Tag: Workouts

Best Six-Pack Abs Home Workout

Best Six-Pack Abs Home Workout

Ten Workouts To Develop Abdominal Strength and Definition
A very common goal that many individuals have is to develop six-pack abs. Unfortunately, many individuals fail to understand what it takes to attain this goal and often fall short. 
The main reason people fail to succeed with this goal is that they misunderstand the abdominals, how to best train them, and the importance of nutrition.

Therefore, this article will provide information on the abdominal muscles and their functions. It will then move onto discuss the steps that need to be taken to facilitate six-pack development.
Finally, it will outline ten highly effective home-based ab workouts that you can use to help improve the strength and tone of the abdominals.
Understanding The Abdominals

Many people understand the abdominals to be just one muscle – the one that is responsible for the “six-pack”. 
In actuality, the abdominals are a muscle group that contains four individual muscles – rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, external oblique, and internal oblique (1).
These muscles are responsible for generating a variety of different movements and help to flex, extend, bend, and rotate the trunk.
Furthermore, the abdominals can be considered as part of the “core”. The core is a complex series of muscles found in the trunk that work together to stabilize and support the body.Performing regular abdominal exercises can help to increase the strength and function of these muscles thus enhancing movement and muscular tone.

How To Get A Six-Pack
When it comes to developing a set of six-pack abs, exercise may help but ultimately it is your nutrition that will make the difference.
It is the rectus abdominis muscle that gives the six-pack its striking appearance. However, having a high percentage of body fat means that this muscle will not be seen.
Therefore, body fat needs to be reduced to the point where the muscle becomes visible.
In order to reduce body fat, a calorie deficit must be established and maintained over a prolonged period of time (2).

A calorie deficit is simply where more calories are burned than consumed. This forces the body to break down body fat to fulfill energy requirements.By regulating your calorie intake, you can most effectively create this calorie deficit. However, increasing exercise levels and the number of calories you burn can also help form a deficit.
At this point, it should be emphasized that ab exercises alone will not develop a six-pack. 
This is highlighted most powerfully in a recent study that had participants engage in a six-week abdominal exercise program.Participant’s body composition was measured before and after the training program. The results clearly indicated that the abdominal exercise made no difference to body composition (3).
However, this is not to say that abdominal exercises are not valuable. Performing regular ab work can increase the size and tone of the muscles.As a result, once fat has been reduced far enough, the abdominals will look much more defined.

The Ab Workouts
Many ab workouts follow a similar format and include many of the same exercises. This may not be conducive to progress as boredom can quickly become problematic.
Another issue is that many ab workouts tend to focus on superficial muscles only such as the rectus abdominis.
However, there is great value to be found in performing exercises that work the deeper ab muscles such as the transverse abdominis.
The following ten ab workouts not only comprehensively work the abdominal muscles but also contain plenty of variations to keep you motivated and on track.
With ten to choose from, you can select the workout that is most suitable for your goals, levels of fitness, and preferences.
1) Unilateral Ab Workout
Performing unilateral (or single-sided) exercises forces the many deep core muscles to engage to promote stability and maintain good posture throughout the movement.
Perform the following workout for three rounds:


Dumbbell Renegade Rows
20 reps

Single-Arm Overhead Press with Twist
20 reps

Split Squats
8 reps (per side)

Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunges
30 reps (per side)

Single-Leg Squats with Dumbbell Lateral Raise
8 reps (per side)

Side Plank with Dumbbell Fly
15 reps (per side)

2) The “No Crunch” Workout
The conventional crunch is often seen as the ultimate ab exercise – however, there is a wide array of exercises that effectively strengthen the abs.
Complete three rounds of the below workout to get the core burning!


Lying Bicycle Crunches with Dumbbell Overhead
20 reps

10 reps

Side Plank
1 minute

20 reps

Side Plank with Dumbbell Fly
15 reps (per side)

Plank Complex:– Forearm Plank– Right Leg Lifted– Left Leg Lifted– Right Arm Lifted
– Left Arm Lifted– Right Arm and Left Leg Lifted
– Left Arm and Right Leg Lifted
– Forearm Plank
15 seconds per position

3) Cardio Core Workout
As mentioned earlier, in order to have visible abs, it’s important to trim away excess body fat. Cardio can be an excellent tool to facilitate this.
Complete three rounds of this workout ensuring that you take a minute rest between each round.


Skater Lunges
20 reps

Mountain Climbers
20 reps

20 reps

Knee-Ins (Same Knee and Shoulder)
20 reps

Side Plank
1 minute

Knee-Ins (Opposite Knee and Shoulder)
20 reps

4) The Plank Workout
When performed correctly, the conventional forearm plank is a highly effective core strengthening exercise. However, not only is it fairly mundane, often form can slip thus increasing injury risk.
The following workout utilizes a range of enjoyable plank variations that keep you moving and focused throughout. Complete the following routine for two rounds.


Forearm Plank with “Thread the Needle”
15 reps (per side)

Push-ups to Straight Arm Side Plank
10 reps

Side Plank
1 minute

Forearm Plank with Toe Taps
20 reps (per side)

Forearm Plank with Side-to-Side Hip Dips
20 reps

Knee-Ins (Same Knee and Shoulder)
20 reps

Knee-Ins (Opposite Knee and Shoulder)
20 reps

Forearm Side Plank with “Thread the Needle”
15 reps (per side)

5) Standing Core Workout
Not all core workouts need to involve floor-based activities. The following workout utilizes standing core exercises only to target the abdominals.
Complete three rounds of the below routine ensuring to take an adequate rest between each circuit. 


Dumbbell Chops
20 reps (per side)

Plank with Knee-Ins
20 reps (per side)

Forward Lunges
8 reps

Single-Leg Squats with Dumbbell Lateral Raise
8 reps (per side)

Dumbbell Overhead Press
12 reps

Dumbbell Swings
20 reps

6) Bodyweight Only Workout
This workout is perfect for adding to home workouts or for those who do not have any fitness equipment.
Once again, look to complete three rounds.


Butterfly Kicks
20 reps

20 reps

Russian Twists
20 reps

Elbow-to-Knee Crunches
20 reps

Butterfly Sit-Ups
20 reps

Side-to-Side Knee Drops
20 reps

20 reps

Butterfly Kicks
20 reps

7) Anti-Flexion Core Workout
As highlighted, the core must engage to ensure that the body remains in a stable and safe position. This workout will place the body in positions where the core must work to resist flexion.
Perform three rounds of the following circuit.


20 reps

Dumbbell Pullovers
20 reps

Forearm Plank with Toe Taps
20 reps (per side)

Side Plank with Leg Pendulums
20 reps

Prone Reverse Crunches
20 reps

Side Plank with Dumbbell Fly
15 reps (per side)

Forearm Plank
1 minute

20 reps

8) V-Cut Abs Workout
The purpose of this workout is to work and define the transverse abdominis and obliques which are the muscles responsible for creating the v-shape.
Perform the below routine for three rounds.


Lying Alternating Leg Lifts
12 reps

Supine Reverse Crunches with Dumbbell Overhead
20 reps

Bicycle Crunches
20 reps

10 reps

Knee-Ins (Same Knee and Shoulder)
20 reps

Knee-Ins (Opposite Knee and Shoulder)
20 reps

9) Five-Minute Ab Blast
For those who are short on time yet still aspire to improve their core strength, the following five-minute circuit is the perfect solution.
Three rounds of this workout will last approximately five minutes. However, rounds can be added to increase the length of the workout if preferred.


Dumbbell Pullovers
20 reps

Bicycles with Full Leg Extension
20 reps

Forearm Plank with Side-to-Side Hip Dips
20 reps

10) Rotational Ab Workout
The abdominals, specifically the obliques, are responsible for generating rotational power. This final workout utilizes rotational movements to work the core and develop this ability.
Having completed a thorough warm-up, complete two rounds of the following routine.


Forward Lunges with Dumbbell Twist
8 reps (per side)

Dumbbell Overhead Press with Twist
12 reps

Dumbbell Renegade Rows
20 reps

Push-ups to Straight Arm Side Plank
10 reps

Forearm Plank with “Thread the Needle”
15 reps (per side)

Dumbbell Chops
20 reps (per side)

Side-to-Side Dumbbell Chops
10 reps (per side)


Final Word
If you aspire to get a six-pack, it is imperative that body fat is significantly reduced and ab exercises are performed regularly.
The ten workouts outlined in this article will effectively improve muscle tone and the appearance of the abdominals.
1 – Flynn, William; Vickerton, Paula (2020), “Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Abdominal Wall”, StatPearls, Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, PMID 31869113
2 – Strasser, B.; Spreitzer, A.; Haber, P. (2007). “Fat loss depends on energy deficit only, independently of the method for weight loss”. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 51 (5): 428–432. doi:10.1159/000111162. ISSN 1421-9697. PMID 18025815.
3 – Vispute, Sachin S.; Smith, John D.; LeCheminant, James D.; Hurley, Kimberly S. (2011-09). “The effect of abdominal exercise on abdominal fat”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25 (9): 2559–2564. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181fb4a46. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 21804427.

