Tag: Workouts

Gym Problems Fixed 101

Gym Problems Fixed 101

Here are some quick fixes to major gym problems that are faced!
So there are times in life when problems occur and you have to think on your feet, and the gym is a prime example of this. 
Below are typical problems gym rats will potentially face, but fear not as I have a fix for each issue.

Follow my guide and you will always have a solution up your sleeve.

1. Problem: Wrong Footwear 

If you find you have turned up at the gym with the wrong footer, i.e. sneakers with an air bubble or elevated sole, and planned to do deadlifts that day.
Fix 1
Kick off those shoes and deadlift or squat in your socks. An elevated heel will push the body forward more and going shoeless allows the body to be in the most neutral position.
Fix 2
Alway pack a pair of chucks into your bag just in case. As chucks are good for deadlifting as they have a flat sole.

2. Problem: No Pre Workout
You open your cupboard to find you have just run out of pre workout and forgot to order some more.
Fix 1
Drink a cup of coffee, all pre workouts contain caffeine. 1 cup of coffee contains 95mg of caffeine. 
It may even be worth having some unflavoured beta alanine to hand, as you can even throw a smell scoop into your coffee, And the benefit of beta alanine is that it increases muscle carnosine levels, and carnosine in turn buffers the onset of fatigue.

3. Problem: Muscle Tweak
You feel a small tweak in one of your muscles during your workout.
Fix 1
Ideally, sacrifice that one session and stop working out, and live to fight another day. As continuing could put you out of action for a lot longer.
Fix 2
Always have some sort of muscle rub in your gym bag, and if the tweak is not that severe, then apply the muscle rub to the area in question and continue with caution. Also be sure to stretch and foam roll the area in question before continuing.

4. Problem: No Clips 
So you want to bench or squat or deadlift and for the life of you, you cannot find any spare clips in the gym.

Fix 1
Convert your barbell exercise into a landmine one, this can be used for: landmine chest press, landmine squat, landmine lunges, landmine deadlift and single arm or T bar row.
Fix 2
If you really cannot continue without clips then change the workout plan for that day, and convert to a dumbbell day and supplement with machines accordingly.
5. Problem: Equipment Taken
So you walk into the gym mentally prepared to squat or bench press but find that piece of equipment is talen and doesn’t seem to be free anytime soon. Do you just wait…?
Fix 1
If it is available then use the smith machine, perfect for either squat or deadlift.
Fix 2
Like one of my previous suggestions, if the rack and bench are not free but an olympic bar is then why not utilise the landmine to either do a landmine chest press or landmine squat instead.
6. Problem: Forgot Headphones
So you walk into the gym and you realise you forgot your headphones. The only real fix here is that you suck it up and continue without them or you go back home and get them!

7. Forgot lifting belt
You put your hand into your gym bag and find that your lifting belt isn’t there, you took it out and left it on your kitchen counter. But today is a heavy deadlift day, what should you do?
Fix 1
Rethink today’s workout and either change to a body part where a belt isn’t required as much, so something smaller like shoulders or biceps and triceps.
Fix 2
Or, if you are dead set on deadlifting today, if you are using an olympic bar, brace your core more and reduce the weight to ensure the back really is kept tight. Alternatively utilise the smith machine where there will be less stress on the back.

8. No Squat bar pad
So you liek to use the squat bar pad to protect your neck, but it seems to have disappeared off of the gym floor.
Fix 1
Use a towel, or your hoodie around the bar to cushion your neck.
Fix 2
Use nothing and start acclimating yourself to using the bar, this will allow you to become more comfortable not using the pad and also increase your stability. 
9. Problem: No Platform for elevation
So you want to do straight leg deadlifts, but there is no stepper or platform to elevate yourself on to allow really deep SLD’s.
Fix 1
Use olympic plates and stack accordingly, make sure they are stacked evenly and in line with each other so there is no wobble and that it is sturdy.

10. No Free Bench
So you want a bench but there are none free and the wait time for one seems endless.
Fix 1
If you wanted to do a dumbbell press then why not grab a mat and do it as a floor press, your elbows will hit the floor on the descent but it also allows the elbows to use the floor to bounce off of, so it is like having a spotter.
Fix 2
Change it up and utilise machines for that day or change up the plan or body part for that day. 
In a busy gym environment it is good to stay fairly flexible and be able to think on your feet, especially if you train at peak times.
So there you have it guys, I have hopefully covered all those little gym problems you may encounter.
So until next time, keep pumping!
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

How Gorilla Rows Seriously Build Your Posterior Chain

How Gorilla Rows Seriously Build Your Posterior Chain

Build that massive back with gorilla rows.
Building our backs can be a challenge but exercises like gorilla rows are perfect for giving us that increased strength and size we need most. Our backs are an important part of our body and work to provide postural and structural support as well as increasing our ability to perform a number of exercises and movements. By putting an emphasis on our backs, we work to better improve our gains so we see results we want most.
The best part about gorilla rows are that they require minimal equipment and are easy to perform. This allows you to create a workout that is versatile and convenient so you never have to worry about being pressed for time. Our busy schedules often interfere with our workouts but by putting an emphasis on the right exercises, we better set ourselves up for increased success.

