Tag: Workouts

Crazy Bradley Martyn Workout For A Bigger Chest

Crazy Bradley Martyn Workout For A Bigger Chest

Pump your pecs with Bradley Martyn and these great chest workouts.
Bradley Martyn is a bodybuilder, online trainer and social media influencer with a popular YouTube channel and a few other social media profiles. Knowing how important a strong chest is, Bradley knows just how to pump those pecs for a more full physique.
With so many social media influencers each claiming to have all the answers, it can be more than challenging, and honestly quite confusing, to really know who is telling you the truth and who is spouting nonsense. It is hard enough to get a plan together for yourself and knowing the right exercises, right amount of sets and reps, and simply knowing how to perform each exercise can be enough to deter you from trying. On top of a hectic search for the right person, and you’re just cooked. With professional athletes and fitness influencers, many of them do the work for you and are living proof of what these kinds of workouts can do for you. Bradley Martyn is a great one to take note of for he knows what it takes to get that massive physique and won’t steer you in the wrong direction.
Through a solid training plan, mixed with great diet and supplementation, Bradley is able to not only help himself see great gains, but also help others achieve their goals.

Full Name: Bradley Martyn

Date Of Birth

235-245 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Online Trainer, Social Media Personality
2000, 2010

These two chest workouts are full of great exercises that can really offer a nice pump and provide all the gains you need most to begin to define your well-rounded physique.

About Bradley Martyn
Bradley Martyn is a social media influencer and physique competitor who knows a thing or two about health and fitness. His YouTube video channel has garnered great support and popularity and his mission is to get his followers to be lean, feel great, and learn the healthy habits to keep it all going.
He has competed in many events and has won the 2011 NPC Southern California Championships and the 2013 NPC Phil Heath Classic. While he knows how to compete and train to be the best, his main drive is his YouTube channel which has afforded him Internet fame, a stable way to make money as an entrepreneur, and a way to help people change their lives.

Bradley Martyn Training Routine For Chest
Let’s take a look at a couple chest workouts from Bradley to really pump our pecs and see that desired growth we want most.
Chest Workout #1


Swiss Bar Bench Press

Incline DB Press

Hammer Strength Chest Press


Weighted Push-Ups

1. Swiss Bar Bench Press – 3 Sets 12 Reps

The bench press is a compound exercise which should be a staple in your chest workouts. Bradley Martyn takes this exercise to the next level by using a Swiss bar. Swiss bar, also known as the football bar, lets you use a neutral grip rather than supinated or pronated.
Don’t forget this is a Bradley Martyn workout, he leaves no stones unturned in making his workouts harder. If you don’t have access to a Swiss bar at your gym, you can perform the bench press with a straight barbell. Using a straight bar won’t leave any space for the girl to sit though.
2. Incline Dumbbell Press – 3 Sets 12 Reps

The upper chest is a weak muscle group for most people. Some of them make it worse by not training it often. Incline bench press is a great exercise to target your upper pectoral muscles. Maintain a full range of motion while performing this exercise.
While doing the incline dumbbell presses, don’t lock out your elbows at the top of the movement. Doing so releases all the tension from your target muscle group and puts it on your joints. If you don’t have enough weights at your gym, follow Martyn’s lead.
3. Hammer Strength Chest Press – 3 Sets 12 Reps

Your workouts should be a mix of compound and isolation exercises. Compound (multi-joint) exercises help in building strength and muscle mass while the isolation (single joint) exercises help with muscle definition and conditioning.
Bradley is big on pushing movements in his chest workouts. Hammer strength chest press is the perfect exercise to isolate your chest and establish a mind-muscle connection. Focus on squeezing your pectoral muscles at the top of the movement.
4. Dips – 3 Sets 15 Reps
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Dips are one of the most underutilized exercises when it comes to chest training. This exercise is incredibly efficient at the lower and middle chest development. Your pecs should already be exhausted by the time you reach this exercise.
If you feel body weight dips are too easy for you, go Martyn on this exercise and add resistance by using weights. The range of motion is the key to this exercise. Squeeze the living hell out of your chest at the top of the movement.
5. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 Sets 20 Reps

You can’t expect a Bradley Martyn workout to end without a kickass exercise. Weighted push-ups can be a chest buster when performed at the end of your workout. Most people do this exercise as a warm-up at the beginning of their workout, but where is the fun in that?
Knock yourself out with some weights on your back. If you can’t complete 20 reps with the weights on your back, ask someone to lift them off when you hit failure, but don’t stop without completing your set. Be ready to experience chest cramps at the end of this workout.

Chest Workout #2


Rear Delt & Fly

Flat Bench

Incline DB Press

Decline Barbell Press

Lat Pulldown

Back Extension & Rows

Best Way To Ensure Gains
The best way to ensure gains is to have a quality supplementation routine ready to go on your shelf. This could include anything from a protein powder, pre-workout, or an intra-workout BCAA for immediate pre-, mid-, and post-workout supplementation. Other notable products to consider are a fat burner for those looking to shed unwanted fat, creatine for that increase in strength and size, and a multivitamin or omega-3 supplement to aid in all things wellness.
Wrap Up
Bradley Martyn knows just what it takes to succeed and with his massive platform on YouTube and social media, seeks to deliver the best information for all. The right chest workouts can really pump those pecs so you see a well-rounded physique with optimal fullness. Give these Bradley Martyn workouts a try and really feel that burn in your pecs for all your physique goals.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Header image courtesy of Instagram

Calum Von Moger Shares Insider Tips and Tricks for Improved Bicep Peaks

Calum Von Moger Shares Insider Tips and Tricks for Improved Bicep Peaks

Calum Von Moger is back with a new video for fans that goes into almost too much detail about his epic arm workouts.
Biceps are crucial. Bicep peaks are something no self-respecting bicep can survive without. Watch Calum Von Moger’s epic workouts on his YouTube channel where he shares his secrets to building the most insanely shredded biceps in the game. Check out the video above for the episode in full.
When it comes to working hard and finding the right workouts, looking to the pros and those who have gone before us is a great way to boost all our gains. They’ve done it before and are living proof of what can happen when you grind in the gym. Plus, they have all the knowledge and expertise that you need most. So many websites and influencers claim to know exactly how to get a massive and shredded physique but at the end of the day, why not look to professional bodybuilders and those we aspire to be for that sought after advice?
Who better than Generation Iron’s very own Calum Von Moger to teach us about the incredible tricks behind stunning biceps? The man is a living legend and his biceps are beyond reproach. His approach to fitness includes a strict supplement plan and workout plan so his gains never suffer one single day.

Full Name: Calum Von Moger

Date Of Birth

245-255 lbs.


