Tag: Workouts

Could This Chest Exercise Be Even Better Than The Bench?

Could This Chest Exercise Be Even Better Than The Bench?

Build up your chest with this awesome exercise.
Chest exercises are pretty obvious at this point. When most bodybuilders look to improve their chest development they focus on a handful of exercises that have been popularized over the years. For our money, the bench press and dumbbell flyes are two of the best exercises you can perform to build a massive and strong chest. At least that’s the school of thought from most trainers and experienced bodybuilders.
That’s not to say that bench press and flyes aren’t the answer to improving your chest game, but as the old saying goes there’s more than one, in this case two, ways to skin a cat. One exercise that could potentially prove to be a better chest exercise than the bench and flyes are dips.
Dips have been at times sited as a potentially damaging exercise for the shoulders by some uninformed fitness gurus, but the reality is that it can greatly improve chest development. We’d go as far to say that it may even be better than if not or equal to the bench press and flyes in its importance and usefulness to chiseling the chest. If you have any doubts, then just take a look at the reasons why you should substitute the bench every now and then.

1. It’s a faster option
Dips are great for the chest for a number of reasons, one of them being that the exercise isolates the chest muscles. The motion for performing the dip requires the user to push in a downward motion with the arms while lifting your body up. The shoulders are also engaged in this motion but are under far less stress when with the bench. Since it’s a bodyweight exercise it also requires more tension and strength from the chest muscles in order to perform the motion. All this combines to making quicker chest gains.
2. Build functional strength along with your chest
Like we mentioned before, the chest dip is a bodyweight exercise. The isolation works great for building muscle specifically in the chest. Besides that however is the fact that you must lift your own body through space which will ultimately translate to core strength. Posture is also important with this exercise.
You body must remain static, your legs must be held in the same position, preferably bent at the knee and crossed. This kind of posture ultimately engages the chest, abs, shoulders, and back, meaning you can get major gains in multiple areas. The body working in concert with other muscles means gaining functional strength for other endeavors, lifting or otherwise.
3. Widens the chest
Another great benefit from doing chest dips is the development in chest width. What separates dips from the bench press and dumbbell flyes is that you’re able to not only work the chest, but work the rest of your upper body as well. As we just mentioned before the dip can engage not only the chest, but the back as well. That includes the upper back as well.
The dip can build the lats up nicely which is the antagonistic muscle to the chest. When you work the antagonistic muscle it allows for better development of the opposite muscle, in this case the chest. All in all, the chest dip is a multifaceted exercise that can work wonders for your entire upper body.
Do you perform chest dips in the gym? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

The Centurion 100 Rep Workout Will Change Your Gains Forever

The Centurion 100 Rep Workout Will Change Your Gains Forever

“I command you to grow.”
While self affirmations will get you far, not all of us have the shamanic mental powers of CT Fletcher. In order to get where we need to go we need to lift, and we need all the help we can get. The 100 rep workout, (or the centurion as I like to call it) is that one tip keeping you from the big show, the big ticket, keeping you from breaking the glass ceiling, your plateau.
The 100 rep workout is just like it sounds. You hit different body parts for a hundred reps per exercise. Yeah we said it, 100 reps! But why? conventional wisdom has always told you 6-12 reps is the key. We’ll look conventional wisdom in the face and tell it to shut the hell up. Okay, maybe we’re over exaggerating but what we are simply saying is this is great in ADDITION to the traditional 6-12 reps, they actually work hand in hand. But how? We’ll explain.
While the traditional amount of reps will get you stronger and builds muscle – the 100 reps workout will build muscle in a slightly different way. It’s through a process called microcirculation. Microcirculation happens in the capillaries, these are blood vessels so small only one red blood cell can fit through at one time. This is how oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the muscle.
When you do a high rep workout you get a high concentration of blood in that particular body part – basically flooding it with nutrient rich goodness. Your body then makes accommodations for this high level of concentration by creating more blood vessels which means more receptors for the nutrient rich red blood cells.

So let’s stop the science talk and look at some other benefits too:

Speeds up injury recovery.
Hypertrophy: gives your muscle a distinct pump.
Mental marathon: increases pain plateau and mental toughness
Optimizes bodies use of calories you’re already ingesting.
Engages fast and slow twitch muscles.

So what does the 100 rep workout look like? A lot like you’re regular workout… just more.
First thing’s first – you should perform one workout of the 100 rep system for a specific muscle group over a 5-6 week period.
Next – you want to make sure you’re doing the exercise strictly for each rep. If you’re doing a curl for example, use only your biceps not your back or your shoulders. If you can’t do this exercise close to form you might want to try going down in weight. General rule is 30% of your usual weight but make adjustments accordingly.
Next you want to make sure that you’re resting when you get tired. A general rule of thumb is that you want to rest in seconds for as many reps as you have left. For example if you’ve done 70 reps you want to rest for 30 seconds; 80 reps, rest for 20 seconds; 90 reps 10 seconds… you get the picture.
Thirdly you want to start of slow but end fast. For example, you can do the first 70 slow and then go HAM on the last 30 reps. Don’t sacrifice form but go for it at the end.
Lastly you want to eventually work this up to a full body workout with 100 reps for each exercise. You might not be able to do it at first but if you stick to it you’ll get there. You’re going to want to take a break from heavy exercise the week you’re doing this marathon workout because your body will be feeling some real hurt. You might even see slightly lower numbers when you do get back to the weight room – but this is normal. You’ll be back to full  form and better in a week or two.
So there you go, your weekend planned. Is this something that you’d try? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

