Tag: workout

Build a Chest of Steel With This Workout
Workout For a Bigger and Striated Chest
If you’re planning to make a statement with your physique, moobs surely aren’t going to help your case. Having a broad chest can make you stand apart from the crowd and get the attention you deserve.
Building a ripped chest takes more than doing a few pushups and presses. You need to have a combination of compound and isolation exercises in your workouts to develop the perfect size and conditioning.
Cable Crossovers – 4 Sets 15 Reps
You’ll be starting this workout with an isolation exercise to pre-exhaust your pecs before you get into the compound lifts. Exhausting your chest at the beginning of the workout eliminates the need for lifting super heavyweights to recruits and target your pectoral muscles later in the workout.
Grab a D-handle attachment in each hand and take a long stride with either of your feet to get in position for the exercise. Make sure there is tension on your pecs at the starting position. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows while performing the cable crossovers to target your pecs efficiently.
Barbell Bench Press – 4 Sets 15 Reps
The barbell bench press is what squats are for the legs. If you’re new to resistance training or are using a challenging weight, it’s wise to get the help of a spotter. The barbell bench press is a great exercise to build strength and volume in your pectoral muscles.
While performing the bench press, keep your elbows slightly angled towards your sides to eliminate any tension on your rotator cuffs. Contract your pecs with every repetition while performing the exercises in the workout.
Incline Dumbbell Flyes – 3 Sets 15-12-10 Reps
For the majority of people, the upper chest is a weak muscle group. It’s harder to establish a mind-muscle connection with the upper pecs as it’s a very small (one-third of your chest) muscle group.
The key while performing the incline bench dumbbell flyes is to contract your pecs at the top of the movement and target the inner chest. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows and push your chest out as you reach the bottom of the movement.
Decline Dumbbell Press – 3 Sets 15-12-10 Reps
The decline dumbbell press is an incredibly effective exercise in building the separation between your chest and the abdomen. You’ll be able to lift relatively heavier weights in the decline presses as compared to the flat and incline presses.
The dumbbells should be at the sides of your chest at the bottom of the movement. Pause and contracts the life out of your pecs at the top of the movement. While the pressing movements help in developing the size in your chest, the flyes target the separation and conditioning.
Barbell Rollout Flyes – 3 Sets 10 Reps
The barbell rollout flyes are the ultimate chest workout finisher. If you’re lacking the separation between your pecs, the barbell rollout flyes should be a part of your exercise arsenal.
Place a weight plate at each end of a barbell and place the barbells parallel to each other on the floor. Get into a push-up position in the center of the two barbells and grab the barbells with a neutral (palms facing each other) grip.
Your arms should be extended in a straight line and the barbell should be under your shoulders at the starting position. Slowly push the barbell away while mimicking the dumbbell fly movement.
Your chest should be a 5-6 inches away from the floor at the bottom of the movement. Return to the starting position and squeeze your pecs. Repeat for the recommended repetitions.
Which is your favorite chest exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Hell Raiser Training Will Pulverize Your Muscles Into A Pulp
Put your muscles through hell.
We’ve covered a lot of different training methods, all of them hardcore in their own right. The Hell Raiser Training program sounds like it could be one of the most brutal workout plans out there. If you haven’t heard of Hell Raiser Training then listen up. It’s a twelve week program meant to give you some massive muscle gains by putting you through some sweet, sweet torture.
The Gist
Invented by Tom Fuller, the idea behind the whole program is to push your muscles past their limits by performing a hell-centric rep. Yeah we know, you’re probably saying what the hell is a “hell-centric” rep. We’ll get to that in a moment. To begin with, you have to start by finding out what 80% of your 1 rep max weight is.
For example, if you normally max out with a 70 lb one rep curl – then you have to find 80% of that weight. You then perform curls with that 80% max weight (in this case 56 lbs) for 8 reps. This is when things begin to get interesting. After your regular reps you perform four additional reps. So what makes those extra 4 so special? Well, your training partner offers resistance by pulling down the weight you lift. You then slowly descend while your partner keeps light pressure for about five seconds.
The idea is to put your already burning muscles through that extra bit of torture. Fuller emphasizes that during the resistance phase that it is essential to allow for a steady descent on the way down. This way you’ll get the added burn. Once you’ve gotten through the first twelve weeks of training, Fuller suggests that you switch things up and perform the training every other week, incorporating different techniques in the interim for variety.