The Massy Arias Workout For A Serious Shred & Sculpt

The Massy Arias Workout For A Serious Shred & Sculpt

This workout from Massy Arias will give you higher intensity circuits for a real shred to sculpt an amazing physique.
Massy Arias is a fitness model and personal trainer who worked incredibly hard to get to where she is today. Now with a following online and a will to help others achieve their goals, she is a motivator and someone who others flock to for the best advice.
We all want that great workout, the right exercises to boost our gains and lead us to a sculpted physique. But sometimes we can’t find the best answers. With so many people online claiming to have the secret weapon for workouts, it can be challenging to find out who is honest and who is just spouting nonsense. Thankfully, bodybuilders and other athletes, as well as personal trainers, have a large influence online and with their knowledge and dedication to fitness and helping others, it is easy for us to get great workouts at our disposal so we see the best results possible.
Massy Arias is one of those trainers who loves posting videos on YouTube and around the Internet in hopes of helping others achieve their goals. Her approach to training is one that requires hard work but will pay off in the long run.

Full Name: Massiel “Massy” Arias

Date Of Birth

145-155 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Fitness Model, Personal Trainer
Dominican, American

Massy Arias relies heavily on circuit style training which will prove to be worth it for those looking to build muscle, as well as shed fat. The right circuit based workout can be a game changer for those wanting to mix up their routine.

About Massy Arias
Massy grew up in the Dominican Republic, but moved to Los Angeles at a young age in hopes of a better life. Upon arriving in the United States, English was a challenge for her and it only made the transition that much harder. Despite struggling to make things work, she was determined to prove to herself that she could do this.
She began working out and used health and fitness as an anchor, a way to stay grounded when things got be too much. She would eventually grow a social media profile and personal training services into something great in efforts to help others achieve their goals, but also give herself something to be extremely proud of.

Massy Arias Training Routine
Massy tends to use circuits to boost her training and this variety of workouts include upper and lower body circuits, as well as great core circuits to target those six-pack abs. Using equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands are perfect for performing these workouts at home or in the gym.
Full Body Workout – Lower Body Focused


Lateral Lunge

30 secs

Single Leg Plank

Circuit #1


Lateral Lunge with Kettlebell

30 secs

Single Leg Plank To Down Dog

Circuit #2


Alternating Curtsy Lunge

Bear Pose
30 secs

Modified Side Plank
3o secs

Circuit #3


Knee To Elbow Lunge

Single Leg Plank

Single Leg Hip Bridge
20 secs

Upper Body Workout



Wall T-Rotations

Down Dog To Plank

Circuit #1


Dumbbell/Band Alternating Row

Low Push-Up Iso Hold
20 secs

Bear Single Arm Trap

Circuit #2


Modified Down Dog
30 secs

Push-Up Down Dog

Dumbbell/Bands Row Iso Hold
20 secs

Circuit #3


Band Pull-Apart

All Fours Dumbbell Kickbacks

Cat Cow Knees Elevated

Ab Workout


Shin Box

Low Push-Up Hold

Burpees without Push-Up

Lunge Hold

Bicycle Crunch

Push-Up Pause

Prisoner Squat Jump

Down Dog To Plank

Plank Shoulder Taps

Side Lunges


Side Skis

Featured Supplement For Gains
Supplements have the ability to really help us as we do our best to capitalize on our training and performance. While a good diet is essential, sometimes we need more than that and the right supplements are exactly what we need. Products like pre-workouts and BCAAs are great for giving us energy and handling fatigue, while protein powders can work to enhance growth and recovery so we don’t sacrifice any gains. But for those looking to shed unwanted fat and lean down, a fat burner can aid in that shredded aesthetic no problem.
Burn Lab Pro

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results as you seek to burn belly fat. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues, like muscle maintenance and lack of an energy boost. With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be.
Price: $59.00
Check out our individual review for Burn Lab Pro here!

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners for more great fat burning products!

Wrap Up
This workout from Massy Arias is one to really boost your strength and endurance by working with circuit style training for the best of both worlds. With the right approach to working out, as well as dieting and supplementation, you are well on your way to a desired physique and one that you will most certainly be proud of. Give this workout a try and see what it can do for all your goals today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Massy Arias Instagram

Claim The Mr. Biceps Crown With This Zac Aynsley Arm Workout

Claim The Mr. Biceps Crown With This Zac Aynsley Arm Workout

We are letting you in on Zac Aynsley’s secret to massive arms. 
Before we get to the meat of the article, we want you to put your hand on your heart and answer this for yourself – Would you still workout if you could never have biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger, no matter how hard you try? 
If you just caught yourself shaking your head, rest assured, you are not alone. Arms are probably the most loved muscle group. Look around your gym on any random day, and you will probably see a good number of people training their arms. Heck, you might even find people who are training their legs flexing their arms in the mirror. 

If building guns is as easy as curling dumbbells for a few sets, everyone would be walking around with bazookas. There is one fitness celebrity, though, who continues to impress with their arms – Zac Aynsley. 
Zac’s arms are so freaky that the Governator himself praised his pythons. 
“For years I had people telling me I was worthless, but here was The Terminator telling me I looked great. It meant the world to me.”

There has been no stopping Aynsley since that day. His physique is improving in every aspect, and his pythons are taking on a life of their own. But things were not always so smooth for Zac Aynsley. 
The Zac Aynsley Story
Zac Aynsley did not always have perfectly chiseled arms. In fact, Zac had a pretty traumatic childhood. He was bullied for being too thin and weak. In an interview with GQ magazine, Zac revealed that –
Let us not get ahead of ourselves. Let us start from the beginning. 
Zac Aynsley was born on July 2, 1994, in Northumberland, England. In his childhood and teens, he was malnourished, underweight, and ate a poor diet. Zac’s diet mainly consisted of sweets and processed foods.
Also Read: 5 Foods You Need To Cut Out Of Your Diet Right Now
Because of how he looked, he became an easy target for bullies while still in high school. Constant ragging caused Zac depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.
During this time, Zac was not physically active. He spent most of his days playing video games to escape the harsh reality. 

An Unexpected Turn
One day, Zac’s friend asked him if he wanted to try his hand at DJing. Aynsley could not turn down the deal and quickly accepted the offer to try it out to change his monotonous lifestyle.
At the age of 15, Zac Aynsley got a taste of stardom when he became popular at local clubs for his DJ skills. Not only was Zan earning handsome money, but he was also gaining positive attention from people around him. The newfound fame added to Aynsley’s confidence and self-esteem. 
One thing led to the next, and before Zac could make sense of any of it, he was touring the country. 
Even though Zac’s DJ career was taking off, he had to return home to finish college. With all the partying, drinking, and success he had, Zac forgot to work on his worsening health. He was in the worst shape of his life when he got back to Northumberland. 
To get reconnaissance of his health, he went to the doctors to get his blood work done. To everyone’s dismay, Zac’s internal organs were deteriorating due to his reckless DJ lifestyle.  
According to Zac, the doctor told him that he had a liver of a 50-year old. Zac was warned that he needed to make amends to his lifestyle if he wanted to live a long and healthy life. 
The Tipping Point
At this point, Zac decided to turn around his life. He attended University and earned a degree in photography. Aynsley was eventually introduced to bodybuilding which helped him channel his focus, energy, frustration, and anger into something positive. 
Like most newbie lifters, Aynsley became a die-hard Arnold Schwarzenegger fan after seeing his pictures and videos. The Austrian Oak gave him additional motivation for working out and becoming healthier. 
Zac Aynsley worked on all aspects of his daily routine to improve his fitness level. He made sure his diet had enough calories and nutrients to help his body recover from the mess it was in.
The progress he saw in a couple of weeks was enough to get him hooked to the new lifestyle.  
Internet’s Coming of Age
Years of hard work and sacrifice helped Zac build an incredible physique. Little did Aynsley know at that time, but his new and improved body was going to change his life in more ways than he could have imagined. 
Zac started gaining a lot of traction on his social media profiles as soon as he started posting his photos online. Impressed with Zac’s physique, one of Florida’s top photographers offered to do a photoshoot with him. Aynsley knew this was too good and big an opportunity to skip. He flew down to Florida, and this decision became a turning point in his career.
Seven weeks after the photoshoot, Zac started receiving recognition from some of the most influential people in the fitness industry, including Arnie and Phil Heath. 
Since then, Zac Aynsley has hit several milestones, including:

10+ TV appearances
10+ Book covers – USA
5+ Minor magazine covers / 15+ Features
Traveled to over 17 countries

Zac Aynsley’s Nutrition Plan
You do not end up looking like Zac Aynsley while hogging on burgers and fried chicken. Depending on your current weight, you need to determine a daily calorie goal for yourself. Incorporate quality sources of protein, carbs, and fats to meet your daily macro goals. 
Thanks to his ectomorph body type, Aynsley had been a weak kid growing up. Zac eats anywhere between 3200-5000 calories a day, depending on if he is bulking or cutting. To make up for his fast metabolism, Zac eats up to seven meals a day. 
Zac Aynsley’s Bulking Diet Plan
Meal #1

3 egg whites
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 cups milk
1 banana

Meal #2 

5 oz chicken
8 oz sweet potato
1 banana
2 slices whole-grain bread 

Meal #3

5 oz chicken
1/2 cup brown rice
citrus fruit

Meal #4

3 egg whites
half cup oatmeal
1 apple
5 oz fish
2 cups vegetables

Meal #5

1 apple
8 oz yogurt 
half cup cottage cheese
1 scoop protein shake

Meal #6

protein shake
brown rice

Post Workout

protein shake
white potato

Meal #7

5 oz steak 
1 egg white
4 oz sweet potato
2 BCAA pills

Meal #8

casein protein shake

Eating eight (nine, if you consider the post-workout) meals is no joke. It can be especially tuff for you if you usually eat three meals a day and want to gain weight and put on muscle mass. If you are having trouble eating eight meals a day, supplements can help you meet your daily macro goal. 
Here are some of our favorite supplements:
Best Men’s Protein Powders For Bulking & Lean Muscle Growth 2021
The Best Mass Gainers For Clean Bulking & Muscle Mass 2021
Best Pre-Workout Supplements For Muscle Building (Updated 2021)
Zac Aynsley Arm Workout
Pre-Requisites of The Zac Aynsley Arm Training Split
1. Partial Repetitions
Zac Aynsley incorporates the partial rep advanced training technique at the end of his sets to annihilate his muscles. In the case of machine preacher curl, he completes 15 full reps and then limits the range of motion to the top half of the movement until he hits muscular failure. 
Related Read: Advanced Training Techniques To Take Your Gains To The Next Level
2. Zero Routine
Aynsley picked up this training principle from the Governator. He never limits himself to a pre-planned workout and usually modifies his routine on the fly. According to Aynsley, your body will get used to your workouts if you follow a set routine and stop responding. For this reason, he never does the same workout twice. 
3. Warm-Up Sets
Before starting the working sets, Aynsley might do a set or two with a lightweight to get a feel for the lift. It also helps in getting the blood flowing to the target muscles.
4. Short Workouts 
According to Zac Aynsley, most people make the mistake of stretching their workouts too long. His arm workouts never last more than 45 minutes. Aynsley limits his rest duration to less than 45 seconds between sets. 
Keeping the rest time short is necessary for inducing a muscle-ripping pump. Also, since your arms are a small muscle group, they do not need the typical 1-2 minutes of rest for recuperation. 
Must Read: The Science Behind Muscle Recovery: Understanding Active Recovery
5. Mix-Up The Number of Repetitions
Aynsley constantly switches up his rep structure to keep his muscles guessing. For some exercises, he might do as many as 30-40 reps per set. 

Zac Aynsley Bicep and Tricep Workout Routine
1. Machine Preacher Curl – 3 Sets 15-10 Reps – 30-second Rest
Zac Aynsley starts his arm workout with an isolation lift to pre-exhaust his muscles. Exhausting your muscles at the start of the workout will ensure that you do not have to lift heavyweight in compound exercises. You will get almost the same amount of muscle fiber recruitment while lifting lighter weight in compound lifts as compared to lifting heavy without pre-exhaustion. 
2. Superset

EZ Bar Curl (wide grip to narrow grip)- 3 Sets 15-10 Reps – No Rest
Single-Arm Cable Tricep Extension – 3 Sets 20-15 Reps (each arm) – 30-second Rest 

Aynsley starts EZ bar curl with a wide grip and performs 15 reps. Without keeping the bar down, he switches to a narrow grip and curls until failure. 
Single-arm cable tricep extension is a high-rep exercise for Zac. He never does less than 15 reps of the lift. Aynsley trains his triceps to failure on the tricep extension. After he is done with 15-20 reps on each side, he does a dropset until failure. 
3. Single-Arm Machine Bicep Curl – 3 Sets 15-12 Reps (each arm)
During single-arm bicep curl, Zac keeps the reps slow and controlled. He follows a 1:1:2:0 (concentric, pause and squeeze, eccentric, and rest at bottom) rep tempo to annihilate his biceps. If you do not have access to a bicep curl machine at your gym, you could use the cable machine by attaching a D-handle bar to the pulley.
4. Cable Tricep Extension – 3 Sets 20-15 Reps – 30-second Rest
Zac Aynsley follows a full range of motion while performing the exercise. He brings the bar close to his forehead at the top of the movement and extends his arms straight at the bottom. 
5. Reverse-Grip Cable Tricep Extension – 3 Sets 20-15 Reps – 30-second Rest
Aynsley finishes off his workout with the reverse-grip cable tricep extension. 
This might look like a short workout, but if you keep the intensity high, you will not know what to do with the pump in your arms at the end of the Zac Aynsley arm routine. 
You will never see Zac Aynsley lift crazy weight while training his pythons. He chases a pump and focuses on a mind-muscle connection. 
Now an official Generation Iron sponsored and managed athlete, we are proud of the fact that Zac Aynsley is growing in popularity inside and outside the gym, and inspiring people to transform their lives. We cannot wait to share more about Zac’s journey as it unfolds. 
Finally, if you are inspired by Zac Aynsley’s story but doubt yourself and your ability to transform your physique, let this message from Zac be the guiding light for you:
“Go ahead, tell me that I’m not good enough. Tell me I can’t do it! Because I will show you over and over again that I can, and trust me… I will.”
We could not have summed up the article better ourselves.

Who, according to you, has the best arms in the fitness industry?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

How To Perform The Jefferson Deadlift

How To Perform The Jefferson Deadlift

The Ultimate Deadlift Variation That Builds Serious Strength
While the Jefferson deadlift is not the most conventional-looking resistance training exercise, it is certainly one of the best for developing full-body strength.
It is a particularly useful exercise for powerlifters and strongmen as well as individuals who suffer from back pain. However, the majority of lifters will benefit from regularly performing the Jefferson deadlift.

This article will begin by highlighting the benefits of the Jefferson deadlift and explain why you should consider doing it.
It will then move on to outline Jefferson deadlift technique, common errors to look out for, and a number of programming considerations. 
The Benefits Of The Jefferson Deadlift

This section will highlight four unique benefits associated with the Jefferson deadlift.
1) Develops Asymmetrical Strength
Due to the asymmetrical stance used in the exercise, a large amount of balance, coordination, and stability are required throughout.
With regular practice, all of these components will significantly improve which can positively impact injury risk.
2) Increases Anti-Rotational Strength
With the feet placed in a staggered position, the torso must rotate so that the chest and hip stay in alignment with the feet.
This places a great demand on an array of core muscles that must engage to prevent rotation during the lift. With regular practice, these muscles will adapt and strengthen. 
3) Multiplanar Exercise
One of the most unique benefits of the Jefferson deadlift is the fact that it is a multiplanar exercise – this simply means that movement occurs in more than one plane of motion.
Most lifters are familiar with lifting in the sagittal plane (i.e squats and conventional deadlifts), however, the Jefferson deadlift challenges the lifter by taking them out of the comfortable sagittal plane.
4) Reduced Shear Force
A common concern with deadlifts is the shearing and compressive force that can be placed on the low back.
However, due to the mechanics of the Jefferson deadlift, this force will be significantly reduced thus decreasing injury risk.