Why Bulgarian Split Squats Are Fantastic For Leg Growth

Why Bulgarian Split Squats Are Fantastic For Leg Growth

Considered the king of leg exercises, the Bulgarian split squat should absolutely be in your leg day cycle in order to enhance leg strength and a host of other benefits.
While leg day may not be your favorite lifting day, we all know how important it is to have in the workout regimen. Most of us hit the gym, stack up plates on the barbell, and get to squatting. While the squat, both front and back, are phenomenal exercises for leg growth, there is one exercise to at least consider to maximize your true lower body potential. So much time is wasted hitting various machines like the leg extension, leg curls, and hip abductors, and while those isolation exercises are good, the Bulgarian split squat will cover all of those with one mean lower body exercise that encompasses a single leg squat in the Bulgarian split squat.
Bulgarians may be difficult to do, for much of it requires strength, balance, coordination, and sheer will to even get started. But the nice part is, by adding these to your routine, all of the above listed concerns will get better with time. You’re not only focusing on one group of muscles, or one added benefit, but a host of very solid reasons why split squats should be in your workout.
The Bulgarian split squat is easy to learn and provides a good alternative to the traditional squat to relieve your body of the stress put on by that exercise. There is no need to scratch your favorite leg workouts, but just be aware that the Bulgarian split squat is one with many benefits that could save you time and is an effective single leg squat.
Let’s dive into what makes the Bulgarian split squat so special, the benefits around this exercise, and how to properly perform it to alleviate any pain or injury. When done right, this exercise has the ability to seriously enhance all of your goals and gains whether it be strength, weight loss, power, or a little bit of everything. You can perform this exercise with equipment, like a barbell, or keep it solely just your bodyweight.

Lower Body Growth In Strength, Balance, & Power
While performing any leg exercise repeatedly is bound to improve growth, we all want those results as quickly and efficiently as possible. The squat can remain the staple exercise in your leg day training session, but the benefit of splitting your squat into a unilateral movement offers diversity in your workouts, as well as offering relief to certain areas to avoid overworking and injury.
The Bulgarian split squat allows for a deeper range of movement (1) and works to strengthen the stabilizer muscles to support that deeper squat. The deeper you can fall into that squat, the more time under tension you endure. More tension results in increased growth and your gains will truly start to show.

Bulgarians target much of the lower body, including your quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, abductors, and adductors. Much of this is a result of the demanding balance it requires to do this exercise. You can start with just your bodyweight, but as your balance, movement, and confidence improve, you will be able to add more weight to the exercise.
Pairing the Bulgarian split squat and the traditional squat together in your workout cycle is advantageous for your overall growth (2). The benefit this will have on your traditional squat will start to show as well and the leg growth from this often-overlooked exercise will shock you from a body workout.
Explosivity and power are two amazing benefits attached to leg growth and depending on your respective sport, this may be something to really aid in your training and overall performance, even with the variations. The ability to really buckle down on form and enhance your explosive power and help with any type of movement like jumping, pivoting, sprinting, and a host of others is incredibly important to propelling you to the next level.
Even if your sport doesn’t necessarily require blatant explosive power, having that enhanced muscle and ability to perform however you need to will prove to be very beneficial come the long run.
Something that this exercise can really help you with is to enhance those big lifts that are often stunted by one leg being stronger than the other. Something like a barbell squat, which is often times easy to plateau on, can be crushed by adding this exercise into your training.
Since these work each leg differently, you can target your weaker leg with more reps or more weight to isolate one over the other in order to break any plateaus, muscle imbalances, and muscular differences to make those two leg workouts reach huge growth and improved form and your best work.
Other Benefits Of This Exercise

Improved Balance & Posture
The Bulgarian split squat will be a great boost to increasing your balance. Those stabilizer muscles that can be hard to reach but all get action with this exercise and provide for better stabilization and balance. Your core will also feel this and that strong core provides a solid foundation for good balance. Good balance is also a solid way to enhance posture and fix any postural issues that may arise, especially those with a weak core.
The imbalances occur with the unfamiliarity of doing a bilateral movement. This exercise will make you focus more on keeping good form, thus increasing flexibility (3) and mind-muscle connection. Once you nail down balance, your weight load will increase and those gains will grow even more. Agility is also attached to the increased level of balance which can be beneficial for your overall growth and gains when it comes to this exercise.
Reduced Lower Back Pain
A traditional squat tends to put quite a lot of load on your lower back, which can lead to unfortunate injury and keep you out of the gym. One benefit to the Bulgarian split squat is that it limits the amount of strain on the low back.
By putting more emphasis on strengthening your legs, this exercise will largely remove the lower back from the picture and allow recovery time to avoid serious injury (4). Keep the traditional squat in mind, but the Bulgarian split squat is an additional exercise to offer some relief for your low back while not sacrificing the gains of your lower body no matter the rep or amount of sets.
Burn Calories & Shed Fat
This exercise, like every exercise, really works to get your heart rate elevated so you start to see that calorie count decrease and that unwanted fat melt off. When paired with a healthy diet and strategically placed in a training session, this exercise can seriously enhance any gains you have when it comes to weight loss and seeing that shredded physique come to life.
Convenient To Do Wherever, Whenever
This is exercise is incredibly convenient and can be done anywhere with no equipment needed. The nice part is that you can add a kettlebell or a dumbbell if you would like to add extra weight, but for most of the time, you can increase your reps and really work to target those missed areas with just your bodyweight.
No spotter is needed making this a safe and efficient workout to perform no matter wherever or whenever you need it to. As a great way to reduce your risk of injury, this exercise just what you need to stay healthy and fit overall with the convenience of doing these anywhere, very similar to a lunge.