Let’s take a look at gorilla rows and see what this exercise is all about. From what it is, to muscles worked, the many benefits of them, and how best to perform them, by the end of this, you will have a complete guide into this incredible exercise. All of your gains are important and knowing just how to better tackle them can be beneficial for your overall performance.

What Are Gorilla Rows?
Gorilla rows are a great compound exercise to really give your posterior chain an effective workout. By working to build overall lat development, you also get great work done with other upper body muscles to increase overall strength and size as well. Perfect for functional and sport specific movements, this exercise is relatively easy to perform, this exercise can take your gains to the next level. Great to use with kettlebells, that is the only equipment you need to perform this exercise.
Muscles Worked
As a compound movement, gorilla rows work a number of muscles, which will build serious strength and size. Your lats are one of the primary muscles targeted and gorilla rows can add to that serious width. Your traps, rhomboids, and delts will get some work done as well as your biceps and forearms resulting from the increased need for stronger grip. Of course, your spine will be worked and keeping good form is obviously very important but it is your core that can really work to boost stability and offer support. Gorilla rows are a highly effective compound movement that is perfect for seeing serious gains start to unfold.

Benefits Of Gorilla Rows
The benefits of gorilla rows are hard to ignore and for those looking to increase strength and size in their back, these are highly effective. Plus, with the other muscles worked, you get a great compound movement to help you tackle any and all of those strength wants and needs.
Benefits of gorilla rows include:

Great lat builder: An effective lat builder, gorilla rows work well for building up your pulling movements and increasing width for a larger aesthetic.
Increased upper body strength: By working your upper body muscles as an effective compound movement, you really build nice upper body strength and size with your other muscles (1).
Functional and sport specific: These exercises are perfect for building functional strength for everyday movement as well as sport specific actions for your respective sport (2).
Easy to perform: Gorilla rows are relatively easy to perform one you get a hang of the movement and how it will work.
Good core work: Relying on your core for real stability, your core will feel a burn and you will build better strength for overall support and stability (3).
Plenty of variations: This exercise offers many variations for you to still see great gains while diversifying your workout.
Limited equipment: With gorilla rows, you barely need any equipment. All you need are a set of weights, with kettlebells being easier.

How To Perform This Exercise
Here are the steps for performing gorilla rows:

Place two kettlebells or dumbbells in front of you with your desired weight of choice. Your feet will be a bit wider than hip width apart.
Bending your knees slightly, hinge forward and grab the handles. Engage your core and make sure your spine is in a neutral position.
When ready, bring one of the weights up towards your hip as if you were performing a dumbbell row-type movement.
Lower that weight to the floor and repeat with the other side. Gently lower that weight back down to the floor.
Repeat for your desired number of sets and reps.

Gorilla Rows Alternative Exercises
As mentioned before, there are many alternatives you can try to mix up your workouts and give you a break from gorilla rows without sacrificing any gains. Some awesome alternative exercises to gorilla rows are:

Single-Arm Rows
Dumbbell Rows
Pendlay Rows
Renegade Rows
Plank Rows
Towel Grip Inverted Rows

Best Exercises To Pair With Gorilla Rows
For those looking to increase their gains, pairing the right exercises together can make all the difference for you. Dumbbell rows are nice to add with gorilla rows for they both work similar muscles but differently, giving you the ability to push through fatigue and increase growth. Also, the deadlift and farmer’s walks are great to pair with it and will really enhance your back day routine for the better.
Wrap Up
Gorilla rows are a great exercise to add to your routine and for those looking to enhance lat development and overall upper body gains, look no further than gorilla rows. Able to provide for serious benefits and give you the best chance at a wider aesthetic, it’s no wonder why people have turned to gorilla rows for all their posterior chain needs. Easy to perform with minimal equipment required, gorilla rows are versatile and convenient to help you see serious gains. Place these into your back day routine and see what they can do for you today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


Kak, H.; et al. (2013). “A Study of Effect of the Compound Physical Activity Therapy on Muscular Strength in Obese Women”. (source)
Weiss, T.; et al. (2010). “Effect of Functional Resistance Training on Muscular Fitness Outcomes in Young Adults”. (source)
Hibbs, A.; et al. (2008). “Optimizing performance by improving core stability and core strength”. (source)

Get A Bigger, Stronger Lower Back With These Top 4 Exercises

Get A Bigger, Stronger Lower Back With These Top 4 Exercises

Building blocks of the game
Though it rarely gets any glory, any serious builder (or laborer for that matter) knows that the lower back is the alpha and omega when it comes to lifting heavy weights. As a former construction worker and bag thrower in the airline industry, I can tell you firsthand how important the lower back is in moving weights in a dynamic motion.
As bodybuilders we’re constantly doing compound movements and putting pressure on our lower back, when that starts to go we lose the stability we need to progress or even maintain. Nobody wants to be a victim, protect your bodybuilding investment with these 4 ways to strengthen your lower back.

