Tag: Workouts

Get Boulder Shoulders With These Exercise Variations

Get Boulder Shoulders With These Exercise Variations

Make your shoulders grow.
Shoulder training can without a doubt be one of the more tedious types of workouts when in the gym. Some people think that side laterals and overhead presses are the only answers to building up the shoulder muscles. It can become a bit tedious and boring to perform the same few exercises in order to get massive shoulders. There needs to be some variations to your shoulder training if you want to avoid hitting a plateau and simply just to make things interesting.
Pre Exhausting Shoulders
This method will pre-exhaust all three areas of the deltoids and prove to give your shoulders a massive pump. The exercises included in this method are a mix of all the classic movements you’d expect out of shoulder training. They include the front dumbbell raise, the lateral dumbbell raise, and the rear delt barbell row. 3 sets of 12 reps for each of these exercise before going into your regular routine will help to emphasize growth and development in the three muscles of your shoulders.
Seated Military Press
This gem can work wonders for your shoulder development. The movement of the military press can not only build up the anterior delts but the other two muscle groups in the shoulders as well. Though you can perform the exercise standing, when it’s done in the seated position you don’t have to focus as much attention to balance which will ultimately engage your lower back muscles more than needed. You have deadlifts for that. Instead you’ll be able to focus completely on your shoulders.

Face Pulls
This exercise is great for multiple muscle groups, not just for the shoulders. Besides being a great way to build up your rear delts for impressive size and definition, this exercise can prove to build your upper back muscles as well as doing some work on your traps. It’s important to thrash the posterior delts just as much as you work your anterior delts in order to see symmetrical development.
Arnold Press
This exercise has increased range of motion and can absolutely hammer the anterior and lateral delts. It’s pretty similar to the dumbbell press so you won’t have to make too many major adjustments when doing this one. The key is to start with the palm facing you and then rotating the wrists as you push the weight upwards. Not only this one great for your shoulders, but it can work wonders to give you a bigger bench.
What do you do for you shoulder development? Let us know in the comments below be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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How To Build The Inner Chest Like a Pro

How To Build The Inner Chest Like a Pro

The Ultimate Inner Chest Developing Workout
For so many bodybuilders and lifters, there a number of “problem” areas which often fail to develop at an optimal rate and lag behind others. One common area is the inner chest which is often underdeveloped as many popular chest-based resistance exercises place a large demand on the lower and outer portion of the pectorals, leaving the inner portion neglected.
With this in mind, the purpose of this article is to provide an example workout that will allow any lifter to build size in the inner chest. Incorporating this workout into one’s training will certainly help towards adding substantial size to the inner chest and lead to a more greater chest development.

Comprehensive Chest Development
For many, development of the outer chest tends to come fairly easily however, inner portion growth tends to be much more of a challenge. As stated, his is partly due to the fact that many chest-specific exercises rely heavily on the outer fibers of lower pecs.
The reason these fibers tend to dictate movement when shifting resistance is because the fibers of the pecs vary in length and consequent strength (1). Typically, the lower, outer portion of the pecs are larger and stronger than the fibers found in the inner chest.
Because these fibers take the brunt of the stress and strain, the outer portion of the pecs will develop and grow substantially. The inner portion however, does not experience as great a training stimulus as the outer portion and therefore, fails to develop at the same rate.
From an aesthetic point of view, it is essential that the inner chest develops at a similar rate, otherwise, the pecs will not look “full” or defined. In addition, packing on inner pec size can help compliment the shoulders and back to a greater degree and improve overall physique.
Workout Overview
Hopefully, this serves to highlight the importance of developing the inner pecs for those with aesthetic-based goals. More often than not however, the inner pecs are not given the attention they need which can have a negative impact on one’s overall physique.
The purpose of the workout is evidently to drive substantial changes in this area. This is done through the use of inner chest-specific exercises and by moving away from traditional heavy pressing movements which fail to stimulate the fibers of the inner pecs most effectively.
The workout has been designed to fit into any training program and should be performed once per week to maximize growth. The workout uses a combination of both dumbbells and cables and will not take more than 60 minutes to complete.

Be aware that this workout has been designed for the intermediate lifter in mind. This is because a number of the resistance exercises and training techniques are perhaps too complex for the beginner or novice lifter.
The Inner Chest Workout

Sets x Reps

Incline Dumbbell Press
1 x 203 x 8 -12

Dumbbell Bench Press (Superset)
3 x 8 – 12

Dumbbell Crush Press (Superset)
3 x 12 – 15

Incline Single Arm Chest Fly
3 x 12 – 15

Kneeling Incline Cross-Body Press
3 x 12 – 15

Not only does the workout use inner chest specific exercises, it also utilizes an advanced training method in the superset. Supersets, which involves performing 2 exercises consecutively with no rest in between, boost overall training volume which may lead to efficient muscle growth (2).

