Tag: Workouts

Advanced Bodyweight Strength Training: The Pistol Squat

Advanced Bodyweight Strength Training: The Pistol Squat

Pistol Squat Overview and Coaching Guide
One of the most effective unilateral exercises that can be performed for strengthening the legs, mobilising joints and improving movement mechanics is the pistol squats.
The pistol squat effectively targets the quadriceps, glutes, abdominals, obliques and ankle stabilizers.

This article will review the pistol squats, provide a step by step coaching guide and investigate a number of the associated benefits.
It will conclude by providing a selection of pistol squat variations to help you master the technique and facilitate maximal gains.
Pistol Squat Coaching Points

This first section will detail how to successfully set up and execute a full pistol squats.
1) Start by assuming a one legged stance keeping the foot directly under the hip and the toes pointed straight or slightly turned out.
Contrary to belief, pistol squats are not bad for your knees, providing this stance is assumed. It will ensure that knee stays over the toes as you squat which will prevent shearing forces from acting on the knee.
2) Keeping the opposing leg straight, drive the chest up and squeeze the core muscles tightly before flexing at the knee.
Look to counterbalance  by extending the arms out in front of the body. This will facilitate control and balance throughout the movement.
3) Keeping the weight equally distributed through the foot, gradually drop into a full squat. While you lower, ensure that you lean forward slightly with the trunk (as you would in a back squat).
A common issue experienced as the body drops is that the heel gradually lifts off the floor.
This occurs for typically one of two reasons. Either the ankles are not mobile enough or the hips are not being pushed back far enough.
Lifting of the ankle during a pistol squat is not recommended as it can apply excessive force to connective tissues and consequently cause injury.

4) Avoid bouncing up and out of the squat and instead keep the movement controlled. Aggressively bouncing up is not recommended unless you are highly conditioned.
Those who aggressively rebound out of the squat may develop ankle and knee issues. Bouncing tends to cause a reduction in coordination, muscle recruitment and stability thus enhancing injury risk.
5) After controlling the descent, powerfully engage the muscles of the legs to drive the body back up to the starting position. Once again, ensure that the core remains tight throughout.
6) Assume a stable and fully supported upright position on the working leg. Repeat this process for the desired number of reps.
Ensure that you are truly stable before completing the next rep. Rushing through reps may compromise joint positions and movement efficiency.

Benefits of the Pistol Squat
As stated earlier, there are a vast number of benefits related to performing the pistol squats regularly.
1) Unilateral Strengthening
Unilateral simply refers to using a single limb as opposed to bilateral which is the use of both limbs.
Daily movements, exercise and injury can all contribute toward imbalances. The benefit of performing unilateral movements is that these imbalances can level out (1).
Reducing imbalances can have a positive impact on strength capabilities, movement and injury risk.
In addition, the pistol squats can help to improve performance with other squatting exercises, such as the back or front squat.
2) Improved Proprioception
The pistol squat is superb for developing the body’s understanding and control over movement – also known as proprioception.
More specifically the exercise can enhance coordination and balance which can directly impact performance and injury risk (2).
3) Joint Health
Performing pistol squats in a controlled fashion can reinforce efficient movement patterns and range of motion thus improving overall joint health.
Avoid the temptation to perform fast-paced and erratic pistol squats which will more than likely lead to an overuse injury.
4) Muscle Activation
It has been documented that unilateral squats can activate muscles to a greater degree than bilateral squats (3).
Increasing muscle recruitment and activation can accelerate the rate of strength and movement improvements.
5) Athletic Performance
Many sports require a large degree of single leg strength and stability. Therefore, the pistol squats can be highly advantageous for sportspeople and athletes.
The exercise is a foundational bodyweight movement that should form part of most athlete’s training.
Additionally, using a number of the following pistol squat variations can have a substantial positive impact on athletic performance.
Pistol Squat Variations
There is no doubt that the pistol squat is an advanced exercise which takes time to learn.
For those who are struggling to complete the pistol squat, firstly look to improve your mobility – specifically around the ankles (4).
From there, look to use a selection of the following pistol squat variations before advancing onto a full pistol squat.
1) Deep Bodyweight Squat
The bilateral bodyweight squat is one of the most influential movements for improving leg strength, joint mobility and proprioception.
When performing this exercise, look to drop as deeply as possible while maintaining solid form.

2) Rocking Pistol
Sit on a box with one foot flat on the floor. Lean back and then rock forward using momentum to assist you as you drive up to standing.
3) Box Pistol
This is a progression of the rocking pistol. This time, avoid using momentum and fully focus on contracting leg muscles to lift the body from the box.
4) Elevated Pistol
Stand on a box or a step and let the other leg hang out to the side before dropping into the pistol. This method can effectively enhance balance, range of motion and eccentric strength.5) Assisted Pistol
Holding onto bands or straps during a pistol squats can improve balance and simplify the movement. Add in an isometric hold at the bottom of the squat to increase difficulty.
6) Rolling Pistol
For this dynamic regression, start by lying on your back. Rock the body backwards and then roll forward aggressively, plant the foot and immediately drive up into the squat.
Final Word
The pistol squat is an advanced bodyweight exercise which demands a great degree of mobility, strength, balance and coordination.
If you are new to the pistol squats, be prepared to spend time on learning and mastering the technique. Using a number of aforementioned variations can help to accelerate technique improvements.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
1-Gonzalo-Skok, Oliver; Tous-Fajardo, Julio; Suarez-Arrones, Luis; Arjol-Serrano, José Luis; Casajús, José Antonio; Mendez-Villanueva, Alberto (2017-1). “Single-Leg Power Output and Between-Limbs Imbalances in Team-Sport Players: Unilateral Versus Bilateral Combined Resistance Training”. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12 (1): 106–114. doi:10.1123/ijspp.2015-0743. ISSN 1555-0273. PMID 27140680.
2-Riva, Dario; Bianchi, Roberto; Rocca, Flavio; Mamo, Carlo (2016-2). “Proprioceptive Training and Injury Prevention in a Professional Men’s Basketball Team: A Six-Year Prospective Study”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30 (2): 461–475. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000001097. ISSN 1064-8011. PMC 4750505. PMID 26203850.
3-McCurdy, Kevin; O’Kelley, Erin; Kutz, Matt; Langford, George; Ernest, James; Torres, Marcos (2010-2). “Comparison of lower extremity EMG between the 2-leg squat and modified single-leg squat in female athletes”. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 19 (1): 57–70. ISSN 1056-6716. PMID 20231745.
4-Kim, Si-Hyun; Kwon, Oh-Yun; Park, Kyue-Nam; Jeon, In-Cheol; Weon, Jong-Hyuck (April 7, 2015). “Lower Extremity Strength and the Range of Motion in Relation to Squat Depth”. Journal of Human Kinetics. 45: 59–69. doi:10.1515/hukin-2015-0007. ISSN 1640-5544. PMC 4415844. PMID 25964810.

