Tag: Workouts

Make A Change To Make Some Gains

Make A Change To Make Some Gains

There are plenty of ways to make changes for some massive gains.
So with the new year creeping up on us now, change is imminent, and change for many of us, tends to be a positive thing. 
So why not start your new year with a bang by changing up your routine and kicking your own butt in the process! Trust me, you will thank me for it later.

I have listed some exercises that are not necessarily ones that will promote hypertrophy but they will elevate your heart rate and help you add something different into your armory, as every workout routine needs a change.
So here we go!

Tyre (Tire) Flips
For those of you whose gym has a tyre, then great as this is a perfect compound movement that mimics the deadlift but also adds the explosive element of pushing the tyre.

Start by standing over the tyre
Employ similar stance as you would in a deadlift
Place hands under tyre
Lift up, using the legs to explode up and flip the tyre over
The power generated should flip it exactly over to the over side

Alternative Option
For those of you that do not have a tyre and want to do this in your gym, a great alternative to use is a soft plyo box. It won’t land the same but it will still give you a great workout.

Half Turkish Get Ups
This workout is one you may not see that often in your local gym but it is great exercise for developing a strong core, improving shoulder strength and stability, honing your coordination skills.
Here is how it is done:

Lie on your back
You can use either a kettlebell or dumbbell 
So start with the weight in your right hand
While lying on your back, the right hand should be extended upright
The right leg should be bent with the heel touching the floor
Left leg straight, left arm extended out to your side
Then lift the right shoulder off the ground, while keeping the core tight, and right elbow straight.
Use your other arm as leverage and to ensure you stay balanced.
Then push the right foot into the ground and push the hips ups creating a bridge.
Hold that then slowly come back down to beginning 
Always ensure you have control of the weight throughout the whole movement
Then complete the other arm accordingly 

Full Turkish Get Ups
Now the full version means you get to stand up, so complete the half version and instead of thrusting into a bridge position, simply

Slide your left leg underneath you towards you so it is bent and on the floor under you
This will then automatically convert your right leg into a right angle and your right heel will be firmly planted into the floor
Then come to an open half kneeling position 
And ensure you are facing straight ahead
Then slowly come into a standing position
Ensure the weight in your hand never deviates 
Then reverse the movement and slowly come back down, performing each step in reverse
Key thing when going back is to reverse lunge and get into the half kneeling position
And slowly go back down from there

KB Waiters Carry
This is a great workout for again increasing core strength and stability, here is how it is done:

Begin by holding a kettlebell in your right hand
Extend that arm all the way overhead
The elbw should be locked out
While ensuring everything is tight and posture is upright
Begin to walk from one side of the room to the other
The key thing here is to ensure stability while moving 

Suitcase Carry – Again with one kettlebell, this time it will be by your side mimicking that of carrying a suitcase. 
Ensure core stability and ensure you keep your torso vertical and both deltoids level. If you feel the side with the weight dropping down then compensate accordingly so both sides are level. 
Again walk to one side of the room, switch hands at the hand then walk back accordingly.
Farmers Carry – This time you get to a kettlebell in each hand.
Similar to the suitcase carry, core strength and stability is crucial and keeping the torso vertical.
Ensure both deltoids are level on either side also.
Similar to the other two exercises, walk in a straight line with perfect from then repeat again accordingly.
Sledgehammer Tyre Slams
So for this you will need a tire and a sledgehammer.
This exercise is great for coordination, and a great compound movement and a perfect way to release any anger of frustration.
Simply hit the tyre with the sledgehammer, that is as simple as it gets.
Discus Twist
This is my own workout and is similar to the low to high cable woodchopper, and it is great for the obliques and promoting explosiveness. 

Simply grab a small plated disc
With your right hand place two fingers into the hold of the plate and grip tightly, with the left hand there as support 
Then with the plate in your right hand
Stagger your stance so your right leg is behind you and left leg is slightly forward 
Then have hands ahead of you in front of your face
Then rotate your hands with the plate to your right hand side towards the back of your right foot
Then explode up back to the starting position, mimicking that of throwing a discus 

So there you have it, a few new exercises to keep you entertained and some you may want to add to your routine permanently. 
So until next time, keep pumping and happy holidays!

Do Pull Ups Before Every Workout For Killer Arms

Do Pull Ups Before Every Workout For Killer Arms

Start strong, end even stronger!
So it’s arm day. You’re going to do your usual workout, on your usual machines, with your usual enthusiasm, “This is hard but bearable, at least I can maintain”. But for those of you who are awake, or just tired of being asleep, we’ve got a quick fix to terrorize your arm day, and give it that well needed jolt it deserves.
The secret we are sharing here is to perform pullups before any other exercise during arm day. This will surely fire up those biceps, but also work to target other muscle groups to give you a well-rounded warmup and pump all at once. For those skeptical, this training program can be a game changer if you open your mind to it and commit to seeing big gains.

The program is broken into two sections, “A”, and “B”, and you attach it to the beginning of your arm day workout. Alternate days according to your workout. By following this instructions, you will really start to see great gains and something you can be proud of.

Program A: Do 50 pull-ups as fast as you can (strict as possible)
Program B: Do as many pull-ups as you can within 10 minutes

The Breakdown
While the workout is fairly straightforward there are common pitfalls you can make. Many builders get too overzealous and go too hard in the beginning. While this is admiral, the guts and glory approach can leave you with nothing in the tank to finish the set. You want to leave at least two bullets (pull-ups) in the chamber in order to get to your goal. Longevity is key here.
Another common mistake is staying with one grip. You can switch up grips as much as you’d like for this exercise and we recommend that you do. If you’re a pull-up God then go for it, bust out 50 under hands, strict.

For the rest of us, alternate your grip between underhand (biceps), neutral (palms facing each other; brachialis), and pronated (palms facing away from you: corachobrachialis).

