Tag: Workouts

Crazy Workout To Build Your Hams and Glutes

Crazy Workout To Build Your Hams and Glutes

Develop Your Hamstrings and Glutes With This Workout
Posterior (the muscles you can’t see in the mirror directly) can be the hardest to develop as it’s difficult to establish a mind-muscle connection with muscles you can’t see while training.
Pancakes look great on a plate and not in jeans. If you have non-existent hamstrings and glutes, this workout will help put an end to your suffering. Leave no stones unturned while following this workout.
Dumbbell Sumo Squat – 3 Set 15-12-10 Reps
Squats are arguably the best leg building exercise. In this workout, you’ll be performing the dumbbell sumo squats as they are better at targeting your hamstrings and glutes as compared to the conventional squats.
For the dumbbell sumo squat, stand on a couple of aerobic steppers to create a deficit between yourself and the floor. Hold a dumbbell with your arms fully extended towards the floor. At the bottom of the movement, the lowest part of the dumbbell should go below the top of the steppers.

Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3 Sets 15-12-10 Reps
Barbell hip thrusts are one of the most underutilized exercises. Most people make the mistake of overloading the bar and following a small range of motion. Don’t let your ego ruin the exercise and use weights with which you can follow the complete range of motion.
The barbell hip thrusts focus primarily on developing your glutes. At the top of the movement, your quads and upper body should be in a straight line while your lower legs should be perpendicular to the floor.
Leg Curls – 3 Sets 20-15-10 Reps
Leg curls are a staple in most leg training workouts but many people leave gains on the table by performing the exercise incorrectly. While performing the leg curls, place your ankles under the pad so they are a fist’s distance apart.
Lift the weight in an explosive manner. Hold and squeeze your hamstrings at the top of the movement for a couple of seconds. Return to the starting position with a slow and controlled movement. Repeat for the recommended reps without resting at the bottom of the movement.

GHD Extensions – 3 Sets 15-12-10 Reps
We can thank CrossFit for bringing the GHD extensions to the mainstream. If you don’t have access to a GHD machine at your gym, you can ask someone to sit on your lower legs while you perform the exercise on a flat bench.
The GHD extensions work your hamstrings and glutes. If you have relatively weaker glutes and hamstrings, you would want to work on them by performing other exercises before tackling the GHD machine.
Good Mornings – 3 Sets 15-12-10 Reps
Good mornings are a golden-era classic exercise. To perform the good mornings, stand with a barbell placed across your shoulders and feet in a shoulder-wide position. Slowly lower your torso by bending at your hips while keeping your knees slightly bent.
The right motion while performing the good mornings should feel like doing the stiff-legged deadlifts but with the barbell on your shoulders instead of your hands. You should also consider using safety bars while performing the good mornings to eliminate any risk of injury.

Which is your favorite hamstring exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

How Andrei Deiu Works Out For A Camera Ready Body

How Andrei Deiu Works Out For A Camera Ready Body

This workout from Andrei Deiu will get you shredded so you see those desired gains unfold for others to envy.
Andrei Deiu is a Romanian bodybuilder and model who has transformed his life and body into something he is proud of. By breaking old habits and having to adjust to new ones, he is a prime example of what resilience and hard work can do for your goals.
Too often do we spend too much time online trying our hardest to put together a solid workout plan. With so many influencers claiming they have the secret weapon, it can be challenging to weed through all the nonsense to find the truth. But we are missing one critical piece to make our lives so much easier. Looking at bodybuilders and other athletes who we know and love can give us great inspiration as their workouts are proven to work with that respective athlete as the end result. It isn’t magic, just hard work and a will to want to change.
Andrei Deiu knows just what it takes to work from nothing and create a toned and sculpted aesthetic that others will envy.

Full Name: Andrei Deiu

Date Of Birth

175-185 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Model

Andrei had to change his mindset before he could transform his body physically and with the right training routine and diet program, he was able to do just that. Making the change wasn’t easy but with the right guidance, it is something you can do and this workout from Andrei is perfect for getting started.

About Andrei Deiu
Andrei found himself in a quite the predicament in his younger years, playing video games and eating junk food while really letting his health slip. As his weight began to increase, this led to low confidence and the vicious cycle of bullying began. But instead of running and hiding, Andrei took the gym and built up a physique he certainly knew others would envy. Soon after, he would enter his first bodybuilding competition and soon after that, began modeling for various clothing brands and fitness apparel. With hard work and a will to be the best, Andrei turned his life around and became a real force in the fitness community.