Build Monstrous Calves With This Insane Dorian Yates Workout

Build Monstrous Calves With This Insane Dorian Yates Workout

The Dorian Yates Workout For Monster Calves.
Calves are one of the most stubborn muscle groups. After years of unsuccessfully training their calves, many lifters come to the conclusion that you are either born with great calves or you are not. There isn’t much you can do about them in the gym. 
Before you blame your ancestors for your pencil calves, you should know that there is more than just genetics holding you back from developing your lower legs. If you want to transform your calves into full-grown bulls, you should seek advice from someone who walks the talk, and no one else fits the bill better than the 6X Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates. 

It would be safe to say that Dorian Yates changed the face of bodybuilding forever. He overshadowed his competition (the likes of bodybuilding legends such as Flex Wheeler, Kevin Levrone, and Shawn Ray) with his monstrous size and razor-sharp conditioning. 

If you haven’t already, Watch: Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster
Dorian Yates Stats

Weight: 255 – 265lbs (115.7 – 120.2kg)
Height: 5’10” (177.5cm)
Arms: 20″
Chest: 56″
Waist: 38″
Calves: 20″
D.o.B: 19 April 1962
Birthplace: Walmley, The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield, United Kingdom
Alias: The Shadow, The British Bulldog, The Beast of Britain
Next Read: Build a Massive Back Like The Legend Dorian Yates
The Dorian Yates Legacy

According to Dorian, he gets calf training tips requests by the dozens every day. In this article, we will be revealing the secrets to the colossal calves that helped Yates win six Sandows. 
Why should you listen to Dorian Yates, you ask?
Dorian has won 15 out of the 17 contests over his Pro league career. Also, the two losses were second-place finishes in:

His pro debut
His Mr. Olympia debut in ’91

And if you just skimmed through Yate’s stats, let us remind you – the guy has 20-inch calves. Most lifters do not have arms that big. 
The Shadow’s giant calves helped him outdo his competition. Yates could use them in almost any pose to exert an advantage over his challengers. If you were to make a list of the 15 best calves in the history of bodybuilding – Dorian Yates would absolutely feature in the top 3. 
There aren’t many pictures of Dorian Yates online (suiting for his nickname – “The Shadow”), but the ones that you can find will leave no doubts in your mind that his calves had a life of their own. 
Yates had adopted a widely discredited training system (at the time) – high-intensity training (HIT) and made it his own. While training in the Dungeon, he revolutionized workout splits and body-part routines.
Check Out: Dorian Yates Still Looks Jacked at Age 58
The Calf Anatomy

To make the most of your calf workouts and to carve the lower legs of your dreams, you need to know the ins and outs of your calves. A little anatomy knowledge can take you a long way in developing muscular cows, or you could quit this article right here and be the subject of the next viral “skipped leg day” meme. 
Your calf consists of two muscles: gastrocnemius and soleus. The soleus is the smaller muscle and lies underneath the gastrocnemius. The gastrocnemius, on the other hand, is the muscle that most people picture in their head when you say the word “calf“. It’s the heart-shaped muscle that contracts at the top of your lower leg, and it works to push the foot downward. It also assists in bending your knee.
Must Read: Dorian Yates’ ‘Blood & Guts’ Style Workout For Serious Growth
Training Approaches

Both calf muscles require different training approaches for optimal muscle recruitment and stimulation. 

Soleus – Standing movements (knees extended) because the soleus attaches below the knee. Eg – seated calf raises.
Gastrocnemius – Seated movement (knees bent) since the gastrocnemius attaches above the knee. Eg – standing calf raises. 

Since the soleus lies under the gastrocnemius, you will have to train the gastrocnemius at the beginning of your calf workout if you want massive and shapely calves. 
We understand seated calf raises are more convenient, and you might feel a better pump while performing them, but they are also the reason you are not seeing an improvement in your lower legs. 
Watch: ‘Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster’ Clip – Inside The Hardcore Dungeon That Was Temple Gym
Dorian Yates Calf Training Principles
1. KISS 

Before you kiss your personal trainer on the mouth, KISS – keep it simple, silly. 
Dorian Yates kept his calf workouts fairly simple. According to him, most lifters make the mistake of thinking that the muscle tissue in their calves differs in biological composition from that of other muscles. 
Remember – skeletal muscle is skeletal muscle, no matter where it is in your body. If you want it to grow, you need to achieve muscular hypertrophy.
Related: Dorian Yates Says Weight Training Is Best Way To Get In Shape
2. Treat Your Calves Like Any Other Muscle Group
If your legs are lagging compared to other muscle groups, revalue your lower body training and get it in line with your other workouts. 
For most bodybuilders, hypertrophy is best achieved through heavy and intense training. 
Watch: Dorian Yates Reveals Facts About His Post-Bodybuilding Depression
3. Train Your Calves at the End of Your Leg Workout

While most bros will tell you to train your lagging calves at the beginning of your leg workout, Dorian Yates takes a different approach. Yates likes to fatigue his calves as quickly and efficiently as possible. 
So, instead of training his lower legs on a separate day than legs, when the calves are at full strength, he works them last on leg day, when they have already been pre-exhausted by an annihilating thigh workout. 
When the time comes to hit his calves, all that’s needed to finish the job are two exercises, but more on this later. 
Watch: Dorian Yates Gets Real About The Crazy Steroids In The 90s
4. Have a Solid Mind-Muscle Connection
Just going through the motions for the sake of it is not going to cut it. For optimal muscle stimulation, you need to squeeze the life out of your calves at the top of every repetition. 
If you cannot feel a pump in your calves while performing an exercise, following these steps should help:

Lower the weight and focus on contracting your calves.
Look at your calves in the mirror while performing an exercise.
Have your training partner tap on your calves gently while you do the standing calf raise. (You could do it yourself while doing the seated calf raise).
Perform a couple of unilateral warm-up sets. 