You can also alternate between hand placements. Wide grip emphasize the shoulders as well as other back muscle, while the close grip involve the biceps more as they are in line with the shoulders, giving them slightly more stability.
If you’re feeling really froggy, try extreme close grips (triceps) or extreme wide grips to (traps) to really give you that superman feel. *Plus they look pretty cool when you’re doing them on the bar*
Note: This exercise tend to work best with builders who can do at least 8-10 strict pull-ups, so if you’re not there yet, you might want to concentrate on those first. If you’re doing 10-15 strict pull-ups or more you might want to add weight to get you to the 8-10 range. This will give you the endurance and strength gains you’re looking for.
Wrap Up
To be honest you can add this to the beginning or end of any upper body workout as it hits your lats, biceps, and shoulders in many different ways. Pullups are a great exercise to promote all sorts of crazy benefits especially when it comes to overall strength and added support. For whatever your respective sport may be, definitely consider adding pullups to your training program before arm day to enhance that much desired growth. Make this change and you won’t be disappointed with the results.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

How The Seated Barbell Press Improves Overhead Power

How The Seated Barbell Press Improves Overhead Power

Improve overhead pressing with the seated barbell press.
We would all love to beef up our overhead pressing power and what better exercise than the seated barbell press to help make that happen. A great exercise for building strength and overhead pushing power, this exercise is what you need to see great gains on those upper body days. A perfect exercise to work your shoulders, or the right one to add to a full body workout, the benefits of the seated barbell press are hard. We’ll dive into this and much more so you can see just how great this overhead pressing movement is.
Why this exercise truly matters is for both functionality and sport specific movements. Many sports especially rely on those strong shoulders to add stability and give you better strength for that respective sport. Functionally, we use our shoulders every day and while we may not be overhead pressing objects on a daily basis, having the muscles and tools to build upon can benefit you greatly.

Let’s jump into the seated barbell press and see what makes this exercise so great. From what it is, to what muscles get worked, the many benefits, and how to perform it, we will also share some variations and the best exercises to pair it with. By the end, you will have all the knowledge you need to better tackle those shoulder and upper body days to only see great results for that overhead pressing power.

What Is The Seated Barbell Press?
The seated barbell press is a great compound exercise to build muscle and strength. As a seriously effective muscle builder, this exercise is not for those with limited shoulder mobility for it will only continue to build deltoid development, but in this case, in the wrong way. A beginner level exercise, this is the perfect compound movement to add to your upper body and shoulder day routine and greatly increase strength for all things shoulder gains. Overall, what you will find is a great exercise to advance all pushing power, overhead strength, and great shoulder development (1).
Muscle Worked
For the seated barbell press, the muscles that are primarily worked are your shoulders. It is important to stretch pre- and post-workout for your shoulders are sensitive joints and you don’t want any pain to interfere with getting a great workout. Other muscles that will feel work done are your traps and triceps, giving you a great burn in these muscles as an added bonus.

Benefits Of The Seated Barbell Press
The benefits of this exercise are hard to ignore for it can seriously work for strength while building overall better shoulder development. With the right approach to all things gains, and better working to tackle stability, this exercise is one to give you the best when looking to optimize your shoulder day routine.
Benefits of the seated barbell press include:

Increased shoulder strength: Increase shoulder strength by working those muscles to grow with a seriously effective muscle builder.
Better overall shoulder development: As a result of the added growth, your shoulders will round out and have a more full look and feel, thus aiding in better overall shoulder development.
Wrist stability and grip: Build wrist stability and grip by allowing yourself to be challenged with the movement of this exercise (2).
Extra work done in your triceps and traps: Get some extra work done for your traps and triceps as these are secondary muscles worked.
Enhance overhead pressing power: Boost your overhead pressing power with this effective pressing movement to give you the best when it comes to all things pressing and power (3).
Boost shoulder stability: By strengthening your shoulders, you work to build better stability for other movements, either functional or sport specific (4).
Many variations: This exercise has plenty of variations to challenge you and diversify your workout.

How To Perform It
Here are the steps for performing the seated barbell press:

Set your desired amount of weight on the barbell after you position it to about shoulder height.
Sitting on the bench, make sure your feet are firmly planted and your core is engaged. When ready, lift the bar off the rack.
As you begin the movement, lower the bar gently until the bar is in front of your face. To begin the lift portion, drive the barbell overhead, giving a good squeeze at the top.
Continue with the movement for additional reps or re-rack the bar for a break before continuing.
Repeat the exercise for your desired number of sets and reps.

Seated Barbell Press Variations
While the seated barbell press is a great exercise, we wanted to also share some alternatives to shake up your workout and add nice variety to whatever you need. Challenging your muscles differently and working with similar exercises can only enhance your growth and keep your workouts from going stale.
Variations of the seated barbell press include:

Z Press
Pin Press
Overhead Press With Resistance Bands
Seated Dumbbell Press
Seated Kettlebell Press
Arnold Press

Best Exercises To Pair With The Seated Barbell Press
When it comes to building those boulder shoulders, there are some great exercises to pair with during your shoulder routine. Building our shoulders can seem challenging but it is important we find the right stability and strength in our shoulders to maximize our gains and keep us physically healthy. Working with the Arnold press or Viking press are awesome ways to boost growth, as well as more simple shoulder exercises like the front raise, lateral raise, and upright row.
Wrap Up
The seated barbell press is a great shoulder building exercise to boost all things gains. With many benefits and variations, you can get so much out of this effective muscle building exercise for whatever you seek. Give this exercise a try and see what it can do for you today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


Waller, M.; et al. (2009). “Overhead Pressing Power/Strength Movements”. (source)
Lee, J.; et al. (2016). “The Effect of Wrist Position on Grip Endurance and Grip Strength”. (source)
Sarabia, J.; et al. (2017). “The effects of training with loads that maximize power output and individualized repetitions vs. traditional power training”. (source)
Williams, M.; et al. (2020). “Activity of Shoulder Stabilizers and Prime Movers During an Unstable Overhead Press”. (source)

Best Male Fitness Athletes You Need To Follow on Instagram

Best Male Fitness Athletes You Need To Follow on Instagram

Follow These Fitness Stars on Instagram
Instagram has become the go-to place for fitness enthusiasts to follow the best in the business. The sudden blowing up of the fitness scene on Instagram has given rise to some pseudo fitness gurus whom you should stay away from.
Following the right people on Instagram can help you in achieving your goals by acting as a daily dose of motivation. Not to mention, you can learn a ton about fitness from these athletes and apply it to your training and nutrition.