There are two golden rules when it comes to protecting your lower back

-Keep your back straight
-Allow flexion in the bottom position of a lift, just know your limits.
-Keep good posture, even when you walk.
Now that we’ve got all of the precautions out of the way, let’s get at it. Some of the exercises below have been intentionally modified to concentrate on the lower back; they can also be modified to concentrate on the glutes.

Back raise with band
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What’s great about this exercise is that the band provides resistance on the way up as well as the way down. Increasing as the band stretches and decreasing as you go back to starting position. Do this movement at a controlled but swift speed as your lower back must be able to handle speed and weight in an isolation exercise if it’s going to be able to handle it at high bar speed. Feel free to add weights via kettlebell or dumbbell for extra resistance.
Deficit deadlift
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Besides making every part of your deadlift stronger, this exercise forces you to maintain body awareness and keep your back flat with an anteriorly tilted pelvis in the deficit position, you’ll become better at maintaining good lumbopelvic posture when deadlifting from the floor. This increased lumbopelvic control will make you less likely to get injured when pulling heavy. Start with low weights with a 1-2 inch deficit  then slowly work your way up. FORM FORM FORM is everything in this exercise.

Single leg back extension
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Everyone has one side of their body that’s stronger than the other. The singe leg back extension is a good way for figuring it out. Concentrate on strengthening the deficit on either side for a solid healthy back.
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It is known as a good morning because of the movement in the erector spinae which resembles the rise out of bed to stretch. The erector spinae muscles of the lower back work isometrically to keep the spine in an extended position while the hamstrings and gluteus maximus work isotonically to perform hip extension. Other muscles are involved in stabilizing weight on the back and maintaining balance.
Try to keep your knees straight as the straighter the knees, the more the hamstrings are stretched and stressed by the movement and this stretch involves them more as the hip extensors.
There you have it, the 4 exercise that will keep your lower back, healthy, fit, and strong and lead to massive gains in the process.
Be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Be Your Own Trainer: The Only 3 Exercises You Need To Know

Be Your Own Trainer: The Only 3 Exercises You Need To Know

The Essentials of Bodybuilding
While there are many components to bodybuilding, 3 of the main essentials are “show”, “performance”, and “”strength”. The “show” is how you look on stage, how your physique shows up on a particular day. The “performance” is would have to do with posing and athleticism. And finally “strength” which allows you to lift heavier, breaking down more muscle fibers and building more mass.
These three elements should allow you to show up prepared for any contest or just look immaculate for the summer. Here are 3 exercises for the 3 essentials of bodybuilding.

The “Show”: Snatch-Grip High Pull
Every builder wants to look yolked. If not, you’d be doing crossfit. Not only do you want the strength and athletic gainz, but you want the sculpted mass look to boot.

The snatch-grip high pull is the perfect exercise for that intimidating larger than life look of a bodybuilder. This exercise targets the shoulder pad area of the delts, traps, and mid-back that give you that “don’t [email protected] with me” look.
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For the high pull, focus on exploding upwards with the lower body and hips to create upward momentum. Then pull the barbell violently toward your neck – anywhere between the nipple line and neck constitutes a high pull. Keep the bar close and the elbows high.
Athleticism: Power Snatch From Hang
This is good for explosive movements, coordination, and full shoulder mobility. The power produced is also very high for this exercise. You get higher acceleration and rate of force development and peak velocity in the power snatch – all elements that are key to ultimate performance in explosive sports.
Step by step instructions provided in the video below.
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Power: Deadlift
We know this isn’t exactly the newest exercise, but if someone said it best…This exercise is still the best hands down for pure, raw strength.
No movement transfers better to strength than picking things up from the floor and carrying stuff with your hands, the two most important tasks in strongman competitions. It’s primitive, yet so true, “I lift things up, I put them down.”
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But at this stage, you know everything about the deadlift, as there’s countless articles written about the benefits of this compound movement. What we will suggest is the Jean-Francois Caron method (Max out on rack deadlifts then 6 sets of 3 reps of floor deadlifts). He’s known for deadlifting over 900 lbs for reps, so I’d take note.
There you have it, these 3 exercises will help you develop three very important components to bodybuilding. Try out these 3 exercises at let us know what you think. Be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

The Abs Workout You’ll Feel Until Next Week

The Abs Workout You’ll Feel Until Next Week

Abs Workout to Make You Sore
Most people treat their abs as accessory muscles which is why only a few people have a chiseled six-pack while the others are always figuring out a way to get them. You need to train your abdominals as you train all your other muscle groups.
Doing a couple of ab exercises at the end of a workout isn’t going to budge the needle when it comes to building a six-pack. There are only a few things more satisfying than having sore abs for a week after you train them.

