Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin discuss health in bodybuilding and how to build muscle without getting fat.
Welcome to Talking Huge – a new weekly digital series in which Craig Golias talks in-depth with Vlad Yudin on the latest trending topics in bodybuilding. Raw, honest, and uncut – Craig Golias shares his opinions on all things bodybuilding. In our premiere episode, Craig and Vlad discuss Guy Cisternino’s angry gym outburst, dirty bulking vs clean bulking, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a mass monster bodybuilder.
Craig Golias only has one goal in life, to be as huge as possible. His obsession with being huge has made him a popular figure in the world of bodybuilding. Not only that, but it earned him a featured spot in our recent film Bigorexia – exploring the mindset of those who never feel big no matter how large they become.
But what is refreshing about Craig Golias is that he’s honest about his journey towards getting huge. He no longer competes in pro bodybuilding and is open to discussing more taboo topics about the sport. He’s also very open about the realities of his massive size when it comes to health and fitness.
Watch the first episode of Talking Huge with Craig Golias above!
How To Be Healthy In Bodybuilding When Weighing Over 300 Pounds
Craig Golias is a true mass monster and aims to hover at around 300 pounds. With that amount of weight being carried on his body – does he fear long term health ramifications down the road? This is something that originally didn’t concern Craig, but as he’s gotten older, he has become more responsible in managing his health.
He visits a doctor regularly for bloodwork and an overview of his health. He recommends that any bodybuilder putting on large amounts of mass do the same. He’s focusing on taking care of his liver with medication – but beyond that he’s maintained a healthy lifestyle. This is largely due to him changing his habits after consulting a doctor more regularly.
He is honest about one painful detail. No matter what, when a person is carrying 300 pounds of weight – it’s a strain on the heart. Whether it’s fat or muscle – the human body is not meant to be so large. This is part of the reason why Craig takes going to the doctor regularly seriously. He knows it’s a risk. So being proactive with doctor visits can help in the long run.
How To Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat
Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin also discuss bulking. How does one build massive amounts of muscle like Craig without earning fat. The key is to make sure you do a clean bulk. The kinds of food you eat will effect how you gain wait. Yes, a bodybuilder needs to consume a massive amount of calories to build muscle. If you eat lean clean foods, that will turn into more muscle and less fat. If you’re stuffing your face with dirty foods – this will turn into muscle along side the fat.
Craig Golias also shares some stories of some of the worst dirty bulks he has ever seen in bodybuilding. He’s seen bodybuilders bulk so dirty that their waist goes up to 40 inches or more.
Guy Cisternino’s Gym Outburst
Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin also touch base on the viral video of Guy Cisternino. The video blew up and made headlines in May 2021. We also interviewed Cisternino about it to get his take on the whole situation. Ultimately, Cisternino admits he overreacted – but also believes that context matters.
Craig Golias agrees with this sentiment. Pro bodybuilders are in the zone when they are training in the gym. It’s their job. It’s not just a hobby like it is for most gym patrons. While Craig believes that positivity is always the better option – sometimes people overreact. This is especially true when a bodybuilder is training seriously in the gym.
Ultimately, it seems as if both parties overreacted. The younger men filming in the gym were being disrespectful and defensive. After Guy Cisternino asked for them to give him space politely – they got even more defensive. This caused Cisternino to go off the handle. It’s an unfortunate situation but not a damning one. The video itself removed context and led to some false conclusions. Sadly, that’s simply the nature of the internet attention span.
Wrap Up
You can watch Craig Golias and Vlad Yudin discuss bulking, health in bodybuilding, and the entire Guy Cisternino viral video in our premiere episode of Talking Huge above. Make sure to check out Talking Huge every week on Friday – only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network!