How This Exercise Is Done
The Bulgarian split squat can be done with multiple variations, but for this we will focus on a bodyweight Bulgarian split squat. Your starting position will begin with one foot of your back leg elevated on a bench while keeping a forward position with your front foot. Hold your hands in front of you or wherever is most comfortable.
With a tight core and your torso upright, gently lower yourself into a lunge position with your foot still elevated. Make sure to keep your front knee in line with your front foot while your other foot on the bench stays put. Once at the bottom of the squat, drive your heel into the ground and push with that front leg through your front foot until it is extended again. Feel free to repeat for any desired number of reps and change legs so your opposite leg is now your front foot.
For added weight, you can use a dumbbell, kettlebell, or barbell and this can be done with trial and error. All will provide great benefit to your leg growth and squat position and the amount of weight can be easily modified.
A resistance band is also a good alternative to add tension to this exercise without dealing with weights. For a more unstable surface and increased focus on balance and strength (5), make sure you can try a Bulgarian split squat on an exercise ball and make that additional challenge for yourself.
Wrap Up
It can be difficult to will ourselves to do leg day. By boring ourselves with the same exercises, the monotony can be enough to call it a day and head to the bench press. But don’t sacrifice valuable gains by not efficiently maximizing your true leg day potential.
Adding the Bulgarian split squat to your workout routine will provide solid results and you will reach those big gains in your leg growth as a result of increased range of movement and more time under tension. By improving balance and taking added strain off your lower back and core, you increase your chances to succeed with other workouts and substantially limit your risk of injury with even more reps. Try the bodyweight Bulgarian split squat or use any other single leg exercises associated with it to really get the most out of your leg gains and athletic performance.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Drinkwater, Eric J.; Moore, Norman R.; Bird, Stephen P. (2012). “Effects of Changing from Full Range of Motion to Partial Range of Motion on Squat Kinetics”. (source)
Andersen, Vidar; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Brennset, O.; Haslestad, Lars Rune (2014). “Muscle Activation and Strength in Squat and Bulgarian Squat on Stable and Unstable Surface”. (source)
Daneshjoo, Abdolhamid; Rahnama, Nader; Mokhtar, Abdul Halim; Yusof, Ashril (2013). “Bilateral and Unilateral Asymmetries of Isokinetic Strength and Flexibility in Male Young Professional Soccer Players”. (source)
Kong, Pui Wah. “Strengthen Leg Muscles to Relieve Low Back Pain”. (source)
Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Busca, Bernat; Morales, Jose; Solana-Tramunt, Monica; Fort-Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara; Rey-Abella, Fernando; Bantula, Jaume; Pena, Javier (2019). “Muscle activity of Bulgarian squat. Effects of additional vibration, suspension and unstable surface”. (source)

5 Best Exercises You Can Do at the Gym, According to Personal Trainers

5 Best Exercises You Can Do at the Gym, According to Personal Trainers

These Are The Best Exercises According To Fitness Trainers
No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you do, you’ll need some guidance and coaching when you start working out. Since everyone starts at a square zero in the gym, you want to stay clear of the bro scientists and look for advice from pros with a track record.
Every fitness noob wants to know how they can jump ahead in their muscle-building conquest. While there are no shortcuts in bodybuilding, we’ve put together a list of five exercises that are endorsed by certified personal trainers to boost your muscle gain.
We’re sure you’ve seen pigeon-chested people in your gym who’ve been doing all the fancy TRX, dumbbell and machine exercises but to no effect. And then there are some dudes who credit push-ups for their bulging pecs.
According to Ben Booker (Second Chance Fitness), the great thing about push-ups is that there are so many variations of the exercise that anyone can do it – no matter their experience level.

We’re sure you’re not surprised at finding the squats on this list. The squats are the king of leg exercises and have Mike Dewar of J2FIT Strength and Conditioning as their backer. the squats are a functional (multi-joint) exercise and can help with building overall strength, stamina, and conditioning.
Performing the exercises mentioned in this article with the correct form is of utmost importance. Using incorrect posture or momentum can result in an injury and keep you out of the gym for weeks.
Burpees with a Jumping Knee Tuck
If you’ve never tried the burpees before, you’re in for a surprise – a big painful surprise.  Burpees are one of the major reasons why CrossFit athletes are in great shape and conditioning.
Patrick Frost (Nike Master Trainer) recommends performing the burpees with a jumping knee tuck over the vanilla version. The jumping knee tuck works the abs while the burpees give the extra metabolic push.
Cable Face-Pulls
Cable face pulls are one of the most underutilized shoulder building exercises. They can help in developing boulder shoulders as they work your medial and posterior deltoid heads.
As per Ridge Davis (Ridgid Fitness), the cable face-pulls are a great exercise for correcting rounded shoulders and poor upper-body posture. If you spend long hours looking at your phone or sitting at your computer, don’t skip these.
We’ll be summing up the article with another compound lift. “The deadlift is one of the best exercises when you’re looking to build muscle and practical strength—so, basically, the two main reasons you work out,” says Mike (J2FIT).
Even better than that, though, developing the ability to handle heavy loads has been shown to boost anabolic hormone levels and increase muscle synthesis, which can help your body reach peak performance levels.

