodybuilder who wants to stretch out without limitation. You can don this outfit for virtually every season, be it soccer, cycling, hiking, basketball, tennis, baseball, and more. Lastly, the T-shirt is sweat-wicking to ensure comfort and dryness.
Guardians of the Galaxy Tank Top
Officially licensed by Marvel Apparel, this $25.99 top tank is all you need for a stylish workout look. The outfit is not only lightweight but is also a classic fit with a double-needle sleeve and bottom hem. This feature makes it durable, without mentioning the stretching part. The cloth comes in solid colours: 100% cotton: Heather grey; 90% cotton, 10% polyester; All other teachers; 50% cotton and 50% polyester. It is white with three more colours to add to its magnificent appearance.
HOOLAZA Avengers Superheroes T-Shirt
This is a men’s only training clothing inspired by Marvel’s Avengers. It goes for $13.99, a very affordable price for anyone looking for quality. Talking of quality, the T is made with a professional compression stretch fabric that is perfect for any workout. Additionally, it is breathable and with an excellent moisture transport system. If you want to display that ripped body to the world, this is just the perfect T-shirt for the job. It will outline all your delicate features, thanks to its skin-hugging design. However, the top still gives freedom of movement as you work out. You can wear this outfit while cycling, running, yoga, soccer training, basketball, tennis, and more.
Superhero Captain Compression T-shirt Training Clothing
Last on our list of Marvel-inspired training is this $16.99, 100% polyester compression T-shirt. The T comes in many sizes, so you have to refer to the size chart to find one that fits you well. Importantly, the outfit is elastic and short-sleeved to protect your hands from harsh weather. Its comfort is enhanced further by an ergonomic design that makes it both light weight and stylish. Importantly, the T-shirt is designed to hug your muscles thus showing your perfect figure underneath. It doesn’t cause any friction whatsoever, even though it grabs tightly. Finally, you could use it for various outdoor activities and sports such as running, cycling, hiking, and more.
Take Away
Marvel continues to fill our lives with its of entertainment. We appreciate them for the good work and feel obligated to return the favour. With these training clothing, we can show the world that bodybuilders are superheroes in their own right. Importantly, the Marvel-inspired outfits are a great source of motivation for every bodybuilder who wants to achieve the impossible. Don’t forget to pass by our shop to grab quality steroid products and supplements for your bodybuilding needs.
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