Exercise 1 – Ab Wheel Rollouts – 3 Sets Failure
We start the abs workout with the ab wheel rollouts. The ab wheel rollouts work your complete upper body and help in building core strength. If you don’t have access to an ab wheel at your gym, use a barbell and put a quarter plate on each side.

Maintain a full range of motion while performing this exercise and pause for a second at the bottom of the movement. All the exercises in this workout will be done to failure. Don’t stop until there is nothing left in the tank.
Exercise 2 – Superset
– Hanging Leg Raises – 3 Sets Failure
– Kneeling Cable Crunches – 3 Sets Failure
We’ll be training the complete abdominal in this workout. The hanging leg raises target the lower abs while the kneeling cable crunches will train the middle and upper abs. Using cable in the crunches puts constant tension and resistance on the abs.
Maintain a constant repetition tempo while performing all the exercises. Don’t rush through the exercises and focus on maintaining a mind-muscle connection with your abs and contract your abs with every rep.
Exercise 3 – Giant Set
– Crunches – 3 Sets Failure
– Heel Touches – 3 Sets Failure
– Reverse Crunches – 3 Sets Failure
In the giant set, we will be training the upper, middle, lower abs along with the obliques. Obliques are the fish gill-like muscles at the sides of your abs and are one of the most overlooked muscles.
All the three exercises are done while lying on the floor so you don’t waste time switching positions. Go from one exercise to another without stopping for rest in between sets. You can take a minute’s rest after completing one giant set.
Exercise 4 – Superset
– Landmine Ab Twists – 3 Sets Failure
– Russian Twists – 3 Sets Failure
Your goal should be to complete this workout in half an hour. The abdominal is a small muscle group and doesn’t need a lot of time to recover between sets. Both the exercises in this superset are focused on developing your obliques.
For the landmine ab twists, anchor one end of a barbell in a corner. Grab the barbell from the other end with both hands at neck level. Perform the movement by rotating the trunk and hips as you swing the weight to the right side. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side.

Exercise 5 – Planks – 3 Sets Failure
Planks have earned a name for themselves for being an ultimate core strength building exercise. We start and end the workout with core strengthening exercises. Hold the planks for as long as you can.
By the end of the workout, your abs should be filled with blood and lactic acid. Don’t be surprised if you cramp up during the workout. One workout like this in a week should be enough to get you the washboard abs.

How often do you train your abs? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

10 Best Butts on the Internet

10 Best Butts on the Internet

Instagram is the best place to find the greatest butts on the planet. If it is an ass worth looking at, you’ll surely find it on Instagram. Fit chicks and their loyal following are some of the reasons Instagram has a huge userbase.
If you’re a butt connoisseur like us, we know how much time you’re spending to find the best butts to look at. We did the hard work for you and put together the best rears on the internet in this article.
10 Best Rears You Should Be Following on Instagram
1. Jen Selter

Jen Selter is a 24-year old internet celebrity celebrated amongst her followers for her perfect rear. Selter has appeared on many TV shows promoting health and fitness and we’re sure we’ll get to see much more of her in the future.

Looking to cut weight and get shredded?
These top fat burners for women are ideal for fitness-minded individuals to stay lean.

2. Alice Matos

Alice Matos is a Brazilian beauty with a stellar booty. Matos is much more than a pretty face. Alice runs her fashion brand, Labellamafia, and has turned it into fashion label which is widely successful.
3. Michelle Lewin

Michelle Lewin is one of the most successful fitness athletes and has been around for the longest time. Lewin has appeared on several fitness magazines and is known for her grueling workouts. This Latina’s rear is a piece of art.
4. Paige Hathaway

Paige Hathaway is one of the hottest fitness athletes. Hathaway has a butt to die for and she is big on breaking the stereotype that muscles aren’t for women. With a body and face like her, people are surely going to listen to her.
5. Nikki Blackketter

Nikki Blackketter started out as a YouTuber and has gathered a fan following on all the social media platforms. Blackketter loves training her glutes (it shows) and shares her workouts with her followers.