Which is your favorite exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

How Steve Cook Works Out To Tone & Shred His Physique

How Steve Cook Works Out To Tone & Shred His Physique

This workout from Steve Cook will help enhance all toning and shredding needs to give you that desired physique you want most.
Steve Cook is a bodybuilder and fitness model who has worked closely with bodybuilding outlets to promote better lifestyles for all. With an inner drive and resilience to tackle anything that comes his way, Cook knows just what it takes to achieve a desired physique that others will certainly envy.
For so many of us, we are constantly searching for that one workout to boost all of our gains. Whether it be certain exercises or just a bit of variety to our existing one, too often do we fall into the trap of repeating the same workouts and not seeing the gains we want most. But looking to professionals and those bodybuilders we know and love and can be game changers to our workouts as we seek the best for ourselves and our physiques. Why not take a page from someone like Steve Cook’s book to really boost all areas of the growth you want most.
As a real fitness icon and someone serious about their body and physique, this workout from Steve Cook will give you the diversity you want while challenging you to be better all around.

Full Name: Steve Cook

Date Of Birth

205-215 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Fitness Model

Cook has always known what he needed to do, especially with influences around him that have always sought the best for his interests. With years of experience and a number of bodybuilding and figure competitions on his resume, he knows exactly what it takes to achieve that aesthetic others will certainly envy and you will certainly be proud of.

About Steve Cook
Steve Cook is a fitness model, bodybuilder, and social media influencer who uses his platform to help those around him better themselves. Introduced to fitness at a young age, with his family being highly active individuals, that passion to work hard and find what you love was instilled in him early on. Finding bodybuilding in high school, he used this as a tool to get stronger for other sports, but realized that fitness would be a great career to get into. He has competed in a number of competitions and has a loyal fan base who uses his workouts to better themselves and transform their bodies. Taking notes from someone like Steve is exactly what we need for he’s been there and done that countless times before.

Steve Cook Training Routine
This workout includes a host of exercises with great variety with the focus of hitting as many exercises per week as possible. Working on avoiding the same routine has proved to be incredibly beneficial as this causes some muscle confusion and allows for better growth overall. Playing around with rep ranges, rep tempo, and sheer volume is also something Cook pays attention to. Cardio will happen a couple times a week to get the blood flowing and heart pumping but he doesn’t overdue it with cardio to keep those valuable gains intact.
Workout #1 – Chest


Incline Cable Fly

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press

Dumbbell Bench Press

Barbell Press

Decline Push-Up

Dumbbell Fly

Workout #2 – Shoulders


Overhead Barbell Press

Single Arm Dumbbell Press

Upright Row

Rear Delt Fly

Lateral Raise

Cable Shrug

Reverse Pec Deck Machine

Workout #3 – Legs


Box Squat


Glute Bridge

Leg Curls

Seated Calf Raise

Leg Extension

Hack Squat

Stiff Leg Deadlift

Calf Press On Leg Machine

Workout #4 – Arms


Dumbbell Shrugs

Dumbbell Curls

Cable Pushdowns

Triceps Extension

Landmine Press With T-Bar

Concentration Curls

Hammer Curls

Seated Triceps Press

Workout #5 – Back


Barbell Bent Over Row


Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip)

Wide Grip Cable Row

Seated Lat Pulldown (Close Grip)

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

Featured Supplement
When it comes to looking for the best supplements around, having a quality routine will most definitely be something to include in your entire regimen. Whether it be a protein powder to capitalize on growth and recovery or a fat burner to shed that stubborn belly fat, you are well on your way to achieving all of your goals. To power you through any workout, consider a top tier pre-workout to boost all areas of your gains by providing energy and muscle pumps so you can burst through any fatigue.
Performance Lab SPORT Pre

Performance Lab SPORT Pre is a high-quality pre-workout free of additives designed to increase nitric oxide in the blood, improve endurance by hydrating your muscles, and enhance strength training, weight loss, and overall performance.

Performance Lab Sport Pre is another high quality pre-workout supplement available to the public at a great price point. Performance Lab Sport is one of the most rigorously scientifically vetted brands and all of their pre-workout products are free of synthetic additives (which might dehydrate the muscles), non-GMO, and vegan friendly. Sport “Pre” increases nitric oxide in the blood to support the oxygenation of muscles during workouts, improves endurance by hydrating the muscles, and enhances both anaerobic and aerobic exercise by increasing ATP reductase for the best benefits out of strength training, weight loss, and performance.
Price: $39.00

Check out our list of the Best Pre-Workout Supplements for more great products!