Furthermore, the workout incorporates a variety of repetitions – 8 – 12 reps for some exercises and 12 – 15 reps with others. The number of reps to be complete is relatively high; this is because studies have suggested that a higher rep range may assist in muscular hypertrophy more so than low reps (3).

For the intermediate lifter, the dumbbell bench press and incline variation will already be known. Both are fundamental chest-based resistance exercises that are commonly used to effectively develop chest size and strength.
A number of studies have indicated that the using dumbbells can help heighten the degree of pectoral activation (4). Furthermore, setting the bench on an incline has been found to place more demand on the upper and inner portions of the pectorals (5).
However, the crush press, single arm fly and cross body press may well be new exercises for many. Therefore, the following section details the technique for each movement and highlights a number of key points to remember while performing these exercises.
1. Dumbbell Crush Press
The crush press involves setting up a bench at a 45 degree angle. Avoid the temptation to select a set of heavy dumbbells which will push the intensity to the limit. Instead, look to pick a weight which is manageable and controllable. The emphasis must be on isolating the inner pecs and therefore, by shifting heavy weights, it’s likely that the focus will shift from the inner pecs to the body of the pec muscle.
Lie back on the bench, place the feet flat on the floor, maintain a slight arch in the lower back, place the dumbbells on the chest and pull the shoulder blades together. Ensure to use a neutral grip on the dumbbells and look to push, or “crush” the dumbbells together to create tension on the pecs.
From that position, brace the core before driving the weight directly upward, all while maintaining the “crush”. It is this crushing action that will maintain inner pec activation – therefore, press the dumbbells together throughout the duration of the movement. Effectively doing this will also enhance one’s shoulder stability throughout the movement.
Avoid fully locking out at the elbow as this will help to maximize tension on the inner pecs. Once at the top of the movement, reverse the actions and, in a controlled fashion, drop the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
To maximize the stress place on the pecs and consequently optimize inner pec growth, imagine simultaneously completing a fly and a press while performing this exercise. This should help facilitate form as both of these movements involve pulling the shoulder blades back and down to prevent the muscles of the shoulders assisting in the movement.
2. Incline Single Arm Chest Fly
Once again, place a bench on a 45 degree incline and adjust the cable to ensure it is set up so that the arm is slightly lower than the level of the shoulder. This exercise is to be performed one arm at a time or “unilaterally”. The reason for this to allow the arm to move beyond the midline which leads to a greater range of motion and therefore facilitates a more acute inner pec contraction.
Lie on the bench and grasp the cable. When driving the cable across the body, keep the movement controlled and consistent – both on the way out and the way back in. In a similar vein to heavy weight, it would be wise to avoid an explosive concentric contraction. This will allow for a greater focus on using the pecs to move the weight, rather than the shoulder muscles.
While performing the exercise, feel free to use the other hand to feel whether or not the inner fibers are contracting in the desired way. Finally, remember to maintain a slight bend in the elbows throughout the duration of the movement for comprehensive pec activation.

3. Kneeling Incline Cross-Body Press
For the final inner pec-specific exercise, ensure that the cable is set at a low position to allow for a diagonal pressing motion. This exercise can be performed both bi and unilaterally, however, completing single sided reps may be of more benefit as it allows for a greater focus on inner pec activation.
The exercise is a combination of both a press and a fly, therefore, it’s important to visualise the actions of both of these exercises while executing the cross-body press. When selecting weight, once again, select a resistance which is challenging but not heavy enough to pull the body out of position or cause loss of muscle tension. Maintaining tension on the muscles is extremely important for increasing the rate of muscle hypertrophy (6).
When setting up, assume the kneeling position and take hold of the cable. Squeeze the core musculature to stabilize the body and keep the shoulders down. Drive the weight up diagonally until the hand is approximately in line with the nose and avoid locking the elbow. Lower in a controlled manner and complete the prescribed number of reps.
During the exercise, avoid letting the elbow move excessively behind the line of the body. Not only will going too far back fail to efficiently hit the inner fibers, it may increase the risk of developing shoulder injury.
Final Word
While developing the inner portion of the chest can undoubtedly be challenging, it’s certainly not impossible. By following a program such as this, the inner chest will grow extensively and lead to a fuller looking chest and overall enhanced physique.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

