“I should stop training my arms” – said no one ever.
If you are anything like most lifters, you love training your arms. A devout Roelly Winklaar fan, you start thinking about your next week’s bicep workout while performing the last set of dumbbell bicep curls.
Even though people love training their pythons, how many of them do you think are content with their progress? One of the reasons why people train their arms so often is that they are not satisfied with their workouts.
Most of the time, the problem is not with the lifter’s intent or performance but is with the workout routine itself.
If you cannot resist flexing your guns in car windows as you walk past them, have hit a plateau, or want to spice up your training, the 1000-rep arm workout is for you.
Introduction To The 1000-Rep Arm Workout
1. The 1000-rep arm workout is pretty straightforward and doesn’t contain any technical mumbo jumbo.
2. You will be doing five sets of 20 reps for five bicep and tricep exercises each, equaling 1000 reps total.
3. For the best result, strictly stick to the prescribed exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods.
4. The 1000-rep arm workout can be longer as compared to your vanilla workouts. Plan your gym sessions accordingly.
5. Since the 1000-rep arm workout employs extreme volume and intensity, you should not perform it every week. Start by following this program every alternating week and then switch to performing it once every three or four weeks.
The 1000-Rep Arm Workout From Hell
1. EZ Bar Curl – 5 Sets 20 Reps
The 1000-rep arm workout will take a toll on your joints, and the EZ bar can make your life a little easier. Before you begin training, perform at least a couple of warm-up sets with lighter weights.
- Stand upright while holding an EZ bar with a narrower-than shoulder-width grip.
- As you breathe in, curl the barbell by bending at your elbows until your lower arms are perpendicular to the floor.
- Make sure you are not using momentum to lift the weights.
- Slowly return to the starting position and repeat for recommended reps.
2. Straight Bar Pushdown – 5 Sets 20 Reps
Alternate between bicep and tricep exercises so that your muscles are getting enough rest between sets.
- Stand facing a cable pulley machine with a shoulder-wide feet placement.
- Set the pulley at the highest position.
- Grab the straight bar attachment with an overhand grip.
- Pin your elbows to your side as you push down the bar until your lower arms are perpendicular to the floor.
- Return to the starting position and repeat.
3. Cable Curl – 5 Sets 20 Reps
You need to contract your biceps and triceps with every rep if you want to get the most bang for your buck. Going through the motions for the sake of it is not going to get your results. Establish a mind-muscle connection with your arms and squeeze the life out of them with every rep.
- Stand upright with a shoulder-wide stance while facing a cable pulley machine attached at the lowest setting.
- Grab an EZ bar with an underhand grip.
- Curl the bar while having your elbows glued to your sides.
- Return and repeat.
4. Overhead Cable Extension (Rope Attachment) – 5 Sets 20 Reps
Since this is a high-intensity workout, don’t worry about following a rep tempo or going slow. Pump out the recommended repetitions with a decent speed, and let the intensity do its magic.
- Set the pulley at the highest adjustment.
- Grab the rope attachment and face away from the machine.
- Bend over at your waist until your torso is at a 60-degree angle with the floor.
- Extend your arms straight and contract your triceps at the top of the movement.
- Return to the starting position and repeat.
5. Double-Arm Dumbbell Hammer Curl – 5 Sets 20 Reps
As fatigue starts to kick in, feel free to lighten the weights but do not compromise on form and intensity. If you don’t feel a pump after 20 reps, it’s a sign that you need to lighten the weights and focus on contracting your muscles.
- While standing with a shoulder-wide stance, grab a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
- Keep your elbows at your sides and curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders.
- Pause and squeeze the life out of your pythons at the top of the lift.
- Do both arms at the same time.
6. Lying Extension With Rope Attachment – 5 Sets 20 Reps
- Place a flat bench beside a cable pulley attached to the lowest setting.
- Lie down with your back placed on the bench and your head next to the pulley.
- Grab the ropes with both hands and perform a skull-crusher type movement.
- Don’t let your elbows flare out as you perform the exercise.
7. Seated Barbell Curl – 5 Sets 20 Reps
- Sit on a flat bench and place a flat barbell on your thighs.
- Grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip.
- Curl the weights from the top of your thighs towards your shoulders.
- Return to the starting position with a slow and controlled motion.
- This exercise works on your bicep peaks.
8. Double-Arm Dumbbell Kickback – 5 Sets 20 Reps
- Stand upright with a shoulder-wide stance and grab a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip.
- Bend over at your lower back until your torso is at a 60-degree angle with the floor.
- Lift your elbows until they are slightly above your torso. Bring the dumbbells close to your chest.
- With your elbows pinned at this position, extend your arms straight.
- Contract your triceps at the top of the movement.
- Return to the starting position and repeat.
9. EZ Bar Reverse Curl – 5 Sets 20 Reps
- Stand upright while facing a cable pulley attached at the highest setting.
- Grab the EZ bar attachment with an overhand grip.
- With your elbows pinned to your sides, curl the bar by bending at your elbows.
- Contract your biceps at the bottom of the movement.
10. Bench Dip – 5 Sets 20 Reps
- Place two flat benches parallel to each other.
- Sit down on a bench and place your hands next to your thighs.
- Place the balls of your feet on the second bench.
- Hinging at the elbow, lower your body down as far as you can, or until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
- Extend your arms straight to get back to the starting position.
Rest – 2 Minutes
After every set, make sure you are not resting for more than 120 seconds. Two minutes are all you need for catching your breath and ATP replenishment. By the end of the workout, you will be running on fumes, and you will have the most insane sleeve-ripping arm pump.
The 1000-rep arm workout routine will train your guns from every angle. It will help break plateaus and ensure overall arm development. While we recommend following the exercises mentioned in the article, you could use substitutes or perform your favorite lifts, given they target the muscles in the same way.
In the weeks where you will not be performing the 1000-rep arm workout, you can follow your usual (read: vanilla) bicep and tricep training routines.
How often do you train your arms?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.