Wrap Up
This workout from Steve Cook is one to surely fire up those muscles to grow so you see the desired gains you want most. With a great variety of exercises and variability to enhance all areas of your gains, using this workout and really grinding in the gym will give you an aesthetic that others will certainly envy. Be sure to look into high-quality supplements as well for they will only help enhance any and all gains to growth and recovery. Give this workout from Steve Cook a try and see what it can do for all of your goals today.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Steve Cook Instagram

The Top 10 Exercises for Building Bigger Shoulders

The Top 10 Exercises for Building Bigger Shoulders

The Top 10 Exercises for Building Bigger Shoulders
The Anatomy and Function of The Shoulder
Building strength in the shoulders is hugely important for so many individuals. The shoulders are at a greater risk of injury in comparison to a number of other joints and structure. This is because the shoulder joint is relatively shallow and the surrounding musculature can easily become weak through inactivity and poor posture.
The function of the shoulder is to give movement and strength to the arms. The shoulder girdle is formed by 2 bones – the clavicle and scapula – that come together to create a strong base for the arm to insert into. The upper end of humerus (bone in the upper arm) has a ball-like shape which fits into the base created by the shoulder girdle. Due to the shallowness of the shoulder joint, there are a number of important ligaments, tendons and muscles surrounding, that work to stabilize the joint.
Because the shoulder is a ball and socket joint, the potential for movement is very great. There are a multitude of muscles that insert onto the clavicle, scapula, and humerus which allows the arm to move through a range of movements such as, shoulder flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, internal and external rotation.
The main muscle of the shoulder is the deltoid; a rounded triangular muscle that sits on top of the shoulder girdle. The muscle originates from 3 points – the scapula, acromion (tip of the scapula) and the clavicle – and all insert onto the humerus (upper arm).

There are 3 “heads” of the delts which are referred to as the anterior, lateral, and posterior delt. It may be possible to figure out where these heads are located based on their names. The anterior Delt is located at the front of the shoulder, the lateral Delt runs right along the top of the shoulder, while the posterior Delt is the rear portion.
With this understanding of shoulder anatomy and function, it should be apparent that when attempting to build size in the shoulders, it is wise to focus much of our efforts on building the size of the delts.
Muscular Hypertrophy Considerations
Before we have a look at the top 10, let’s briefly cover the basics of hypertrophy (muscle growth). Before even considering physical training, it is imperative that anyone looking to build muscle has an in-depth look at their nutrition. There are two influential factors when it comes to nutrition and muscle growth – a calorie surplus and daily protein intake.
A calorie surplus is where the number of calories consumed exceeds the number of calories burned. This will provide the body with more calories than it actually requires which will enhance muscle recovery after strength training sessions. Without this surplus, developing muscular size is challenging, if not impossible.
Secondly, consuming an adequate amount of daily protein should be high on the priority list when building muscle mass. This is because protein’s primary function within the body revolves around repair and growth. Consequently, by consuming a high dose of protein per day, we can once again enhance post-workout recovery.
Once these have been established, it’s time to consider strength training. When it comes to hypertrophy training, the previous understanding was that training each muscle group once per week was optimal for muscle growth. However, new research suggests that training a muscle group multiple times per week has a greater impact on muscle development (1).
This may come as a surprise to many, as for years the “5-day split” has been used by bodybuilders and seen as the best method for building size. For optimal growth, it’s worth considering moving away from the split and following a program that hits each muscle group 2-3 times per week.

The Exercise Selection Process
In order for an exercise to meet the “shoulder building” criteria, it must do two things. Firstly, the movements performed must activate the deltoids to a large degree. This can be verified by looking at scientific studies investigating the electrical activity (EMG) generated during a host of different shoulder exercises.
The second consideration is the loads that can be used for the exercise. In order to drive strength and size, we need to apply a great deal of stress to the deltoids. The best way we can effectively do this is to use heavy loads. Therefore, it would make sense to prioritize “big” exercises which allow the use of heavier weights, over smaller, lighter exercises.
The Top 10
Have researched a number of shoulder strength exercises, let’s now break down the top 10 mass building shoulder exercises.
1) Barbell Push Press
With the push press, it should be possible to lift a great deal of weight, more so than any other shoulder exercise in existence. This is because, initially the push press requires power to be generated from the hips and knees in order drive the bar in a vertical path. Once the bar is moving, the deltoids (along with a number of other upper body muscles) must powerfully engage in order to lock-out the elbows and successfully complete the lift.
For the push press, start by placing the feet slightly wider than the hips and keep the bar touching the upper chest so that the elbows are directly under the bar. From that position, focus on dipping and rapidly driving through the hips while simultaneously pushing the bar upward until it is directly over the head. The more explosive the movement is, the faster the bar moves vertically which will allow heavier loads to be pressed.
2) Barbell Overhead Press
The movements required for the push press and an overhead press are similar, with the only difference being that the overhead press is simply a press with no assistance from the legs. In terms of specifically targeting the delts, the overhead press is an excellent exercise. However, without power being generated from the powerful glutes and quads (as in a push press) the loads used for overhead press will be lighter.
To execute the barbell overhead press, take up the same stance as the push press – feet wider than hips, core engaged and bar at the upper chest. Prior to driving the bar up, focus on squeezing the glutes together – this will help to protect the lower back by maintaining a neutral spine alignment and prevent the hips from drifting forward. Finally, when pushing the bar overhead, aim to keep it close to the face which will facilitate a more efficient bar path and lead to a better lift overall.
Studies have indicated that the dumbbell overhead press actually has more of an impact on delt activation however, it is possible to lift heavier with a barbell overhead press due to the fact that stability is generally greater when using a barbell.
3) Dumbbell Incline Row
While a row is generally used for back development – specifically the lats, rhomboids and traps – it is also a superb posterior delt developer. This is highlighted by a recent study which investigated the EMG activity of each head during a number of shoulder-based resistance exercises. The results indicated that, during the row, the delts were activated to a large degree and greater EMG activity was seen when compared to a number of other shoulder exercises. The row appears to be specifically effective at targeting the rear and lateral heads of the delts (2).
When setting up for this exercise, begin by placing a bench on an incline. Grab two dumbbells and lie directly on top of the bench so that the entire trunk is in contact. Starting with arms extended, focus on keeping the shoulders down and pull the elbows in tight to the ribcage ensuring to squeeze between the shoulder blades at the top of the movement.
4) Seated Barbell Overhead Press
Having covered the benefits of the overhead press, it is possible to make a slight adjustment to increase the difficulty and challenge of the exercise. By sitting, it immediately becomes much more difficult to use momentum to continually push the bar upward from the chest. Additionally, being seated also provides a better, more stable base to push from which may place a greater demand on the delts.
As touched upon earlier, by using the barbell over the dumbbell, it is typically possible to lift a greater weight as a result of the enhanced stability that a barbell provides. Research also indicates that barbell may have a greater anterior delt activation associated with them in comparison to dumbbells (3).
5) Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press
The primary benefit of using dumbbells over barbells is the fact that they work both limbs independently. By using two individual weights instead of one fixed weight (barbell), stability of the movement decreases which places a greater demand on the surrounding stabilizing muscles. Additionally, dumbbells often allow for a greater movement, in comparison to the barbell, and therefore it is possible to work the delts through a larger range of motion.
Once again, the seated position reduces the use of momentum by nullifying the lower body. Unlike the barbell press where the bar is in front of the face, the dumbbell overhead press aligns the weight with the middle of the shoulder and therefore engages the lateral Delt to a greater degree, rather than the anterior Delt.