Day 1: Arms
• Close Grip Bench – 2 sets, 8 reps + 4 Hell-centric reps (HR)• One Arm Machine Triceps Ext – 2 sets, 8 reps + 4 HR• Lying DB Triceps Ext – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Standing DB Curls – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• DB Preacher Curls – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Reverse Curls – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Forward and Reverse Wrist Curls – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR
Day 2: Legs
• Leg Press – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Leg Extension – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Hack Squats – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Hamstring Raises – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Standing Leg Curls – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Chest and Shoulders
• BB/Smith or DB Press – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Incline Smith or DB Flyes – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Pec Dec – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• DB or Smith Military Press – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Side Laterals – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Barbell Shrugs – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR
Day 5: Back/Rear Delts/Calves
• Wide Grip Pull Ups – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• T-Bar – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Narrow Grip Pull Downs – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Reverse Pec Dec or Bent Laterals – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Calf Extensions – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR• Calf Raises – 2 sets x 8 reps + 4 HR
Day 6 & 7: More Rest & Relief
Have you done Hell Raiser Training before? Let us know your results in the comments below and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

50 Workouts Routines for the New Year
We forbid you from starting the new year without a solid plan. Your workout routine should be among your new year resolutions. Most importantly, you need to shed off a few pounds you may have added over the festive season. A workout plan is essential because it makes sure you don’t kill yourself trying to achieve big results instantly. We have prepared 50 workouts routines for you to start the year on a high note.
Shoulder Workouts
The Boulder shoulder you desire will not come overnight. There are killer workouts out there that you can use to acquire shoulder caps that will turn heads.
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press Workout
This exercise is perfect for building lateral, anterior, and posterior deltoid muscles. Lifting two separate dumbbells is more effective for building shoulder muscles than lifting a machine. The reason is that one side of your body is not working, thus helping you retain balance and fair distribution.
Sit on a low-back bench and hold a dumbbell with each hand at the shoulder level. Keep your palms facing forward, your head straight up, then then lift the dumbbells overheard towards each other.
Hi-Def shoulder workouts
In case you are suffering from sickly shoulders, you do not have any reason to worry further, for we have you covered. Enroll in a heavy start but still utilizing the multiple speeds to work out your strength, size, and, finally, an excellent muscle burn.
Samantha Leete’s shoulder workouts
A well-rounded physique is always determined by how strong, significant, and sculpted shoulders one has. For you to build better muscles, the fitness model Samantha Leete workout is best recommended for you.
Shoulder – gain workouts
Many bodybuilders have ended up being disabled for overintricating shoulder training. Just keep it simple and more strategic with the IFBB pro-Jake Alvarez to build impressive and balanced shoulders.
High-Volume Shoulder Builder
This workout method is recommended for you if you have a problem with your shoulder growth. Increase your training volume and frequency with this perfect muscle growth master plan.
Related Article:: CrossFit Workout – 8 Things to Know Before Your First
Legs Workouts for Women
Lying a firm foundation is for your body is very critical. Check out these recommended workout collections for strong and good legs.
Strong muscular build fitness woman in sporty clothes doing jump training in the gym.
High-Frequency Legs Workouts:
This workout is essential when your legs need some extra focus. It’s a program dedicated to toning your legs 3 days per week.
Stronger Legs Workouts.
Ashley Horner wants you out of your comfort zone and less weight than you have always been. Stronger women were made for leg day. Try this out and be amazed by the results.
Legs Workout for Men
Strong muscular build fitness woman in sporty clothes doing jump training in the gym.
Instead of following a one-size-fits-all workout on leg day, let your goals constitute your routine. Most workouts start with the best lower-body movements with a variation of squats. Work with a solid overall mass-building plan.
Three workouts to build bigger and stronger legs
With these double-duty workouts meant to deliver more muscle and exclusive strength, you will never wish to skip leg day again. Perform these workouts by focusing one workout on quads and the other on the hamstring. You can as well choose to work out these routines together.
Back workouts
When you have a strong and powerful back, you are assured of a balanced and symmetrical physique. There are a few explicit workouts that will help gain a great back while still maintaining it.
FST-7 back-and-abs workout
For you to easily widen your lats and have an impressive look, the best-recommended workout routine is the epic FST-7 workouts from pro trainer Hamny Rambod and men’s physique champ Jeremy Buendia.
Must Read:: Best Diet Plan for Bodybuilders 2019
Optimum Back: Lat workout
It is one of the most high-volume back workouts that will leave your back delts so pumped up that you may even end up having to walk sideways through the door.