Yesterday we covered the top female fitness athletes you should follow on Instagram. Today we’re jumping to the other side with the top male athletes on Instagram to follow. Check it out!
Steve Cook

Steve Cook is a veteran and had a decent fan following before Instagram was a thing. Steve is one of the most humble fitness personalities and shares not only his fitness routines but also his personal life with his fans.
Simeon Panda

Simeon Panda is an alien from another planet. Panda has insane muscle mass and definition. Simeon is also a part of many collaboration videos where he can be seen lifting heavy weights with complete ease.

Bradley Martyn

Bradley Martyn can lift an insane amount of weights with near perfect form. Martyn is famous for performing crazy stunts like performing squats on a hoverboard, jumping out of swimming pools, squatting with girls on the barbell, etc.
Ulisses Jr.

Ulisses Jr. has one of the most shredded physiques in the fitness industry. Ulisses maintains his peeled look throughout the year. If you’re into ripped physiques and long hair, Ulisses is a must follow.
Joey Swoll

Joey Swoll is a Shredz athlete and has been with the company for ages. Swoll is known for sharing heartfelt messages with his fans. Joey has a symmetrical physique with broad shoulders, tiny waist, and huge legs.

Blessing Awodibu

Bodybuilding isn’t supposed to be boring, and Awodibu is the perfect example of it. Awodibu is one of the funniest bodybuilders on Instagram. Blessing Awodibu is no joke, he is a Pro Bodybuilder and is a 2X Arnold champion.
Kris Gethin

Kris Gethin is a renowned fitness athlete who believes in mileage as he does in knowledge. Kris owns the band Kaged Muscle which proves his knowledge about diet and nutrition, and his physique is the result of the mileage in the gym.
Mike Rashid

Mike Rashid is much more than a shredded physique. Rashid believes in developing and training the mind as much as he believes in working on his physique. Mike has an entrepreneurial side and owns his own supplement and apparel brands.
Cory Gregory

Cory Gregory is the co-founder of MusclePharm and Max Effort. Gregory brought the “Squat Every Day” challenge to the limelight. Cory also gives the “Dad bod” a whole new meaning.
Who is your favorite male fitness athlete on Instagram? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

*All images courtesy of Instagram

5 Best Exercises For Massive Forearms

5 Best Exercises For Massive Forearms

Do These 5 Exercises For Big Forearms
Forearms are one of the most underrated muscle groups, and most people overlook training them. If you’re someone who prefers wearing t-shirts, your forearms are more exposed than your biceps, so why not try and give them the love they deserve. While people may not look directly at your forearms, a set of solid and strong forearms can add to your physique and make others certainly envy you.
Even if you’re someone who focuses on training forearms, they can be a challenging muscle group to build up. They are one of the top areas that people struggle with and often find themselves plateauing. We want to make sure we focus on those muscles that others envy. A common mistake is that there are only a few exercises to work your forearms. That is not true. Plenty of compound movements will give your forearms a burn so they grow. What you will find however is that there are certain exercises perfect for building and isolating your forearms, so they grow.

Muscle symmetry can add to your body aesthetics and can make your arms look bigger than they are. Training your forearms as accessory muscles isn’t enough to add muscle mass. You need to treat them as you would treat any other muscle group. As a bodybuilder, or someone seeking a well-rounded physique, don’t neglect a body part that is most visible most often. A set of forearms that will stand out and only add to your symmetry is exactly what you need to see the growth and overall gains you want most.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of the five best exercises for how to get bigger forearms. If done right, this will get you on the path to building massive forearms to be proud of. With the right approach and proper training, you will be well on your way to seeing effective gains all while giving your forearms the love they deserve.

Anatomy of the Forearms
Your forearms are made up of three muscles/ muscle groups, all working for their own benefit respectively. Your brachioradialis is the muscle that flexes the forearm at the elbow (1). Certain exercises like hammer curls are great for this muscle.
Your flexors are located on the posterior side of the forearm and are responsible for wrist extension, finger extension, and forearm supination, so turning your palm upward and outward. An exercise like the barbell wrist curl is a good one for flexors.
The extensor muscles are located on the anterior of the forearm and deal mainly with flexion and pronation, rotating your forearm so your palm is backwards and downwards. The dumbbell wrist extension exercise is a good exercise to perform for forearm growth.

Benefits Of Strong Forearms
Having strong forearms is important when it comes to those of us who lift for a number of reasons. They first provide for better grip strength and as we work up in weight, it is important for us to realize that we need to have a solid and secure grip so our gains never falter (2). They also provide for bicep stability and will work improve all those big lifts that deal with your biceps and other body parts. Plus, they will provide for a more rounded and symmetrical physique that others will definitely envy.