Classic Physique

As one of the biggest names in bodybuilding, Calum’s workout style is unlike anyone else. From his early days in Venice, Calum has become a huge name in bodybuilding and integrates great exercises to round out a complete and effective workout.
About Calum Von Moger
Calum Von Moger was born in Geelong, a small town just outside of Victoria, Australia. Raised with five siblings, his environment was one of activity, discipline, and a real emphasis on nutrition. When he was 14-years old, he began lifting and was hooked. After years of training, he decided to compete in a local show and won his first ever bodybuilding competition. Winning junior and amateur events, he earned his pro card and competed against the best. As injuries began to plague his career, he remained dedicated and bounced back, returning stronger than ever as the fierce competitor he is.
Check out his journey in the Generation Iron Original Film Unbroken: Calum Von Moger here!
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Calum Von Moger Workouts
With an unconventional style of training unlike others, Calum knows just what it takes to put on real size and compete with the best. Let’s take a look at some of these awesome workouts so we can see those gains too.
Day 1 –  Chest Day Workout
An excellent video from Gold’s Gym that follows Calum von Moger’s chest routine within the gym.
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Incline Dumbbell

Flat Dumbbell Fly

Dumbbell Pullovers

Flat Bench


Day 2 – Back Day Workout
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Lat Pulldown

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Dumbbell Single Arm Rows

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

Barbell Deadlifts

Day 3 – Shoulder Workout
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Barbell Standing Press

Seated Barbell Press

Seated Dumbbell Press

Side Lateral Raises

Standing Bent Over Rear Delt Fly

Barbell Shrugs

Day 4 –  Leg Workout
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Leg Extension

Front Squat Machine

Leg Press

Leg Curls

Standing Smith Machine

Calf Raises

Day 5 – Arm Workout
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Preacher Curls

Barbell Curls

Concentration Curls

Cable Extensions

Lying Skullcrushers

Rope Pulldowns

Day 7 – Biceps & Tricep Workout


Close Grip Bench Press

Dumbbell Pullover


DB Triceps Extensions

If you have trouble following workouts or sometimes find them confusing, don’t worry. Von Moger makes it all extremely clear, easy, and accessible in the video. You get to follow him along through the workout as he does it, so there’s no issue figuring out how he gets it all done. It is kind of a rough workout that is definitely recommended for intermediate level athletes and above.
“I’ve been avoiding the daytime workouts because it’s hot, but there’s still all these gyms closed here,” Von Moger gave as his reasoning for continuing to work out in his garage and backyard instead of shooting a video like he typically would in a gym. This makes the video especially relevant for those of us who feel like we’re stuck in endless quarantine. You can easily lift weights at home and these exercises are easy to do without fancy equipment.
Von Moger also had some advice for people who are just starting out on their own fitness journey.

View this post on Instagram

What’s my advice for someone just starting out in the gym? – Practice good form/technique before trying to take on heavy weights . – Warm up stretch properly before starting, drink plenty of water/bcaas, stay focused don’t get distracted by people or CrossFit . – Prioritize free weights and compound exercises in your program like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, barbell rows, dumbbell curls and presses. These ones help build a strong foundation for you later. If you wanna be big you need to do these ? . – Increase your protein intake, especially after a workout . – And.. enjoy your workouts, have fun, don’t rush. The gains will come it takes time. Just Be patient. It’s a great feeling having muscles.. I recommend them to everyone.
A post shared by ??VON.MOGER (@calumvonmoger) on Aug 27, 2020 at 11:58pm PDT

Calum Von Moger’s Supplementation
Von Moger is a big fan of pre-workout and stretching before working out; he takes almost half an hour in this video to prepare himself for the exercise. This is a great habit to cultivate early because it does make your workouts much safer and more effective while offering a great supplement to start with.
Increasing your protein intake after a workout is another classic Calum Von Moger tip that should definitely be practiced by everyone and a protein powder will greatly benefit you in terms of growth, recovery, and weight management. These are things that literally anyone looking to improve their strength and performance can do, so you should be doing them. They’re not difficult and they form the cornerstones of a successful fitness habit.

Check out our list of the Best Protein Powders and Best Pre-Workouts to get great supplements that will work wonders for your gains!

Wrap Up
Calum Von Moger is a force in the bodybuilding world dedicated to competing and being as big as he can. This workout is great for boosting all your gains and mixed with a proper supplementation routine, you will see great results. Give this workout a try and see what it can do for all your gains so you can look like Calum himself.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*All images and media courtesy of Calum Von Moger Instagram.

The Essential Eight-Week Push-Up Training Plan

The Essential Eight-Week Push-Up Training Plan

The Push-Up Plan: Developing Upper Body Power, Core Strength, and Injury Resilience
The push-up is held in high regard by many and is often seen as a test of true muscular strength and endurance. 
In addition to developing upper body strength, power, and endurance, one of the best things about the push-up is its simplicity and versatility. Despite this, many people really struggle with push-up and find it to be a challenging exercise to master.

This article will provide an eight-week training program that has been specifically designed to improve your upper body strength, power, and push-up abilities.
Push-Up Technique
Poor technique is often the reason why many individuals struggle with the push-up. Therefore, this section will run through five steps that will allow you to perform the perfect push-up.

Begin in a push-up position. Assume this position by placing the hands slightly wider than shoulder-width and then extended the legs out fully so that the body is flat
Before beginning the descent, squeeze the core muscles tight to prevent any movement through the trunk
In a controlled manner, begin the descent by hinging both elbows. Continue to drop down to the floor until the chest touches the floor
As you are descending, ensuring that the elbows stay tucked in tight towards the ribcage. Allows the elbows to flare out may lead to injury
Powerfully push into the floor with the hands to extend the elbows and return to the starting position. 

Push-Up Benefits

There are many benefits associated with regularly performing push-ups. This section will outline four of the greatest benefits.
1) Builds Upper Body Strength
Considering that the push-up requires movement through the shoulder and elbow joints, a large number of upper body muscles are recruited.
While the pectorals (chest) and the triceps (arms) are activated most highly during a push-up, the deltoids and traps (shoulders/ upper back) also assist (1).
Therefore, following a push-up program will develop these major upper body muscle groups while also enhancing your pressing ability.

2) Develops Core Strength
The core is often misunderstood to be the abdominals. However, the core is actually a whole host of the muscles found in the trunk that works to provide the body with stability.
During the push-up, the core must engage to ensure that the body remains stable during motion. Furthermore, it works to stabilize the spine and facilitate good push-up technique.
By regularly performing push-ups it is possible to increase the isometric strength of the core muscles thus increasing strength, stability, and technique (2). 