Abel Albonetti’s ultimate back workouts.
You must always have an outright strong back for you to round out your delt physique. Just give a try to this earnest, very high-volume workout and increase in size and build a piled back.
Back-and-forth back workouts.
This workout from Jim Stoppani’s back-and-fourth programs includes about 8 row and pull-down variations. This workout routine will surely pull you exhausted and probably force your lats to grow big and strong.
Wide-back, boulder shoulder workout
Chad Hollmer’s killer back–and–shoulder routine workouts are popular among individuals who aim to build strengths and have an appealing V-taper.
Arm Workouts
These workouts are recommended to help grow your arms bigger and take them to another level. They go beyond the regular dumbbell curls and triceps extensions.
Biceps and triceps workout- a triple threat arm assault
The trisect workout will pump up your biceps and thresh your triceps. If you desire to have bigger arms, then this is the best workout for you.
AAA Workout: excellent Abs and Arms
For you to have unique arms and abs, follow and implement actress Alicia Ziegler’s training tips and workouts routines, and the outcomes will surely surprise you.
Chris Thompson’s total arm workout
According to Chris Thompson, a workout of 30 minutes guarantees you a complete set of biceps, triceps, and cardio. You are only required to have a pair of dumbbells and an adjustable bench.
Sun’s out/ guns out critical arm workouts
When the exciting summer sun is high in the sky, consider this the best time to work out. If you still need to gain more biceps and sharpen your triceps. Adhere to these foolproof tips and follow up with workouts for jacked arms.
Must Read:: Ultimate Arms: How to Build Sleeve-Splitting Biceps and Triceps
Chest Workouts
If I am not mistaken, I am confident that you desire to have a great set of pecs. Well, having the pecs is not an issue. Then, you must be ready to try these workouts for a remarkable result.
Steve Cook’s chest building workouts.
To build a better and credible chest, you need to think beyond your typical bench press. Choose to pre-hard exhaust your chest with some isolation sets before moving to laborious exercise. Finish with a blood-pumping circuit to pump up your muscle fibers.
Jason Wheat’s robust MVP Chest Workout
Every MVP’s workout list has to build a muscular and big chest always at the top list. Following Jason Wheat’s extensive, pyramid-driven chest workouts will be of very much help.
Big Bench, Bigger Chest Workouts
Possessing a great body is fantastic. Mark Bell will teach you how to maintain an incredible physique that you can also use to lift big weights,
Chest workouts for show and go
If you can survive the onslaught, the superset-driven workouts of Abel and Kizzito Ejam will fix your chest for show and no go.
Glute Workouts
To build a booty that will always rock, here are five workouts to embrace,
Nicole Wilkin’s butt and hip workouts
Although squats and lunges are fantastic, they are not enough for your butt to reach its full muscular potential, and you need the all-around workout from Olympic champion Nicole Wilkin.
Ashley Kaltwasser’s Iron buns workouts
For firm and rounder behind, reigning bikini Olympic queen Ashley Kaltwasser has some amazing bodybuilding secrets to share.
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Some of the home-workouts that you should consider
To get fit, you do not need to work in the gym at all times. You can have a great workout session in the comfort of your home and still yield good results.
4 effective at-home weight-loss workouts.
In the initial stage, the beginner at-home workout program focuses on getting the form down pat.
Intermediate at-home workout plan; increase your workout intensity. These routines will include about two workouts weekly.
Advanced at-home exercises; you will now have to increase your muscles’ stress to the total capacity.
Efficient at-home cardio workouts; make sure you continually exercise these routines and only rest when very necessary.
Lais Deleon’s at-home perfect booty workouts.
Use your couch for a minimum of 20 minutes to get a more robust and better behind.
The ideal partner bodyweight workout
Together with your training partner, you can start a challenge that will help you grow and overcome even the more advanced moves.
Fitness-model bodyweight workout.
Hitting the gym is not very necessary. Just consider following the fitness model Jen Jewell’s tips for a fantastic bodyweight workout session.
Full-body Workouts
These workouts are recommended if you don’t have the time to train different muscles at a time.
The no-excuses full-body workout
Try this tremendous full-body workout from former WBFF champ Chady, and your body will get into your most desired shape.
Bodyweight bodybuilding; the mass building calisthenic workout
Join the workout movements with the suitable scheme and build up your muscles like a bodybuilder or martial athlete.