Watch: The Best Dorian Yates Bodybuilding Motivation Video Of All Time
Most Common Calf Training Mistakes
1. Stick To Your Normal Rep Ranges

Usually, gym-goers try to annihilate their calves by performing 25-30 reps on every set. The high-rep theory is a concept out of the broscience Bible and does not hold water. 
Your calves are already conditioned to high reps since you use them all day long to walk, and your chances of shocking them into growing through high rep training are bleak. To force a muscle to grow, it must be taken to total fatigue through heavy, low reps. Focus on exhausting your calves in 10-12 reps. 
Check Out: Epic! This Dorian Yates Video Shows How Hard 6-Time Olympia Champ Trained!
2. Stick to the Basics
Many lifters try to make the most of their calf workouts by using different heel and toe placements. They use an “A” feet placement (toes pointed inward and heels outward) for training their outer calves and a “V” formation (heels pointed inward and toes outward) for hitting the inner calves. 
According to The Shadow, the best way to train your calves is to keep your toes pointed straight ahead. Since calves have a relatively short range of motion, you must use all of it.
Watch: Insanely Massive Dorian Yates At 1996 German Grand Prix
3. Less is More

Dorian Yates is the king of intensity. At his peak, he only performed two exercises in his calf workout. But unlike most lifters who treat their calves as accessory muscles, Yates’ workouts were so hard that he could not go beyond the two exercises. 
Check Out: Dorian Yates: “A World Without Steroids Would be Great”
4. Ego Lifting
Since calf raises have a small range of motion, most lifters let their egos get the better of them during lower leg training. They load more weight plates than they can handle and end up bouncing on their knees. If you have to use momentum, you are doing it all wrong. 
If you cannot move your heels more than a couple of inches without using momentum, you should drop the weight and focus on lowering your heels to the bottom until it is only a few inches off the floor and raise them all the way to the top. At the top of the movement, you should look like a ballerina on her toes. 
Must Watch: Dorian Yates Discusses Steroids With Joe Rogan
5. Not Stretching 

Dorian Yates relied on stretching to get the best bang for his buck. Benefits of stretching include:

According to research, stretching between sets can help increase your flexibility. 
Improves your range of motion. 
Improves your performance during your workouts. 
As per a study, stretching can help increase blood flow to your muscles. 
Reduces chances of injuries.

After every set of every exercise, Yates stretches out the muscle and lets it relax. He says that if he did not stretch his calves between sets, they would cramp up so severely that he would not be able to finish his workouts. 
Watch: Dorian Yates Calls His Career-Ending Injury A “Blessing In Disguise” | GI Vault
Dorian Yates Calf Workout
The Shadow kept it simple when it came to his workouts. Ready for the big reveal? You might want to sit down for this one. Here it goes:
1. Standing Calf Raise: 2 sets of 10-12 reps
2. Seated Calf Raise: 1 set of 10-12 reps
Boom! You weren’t expecting this, were you? 
From the lead-up to this section, you might have guessed that Dorian did not do more than 10 sets of calf exercises, but just three sets? To be honest, we were just as shocked when we learned about this calf workout.
According to Dorian Yates, together, these two exercises chisel your calves with those deep, rocky strata and jutting promontories that indicate total development. Adding other movements, sets and reps is superfluous and may even amount to overtraining. 
Related: Throwback: Dorian Yates Does The Most Intense Calf Training Ever!
Dorian Yates Calf Training Guide

1. Standing Calf Raise: 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Dorian Yates usually goes heavier on the standing calf raise, so he likes to start his calf workouts with this exercise. He does only one warm-up set of 10-12 reps and follows that with one all-out failure set of 10 reps, plus one or two forces reps in the end. 
Yes, you heard it right. One out of the two sets is a warm-up set. 
“I always work the bigger muscle, the gastrocnemius, first with standing calf raises. Then I do seated calf raises for the soleus. Once the gastrocnemius is fatigued, it’s easier to hit the soleus more directly.” – Dorian Yates

Secure your shoulders under the pads of a standing calf raise machine. Place the balls of your feet at the edge of the elevated footrest.
If you do not have access to a standing calf machine at your gym, you could use a Smith machine by placing an aerobic step under the Smith machine bar. 
Keep your legs straight, with just a very slight bend in your knees, and press your heels down toward the floor to stretch your calves.
Your heels should be only a few inches away from the floor at the bottom of the movement. 
Raise your heels by contracting the calf muscles to rise as high as you can on the balls of your feet.
Pause and contract your calves at the top of the movement. 
Lower back to the starting position with a slow and controlled motion. 
Repeat for recommended reps.

2. Seated Calf Raise: 1 set of 10-12 reps
Dorian Yates does not feel that a warm-up set is necessary on the seated calf raises, so he performs one all-out set for 10 reps, plus one or two more forced reps at the end. 

Take a seat on the calf machine and place the balls of your feet on the platform with your toes pointed forward.
Position the base of quads under the knee pad and allow your hands to rest on top.
Extend at your ankles and release the safety bar.
Lower your heels until the calves are fully stretched and your heels are only a few inches away from the floor.
Extend the ankles and lift your heels as high as you can without using momentum or a bouncing motion.
Pause and contract your calves at the top of the movement.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Repeat for recommended repetitions. 