3) Reduces Risk Of Injury
Another benefit of the push-up is the impact that it can have on reducing the risk of injury. 
Strengthening the muscles around the shoulder will significantly reduce the risk of a shoulder injury. 
Furthermore, having a weak core is commonly associated with low back pain and problems. By performing push-ups and strengthening the core, the risk of low back issues may be reduced (3).
4) Functional and Convenient
You may have heard the push-up be referred to as a “functional” exercise. 
This simply means that it is an exercise that typically requires no equipment, works a variety of muscles throughout the body, and has transferable benefits to day-to-day life.
As reflected on, because the conventional push-up is bodyweight only, it is also highly convenient. To perform the push-up all you need is to find a space – no equipment required.

The Eight Week Push-Up Plan
The plan outlined in the following section has been designed to drastically improve pressing strength and enhance push-up performance.
Regardless of the training program you are following, testing is a hugely important aspect as it will allow you to evaluate your progress and make any appropriate alterations to your training.
Therefore, prior to beginning the eight-week program, perform a maximal push-up test. Simply perform as many push-ups as possible without resting at the top or bottom of the movement.
If you have trained your upper body recently, avoid performing this test. Take a day or two to rest before attempting this test to ensure that fatigue is not a factor.
Once you have completed this test, record your result, and then determine your rep goal. A useful guide is to aim for four times your max rep.  
For example, if you complete ten reps in the pre-test, your rep goal will be forty. 
Week One and Two
During weeks one and two, you will perform the same workout twice per week at a minimum.Using the rep goal, complete as many sets as required until you have successfully performed all of the reps.
Using the above example, let’s say you complete ten reps during the first set, eight in the second set, six in the third, and so on. Keep going until you have performed forty reps in total. 
In terms of rest, during week one take one full minute rest between sets. In week two, look to reduce rest time to thirty seconds between sets.
Additionally, in the second week, you should also look to reduce the total number of sets needed to complete all of the reps. 
In terms of assistance exercises, performing light bench and shoulder presses may be beneficial. Other useful exercises include dips and front raises. 

Week Three and Four
As you move into week three and four, frequency and training volume increase to ensure that progress continues to be made.
Instead of training a minimum of twice per week, you should now look to workout three times.
As with week one and two, you will continue to base the workouts of your rep goal. However, this time the total number of reps to perform is 150% of your rep goal.
Using the previous example, sixty reps are to be performed per workout. These reps should be performed using as few sets as possible.
With both weeks three and four, the rest period between sets should be kept at approximately thirty seconds. That said, the goal should be to reduce this rest time to allow you to get through the reps quicker. 

Week Five and Six
Moving into week five and six, frequency, training volume, and rest periods are all altered once again. At this stage, you can also look at introducing some push-up variations.
During these weeks, you will increase training frequency from three times to four times per week.
Furthermore, increase the total reps performed by another 50% to make it 200% of your rep goal. Referring back to the previous example, this would mean performing a total of eighty reps.
As with the previous weeks, perform as many sets as needed to complete the reps and look to keep the rest periods minimal.
Begin to experiment with your push-ups by performing different variations such as the narrow and wide push-up. Doing this can alter muscle activation (4) and consequently change the training stimulus.
Take care with these variations and, as always, ensure that good technique is the number one priority. 
Week Seven and Eight
Intensity has been gradually building throughout the weeks and it culminates in weeks seven and eight. These weeks following the same pattern and structure as the previous weeks.
Frequency is to be increased to five times per week with rest periods between sets to be no more than fifteen seconds.
Total reps performed increases by another 50%. In the example, this means performing a total of one hundred reps.
You should continue to utilize different push-up variations and experiment with hand placement and angles to help you maximize push-up progress.
Be sure to include a number of sets of feet-elevated and hand-elevated push-ups to increase the demand on the muscles of the upper body and core.
Having completed the eight weeks, repeat the test that was performed at the start of the plan and compare the results.
If you feel that you want to improve your push-ups further, the eight weeks can be cycled once again using the new test results.

Program Considerations
In order to maximize progress, there are a number of considerations that must be made before beginning this training plan.
First and foremost, heavy compound lifts may need to be reduced. This is particularly true for pressing exercises such as the bench press and overhead press.
Furthermore, isolation exercises that target the shoulder joint may also need to take a back seat.
Continuing with frequent heavy lifting and isolation work in conjunction with the eight-week push-up training plan may place too much stress on the shoulder joint and cause injury.
As highlighted earlier, the core muscles play a huge, but often unseen, role during the push-up by providing the body with stability. 
Having a weak core will likely cause the hips to lift or sag thus interfering with good push-up technique. 
Therefore, increasing the strength of the core muscles may facilitate a greater performance with the push-up by enhancing stability and technique.
Finally, ensure that each and every push-up repetition is performed with the strict form.
Not only will this substantially reduce the risk of injury, it will also ensure that you make the best progress possible.
Final Word
The push-up is regarded as one of the best bodyweight exercises for building upper body power and endurance, core strength, and injury resilience.
The eight-week push-up plan, outlined above, is a highly effective and methodical training plan that will allow you to experience all of these benefits. 
1 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6728153/  Tillaar, Roland van den (2019-09-05). “Comparison of Kinematics and Muscle Activation between Push-up and Bench Press”. Sports Medicine International Open. 3 (3): E74–E81. doi:10.1055/a-1001-2526. ISSN 2367-1890. PMC 6728153. PMID 31508485.
2 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4126284/  Calatayud, Joaquin; Borreani, Sebastien; Colado, Juan C.; Martín, Fernando F; Rogers, Michael E.; Behm, David G.; Andersen, Lars L. (2014-09-01). “Muscle Activation during Push-Ups with Different Suspension Training Systems”. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 13 (3): 502–510. ISSN 1303-2968. PMC 4126284. PMID 25177174.
3 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4395677/ Chang, Wen-Dien; Lin, Hung-Yu; Lai, Ping-Tung (2015-3). “Core strength training for patients with chronic low back pain”. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 27 (3): 619–622. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.619. ISSN 0915-5287. PMC 4395677. PMID 25931693.
4 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16095413/ Cogley, Robert M.; Archambault, Teasha A.; Fibeger, Jon F.; Koverman, Mandy M.; Youdas, James W.; Hollman, John H. (2005-08). “Comparison of muscle activation using various hand positions during the push-up exercise”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 19 (3): 628–633. doi:10.1519/15094.1. ISSN 1064-8011. PMID 16095413.