At the end of the day, ensure your workout plan is within your limits. Most importantly, sit down at the end of each day and analyze your whole workout for that day. Did you meet the desired goals? If not, what needs to be done to make sure your training is beneficial. But if a certain goal seems unrealistic, you’re allowed to revisit it, even if it means reducing training time. Don’t be afraid to take baby steps; the greatest men and women in bodybuilding started there.

How Bodybuilders Spent $10,000 on Home Gyms as the Covid Crisis Persists
Preparing for a bodybuilding competition takes an average of 16 weeks. That amount of time is enough under normal circumstances. Well, welcome to the new normal where everything has been thrown into chaos. Bodybuilders are increasingly getting anxious as the Covid pandemic sinks deeper into every aspect of their lives. Not only are they lacking equipment to train with but they are also not getting the right diet that befits a bodybuilder.
Bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts no longer have the luxury of walking to a nearby gym to train with their colleagues. Persistent lockdowns have confined most of them to their homes, where there is little or nothing to use for training. That is not to mention their special dietary needs which have been reduced to a little more than an ordinary meal. For those bodybuilders who were training hard for upcoming competitions pre-Covid, months of hard training have been wiped out and they have to start all over again. The worst thing about this madness is that we are not sure when it will come to an end. There is wave after wave of this monster, and every subsequent wave is proving deadlier than previous ones. Luckily, the vaccine is here with us, thanks to the many hours put up by our scientists.
At-Home Training for Bodyduilders
When Covid-19 came knocking, many employers advised their staff to work from home to stop the virus from spreading. Although a bitter pill to swallow, many people quickly adjusted to it and operations resumed, though a little slower. The same can’t be said in the case of bodybuilders and other athletes. For people from other professions, all they needed was mostly a laptop and stable internet connection to perform their normal tasks. A bodybuilder, on the other hand, will require a whole lot of equipment to mimic the normal gym. As expected, this equipment is very expensive and can’t just be found anywhere. Bodybuilders were forced to order their gear online because the lockdown was still in effect.
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Mental Health – How a Bodybuilder Can Improve it?
One of the most common questions bodybuilders think about is the necessary factor that helps them stand out from the rest and make their place in big competitions like IFBB. Most of the answers you will get on the internet revolve around taking care of your diet, exercising, and buying nutritional supplements to boost your performance in powerlifting bodybuilding for success. But the single most influential component that will take you places no matter which competition you are preparing remains one – your mindset and mental health.
Without having the optimum cognitive function and a sense of mental wellbeing, you cannot stay motivated and strategic for building up those big muscles you need to win any competition. This is especially true for big contests like IFBB in which you are already facing lots of stress and trying to figure out a way how you can beat the stress and leave nothing to go unnoticed while you train for the big game.
If you want to really know how to become a huge muscle guy, you need to focus on the roots first. This is how you will be able to get to the level you aspire to be. Your roots, in a literal sense, start from your attitude. Let’s find out some ways you can amplify your mental health with the best tactics around:
1. Practice Discipline
Practicing discipline helps you train your mind to come in the form it needs to perform at its best. When you are disciplining yourself, you are getting into the training mode. Make a note of whatever diet, supplements, and steroids you are consuming and track your intake by the end of the day. Instead of getting carried away by a lazy routine, schedule your day, and make your mind to practice working on fixed timing.
If you have an endurance training session at 6 in the morning, get up at least an hour ago and prepare yourself for it. It might seem a thing of the military for you, but discipline in itself is a great form of self-care. Not only are you training your mind to beat the competition this way, but also you are giving your mind a huge favor in getting goal-oriented and healthy.
2. Fix your Sleeping Hours
For bodybuilders, every second can be a deciding factor for your progress. This holds true, especially in big competitions where you have to compete with a lot many around you, and a minute of more sweat than the other competitor might be the differentiating factor in your success. So, make sure while you stay careful about making every minute matter, you pay enough attention to your training and resting hours. In this regard, taking care of your sleeping cycle remains a prominent factor.
Make sure if you get 7 hours of uninterrupted REM sleep, you stick to these hours. Anything less or more might disturb your whole training regime, especially when the competition you are training for is big and you got nothing to lose. This will also help boost your mental performance as your brain will stay alert, and your circadian rhythms would not interfere in your routine.