Why You Should Perform The Jefferson Deadlift
There is undoubtedly great value to be found in the conventional compound lifts such as the squat, deadlift, and bench press.
However, the Jefferson deadlift is different from these traditional-style lifts and works the muscles of the body in a very unique way.If you don’t believe this to be true, just listen to world-record holder Dave Dellanave who once said “it gives you a lot of things that other, big, heavy, typical lifts don’t”.
The exercise involves a combination of rotation, hip hinging, asymmetry, and heavy weight.
The Jefferson deadlift is fairly akin to the trap bar deadlift in that it reduces shear force on the low back, however, there are few other deadlift variations that work multiple planes, rotation, and asymmetrical strength.
To execute the Jefferson deadlift one foot will be placed in front of the bar while the other foot will be behind the bar.
Because the feet are staggered in this way, the trunk of the body rotates in order to face the same direction as the feet.
Furthermore, to keep the chest up and to prevent trunk rotation during the lift, the core muscles will be heavily recruited.
Working in multiple planes of motion can help to keep us mobile and strong thus reducing the risk of injury.
Often when it comes to asymmetrically-loaded or anti-rotational exercises, individuals use light weight only and don’t see the need for heavy lifting. 
The perfect example of this is performing a single-leg deadlift with a light kettlebell or dumbbell having already completed sets of heavy deadlifts.
However, if you aspire to properly develop core strength, there is benefit in lifting heavy (1). The Jefferson deadlift is therefore the perfect option as a great amount of weight can be added to the bar.
Finally, those who have hit a plateau may find that performing the Jefferson deadlift allows them to start making progress, once again. 
Additionally, because the Jefferson deadlift reduces the forces placed on the back, it may be an excellent alternative for those with back pain. 

Muscles Worked During The Jefferson Deadlift
Some of the major muscle groups involved in the Jefferson deadlift include:

Lower Back
Upper Back

Considering that exercise is a deadlift variation it works many muscles in the posterior chain including the glutes, hamstrings, calves, and low back (2).
In addition to the lower posterior chain muscles, the quadriceps also powerfully contract to extend at the knee. 
Finally, there are many core muscles that must engage to prevent rotation and provide stability throughout.

How To Perform The Jefferson Deadlift
Although the exercise looks a little complex, it is not particularly difficult to set-up and execute. To effectively perform the Jefferson deadlift, work through the following coaching points:

Begin by straddling the bar placing one foot in front of the bar and the other behind
Ensure that the feet are approximately shoulder-width apart
Using a shoulder-width grip, push the hips backward and reach down to grab the bar
Before lifting, push the chest up and actively engage the core muscles
Drive your feet into the floor to lift the bar while keeping the knees out
Continue the lift until you are fully standing
After completing prescribed reps, swap legs and repeat

There are a number of different deadlift grips that are commonly used, therefore, feel free to experiment until to find out which one works best for you.
Be aware that with the reverse grip (one hand over, one hand under), you should alternate hand orientation with each set to avoid developing asymmetries.
It is for the same reason that you must alternate legs when performing sets of the Jefferson deadlift.
However, there is an exception to this rule. For those who have severe asymmetries or imbalances, like scoliosis, it may be worthwhile to train using the side that feels more comfortable.
Always consult a doctor before proceeding with physical training.
As highlighted, the Jefferson deadlift shares specific characteristics as the trap bar deadlift. Therefore, the Jefferson deadlift should actually look more like a squat than a hinge.
This explains why this exercise is sometimes referred to as the Jefferson squat.
If you excessively hinge during this exercise, you may put yourself at a mechanical disadvantage and consequently may not lift to your full potential.
That said, this is entirely dependent on anthropometry or, in simpler terms, your body proportions.
While some lifters Jefferson deadlift will look very similar to the trap bar deadlift, other lifters may struggle to find the same leverage which will cause the lift to be much more rotational.
Every lifter is different. With that in mind, if you are struggling with leverage be willing to play around with your technique to determine what works best for you.

Common Technique Errors
It is clear that the Jefferson deadlift has the potential to substantially develop strength, however, it is imperative that this exercise is performed with good technique. 
Not only will poor technique hamper strength development and negate a number of these aforementioned benefits, it may also increase your risk of injury.
The most common error is allowing the rear foot to lift from the floor. Doing this shifts much on the strain onto the front leg rather than sharing the load between the two.
This exercise should load both the front and rear leg equally. Unequally balancing the load will make the movement less stable and efficient while potentially increasing injury risk.
Typically, this error occurs because the lifter has placed the rear foot too far back which forces the heel to lift. 
Therefore, to avoid this error, ensure that feet are in line with each other and approximately shoulder-width apart.

When To Program The Jefferson Deadlift
This section will make recommendations for specific populations who may benefit from utilizing the Jefferson deadlift.
As touched on previously, due to the reduced shear and compressive forces placed on the low back, the Jefferson deadlift is an excellent exercise for those with back pain.
Some coaches have found that by performing the Jefferson deadlift for a couple of weeks, lifters have been able to return to conventional deadlifts without experiencing pain.
When it comes to strength development, it is inevitable that you will hit a plateau at some point. Varying the exercises that you perform has been found to be a highly effective way of recommencing progress (3).
As a result, if you are struggling to add weight to your conventional deadlift it may be wise to program the Jefferson deadlift into your training. 
This simple change will alter the training stimulus and facilitate improvements in your conventional deadlift.
Lastly, because the Jefferson deadlift places a large demand on the quads, it can be used as an accessory exercise to help add size to your legs.
Final Word
The Jefferson deadlift is a superb exercise variation that will comprehensively build strength, reduce the chance of injury, and protect the lower back.
To maximize improvements, it’s important that the exercise is performed with good form. That said, some individuals may need to experiment with their technique to get the most out of the Jefferson deadlift.
1 – Hamlyn, Nicolle; Behm, David G.; Young, Warren B. (2007-11). “Trunk muscle activation during dynamic weight-training exercises and isometric instability activities”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 21 (4): 1108–1112. doi:10.1519/R-20366.1. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 18076231.
2 – Martín-Fuentes, Isabel; Oliva-Lozano, José M.; Muyor, José M. (2020-02-27). “Electromyographic activity in deadlift exercise and its variants. A systematic review”. PLOS ONE. 15 (2): e0229507. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0229507. ISSN 1932-6203.
3 –  Fonseca, Rodrigo M.; Roschel, Hamilton; Tricoli, Valmor; de Souza, Eduardo O.; Wilson, Jacob M.; Laurentino, Gilberto C.; Aihara, André Y.; de Souza Leão, Alberto R.; Ugrinowitsch, Carlos (2014-11). “Changes in exercises are more effective than in loading schemes to improve muscle strength”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28 (11): 3085–3092. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000539. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 24832974.

This Is How To Turn Your Soft Watery Muscle Into Dry Rock Hard Mass

This Is How To Turn Your Soft Watery Muscle Into Dry Rock Hard Mass

Built for show, or built to go?
We all know that guy. The guy who eats McDonalds three times a day, knocks a couple back before bedtime, and who’s idea of a workout is 20 bicep curls and some jumping jacks a couple of hours before his shift, and yet still has rock hard muscle. For me this was my college roommate Freddy, 5’10 and all muscle while I had to lift and run 3 times a week just to get the faint outline of a 6 pack.
Sure, I had medium density and fairly good strength, but he had raw power and you could see it in his physique. Now while genetics play a huge factor in these things, there were a number of things I was doing wrong. Check out the article below to take back your dense muscle building power.
T- levels

Unfortunately life isn’t fair, and all T-levels aren’t created equal. But while nature isn’t fair, nurture can be. Natural ways to increase your testosterone include, a good nights sleep, heavy weight training, cold baths, walking ( 2 miles or more per day), and eating multiple foods (Salmon, avocado’s, brazil nuts, etc.) If this still isn’t enough, you can always try taking a testosterone booster. 
When working out for muscle density you should concentrate on fatiguing the muscle. To make up for what mother nature hasn’t granted us you want to get as much blood flow to the muscle as possible. Break down the muscle with 6-10 reps of medium to heavyweight, and the blood flow will provide the muscle with the nutrients it needs to build back stronger and harder. This rep range is perfect because it not only builds up the aerobic capacity of the muscle but also the Myofibrullar part of the muscle, which is responsible for size.
Compound and Supersets