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These top fat burners for men are ideal for individuals who want to get diced and shredded. 
6. Karina Elle

Karina loves squatting, and we’re grateful for it. Elle is one of the few female fitness celebrities who doesn’t hold back from sharing her sweaty photos and videos. Karina keeps it real and has a stunning butt.

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Boost your overall performance and health with these amazing multivitamins.

7. Sonia Isaza

Sonia Isaza is a Colombian bodybuilder and fitness model with an absolutely incredible physique. With over 3 million followers on social media, Sonia is one to definitely take note of for her work ethic, workouts, and modeling photos, showing off a shredded aesthetic. Using her platform, she seeks to inspire change in others while also continuing to promote herself.
8. Ashley Kaltwasser

Ashley is a 3X Ms. Bikini Olympia winner (2013, 2014 and 2015). It is needless to say she has one of the best butts in the industry. Kaltwasser has left competing and focuses on building her following on the internet.
9. Courtney King

View this post on Instagram

Love me a good full booty & hamstring focused lower body day ? did this workout yesterday + a yoga class! Felt so good to lift & then flow though a deep stretch afterwards practicing yoga ?‍♀️ (need to commit to more yoga!) I wasn’t feeling the best… but I did what I could using a lot of isolating, squeezing and time under tension during this workout! Make sure to save to try some of these exercises and tips in your next #BOOTAY day baybayyy! THE WORKOUT: 1️⃣deep sumo squat holding a dumbbell, I like to do these standing in between two benches as well! 2️⃣high platform deep lunge, focus on your form here and pushing up through the heel squeezing your glute at the top of the movement! 3️⃣reverse hack squat, to challenge yourself and feel even more tension in the glutes, put a band around your knees! you might need to drop the weight a bit if you do it that way and focus on driving your knees out and coming up at he top feeling it all in your booty! 4️⃣reverse hyper with a squeeze off a bench, bosu ball or box im like doing here! this is a great time under tension exercise that fatigues the glutes like no other! AGAIN, MAKE SURE TO SQUEEZE AT THE TOP! 5️⃣t-bar squat to wide stance deadlift, you will feel full glute and hamstring activation with this guy! 6️⃣t-bar deep squat pulse, lots of tension with any type of pulsing or 1 1/2 squats! 7️⃣GHD, round your back so you feel this in the hammies and booty over your lower back. I did a drop set with weight then no weight for a complete burn out! 8️⃣high rep sumo deadlift burn out, I kept the tension in my glute and heels!! Song is @travisscott butterfly effect ?
A post shared by Courtney King (@courtneykiing) on Jan 9, 2020 at 10:35am PST

Courtney King won the Ms. Bikini Olympia in 2015. King is one of the cutest girls in the fitness industry and we would go as far as to say, she is complete wife material. Courtney posts her glute workouts online, and you should give them a try.
10. Yanet Garcia

Yanet Garcia exploded onto the scene when her pictures from her weather reporting days went viral. Garcia has since become an internet celebrity. Yanet has a perfectly shaped bottom, one you wouldn’t mind looking at for hours.
Who do you think has the best butt on the internet? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

*All images courtesy of Instagram

Why The Tire Flip Should Be In Your Training Program For The Ultimate Conditioning

Why The Tire Flip Should Be In Your Training Program For The Ultimate Conditioning

Not for the faint of heart
Cardio, a dreaded word for many a’ bodybuilder. While the rest of the gym would rather be biking, on the treadmill, or rowing, we’d  rather be lifting some heavy ass weights. The meat and potatoes baby, that’s for me. Well lament no more; there’s a way to develop your cardiovascular system while still giving you that muscle tingling action you crave, it’s called the tire flip, and its been waiting for you your whole life.
What’s great about the tire flip, is that it not only gets you more shredded than the statue of David but it also builds fast twitch muscles which is great for competition.

When you train with tires you want to do this in intervals. High intensity should be done in rounds with time periods of rest interspersed between high-intensity activity. While measuring your heart rate is a great way to keep track of how the exercise is effecting your body, you also want to keep into account your age and general health.

Now that you have the basics, without further ado we present to you 3 exercises that look way cooler than anything you can do on a treadmill.
Sledge Hammer Smash
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The sledgehammer smash is a fun exercise. Not only do you get to act beastly but sculpt a beastly form in the process.  You can do a straight up and down movement, like displayed in the video above, or you can swing it overhead each time for a more powerful and home run hitting strength. Start at 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest, then increase in 15 second intervals.

The Flip
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While it may not seem like rocket science this exercise is more involved than you think. We’ve attached some tips with the correct way to do this exercise without sustaining an injury. While you don’t have to do 950lbs like Mr. Poundstone here, you definitely want to challenge yourself on this one.