Must Read:: The Importance of Sleep for Bodybuilders
3. Take Brain-Friendly Foods
You can take a diet rich in omega fatty acids, natural serotonin-producing foods, and antioxidants for improving your mental health. Taking antioxidants can also benefit your mind in terms of reducing chances of inflammation, which often appear as “brain fog” and does not let you think clearly like you ought to think. To maximize your brain’s potential, you need to take foods such as fish, green and leafy vegetables, liver and liver oil, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, and other types of seeds, and consume healthy proteins cooked through steam or hot oven.
Brain on FOOD > > HERE
You need to be careful about the type of food you are consuming in your daily routine and consider the sources. For example, taking too much processed food is not only going to affect your physical performance but also make cognitive factors such as decision-making abilities weaker than usual. Make sure you stick to nature and only include foods that add to your mental and physical health.
Staying hydrated is also a key element to staying mentally sharp and active as you train and get ready for the big day. If you do not consume sufficient water, you will feel that you lack the general will power, confidence, and the energy it requires to work on the body you want. Also, the depletion of electrolytes will make it even harder for you to stay in the right state of mind and exercise. Drinking enough water to balance out the sweat is of significant importance when it comes to taking care of mental health.
Read this Article:: Drink More Water If You Want To Lose Weight And Build Muscle Fast
4. Play Mind Sharpening Games
While you are training and exercising throughout the day to keep your mind alert, it is also essential that you play some mind sharpening games for better performance and training. As you play these games regularly, you will note you have less mental fatigue than usual, and you can get much better results while you are training and building your muscles. In a way, these games are helping you to create more accuracy and agility in the mind that ultimately helps you in improving your cognitive performance by the day.
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For the right brain, you can do activities that revolve around you being creative:
Abstract thinking.
Playing an instrument, and others.
For the left brain, you can focus on playing mind-sharpening games such as:
Solving crossword puzzles.
Playing scrambles.
Playing brain teasers and trivia quizzes.
Solve logic problems and others.
These activities will keep you in the fresh state of mind that will ultimately help you boost your performance and keep you ready for the big competition ahead. With better mental agility and an increased concentration, you will feel at your best and be able to outrank your competitors in a better way through sparing a few moments of the day to do such activities.
5. Experiment with Different Exercises
Only warmup, workouts, pieces of training, and cool-downs are not enough to keep your performance at best. Though exercises and workouts help to improve your mental health, taking out some time to engage yourself in doing rhythmic exercises that involve rhythmic breathing and a present state of mind will help you increase will power and concentration that you need to get better at the game and outrank other competitors. These exercises involve yoga, meditation, martial arts, judo karate, and other ancient techniques that satisfy both your mind and body to engage well with each other.
You will note that your mind will be better able to find a balance and perform better in training as well as the competition day. Such exercises will help get the better circulation of nutrients and oxygen towards your brain and get you in the right state of mind.
Related Article:: Build Back Muscle Fast: Top 4 Exercises To Do
6. Take Care of Steroid Cycles
Bodybuilders might take steroids that increase the testosterone level in the body, which ultimately helps in improving performance at the competition with better muscles and higher core strength. People show their concern over the use of steroids on their psychological health – but facts have revealed that such effects occur when these steroids are taken in excessive amounts, or the steroid cycles are disturbed. In many cases, bodybuilders who experience such negative consequences are unknowingly taking steroids that are not manufactured in accordance with the law.
To make sure you do not get any adverse effects on your mental health through steroids, you need to take some measures and take great care of your steroid cycles. Moreover, legal steroids should be taken that mostly contain creatinine. A natural steroid that yields faster muscle recovery, and better muscle buildup.
Steroid Cycles > > HERE
To avoid any danger to mental health, it is essential you take steroids in cycling, a relatively safer method to consume steroids as compared to stacking, pyramiding, or plateauing, all of which might lead to substance abuse. Cycling involves taking multiple doses of the legal steroid in a specific amount of time and waiting for the dose to complete its effect. For better maintenance of mental health, it is essential you take care of the method you use for taking the recommended steroids and the total dosage of the product.
While anyone can follow strict diet routines and do training sessions for getting big muscles for the competition. A more necessary thing to remember is to get prepared from the inside – something not possible without having a great mental state of wellbeing – through better mental health. If you are not strong enough from the inside to bear the intense pressure and stress of the game, your muscles, no matter how big they are built, cannot help you win. Winners in such sports know that the real competition begins at the mind. It is one of the factors that differentiate a pro from an amateur.