5 Best Exercises For Massive Forearms
As promised, we wanted to share the 5 best exercises for massive forearms. Knowing the right exercises and having the right approach to training will better prepare you to tackle any workout. While forearms tend to be overlooked, these exercises will give you great gains and make you see the progress you want most.
Let’s take a look at these best 5 forearm exercises so you can have the best for all your gains.
1. Barbell Wrist Curls
Barbell wrist curls are one of the most common forearm exercises and yet most people perform them incorrectly. Don’t let your ego get the better of you while doing this exercise and use weights you can maintain a full range of motion with. The barbell wrist curls work the brachioradialis and flexors.
The best way of performing the barbell or dumbbell wrist curls is to kneel down at the side of a flat bench with your forearms placed on the bench. Grab a barbell with an underhand grip and curl it as high as you can while lowering the barbell. Let the barbell roll down to the tip of your fingers. Doing so will help in recruiting all the muscle fibers in your forearms and hands.
2. Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls
Barbell reverse curls is another common forearm exercise but is a little harder as compared to the normal wrist curls. Use a wrist curl machine if you have access to it at your gym or use a flat bench.
You will be lifting lighter weights in this exercise as compared to the normal wrist curls. Grab the bar with an overhand monkey (thumbs over the barbell) grip. A monkey grip helps in better targeting your forearms better. The reverse wrist curls work the extensor muscles.
3. Behind the Back Cable Wrist Curls
Behind the back cable wrist curl is a great exercise to isolate your forearms. Using the cables will help you maintain a constant tension on your forearms and will fill your muscles with lactic acid.
Stand with your back towards the cable pulley machine and grab a straight bar. Curl the bar and hold the movement at the contraction for a couple of seconds. This exercise focuses on your brachioradialis and flexors.
4. Reverse Grip Barbell Curls
Reverse grip barbell curls are a compound exercise and will help you in developing muscle mass and strength in your forearms. Holding the barbell with an overhand monkey grip will make your forearms work harder to hold onto the bar.
Keep your elbows pinched to your sides and curl the barbell. Keep the reps slow and controlled and squeeze your forearms and biceps at the top of the movement. The reverse grip barbell curls work the extensors.
5. Farmer’s Walk
Farmer’s walk helps in building forearm size and grip strength which can carry over to other exercises. The farmer’s walk is also one of the easiest exercises to perform. Grab a pair of dumbbells and walk around until you can’t hold onto the dumbbells anymore.
Another variation of this exercise is the pinch carries. In pinch carriers, you need to pinch together two plates so they don’t slip. Pinch carries activate your forearms by forcing you to squeeze your fingers so the plates don’t separate.

Recommended Forearms Workout
With so many workouts out there, finding a good forearms workout may be challenging. We wanted to share a great one with you so you can tackle your arm goals with no problem.


Barbell Wrist Curls

Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls

Behind The Back Cable Wrist Curls

Reverse Grip Barbell Curls

Farmer’s Walk
1 minute

Tip: Use a Thick Bar or Fat Gripz
Another way for how to get bigger forearms is to increase the muscle fiber recruitment of the forearm muscles and grip is to use a thicker bar. Conventional barbells and dumbbells have one-inch handles, but you can use thicker bars to make the forearms work harder. Thicker bars also provide a greater stimulus for your forearms to grow stronger and larger. It would be worth trying this out for you will get great benefits that can work towards your goals with a solid bar.

Supplements For Bigger Forearms
When looking to enhance forearm growth, looking to the right supplements will prove to be worthwhile for growth and recovery. A solid pre-workout can work to provide energy and push past fatigue while also aiding in increased blood flow so your forearm muscles really start to grow. On top of that, a protein supplement for those post-workout gains will work to boost protein synthesis and allow those muscle tears to heal producing more muscle. Creatine is also great for increasing strength and size and for those really looking to put on mass and muscle, a mass gainer is a great option to advance your gains.
Wrap Up
Getting bigger forearms can make those arms of yours truly pop. How to get bigger forearms may seem challenging, but with this workout and some great supplements, you are well on your way to making that happen. Don’t neglect your forearms and give yourself the best chance at overall success by putting these 5 best exercises for massive forearms into your routine.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


Mitchell, B.; et al. (2021). “Anatomy, Shoulder and Upper Limb, Forearm Muscles”. (source)
Szymanski, D.; et al. (2004). “Effect of 12 Weeks of Wrist and Forearm Training on High School Baseball Players”. (source)

The Ultimate Pre-Exhaust Quad Workout for Strength & Size

The Ultimate Pre-Exhaust Quad Workout for Strength & Size

Using the Pre-Exhaust Method to Unlock Gains
If you are a keen gym goer, it is likely you are in one of two camps – either you love training legs or absolutely dread it.It is imperative that we train all body parts equally – that means no skipping leg day! Completing tough leg sessions, regardless of whether you enjoy it or not, is a critical part of comprehensive strength training.

There is no denying that leg sessions are challenging enough already, however, there may be times where it is necessary to add even more intensity to your lower body sessions. The two most common reasons for increasing the intensity of these sessions is to allow you to move beyond a training plateau or to keep your training fresh and interesting.This article will provide detail on pre-exhaustion, it’s application and will also provide a pre-exhaust routine that can be used to improve quad strength & size.
Leg Day Exercise Selection
There are two types of exercises that make up the majority of strength training sessions – compound and isolation exercises.A combination of compound and isolation exercise is best for comprehensive strength and size development (1).A typical leg day session will focus on compound exercises initially; these are exercises that involve a great number of muscles and consequently allow you to lift heavy loads. Some examples of effective lower body compound exercises include the squat, deadlift, lunge and leg press.

On completion of a number of compound exercises, the session then ends with a couple of isolation exercises which are single-joint movements that target specific muscle groups. The leg extension, leg curl, and calf raise are all great examples of lower body isolation exercises.To effectively apply the pre-exhaust strategy, simply reverse the order of compound and isolation so that you start with an isolation exercise first before completing compounds (2).The purpose of this is to significantly fatigue a specific muscle group so that it becomes the weak link in the consequent compound lifts.Evidently, building fatigue through an isolation exercise will make the following compound exercises significantly more challenging.The pre-exhaust technique is great for targeting specific muscle groups. If you are aware that one muscle group is lagging behind or is weak, it may be an idea to utilize pre-exhaust.Therefore, to target and develop the quads you will first perform leg extensions and then follow it up with a range of compound moves such as squats, lunges, and presses. As a result, the quad will highly fatigue while the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings & calves) remain relatively fresh.The method ensures that the quads will be worked maximally to bring about optimal adaptations without placing too much stress on other muscles.