Remember: It took Yates nearly 10 years to evolve to his one-main-set-per-exercise strategy. Beginners and intermediates should perform two or three sets per exercise.
We know what you are thinking. Just two exercises and three sets in the name of calf training? 
That is Dorian Yates’ intensity for you.
There is a lesson to be learned through this training routine. The 80/20 principle applies to your workouts as well. 80% of the output results from 20% of all inputs. So, stop wasting your time performing 15 sets in your calf workouts and focus on doing six sets of the Dorian Yates calf workout well.

Who do you think has better calves than Dorian Yates? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The Best Way To Build Your Butt

The Best Way To Build Your Butt

Best Butt Building Exercises
Turning a flat butt into a round and muscular butt can take some time and effort. Running on the treadmill or spending some time on other cardio equipment isn’t going to budge the needle for you if you’re looking to transform your rear.
If you want to build a peach emoji ? like butt, you need to switch between the compound (multi-joint) and isolation (single-joint) exercises. If your glutes are lagging as compared to the other muscle groups, you should dedicate entire workouts to training your butt.
1. Squats

Squats are an overall leg building exercise. While performing the squats and every other glute building exercise, you need to make sure you go deep. Ass to the grass is the way to go while performing the butt building exercises.
Going below parallel on the squats will target your butt effectively. Pausing at the bottom of the movement for a couple of seconds will fill your rear with lactic acid. Put more focus on your glutes by not locking out your knees at the top of the movement.
2. Donkey Kickbacks

Donkey Kickbacks are an excellent isolation exercise for building muscle mass in your glutes. If the bodyweight version of the kickbacks feels easy, you can add resistance by using weights.
Get into a kneeling push-up position on an exercise mat. The bend of your knee should create a 90-degree angle between your calf and hamstring. Exhale and lift your right leg until your hamstring is in line with your back. Return back to the starting position and repeat for the left leg.
3. Lunges
Lunges target your glutes and quads and can help in building muscle definition. You can try the standing, alternating or walking lunges to target your glutes. Bulgarian split squats are another variation of the lunges which can help you in developing your butt.
Start with holding dumbbells on each side. Bring your right leg forward and perform a lunge so your right knee is only an inch away from the ground. At the bottom of the movement, your right calf, and left quad should be parallel to the floor. At the same time, your left calf and right quad should be parallel to each other. Return to the starting position and repeat for the left leg.

4. Hip Thrusters
Hip thrusters are one of the most underutilized exercises when it comes to glute training. Most people make the mistake of going through the motions while performing this exercise. You should pause and squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement to get the best results.
Lie with your upper back at the side of a flat bench and place a barbell on your quads. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Your butt should be an inch away from the floor at the bottom of the movement. Your back, glutes, and hamstrings should be in a straight line at the top of the movement.
5. Dumbbell Sumo Squats
Using dumbbells while performing the sumo squats help you in increasing your range of motion. Stand on an elevated platform like the aerobic steps or a couple of benches to further increase your range of motion.
Hold a dumbbell between your legs and perform a squat without bending your back. Pause for a couple of seconds at the bottom of the movement and don’t lock out your knees at the top to target your glutes efficiently.

Which are your favorite glutes exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Bradley Martyn Workout For Massive Full Body Growth

Bradley Martyn Workout For Massive Full Body Growth

This workout from Bradley Martyn will fire up your muscles to see huge growth.
Bradley Martyn is a pro bodybuilder, personal trainer, and online personality who uses his platform to show off workouts and inspire others. Knowing how hard it can be to see the gains you want most, Bradley seeks to promote only the best content for all his viewers.
So many people claim to know the best tips for fitness. But it can be more than challenging for us to really know who is telling you the truth and who is flat out lying. We have busy schedules and need to find the right workouts that fit into our lifestyle without completely draining us. So, on top of a hectic search for the right person, you’re just cooked from all that work you put in for the day. So, let’s use professional athletes as resources to grow and better ourselves. Bradley Martyn is a great one to take note of for he knows what it takes to get that massive physique and will be honest about the entire approach.
Bradley has built up a great routine over the years and with tough training, smart nutrition, and only the best supplementation, he has been able to tackle all his goals.

Full Name: Bradley Martyn

Date Of Birth

235-245 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Online Trainer, Social Media Personality
2000, 2010

This week long workout is exactly what you need for it will boost your growth, aid in that shredded aesthetic, and give you new and challenging workouts that will only steer you in the right direction.

About Bradley Martyn
Bradley Martyn is a social media influencer and physique competitor who knows a thing or two about fitness. His YouTube video channel has garnered great support and popularity and his mission is to get his followers to be lean, feel great, and learn the healthy habits to keep it all going. He is a competitor who has won events including the 2011 NPC Southern California Championships and the 2013 NPC Phil Heath Classic.
While he knows how to compete and train to be the best, his main drive is his YouTube channel which has afforded him Internet fame, a stable way to make money as an entrepreneur, and a way to help people change their lives. His company Rawgear is a great way to find apparel, eBooks, and many more resources to help you on your own personal journey and with your workout routine.