5 Home Gym Essentials To Build A Great Body
Introduction Home Gym Essentials
So far, 2020. was a hectic year, and it will undoubtedly be remembered in history primarily because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus took us all by surprise, and it hit many industries hard, including travel, airlines, but it also shook the fitness world. Gyms were always an oasis of health, but all of a sudden, they became unsafe, and in many countries, they are still closed. Even if they are open, exercising with masks and latex gloves is anything but pleasant. Because of all this, many people are turning to working out at home with Home Gym Essentials.
While you can do a lot with just your bodyweight, having some home gym essentials will make your workouts much better, helping you build a great body from the comfort (and safety) of your home. In this post, we will give you five pieces of equipment that will allow you to hit every muscle in your body but won’t hit your budget too hard, so make sure you read it through.
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#1: A Pull-up Bar
Buying a pullup bar is an absolute must for any home workout. Without it, doing pullups and chinups is next to impossible. Sure, you can try doing them on a door, or on a tree branch outside. But, considering that you can get a decent pullup bar for cheap and that it lasts a long time, it is one of the best fitness investments you can make.
Pull-up Bar > > Buy Now
The most obvious thing you can do on a pullup bar is pullups and chinups. These exercises are hard and are one of the best ways to train your back, primarily lats. Having developed lats will give width to your frame. Besides lats, pullups, and especially chinups, hit your biceps and will help you build nice looking hands. Also, you can do scapular retractions on a pullup bar, which will help your posture.
Besides pullups, you can use the bar to do hanging leg raises, which is one of the best exercises to target your lower abs, but it hits the full six-pack.
And of course, you can use the pullup bar for hanging and stretching. Hanging from a bar is one of the best things you can do for your shoulders, as it decompresses them. It also stretches your lats and is good for your spine. Hanging from a bar is something you should definitely include into your routine, and if you install a bar in your doorway, you can do it every time you get in or out of your room.
#2: A Pair Of Adjustable Dumbbells
The most versatile piece of exercise equipment you can buy is certainly a pair of dumbbells. Even though you can technically do all the exercises with one dumbbell, it is not convenient, and a workout will take you twice as much time as you will have to switch sides all the time, so get a pair.
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A single pair of dumbbells will hit every single muscle in your body. Also, exercising with dumbbells enables you to do one side at a time, and will fix imbalances as the stronger side will never take over the load.
Also, it is very important to get a pair of adjustable dumbbells, unless you have the budget to buy a whole set of fixed-weight dumbbells. Adjustable ones will save you a lot of space, and will still allow you to perform the exercises with optimal weight. Yes, you won’t be able to switch between exercises instantaneously like when working out at the gym, as you will have to readjust the dumbbell. But if you plan your workouts well, you will be able to do more than one exercise with the same weight.
Must read:: The 10 Best Fitness Products for 2020
#3: A Jump Rope a Home Gym Essentials
With a pullup bar and a pair of dumbbells, you will be able to hit all of the muscle groups in your body, which will help you gain size and strength. However, one big thing will still be missing from your workout – cardio. Unfortunately, most cardio machines such as treadmills, stationary bikes and rowing machines are very expensive, and they take up a lot of space, requiring a dedicated exercise room. But, there is one piece of cardio equipment you can buy for cheap, and carry around with you anywhere you go – a jump rope.
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Rope skipping is an excellent form of cardio which will burn a tone of calories, helping you trim down fat. Also, it is very safe, especially if you jump with two legs. Because you are not jumping high, the impact on the ankles and knees is minimal, and you won’t have any issues with a jump rope even if you are a bit overweight.
Also, jumping a rope helps your hand-eye coordination, and is an enjoyable activity, especially because you can try different jump rope techniques and figures.
Furthermore, you can combine it with other types of bodyweight cardio such as burpees, to create intense HIIT sessions that re guaranteed to burn a lot of fat, helping you get shredded.
#4: An Adjustable Exercise Bench
Although you can perform most exercises on the floor, yoga mat, or your furniture, an adjustable gym bench will make your workouts more convenient. You will be able to exercise correctly and with proper form, which will reduce the injury risk, and also promote muscle building.
VIGBODY Bench > > Buy Now
If you can, buy an adjustable bench. This will allow you to do more exercise by changing the incline. Training muscles from multiple angles will trigger even more growth, and you will start noticing results in no time at all. A good adjustable bench will allow you to go decline as well, which will open new possibilities, especially when training abs and chest. But, any kind of exercise bench is a much better option than using home furniture, as the improved stability will decrease the injury risks.