6) Upright Row
The upright row is another lateral Delt exercise, which can be completed using a variety of equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, cables and even the smith machine.  The exercise involves assuming a narrow grip and bringing the load up to the upper chest by driving the elbows high, above the height of the shoulders. A close grip has been found to enhance the rows range of motion, however, a wider grip is associated with a greater delt engagement (4).
7) Arnold Press
Named after bodybuilding legend, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the arnold press is a variation on the seated dumbbell overhead press which incorporates rotation. To perform this exercise, start with the weight in line with the shoulders and palms facing towards the body. As the dumbbells drive up, focus on rotating the dumbbells so that at the top of the movement the palms are facing forward. Reverse the movement as the dumbbells lower and return to the starting position.
8) Machine Rear Delt Fly
The final three exercises are isolation, or single joint exercise, which are useful for ironing out any weaknesses or imbalances. The rar Delt fly is a specifically important isolation exercise for ensuring comprehensive shoulder development, as many individuals place too much emphasis on the anterior and lateral heads and end up neglecting the rear Delt.
For this exercise, the main focus should be on maintaining straight arms throughout the movement and driving the arms back as far as possible. It is recommended to use a neutral grip with this machine as a pronated grip (palms down) will fail to activate the muscle to the same extent (5). 
9) Dumbbell Lateral Raise
To isolate the lateral delts, focus on the lateral raise. Simply, hold two dumbbells by the hips and drive straight arms out to the side until they are approximately in line with the shoulders. As far as possible, avoid bringing the dumbbells back down to the side of the hips and stop at approximately 30° from the hips. The purpose of this is to maintain tension in the delts for the duration of the set. 
10) Dumbbell Front Raise
The movement required for the dumbbell front raise is identical to the lateral raise; the only difference being the plane in which the arm moves. This time, start with the dumbbells at the front of the thighs and look to raise straight arms directly up until approximately aligned with the shoulders. As the name suggests, this isolation exercise places the most demand on the anterior head of the delt.
Final Word
Now, this top 10 exercise we’ve covered are not to be treated as exclusive and I would not recommend trying to incorporate all 10 exercises into a training program. Instead, consider training goals, exercise preferences and experience before selecting a number of the aforementioned exercises.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
1- J Strength Cond Res. 2015 Jul;29(7):1821-9. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000970.
2- Sweeney, Samantha P. (2014-05). Electromyographic analysis pf the deltoid muscle during various shoulder exercises
3- Saeterbakken, Atle H.; Fimland, Marius S. (2013-7). “Effects of body position and loading modality on muscle activity and strength in shoulder presses”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 27 (7): 1824–1831. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e318276b873. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 23096062.
4- McAllister, Matthew J.; Schilling, Brian K.; Hammond, Kelley G.; Weiss, Lawrence W.; Farney, Tyler M. (2013-1). “Effect of grip width on electromyographic activity during the upright row”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 27 (1): 181–187. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e31824f23ad. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 22362088.
5- J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Oct;27(10):2644-9. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318281e1e9.