Compound sets are the performing of two exercises (one right after the other) that target the same muscle group. Supersets also go in succession of one another but target opposing muscle groups. For instance, incline dumbbell curls, and cable curls would be considered a compound set while hammer curls and reverse curls would be considered a superset. Do 4-6 reps of each exercise in the super/compound set to make one complete set. Do 3 sets at medium to heavyweight and your muscles should pretty much be decimated, and in this case, destruction is good!
Last minute Do’s and Don’t
-Do get adequate rest and hydration, as how you recover will determine your results.
-Don’t over train, again over training without adequate rest is just shooting yourself in the foot and will actually diminish your results.
-Do something you enjoy in your off time. Unhealthy stressors can not only kill your T-levels but the high cortisol levels can also turn your gains into mush. Very counterproductive.
So the secret’s out, Even though you don’t have the genetics of “Thing”, with a strong work ethic and pre-meditated workout plan you can have decent muscle density and massive gains that bring honor to your physique.
Do you have issues with your muscle density? Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

Six Science-Based Methods Bodybuilders Use To Lose Belly Fat

Six Science-Based Methods Bodybuilders Use To Lose Belly Fat

Losing Belly Fat Is Not Only Good For Improving General Health, It Is Also Crucial For Those Stepping Onto The Stage
It is very well known that maintaining a high body fat percentage can be damaging to our health.Several scientific studies have established a link between abdominal obesity and a range of diseases (1). As a result, a common goal set by many is to reduce belly fat.For the bodybuilder, as competition nears, it becomes necessary to reduce belly fat and body fat percentage more generally to improve aesthetics.This article will highlight six different methods that can be applied to help you lose that often stubborn belly fat and improve your definition.
The Six Methods
This section will outline the six methods commonly used by bodybuilders to reduce belly fat. It will also highlight a number of scientific studies that back-up these methods as effective.
1) Track Your Calories And Macros

If you are not already food tracking, it’s recommended that you start. Doing so will ensure that you are consuming the right amount of good food to maximize changes.The driving force behind fat reduction is calorie restriction (2). Creating a calorie deficit forces the body to find energy from another source out with food. As a result, the body will begin to break down stored body fat for energy purposes.By failing to track your eating, you may over-consume calories which will prevent fat loss from occurring.While macronutrients are of secondary importance for causing weight loss, they most certainly have an impact on body composition.A detailed study on nutrition in the lead up to a bodybuilding contest recommends the following split (3):

Protein: 2.3 – 3.1 grams per kg of body weight
Fat: 15 – 30% of calorie intake
Carbs: Remainder of calorie intake

Ultimately, without tracking you are shooting in the dark. It is not uncommon for individuals to either over or underestimate their calorie intake and food quality. Therefore, if you want to make the best fat loss progress possible, start tracking.Tracking doesn’t have to be difficult either. There are a number of fitness apps and online tools that allow you to calculate your calorie target and track your daily nutrition quickly and easily.

2) Increase Protein Intake
On the topic of macronutrients, protein is the macro that you should pay particular attention to. Consuming protein during fat loss is important for two main reasons.Firstly, protein is the macro responsible for maintaining muscle size. When restricting calories, the body will break down muscle tissue as well as fat tissue.Studies have shown that high-protein diets help to preserve muscle to a greater degree (4). This is hugely significant for the bodybuilder as it will allow them to maintain lean muscle mass while reducing fat and improve overall aesthetics.Hunger is often an issue that many bodybuilders experience during a fat loss phase. Protein regulates hunger hormones and helps to curb cravings and combat hunger.In addition to this, consuming protein has also been found to boost the body’s metabolism thus facilitating fat burning (5).One final study investigated the relationship between protein intake and abdominal fat. Results indicated that those who had a quality protein intake were more likely to have a lower amount of abdominal fat (6).
3) Focus On Fibre
In the same way that protein can help manage hunger and control appetite, fiber has been found to have a similar effect.Fiber is the indigestible plant matter which comes in two forms – soluble and insoluble.It is thought that both types of fiber have a beneficial impact on the health of the body – specifically digestive health.Fiber slows down the digestive process and nutrient absorption. A consequence of this is a prolonged feeling of fullness and diminished appetite.Research on fiber suggests that consuming an additional fiber can decrease calorie consumption and facilitate weight loss. One four-month study found that an additional fourteen grams per day led to a 10% decrease in calorie consumption and more than four pounds of weight loss (7).While both types of fiber appear beneficial, soluble fiber may be specifically effective for belly fat reduction.A second study concluded that consuming ten grams of soluble fiber contributed to a 3.7% reduction in abdominal fat (8).
4) Restrict Carb Consumption
Consuming fewer carbohydrates is another effective fat loss method that is commonly adopted by bodybuilders.The reason fat loss tends to occur during a low-carb diet is, once again, to do with calories. The majority of the calories consumed tend to come from carbohydrates. Therefore, by substantially reducing carb intake, you also decrease your calorie intake thus causing fat loss.Additionally, low-carb diets may also be effective for reducing appetite which can lead to a greater reduction in calorie intake (9).There are many scientific studies that advocate the use of low-carb diets for reducing body fat.One study on the matter concluded that a low-carb diet effectively improved body composition and significantly reduced abdominal fat (10).Research has indicated that low-carb diets are beneficial for more than just causing fat loss. They have also been found to reduce disease risk and improve the health of diabetics (11).