Pre-Exhaust Training Considerations
By switching the order of the exercises, you will find that you are noticeably stronger with the pre-exhaust isolation exercise.Normally, the isolation exercises come last in the conventional leg sessions and therefore fatigue is a factor, but because you are completing the isolation first, the muscles are not fatigued.
Conversely, you will find that you are significantly weaker with the compound lifts – once again for the same reason. This certainly has it’s benefits and disadvantages.The benefit of this method is that you will be able to expose the quads to a greater load and stress than they are used to which will force them to adapt quickly.Although low reps and heavy weight are often prioritized in strength training, it is important to avoid low reps with the pre-exhaust method.
The reason for this is that with isolation exercises (specifically the leg extension and curl), lifting extremely heavy loads may put a large amount of stress through the knee joint (3).As a result, if lifting heavy loads for low reps, the chances of experiencing a serious injury to the knee are increased. Therefore, the recommendation for pre-exhaust exercise is to keep the weight light to moderate and aim for a higher rep range (8 reps or more).The biggest drawback to pre-exhaust training is that the amount of weight that you can shift with your compound movements will reduce.The weight that you normally use for squats, deadlifts, and presses is going to feel a lot heavier than normal due to the build-up of fatigue in the quads.In addition, building fatigue and getting the pump early on in the session may mean that you also find proprioceptive abilities (such as balance & coordination) to be a lot more challenging.
Therefore, it may be beneficial to substitute free weight exercises for machine-based exercises as they do not demand a great degree of balance and coordination.Once you have figured out what works best for you in terms of weight, reps, and equipment, you may find that the pre-exhaust technique actually reduces the amount of joint stress in the long run.As a result, you may find that a range of exercises that were previously “off-limits” and now much more manageable. A number of athletes and lifters who have lower body issues commonly use pre-exhaust routines so that they can use light loads yet still work to muscular failure.Therefore, for those who are unable to use heavy loads for whatever reason, pre-exhaust is recommended as it will allow for effective training while using lighter and safer loads.

When to Apply Pre-Exhaust
As mentioned earlier, there may be a couple of reasons why you may wish to incorporate the pre-exhaust method into your workouts.The main reason to use the pre-exhaust method is to stimulate new gains in strength and size. If you are at an intermediate or advanced stage with your training, there may be times where progress slows. This is because the body is at the stage where it can comfortably deal with the demands of training.Therefore, it is necessary to increase the amount of stress that the muscles experience in order for the adaptation process to begin once again.Utilizing advanced training techniques (like the pre-exhaust) into your workouts is one straightforward method that can be used to increase the demand placed on the muscles (4).If you are a strength training beginner, feel free to try out pre-exhaust however, be aware that it is not necessary to bring about change at your stage.Focusing on the basics will yield the best results for novices and advanced training methods such as pre-exhaust are typically not required.
The second reason why you may want to utilize pre-exhaust is to bring some variation to your training program.Performing the same exercises with the same number of sets and reps for months and months can become mundane and may negatively impact motivation levels as a result.Declining motivation can have an impact on exercise adherence which will then impact how quickly you improve.One of the best methods of maintaining motivation levels and adherence is to keep training interesting and enjoyable. Therefore, bringing in new training methods, exercises and set schemes can be useful.
Pre-Exhaust Quad Workout
You can add the following pre-exhaust quad workout into your training program or can adapt it to pre-exhaust the hamstrings or glutes instead.The following workout starts with leg extensions to isolate and pre-exhaust the quads before moving into conventional compound strength training exercises.The rep range is kept relatively moderate (with the majority of the sets between 6 – 12 reps) as lifting extremely heavy loads while in a fatigued state can be risky.

Sets x Reps

Leg Extensions
3 x 8, 3 x 12

Leg Press
3 x 6-8

Hack Squat
3 x 6

Smith Machine Squat
3 x 10-12

Romanian Deadlift
4 x 10-12

Standing Calf Raises
2 x 12, 2 x 20

Workout Notes:
– Ensure you perform a full and comprehensive warm-up prior to beginning this routine. Perform a number of warm-up sets first and ensure you differentiate between warm-up sets and pre-exhaust sets.– To pre-exhaust the hamstrings rather than the quads, simply switch out the leg extension and replace it with the leg curl. – For the glutes, switch the leg extension out for either the cable pull-through or single leg glute kickback.– To add more fatigue to the targeted muscle, add a couple more sets of the first exercise. In this case, look to complete as many as 6 sets of leg extensions before moving onto your compounds.– Having completed the pre-exhaust sets, use a variety of compound exercises that will place a great demand on the body.– Always be willing to go a little lighter than normal or to switch to a machine-based version of the exercise – fatigue will be a real factor that will influence how you perform.– Select a weight that causes you to reach muscular failure by the time you have completed all the reps. Because your muscles are pre-fatigued, you will not lift the same amount of weight that you normally would.
Final Word
Providing that training is properly planned and executed, pre-exhaust is a great method that will heavily fatigue the target muscle and apply enough stress to bring about substantial changes in both strength and size.

