The Brandon Hendrickson Workout To Seriously Shred & Sculpt

By Presser
November 8, 2021
5 min read

Brandon Hendrickson

This workout from Brandon Hendrickson can give you that physique others will envy.

Brandon Hendrickson is an IFBB pro bodybuilder competing as a Men’s Physique competitor. Since earning his pro card, he has made a great career for himself competing in top tier events like Mr. Olympia and the Arnold Classic. With a massive following on social media, Brandon uses his platform to promote himself as well as inspire others.

For those of us looking to get a great workout and really capitalize on our gains, finding that fun and effective routine can be challenging. With so many out there, the choices do seem endless with the opportunities online. But with so many claiming to know what to do, it can be hard to weed through all the nonsense. Taking notes from accomplished professional bodybuilders and other athletes is a sure fire way to achieve this for they’ve done it all before.

As someone who knows what it takes to compete on the biggest stages, Brandon tailors his workouts to only see gains and continue to sculpt his shredded aesthetic that both fans and judges will love.

Full Name: Brandon Hendrickson

Weight Height Date Of Birth
185-195 lbs. 5’8” 06/16/1987
Division Era Nationality
Men’s Physique 2010 American

This workout from Brandon Hendrickson will target all your muscle groups to give you a well-rounded physique. By targeting these muscles with isolation and compound movements, you give your body a nice mix to add variety and constantly challenge them to grow.

Brandon Hendrickson

About Brandon Hendrickson

Brandon Hendrickson is from Chicago, Illinois and always enjoyed lifting on the side while playing sports like wrestling, track and field, and football. He always wanted to model as a young child and while going to college, he also worked with a modeling agency. As fate would have it, he soon came to love lifting and fitness became more than just a hobby, but a part of his life, thus launching this newfound career he has today.

Brandon earned his pro card in 2013 after winning the NPC National Championships that same year. Since then, Brandon has competed with the best, winning top events like Mr. Olympia and the Arnold Classic, as well as competing in other large competitions across the globe. With a large following on social media, he posts workouts and plenty of photos to keep his fans engaged and inspire others to see results like he does.

Brandon Hendrickson Workout

Brandon is always looking for ways to challenge himself to see continued growth. This workout covers all your muscle groups so you can specifically target certain areas, while also adding nice variety to provide for some muscle confusion. If it is getting close to competition time, Brandon will add more training time with longer sessions to burn more fat. For those who want to bulk, think about shortening your sessions and focusing more on heavy lifting.

Let’s take a look at this workouts from Brandon including chest, back, legs, shoulders, biceps and triceps, and of course, core.


Exercises Sets Reps
Machine Press 3 10
Pec Deck 3 12
Bench Press 3 10
DB Flys 3 10
Push Press 3 8


Exercises Sets Reps
Lateral Raise 3 12
Reverse Machine Press 3 10
Upright Row 3 8
Front Raise 3 12


Exercises Sets Reps
Walking Lunges 3 12
Lying Leg Curl 3 12
Leg Press (High Feet) 3 10
Leg Extension 3 12
Barbell Squats 3 10
Leg Press (Narrow Stance) 3 8


Exercises Sets Reps
Low Cable Row 4 12
One Arm Row 4 12
Underhand Row 4 10
Lat Pulldowns 4 10

Biceps & Triceps

Exercises Sets Reps
Triceps Pushdowns 3 10
Machine Dips 3 10
DB Triceps Kickbacks 3 12
Concentration Curls 3 10
Single Arm Machine Curl 3 10
Alternating Dumbbell Curl 3 12
EZ Bar Curl 3 10


Exercises Sets Reps
Hanging Leg Raises 3 20
Windshield Wipers 3 15
Seated Crunch 4 15
Rope Crunch 3 20

Brandon’s Nutrition

When you look at Brandon, you see an absolutely shredded athlete. This is a result of his hard work in the kitchen as well. He eats quite clean and only focuses on whole foods with things like fish, green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and lean meats. This leaves really no room for sugar, alcohol, and those much desired sweet treats. Of course, Brandon will indulge once in a while with some food he enjoys, but on the whole, he is committed to eating as clean as possible to see real desired results.

Best Way To See Huge Gains

The best way to see huge gains is through a proper supplementation routine. With the right supplements, you can easily add to your training and nutrition routines to get adequate nutrients into your body vital for growth and recovery. A pre-workout or BCAA supplement are perfect for your pre- and mid-workout needs, while a protein powder will work wonders for you post-workout. Along with this comes great supplements like creatine, fat burners, and multivitamins to boost strength, shed unwanted fat, and keep you healthy overall so you spend more time in the gym and less time out of it.

Wrap Up

This workout from pro bodybuilder Brandon Hendrickson is exactly what you need to see huge gains. With a great workout targeting all of those muscle groups, it is easy to achieve those desired goals and really give yourself a shredded physique, like Brandon himself. Taking notes and advice from those pros who have gone before us is a great way to see serious gains for they’ve done it and are living proof of the results. We know you want a great physique so give this workout from Brandon a try and let us know how you feel. You won’t be disappointed with the work you put in.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Brandon Hendrickson Instagram

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