Begin by gripping the bottom of the tire on the tread, and position your feet back a bit. Your chest should be driving into the tire.
To lift the tire, extend through the hips, knees, and ankles, driving into the tire and up.
As the tire reaches a 45 degree angle, step forward and drive a knee into the tire. As you do so adjust your grip to the upper portion of the tire and push it forward as hard as possible to complete the turn. Repeat as necessary.

The third exercise comes from you. We want you to use the tire for your next cardio workout and discover an exercise that works for you. Creativity is LYFE, and we encourage you to flex that muscle religiously.
Try the above exercise and hit us up in the comment section with a cool circuit you’ve discovered or your mysterious 3rd exercise.
Have you ever done the tire flip?
Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

Building Power With The Clean And Press

Building Power With The Clean And Press

Introduction To The Clean And Press
There is absolutely no doubt that the clean and press is the king when it comes to building explosive power. There are very few resistance exercises that compare to the clean and press for power development. As well as building power, the clean and press has the potential to increase endurance, strength, coordination, and cardiovascular capabilities.
Power is simply a combination of strength and speed and being powerful can have a whole host of benefits – specifically for those who regularly participate in sport. It is also a useful addition for general strength and circuit training.

Do be aware that the clean and press is a technical lift and therefore, be willing to spend a good amount of time practicing technique with lighter weights. It would be unwise to immediately load the barbell with heavy weights and attempt the clean and press without having laid the foundations for the movement first.
Clean and Press Benefits

The clean and press is an Olympic lift which requires action from a whole host of muscles. Firstly, the muscles of the legs – the glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves – must contract powerfully to transfer power into the bar and then power up to a standing position. The muscles of the upper body – like shoulders, chest, back and arms – contract to pull the bar high in the clean and assist in driving and stabilizing the bar during the press.
Additionally, all the muscles of the core contract to stabilize the body throughout the movement (1). Due to the explosive nature of the clean and press, there are many forces at work which the body must deal with in order to successfully complete the movement from start to finish.
As mentioned, power-based exercises are of high importance for athletes and individuals who participate in sport. Specifically, if the sport involves quick bursts of activity – such as sprinting and jumping – power exercises, such as the clean and press, are essential (2).
Even for those who do not necessarily participate in a sport, the clean and press can be highly beneficial. As made clear, the movements of the exercise place a great demand on a vast number of muscles the length and breadth of the body. As a result, a high number of calories are burned and the muscles are forced to adapt and improve.
A high calorie burn can be specifically beneficial for those who are looking to lose weight. This is because, for weight loss to occur, a calorie deficit must be established. Burning a high number of calories will contribute towards this.
Clean and Press Form

For the clean and press, start by placing the feet directly under the hips. Ensure that the bar is close to the shins when stood upright – a distance of approximately 2 inches from the shins will suffice.
Push the hips backwards so that the trunk tips forward, reach down and grab the barbell with an overhand grip. The hands should be approximately shoulder width apart on the bar.
Before lifting, drop the hips, drive the chest up, lift the head and brace the core muscles tightly.
When lifting, drive hard through the heels and look to drive the knees back. Wait until the bar is slightly above knee height before powerfully extending through the hips and simultaneously pulling the bar upward. Be as rapid as possible with the pull and ensure to keep the bar close to the body throughout.
Drop under the bar quickly and catch it on the shoulders while keeping the elbows high. Drive hard through the heels and rise up to standing.
Take a moment, brace the core once again before quickly dipping the hips and pressing the bar directly over the head. Once again, be as fast as possible with this motion.

Common Clean and Press Errors
Although there are a number of benefits associated with the clean and press, if performed incorrectly, the chance of sustaining injury is relatively high. Analysis shows that the spine, shoulders and ankles are most at risk of injury during the clean and press (3). There are a number of errors which may result in injury, if not rectified.
Shifting Too Far Forward
During the exercise, the weight should remain on the heels at all times otherwise, it is easy to tip excessively far forward which may increase the chances of a forward fall and consequent injury.
Often, an inability to keep the weight on the heels results from a lack of mobility around the ankles. Therefore, if an individual finds that they are consistently coming forward in the clean (or in any squatting exercise), it would be worthwhile focusing on increasing ankle mobility which has been found to have a positive impact on squatting ability (4).