6 Moves For Shredded Lower Abs

6 Moves For Shredded Lower Abs

6 Exercises To Target Your Lower Abs
A physique can’t be deemed complete without a shredded abdomen. Abs have become an aesthetic standard which every pro athlete needs to maintain. You will never see a bodybuilder without a six-pack on stage.
Lower abs are one of the most stubborn muscle groups. Love handles can be the hardest to lose. If you want a shredded six-pack, sticking to the crunches won’t get you a long way. You need to perform exercises which will target your lower abs.
1. Flat Bench Leg Raises

Performing exercises like the crunches work the upper abs. You need to have lower body exercises like the leg raise in your exercise arsenal to target the lower abs. You can perform the leg raises on a flat bench or a decline bench.
Lie down on a bench while facing the roof. Your upper body should be on the bench while your lower body hangs off the edge of the bench. Slowly raise your legs so they’re perpendicular to the floor. Your feet should be an inch away from the floor at the bottom of the movement.
2. Hanging Leg Raises

Hanging leg raises are an isolation exercise and your lower abdominal will be completely exhausted after this exercise. You could perform this exercise on a pull-up bar or parallel bars.
Most people make the mistake of using momentum to lift their legs. Doing this can eliminate the tension on your lower abs. Your upper body should not swing while you perform the hanging leg raises.

3. Scissors
The primary muscles involved in scissor kicks are the lower abs and your hip flexors. Lie down on the floor and with a slight bend at the knees, lift your legs up so that your heels are about six inches off the ground.
Now, lift your right leg about a 45-degree angle while your left leg is lowered until the heel is about 2-3 inches from the ground. Repeat on the other side by lifting the left leg and lowering the right leg.
4. Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are usually a part of a HIIT workout and will completely smoke your lower abs. Get into a high plank position with your feet placed at shoulder width. Make sure you keep your abs tight and contracted throughout the exercise.
Lift your right leg up to the chest between your hands. As you return the right leg back to the plank, lift left foot and draw left knee to the chest between your hands. Keep your upper body fixed in place and avoid hiking your hips.

5. Slider Knee Tuck
You will need sliders or a towel for this exercise. Place both your feet on the sliders and pull in your feet to your chest between your hands. Push feet back to the starting position and repeat for the target reps.
Maintain a tight core, exhale and contract your abs at the top of the movement. Make sure you don’t hunch your shoulders and back or lean forward too much while performing this exercise.
6. Reverse Crunches
Reverse crunches are the opposite of the conventional crunches. This exercise might look easy but can prove to be lethal. Lie on the floor with your hands under your lower back. Maintain a slight bend at your knees and lift your feet so they’re 2-4 inches off the ground.
Raise your knees to your chest while maintaining the bend at the knees. Return to the starting position and don’t let your feet touch the floor. You can also perform the reverse crunches on a flat bench. Doing this will increase the negative motion which in turn will increase the tension on your lower abs.

Which is your favorite lower abs exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

The Brandon Hendrickson Workout To Seriously Shred & Sculpt

The Brandon Hendrickson Workout To Seriously Shred & Sculpt

This workout from Brandon Hendrickson can give you that physique others will envy.
Brandon Hendrickson is an IFBB pro bodybuilder competing as a Men’s Physique competitor. Since earning his pro card, he has made a great career for himself competing in top tier events like Mr. Olympia and the Arnold Classic. With a massive following on social media, Brandon uses his platform to promote himself as well as inspire others.
For those of us looking to get a great workout and really capitalize on our gains, finding that fun and effective routine can be challenging. With so many out there, the choices do seem endless with the opportunities online. But with so many claiming to know what to do, it can be hard to weed through all the nonsense. Taking notes from accomplished professional bodybuilders and other athletes is a sure fire way to achieve this for they’ve done it all before.
As someone who knows what it takes to compete on the biggest stages, Brandon tailors his workouts to only see gains and continue to sculpt his shredded aesthetic that both fans and judges will love.

Full Name: Brandon Hendrickson

Date Of Birth

185-195 lbs.


Men’s Physique

This workout from Brandon Hendrickson will target all your muscle groups to give you a well-rounded physique. By targeting these muscles with isolation and compound movements, you give your body a nice mix to add variety and constantly challenge them to grow.

About Brandon Hendrickson
Brandon Hendrickson is from Chicago, Illinois and always enjoyed lifting on the side while playing sports like wrestling, track and field, and football. He always wanted to model as a young child and while going to college, he also worked with a modeling agency. As fate would have it, he soon came to love lifting and fitness became more than just a hobby, but a part of his life, thus launching this newfound career he has today.
Brandon earned his pro card in 2013 after winning the NPC National Championships that same year. Since then, Brandon has competed with the best, winning top events like Mr. Olympia and the Arnold Classic, as well as competing in other large competitions across the globe. With a large following on social media, he posts workouts and plenty of photos to keep his fans engaged and inspire others to see results like he does.

Brandon Hendrickson Workout
Brandon is always looking for ways to challenge himself to see continued growth. This workout covers all your muscle groups so you can specifically target certain areas, while also adding nice variety to provide for some muscle confusion. If it is getting close to competition time, Brandon will add more training time with longer sessions to burn more fat. For those who want to bulk, think about shortening your sessions and focusing more on heavy lifting.
Let’s take a look at this workouts from Brandon including chest, back, legs, shoulders, biceps and triceps, and of course, core.


Machine Press

Pec Deck

Bench Press

DB Flys

Push Press



Lateral Raise

Reverse Machine Press

Upright Row

Front Raise



Walking Lunges

Lying Leg Curl

Leg Press (High Feet)

Leg Extension

Barbell Squats

Leg Press (Narrow Stance)



Low Cable Row

One Arm Row

Underhand Row

Lat Pulldowns

Biceps & Triceps


Triceps Pushdowns

Machine Dips

DB Triceps Kickbacks

Concentration Curls

Single Arm Machine Curl

Alternating Dumbbell Curl

EZ Bar Curl



Hanging Leg Raises

Windshield Wipers

Seated Crunch

Rope Crunch

Brandon’s Nutrition
When you look at Brandon, you see an absolutely shredded athlete. This is a result of his hard work in the kitchen as well. He eats quite clean and only focuses on whole foods with things like fish, green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and lean meats. This leaves really no room for sugar, alcohol, and those much desired sweet treats. Of course, Brandon will indulge once in a while with some food he enjoys, but on the whole, he is committed to eating as clean as possible to see real desired results.
Best Way To See Huge Gains
The best way to see huge gains is through a proper supplementation routine. With the right supplements, you can easily add to your training and nutrition routines to get adequate nutrients into your body vital for growth and recovery. A pre-workout or BCAA supplement are perfect for your pre- and mid-workout needs, while a protein powder will work wonders for you post-workout. Along with this comes great supplements like creatine, fat burners, and multivitamins to boost strength, shed unwanted fat, and keep you healthy overall so you spend more time in the gym and less time out of it.
Wrap Up
This workout from pro bodybuilder Brandon Hendrickson is exactly what you need to see huge gains. With a great workout targeting all of those muscle groups, it is easy to achieve those desired goals and really give yourself a shredded physique, like Brandon himself. Taking notes and advice from those pros who have gone before us is a great way to see serious gains for they’ve done it and are living proof of the results. We know you want a great physique so give this workout from Brandon a try and let us know how you feel. You won’t be disappointed with the work you put in.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Brandon Hendrickson Instagram

The Ultimate Guide to the Decline Bench Press

The Ultimate Guide to the Decline Bench Press

Using Bench Variations for Comprehensive Chest Gains
When it comes to developing the size and strength of the chest, there is no exercise that quite compares to the barbell bench press. There are two common barbell bench press variations that can be used to accelerate progress – the incline and decline bench press.
For optimal pectoral development, a combination of all three bench exercises should be performed.