Andrei Deiu Training Routine
With this training routine, Andrei is always looking to continue to grow in strength and size and includes exercises for every muscle group to achieve that. Working with varying weights and reps, this seven day plan is guaranteed to give you gains that you want to see most. While these exercises are meant to build strength, they are all designed to increase energy and provide for endurance to keep him powered through the entire workout and those to come. Ultimately, this workout is used to improve his weaker areas so nothing ever lags behind.
Day #1: Chest & Shoulders


Chest Press

Incline Press Up

Cable Flys

Dumbbell Bench Press

Machine Chest Fly

Lateral Raises (Seated)

Day #2: Back & Abs



Seated Cable Row

One Arm Dumbbell Row

Reverse Abs

Lat Pulldowns

Lat Pullovers


Machine Crunches

Day #3: Shoulders


Military Press

Front Raises

Side Raises


Rear Delt Raises

Reverse Pec Deck

Alternating One Arm Side Raises

Day #4: Cardio & Abs


Cardio Machine (Treadmill, Bike, Etc.
1 Hour

Leg Raises


Windshield Wipers

Day #5: Legs



Leg Press

Leg Extensions

Standing Calf Raises

Seated Calf Raises

Day 6: Arms & Abs


Triceps Pushdowns


Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

Barbell Curls

Concentration Curls

Hammer Curls


Side Plank

Day 7: Legs



Leg Press

Leg Curls

Romanian Deadlifts

Calf Press

Standing Calf Raises

Featured Supplement For Cutting and Toning
While Andrei uses his own supplements of choice, having a solid supplementation routine can work wonders for you as you seek the best for your goals. Some staples like a pre-workout and protein powder are great for those pre- and post-workout needs, but others like a multivitamin, testosterone booster, or intra-workout BCAA can be a game changer. But fat burners can work to shed that unwanted fat so you see that physique you want most.
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great burner to expedite weight loss in 3 ways. A 100% honest label ensures quality ingredients and optimal effectiveness.

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great supplement to expedite weight loss by allowing you to shed fat, maintain muscle, and build that ideal physique for whatever comes your way. Working with 3 ways to expedite fat loss, this works to increase loss by determining how many calories you should burn, prevent hunger to eliminate snacking and unwanted calories, and offer an enjoyable weight loss experience so you actually work for your fat loss goal more effectively. With just 9 ingredients, this formula works to give you everything you need to succeed in your weight loss journey while boosting your metabolism.
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Also, check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner here!

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners On The Market For more great fat burning supplements!

Wrap Up
This workout from Andrei Deiu is great for toning and seeing that desired physique you want most. It can be challenging to sort through all the nonsense online to find a good workout but looking to the pros and those who have gone before us can greatly influence our gains. Give this workout a try and see what it can do for your goals today. You won’t be disappointed with the results.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Andrei Deiu Instagram

Become Immortal: The 3 Best Exercises That Will Make You Live Longer

Become Immortal: The 3 Best Exercises That Will Make You Live Longer

Live long with the power of iron.
Respect your elders. Throughout childhood most of us have heard this term in some form or another. And although we did respect grandma and grandpa we think it’s safe to say none us wanted to look like them. If your grandpa was Jack Lalanne then I’ll give you that one. Fortunately – for the rest of us –  we don’t have to. According to modern day science you can have the wisdom that comes with age and still keep the body of Conan The Barbarian. How? With some good ole’ fashion perspiration and inspiration my friend. Besides, I’m sure we would’ve respected grandpa even more if could dead 400 lbs…just sayin’.
According to one of the largest studies done on human gene expression, aging profoundly affects skeletal muscle, including loss of muscle mass and strength and increasing the levels of fat and connective tissue. This condition is known as age-related sarcopenia. However, sarcopenia can be combated with physical exercise as it is shown to counteract the effects of aging on certain genes.

“Strikingly, we find that genes that are associated with both aging and physical capacity are largely counteracting. The presented data thereby support efforts to maintain high physical fitness in an aging population to counteract negative effects on mitochondrial function.”
Even more interesting is that the body does not have an age-limit on improvement by exercise. Exercise, particularly weight lifting, have shown health improvements from people 80-90 years old. And the only reason that we can’t say even older is that is the oldest sample tested. It’s postulated that at any age exercise can have benefits when applied properly. So now that you know exercise can keep your engine burning for a long time what are the best ones to do? We’ve got a couple of suggestions.
The Sled Pull
Although recent to the fitness world in America the sled pull has been performed for decades by our Scandinavian logger friends. That’s right, the sled Pull was originally a log pull, and they didn’t tweet about it either. The sled pull is awesome because it’s a functional movement exercises which means it’s easily applicable to everyday life. Not only will it keep you out of the wheelchair but out of the physical therapist office as well. It’s lack of eccentric loading means it causes minimal wear on your body, greatly reducing the chance of injury or soreness. “I’m falling and I can’t get up”, not for you.
We know this is an obvious one but who doesn’t like hearing they’re right anyway? Simply put this is one of the best bone density, muscle building exercises out there. Why spend your golden years drinking lemonade on a porch when you can spend it hanging off the side of a cliff? This full body weight bearing exercise will help stave of things like osteoporosis and leave the doctor’s office as empty as high noon in a western.
Whether you run a marathon, play racquetball, or swim, it really doesn’t matter. Just keep your cardio rate up for an extended period of time. The shortness of breath commonly associated with a set of stairs and old age can become a thing of the past. Pick a fun cardio workout that you enjoy doing and try to do it atleast twice a week. Better yet join a rec team and play with others! Having fun in social settings have been repeatedly proven to keep you happier and healthier in the long run.
We know you were looking forward to riding one of those stair mobile thingys pedaled on daytime t.v., but “I’m falling and I can’t get up” is no longer part of your vocabulary. Get up, get out, and train!