Rounding The Back
Failure to engage essential core musculature or lifting with the spine rather than the legs can lead to spinal rounding. A combination of the forces generated and lower spine rounding can cause serious injury to the spine.
A herniated disc (often referred to as a “slipped disc”) can be a very painful and restrictive injury which can take a long time to recover from (5). To avoid this injury, ensure the back is flat during the entirety of the movement – if this is not possible, strip the weight from the barbell and focus on improving technique. Additionally, improving one’s core strength may help to resolve this issue.
Grip Position
The final error to be aware of is placing the hands too wide on the bar. Not only will this place excessive tension on the wrists but it may also lead to a shoulder strain. The grip should be no more than 2 inches wider than the shoulders.
It is recommended to spend time warming up the wrists and shoulders before starting cleans and presses. Taking time to improve the joints range of motion will not only help with exercise performance but will also reduce the risk of sustaining injury.
Clean and Press Variations and Application
There are a number of clean and press variations that can be completed to align with current levels of fitness, gym experience and abilities.
As suggested, beginners and novices should start with a light bar and focus on technique first. Preferably use a room with mirrors so that it is possible to see how well the body is moving. Alternatively, film a number of reps and watch the video back and assess.
It is possible to complete the clean and press with a dumbbell as well as with a barbell. Undoubtedly, the barbell clean and press is most demanding in terms of strength and power as it is possible to significantly load the bar up. This is partly because the barbell provides stability during movement.
With dumbbells, both sides must work independently of each other which prevents the stronger side dominating and driving the movement. Additionally, dumbbell exercises are a lot more challenging to stabilize. This may be thought of as a negative thing, however, a decreased stability actually forces the core muscles to contract more powerfully to control the movement.
A final benefit of dumbbell exercises is that the movements can be performed unilaterally (one arm at a time). Once again, this will place a greater demand on the core as balance and coordination become more of a test.
If looking for an additional challenge, look to superset the clean and press with a second leg based exercises (such as squats or lunges). A superset involves performing two exercises back-to-back with no rest in between. Supersets are ideal for time-saving but most importantly help to drive up strength levels and increase calorie burn.
Finally, the clean and press can be added into a high intensity circuit to contribute towards the calorie burn and for improving one’s cardiovascular capacity. The clean and press is the perfect circuit training exercise as it is a demanding full body exercise.
Here is an example of a very simple circuit incorporating the clean and press:

Time / Reps

Treadmill Run / Elliptical
4 minutes

Clean and Press
8 reps

x 4 – 6

Clean and Press Safety
Those who have experienced injury to a joint or have problems with the neck, back, shoulders, wrists, hips, knees or ankles, should consult a medical professional before proceeding. Additionally, due to the high number of forces at play, this exercise is not recommended to those who are pregnant.
Finally, should sharp pain ever be experienced during the exercise, stop immediately. Sharp pain is an indication that damage is being done and therefore, exercise must cease and a medical professional consulted, if pain persists.
Final Word
Although the clean and press is a highly technical lift, it is certainly one worth learning considering the vast array of benefits it can bring and the number of ways it can be utilized. Caution should be exercised however and time dedicated to learning the movements required – especially for beginners.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

1-Calatayud, Joaquin; Colado, Juan C.; Martin, Fernando; Casaña, José; Jakobsen, Markus D.; Andersen, Lars L. (2015-11). “CORE MUSCLE ACTIVITY DURING THE CLEAN AND JERK LIFT WITH BARBELL VERSUS SANDBAGS AND WATER BAGS”. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 10 (6): 803–810. ISSN 2159-2896. PMC 4637915. PMID 26618060.
2-Hoffman, Jay R.; Cooper, Joshua; Wendell, Michael; Kang, Jie (2004-2). “Comparison of Olympic vs. traditional power lifting training programs in football players”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 18 (1): 129–135. ISSN 1064-8011. PMID 14971971.
3-Aasa, Ulrika; Svartholm, Ivar; Andersson, Fredrik; Berglund, Lars (2017-2). “Injuries among weightlifters and powerlifters: a systematic review”. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 51 (4): 211–219. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-096037. ISSN 1473-0480. PMID 27707741.
4-Kim, Si-Hyun; Kwon, Oh-Yun; Park, Kyue-Nam; Jeon, In-Cheol; Weon, Jong-Hyuck (April 7, 2015). “Lower Extremity Strength and the Range of Motion in Relation to Squat Depth”. Journal of Human Kinetics. 45: 59–69. doi:10.1515/hukin-2015-0007. ISSN 1640-5544. PMC 4415844. PMID 25964810.
5-“Herniated disk: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia”. medlineplus.gov.

5 Bodyweight Exercises to Build a Ripped Chest

5 Bodyweight Exercises to Build a Ripped Chest

Build a Shredded Chest with these Bodyweight Exercises
A broad and muscular chest has been the symbol of masculinity for a long time. Most people think benching heavy weights is the only way to build a chiseled chest. This is as far away from the truth as it can be.
Your body doesn’t know how much weight you’ve loaded onto the bar. All it knows is the amount of muscle fiber recruitment and tension placed upon it. Calisthenics athletes are a great example of using your own bodyweight to build a ripped chest.