Bradley Martyn’s Training Routine
Let’s take a look at this week long training plan from Martyn so we too can look and feel great while aiding in your training and performance goals. While each day may seem as though there aren’t many exercises, what you’ll find is that this will allow you to lift more weight and fatigue will be more attainable to fight through.
For those looking for a little more pump at the end, you can always add in drop sets to really target those muscles deep within so they too can get a good workout. Really focusing on time under tension and creating as much resistance as possible is something to take note of as well. With some of these exercises like lunges, dips, or push-ups, you can add weight or use resistance bands to give you that extra bit of a boost for your chest day or arm day routine to boost training.
Monday – Back Day For Strength


Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Dumbbell Row

Bent Over Barbell Row


Tuesday – Chest Workout For The Ultimate Pump


Bench Press

Incline Dumbbell Press

Machine Chest Press


Weighted Push-Ups

Wednesday – Legs For Tree-Trunk Thighs



Front Rack Lunge

Leg Extensions

Lunges With Dumbbells

Thursday – Arms For those Bulging Bis & Tris


Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press

Bicep Curls

Seated Cable Curls

Seated Overhead Triceps Extension

Standing Barbell Curls

Friday – Shoulders For That Boulder Look


Dumbbell Press

Front Raise

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Cable Face Pulls


Best Supplements For The Best Gains
When it comes to tackling all of your gains, looking towards the best supplements can be a sure fire way to see results. For those looking to maximize growth and repair, check out a protein powder, for this will pump you with that vital protein to keep you growing. For that pre-workout boost of energy, a pre-workout supplement will be what you need for it will increase energy and focus and catapult you to the next level. Other notable supplements to try are creatine, BCAAs, fat burners, and multivitamins, all of which can help aid in their own respective ways.
Wrap Up
This workout from Bradley Martyn is a monster workout for men looking to fire up their muscles to only see growth. What this workout does is offer a fantastic strength based training plan from someone who knows how to work and get the job done. Taking notes from the pros is something we can all do more of, especially when it comes to our fitness goals. By following a good nutritional plan, giving our bodies the best with a solid supplementation routine, and finding the perfect plan to attack our goals, those desired gains are not far away. Give this workout a try and start to see that shredded aesthetic really take shape as you start to lift more weight.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Bradley Martyn Instagram

Annihilate Your Workout with These Landmine Exercises

Annihilate Your Workout with These Landmine Exercises

Annihilate your workout with the landmine.
So potentially with many places having restrictions and with gyms still being closed a lot of us have had to think outside of the box for our workouts. So today I am going to delve into the world of the Olympic bar, and more specifically landmine moves using the Olympic bar.
But, this isn’t going to be your same old, same old landmine workouts or movements like the landmine shoulder press, the landmine chest squeeze, the landmine T-Bar row or even the landmine squat.

Today, the focus will be on movements you may not necessarily see at the gym but they will definitely challenge you to the maximum.
So let’s begin…
Landmine exercises:

Muscle worked: Back and rear delts
Meadow Rows
Named after legendary bodybuilder John Meadows, who the move is named after, but Meadows has since himself admitted that he has seen footage of Franco Columbu doing a variation of the movement back in the day on muscle beach.
This exercise is used to target the back and if utilized properly can also target the rear deltoid area, secondary muscles utilized can also be the biceps.
How to do it:

Place Olympic bar into landmine position
Add desired plate, maybe a smaller height plate so you can get the range of motion
With a staggered step, lean forward and grasp the barbell with overhand grip
Begin exercise by rowing the weight up so that the rowing hand ends up just outside of your chest
At the top of the movement you should feel a contraction in the shoulder blades
Lower the weight down and repeat accordingly

Muscle worked: Hamstrings
Landmine deadlift
Regular deadlifts can become monotonous, so a good way to spice things up is the landmine deadlift.
How to do it:

Place Olympic bar into landmine position
Load desired weight load
Legs hip width apart, stand with the bar in between your legs
You will be gripping the end of the barbell, for ease you can also use a V-Bar handle
Then lift the weight by pushing your hips back and hinging forward until the bar is just below knee height.
Ensure to drive through back of heel to ensure hamstring contraction
Lower weight down and repeat (you can either do a RDL or stiff leg version of this movement)

Muscle Worked: Quads (and Hamstrings)
Low Grip – Landmine split squat
Another variation to the split squat, rather than having the bar on your shoulders or at a higher height you will actually be holding the landmine as a low grip.
How to do it:

Place Olympic bar into landmine position
Add desired plate
Stand with your feet staggered with the landmine adjacent to your forward leg
Forward leg and gripping hand should be on opposites sides, so if forward leg is left gripping hand should be right
Hold landmine with overhand grip
Grab the landmine and stand up into the staggered squat position and ensure the torso is vertical
Ensuring the load should be on the lead leg, stand up and continue downwards into the split squat
End with the back knee bent as it touches the floor
Repeat on the other leg

Muscle worked: Shoulders
Single Arm Landmine Jammer 
Another exercise you may not see at the gym unless your gym has the hammer strength jammer machine which is specifically made for this exercise.This is a great exercise to target the shoulders and front deltoids.
This exercise can either be done slowly and controlled or be performed as an explosive movement.
How to do it:

Place Olympic bar into landmine position
Load desired weight load
Feet shoulder width apart with knees slightly bent
Then pick up the barbell with hand you want to begin with
Push the barbell up
Catch it and repeat

You can either push it so it goes from one hand to the other in the same set, or do one arm at a time.
To make it a more explosive movement, ensure your add explosiveness from the hips while twisting into the movement.
Muscle worked: Biceps
Single arm Landmine Bicep curl 
This is essentially a concentration curl. Load the landmine accordingly then grip the end of the barbell and curl towards you just like a regular bicep curl.
You probably won’t be able to use 45lb plates as they will impede the movement so stick to using smaller sizes plates. 
Muscle worked: Abs
Landmine overhead sit ups
Again set up the landmine accordingly with your desired weight, again heavy load is not essential as form is crucial.
Lie back, and you can either have knees bent or legs straight.
Hold the end of the barbell with both hands, then come up accordingly and feel the contraction at the top, then slowly come back down and repeat the movement.
Landmine alternating overhead sit ups:
Here you do a single arm landmine overhead sit up, then switch hands at the top of the movement. And then keep switching at the top of the movement each time until the set is complete.
Another variation:
Another great single arm variation is that at the top of the movement, if you are holding the barbell with your right hand then push the landmine from the center to the left so it incorporates some of your right oblique muscles.
Landmine Ab rollout:
Like the traditional ab rollout a landline can also be used.
Set up the landmine accordingly.
Then kneel on the ground and grip the end of the barbell with both hands.
Keep your arms straight and lean forward and roll out, then roll back in accordingly.
Landmine oblique ab rollout:
So this rollout will target the oblique muscles.
To get an idea of how this move works, the roll out will start from your oblique area and go past your shoulders and diagonally past your head.
Simply set your body up in a push up position, with one hand gripping the barbell (with an overhand grip), and the other hand in a push up stance.
Then slowly roll out, and just as in a regular roll out, and come back in. Ensure to repeat both sides.
So there we have it, some compelling Olympic bar landmine moves to turn you into a home gym Olympian!