Old School Exercises You Should Be Doing

Old School Exercises You Should Be Doing

circa 1895: German strong-man Eugene Sandow (1867 – 1925) lifting weights and dumbbells. (Photo by Rischgitz/Getty Images)
Bring back these classic moves.
Bodybuilding is an endeavor that’s all about finding the perfect training routine that will give you the gains you seek. When it comes to sculpting muscle you’ll have to go through a series of trial and error in order to discover what exercises work best with your body type. Choosing to transform your body is truly a daunting task. There can be no half measures, no quick fixes. It’s all about making the necessary improvements through hard work and dedication.
To many younger bodybuilders, as well as individuals new to lifting, the notion that innovation is the key to growth is a bit misconstrued. Sure, new exercises and machines may be great in the way of accessibility and could prove to be very effective for muscle building, but that doesn’t change the fact that the classic exercises still provide some of the best results for building a strong and aesthetic physique.
All that being said, it would seem that many bodybuilders are forgetting about some of the classic exercises that provided some of the best gains ever since they were created. We’ve compiled a list of some of the greatest classic exercises that many present day bodybuilders may be neglecting, but should never forget.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Arnold Press
A dumbbell press named after Arnold, this shoulder exercise was a great innovation during its heyday. The rotation of the dumbbells on the way up add a greater range of motion, which means attacking multiple muscle in the shoulders. This means activating more muscle fibers and growth.
Steve Reeves: Pinch-grip Deadlift
We’ve all seen the normal deadlift before, a great exercise for building up the back, but this variation can help your gains in a number of ways. This Steve Reeves derivative means grasping hold of the outward facing weighted plates, a lifting it up, barbell and all for an exercise that will work your forearms, legs, lower back, and improve your grip strength.
Dave Draper: Curl and Press
It’s hard to believe that you don’t see this move being performed in every gym across the globe. Dave Draper’s inspired exercise is basically a two in one affair. The movement is both a shoulder press and a curl all wrapped into one exercise. You get two exercises for the price of one and would work perfectly on any biceps, triceps, or shoulder days.
Eugen Sandow: Screw Press (a.k.a. Bent Press)
This one is more of a strongman lift, but nevertheless, it’s definitely an exercise you should consider adding to your routine. Why? Because functional strength is just as important to build up as much as your biceps. If you want to lift heavy then you’ll have to consider building up your overall strength. This classic made famous by Eugene Sandow himself is definitely a routine that should always be in style.
So what’s your favorite old school exercise? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Build Huge Wheels With This Hack Squat Guide!

Build Huge Wheels With This Hack Squat Guide!

Don’t neglect this gem if you want even better leg development!
If Tom Platz, aka the “Quad Father,” did the hack squat then we will too… only with good form though! His leg development was untouched and people still remember his mind-blowing quads until this day.
Now, the hack squat is a very effective compound exercise and a good alternative to a leg press or squat on some training days. But, there are a few ways to do it, which makes it a viable option for building mass and strength.
Now, some gyms may not have a hack squat machine and that’s ok… we’ll show you some good alternatives. But, we’ll focus on the movement as a whole and explain how to utilize it for your aesthetic benefit…
We’re going to explain what the hack squat is, which muscles are involved, a comparison to the back squat, a how-to guide, and some killer variations…

What is The Hack Squat?
A hack squat is generally performed on a sled angled at 45 degrees. It allows you to train without relying on a lot of trunk stabilization or balance like many machines.
And, you can better squat through your heels similar to a leg press machine since you can position your feet farther up on the platform. But the hack squat is actually closer to the Smith machine in exercise execution and body placement.
Now, this variation is no more dangerous than doing a free weight back squat if you have proper form. And there are other effective variations of this exercise which we’ll discuss shortly. 
Muscles Worked
The hack squat works the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and core. But, the main focus is the quads as is with the conventional barbell squat.
Now, squats, in general, are a great compound movement since they can really pack on the mass and strength. And they’ve been used for decades to build big, strong legs.
But, thankfully we have machines to mix things up and create variety while allowing us to focus more on the movement rather than trying to balance a large amount of weight.
So, the hack squat places a big emphasis on the legs period!

Hack Squat Benefits vs. Barbell Back Squat
The hack squat is very effective for leg development but is it better than the back squat? Yes and no!
But both training modalities are useful and have their pros and cons…
Hack Squat Benefits
A study showed the hack squat produces a significantly higher 1-RM than the back squat. This is because you’re in a fixed position which stabilizes the trunk, so you can focus only on the movement. (1)
Your trunk involvement is much more limited with this variation. And this is good if you want to place a large load on your quads.
Back Squat Benefits
However, overall activation of muscle in the trunk is higher in the back squat (Except in the rectus abdominis), which proves there are pros and cons to different exercise variations. (1)
Now, as long as you’re doing other free weight movements to activate the core, you should be good. What’s the point of getting big and strong with a powerful core… it doesn’t work that way.
The trunk muscles must be just as developed to ensure muscular balance.
How To Do the Hack Squat?
Here are instructions for both the machine hack squat and barbell hack suat.
Choose a reasonable weight where you can get at least 12 repetitions without going to failure.
This will ensure you maintain good form and prevent injury or discomfort.
Hack Machine Squat

Stand on the platform so your back is against the machine and your shoulders are beneath the padding.
Your feet should be wider than hip-width distance apart and closer to the top of the platform so that your knees are not above your heels.
Now, squat down slightly past parallel.
Then, push up through your heels back to a standing position.
Perform the desired number of reps.