1– Solari, Francesca; Burns, Bracken (2019), “Anatomy, Thorax, Pectoralis Major Major”, StatPearls, StatPearls Publishing, PMID 30252247
2– Weakley, Jonathon J. S.; Till, Kevin; Read, Dale B.; Roe, Gregory A. B.; Darrall-Jones, Joshua; Phibbs, Padraic J.; Jones, Ben (2017). “The effects of traditional, superset, and tri-set resistance training structures on perceived intensity and physiological responses”. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 117 (9): 1877–1889. doi:10.1007/s00421-017-3680-3. ISSN 1439-6319. PMC 5556132. PMID 28698987.
3– Grgic, Jozo; Schoenfeld, Brad J. (April 18, 2018). “Are the Hypertrophic Adaptations to High and Low-Load Resistance Training Muscle Fiber Type Specific?”. Frontiers in Physiology. 9. doi:10.3389/fphys.2018.00402. ISSN 1664-042X. PMC 5915697. PMID 29720946.
4– Farias, Déborah de Araújo; Willardson, Jeffrey M.; Paz, Gabriel A.; Bezerra, Ewertton de S.; Miranda, Humberto (2017-7). “Maximal Strength Performance and Muscle Activation for the Bench Press and Triceps Extension Exercises Adopting Dumbbell, Barbell, and Machine Modalities Over Multiple Sets”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 31 (7): 1879–1887. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000001651. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 27669189.
5– Saeterbakken, Atle Hole; Mo, Dag-André; Scott, Suzanne; Andersen, Vidar (June 22, 2017). “The Effects of Bench Press Variations in Competitive Athletes on Muscle Activity and Performance”. Journal of Human Kinetics. 57: 61–71. doi:10.1515/hukin-2017-0047. ISSN 1640-5544. PMC 5504579. PMID 28713459.
6– Schoenfeld, Brad J. (2010-10). “The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 24 (10): 2857–2872. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181e840f3. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 20847704.

6 Key Things Experienced Lifters Do Every Day

6 Key Things Experienced Lifters Do Every Day

Learn from the best
Show me a man’s habits and I’ll show you who he is. A common theory that few people put into practice. Anyone who has ever gone for a goal in life knows that goal setting is an important step in achieving what you want. The part that’s not as glamorous is the daily trudge. It’s the monotonous steps builders take day in and day out to make them just a little bit better than the day before. It’s a game of inches and we’re going to show you how to play.
While everybody has their routines we’re interested in what works and the types of things that champions do. We’ve comprised a list of 6 habits you should engrave into your brain and physiology in order to achieve with the champions, to eat with the Gods. Pay attention and take notes.
Any amateur can start a gym membership, workout routine, or sleep and eat right for a week or two. The thing that separates the lifters that really want it from the herd is the focus to do these things on a regular basis until they become HABIT! The number one way to make something into a habit is to be consistent. It’s easy to get your ass into the gym… what’s harder is to do it every day, workout just as hard (or harder) every day, and never lose steam.

That’s right, real lifters men (or champions in this case) use a journal. By journaling you can see what you did right, what you did wrong, and how you can improve on it tomorrow. It’s a systematic way to track your progress and assess where you’re at. When you have a correct view of where you are then you can take correct steps to where you want to go. Of course, in these modern times there are also tons of apps you can download to help use as a sort of journal to manage your goals. For example – you can keep track of your macros with something out like My Fitness Pal.
Put The Big Rocks in First
Are you doing a whole bunch of machines or bicep work when you know that you need to max out clean and jerk in order to improve your strength and movement? Then you’re putting in the sand before the big rocks. The big rocks are the things that make us scared and anxious. They’re usually the hardest and stressful things that will push us to our limit but will also give us the biggest push in the direct we want to be. Time is our most precious commodity, put the big rocks first and then the small rocks (i.e. making phone calls to sponsors, running errands, etc.) will slip in around them. If you do it the other way around you’ll find you spent the whole day doing busy work while nothing actually got done.
Work on your rest
In such a busy day and age this component of bodybuilding often gets overlooked the most. While the lifting is taken seriously by most builders the self care component is often seen as optional, not taking into account this is like the negative side of rep for your whole body. Things like getting massages, hanging with family and friends, meditating, or just watching TV is JUST as important as lifting weights if you want to reach your full potential.
Successful lifters are always looking for new and innovative ways to build on their routines. They try alternate exercises such as yoga, or resistance circuits to hybrid there workouts – whatever it takes to give them the edge. This is especially relevant when you’re stuck in a rut or have reached a plateau. So go ahead, take that MMA class.
(ABL) Always be learning
Tying in with “synergizing” is the habit of always looking to learn something new. Successful lifters always seek to understand before being understood. They take new information, weigh it, and think about how they could incorporate this into their current program. It’s not good enough to know – information is always changing – you have to expand and evolve with the changing times. If you don’t evolve then your physique won’t either.
What do you think of our 6 things successful bodybuilders do every day? Have you found these have worked in the pass or have we touch on something new? Hit us up with your opinions below in the comment section.