This article will look more closely at the decline bench press, explain how to effectively perform the exercise, highlight specific benefits and provide a number of decline bench variations and alternatives.
Decline Bench Press Technique
This section will break down the technique required to effectively perform a barbell decline bench press. While some gyms may not have a bench that is designed specifically for the decline bench press, the exercise can also be performed with dumbbells.

The execution for both the barbell and dumbbell bench press is the same, however, be aware that you will be capable of lifting less weight with the dumbbell decline bench press.
To perform the decline bench press safely and effectively, ensure you follow the consequent four steps.
Step 1 
Start by lying back on the decline bench and secure the feet under the pads (if pads are provided). This will prevent the body from sliding off the bench.If you do not have a way to secure the feet, use light loads only and proceed with caution. If using heavy loads it is required to anchor the feet.
Step 2 
Line the eyes up with the barbell and use a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder-width.Before lifting the bar off, squeeze between the shoulder blades, lift the chest and engage the core muscles. Carefully lift the bar from the stand and hold it directly above the sternum.

Step 3
While maintaining this tension in the trunk, gradually move through both the elbow and shoulder joints in order to drop the bar down towards the chest.Ensure to keep the elbows slightly down from the line of the shoulders and elbows under the wrists.
Step 4
Once the bar makes contact with the lower chest, powerfully drive the weight back upward by extending through the elbows.On returning to the starting position, take a slight pause to reassess your set-up position before proceeding with the remaining repetitions.

Decline Bench Press Muscles Worked
While adding the decline bench press can evidently stimulate new growth in the pectoral muscles, there is an array of other muscles that are recruited during the movement.This section will focus on the muscles that are primarily worked during the decline bench press.
The pectorals muscle group consists of four muscles – the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior and subclavius. These muscles connect the front of the chest to the shoulder and arms and contract to generate and stabilize movement around the shoulder joint.The pecs are the primary mover in the barbell bench press and are subject to a great amount of stress (1).The decline press recruits muscle fibers of the lower region of the pecs in a similar way to the incline press which places more demand on the upper region.
Anterior Deltoid
The deltoid is the muscle found in the shoulder. There are three portions of this muscle that are referred to as the anterior, middle and posterior delt.The anterior delt can be located at the front of the shoulder and is highly active during the majority of pressing movements – including the bench press (2).However, in comparison to the conventional and incline bench, the anterior deltoid is involved less during the decline press. This may be beneficial for lifters with shoulder issues.

The triceps are found to the rear of the upper arm and primarily responsible for causing elbow extension.During the press, the elbows must fully extend in order to drive the bar upwards and therefore, the triceps are heavily involved (3).With that being said, once again the decline position reduces some of the demand on the triceps, in comparison to other benching variations and alternatives.

Decline Bench Press Benefits
Providing the decline bench press is programmed appropriately and executed well, you can expect to experience a number of benefits, some of which are detailed below.
1) Lower Chest Development
As mentioned, the decline bench press appears to place stress on the lower fibers of the chest more so than any other benching exercise.Often the lower chest does not experience the same kind of adaptation as the mid and upper portions.Therefore, incorporating the decline bench into your training program can allow the lagging lower chest to catch up and more comprehensively develop the chest.
2) Reduced Strain on the Shoulders
A high volume of pressing exercises can aggravate the shoulders – particularly the technique is poor or excessive weight is being lifted.As a result, injuries to the shoulder may occur. Often when this happens, pressing exercises are removed from the training program which can lead to regression.Using exercises such as the decline bench press can be useful for anyone struggling with shoulder issues as the movement does not place such a great demand on the anterior deltoid. Therefore, incorporating the decline bench into your training may allow you to continue to train pressing exercises and prevent regression without irritating the shoulders.
3) Stimulating New Gains
When it comes to improving strength and size, it is important that you are gradually overloading your training. However, over time improvements may slow or even cease.Research shows that bringing in new exercises and altering the training stimulus can have a significant impact on the rate of adaptation (4).Therefore, if you’ve never used the decline bench press previously it may allow you to make substantial improvements in strength and size.If you are well acquainted with the bench press, consider using it alongside a variety of other pressing and dip exercises to hit the pecs from a range of angles to maximize the rate of change.

Who Should Perform the Decline Bench Press?
While most will benefit from regularly performing the decline bench press, however, it is important to be aware that it may not be suitable for certain individuals. Due to the decline position where the legs are placed higher than the head, circulation may be affected as a result of gravity. Consequently, lightheadedness and nausea may become a factor for some.Always speak to a medical professional and receive clearance first if you are ever in doubt. There are certain individuals who can highly benefit from adding this benching variation into their training.
Strength and Power Athletes
The bench press is an exercise that is required in both powerlifting and strongman events. Therefore, it makes sense for powerlifters and strongmen to utilize the decline bench press.Although in powerlifting it is the flat bench that is used in competition, using the decline bench in training can unlock strength gains and lead to a better competition lift.As mentioned, when it comes to maximizing strength and size gains, it is important that the muscles are targeted from a range of different angles.Therefore, incorporating the decline variation in your strength or hypertrophy mesocycles can effectively build pressing ability, improve chest size and enhance performance.Furthermore, there may be times where strength and power athletes need to reduce the amount of stress placed on the shoulders which again makes the decline bench the perfect choice.
One of the biggest benefits associated with the decline bench press is the development of the lower chest.When it comes to bodybuilding, goals are aesthetically based. Bodybuilders look to build size and defined while maintaining proportions and symmetries.Therefore, the decline variation will effectively help bodybuilders build size and definition of the lower pecs thus developing fuller-looking chests.

General Fitness Athletes
Finally, those who are looking to generally improve health, strength, and fitness can benefit from the decline bench press.It can be particularly beneficial for increasing your pressing abilities. Developing strength through the decline bench can have a substantial impact on other pressing movements such as flat bench, overhead press, and dips.It can also serve as a useful exercise for anyone who wishes to bench but is restricted through shoulder discomfort or injury.Some individuals may experience issues when attempting the flat or incline bench press and therefore, the decline may be a better option as it reduces the amount of stress that the shoulders experience.If you are unsure of your benching technique and feel discomfort, talk to an exercise professional. If you ever experience sharp pain when benching, stop immediately.