How To Bench More Weight

How To Bench More Weight

Lift Heavier Weights Instantly
The bench press has been the benchmark for machoism for a long time. ‘How much do you bench?’ is one of the most common questions thrown around in the gyms by beefed-up bros trying to prove their superiority.
The bench press is a compound exercise and takes some time to get better at. If you’re gearing up for a contest or want to build a ripped chest on a schedule, this article will help you put a few extra pounds on your bench press.
Use Lifting Gear

Lifting accessories can be of great help in your workouts. Not only do they reduce the chances of injuries, but can also help you lift heavier weights. Lifting gear like wrist wraps, elbow supports should be a must in every serious weightlifter’s gym bag.
Modern weightlifting has seen the introduction of special bench press gear like the slingshot. Most people make the mistake of flaring out their elbows which can lead to a pec tear. Gym gear like slingshots can help eliminate this problem.
Perform Negative Reps

Negative reps are one of the best ways to increase your strength. You need a spotter to perform a negative rep. Make sure the spotter can handle the weights in case you fail a repetition.
Let’s say you have the target of lifting raw 200 lbs by the end of the month. Put on 200 lbs on the bar and ask the spotter to help you with the positive movement. Instruct the spotter to put in minimal help during the negative part. As you get stronger and feel more comfortable with the weights, eliminate the spotter on the negative and then the positive movement.
Ask for a Spot
Another way of getting stronger is to get a permanent spotter. Having someone to spot you gives you instant motivation and a confidence boost which can help you in lifting heavier weights.
If you don’t have someone to spot you at your gym, it is a good idea to sign up for personal training. Before you get yourself a personal trainer, read through this article. It will help you make a better decision.
Perform Heavy Isolation Exercises
Isolation exercises are a great primer for performing heavy compound exercises like the bench press. Isolation exercises allow you to have leverage by fixing a range of motion which can allow you to lift heavier weights.
You can lift heavier weights in isolation exercises as you don’t have to use your muscle stabilizers to balance the weights. Isolation exercises like the hammer strength chest press can help you in building strength which you can carry over to the bench press.
Fix Your Form
Many people fail to increase their bench press because they have the wrong form. Your form while performing the bench press has a big impact on how much weight you can lift. Following a powerlifter stance can help lift heavier weights.
Lie down on a flat bench with an arch in your back so only your shoulders and lower back are touching the bench. There should be enough space between your middle back and the bench that your hand could pass through it. Place your feet under your knees as doing this helps you in generating thoracic pressure.

How much do you bench? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Kai Greene’s Full Body Weekly Workout For Huge Gains

Kai Greene’s Full Body Weekly Workout For Huge Gains

This weekly workout from Kai Greene is a full body crusher to give you serious gains.
Kai Greene is a professional bodybuilder and one of the greatest competitors in the modern era of bodybuilding. His massive physique and top place finishes has earned him a strong reputation around the pro circuit as an athlete to be feared.
When looking for a good full body workout, it is always best to take notes from the pros. With so many people online or in gyms claiming to know everything and anything about fitness, for your gains to really show, looking for advice and workout plans from professional athletes is the best place to start. Their careers were made in the gym and in the kitchen and those dietary and fitness plans worked for them and most certainly can work for you. Planning a workout in one day can be challenging, let alone a whole week, but thanks to this weeklong workout from Kai Greene, you will be well on your way to huge gains.
With a massive and shredded physique, Kai knows exactly what it takes to see real results for only the best gains possible while also challenging himself to see continuous growth.

Full Name: Kai Greene

Date Of Birth

265-275 lbs.



This workout from Kai will certainly fire up your muscles to grow so you see the best results. A week-long workout will give you the blueprint for an awesome pump each day and one that will most definitely see an increase in strength and size.

About Kai Greene
Kai Greene is a professional bodybuilder and personal trainer who is considered one of the best bodybuilders to have never won a Mr. Olympia competition. While this may seem insulting, it is more a testament to his hard work and the sheer competition of such an event as opposed to a low blow to Greene’s career. He placed second at the Mr. Olympia contest in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Despite never winning a Mr. Olympia competition, his best wins were at the Arnold Classic in 2009, 2010, and 2016. Since going pro in 2005, Greene has been a force in the pro bodybuilding world and one to watch for his dedication to his physique and love for the sport.

Kai Greene Training Routine
This full body weeklong workout is sure to get you fired up and moving to ensure you hit all those muscle groups that need work. A mix of big lifts and exercises to support and grow smaller stabilizer muscles, this can be done with high volume and lighter weight, or the option to slightly modify to go heavier for slightly less reps. With many of these exercises, if you focus on mind-muscle connection and added time under tension, you will start to see huge gains by targeting deeper muscles as opposed to just the larger surface muscles. An awesome workout, this full body crusher is bound to give you that shredded aesthetic you want and will love.
Monday- Chest & Calves