How This David Laid Workout Can Shred & Tone Your Physique

How This David Laid Workout Can Shred & Tone Your Physique

This workout from David Laid is one to get you shredded as you tone your lean and amazing aesthetic.
David Laid is a bodybuilder, fitness model, and social media influencer with a great physique that others certainly envy. A fitness fan from an early age, he saw an outlet to use it to his advantage and has since created a following of many who seek to look like he does.
When it comes to looking amazing and feeling even better, we need the right workout to help get us there. But the search for that all too vital workout can be challenging and with so many people claiming to have that golden workout, it can be hard to weed through all the nonsense. Looking to professional athletes, bodybuilders, and those popular influencers can greatly affect our gains and lead us to a massive and shredded physique that we want most. They are living proof of what these workouts can do and we should use them as examples of what a great workout can truly be.
David Laid knows exactly what it takes to succeed when it comes to workouts and with the right exercises, he knows just how to help get you the physique you want most for others to truly envy.

Full Name: David Laid

Date Of Birth

185-195 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Fitness Model, Social Media Influencer

This workout from David Laid offers the best exercises and an all-around great workout to give you great gains for that shredded physique as you look to tone and really define those muscles. Keeping your workout as engaging as possible can greatly affect all those gains you want most so you can look and feel as great as Laid himself.

About David Laid
David Laid’s fitness journey began at a young age, but it wasn’t without his fair share of struggles early on. He lost his father at a young age and suffered at the hands of bullies, only limiting his self-confidence even more. After he was diagnosed with scoliosis, he knew he needed a change and used weightlifting as an outlet to achieve this.
After finding his passion and beginning his gym grind, he realized a toned and sculpted physique was within his reach. He kept working on getting that physique to where he wanted it to be and ultimately became a social media influencer and fitness model, using his platform to help others reach their goals. Now with over 1.5 million followers on Instagram, he uses his reach to help others and continues his dominance in the fitness community.

David Laid Training Routine
This workout from David Laid is one to target all those muscle groups so you see the best outcome to strength and size. Using fundamental exercises, this workout is great for sport specific movements, as well as those more functional ones to aid in your everyday life. Looking to build strength and size while also leaning out for a shredded aesthetic may seem tough, but this workout gives you the best chance at seeing the results you want most.
Workout #1: Chest


Incline Bench Press

Dumbbell Incline Press

Dumbbell Bench Press

Incline Bench Press
Until Failure

Flat Bench Press
Until Failure

Workout #2: Shoulders


Seated Dumbbell Press

Behind The Neck Press

Lateral Raise with Dumbbells

Front Raise With Plates

Seated Overhead Press

Cable Lateral Raise

Rear Delt Cable Row

Workout #3: Back


Dumbbell Rows

Seated Cable Row

Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip)

Hex Bar Shrugs

Cable Shrugs

Chin-Up (Close Grip)

Lat Pulldown (Normal Grip)

Workout #4: Legs


Back Squat

Leg Press

Hamstring Curls

Calf Raises

Back Squat with Pause

Workout #5: Arms


Hammer Curls


Triceps Cable Pushdowns

EZ Bar Curls

Barbell Curls

Featured Supplement To Help Your Shred
While a great training routine and the right diet can greatly affect how you look and feel, using supplements can greatly affect all areas of your gains. Something like a pre-workout supplement is great for offering energy and muscle pumps and a protein powder can pump you with protein for those post-workout growth and recovery needs. For that increased strength and size, looking to a creatine supplement can also greatly influence those desired gains. But a fat burner is perfect for those looking to lose fat and retain muscle for a lean physique to be proud of.
Kaged Muscle Clean Burn
Kaged Muscle Clean Burn is a great stim-free fat loss solution to help tackle any and all weight loss needs. Designed with cutting edge and premium ingredients, this will work to offer thermogenic weight loss and is loaded with active ingredients. An effective supplement for losing weight, as well as weight management, Clean Burn offers the best fat burning benefits in a special blend with the right combination of powerful ingredients. Getting lean and ripped has never been more possible with clean burn.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Kaged Muscle Clean Burn is a great stim-free fat loss solution to tackle any weight loss needs. With great fat burning ingredients and a powerful formula, this is great for weight loss or weight management.

Price: $29.99
Use code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Also, check out our individual review for Kaged Muscle Clean Burn here!

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners for more great fat burning products!