Decline Bench Variations and Alternatives
This final section will cover a number of decline bench variations and alternatives that can be used to build upper body strength.
The following two variations are progressions and should only be attempted by those who are already competent with the decline bench press.
1) Floor Bench Press with Glute Bridge
Not all facilities will have a decline bench that is suitable for barbell benching. This variation can be used to create your own decline position while simultaneously developing core strength.Start by lying back on the floor with a bar in a rack above you. Drive the hips upwards while keeping the shoulders on the floor and hold this position. From there, unrack the bar and press as normal while maintaining the bridge. Squeeze the core muscles and glutes throughout to help hold you in the correct position.
2) Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
Using dumbbells rather than a barbell can help to develop unilateral (single-arm) strength and enhance proprioceptive abilities such as coordination and stability (5).Using single weights rather than a bar may increase muscle activation and consequently positively impact strength and size development.If you are using heavy weights, ensure that you can lock the feet so that you will not slide out of position. In addition, a spotter is recommended as it can be tricky to assume the correct starting position alone.
The following four alternatives are regressions that should be used by those who do not have access to a decline bench or find the exercise to be overly challenging.
1) Cable Crossovers
One of the best things about the cable crossover is that they can be performed at a range of different angles. To effectively work the lower portions of the pecs, the handles should be set at a low position so that the cables are driven upward until the handles align with the shoulders.Cables are an excellent resistance tool as they maintain tension on the muscle throughout the duration of the exercise. Increasing time under tension can be an effective method of increasing strength and size.
2) Gironda Dips
The Gironda dip is a dipping variation that is performed on parallel or V-shaped bars. The difference between the Gironda and convention dip is the position of the elbows and hands.  In the setup, the hands should be wide and as the elbows hinge, they should be pushed out to the side rather than staying in line with the shoulders. Effectively doing this will place a large demand on the lower portion of the pecs in a similar fashion to the decline bench press.
3) Decline Dumbbell Fly
In the same way that the bench press can be performed in an incline, flat or decline position, so too can the dumbbell flye – another popular chest developing exercise.Assume the decline position, grab a set of dumbbells and will keeping the arms extending, gradually drop the weights to the side of the body before returning the dumbbells to the starting position.
4) Decline Push Up
Lastly, the decline push-up is a simple yet effective alternative to the decline bench press and activates the pecs in a very similar way.To perform the push-up, simply place the feet on a bench or step and perform a set of full push-ups.
Final Word
The decline bench press is a superb developer of the chest, shoulders, and arms and can effectively build strength, size and pressing capabilities. As a consequence, it makes an excellent addition to the majority of resistance training programs. 
1 -Lauver, Jakob D.; Cayot, Trent E.; Scheuermann, Barry W. (2016). “Influence of bench angle on upper extremity muscular activation during bench press exercise”. European Journal of Sport Science. 16 (3): 309–316. doi:10.1080/17461391.2015.1022605. ISSN 1536-7290. PMID 25799093.2 – Muyor, José M.; Rodríguez-Ridao, David; Martín-Fuentes, Isabel; Antequera-Vique, José A. (June 14, 2019). “Evaluation and comparison of electromyographic activity in bench press with feet on the ground and active hip flexion”. PLoS ONE. 14 (6). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0218209. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 6568408. PMID 31199829.
3 – Stastny, Petr; Gołaś, Artur; Blazek, Dusan; Maszczyk, Adam; Wilk, Michał; Pietraszewski, Przemysław; Petr, Miroslav; Uhlir, Petr; Zając, Adam (February 7, 2017). “A systematic review of surface electromyography analyses of the bench press movement task”. PLoS ONE. 12 (2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171632. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 5295722. PMID 28170449.
4 –  Fonseca, Rodrigo M.; Roschel, Hamilton; Tricoli, Valmor; de Souza, Eduardo O.; Wilson, Jacob M.; Laurentino, Gilberto C.; Aihara, André Y.; de Souza Leão, Alberto R.; Ugrinowitsch, Carlos (2014-11). “Changes in exercises are more effective than in loading schemes to improve muscle strength”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28 (11): 3085–3092. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000539. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 24832974.
5 – Saeterbakken, Atle H.; Fimland, Marius S. (2013-07). “Effects of body position and loading modality on muscle activity and strength in shoulder presses”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 27 (7): 1824–1831. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e318276b873. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 23096062.

How To Master The Barbell Shoulder Press & Military Press

How To Master The Barbell Shoulder Press & Military Press

Pressing Technique, Muscles Worked, Benefits, and Training Considerations
The barbell shoulder press or military press is an upper body exercise that is commonly used to improve shoulder strength.
In addition to increasing pressing strength, it also has the potential to enhance shoulder size, improve overhead abilities, and reduce shoulder injury risk.

This article will begin by providing details on the shoulder press technique, muscles worked, and the benefits associated with the exercise. 
It will conclude by discussing who should be performing the shoulder press, the equipment to use, and the training methods to apply.
How To Perform The Shoulder Press

While there are many shoulder pressing variations, the traditional press uses a barbell. When performing the barbell shoulder press, work through the following steps:

Start with the bar in the rack at just under chest height
Grip the bar using an overhand grip ensuring that the hands are just wider than shoulder-width
Bend the knees and engage the core before lifting the bar from the rack and stepping back
Ensure that the feet are placed slightly wider than hip-width before initiating the press
Powerfully press the bar straight up and back so that it finishes directly over the head
Control the descent and drop the bar back down to the upper chest

Muscles Worked In The Shoulder Press
As the name suggests, the shoulder press works an array of shoulder muscles. The primary movers during this exercise are the deltoids which provide the power during the pressing motion.
However, there are many other muscles that must contract to assist in the press or provide stability. These include the following (1):

Scapular Stabilizers
Spinal Erectors

Four Shoulder Press Benefits
This section will discuss four of the biggest benefits associated with regularly performing the shoulder press.
1) Enhanced Shoulder Strength and Size
By gradually increasing the amount of weight being lifted, it is possible to make large advancements in shoulder strength and size.
Regardless of the sport you partake in, improving your strength and size is highly beneficial and can transfer to enhanced performance and reduced injury risk.
2) Improved Overhead Abilities
For specific sports, such as Olympic lifting, for example, being capable of holding a substantial amount of weight overhead is imperative.
Therefore, practicing the shoulder press regularly will not only improve muscle strength, it can also enhance shoulder stability and facilitate proper positioning.
3) Application to Sport
Leading on from the last point, improving pressing power and movement quality can translate to improve performance in a variety of sports.
Obviously powerlifters, strongmen, and Olympic lifters will benefit greatly, however, a range of other athletes from a range of sports will also gain from regular shoulder pressing.
4) Better Shoulder Health
There are few shoulder exercises that can compare to the shoulder press for increasing injury resilience. 
A combination of improving shoulder strength and stability will directly reduce the risk of sustaining a shoulder injury.