Victor Martinez’s Chest Workout | Training With Victor Martinez (Part 1)

Victor Martinez’s Chest Workout | Training With Victor Martinez (Part 1)

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Victor Martinez’s in-depth chest day training guide.
Victor Martinez is an iconic pro bodybuilder and legend in the sport. He is considered by many to have one of the greatest physiques of the 2000s era of bodybuilders. In 2007, in a controversial decision, he nearly beat Jay Cutler for the Mr. Olympia title. That’s why we met up with Martinez at the Generation Iron Personal Training Gym for an epic workout. In this GI Exclusive, Victor Martinez breaks down in-depth tips to upgrade your chest day training session.
It’s easy enough to find a training routine online – but the real work comes in knowing the details. A list of exercises, sets, and reps is simply the most basic foundation for a successful workout. Knowing proper form, full movement, and specific tips can transform a workout from good to great. It’s what separates a “normal” in shape person from a shredded bodybuilder.
That’s why Victor Martinez met up with Vlad Yudin to go through the ultimate gauntlet of a workout. In part one of our training mini series with Martinez, he puts Vlad through the paces and shares important tips on how to optimize your routine. A workout sheet is one thing – but this video guide will give you play-by-play examples of how to actually perform like a pro bodybuilder.
Victor Martinez’s Chest Day Training Workout
To start, Victor Martinez stresses the important of warm up exercises. Many lifters might want to jump right into the heavy lifting – but warming up not only helps prevent injury, it can allow you to get the most out of your workout and push your muscles to exhaustion. Martinez suggests two warm up exercises with light weight that match the muscle group you’re about to train.
With the warmups out of the way, Victor Martinez decided to focus on three core exercises and break down how to best perform them. Below is the full breakdown of exercises, sets, and reps.


Chest Press

Decline Dumbbell Press

Standing Cable Crossover Flyes

When it comes to weight, that’s impossible to recommend broadly. Each individual has different limits on how much weight to push. Ultimately, you want to lift enough weight to complete all three sets for each exercise. By the end of the final set for each – you should barely be able to finish. It may take trial and error to begin with – but you’ll ultimately find a sweet spot this will be more than enough to exhaust your muscles completely.
Chest Press (Machine)
For this exercise, Victor Martinez is using an old school chest press machine. He explains how the machine was inspired by football and emulates the kind of moves a linebacker would typically perform on the field. That’s why Martinez suggests sliding down on the seat to give your movements more of an upward momentum. You want to have explosive momentum pushing up, squeeze, and then slowly bring the weight back down in a controlled manner. Avoid locking out your elbows.
Decline Dumbbell Press
For the next exercise, Victor Martinez goes to the classic decline dumbbell press. He suggests that decline presses be done the older you get – as this muscle area tends to lose its fullness as you age. The decline press is also important to provide your chest a full and complete look. Martinez also suggests wide grip dips if you don’t have time to fully commit to a decline press. This also hits the wide areas of the chest.

Standing Cable Crossover Flyes
The final exercise in our Part 1 Victor Martinez workout is the Standing Cable Crossover Flyes. This exercise is a great finisher as it provides focused isolation on the chest. Martinez typically suggests splitting the reps of upper and then lower flyes to best hit the chest from all angles. He also warns of pulling to far back. While many believe this gives a fuller range of motion and a good stretch on the muscle, it can lead to injuring the rotator cuff.
Wrap Up
That about wraps up Part 1 of Victor Martinez’s upper body training routine. Next week, we’ll return to hit up the back in a new selection of exercises. Make sure to watch the GI Exclusive training video above to get complete play-by-play tips on each exercise. Soon you’ll transform your workout into a pro level routine.

Build a Rock Solid Core With These Exercises

Build a Rock Solid Core With These Exercises

Perform These Exercises To Build A Rock-Solid Core
A rock-solid core isn’t only aesthetically appealing, it can add to your functional strength which helps in everyday activities. Building a shredded midriff is easier said than done. Washboard abs are the result of months of hard work in the gym and kitchen.
The massive fan following you’ll amass when you lift your shirt is just one of the perks of having a ripped abdomen. Just like us humans, no two ab exercises are the same. A few exercises are more effective in developing a solid core as compared to the others.
Planks are one of the most effective ab exercises. They were brought into the mainstream with the rising CrossFit popularity. While performing the plank, make sure your body is in a straight line and your hips don’t sack or form a bridge.
Windshield Wipers
Windshield wipers are a brutal exercise. If you’re a beginner, you might not be able to perform the windshield wipers. You can do the hanging leg raises until you develop the appropriate core strength.
Ab Wheel Rollouts
The Ab wheel rollouts work the entire abdomen and will leave you with a crazy ab pump by the end of the exercise. If you don’t have access to an ab wheel at your gym, you can use a barbell by putting a quarter plate at each end of the bar.

Toes To Bar
Performing the toes to bar requires strong core stabilizers. Most people make the mistake of using momentum by swinging back and forth while performing the exercise. As the name implies, your toes should touch the bar at the top of the movement.
Decline Bench Reverse Crunches
Reverse crunches are the opposite of the orthodox crunches. While the normal crunches work the upper abs, the reverse crunches work the lower abdomen. Performing the reverse crunches on a decline bench adds resistance to the exercise.
Cable Crunches
The cable crunches are an incredibly effective upper ab exercise. The upper and middle abs are stronger as compared to the lower abs and using added resistance can help better target the muscle group.