Wrap Up
This workout from David Laid is perfect for giving you the edge when it comes to your bodybuilding and lean physique goals, With great exercises targeting all those muscle groups, you can’t go wrong with an amazing workout from someone who knows the industry. The right training routine with a well-thought out diet, matched by a quality supplementation regimen, can give you the best when it comes to those gains. Give this workout a try and see what it can do for all your gains today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of David Laid Instagram

5 Things You Should Never Do During Shoulder Workouts

5 Things You Should Never Do During Shoulder Workouts

The World on My Shoulders
Broad shoulders have been a sign of manliness and strength for centuries. Whether they’re broad or bearing the weight of the world – it seems like strong shoulders are necessary for a good foundation. So it’s no mystery that builders and laymen alike are on the constant search of the perfect pair. With so many builders wanting to see results in a short amount of time, sometimes the details of certain exercises get left out. When details are left out mistakes are made, when mistakes are made in the weight room, hospital bills go up…get my drift.
But you don’t have to go that route. We’ve comprised the top 5 mistakes we commonly see during training as well as providing some solutions.  Are you a perpetrator? Read on to find out.
Going too heavy
Your body gets out of position and you do things like arching your back to compensate. Besides recruiting other muscles that should not be a part of the exercise (thus taking away from your gains); being out of position can lead to major injuries including a herniated disc.
When you’re doing exercises like the the overhead press with dumbbells (a personal favorite) you want to make sure that you’re fully under the weight and that your abs and back muscles are firm to give you that neutral spine. A slight curve in your back is fine but when you feel yourself getting out of position you should think about going down in weight. Another common exercise that people often apply too much weight is the Behind the neck Barbell press. At the bottom part of this exercise your shoulders are at their weakest point, trying to lift a massive mount of weight in such a vulnerable position can leave you susceptible to joint and muscle tears. If we’ve learned anything from crossfit (a bit of an oxymoron I know) it’s that heavy weights and bad position can make you into an internet star…but not in a good way.
Solution: If you’re sitting down, make sure your back is flat against the bench. If you’re standing up, be sure to monitor your back position and keep it as straight as possible. If this still isn’t helping – you might want to think about going down in weight.

Never Sacrifice Range of Motion
Do you think bodybuilders like Kai Greene and Fred Biggie Smalls got to be 220+ lbs of raw muscle while still pulling of dance routines that would make the average break dancer think twice by sacrificing their range of motion? We didn’t think so. Any serious bodybuilder knows that being flexible is just as important as being swole. Range of motion also adds definition to the small muscles that do slight movements which can set you apart during a competition.
Many trainers terminate single-joint movements like lateral raises and front raises when they hit roughly shoulder height. The problem with this is that the middle and anterior delts haven’t reached the ends of their range of motion, limiting the muscles and parts of the muscle being effected.
Solution: Try taking these movements even higher, as the muscles are still contracting. Some experts suggest you can go as far as 45 degrees past the horizontal plane. You can still do limited range exercises for bigger muscle groups but try incorporating smaller weight, larger range of motion exercises into your shoulder workout.
Lack of Exercise Variety
Most of your current shoulder exercises are about as stimulating to your muscles as that statement to your nervous system. We know that shoulders are probably the only muscle group you’re using just free weights or a barbell for but that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck in rut.  We’ve provided some minor adjustments that can create a big change as well as some new exercises below.
Solution: The devil is in the details. Revamp your routine by trying things like changing hand position or grip. On dumbbell exercises, like side laterals, try using cables, or a machine, or going unilateral.
Alternate exercises: underhand presses (press a barbell over-head with a shoulder-width underhand grip); Arnold presses (press dumbbells from underhand at the bottom to overhand at the top); and rack military presses (press each rep from a dead stop off of power-rack supports set at chin level).
Saving The Rear Delts For Last
A common but understandable mistake, leaving the rear delts for last can cause asymmetry and rotator cuff problems down the road. We say it’s understandable because your delts are comprised of three parts, the front the middle and the rear. For most people it would make sense to train them in that order, and to be honest it’s not necessarily the order but not changing up the order that causes havoc. When you save the rear delts for last you’re usually at the lowest energy point which means they don’t get the attention they deserve. After a while this can cause your shoulders to pull forward giving you a slouched, lazy appearance.
Solution: Try training doing single-joint moves for your rear delts right after your press, when your energy level is at it’s highest. In truth, the key here is rotation. Leaving any area for last all the time will probably result in decreased size and strength and possible and as a result of that possible injury.
Neglecting Your Rotator Cuffs
This one seems like common sense yet many builders are still doing it. We know training things that you can’t see isn’t the sexiest thing for bodybuilders, but what if we told you that these 4 strap muscles work in conjunction with your delts to help stabilize the shoulder and prevent injury? Not training your cuffs can cause muscles to become imbalanced and lead to potential injury.
Solution: Try doing the internal and external exercises provided below to help strengthen your rotator cuffs.

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and lie on the floor on your left side.

Bend your right elbow to a 90-degree angle and tuck it firmly against your side so that your palm is facing downward.

Pull your abdominals in.

Bend your left elbow and rest the side of your head in your left hand.

Keeping your right elbow glued to your side, raise your right hand as far as you comfortably can.