Barbell Hack Squat
The barbell hack squat is more difficult than the machine version because free weights require stabilization and balance. And, you’re arms are positioned behind you back.
But, the barbell hack squat is actually closer to a reverse deadlift than a squat. So, the back is also engaged during the movement.

Stand in front of the barbell so you’re facing away from it.
Grip the barbell behind you wider than shoulder width apart and keep your back straight.
Now, drive upward through your heels and move your hips forward to allow the barbell to move all the way up. Squeeze your glutes during the positive portion of the exercise.
Slowly lower the barbell back down to the floor.
Perform the desired number of reps.

Important Tips:

Always keep your feet higher up on the platform so that your knees do not move forward. Not doing so could cause knee pain/injury. This foot position is also very important for people with ankle mobility issues.
Stop immediately if you feel a lot of back pressure and lighten the load. If you feel prolonged back discomfort, then do not continue.
For the barbell hack squat, thrust your hips forward to allow for proper movement execution into an upright position.
Don’t be afraid to train heavy but it’s smart to remain within your strength limits while maintaining proper form, as your spine and knees will bare a lot of the resistance load.
The barbell variation may be better for athletes concerning performance carryover into sports. But, the hack squat machine will improve strength.

Alternative Variations
Single-Leg Hack Squat
If using a machine, you can train one leg at a time which provides unilateral (Affecting one side) benefits.
This is great for bringing up a lagging leg by preventing the dominant leg from doing all of the work.  And a neural event occurs which is called “cross education of muscles,” which actually activates the same muscle on the opposite limb. (2, 3)
But unilateral training is also beneficial for the injured and rehabbing individuals since less weight is used and this is better for the lower back. (4)
But, you won’t be able to use as much overall weight and that’s ok becaue you’re really isolating one side. Simply lift one leg and perform the movement nice and slow.
You’ll probably be very sore in the morning by isolating each leg.
Smith Machine Hack Squat
The setup here is the same as the machine hack squat by positioning yourself at a 45-degree angle. And don’t worry; you’re not going to fall back if you’re doing the exercise properly.
But, it’s good to place stoppers where they would catch the bar in the worst case scenario. 
Here’s how you do it…

Step under the bar so your traps are beneath it as you would a normal squat.
Place your hands a little closer to your traps than you normally would.
Now, walk out so that you’re leaning back at a 45-degree angle but keep your knees slightly bent.
Squat down slightly lower than parallel as you would a machine hack squat. And make sure to keep your back straight.
Perform the exercise for the desired number of reps.

Hack Squat (Tom Platz Style)
Tom Platz’ quads were some of the best EVER! And they didn’t call him the “Quad Father” for no reason. Now yes, he did have phenomenal genetics. But wouldn’t you still take some training advice and techniques from him?
Here’s a variation he used to do but… DO NOT do this often. This is good to shock the quads but it requires your knees to pass over your heels. Use a lighter weight for these to decrease pressure on the knees.
Here’s the variation:

Position yourself on the hack squat machine but place your heels together and point your feet outward.
Elevate your heels and keep them up during the movement.
Squat down and then press up through the balls (Tiptoes) of your feet. Your knees should follow the path of your toes.

Sample Leg Routine
It’s always good to do a few warm-up sets to build yourself up to doing heavier working sets. So, in a pyramid fashion, perform one set at about 30% of your one-rep max (1-RM), and then do one set at 50-60% of your 1RM.
Then, you can get into your heavier sets at 75-80% of your 1-RM unless you’re advanced and really want to train heavy. Also, you have to use whatever training method (Machine, barbell, Smith machine) works best for you.
Certain individuals cannot do certain movements due to mobility issues or structural limitations.
But, if you have a hack squat machine in your gym and can use it… then please do!
This workout is for those who train legs once per week. But, if you do it twice a week, then do 2 sets per exercise…
Increase the weight in small increments weekly to build mass and strength.
Hack Squat

3 sets x 12 reps (45-second rest in between sets)

Romanian Deadlift

3 sets x 10-12 reps (45-second rest)

To perform this movement, deadlift the bar from the ground and on the eccentric (Negative) phase, only bring the bar down to your mid lower leg. Perform the provided number of reps.
Dumbbell Lunges

3 sets x 10 reps (45-second rest)

While holding a dumbbell in each hand, lunge forward until your leg is at a 90-degree angle. Push back up through your heels and repeat with the other leg. Alternate both legs to complete a set.
Lying Leg Curls

3 sets x 12 reps (30-second rest)