Also, if you get a foldable bench, as soon as you finish your workout, you can store the bench under your bed, or in the closet. That will save you a lot of space, which is important if you don’t have a dedicated exercise room.
#5: A Set Of Quality Resistance Bands
We talked about how dumbbells are the most versatile piece of gym equipment, and that is something you can say for resistance bands too. In fact, because resistance bands weight much less than dumbbells, they are an excellent travel companion, and you will be able to carry them anywhere with you. Also, they are much more affordable than dumbbells, which is also worth mentioning.
Renoj Resistance Bands > > HERE
What makes resistance bands unique is that the tension increases as the band stretches. This allows you to train your muscles in a new way, quite different than free weights. So, even if you own dumbbells, combining them with resistance bands will make your workout perfect.
Also, some exercises such as band pullaparts are a great way to improve your posture, and you can only do them with bands. Furthermore, bands are one of the safest ways to train your muscles, and the injury risk is minimal. They are an excellent option for rehabilitation and will help you work around your injuries, which is why you can see them in rehabilitation centres around the globe.
If you buy a pullup bar, dumbbells, jump rope, adjustable bench and resistance bands, all this Home Gym Essentials, you will have more than enough equipment to start working out from the comfort of your home. This will keep you occupied until the gyms reopen, at least. And who knows, maybe you will decide that you like working out at home more and decide to continue doing so even when the COVID-19 pandemic passes.
Of course, you can invest in bigger pieces such as home gym machines, but they take up much more space and are more expensive. There are also many other budget accessories you can buy, such as foam rollers, that are a good investment, but you can hardly consider them as an essential.
In fact, if you are really strapped for cash, get only the first three items from the list. With a pullup bar, two dumbbells and a jump rope, you will be able to do a great workout, building both strength and endurance. An adjustable bench and resistance bands will only push that workout to the next level, so get those when you can too. Just remember, hoarding the equipment won’t replace working out, so no excuses – get some Home Gym Essentials, and start working out today!

CrossFit Workout – 8 Things to Know Before Your First
What is CrossFit?
CrossFit is a comprehensive activity, whereby various movements from different sports are used in order to help you achieve the best possible fitness results. In fact weightlifting, powerlifting, rowing and gymnastics, are just a few of the sports activities which have made their way in CrossFit. The idea behind it is to maximize the amount of work that the individual could manage to perform within a set time. This helps one to move better as well as boost fitness levels. CrossFit Workout is thus all about carrying out a series of movements and activities at high intensity levels.
What happens during a CrossFit class?
If you never attended a CrossFit class, you may be interested to learn what happens. Typically a CrossFit class is divided in three parts: the warming up, the skill or strength component, and the workout for that day.
The warmup is tailored so as to be suitable for the subsequent skill or strength component. Skilled workouts are generally designed to improve one’s ability to carry out certain exercises such as the jumprope double-under. Strength workouts, on the other hand are aimed towards the strength goals. So, just as their name implies, they are intended to increase one’s strength.
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3 Fool-Proof Strategies For Bigger Stronger Calves
Turn those calves into cows.
When most people think of bodybuilders they imagine shredded abs, a broad chest, and ripped arms. Just an overall massive upper body akin to a superhero. But that would only be half the story. Many people who first begin bodybuilding are so obsessed with building their upper bodies that they forget about developing their legs as well. Unless you want to be massive with chicken legs, then you’re going to have to work your lower half.
But even when people do move on to training their legs they focus a great deal on building up their quads and their hamstrings rather than every bit of the leg. The problem is that in order to build a strong foundation you’ve got to have a bottom up approach. That means if you want to own some strong legs in shredded shape then you’re going to have to build up the lowest placed muscle on your body.
The calves are just as important to building symmetry as building up well defined forearms. No one wants 20 inch biceps with some puny forearms. Your arm would look more like a chicken leg than a vascular piece of muscle. The same goes for the legs. Having calves that are both big and strong will ensure that your body’s proportion will stay in order.
Not even Arnold Schwarzenegger could rest on his laurels when it comes to calf definition. It was a body part that he neglected and because of that he wasn’t placing as high as he wanted despite an impressive upper body. Of course, he changed that quickly – and you should too. If you want to be a pro or if you simply want to have a symmetrical form then you’re going to need impressive calves.
If you’re interested in building up some bigger stronger calves then take these valuable strategies under consideration.