Bench Press

Dumbbell Fly

Decline Bench Press

Arm Pullover

Seated Calf Raise

Standing Calf Raise

Donkey Calf Raise

Tuesday- Shoulders & Forearms


Arnold Press

Behind The Neck Press

Lateral Raise

Front Raise


Reverse Curls

Hammer Curls

Wrist Curls

Wednesday- Back


Barbell Pullover

Lat Pulldown

Bent Over Barbell Rows

Seated Cable Rows

Thursday- Legs



Lying Leg Curls



Seated Calf Raise

Standing Calf Raise

Donkey Calf Raise

Friday- Arms


Reverse Curls

Hammer Curls

Wrist Curls

Preacher Curls

Spider Curls

Dumbbell Kickbacks

Overhead Triceps Extension

Triceps Pulldown

Best Supplements For Enhanced Growth & Wellness
Using top quality supplements to maximize your gains, especially after a workout like this, is incredibly important for your growth and wellness. Recovery and ensuring those fuel stores are replenished is more than important, especially with a grueling workout scheduled for each and every day. In order for those gains to show and your muscles to grow, working on your health in tandem with your fitness is vital for serious success.
To enhance growth and recovery, muscle building supplements like protein powders, creatine, mass gainers, and casein proteins are perfect. Working to pump you with protein and other nutrients, these supplements are exactly what you need to see serious gains.
To enhance wellness, consider a super greens supplements, omega-3 product, or multivitamin, all of which will pump you with nutrients and those vitamins and minerals you need most to stay in the gym and off the couch.
Wrap Up
When looking for a solid plan to really attack all areas of our body, look no further than this full body weeklong workout by Kai Greene. Working all of those muscle groups with challenging and fun exercises, Kai Greene shows us just how the pros do it to gain mass and get that physique to pop. As someone who knows how to work hard, Greene has hit the podium at some of the biggest competitions in the world. A respected bodybuilder and determined athlete, Greene shows everyone just how hard one must work in order to be considered great.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Kai Greene Instagram

Build Thor Like Pecs with this Chest Workout

Build Thor Like Pecs with this Chest Workout

Thor Inspired Chest Workout
A wide chest has been the symbol of masculinity and strength since the beginning of time. It is no surprise superheroes have big pecs. A thick chest is what separates the boys from the superheroes.
If being a demi-god wasn’t enough, Thor has a perfectly crafted physique to put us mear mortals to shame. Although we can’t possibly turn into demi-gods, we can surely transform our bodies to look like them.

Chris Hemsworth’s pecs in the Thor movies are the result of countless hours spent in the gym. Thor’s pecs are close to perfect when it comes to size and definition. To build a chest like a demi-god’s, you need to have a balance of compound and isolation exercises in your workouts.
You don’t need to be the god of thunder to go through Thor’s chest workout, but you’ll have to put in all you’ve got. We’ll include advanced training techniques in the workout to completely annihilate your pecs.
Set 1 – Superset
Cable Crossovers – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Machine Chest Press – 3 Sets 15 Reps

We start the chest workout with a superset of isolation exercises to exhaust your pecs at the beginning of the workout. Most people start the workout with compound exercises and lift heavy weights.
While there is nothing wrong with lifting heavy at the beginning of the workout, it increases your possibility of getting an injury. Don’t just go through the motions in these exercises, pause and squeeze your pecs at the top of the movement.
Set 2 – Bench Press – 3 Sets 15-12-10 Reps
Seeing this exercise in this workout shouldn’t come to you as a surprise. The bench press is a compound exercise and is incredibly effective in adding size to your pecs. Most people make the mistake of going too heavy on this exercise.
Make sure you don’t bounce the barbell off of your chest and you shouldn’t lock out your elbows at the top of the movement. Doing so will help you in maintaining a constant tension on your chest.

Set 3 – Incline Dumbbell Press – 2 Sets 12 Reps Third Set Drop Set 15-12 Reps
The upper chest is one of the weakest muscle groups for most people. Incline dumbbell press on a 50-degree angle with help you in optimally targeting your upper pecs. Maintain a mind-muscle connection while performing this exercise.
The last set on this exercise will be a drop set. After completing 12 reps on the first two sets, perform 15 reps on the third set and then drop the weights and go into the fourth set for 12 reps or failure without taking a rest.
Set 4 – Decline Dumbbell Fly – 3 Sets 10 Reps
For an overall development of your pecs, you need to train it from all angles. The decline dumbbell flyes target your lower pecs and are a great exercise for helping you develop the separation between your abdominal and chest.
While performing this exercise, make sure your elbows are locked at an angle. While doing the flyes, the movement should happen at the shoulder joints and the elbows should remain locked.
Set 5 – Giant Set
Plate Chest Press – 3 Sets 10 Reps
Push-Ups – 3 Sets Failure
Dips – 3 Sets Failure
You’ll be ending this workout with a giant set. Just like a superset involves you performing two back-to-back exercises, a giant includes three continuous exercises. In these last three exercises, we’ll be focusing on contracting the muscles and leaving the gym with a muscle-ripping pump.
In the plate chest press, lie down on a flat bench and hold a weight plate between your hands with your arms extended. Lower the plate to the center of your chest and return to the starting position and contract your pecs.
Your pecs should be completely fried by now and you should have a hard time performing the push-ups and dips. If the bodyweight versions of these exercises are easy, feel free to add resistance by using weights.

Which superhero in your opinion has the best chest? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

How William Bonac Works Out To Build Massive Legs & Arms

How William Bonac Works Out To Build Massive Legs & Arms

This William Bonac workout will ensure serious gains to your leg growth and those massive arms.
William Bonac is a bodybuilder and social media personality who has worked tirelessly over the years to build a seriously massive and shredded physique. While he exhumes confidence, he is humble and knows his success comes from a positive attitude, the right training plan, and proper nutrition and supplementation.
For so many of us, finding the right workouts can be difficult. We know what we want, but getting there can be a dauting and discouraging task. But it doesn’t have to be. With bodybuilders and other professional athletes working for us to give us the best workouts available, we too can see gains equal to their own. They are living proof and they’ve done it before, so let’s take the right example and run with it. Enough of trying to believe some of these wannabe influencers and pay more attention to the professional athletes we admire most.
As a serious contender on the pro bodybuilding circuit, William is one to definitely follow, for he’s been there, done that, and knows exactly what it takes to succeed.

Full Name: William Bonac

Date Of Birth

225-235 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Social Media Personality

Despite busy schedules and the constant wear and tear of workouts, following the advice of someone like William can greatly impact your gains. While this can be a tough workout, having the right mindset and knowing what you can do is absolutely worth it, especially for those seeking huge gains like William himself.