5) Cut Down On Sugar
Sugar is composed of two different molecules known as glucose and fructose both of which play an important role in providing the body with energy.Consuming a large amount of sugar on a regular basis has been associated with weight gain and the development of metabolic diseases (12).A study looking at the impact of sugar determined that a high consumption led to an increase in abdominal fat (13).When you eat a great quantity of sugar, it is thought that the liver is overloaded with fructose and quickly turns it into fat (14).On top of this, sugary foods and drinks can be extremely calorific. Therefore, eating a high quantity of these foods can take you out of a calorie deficit and prevent fat loss from occurring.Reducing the amount of sugar that you consume will have a substantial impact on your calorie intake and rate of fat loss.
Be conscious when selecting foods and avoid products that contain refined sugars. There are some foods marketed as “healthy” that contain a high amount of refined sugar.
6) Increase Exercise Frequency
This section thus far has focused primarily on nutrition; but what about exercise?The impact that maintaining good nutrition and exercising frequently has on the body is well documented. In addition to reducing disease risk, regular exercise can also be used to improve body composition and reduce abdominal fat.
Exercising more frequently will cause a greater amount of calories to be burned. Increasing calorie burn will have a direct impact on the rate of fat loss. As a bodybuilder, strength training must be performed often during the fat loss process to ensure that the amount of muscle loss is minimized.The purpose of performing strength training exercises is not to target fat in specific parts of the body. This is something often referred to as “spot reduction” or “spot fixing”.One study put spot reduction to the test and took participants through six-weeks of abdominal training. By the end of the study, abdominal fat had not significantly altered (15). As well as performing strength training, it is also not uncommon for bodybuilders to increase the amount of cardiovascular exercise they perform in a fat loss phase. Exercises such as walking, running, cycling, and rowing are all associated with large calorie burns and can cause a substantial reduction in abdominal fat (16).
Final Word
While there is a range of proposed fat loss methods, these six tried and tested methods have been scientifically proven to work.Therefore, any bodybuilder who needs to reduce body fat for an upcoming competition should consider adopting a number of these methods.
1 – Paley, Carole A.; Johnson, Mark I. (2018-05-04). “Abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome: exercise as medicine?”. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. 10. doi:10.1186/s13102-018-0097-1. ISSN 2052-1847. PMC 5935926. PMID 29755739.
2 – Hołowko, Joanna; Michalczyk, Małgorzata Magdalena; Zając, Adam; Czerwińska-Rogowska, Maja; Ryterska, Karina; Banaszczak, Marcin; Jakubczyk, Karolina; Stachowska, Ewa (2019-06-27). “Six Weeks of Calorie Restriction Improves Body Composition and Lipid Profile in Obese and Overweight Former Athletes”. Nutrients. 11 (7). doi:10.3390/nu11071461. ISSN 2072-6643. PMC 6683015. PMID 31252598.
3 – Helms, Eric R; Aragon, Alan A; Fitschen, Peter J (2014-05-12). “Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation”. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 11: 20. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-11-20. ISSN 1550-2783. PMC 4033492. PMID 24864135.
4 – Mettler, Samuel; Mitchell, Nigel; Tipton, Kevin D. (2010-02). “Increased protein intake reduces lean body mass loss during weight loss in athletes”. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 42 (2): 326–337. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181b2ef8e. ISSN 1530-0315. PMID 19927027.
5 – Leidy, Heather J.; Mattes, Richard D.; Campbell, Wayne W. (2007-05). “Effects of acute and chronic protein intake on metabolism, appetite, and ghrelin during weight loss”. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 15 (5): 1215–1225. doi:10.1038/oby.2007.143. ISSN 1930-7381. PMID 17495198.
6 – Loenneke, Jeremy P.; Wilson, Jacob M.; Manninen, Anssi H.; Wray, Mandy E.; Barnes, Jeremy T.; Pujol, Thomas J. (2012-01-27). “Quality protein intake is inversely related with abdominal fat”. Nutrition & Metabolism. 9 (1): 5. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-9-5. ISSN 1743-7075. PMC 3284412. PMID 22284338.
7 – Howarth, N. C.; Saltzman, E.; Roberts, S. B. (2001-05). “Dietary fiber and weight regulation”. Nutrition Reviews. 59 (5): 129–139. doi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2001.tb07001.x. ISSN 0029-6643. PMID 11396693.
8 – Hairston, Kristen G.; Vitolins, Mara Z.; Norris, Jill M.; Anderson, Andrea M.; Hanley, Anthony J.; Wagenknecht, Lynne E. (2012-2). “Lifestyle Factors and 5-Year Abdominal Fat Accumulation in a Minority Cohort: The IRAS Family Study”. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 20 (2). doi:10.1038/oby.2011.171. ISSN 1930-7381. PMC 3856431. PMID 21681224.
9 – McClernon, F. Joseph; Yancy, William S.; Eberstein, Jacqueline A.; Atkins, Robert C.; Westman, Eric C. (2007-01). “The effects of a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet and a low-fat diet on mood, hunger, and other self-reported symptoms”. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 15 (1): 182–187. doi:10.1038/oby.2007.516. ISSN 1930-7381. PMID 17228046.
10 – Gower, Barbara A; Goss, Amy M (2015-1). “A Lower-Carbohydrate, Higher-Fat Diet Reduces Abdominal and Intermuscular Fat and Increases Insulin Sensitivity in Adults at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes123”. The Journal of Nutrition. 145 (1): 177S–183S. doi:10.3945/jn.114.195065. ISSN 0022-3166. PMC 4264021. PMID 25527677.
11 – Feinman, Richard D.; Pogozelski, Wendy K.; Astrup, Arne; Bernstein, Richard K.; Fine, Eugene J.; Westman, Eric C.; Accurso, Anthony; Frassetto, Lynda; Gower, Barbara A.; McFarlane, Samy I.; Nielsen, Jörgen Vesti (2015-01). “Dietary carbohydrate restriction as the first approach in diabetes management: critical review and evidence base”. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.). 31 (1): 1–13. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2014.06.011. ISSN 1873-1244. PMID 25287761.
12 – Jensen, Thomas; Abdelmalek, Manal F.; Sullivan, Shelby; Nadeau, Kristen J.; Green, Melanie; Roncal, Carlos; Nakagawa, Takahiko; Kuwabara, Masanari; Sato, Yuka; Kang, Duk-Hee; Tolan, Dean R. (2018-5). “Fructose and Sugar: A Major Mediator of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease”. Journal of hepatology. 68 (5): 1063–1075. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2018.01.019. ISSN 0168-8278. PMC 5893377. PMID 29408694. 
13 – Stanhope, Kimber L.; Schwarz, Jean Marc; Keim, Nancy L.; Griffen, Steven C.; Bremer, Andrew A.; Graham, James L.; Hatcher, Bonnie; Cox, Chad L.; Dyachenko, Artem; Zhang, Wei; McGahan, John P. (2009-05). “Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans”. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 119 (5): 1322–1334. doi:10.1172/JCI37385. ISSN 1558-8238. PMC 2673878. PMID 19381015.
14 – Faeh, David; Minehira, Kaori; Schwarz, Jean-Marc; Periasamy, Raj; Periasami, Raj; Park, Seongsu; Seongsu, Park; Tappy, Luc (2005-07). “Effect of fructose overfeeding and fish oil administration on hepatic de novo lipogenesis and insulin sensitivity in healthy men”. Diabetes. 54 (7): 1907–1913. doi:10.2337/diabetes.54.7.1907. ISSN 0012-1797. PMID 15983189.
15 – Vispute, Sachin S.; Smith, John D.; LeCheminant, James D.; Hurley, Kimberly S. (2011-09). “The effect of abdominal exercise on abdominal fat”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25 (9): 2559–2564. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181fb4a46. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 21804427. 
16 – Vissers, Dirk; Hens, Wendy; Taeymans, Jan; Baeyens, Jean-Pierre; Poortmans, Jacques; Van Gaal, Luc (2013-02-08). “The Effect of Exercise on Visceral Adipose Tissue in Overweight Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. PLoS ONE. 8 (2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056415. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 3568069. PMID 23409182.

Combination Moves to Maximize Time and Gains

Combination Moves to Maximize Time and Gains

What is the best way to maximize your time while still seeing results?
So are you running short on time or have just entered a jam packed gym with no equipment available, well don’t sweat it!
I am here to help you, simply follow my amazing combo moves below to get in an awesome workout while still maximizing your time and gains.

Quads and Biceps
Decline Leg Press Superset With Unilateral DB Bicep Curls
The first move involves the quads and biceps, it would be best not to go heavy during these moves so form is kept strict

Position yourself in a decline leg press machine and at the same instance have a DB in each hand (which you will use to curl)
So perform 2 reps on the leg press, then without resting perform 1 rep of bicep curls (each arm). The reps will increase with each set.
Do not re-rack the leg press between reps, so ensure the weight is manageable (this will also help bring your core into play)

Set 1: 2 reps leg press: 1 rep bicep curl
Set 2:  4 reps leg press: 2 reps bicep curl
Set 3: 6 reps leg press: 3 reps bicep curl
Set 4: 8 reps leg press: 4 reps bicep curl
Set 5: 10 reps leg press: 6 reps bicep curl

As you become more proficient be sure to play around with the rep ranges

Calves and Shoulders
Seated Calf Raise With Bilateral Arnold Press
This move will involve your calf muscles and shoulders.
Again do not overload on the weight and keep it to approx. 40% of your maximum
Position yourself in a seated calf raise machine and at the same time position the dumbbells at shoulder height. You then perform 5 reps of
calf raises followed by 2 reps on the Arnold press.
Again the reps will increase with each set

Set 1: 5 reps calf raise: 2 reps Arnold press
Set 2: 10 reps calf raise: 4 reps Arnold press
Set 3: 15 reps calf raise: 6 reps Arnold press
Set 4: 20 reps calf raise: 8 reps Arnold press
Set 5: 25 reps calf raise: 10 reps Arnold press

Quads and Hamstrings
Lunges With a Step Up
This move can be done with an olympic bar or dumbbells.
You will begin by lunging with one leg, then immediately step up onto the platform with the same leg, the knee will be at a 90-degree angle. (Make sure you bring your other leg onto the platform also)
Then repeat by lunging and stepping up with the alternate leg.

Sets: 10: 1 rep for each movement


Set 1: 1 rep left leg lunge: 1 rep left leg step up  
Set 1: 1 rep right leg lunge: 1 rep right leg step up  

Then repeat again accordingly. 
Chest and Core
Swiss Ball Push-Up + Abs Pike
Assume a push-up position with your feet resting on the top of a stability (swiss) ball and your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor.
Then perform a push-up and as you rise back to the top of the push-up, pull your legs in toward your head, keeping them straight to make a pike position. (Your body should form a pyramid at the top of the pike position — not an L shape)
Then lower your legs back to parallel with the floor and drop back into the push-up position.

Set 1: 2 reps push ups: 1 rep pike
Set 2: 4 reps push ups: 2 reps pike
Set 3: 6 reps push ups: 3 reps pike
Set 4: 8 reps push ups: 4 reps pike
Set 5: 10 reps push ups: 6 reps pike

Lats and Abs and Biceps
Pull Ups To Hanging Leg Raises To Underhand Pull Ups
Perform as many wide grip pull-ups as you can in 1 minute with good form (getting your chin above the bar on each rep).
Then perform as many hanging leg raises in 1 minute
Then alternate your grip to perform underhand pull ups to target the biceps, and again as many as you can in 1 minute.
By the end of the routine you should have performed:

3 x 1minute wide grip pull ups
3 x 1 minute hanging leg raises
3 x 1 minute underhand pull ups

Chest and Back and Core
Push Ups To Renegade Row To Plank With Knee To Elbow
Begin by grabbing a couple of dumbbells or kettlebells.
Place these down and hold using a neutral grip as if you are about to row with them.
Begin in a plank position, then do a push up, followed by a renegade row, followed by knee to elbow

Sets: 10: 1 rep for each movement
Eg: 1 rep
1 push up
1 rep left side renegade row
1 rep right side renegade row
1 rep right side knee to elbow
1 rep left side knee to elbow  
Then repeat again for 10 sets accordingly 

Quads and Shoulders
The Thruster
I saved the best until last, this bad boy is a workout all on its own.
Set up an olympic bar with your desired weight which you are able to squat and shoulder press.
Then set up the bar in a front squat position, then as the move suggests, perform a front squat followed by a shoulder press.
Alternatively you can also use dumbbells for this move.