Landmine Twist
The obliques are one of the most overlooked muscles when it comes to ab training. Obliques are the fish gill-like muscles at the side of your abs. Landmine twists are one of the best exercises to target your obliques.
Smith Machine Toes To Heaven
Toes to heaven work your lower and middle abs. Lie down on an exercise mat with your chest facing the ceiling. Place your toes on the barbell and elevate your lower back to lift the bar. Your lower back should be directly under the barbell throughout the exercise.
Russian Twists
Russian twists are an oblique killer. Place your feet flat on the floor by bending at your knees and sit with an upright torso. Grab a dumbbell, kettlebell or a weight plate with both your hands with your arms extended straight over your knees. Twist to your right side while breathing out. Return to the starting position and repeat for on the left side.
Decline Bench Crunches
Decline bench crunches add flavor to the orthodox vanilla crunches. Performing the crunches on a decline bench add resistance to the exercise and makes it harder. You can add additional resistance by holding a weight plate next to your chest while performing the decline bench crunches.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Which is your favorite ab exercise? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

How This Tavi Castro Workout Will Get You Jacked & Shredded

How This Tavi Castro Workout Will Get You Jacked & Shredded

This workout from Tavi Castro is sure to fire up all your muscles to grow.
Tavi Castro is a bodybuilder, fitness model, and personal trainer with an absolutely shredded physique. As an accomplished fitness icon and top tier model, he knows what it takes to work hard in the gym so he looks nothing but great on camera as he seeks the best for himself.
For so many of us, we scour the Internet looking for the best workout programs. But too often do we forget to look to those bodybuilders and other strength athletes who are living proof of what their great workouts can do. Looking to the pros for inspiration can prove to be worthwhile in the long run for what it can do for own personal goals. When looking to get a shredded and massive physique like those big names we know and love, look no further than their own workouts, for you know what the results look like.
As a force of nature in the fitness community, Tavi Castro is one of those figures we all can admire. His hard work and shredded aesthetic have not come easy but he is living proof of what can happen when you put your mind to it.

Full Name: Tavi Castro

Date Of Birth

185-195 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Fitness Model, Personal Trainer
Spanish, Canadian

As someone who prioritizes his workouts accordingly and ensures he gets the most out of every single exercise, Tavi is one of those athletes to admire. With many years in the fitness industry under his belt, he is a true competitor and someone who knows the value of hard work.

About Tavi Castro
Tavi Castro grew up in Canada and was always interested and into fitness. He played soccer for most of his life and as a great talent, he played on the Canadian Youth National Team, traveling the world and competing. After time at school, he found natural bodybuilding and a new passion formed, testing his limits and really making him work hard for something. Now a bodybuilder and fitness model, he also shifted his focus to personal training helping others achieve their own desired body.

Tavi Castro Training Routine
With a big focus on free weights, he does low rep heavy lifting and will mix in other machines as well. Typically training 5-6 days, he will mix in cardio with his strength training to complete a well-rounded workout. With a great variety of exercises, all geared towards increasing strength and overall gains, this workout is one to give you the best boost for all your desired results. Tavi is one to take notes from for his physique is one to envy and this workout will help achieve everything you want.
Day #1: Chest


Incline Dumbbell Chest Press

Bench Press

Incline Dumbbell Close Grip Bench Press

Seated Chest Press

Pec Deck

Incline Dumbbell Fly

Standing Cable Chest Fly

Day #2: Shoulders


Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly

Incline Rear Delt Fly

Front Raise

Side Raise

Behind The Back Shoulder Raise


Military Press

Upright Rows

Day #3: Back


Barbell Deadlift

Bent Over Bar Row

Cable Row

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Straight Arm Lat Pulldown

V Bar Rows

Day #4: Legs




Narrow Stance Leg Press

Stiff Leg Deadlift

Calf Raises On Leg Press

Standing Calf Raises

Leg Curl

Leg Extension

Day #5: Arms


Hammer Curls

Concentration Curls

EZ Bar Blaster Curls

Rotating Dumbbell Curl

Overhead Triceps Extension

Triceps Pulldown

Single Arm Cable Pulldown


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While it is imperative to have a great training routine and dietary plan, looking to supplements can be a make or break when it comes to all of our goals. With something like a top tier protein powder you will ensure all of those gains are maximized with enhanced muscle growth and recovery. A BCAA supplement and something like a fat burner or testosterone booster will only amplify the effects of your training and performance while also boosting overall health and wellness. A pre-workout can really give you everything you want most so you feel real energy boosts and get the best muscle pumps.
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Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK is backed by science with clinically effective dosages for those looking to increase in size and muscle mass. BULK contains 6,000 mg of citrulline malate, 4,000 mg of beta-alanine, 4,000 mg of BCAAs, and 2,500 mg of betaine to boost your workouts, blood flow, weight loss, and muscle growth, all in attempts to improve performance. BULK will reduce fatigue and increase your energy to give you a more impactful and longer lasting workout. Transparent Labs prides themselves on a 100% label and there are artificial additives, colorings, or preservatives to ruin this clean product.
Price: $49.00
Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK here! Also, use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Check out our list of the Best Pre-Workouts for more great products!

Wrap Up
This workout from Tavi Castro is one to really fire up those muscles to grow so you get the most out of every exercise. As an accomplished bodybuilder, fitness model, and personal trainer, Tavi knows exactly what needs to happen in order to thrive inside and out of the gym. With this workout, you get the most bang for your buck as you seek the best for all of your gains. Give this workout a try and see what this can do for all of your gains today.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Tavi Castro Instagram

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