1-Gentil, Paulo; Soares, Saulo; Bottaro, Martim (2015-6). “Single vs. Multi-Joint Resistance Exercises: Effects on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy”. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 6 (2). doi:10.5812/asjsm.24057. ISSN 2008-000X. PMC 4592763. PMID 26446291.
2-Soares, Enrico Gori; Brown, Lee E.; Gomes, Willy Andrade; Corrêa, Daniel Alves; Serpa, Érica Paes; da Silva, Josinaldo Jarbas; Junior, Guanis de Barros Vilela; Fioravanti, Gustavo zorzi; Aoki, Marcelo Saldanha; Lopes, Charles Ricardo; Marchetti, Paulo Henrique (February 23, 2016). “Comparison Between Pre-Exhaustion and Traditional Exercise Order on Muscle Activation and Performance in Trained Men”. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 15 (1): 111–117. ISSN 1303-2968. PMC 4763829. PMID 26957933.
3-Grood, E. S.; Suntay, W. J.; Noyes, F. R.; Butler, D. L. (1984-06). “Biomechanics of the knee-extension exercise. Effect of cutting the anterior cruciate ligament”. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume. 66 (5): 725–734. ISSN 0021-9355. PMID 6725319.
4-Wallace, William; Ugrinowitsch, Carlos; Stefan, Matt; Rauch, Jacob; Barakat, Christopher; Shields, Kevin; Barninger, Andrew; Barroso, Renato; De Souza, Eduardo O. (January 6, 2019). “Repeated Bouts of Advanced Strength Training Techniques: Effects on Volume Load, Metabolic Responses, and Muscle Activation in Trained Individuals”. Sports. 7 (1). doi:10.3390/sports7010014. ISSN 2075-4663. PMC 6359665. PMID 30621334.

When To Take BCAA Supplements For The Best Results

When To Take BCAA Supplements For The Best Results

When To Take BCAA Supplements
BCAAs are arguably one of the most mysterious supplements. While many people know about the existence of BCAAs, they don’t know what they do. BCAAs are an incredibly effective supplement when taken at the right time and in the right amount.
Branched Chained Amino Acids (BCAAs) got their name because, from a chemical structure standpoint, they have forked outcroppings which look like a branch. Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are the three essential amino acids forming BCAAs.

In a study, the trained triathlete who consumed BCAA supplements for eight weeks gained about twice as much muscle mass and strength as compared to the athletes who only took a whey protein supplement without additional BCAAs. The results rely a lot on the time you consume the supplement so you should know when to take BCAA supplements.

One BCAA supplement to consider is National Bodybuilding Co. Pro Contest BCAA which won GI Supplement Awards for Best Post-Workout. With a great 2:1:1 ratio, this BCAA supplement can boost athletic endurance and reduce fatigue while also optimizing muscle growth and stop muscle breakdown. A simple formula with naturally sourced ingredients, this supplement is definitely one to try.

Check out National Bodybuilding Co. Pro Contest BCAA here. You can also check out the top BCAA Supplements for Recovery here.

Difference Between Amino Acids and Branched Chained Amino Acids
Most people have a hard time differentiating between amino acids and branched chained amino acids. Both these supplements are processed uniquely by your body and have different effects on your physique. Understanding the difference between them can tell you when to take BCAA supplements.
As you probably already know, your muscles are made up of protein. Protein is further made up of amino acids which look like a pearl necklace. If you want to build muscle, you want this pearl necklace to get bigger so your body can make more protein. This process of converting amino acids into protein is known as protein synthesis.
The BCAAs are indispensable components in the aforementioned process of converting amino acids into protein. They act as the building blocks for building muscle. Each of the three branched chained amino acids plays a vital role in this process.
When you consume amino acids, they go directly to your liver. In the liver, they are either converted into fuel to be used as energy by your body or are passed for building and repairing muscle. Your muscles will only receive the amino acids if they’re not converted into energy.
BCAAs are treated differently. They are not sent to the liver and head straight to your muscles where the muscles use them as fuel or to build and repair themselves. This is the reason BCAAs have grown in popularity in the bodybuilding community.
Role of The Three Amino Acids
Why and when to take BCAA supplements has a lot to do with the role they play in bodybuilding. Apart from being effective at muscle growth, BCAAs help in delaying fatigue during your workouts, boost fat loss and supports strength and mental focus. Each of the three essential amino acids plays a specific role in the supplement.
Leucine helps with protein synthesis and leads to muscle growth. Leucine is the main essential amino acid which starts the process of combining amino acids to produce muscle protein.
Leucine also boosts insulin levels which are an anabolic hormone which further stimulates protein synthesis. Furthermore, it boosts growth hormone which promoted muscle growth and reduces cortisol levels which break down muscle.
It is a known fact protein synthesis can help fight body fat. BCAAs increase the protein synthesis in your body which in turn increases your energy expenditure so much that it helps in burning body fat.
Isoleucine activates special receptors known as PPAR which increase the fat burning process in your body and inhibit fat storage. When you supplement with isoleucine, your body starts using the stored fats as fuel.
The amino acid tryptophan is responsible for producing serotonin which signals to the brain that the body is fatigued. The BCAA valine actively competes with tryptophan for entry into the brain.
Consuming valine before a workout can delay fatigue and reduce the amount of tryptophan in your brain. This shows that BCAAs don’t only improve your body function, but also your mental capabilities. They help you stay sharper and improve your cognitive abilities.
This Is When To Take BCAA Supplements For The Best Results
Before a Workout
BCAAs are a great supplement to be taken before a workout. BCAAs help in breaking down fat to release energy which can help you get more out of your workouts. You should also consume BCAAs first thing on waking up since you’re in a fasted state and BCAAs helps in preventing the breaking down of muscle.
During a Workout
BCAAs can help you during your workout by supplying constant energy. It also helps with delaying fatigue so you can make the most of your time in the gym. BCAA supplements can also improve your mental focus during your workouts.
After a Workout
BCAAs help with muscle repair and recovery. They’re a must with a post-workout shake or after a post-workout meal. BCAAs can speed up the protein synthesis in your muscles and help them heal and grow faster.
You should take anywhere between 3-5 servings of a BCAA supplement throughout the day. Each serving should not be less than five grams. Sipping on BCAAs throughout your day can promote muscle growth, speed up recovery and reduce muscle soreness.
Do you supplement with BCAA? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Method Man Looks Absolutely Ripped After Triple Bench Press