Lie face down on the leg curl machine and curl the weight up using your hamstrings through a full range of motion. Repeat for the number of reps. 
Is The Hack Squat Appropriate For Everyone?
So, here’s the thing… the hack squat is a good option for anyone who can safely and effectively perform the movement. However, since you’re locked in a fixed position on the machine, people who want to be athletic may benefit more from free weight movements overall. (5)
Now, that’s not to say you should never do the hack squat. But, it’s not a natural movement which could possibly carry over to sports activities except for the strength benefits.
If you’re a bodybuilder or someone who just trains to look good though, the hack squat is a fantastic option.
And like mentioned earlier, the free weight barbell squat activates the trunk (Core) muscles more than the hack squat.
Having a strong core is crucial for stabilization, balance, and high-level athletic performance.
Elderly and Injured/Rehabbing Individuals
People who lack mobility, stability, strength, or balance will benefit greatly from using machines. Since the hack squat will allow for a set position other than foot placement. You can train safely.
Machines control the movement of an exercise which reduces the risk of injury and can help a rehabbing individual to still train without having to utilize too many assisting muscles. (5)
Bottom Line
The hack squat, regardless of the variation used, can be a safe and effective exercise. But, just because you’re using a machine doesn’t mean proper technique should be thrown out the window.
You still must maintain a good body position and foot placement is important for preventing knee issues.
So, if your gym has a hack squat machine, then give it some use. See how it works for you and you may even want to give the barbell hack squat a try too. It’s different but variety is valuable when it comes to training for overall development.
And remember, the hack squat is not a replacement for standard lower body compound movements. But it is a viable addition to your leg routine!

1- Clark, David R.; Lambert, Michael I.; Hunter, Angus M. (2019-7). “Trunk Muscle Activation in the Back and Hack Squat at the Same Relative Loads”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 33 Suppl 1: S60–S69. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000002144. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 28704312
2- “The Benefits of Unilateral Training”. www.acefitness.org.
3- “Should you be doing more unilateral training?”. College of Health and Human Sciences. April 30, 2019.
4- Eliassen, Wiliam; Saeterbakken, Atle Hole; van den Tillaar, Roland (2018-8). “COMPARISON OF BILATERAL AND UNILATERAL SQUAT EXERCISES ON BARBELL KINEMATICS AND MUSCLE ACTIVATION”. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 13 (5): 871–881. ISSN 2159-2896. PMC 6159498. PMID 30276019.
5- Free Weights vs. Machines: How Should You Choose?

Get Popeye Forearms With These Simple Forearm Exercises

Get Popeye Forearms With These Simple Forearm Exercises

Get Popeye Forearms
Muscle symmetry is what separates the men from the boys. Bodybuilding is a game of illusions and having proportional muscle groups accentuates the size of your muscles. If competing is your goal, you need to train for symmetry and muscle balances.
Forearms are one of the most overlooked muscle groups. People usually train them as accessory muscles at the end of their arm workouts. It is no surprise these people have bulging biceps and skinny forearms.
If your goal is to have gigantic biceps and triceps, you can’t afford to skip training your forearms. While skinny forearms can make your arms look smaller, ripped forearms can add to the size of your bis and tris. Do these simple exercise to get Popeye forearms.
1. Farmer’s Walk
Farmer’s Walk is one of the most effective exercises to build muscle mass and strength in your forearms. Performing this exercise will make you stronger at other exercises where you need your grip strength. Farmer’s walk is a staple exercise in strongman training.
If you don’t have farmer’s walk black bars at your gym, you can use dumbbells for this exercise. Hold on to some heavy dumbbells and walk for as long as you can without dropping them. Challenge yourself to do more every other time you perform this exercise.
2. Barbell Finger Rolls
This is one of the most underutilized exercises for forearm development. Chances are, you would have never seen someone do this exercise, but you will be certain of its effectiveness once you do it yourself.
Hold a barbell with an overhand grip. Slowly roll down the barbell to the tip of your fingers. Return to the starting position, curl your wrist and squeeze at the top of the movement. You can also do a behind the back version of this exercise to isolate your forearms.
3. Cable Reverse Curls
Using a cable as opposed to free weights helps keep the tension on your target muscle group throughout the movement. While using dumbbells you have tension on your muscle on the concentric part of the motion but there is no tension on the eccentric part.
Cable reverse curls can help with building the top of the forearms and the outer biceps. Since this exercise can recruit your biceps, you need to make sure you’re performing it with complete control. Keep the reps slow and deliberate to exhaust your forearms.