Sets: 10: 1 rep for each movement


Set 1: 1 rep front squat: 1 rep shoulder press

Then repeat again accordingly for 10 sets
So there you have it, you have a conclusive way on how to beat traffic in the gym, or make the most of a gym which may have limited equipment. Either way you should have no excuse for not making the most of your workout.
Until next time, keep pumping! 

The Differences Between the Squat and Deadlift

The Differences Between the Squat and Deadlift

Comparing Muscle Recruitment and Exercise Benefits
The deadlift and the squat are two foundational strength exercises that should be incorporated into the majority of training programs.The reason for this is simply due to the substantial impact that both exercises have on the body. Not only do both build full-body strength they can significantly impact hypertrophy and athletic performance.While regularly performing both will certainly improve strength and performance, it is important to recognize a number of differences that exist between both exercises.This article will review the squat and deadlift, the differences in muscle activation between the two and highlight a number of specific benefits associated with each exercise.
The Squat
This section will detail the muscles which are primarily worked in a back squat. Be aware that squatting variations will work specific muscles to a greater or lesser degree.The squatting movement pattern involves simultaneous flexion of the hips, knees, and ankles in order to drop the hips back and down towards the floor all while the trunk is held in an upright position.The squat movement pattern is commonly seen in sport which makes the squat (and squatting variations) fundamental for all athletes.There are three common squat variations – the back squat, front squat and overhead squat – all of which have their individual uses and benefits.

Muscles Worked in the Squat
Be aware that while the muscles listed below are predominantly lower extremity muscles, the squat should be considered a full-body exercise.

A much greater demand is placed on the quads during a squat than in a deadlift. During the squat, the quads are highly activated due to the high degree of flexion that occurs at the knees.The front squat is an excellent squatting variation that targets the quads to an even greater extent (1).
Meanwhile, the glutes are responsible for hip extension and play a pivotal role in the squat. They also work to enhance full-body stability, specifically at the deepest point of the squat.To maximize the engagement of the glutes, use a low bar back squat (2).

The hamstrings play a secondary role in the squat as they contract to improve stability and assist during the eccentric (lowering) phase of the squat.They also work to maintain hip and knee joint stability as you power up and out of the squat.
Back Muscles
The spinal erectors, lats, traps, and rhomboids all play a role in keeping the trunk upright during the squat. They combine to keep the spine neutrally aligned and stable thus reducing injury risk.
The calves contract in order to keep the feet pinned to the floor, facilitate stability and assist in the drive phase. Improving calf strength will allow for greater plantarflexion and can lead to a more efficient squat (3).

Squatting Benefits
The following list of squatting benefits should by no means be considered comprehensive as there are a vast number of benefits associated with the squat.
1) Increased Leg Strength
Probably the most evident benefit associated with squatting is an improvement in leg muscle strength – specifically the quads and glutes.The squat recruits a vast number of lower extremity muscles and motor units which is what makes it such an effective leg strength developer.

2) Total Strength & Muscle Hypertrophy
The squat and deadlift are the two free-weight exercises where the greatest amount of load can be lifted. This makes both exercises key for improving full-body strength and size.It would be very difficult to replicate the demands of the squat and deadlift through other exercises and therefore, athletes should be regularly performing both. 
3) Sport-Specific Exercise
The squat and it’s variations have close links with a range of sports. Powerlifters are required to back squat and weightlifters must be capable of performing the front and overhead squat to allow them to clean and snatch efficiently.Most athletes can benefit from utilizing all three squat variations as a combination of all three will comprehensively develop strength, movement, endurance, power, and fitness.

The Deadlift
In the same way with the squat, the deadlift has a number of variations that will work muscles in a slightly different fashion. This section is based on the conventional deadlift.While the movement patterns aren’t entirely dissimilar between the deadlift and squat, the most evident difference is the smaller degree of flexion that occurs at the knee joint.Because the legs are straighter in the deadlift, the hips start a lot higher. Consequently, the trunk of the body set in a more horizontal position and a greater emphasis is placed on hip flexion and extension.Three common deadlift variations that can be used to develop posterior chain strength are the conventional, sumo and trap bar deadlift.
Muscles Worked
As will become apparent, the deadlift works a number of the same muscles as the squat however, this is to a greater or lesser degree.The mechanics and action of the deadlift place the greatest amount of stress on posterior chain muscles which are the muscles that are found to the rear of the body.
The hamstrings are more heavily targeted in the deadlift than in the squat. This is due to the reduced amount of knee flexion and consequent emphasis on hip extension.The hamstrings also work to stabilize the knee joint during the deadlift, as it does in the squat.
The glutes are also responsible for driving hip extension at the top end of the deadlift. Lifters who have weak or inactive glutes may find that stress is placed on the lower back rather than the glutes.
While the degree of knee flexion is reduced, the knees must still extend as the bar is lifted. The quads assist in the pull and work to enhance the stability of the movement. Both the sumo deadlift targets the quadriceps to a greater extent (4).
Back Muscles
As seen in the squat, a multitude of back muscles must contract in order to stabilize the spine and prevent spinal flexion, therefore, lowering the risk of sustaining a spinal injury.Failure to properly engage these muscles can lead to excessive spinal flexion and can lead to herniating a disc.
The calves will also contract during the deadlift to assist in power generation and will help to facilitate efficient knee and hip extension. In addition, the contraction of the calves will keep the body grounded and stable throughout the movement.

Deadlift Benefits
Regularly performing the deadlift can have an incredible impact on your overall strength, power, and fitness. This section will highlight four primary benefits associated with the deadlift.
1) Posterior Chain Development
As posterior chain muscles are simply all the muscles that can be found to the rear of the body. These muscles are responsible for generating the power required for athletic and powerful movements.Incorporating the deadlift into your train will develop the posterior chain, increase strength capacity, enhance muscle size and improve athletic performance.
2) More Athletic Hamstrings, Glutes & Back
The hamstrings, glutes, and back are the posterior chain muscles that are most influential in athletic movements and performance.By improving the strength and function of these muscles you may see an improvement in a number of actions such as running, jumping, and sprinting.
3) Full-Body Strength and Hypertrophy Gains
As reflected on, the deadlift brings about a range of physiological and neurological adaptations including an increase in muscle strength and size, however, this is not simply restricted to the posterior chain.The deadlift should really be considered a full-body exercise as it highly activates a range of muscles throughout the body which can lead to an increase in full-body strength and size.
4) Injury Prevention
A combination of all of the above benefits leads to a reduction in injury risk. Generally, improving the strength and function of a muscle will reduce the risk of sustaining a soft tissue injury.It is imperative that the deadlift is executed with proper technique however as poor technique can substantially increase the risk of injury (specifically to the spine).

Programming Considerations
The number of sets and reps that you should perform per exercise entirely depend on the component of fitness that you wish to develop as well as your level of competency.Both the squat and deadlift are programmed similarly, therefore, it is recommended to use the following set, reps, and weight guide in your training.Beginners:– 2-4 sets x 8-12 reps– Light to moderate loads– Focus on technique overweightMuscular Strength:– 4-8 sets x 1-3 reps– Heavy loads ( > 80% of 1 Rep Max)Muscular Hypertrophy– 4-8 sets x 6-12 reps– Moderate loads (60-80% of 1RM)Muscular Endurance– 2-4 sets x 12-20 reps– Light to moderate loads (< 60% of 1RM) Final Word It would be inappropriate to rate one exercise as more beneficial than the other as both have their unique uses, benefits, and characteristics. It is clear that both the squat and deadlift should be considered compulsory for the athlete as both exercises have a significant impact both have on strength, function, and performance. References: 1 – Yavuz, Hasan Ulas; Erdağ, Deniz; Amca, Arif Mithat; Aritan, Serdar (2015). “Kinematic and EMG activities during front and back squat variations in maximum loads”. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33 (10): 1058–1066. doi:10.1080/02640414.2014.984240. ISSN 1466-447X. PMID 25630691. 2 -Glassbrook, Daniel J.; Helms, Eric R.; Brown, Scott R.; Storey, Adam G. (2017-09). “A Review of the Biomechanical Differences Between the High-Bar and Low-Bar Back-Squat”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 31 (9): 2618–2634. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000002007. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 28570490. 3 – Kim, Si-Hyun; Kwon, Oh-Yun; Park, Kyue-Nam; Jeon, In-Cheol; Weon, Jong-Hyuck (April 7, 2015). “Lower Extremity Strength and the Range of Motion in Relation to Squat Depth”. Journal of Human Kinetics. 45: 59–69. doi:10.1515/hukin-2015-0007. ISSN 1640-5544. PMC 4415844. PMID 25964810. 4 – Escamilla, Rafael F.; Francisco, Anthony C.; Kayes, Andrew V.; Speer, Kevin P.; Moorman, Claude T. (2002-04). “An electromyographic analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts”. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 34 (4): 682–688. doi:10.1097/00005768-200204000-00019. ISSN 0195-9131. PMID 11932579.