Parallel Bar Dips
Parallel bar dips are a bad-ass exercise and will fill up your pecs with blood and lactic acid. We prefer the parallel bar dips over the bench dips as your lower body weight adds resistance in the bar dips whereas the bench dips take it off.

While performing the parallel bar dips make sure you bend forward a little as it will put more tension on your pectoral muscles and will eliminate the recruitment of the triceps. Maintaining a full range of motion in the bodyweight exercises is critical for the development of the muscles.
Barbell Rollout Flyes
Barbell rollout flyes aren’t for the faint-hearted. The rollout flyes are for the advanced lifters and include the use of a couple of barbells and weight plates. Don’t worry, you won’t have to lift any of it.
Get into the push-up position and place a barbell at each side, so one end of the barbells are next to your feet and the other is next to your shoulders. Grab the barbells at the start of the grip area and push them apart so your chest is almost touching the floor. Pull the barbells to the starting position where they should be under your shoulders and squeeze your pecs.
Push-Ups (Different Variations)
There are enough pushup variations that you can try a new one in every workout for months. Pushups are one of the basic functional exercises and are one of the first exercises people learn to perform.
You can perform the incline pushups if you want to train your upper pecs, decline pushups for the lower chest, normal pushups for the middle and overall chest mass. Advance forms include superman pushups, clap pushups, one-hand pushups etc.
Resistance Bands or TRX Flyes/Presses
TRX and resistance band flyes and presses are isolation exercises which can target the pecs from specific angles. Resistance bands are incredibly portable and can be taken along in a backpack or a suitcase while you’re traveling.
You can decrease the resistance on the bands by holding them close to the bottom or add resistance by grabbing the bands farther away from the ends. Tie the bands to a straight pole or hang them from a bar near the ceiling if you don’t have an access to a gym.
Isometric Exercises
Isometric exercises are one of the most underutilized exercises and don’t get their fair share of credit when it comes to building muscle mass and definition. The isometric exercises are a great way of building a mind-muscle connection. If done at the end of a workout isometric exercises can give you a muscle-ripping pump.
Isometric exercises are a type of strength training in which the joint angle and muscle length don’t change during contraction. Isometrics are done in static positions, rather than being dynamic through a range of motion.

Which is your favorite bodyweight chest exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Why Your Calves Aren’t Growing And How You Can Fix Them

Why Your Calves Aren’t Growing And How You Can Fix Them

Calves lagging behind? Here’s how to power through.
One of the most complained about muscles are the calf muscles. Men (and women) everywhere lament at the work they’ve put in with less than ideal results when it comes to the calf muscle. While genetics play a large factor in how your muscles will show up, there are certain things you can do enhance what you’ve already got.
One of the most basics concepts you need to learn…is more! While body weight training can definitely keep your muscles pumped and fairy toned, for calves that really pop you’re going to need more. But what does that mean exactly, more reps? more weight? well both of these are true…to a point.

As far as weight is concerned, you definitely want more of that. Body weight isn’t going to provide the necessary resistance needed to break down muscle, causing it to recover stronger. Next time you’re doing your seated calve raises try throwing some more weight on there. You can use a traditional machine or try it using dumbbells for an alternate variation.

When it comes to reps, you’ve got to find that perfect balance. While you don’t necessarily need to be doing a hundred reps as you would with bodyweight, you also don’t want to be only doing 4 or 5. If you can do heavy weight for as many as 25 reps per set then you’re in the sweet spot range. As with anything, feel free to tweak the rep ranges depending on your ability and goals.
This one really hit home for me as I was working on my chest. Jay Cutler always goes on about concentrating on the muscle when you’re hitting your pecs and I thought it was all hocus pocus. I was wrong.
Concentrating on the contraction of any muscles while performing an exercise not only brings more blood to the muscle but also eliminates useless movement. Perform your calf raises in a controlled manner, when you get to the top make sure to squeeze for extra emphasis.
On the way down you also want to concentrate the negative portion of the exercise as putting the weight back down in a controlled manner is the other 50% of your TUT (time under tension. Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself.

Extra Calf Day
Why not? If your muscles can handle the extra day and you’ve been giving your body accurate rest, then top off those calves with an extra day. Most people work their calves during leg day, which is fine.
But you have to remember your calves are tired from doing other exercises (squats, deadlifts, leg curls, etc.), having a separate day lets you attack them while they’re fresh. This leads to more output and hopefully greater gains.
While all these tips can help get you the swollen calves you want and deserve, you’ve got to have your core principles in check. This means your sleep and nutrition. Without adequate rest and nutrient dense foods you deplete your T-levels and in general reek havoc on your body.
So pay attention to both sides of the sport for healthy and positive gains. What are your problem areas? Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.