4. Wrist Curls
Wrist curls are probably the most common forearms exercise performed in gyms around the world. If you have lagging forearms you should perform these exercises at the beginning of your workouts. This will help in recruiting your forearms in every exercise you do later in the workout.
Sit and the side of a bench and place your forearms on the bench with only your wrist hanging off. Hold a barbell or dumbells with an overhand grip with your thumbs over the barbell. You can also perform the underhand variation to target the inner forearms.
5. Cable Overhand Inward Wrist Curls
Cables can be incredibly useful at annihilating your forearms. Cable overhand inward wrist curls will isolate your forearms and will fill them with lactic acid by the end of the exercise. For this exercise, sit on a flat bench with your forearms parallel to each other placed on your thighs.
Attach a straight bar handle to the pulley and sit at a distance where the weights don’t rack at the bottom of the movement. Curl your wrists inwards towards your knees and squeeze at the top of the movement.
Which is your favorite forearm building exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

The Best Side Delt Exercises For Shoulder Growth

The Best Side Delt Exercises For Shoulder Growth

Work on both look and feel with these great side delt exercises.
You want those upper arms to pop and side delt exercises can give you that look and feel you want most out of those well-defined arms. Whether it be wearing a tight tee or showing off your toned aesthetic with a tank, your arms are one of the first things people notice. With hard work and a solid training plan, those shoulders on the whole will look round and defined that others will certainly envy. Knowing which exercises to perform will give you a good foundation to really build strength and size and boost all areas of your physical health and performance.
By focusing on your upper arms, you can promote the growth and development you want to see most. Your side delts give those shoulders the look and feel you want most and it would be a disservice to neglect this muscle. With these exercises, you will also work your front and rear delts to give that overall shape, but with an emphasis on the side delt you can see those gains grow.
Let’s take a look at some great side delt exercises. With the right plan, you will be well on your way to receiving the benefits and overall development you want most so you can show off those arms with pride.

About The Side Delt
Your deltoids are what make up the shoulder and upper arm region of the body. The front and rear delts accompany the side delt to make up the entire muscle. The aim of the side delt is to move the arm to and from your body from side to side. While we all know about exercises like the side lateral raise, there are a host of others that can target this muscle so you see the growth and development you want most (1).

Best Side Delt Exercises
Let’s take a look at some great side delt exercises to really focus on that shape and definition while also boosting strength for any of your training and performance needs.
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise
A great exercise to target the movement of the side delt, the dumbbell side lateral raise is a traditional exercise to target this muscle (2). Standing with your feet around shoulder width apart, grab two dumbbells and hold them next to your body. With a tight core and straight back, raise the weights to the side until they parallel to the floor. Lower back down and repeat for your desired number of reps.

Upright Rows
This rowing motion with the upright row will work your abs and back but also really target the side delts (3). With your feet about hip-width apart, hold dumbbells or a bar in front of your body and raise to chest level. Your hands will be slightly lower than your elbows. Return to the starting position and repeat for your desired number of reps.
Seated Arnold Press
A great exercise from bodybuilding legend, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Arnold press be done either standing or sitting. With the bench at a 90-degree incline, keep your feet planted and core tight. Hold the dumbbells next to your head with your elbows bent and palms facing you. As you raise over your head, begin to rotate the weights so your palms face away from you at the top. Lower back down and repeat for your desired number of reps.
While the skullcrusher is primarily a triceps exercise, it works your delts peripherally and should not be overlooked. Laying on a bench, hold the bar over your head and gently lower the bar so it falls behind your head. Keeping a tight core and stable posture, return to the staring position and repeat for your desired number of reps.

Military Press
A simple and basic exercise, using dumbbells is a great way to target the side delts with the military press (4). With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the weights with your palms facing outward. Push the dumbbells straight up and once at the top, don’t fully lock out your elbows. Lower back down and repeat for your desired number of reps.
Behind The Back Press
The behind the back press can be done standing or sitting and is a nice exercise to work for all around shoulder development. Hold the bar above your head and gently lower down behind your head, almost to the base of your neck. Raise back to the starting position and repeat for your desired number of reps.

Featured Supplement For Side Delt Gains
When looking to boost overall strength and size, while also looking to optimize health and performance, having a solid supplementation routine can work wonders for your gains. A pre-workout or intra-workout BCAA will give you a great boost as well as other supplements like creatine, fat burners, or testosterone boosters. But protein powders work to enhance growth and recovery so your gains never falter and you see the results you want most (5).
Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate is organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free, boasting a great formula for a top protein powder. With nothing artificial added, this is a clean protein that is easier on your stomach.

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey boasts an impressive array of eco-friendly accomplishments. It’s organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free. There are no artificial sweeteners — a rarity in a world full of whey protein powder, which are almost always filled with chemical flavorings to disguise the chalkiness of protein. There are also no artificial colorings or preservatives added making this is an excellent choice for you and your body weight goals.
Price: $59.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate here!

Check out our list of the Best Protein Powders for more great protein supplements!