About William Bonac
William Bonac is a professional bodybuilder from Ghana who at the age of 13, began training to promote a positive mindset and limit the amount of stress on himself. With inspiration from those bodybuilders we all love including Kai Greene, Flex Wheeler, and of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger, he began to train harder and realize just what it took to win.
After a third place finish at the 2011 Arnold Amateur competition, people began to notice him and his climb through the bodybuilding ranks began. Having competed at many top shows, some notable finishes include a third-place finish at Mr. Olympia 2017, a second-place finish at Mr. Olympia 2019, and two first-place finishes at the Arnold Classic in 2018 and 2020.
With a large following on social media, William seeks to use this platform to promote his workouts and his brand, as well as help others achieve their fitness goals by providing motivation and inspiration for all.

William Bonac Training Routine
For William, training includes those exercises with free weights and machines and typically is rather high in intensity and weight. Focusing on his legs and arms are imperative, for his legs tend to be his weakest part, and his arms are some of the most notable on the pro circuit. For those looking to get bigger arms, William is a big fan of the barbell curl.
We wanted to share some great leg workouts and arm workouts from William to give you the best chance at mimicking his sheer strength and size. Great exercises are mixed right into an awesome routine so you get the most out of every single workout. Since legs are hard to work out, and we all dread leg day, these two workouts will certainly change things up to give you a little more interest. On top of that, these arms workouts are exactly what you need to see those bulging bis really come to life.
Leg Workout #1


Super Vertical Leg Press

Power Runner

Lying Hamstring Curls

Seated Calf Raise

Lying Calf Raise

Leg Workout #2


Leg Press

Hamstring Curls

Leg Extensions


Arms #1


Preacher Curls

Triceps Pushdowns

DB Biceps Curls

Barbell Curls

Triceps Extensions

Biceps & Shoulders


Biceps Curls

Concentration Curls

Shoulder Press

Lateral Raise

Seated Curls

Preacher Curls

Rear Delt Fly

Best Supplements For Added Gains
While a great training routine is exactly what you need, for the most part, you need the right supplements to carry you through to the end game of gains. Eating right and following a proper routine is imperative, but that added boost we get from supplements can make all the difference. While William uses his own choice of supplements, we only felt it right to share some awesome products with you so you can have the best chance at seeing continued growth after those grueling workouts.
Three staples in a great routine are protein powders, pre-workouts, and intra-workout BCAAs. What you will find is a pre-workout can offer energy and muscle pumps, BCAAs will help you burst through fatigue and provide for continued energy, and protein powders will work to boost muscle growth and enhance recovery. Other supplements to try are creatine for added strength and size, fat burners to help shed unwanted fat and burn more calories, and a multivitamin to keep you healthier overall by pumping you with those necessary vitamins and minerals.
Wrap Up
William Bonac is a professional bodybuilder who knows exactly what it takes to succeed at the highest level. As someone who exhumes confidence yet stays grounded and humble, following his example can greatly affect all our gains. These legs and arms workouts are what you need to boost both lower body and upper body strength while also adding to a shredded and massive physique. Give these workouts a try, and mix in some awesome supplements, to really see great gains like William Bonac himself.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of William Bonac Instagram

10 Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Muscle

10 Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Muscle

The 10 Best Bodyweight Exercises
Contrary to the popular belief, you don’t always need added resistance for building muscle mass. If you’re just starting to workout, you’d be better off starting with bodyweight exercises. Your own bodyweight is enough to shape your muscles.
With the growing popularity of calisthenics, bodyweight exercises have become even more popular. Performing bodyweight exercises are way more convenient than using dumbbells and barbells. You can do the bodyweight workouts in the convenience of your homes.
1. Pushups

Pushups are one of the first exercises people learn to perform for building muscle mass. This exercise helps with building size, strength, and definition in your chest. You can perform different variations like diamond, close-grip, wide-grip pushups to target your chest from different angles.
2. Pull-Ups
Pull-ups are the ultimate test of your upper body strength. If you are a beginner, it might be hard for you to perform bodyweight pull-ups. Ask someone for a spot or use an assisted pull-up machine until you build strength in your arms.
3. Squats

Squats are one of the most important exercises. It is a compound (multi-joint) exercise which targets multiple muscles. Squats help in building overall strength and will make you stronger at other exercises as well.
4. Dips
You can perform the dips on parallel bars if you have an access to them at the park near your home or at your gym. You could also use a chair at your home or a bench in a gym to perform the dips. Dips target your chest and triceps.
5. Walking Lunges
If you like going for walks, you might want to add walking lunges to your routine. Lunges target your lower body and will help in getting your legs in shape. You could also perform standing lunges if you plan on performing them indoors.
6. Step-Ups
We are not limiting ourselves to upper body exercises and are taking an overall approach to bodyweight exercises. Your legs are the foundation of your body. Step-ups help in developing your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

7. Donkey Kicks
Donkey kicks are the ultimate glute exercise. This exercise isn’t only for women, men can use some booty gains as well. Assume the starting position on all fours. Begin to lift your right leg, knee staying bent, foot staying flat, and hinging at the hip. Use your glute to press your foot directly toward the ceiling and squeeze at the top. Ensure your pelvis and working hip stay pointed toward the ground.
8. Calf Raises
Calves are one of the most stubborn muscle groups. You don’t need to use added resistance for developing your calves. Mimic the motion of a ballerina, stand on your toes, hold and squeeze your calves at the top of the movement for the best results.
9. Handstand Pushups
Broad shoulders are the epitome of a chiseled physique. Only a few other exercises target the shoulders like the handstand pushups. If you can’t perform a handstand pushup, use a wall for support or ask someone for a spot.
10. Planks
No physique can be deemed complete without a ripped midriff. Planks are the perfect exercise to target your core. A strong core can help you lift heavier weights as it stabilizes your body. Make sure you don’t let your crotch hang lower than your body or form a bridge while performing planks.

Which other bodyweight exercises should be on the list? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.