The Rock decompresses with an intense leg day workout.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently showcased how he decompresses after a long week: an intensive leg day training session. The popular actor and athlete took to his Iron Sanctuary to hit the weights and get his mind off of a trying work week.
Is there any doubting The Rock’s work ethic in the gym? While he may be one of the most famous actors in the world, with a ton of money to boot, The Rock is always looking to improve himself both physically and mentally. It means that when others are sleeping or resting or relaxing, The Rock It is hard at work in the gym looking to improve upon himself.
When most people want to recover from a long work week, they choose more relaxing endeavors. Whether that be going out for a drink with their buddies or simply just lying about watching TV, It will usually never anything too stressful on the mind or the body.
Then there are people like The Rock.
Rather than shy away from the difficult task of self-improvement, they choose to double down and push themselves physically to decompress mentally. It’s quit the unorthodox strategy to say the least. But its what allows The Rock to stay on top of things as he continues to build his empire.
It appears that last week proved to be a trying one for the superstar. The Rock didn’t let the long week get him down however. Rather than taking a typical siesta, The Rock opted for a more intensive approach: training legs.
The Rock recently posted his leg day routine on social media showcasing exactly what he does for decompression.
Got a late one in at the sanctuary tonight – Sunday wheels ?
Very long work week, but very productive and moved a lot of business forward – man I needed this intense session to decompress.
Leg night ??
4 rounds of Giant Sets (non stop)
– Leg press
– Vertical leg press
– Chain lunges
– Finishing with Pit Shark sumo squats with 3 second negatives.
* fun pain??
It’s clear that The Rock likes to handle pressure in his own unique way. When you get down to it however, it does make sense. Putting all your emotions into training, good or bad, can be a great way to get your mind off of things.
What do you think of The Rock’s version of decompressing?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.