Wrap Up
These best side delt exercises will work wonders for you as you seek to build that desired strength and size out of your arms. With well-defined arms, you can show off a physique others will envy and most certainly boost your training and performance goals. Give these exercises a try and really see what they can do for you as you build those strong and developed shoulders.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Williams, Martin R. Jr.; Hendricks, Dustin S.; Dannen, Michael J.; Arnold, Andrea M.; et al. (2020). “Activity of Shoulder Stabilizers and Prime Movers During an Unstable Overhead Press”. (source)
Stiggins, Chuck; Allsen, Phil (1987). “Exercise Methods Notebook: Side lateral raises”. (source)
Schoenfeld, Brad; Kolber, Morey J.; Haimes, Jonathan (2011). “The Upright Row: Implications for Preventing Subacromial Impingement”. (source)
Waller, Mike; Piper, Tim; Miller, Jason (2009). “Overhead Pressing Power/Strength Movements”. (source)
Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)

Can’t Afford The Gym? Try The Jailhouse Method

Can’t Afford The Gym? Try The Jailhouse Method

Insane gains the prison way.
In this day and age gyms are more pricey than they’ve ever been before. Many people wish to get into shape and make some serious gains, but their lack of funds keep them from being able to get into the gym and achieve their fitness goals. It can be a bit depressing knowing that you want to make a change, but can’t manage to because of economic interference.
So does that mean you might as well give up and forget about ever making some serious improvements on your body? Hell no! Though machines in the gym do help a great deal in getting your body into ripped and massive condition, that doesn’t mean you can’t make some development without them. When the tools are lacking for the task at hand, the next step is to innovate and do the next best thing. Workout without them.
This is where the concept of the prison workout can help a great deal in improving your physique. For the incarcerated, there aren’t a bunch of fancy machines or dumbbells lying around. For them to improve their strength, muscle endurance, and physique, they must rely on bodyweight exercises to make the difference. So what would a prison workout consist of? For the most part the exercises consist of pushing and pulling motions that will thrash your muscle into shape. We have a list of some prison inspired exercises that are sure to make all the difference to your routine with or without machines.

Upper Body Workout
There are a number of push up and pull up variations that are sure to work your chest, triceps, back and even your core. The key to building up a strong upper body is variety, consistency and attacking different muscle groups with the same intensity. This list of push up and pull up variations will add some variety to your routine and ensure that your muscles are attacked from multiple different angles.

Diamond Push Ups
3 sets, 20 reps

Wide Grip Push Ups
3 sets, 20 reps

Chin Ups
3 sets, 10 reps

Wide Grip Pull Ups
3 sets, 10 reps

Lower Body Workouts
The lower body workout routine is likely to look fairly similar to what you would see in the gym. The lack of weights to give added resistance is a bit of a hurdle to get around, but in exchange for the usual weighted variations, the focus should be on muscle endurance. By the time you’re ready to do a weighted squat the muscle endurance will aid you in pushing some weight.

Body Weight Squat
4 sets, 20 reps

4 sets, 10 reps

Calf Raises
4 sets, 25 reps

But you’re still looking to build up muscle then having a training partner for these exercises can be a huge help. For instance, you can have your partner sit on your shoulders during a squat or on your back while doing a calf raise variation (donkey calf raises). They may be a bit more difficult to pull off, but if you’re in a tight situation it should do the trick for muscle growth.
Would you ever use the body weight workout in a bind? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

This Cass Martin Workout Will Give You A Strong & Toned Physique

This Cass Martin Workout Will Give You A Strong & Toned Physique

This workout from Cass Martin will offer great exercises to get you stronger and more defined for your desired physique.
Cass Martin is a fitness influencer and social media icon known for hard training and amazing physique. Through hard work and a desire to share her knowledge with others, she has built up a fan base and huge following on social media.
For so many of us, finding the right workouts can be very challenging and with so much out there online, weeding through what’s fact and fiction can be just downright impossible. But looking to the pros and those athletes we admire can prove to be beneficial for us because they know what they’re talking about. They are living proof of what can happen when you perform those exercise and workouts. So while many people claim to have the one answer your looking for, it is wise to start with those bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness icons we know and love to get that valuable advice from.
Martin’s massive following gives her a platform to share tips on her diet and work ethic, while also inspiring others to build their desired physique that others will envy.

Full Name: Cass Martin

Date Of Birth

125-135 lbs.


Fitness Model, Social Media Influencer

Cass Martin is known for her style of heavy training with many movements being relatively basic yet highly effective. A great way to boost your gains and see some increased strength and size, while also working on a shredded and toned physique, this workout can give you what you want and more as you seek an aesthetic others will envy.

About Cass Martin
Cass Martin was always fairly lean growing up and participated in sports and fitness. She was so interested that many of her young friends were boys, given her sheer love of fitness and athletics. After graduating college, she took up construction, but would soon find a new passion in building up her strong and toned physique. She would begin to explore the world of bodybuilding and would start on a journey, building up her social media following and fan base. Now, with a massive following and a physique to show off, she seeks to help others achieve their desired body types as best they.