4 Simple Rule To Stay Shredded On The Go

4 Simple Rule To Stay Shredded On The Go

The road less traveled…can still get you ripped!
Not all of us have 9-5’s. In the bodybuilding world, and many other untraditional lifestyles, a large part of your time is spent on the road. But between rest stops, hotel food, alcohol, and late nights, how does one keep the shredded body you’ve worked so hard to gain? Simple, dedication. Celebrity trainer – and personal trainer to Kevin Hart – Ron “Boss” Everline – gives us some practical tips on how to stay shredded while you travel and we throw in a few tips of our own.
Tip#1: Be protein minded
A big reason many bodybuilders lose their gains on the road is because they simply aren’t getting enough protein. Try to plan your meals ahead of time and eat in as much as possible. Plan meals around things that you can get from supermarkets everywhere that don’t necessarily have to be cooked. Things like greek yogurt, rotisserie chicken, low sodium deli meat, cottage cheese, almond butter, etc. If you do have to eat out make sure you know the protein content of common menu items such as steak, fish, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Apps like Myfitnesspal make this easy, even when you’re on the road. Probably the easiest way however is protein powder, which gives you a more precise account of what you’re putting into your body.
Tip#2: Come out with the bread down, and your hands up

Again, the changing into a new environment can often times trigger, “vacation mode.” You start cheating here and there, making excuses because you can’ get the grass fed steak you usually eat at 7 o’clock everyday, you let your guard down. Don’t let this happen to you. According to Everline you should stick to complex carbs like quinoa, brown rice, and sweet potatoes. If you do have simple carbs, use them sparingly and only on days before a big workout.
Tip#3: High quality H20
In the same wisdom of the legendary “Bobby Booshy”, high quality H20 is key. Practically, it’s one of the few things you’ll find all around the globe, and healthwise, it is THE staple. Although this seems like common knowledge, you’d be surprised at how easy it is to break our disciplines once transformed into a new environment. Everline recommends gradually building up from anywhere from 4 cups to 1 gallon per day. This will not only keep you hydrated after those “late nights” but helps brain and body function as a whole.
Tip#4: Reserve a hotel by a gym

Yes, we know. We could’ve just told you to use the gym hotel, but we can see the excuses coming from a mile away of why those just aren’t adequate. So plan ahead. If you know you’re going to a specific place at a specific time, find a specific gym chain that you know and trust and get your specific a$$ in there. Simple.
There you have it. 4 reasons why you have no one to blame but yourself for getting flabby on that latest business trip. Getting shredded and staying that way is no simple task, but it takes dedication and diligence to rule the day. When in doubt just remember, Protein, complex carbs, water, and…well, you’ll figure out the rest.
Have trouble staying shredded on the go? Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Chest

Eight Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Chest

Here are the best dumbbell exercises to pump up your chest.
Dumbbells tend to get overlooked when it comes to working the chest. Guys tend to prefer a traditional barbell bench press and save the dumbbells for other body parts.
But dumbbells provide not only a tough chest workout but the added benefit of improving shoulder stability. Plus, you’re more likely to have access to dumbbells, whether at home or when working out of modest hotel gyms. Some research suggests dumbbells are easier on the elbow joints than barbells when working the chest.

Adjustable dumbbells, relatively unusual 15 years ago, now are commonplace and affordable, eliminating the need for an expensive, space-sucking rack of iron at home. Best of all dumbbells work for almost every lift. So, while kettlebells or barbells might be better for some lifts, dumbbells usually are an adequate substitute for those moves and preferable for others.
Of course, where the chest is involved, it helps to also have a bench, preferably an adjustable one. In this 30-minute dumbbell workout to build your chest, we’ll hammer through four sets of these eight moves in a circuit fashion, resting only briefly between sets, to produce maximum results with minimal time and equipment.

Pete Williams is a NASM certified personal trainer and the author or co-author of several books on performance and training.

1. Dumbbell Bench Press
What it does: This stabilizes your shoulders in addition to providing the same chest benefits as the traditional barbell bench press.
How to do it: Lying faceup on the bench, holding dumbbells at the outside edges of your shoulders, lift the dumbbells straight up over your chest. Lower the dumbbells together, touching the outside of your shoulders, then push them back up. 
How many: 4 sets of 10 reps
2. Hang Snatch – 1 Arm
What it does: It’s a full-body exercise with power coming from the hips, but your chest is the unsung contributor of this move providing stability in the “catch” phase.
How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart while holding a dumbbell straight down in front of you. Keeping your back flat and chest up, push your hips back and down to lower the weight between your knees. Explode in one motion, extending the hips quickly and pulling the dumbbell straight up. When the weight reaches maximum height, drop your body underneath and catch it overhead. Lower back to starting position.
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps.

3. Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
What it does: It hits your chest at a different angle, forcing you to place more emphasis on your upper chest as well as the front of your shoulders.
How to do it:  Lying face-up on a bench set at a 45-degree angle. Holding dumbbells at the outside edges of your shoulders, lift the dumbbells straight up over your chest. Lower the dumbbells, touching the outside of your shoulders, then push them back up. 
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps.

4. Dumbbell Flys
What it does: Few movements so effectively challenge the pecs while also hitting the shoulders and biceps.
How to do it: Lying face-up on a flat bench, hold a pair of dumbbells over your chest with elbows slightly bent, palms facing each other. Separate the hands and lower the dumbbells to the sides until you feel a stretch in your chest. At the bottom of the movement, your palms should be facing the ceiling. Reverse the motion until you reach the starting point, a movement some liken to “hugging a barrel.”
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps.
5. Dumbbell Bench – One Arm
What it does: This builds strength in the shoulder and chest like a conventional dumbbell press while also placing more emphasis on stabilizing the shoulder.
How to do it: Lie on a bench with your left glute and left shoulder blade on the bench and right glute and right shoulder blade off the bench. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and hold on to the bench with your left hand above your head. Lower the weight until your elbow is in line with your shoulder. Return to starting position. Continue for 10 reps and then switch sides.
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps per side.

6. One-Arm, One-Leg Dumbbell Row
What it does: This is a total body exercise but one that works the chest, too. You’ll get a stretch of the hamstrings and it also challenges the lats.
How to do it: Stand on one leg, gripping a stable surface in front of you (perhaps the dumbbell rack or bench) with one hand. Bend by dropping your chest and lifting the leg opposite your free hand. Grab a dumbbell with your free hand. Pull it to the side of your waist and then lower it. Do 10 and switch sides.
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps per side.
7. Bridge Chest Flys
What it does: By placing yourself in a bridged position, you target the pecs while getting the normal glute and hamstring benefits of the bridge.
How to do it: Lie on your back on the floor or a mat with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, holding dumbbells over your chest, palms facing each other. Squeeze your glutes and press the balls of your feet to the floor, creating a line from knee to shoulder. Lower weights and hips together, pausing at the bottom and then bridging back up as you bring the weights back together.
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps.
8. Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press
What it does: The alternating dumbbell press challenges the chest to stabilize more than a barbell bench. 
How to do it: Lying faceup on a bench, holding dumbbells at the outside of your shoulders and with palms facing your thighs, lift both dumbbells over your chest. Keeping one arm straight, lower the other dumbbell, touch the outside of your shoulder, and push it back up. At the top of the movement, push farther with both hands, as if trying to punch the ceiling.
How many? 4 sets of 10 reps
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