Slowly lower the weight back toward the floor. (This exercise is external rotation.)

After you complete all the repetitions, switch the weight to your left hand and lie on your back.
You can also do this exercise lying on one side on the bench, with your forearm hanging off the bench.

Bend your elbow so your forearm is perpendicular to the floor and your palm is facing in.

Lower your hand down and out to the side as far as you can, and then lift the weight back up. (This exercise is internal rotation.)

What do yo think of these common mistakes, have you seen anyone committing these in the gym? Have you committed these yourself? And most importantly, has this article has helped? Share your opinion below.

Will The Earthquake Bench Press Annihilate Your Chest

Will The Earthquake Bench Press Annihilate Your Chest

The search for new and improved exercises.
In the ever changing bodybuilding world there is always room for new and fresh exercises, all of them created to provide variety for the avid lifter. Everyone who’s looking to improve their bodies are always scouring the internet in hopes of finding a method of building muscle that they haven’t come across before.
Whether it’s a method that is well known or one that few have heard of, a bodybuilder, especially one who reaches a plateau, will take the time to experiment with an exercise they haven’t tried before.
Plateauing is truly a big concern for anyone looking to either shred fat or build muscle. Hitting a brick wall on your road of gains is simply not an option and can be a truly daunting mountain to climb. But the internet provides the kind of access a bodybuilder could ever want or need. If there’s an exercise out there that has yet to be discovered in the gym, the online web can surely provide.
With plenty of bodybuilders on social media showing off their progress pics, it’s no surprise that they’d share some of the exercises that provided them with their improved form. The idea is to educate the fans and bodybuilding hopefuls while showing the competition just what lengths they’ll go to in order to secure victory.
Brandon Curry is a well respected IFBB pro with a number of title wins under his belt including the Mr. Olympia 2019 title. He trains hard, he’s dedicated and he’s hungry for success. With hopes of making the improvements he needs to compete against the other monsters in the upper echelons of the open weight class, Curry is utilizing all the knowledge he possesses in order to make some drastic changes to his physique.
One method he’s using is the earthquake bench press, an exercise that looks a bit unconventional, but has been used by many strength athletes including Mark Bell. Check out Curry performing this interesting lift during his chest routine.

Do you think the earthquake press is truly helpful? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

These Are The Guaranteed Ways of Overcoming Your Training Plateau

These Are The Guaranteed Ways of Overcoming Your Training Plateau

Ways of Breaking A Training Plateau
Hitting a training plateau can be one of the most frustrating things. You know you’ve hit an overhead ceiling when you can’t seem to make gains no matter what you do in the gym. Hitting a plateau is not something unusual and you might be suffering from it without knowing it.
There is nothing wrong with hitting a plateau but staying on it can be disastrous for your physical and mental health. There are a few things you can do to overcome the gain roadblocks when you hit them.
Change Your Training Program
Following the same training program for a long time can cause you to hit a plateau. You need to constantly add variations to your workouts to avoid hitting a muscle growth roadblock.
You should try changing or making adjustments to your workout program every 8-12 weeks. Starting a new program or following a new training philosophy can re-ignite your muscle growth.
Fix Your Diet
A nutrition deficient diet can be one of the leading causes for hitting a training plateau. Figure out your daily caloric requirement according to your training goals and design your diet keeping your macro and micronutrients in mind.
You could also use the help of supplements to fill the gaps in your nutrition. Make sure you don’t overly rely on supplements and keep real food as the main source of your nutrition. If you don’t know how to design your own diet, getting professional help can save you a lot of time and wasted effort in the gym.

Step Off The Gas
When people realize they have hit the gains roof, they train harder. Training harder than before can be a vicious cycle if you’re on a plateau. Maybe training too hard and a lack of recovery is what got you there in the first place.
Analyze your recovery plan and check if there are any loopholes. You should be getting anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep every night to streamline the recovery from your workouts. Check if you’re sore for too long after your workouts. Being sore for a long time can be a sign of overtraining.
Shock Your Muscles in Every Workout
Your muscles are quick to adapt to your style of training and you need to constantly shock your muscles into growing. Do something new in every workout so your muscles have no idea what hit them.
Use an advanced training technique like supersets, drop sets, etc. or go crazy by doing 30-50 reps on your last set of every exercise. Using equipment like fat grips, arm blaster, new kinds of bars is also an incredibly effective way of adding variation to your training.
Stop Training Completely
If you can’t seem to make any progress after tweaking your training and diet, chances are you are overtraining. You should consider stopping working out and give your CNS (central nervous system) some time to recover.
Although stopping training can seem counter-intuitive but gaining muscle mass or losing weight will be easy once you come back from the break. Consider the break as a gym-detox for your body.