Method Man Looks Absolutely Ripped After Triple Bench Press

Photo via @methodmanofficial Instagram
Method Man shares his workout to get absolutely ripped as he sees fast moving results.
Method Man is a rapper, songwriter, and producer best known for his involvement with Wu-Tang Clan. A Grammy-award winning artist, Method Man posted a video of his incredible triple bench press and fans saw how jacked he now is. His workouts reflect the work he’s put in at the gym giving fans something to rave about.
When it comes to working out and finding the right plans for us, it is important for us to realize that looking to bodybuilders and other strength athletes is a great way for us to see huge gains. They have done the exercises before and are living proof of what can happen when you grind in the gym. But other celebrities work hard as well and it would be a disservice to neglect taking advice from them for they too know the right workouts to tackle. Using others as a source of knowledge can better prepare us for what really matters as we seek results.
As an accomplished musical artist, Method Man sought to get as jacked as possible and this workout played a massive role in that.

Full Name: Clifford Smith, Jr. (a.k.a. Method Man)

Date Of Birth

200-205 lbs.


Rapper, Songwriter, Producer, Actor
1990, 2000, 2010

This workout from Method Man earned him massive gains and proved why he was able to tackle the triple bench no problem. Using this workout will allow you to see a serious shred as you seek growth with Method Man as the model.
Photo via @methodmanofficial Instagram
About Method Man
Clifford Smith, Jr., also known as Method Man, is a rapper, songwriter, music producer, and actor known for his role in the popular hip hop group, Wu-Tang Clan. Performing with Wu-Tang Clan throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, he was constantly putting out records and growing his fan base with the increased popularity. He soon transitioned to acting and has had recurring roles on shows like The Wire and CSI.
Now, Method Man loves lifting and his post about his triple bench has fans going crazy for the amount of weight this famous rapper could lift. Focusing his attention to health and fitness, Method Man handles his professional side and personal side as best he can, continuing to put out great records and act in popular TV shows, while also taking his health and fitness seriously.
Photo via @methodmanofficial Instagram
Method Man Training Routine
Method Man used working out as an escape from gaming and other activities that were not progressing him forward. As a coping tool to deal with his insomnia, he took this as an opportunity to change his life, be productive, and get fit in the process.
Method Man just goes to show us that it’s never too late to get serious about the gym. After rapping and producing for Wu Tang for over a decade, he got serious about acting and had regular roles on HBO’s The Wire and The Deuce. If a man that busy can find time for the gym, so can you. There’s no such time as no time for the gym — there are only people who can’t make time.
Let’s take a look at this workout from Method Man and see just what makes this such a great workout. Higher in reps allows for more time under tension and more intensity.



Bent-Over Rows

Seated Cable Rows

Straight-Arm Pulldowns

Weighted Neck Extensions

Ab Rollout

Cable Crunches

Close-Grip Chin- Ups

Wide Grip Pullups

Lots of high-profile musicians and entertainers get really into fitness when they make the transition into acting, and clearly Method Man is no exception. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with the right mindset, although the personal trainers provided to the very rich definitely don’t hurt their goals. Whatever the case may be with Method Man, he’s made enormous strides in the gym, and that achievement rests entirely on his own hard work and determination to get things done.
Photo via @methodmanofficial Instagram
Diet & Supplementation
These insane fitness updates would not be possible without some serious attention to his diet and supplements. He is a big fan of plant-based foods and is always ready and willing to munch on some vegetables. He is also a big fan of meat-alternatives like veggie burgers and loves to pair with nutrient-filled greens like edamame. No fast food and processed meals is a great way he manages to stay in shape as well.
While a healthy diet is exactly what is needed to get shredded like Method Man, supplementation is something to heavily consider as well. Pre-workout is a great way to boost your energy and stimulate your mind before those big pumps, while protein can aid in recovery and really give your muscle what they need to grow. Placing a BCAA supplement in the mix will help enhance protein synthesis to really see those big gains. For those struggling to look like Method Man because of unwanted fat, try a fat burner and see the effects transform your physique.
Wrap Up
Method Man has entertained audiences since the 1990’s and is part of an iconic rap collective in Wu-Tang Clan. Taking his health and fitness seriously, Method Man has since taken fans by storm with his shredded aesthetic and proved why this workout was so great. With a post of him performing a triple bench, you too can see massive gains with a workout like this. From the booth to the gym, Method Man knows how to make hit records while also smashing expectations of his physical ability. Give this workout from Method Man a try and see what it can do for all your gains today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Method Man Instagram

Instagram Athlete of the Week – Julian Smith

Instagram Athlete of the Week – Julian Smith

Julian Smith – The Quad Guy
Internet fitness celebrities don’t get any more humble and genuine than Julian Smith. Smith had a humble beginning in the fitness industry but has now amassed a mind-blowing 1 million followers on Instagram.
If you have been living under a rock and don’t know about Julian, let us introduce you to him. Julian Smith calls himself The Quad Guy and we would go as far as to say he should put this name on his driver’s license.

After Tom Platz, if someone comes to mind for having monstrous muscle mass on their legs, its Julian Smith. Just like Platz, Smith swears by the squats and consider all the other leg exercises secondary.
Julian isn’t your typical bodybuilder. Smith puts out original content with a lot of exercise variations which you could try in your workouts. The exercises Smith shares on his timeline will surely ignite some new gains in your muscles.