Cass Martin Training Routine
Cass’ routine sees a lot of heavy lifting and uses a lot of basic movements with more free weights. She is constantly mixing up her routine so her muscles never have time to get used to them. She also trains individual muscle groups every day, with the exception of her legs. A great 6-day training routine, your entire is week is covered with awesome exercises to ensure you see the growth you want most.
Day 1: Quads & Calves


Back Squats

Hack Squats

Front Squats

Leg Press

Seated Leg Extension

Seated Calf Raises

Sumo Squats

Day 2: Chest


Flat Bench Press

Incline Bench Press

Incline Dumbbell Fly

Cable Fly

Day 3: Back


Wide-Grip Pull-Ups

Wide Grip Pulldowns

Bent-Over Bar Rows

T-Bar Rows

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

Seated Cable Rows


Day 4: Hamstring, Glutes & Calves


Lying Leg Curls

Seated Leg Curls

Walking Lunges

Romanian Stiff Leg Deadlift

Glute Kickbacks

Standing Calf Raises

Day 5: Shoulders


Lateral Raises

Front Raises

One-Arm Lateral Raise

Pec Dec Fly

Military Press

One-Arm Cable Raises (Side)

Rear Delt Flys

Day 6: Arms


Straight Bar Curls

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Rope Curls

EZ Bar Curls


Overhead Triceps Extension


Close-Grip Pushdowns

Wide-Grip Pushdowns


Featured Supplement
For all of us, having a solid supplementation routine in place will prove more than valuable for all of our gains. A pre-workout can work to boost energy and offer muscle pumps for better blood flow and growth, while a protein powder can enhance growth and recovery so you see only the best in the gains you want most. Other supplements like creatine, multivitamins, and super greens can work wonders as well, but for those looking to tone and shed unwanted body fat, a fat burner may be the move for you.
Cira Nutrition Flare

Cira Nutrition Flare is an effective and safe supplement to shed fat, boost energy, and improve mood. With 7 clean and effective ingredients, this honest label gives you the best benefits out of your fat burner.

Cira Nutrition Flare is an awesome fat burner to help you tone and feel good in your body. As an effective and safe supplement, this can help get rid of excess water weight, increase fat loss, boost energy, reduce stress, and improve your mood so you can keep doing the things you love and feel confident in doing so. With 7 clean and effective ingredients, you can’t go wrong with this great fat burner from a highly reputable and honest company in Cira Nutrition.
Price: $39.99
Check out our individual review for Cira Nutrition Flare here!

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners On The Market for more great fat burning supplements!

Wrap Up
This workout from Cass Martin will offer a six day training plan to maximize your gains so you see the growth you want most. With great exercises for each respective day, you can work each muscle group alone for great gains. While leg days may be multiple groups, you do get a full lower body experience to boost gains. Cass Martin knows what it takes to succeed inside and out of the gym and with this workout, you are well on your way to making your own goals a reality. Give this workout a try and see what it can do for your gains. You won’t be disappointed with the results when you put your mind to it.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Cass Martin Instagram

Get Bigger Arms With This Simple Workout

Get Bigger Arms With This Simple Workout

Sleeve-Splitting Arm Workout
The idea of having big arms push many of us to get a gym membership. Huge arms have been associated with machoism for a long time. Ask a kid to flex his muscles, and he’ll most probably hit you with a front double bicep.
You need to pay equal attention to your biceps and triceps. You can’t go crazy with your bicep workouts while overlooking your triceps development. Muscle symmetry is important for strength and aesthetic purposes.
Some people hurt their gains by training their arms every single day. Training your arms every day won’t get you bigger arms. Doing this leads to overtraining since your muscles need time to recover and grow after a workout.

Many people train their biceps before their triceps on the arms day. This can lead to weak triceps since you might be exhausted by the time you start your triceps workout.
This can happen for any muscle you train second on a multi-muscle training day. To combat this in your arm workouts, you will be doing antagonistic supersets. In this advanced training technique, you superset different muscle groups in a single set. For, e.g., – you will be super-setting your biceps with your triceps. Follow this workout to get bigger arms.
Superset 1

Standing Cable Bicep Curls – 3 Sets 15 Reps

You would be starting with a cable exercise to pre-exhaust your muscles. This will help you get the same pump later in your workout while using relatively light weights. Use a straight bar attachment for this exercise.

Overhead Rope Cable Tricep Extension – 3 Sets 15 Reps

Your triceps consist of three heads; medial, long and lateral. You need to train all three to ensure an overall development. The overhead rope cable extensions target your long head. Using cables will help you maintain tensions on your triceps throughout the movement.
Superset 2

Dumbbell Curls – 3 Sets 15 Reps

Dumbbell curls is an incredibly effective exercise to target your biceps. In this exercise, rotate your hands outwards at the top of the movement. This will help in building the peak in your pythons.

Close Grip Bench Press – 3 Sets 15 Reps

Doing a compound exercise (multiple joints) can help build size and strength in your target muscle group. Close grip bench press helps with the overall development of your triceps. Make sure you have a complete range of motion while performing this exercise.
Superset 3

Concentration Curls – 3 Sets 15 Reps

It is always more effective to end your bicep workouts with an isolation exercise. Concentration curls were one of Arnold’s favorite exercise. This exercise helped him turn his biceps into mountain peaks. You need to maintain a mind-muscle connection throughout this exercise. Going through the motion won’t get you anywhere.

Tricep Dips – 3 Sets 15 Reps

Doing dips at the end of your workout can test what you’re made of. If body weight dips are too easy for you, feel free to add resistance bands or resistance using weights. Maintain a full range of motion and squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement to get the most of this exercise.
Which is your favorite triceps exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.