Have you ever hit a training plateau? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

5 Gym Etiquette Rules You Should Know About

5 Gym Etiquette Rules You Should Know About

5 Most Important Rules Of Gym Etiquette You Should Know
When some people are in the gym, they think no one is watching them. They take the gym to be a practice ground and decide to do things which they otherwise wouldn’t do outside. The gym is like any other social setting and you need to be on your best behavior.
Without you knowing it, there could be some things you do in the gym which could be a cause for trouble for the other people. If you do the right things, becoming a gym sweetheart isn’t so hard.
1. Re-Rack Your Weights
This is the basic gym etiquette most people lack. People use weights and leave them on the floor after completing their exercise. These people think re-racking the weights is the job of the gym employees and permit themselves to scatter weights throughout the gym.
While keeping the gym clean and tidy is the job of the gym staff, cleaning after you isn’t. Since you’re working out, it is safe to assume you’re old enough to clean up after yourself. Every gym should have this written on their walls –
“If you’re man enough to lift it, you’re man enough to put it back.”

2. Be Presentable
While it’s true your gym clothes have a smaller life cycle than your normal clothes, it doesn’t mean you should start wearing untidy clothes to the gym. You look at yourself in the mirror for most of the time you’re in the gym.
Looking good while working can act as a motivation. You meet many people while you’re at the gym, and you should leave a good first impression. Talking about first impressions, do everyone a favor and wear a deodorant. Stop with the homeless look already.
3. Don’t Help When Not Asked For
Broscientists have earned a name for themselves when it comes to interfering in others workouts. If someone doesn’t ask you for training tips or the right form while performing an exercise, please keep all your training hacks to yourself.
Everyone’s body is different and responds to different things. People realize what works for them after years of trial and error. Don’t think you can correct everything with your training hacks. Not to mention, no one appreciates a broscientists or his tips.
4. Ask Before Taking Equipment
If you’ve been working out for some time, there are chances you might have found yourself in a situation when someone took the weights you were using without your permission. We’re sure you wouldn’t have liked that.
Even if you find barbells, dumbbells or weight plates lying around, ask around before taking them. While you’re at it, use a towel to wipe down the equipment if you get them dirty. Doing this will add good karma to your gym life and the same will start happening to you.
5. No Dibs, Please!
Some people have the habit of blocking others from the equipment they’re using. A little sharing never hurt anybody. Not sharing is one of the most lacked gym etiquettes. Everyone is running on a schedule, always offer to share the equipment.
Since you’ll have some time in between sets, it is a great way to build new relationships. If you’re running late, you can speed up your workouts by using advanced training techniques like supersets.
Which are the etiquettes people at your gym lack? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Train Lats For A Bigger Chest With This Workout

Train Lats For A Bigger Chest With This Workout

Want a bigger chest? Then get your back in order.
On the journey to building up the perfect pecs, most guys in the gym often focus on exercises associated with the chest. Seems pretty obvious that if you want to get your chest into fighting form then you’re going to have to perform exercises associated with the muscle group. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
But guys will often times obsess on building the chest alone while neglecting some of the other important muscle groups associated with building a maintaining pecs that would make other guys jealous and make women swoon.

So what muscle group should be worked in order to get a bigger and better chest. If you read the title of this article then it’s a safe bet that you know it’s the lats. But why exactly will building up your lats prove to be the secret to building up a desirable chest? Well, there’s a theory of building up the opposing muscle group in order to see full development in the area you’re targeting. The opposing muscle group is essentially the opposite muscle group to what you’re hoping to develop. For the chest it’s the lat muscles.
Now if you have a man boob issue that you wish to be taken care of then you’re going to have to work your opposing back muscles to avoid your moobs from growing my prominent. Everything must be balanced. You obviously work your chest muscles to get the definition and muscle growth in your pecs and you work your back, specifically your lats, so that you have a more natural posture.
By only working your chest the likelihood of your shoulders hunching forward, making your chest muscles bunch together in a more narrow space will lead to you making your man boobs appear all the bigger. Working you lats will cause your posture to maintain more of natural position through your shoulders and allow your chest to spread for a wider and more aesthetic appearance.
Here’s a list of exercises to prioritize your chest and back.