Who Should Perform The Shoulder Press
It’s clear that the shoulder press is a highly effective exercise that many can benefit from. But which athletes should have a particular focus on the shoulder press?
1) Olympic Lifters
The jerk and the snatch are two competition lifts in Olympic lifting. Not only do they demand a great amount of technical skill, they also require strong and stable shoulders.
Having strong and stable shoulders allows lifters to successfully catch the bar overhead and hold it in the right position.
Therefore, incorporating the shoulder press into their training is recommended as it will develop shoulder strength, size, and overhead stability thus facilitating heavier lifts.
Furthermore, enhancing triceps and shoulder strength through shoulder pressing can prevent the elbows and shoulders from buckling under heavy weights and reduce the chances of injury.
2) Powerlifters and Strongmen
For both powerlifters and strongmen, the shoulder press should be a staple exercise of their training program.
In powerlifting, although the shoulder press isn’t assessed in competition, performing it in training can enhance general pressing strength and consequently improve bench press performance.
In a similar way, strongmen may be required to perform an array of pressing exercises including the clean & press and the circus press. 
Therefore, strongmen can also improve their competition performance by developing the shoulder press in training.
3) Competitive Athletes
Those who compete in other competitive strength sports may also find value in performing the shoulder press.
For example, in CrossFit, participants are expected to perform an array of exercises. Some of these involve pressing – exercises such as the clean & press, thruster, and handstand push-ups.
However, benefits extend further than solely Crossfit. The majority of competitive athletes will find that developing shoulder strength and size will facilitate athletic performance.
4) General Health and Fitness
Thinking more broadly, most people will benefit from performing the shoulder press as it can improve health, movement, and overall fitness.
As reflected on earlier, shoulder presses place a significant demand on an array of upper body muscles, many of which play an influential role in posture.
Therefore, shoulder presses can substantially improve our posture and movement as well as strength and size. This has a positive knock-on impact and reduces our injury risk.
Finally, pressing movements are a key human movement pattern and, as a result, it is one that should be performed often.

The Barbell v Dumbbell Shoulder Press
It’s clear that the shoulder press is a highly effective resistance exercise that has the potential to improve many fitness components.
Although the shoulder press is conventionally performed using a barbell, dumbbells are also commonly used.
Dumbbells are an excellent option for shoulder press as they can help to eliminate any imbalances and asymmetries.
However, the barbell will allow you to lift significantly more load than the dumbbells will. This is primarily down to the fact that the stability demands are greater with dumbbells (2).
Therefore, if your goal is to maximize shoulder strength, barbells are recommended over dumbbells.
Furthermore, if you perform a sport that uses barbells (such as powerlifting or Olympic lifting), it makes sense to utilize the barbell rather than the dumbbell variation.
While it’s not the case that one is better than the other, you do need to consider the demands of your sport and the goals you have set for yourself when determining the variation to use.
Programming Considerations
Considering that the shoulder press is a compound lift, it can be programmed like other compounds (such as the squat, deadlift, and bench press).
If your goal is to maximize shoulder strength, it is recommended to use heavy weight and a low range (3).
For building muscle size, research indicates that total training volume is more significant than the number of reps performed (4). Typically, however, moderate loads are used for hypertrophy.
Sports athletes can utilize a combination of these methods to generally improve strength, size, stability, and general pressing abilities.
Final Word
The shoulder press is undoubtedly one of the most effective resistance exercises that can be done to enhance shoulder strength.
The vast majority of individuals and athletes will greatly benefit from incorporating this exercise into their training programs.
1 – Williams, Martin R.; Hendricks, Dustin S.; Dannen, Michael J.; Arnold, Andrea M.; Lawrence, Michael A. (2020-01). “Activity of Shoulder Stabilizers and Prime Movers During an Unstable Overhead Press”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 34 (1): 73–78. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000002660. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 29889776
2 – Saeterbakken, Atle H.; Fimland, Marius S. (2013-07). “Effects of body position and loading modality on muscle activity and strength in shoulder presses”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 27 (7): 1824–1831. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e318276b873. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 23096062.
3 – Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Grgic, Jozo; Ogborn, Dan; Krieger, James W. (2017-12). “Strength and Hypertrophy Adaptations Between Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 31 (12): 3508–3523. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000002200. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 28834797.
4 – SCHOENFELD, BRAD J.; CONTRERAS, BRET; KRIEGER, JAMES; GRGIC, JOZO; DELCASTILLO, KENNETH; BELLIARD, RAMON; ALTO, ANDREW (2019-1). “Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men”. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 51 (1): 94–103. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000001764. ISSN 0195-9131. PMC 6303131. PMID 30153194.

How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast with Proven Steroids?

How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast with Proven Steroids?

           It is one of the inspirations of almost everyone hitting the gym to build ripped six-pack abs. It is all about shredding the body fat in order to show off one’s abs. Building six-pack abs build self-confidence and belief. It would be right to say that having six-pack abs defines […]
The post How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast with Proven Steroids? appeared first on What Steroids.

Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises For Your Forearms

Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises For Your Forearms

Here are some of the top dumbbell exercises to pump your forearms.
Why are the forearms so underappreciated? They’re front and center, playing a role in every lift in the gym, to say nothing of everyday movements such as typing, texting, and opening doors.
With the possible exception of soccer, the forearms play a pivotal role in most sports, handling rackets, clubs, paddles, bats, and balls, providing both touch and force. Giannis Antetokounmpo, the 7-footer sometimes referred to as the Greek god of basketball, in part because of his physique, relies on his forearms to provide the soft touch on his free throws and power behind his thunderous dunks. 

Michael Phelps won 28 Olympic gold medals thanks in part to a freakish 6-foot-7 wingspan that’s three inches longer than his height. But it’s his forearms that allowed him to pull through the water, unlike any other swimmer. Studies suggest forearm training is especially effective for baseball players, which is no surprise given the importance of quick wrists when swinging a bat.
So, while you might be hitting the forearms in any gym workout, it’s worth spending a dedicated 30 minutes on occasion with a pair of dumbbells to target these unsung heroes which by the way also look damn good bulging from beneath rolled-up sleeves. Just ask Popeye.

In this 30-minute dumbbell workout to build your forearms, we’ll hammer through four sets of these eight moves in a circuit fashion, resting only briefly between sets, to produce maximum results.
Pete Williams is a NASM certified personal trainer and the author or co-author of several books on performance and training.

1. Seated Wrist Curl
What it does: This iconic wrist isolation exercise blasts the forearms.
How to do it: Hold a dumbbell in one hand and sit on a bench, allowing your elbow and forearm to rest on your thigh. Your hand dangles off your knee, palm up, the elbow bent at 90 degrees. With the dumbbell hanging down, curl your wrist so your palm faces your biceps. Lower slowly and repeat for a set of 10.
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps.