High Reps (Muscle Endurance and Strength)
The calves are a multifunctional muscle group that can be built up not only for endurance, but for strength as well. Calf raises isn’t the only exercise that can be performed for gains in the muscle group, but it’s perhaps the most focused exercise for the particular area. The high rep strategy requires you to perform upwards of 30 reps within 2 sets and can prove to be the recipe to giving your calves some great muscle endurance and aid in bolstering your heavy lifts on leg day.
One Legged Calf Routine
The benefits of one legged calf raises are pretty apparent. By performing the exercise one leg at a time you’ll ensure that you’re not only making some major calf gains, but also increasing your balance and overall leg development. That same balance under stress can translate to other lifts that require sturdy legs like the squat.
Inner and Outer Calf Raises
It’s possible to work the calves without this method, but by focusing on specifically building the inner and outer parts of your calves you’ll be able to sure up any lagging points found in the muscle group. By performing calf raises in the pigeon toes style for the inner calves (toes point towards each other, heels out) or duck feet style for the outer calves(toes pointing outward, heels inward), the entire muscle group will be worked at every angle.
What’s your favorite exercise to build your calves? Let s know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

The Chest Workout Even The Pros Fear
The Best Chest Workout You’ll Ever Do
A wide and broad chest is the symbol of masculinity, courage, and strength. There is a reason why all the superheroes have shirt-ripping pecs. Developing a chiseled chest is usually at the top of people’s list when they start training.
Even though chest training gets its fair share of attention, only a few individuals end up building pecs worthy of attention. An ineffective training program is arguably the biggest reason why people can never build the pecs of their dreams.
Most people are done with their chest workouts before they even break a sweat. If you’re one of these people, it’s time that you give up your vanilla chest workout. You need to step-up your game, and we’re here to help you do it.
Cable Crossovers – 5 Sets 20 Reps
Most people perform the cable crossovers at the end of their workouts. In this workout, you’ll be shocking your muscles by starting with the cable crossovers. Crossovers are different from the cable flyes as you have to crossover your wrists at the point of contraction.
Starting with an isolation exercise will help pre-exhaust your pecs. It’s great for your muscle development as you’ll be able to hit all your muscle fibers optimally without having to lift heavyweights.
Incline Bench Smith Machine Press – 4 Sets 15 Reps
Incline Bench Dumbbell Flyes – 4 Sets 15 Reps
The upper chest is a weak muscle group for most people and can be very stubborn. The smith machine incline bench press targets the upper pecs effectively as it combines the benefits of compound and isolation lifts.
You need to make sure you’re not just going through the motions while performing the exercises. You have to contract and squeeze your pecs with every rep. Fly exercises help develop the separation between your pecs.
Decline Bench Press – 4 Sets 12 Reps
Dumbbell Pullovers – 4 Sets 12 Reps
If you want the overall development of your pectoral muscles, you need to train it from every angle possible. The decline bench press helps in creating a separation between your chest and abs.
The dumbbell pullovers are one of the most underutilized chest exercises. Not only does it improve the lower chest, but it also helps in creating a V-taper which can help accentuate the shape of your pecs.
Pec Deck Flyes – 4 Sets 20-15-12-10 Reps
Weighted Dips – 4 Sets 20-15-12-10 Reps
While the isolation (single-joint) exercises help in improving the conditioning of the muscles, compound exercises build muscle mass and strength. You need to maintain a balance between the exercises for optimal pectoral development.
The peck deck flyes are an isolation exercise. Your pecs will be flushed with blood and lactic acid after this movement. On the other hand, the weighted drips are a compound lift that will help you put on size.
Barbell Bench Press – 3 Sets 15-12-10 Reps
Most people start their workouts with the bench press but we have saved it for the last. If you perform the bench press at the beginning of the workout, you have to lift heavy weights to target your muscles optimally.
Lifting heavy can increase your odds of an injury. If you perform the bench press at the end of the workout, you’ll be able to target your pectoral muscles effectively as your mind-muscle connection would already be established.
How many exercises do you perform in your typical chest workout? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

24 Hour Fitness weighs bankruptcy as coronavirus pushes fitness industry to brink
Gym chain 24 Hour Fitness is working with advisors at investment bank Lazard and law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges to weigh options including a bankruptcy that could come as soon as the next few months, people familiar with the matter tell CNBC. The chain is grappling with a heavy debt load, deteriorating performance and…