Cutting The Fat
As fitness enthusiasts working out and being healthy is at the top of our list. The human body can be a great machine if you use it right. But as bodybuilders we know that all the fitness in the world won’t give you quite the same satisfaction if you have nothing to “show” for it.
The big show is a big part of bodybuilding, and if you can’t quite hit that balance between aesthetics and size you’ll always feel incomplete. The main hindrance between most builder’s and the perfect ratio is fat. Fat can be the stubborn veil keeping all your hard earned gains from seeing the light of day. But how far are you, and what do you have to do to look like the shredded monsters you see on the internet? We’ve got your complete guide down below.
The problem is that there’s a lot of talk about body fat but very few actually show what this looks like on an actual person. Sure you know what 5% – 10% looks like, this is the range for most fitness models. But what about the not so flattering part? The beginning, before the contract offers start rolling in?
You’re a golden God. No really, this is the stage where you would probably be sculpted in ancient Roman Times (Michelangelo anyone?). You’re definition and vascularity are awe inspiring as the nooks and crannies of the human muscular system are all on full display.
How to get there
“Genetics.” Yes we know that’s want you want to hear so you can start making excuses but the truth is this takes HARD WORK…sorry guys. If you’re at this stage you either get paid to do this or you should. You’ve sacrificed cheat meals, you’re on a strict diet that involves eliminating certain macronutrients, probably low carb, and each meal is planned out. Ice cream? What’s that?
You’ve definitely got a six pack and vascularity to boot. You’ve got ropey arms and you’re ripped, just not as ripped as the creme de’ le creme class above.
How to get there
Adhere to a strict diet, count the calories going in and out of your body, eat clean for most of the week and then once in a while splurge on some wings. Cheat meal? yes. Cheat day? No. This range tends to fluctuate from 9-12 % as they’re not as regimented as the 5% group.
At the lower end of this range you’ve got some vascularity and definition in places but your lower abs probably aren’t popping like you want them to. At the higher end, maybe the top top abs are showing but the smaller cuts in the biceps and triceps can’t be seen. You don’t have a “dad bod” but there’s definitely some fat hiding your shape.
How to get there
Be health conscious by eliminating major no-no’s like fried foods, burgers without the bun, simple sugars, but at the same time you’re still able to have a beer with the fellas on weekends. 80-20 rule is probably best depending on your metabolism.
While many builders strive for the lowest body fat possible you have to remember that to a certain degree fat is good. Your body needs at least 3% body fat in order for your organs to function. This means most casual builders will probably fall into the 10-20% range to look cut and still feel strong. Ultimately it’s up to you, all 3 ranges can maintain a healthy lifestyle. What’s more important? Nachos on game night or a deeper V for your waistline? You be the judge.