2. Bent-Over Row
What it does: Though the movement is initiated from the shoulder and also works the back, the forearms play a key stabilizing role.
How to do it: Stand slightly bent over at the waist holding a dumbbell in one hand, holding onto a bench with the other hand for support. Bring your shoulder blade back and then drive your elbow toward the ceiling, pulling the weight up. Lower to starting position and repeat.
How many: 4 sets of 10 per side.

3. Palms Down Wrist Curl
What it does: This is an everyday movement that’s not used nearly enough in the weight room, thus it’s tougher than you think it would be.
How to do it: Sit on the end of a bench, a dumbbell in each hand, wrists against your knees, and palms facing down. Raise the dumbbells by lifting only your hands, keeping your arms still. Lower after a one-second pause.
How many? 4 sets of 10.

4. Bicep Curls
What it does: It’s simple yet challenging and a mainstay of any bicep workout.
How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and biceps at your sides. Keeping your elbows still, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders as you rotate your palms to the ceiling. Keep your back still and stomach tight. Return to starting position.
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps.

5. Farmer’s Carry
What it does: Ever see a farmer with spindly arms? This lift helps the shoulders and overall core strength, but the forearms are on overload in this lift. 
How to do it: While carrying a dumbbell in each hand, walk 10 yards out and 10 yards back. Don’t hunch over. Keep your shoulder blades pulled back and down and fire your glutes as you walk. This can be a challenging move at first, but you’ll be surprised how quickly you’re able to walk further or increase the weight. 
How many? 4 sets.

6. Hammer Curls
What it does: The neutral grip places more emphasis on the forearms than the biceps.
How to do it: Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a set of dumbbells with a neutral grip so your hands face each other. Curl the dumbbells to shoulder height, keeping hands facing each other. Pause at the top of the lift, squeezing the biceps, and then lower to starting position.
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps.

7. Wrist Rotations
What it does: This move blasts the forearms and is often done at the end of a workout to the point of exhaustion rather than a prescribed number of reps.
How to do it: Hold dumbbells to the side with an overhand grip. Raise the dumbbells in front of you so your elbows form 90-degree angles. While maintaining this position, slowly rotate the dumbbells away from the body so the palms face up. Slowly rotate back so the palms again face down.
How many? 4 sets to exhaustion.

8. Suitcase Carry
What it does:  A variation on the farmer’s carry, this involves picking up just one dumbbell as you might a heavy suitcase. Not only will you strengthen your forearms, but you’ll also improve your grip.
How to do it: Squat at the hips alongside the dumbbell, lift it like a suitcase and walk. Start with an easy distance – 10 to 20 yards – working up to longer distances. 
How many? 4 sets.

Lee Priest: The Blonde Myth’s Killer Upper Body Workout

Lee Priest: The Blonde Myth’s Killer Upper Body Workout

There’s no question: Lee Priest is a bad ass.
Lee Priest is a professional bodybuilder currently with the National Amateur Body-Builders’ Association (NABBA) and formerly with the IFBB. Coming out of Australia, he is recognized there and internationally as a top bodybuilder and uses his platform to inspire others and their bodybuilding goals.
For so many us, finding the right training plans can be challenging. We work so hard to piece together a solid plan, but with so many exercises and potential options, it ultimately seems too daunting. But looking to professional bodybuilders and athletes is one easy way to get this done for they know what to do and are proof of the results. That proof is all we need to fully reach our own training and performance goals.
As a legend in the bodybuilding world, Lee knows just what to do to compete at a high level and sculpt a massive physique that not only others will envy, but will win competitions on the biggest stages in bodybuilding.

Full Name: Lee Andrew McCutcheon “Lee Priest”

Date Of Birth

225-235 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Entrepreneur, Author
2000, 2010

This upper body workout from Lee Priest is sure to fire up your muscles to grow. A three day workout of back, chest, and arms, not only will they increase in strength and size, but also work to build a massive and shredded physique you want most.

About Lee Priest
Born in Newcastle, Australia, Lee had an interest in bodybuilding at a young age. With his mother as a bodybuilding competitor, he picked up weights, and with his grandfather’s help as well, began with the basics. Fairly soon after, he competed in his first show and won. This would be the catalyst for what would become an amazing bodybuilding career.
As it would have it, Lee kept competing and as an amateur began to get recognition. At 20-years old, he earned his pro card and was the youngest ever to turn IFBB pro.
Competing in many events, he continued to see great success. But he would switch careers to racing cars, where he also found success, and in 2013, after seven years out of bodybuilding, he competed again. Only this time, it was with the NABBA. Aside from competing, his legacy is also cemented with The Lee Priest Classic, offering events for amateurs and professionals, thus capping Lee’s career into a full bodybuilding circle.

Lee Priest Workout
What you’ll find with this Lee Priest upper body workout is a great three day combo of back, chest, and arms. Working with a variety of exercises, you will give yourself a great chance at seeing growth while aiding in those bodybuilding or sport specific goals. Lee believes that constantly changing your workouts up can benefit you as it will confuse your muscles so no workout ever gets stale. These great upper body workouts are what you need to change things up and see serious gains start to unfold.
For these workouts, you will see a nice mix of machine exercises and those done with free weights. If you have access to a gym, these will be no problem and you will find serious success with this workout for a great pump. If you don’t have a gym, check out our complete home gyms or other free weights, dumbbells, barbells, and resistance bands so you still get a great workout even from home.



Front Lat Pulldown

Bent-Over Barbell Row

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

Seated Cable Row



DB Chest Press

DB Chest Fly

Cable Chest Fly


Push Press

Bench Press

Arms- Workout #1


Seated DB Curls

Barbell Curl

Alternating Dumbbell Curl

Triceps Pushdowns

One Arm Triceps Extension

Overhead Press

Upright Row

Arms- Workout #2


Triceps Pushdowns

Side Curls

EZ Bar Curl

Machine Overhead Extension

Machine Preacher Curls

Close Grip Bench Press

Machine Pushdowns

Machine Curls

Best Ways To Capitalize On Gains
When it comes to workouts like this one above, you need the right fuel to help keep you on track and seeing those gains you want most. For a serious boost and muscle pumps before you start, check out a great pre-workout supplement to kickstart your workout. Need a muscle building product for even better strength? Check out some awesome creatine or BCAA supplements to see what these can do. And of course, a protein powder is exactly what you need to round out your routine for increased muscle growth and recovery, perfect for aiding in all things gains.
Wrap Up
Lee Priest knows exactly what it takes to compete at a high level. This upper body workout is one to try for it will challenge your muscles to grow and give you a new routine to seriously beef up your upper body. As we look to find new ways to grow, using workouts from pro bodybuilders and athletes is a sure fire way to make this happen. Give this upper body workout a try and see what this can do for all your gains today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Lee Priest Instagram