Barbell Bench Press
3 sets, 5 reps

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
3 sets, 10-12 reps

Dumbbell Flyes
3 sets, 10-12 reps

3 sets, 3 reps

Pull Ups
5 sets, To Failure

One Arm Dumbbell Rows
2 sets, 20-25 reps

Try out this chest and back routine and let us know your results and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

This Fraser Wilson Workout Will Get You Toned & Shredded

This Fraser Wilson Workout Will Get You Toned & Shredded

This workout from Fraser Wilson is one to give you that desired physique for others to envy.
Fraser Wilson is a fitness influencer and YouTuber creating content and inspiring others to get fit and look great. With a shredded aesthetic, he is proof of what hard work can do when you put your mind to it and grind in the gym.
When it comes to working out, finding the right routines can be challenging. So many exist online and our brains swirl with every exercise we have ever done. But knowing the right approach and which exercises pair well together can be challenging and while this task may seem quite daunting, it is most certainly not impossible. Looking to professional athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness influencers can be great when trying to put together a routine. Knowing the ins and outs of the right approach can prove very beneficial when it comes to all your gains.
Fraser knows just how hard it is to get that shredded aesthetic but this workout is one to give you the best chance at mimicking what he does to stay toned and fit.

Full Name: Fraser Wilson

Date Of Birth

150-160 lbs.


Social Media Influencer, YouTuber

Fraser Wilson works with others to design and program workouts to get you shredded so you look and feel your best. With his own website, as well as content on Instagram and YouTube, Fraser knows exactly how to engage and educate others on fitness so they can look and feel their best.

About Fraser Wilson
Fraser Wilson began training in his late teens as a way to build confidence and find an outlet to express himself. He soon found that the gym was perfect when it came to stress relief and he began to find a new level of confidence. Once this happened, he began growing a following on social media, creating workout content and sharing his passion with others. With millions of people following him on Instagram and YouTube, Fraser has created a successful platform for others to find the right workouts so they see great gains. His programs on his website are perfect for those looking for a change so they can look as good, if not better, than Fraser himself.

Fraser Wilson Training Routine
Fraser focuses on one muscle group per day in efforts to increase strength and size, but also continues to tone and sculpt his physique. By offering a variety of exercises, he works to challenge his muscles in unique and different ways to get the most out of each and every workout. He also makes sure to warm-up properly to get those muscles primed and to stretch after as he seeks the best for his growth and recovery. Working with different amounts of weight also allows Fraser to continue to put on strength and size, but also work on toning and balancing out those muscle to not suffer from any imbalances.
Day #1: Back Workout


Bodyweight Pull-Up
Until Failure

T-Bar Row

Straight Bar Cable Pulldown

Wide-Grip Cable Pulldown

Rack Pulls

Single Arm Cable Row

Day #2: Shoulder Workout


Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Alternating Dumbbell Front Raise

Smith Machine Overhead Press

Reverse Pec Deck Machine

Face Pulls

Day #3: Chest Workout


Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Smith Machine Bench Press

Cable Crossover

Barbell Bench Press

Until Failure

Day #4: Legs


Seated Leg Extension

Dumbbell Goblet Squat

Barbell Lunge

Hamstring Curl

Leg Press

Standing Calf Raise Machine

Donkey Calf Raises

Glute Cable Pull

Day #5: Arms


Triceps Pushdown

Until Failure

Seated Dumbbell Curls

Single Arm Cable Triceps Extension

Standing Barbell Curl

Preacher Curls


Featured Supplement For Continued Gains
When it comes to seeing huge gains and making sure you get the most out of a great training routine, having a solid supplementation plan is essential. While a healthy diet and solid training program can work wonders for your gains, it is important to have the right supplements paired together so you see continued gains every single day. Something like a protein powder is perfect for ensuring growth and recovery while an intra-workout supplement is perfect for those mid-workout needs. Of course, others like creatine, mass gainers, fat burners, and multivitamins will offer a wide array of benefits so you see all those gains you want most.
However, a pre-workout supplement can seriously affect your energy levels and provide for pumps, offering a great pre-workout boost to tackle any workout that comes your way.
Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK is backed by science with clinically effective dosages to increase muscle size and mass. This pre-workout is perfect for reducing fatigue, aiding in muscle growth, and boosting energy levels for better overall performance.

Backed by science with clinically effective dosages, Transparent Labs BULK is most effective for those looking to increase in size and muscle mass. BULK contains 6,000 mg of citrulline malate, 4,000 mg of beta-alanine, 4,000 mg of BCAAs, and 2,500 mg of betaine to boost your workouts, blood flow, weight loss, and muscle growth, all in attempts to improve performance. BULK will reduce fatigue and increase your energy to give you a more impactful and longer lasting workout. Transparent Labs prides themselves on a 100% label and there are artificial additives, colorings, or preservatives to ruin this clean product.
Price: $49.00
Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK here! Also, use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Check out our list of the Best Pre-Workouts for more great pre-workout supplements!

Wrap Up
This workout from Fraser Wilson is perfect for achieving all your desired goals and making sure you get the most out of each and every day. Your gains matter and looking to those who know what they’re doing can greatly affect everything you’re trying to do. Toning and sculpting a shredded physique can be challenging, but it is not impossible. This workout from Fraser Wilson is exactly what you need for that shredded physique others will most certainly envy.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Fraser Wilson Instagram