Smith trains at his personal gym. The Arms Race gym has great lighting and is a paradise for the selfie queens. Julian holds regular open gyms and you should check them out if you live around the area.
It’s Okay to be a Sissy
Notice that Julian doesn’t use any weights on some of his exercises. The size of his legs should be proof you don’t need to be lifting big weights to add muscle mass. Proper form and a complete range of motion should do the trick.
Julian Smith shares his daily workouts on his website as the “Daily Pumps”. Going by his Instagram stories, Smith has been getting a lot of love for the results his clients have been getting following his workouts routines.
Julian leaves no muscles untouched. He trains his neck, calves, and forearms (what others might think of as accessory muscles) the way he workouts all his other muscles. When was the last time you trained your neck?
The Golden Boy

Smith is a fan of the golden-era bodybuilding and trains for the old school aesthetics. Symmetry and muscle proportions are the cornerstones of Smith’s training. Smith with his golden-era V-taper has all the qualities of a classic physique.
You don’t have to perform the same exercises every time you train a muscle. You can come up with numerous new exercise variations with the same old machines in your gym. Smith will push you to think outside the box.

View this post on Instagram

The interaction that molded my personality. It’s story time my friends! – I’ve talked about this many times, but when I got into the sport at such a young age (before social media) besides the people in magazines that I strived to one day look like, the only people I could actually talk to/interact with was the local competitors. Who in my opinion back then, were gods. – Let me tell you something! There was one specific person that I looked up to locally, who turned out to being one of the biggest assholes I’ve ever met. He was super rude to me when I went into the local Vitamin Shoppe to ask questions during my first show prep. When I put out my hand to shake his hand and said “I’m a big fan and prepping for my first show, any pointers would mean the world” his response was “Dude, you serious? Can’t you see I’m eating?”. I was hurt and embarrassed and felt pressure in my face from tearing up. But this interaction set me up to be the person I am today. – I don’t care if you’re on my membership site, bought a Clifford Lenox belt/clothing , used one of my affiliate codes etc. All I have ever wanted from my Instagram page, was help people move forward with their fitness journey! If you have tried/learned something on my page that has benefited you in even the smallest way towards achieving your goal, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. – My dad told me at a young age that the definition of a gentleman was a person who made everybody around them feel as comfortable as possible at all times. Never to intimidate them and never to make themselves feel bad about who they are. – I may not be bringing home 1st place trophies.. But ANYONE who approaches me locally, at events etc will receive the interaction I was hoping for over a decade ago. – #oregon #fitnesslife #fitnesslifestyle #fitnessmodel #fitnessmotivation #progress #healthyeating #igfit #instagramfitness #body #aesthetics #igdaily #staypositive #gains #flexible #getfit #fitnessgoals #monday #mondaymotivation
A post shared by JULIAN MICHAEL SMITH (@smith.julian) on Apr 30, 2018 at 12:37pm PDT

Julian Smith is a Bodybuilding.com sponsored athlete and can be seen promoting their products on their websites and expos. One thing which separates Smith from many other athletes is that he only recommends the products he uses.

If you’re pumped up to train your legs after seeing all those quad shots, this is the video you should watch before you head out the door. Always remember, fads come and go, but the golden aesthetics stay forever.
Who is your favorite Instagram fitness celebrity? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

*All images courtesy of Instagram

Moves to Build a Cobra Back

Moves to Build a Cobra Back

Training the Back for a V-Taper
If you’re wondering why is a chiseled back called a cobra back, it’s because the V-taper looks like the head of a cobra when a bodybuilder spreads out his lats.
A physique can’t be deemed complete and symmetrical without a V-taper. Building a cobra back isn’t easy and the workouts, if done right, can be as grueling and exhausting as the hardest of leg workouts.

Your back is the biggest muscle group after legs and developing it can take a lot of hard work, sweat, pain, and tears. A cobra back can make you look like a superhuman and gives you wings you could fly with.

Your back is a big muscle group and you need to target it from different angles to train it effectively. Each exercise targets the back in a different way and you need to perform a variety of moves to develop every muscle fiber in your back.
The overall development of the back needs a combination of compound and isolation exercises. We’ll break up the back into three major muscle groups and perform exercises to target each muscle.

Upper Back – Muscle Involved Rhomboids and Trapezius
Breaking up the back into smaller muscle groups makes it easier to train and helps in building size and definition by focusing on any lagging parts. Rhomboids are placed at the top of your back right under your neck and at the sides of the posterior deltoids.
– Seal Rows
– Rope Face Pulls
– Incline Bench Dumbbell/Barbell Rows
You can best target the rhomboids by using isolation exercises. While performing the seal rows, bring the barbell to your chest and not your stomach. For the face pulls, hold and contract your back at the top and the bottom of the movement.
Some people like to train their trapezius muscles (or traps) on their shoulder day, but we will advise you to do so on your back day. Although rear delts too are a part of the back, we won’t train them in our back workouts.
– Barbell/DumbbellShrugs
– Behind the Back Cable Shrugs
Middle Backs – Lats (Latissimus Dorsi)
Most people in their back workouts train their lats and call it a day. All the rowing and pulling movements essentially target the latissimus dorsi (lats). The pulling movements help with adding size to your wings, and the rowing adds thickness to your middle back.
– Pull-Ups
– Lat Pulldowns
– Seated Cable Rows
– Dumbbell/Barbell Rows
Pull-ups are an essential for every back workout. In between your sets, stretch your lats by performing the lat spread pose. Posing between sets will rush more blood into your lats and will help you in establishing a better mind-muscle connection.
Lower Back – Thoracolumbar Fascia
Lower back is the smallest of the three muscle groups. A single exercise for the lower back in your back workout is enough to get the job done. It’s important to maintain a strict form while performing the lower back exercises.
– Weighted Hyperextensions
Use a small barbell for performing the hyperextensions and maintain a full range of motion. Performing this exercise to failure is the best way of getting the most out of it. After you hit failure, drop the barbell and do as many bodyweight reps as you can.
You Cannot Miss the Deadlifts
Deadlifts are a full body exercise and are essential to building a cobra back. Switch between high volume and low volume days while keeping the intensity high. Deadlifts are the mother of all back exercises and add size, width, and thickness to your back.

Who do you think has the best V-Taper in the bodybuilding world? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.