Bodybuilding legend Tom Platz revolutionized the Men’s Open division with his enormous legs. Despite moving on from professional competition decades ago, he has his finger on the pulse of the sport. In a recent video uploaded on YouTube, Platz argued bodybuilders are underpaid and called for a change in the prize money.
Tom Platz rose to prominence for his refined lower body development in the Golden Era of bodybuilding. He’s widely regarded to have displayed some of the best legs of all time, earning the nickname, ‘The Quadfather.’ While he did not win the Sandow trophy, he was a regular feature of the show with seven Mr. Olympia appearances against the likes of Frank Zane, Franco Columbu, and Lee Haney between 1979 and 1986. Following his retirement, Platz turned into a revered coach to pass on his years of knowledge to the next generation.
Platz continues to train regularly and keeps a high level of personal fitness into his later years. He revealed the legendary calves training plan along with a secret routine that he utilized for building muscle in his heyday in April 2018.
Platz opened up about the two-compound steroid stack he used throughout his prime as well. Given his uncanny natural strength, he preferred to run a minimalist cycle made up of Winstrol and Deca. He later admitted that the crazy vascular look was only possible by taking performance-enhancing drugs.
The 68-year-old disapproved of Mr. Olympia and Arnold Classic’s evolution over the years. He argued that Olympia had lost its identity and the AC title no longer held the same reputation it once did. For Platz, he favored competitions like Mr. America, which he believes utilized a more holistic style of judging.
Tom Platz lauded six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates for his incredible career in Oct. 2022. He taught ‘The Shadow’ while conducting training seminars in Europe and noticed his passion for bodybuilding right away. He believes Yates transcended his teachings ultimately en route to cementing a one-of-a-kind legacy.
Tom Platz Says Bodybuilders are Underpaid: ‘We Can Do Better’
In a recent YouTube video, Tom Platz argued bodybuilders are underpaid, drawing a comparison to golf, and calling for a change in the financial rewards offered in the game.
“I think we can do better. Bodybuilding can do better,” said Platz. “The worst golfer on the pro tour makes about a half a million dollars a year. Failure at golf makes a half a million dollars a year. Phil Heath is more rewarded than anybody in history. We can do better. And I think we need to train our young men and women on how to be, how to represent. When I was working with Sergio Oliva Jr. I said go and represent. Put the suit on, put the tie on, and represent your dad. Your dad was the myth, Sergio Oliva.”
Tom Platz’s impact can be felt to this day. His influence goes beyond bodybuilding as other athletes attempt to replicate his insane feats in the training room. Powerlifter Bradon Gulch took on Platz’s legendary 1992 squat challenge of performing 23 reps of 525 pounds and narrowly missed out by two reps.
However, 2023 World’s Strongest Man Mitchell Hooper managed to break Platz’s record by squeezing out an additional rep although the form might have been different. Meanwhile, Platz left fans stunned with a ripped physique update showing off his freaky quads, proving that his dedication to leg training hasn’t waned despite getting older.
Bodybuilding veteran Lee Priest gave fans a look into training with Platz a week ago. He revealed Platz would use techniques like static holds to push himself to the limit in training. Platz’s call to improve pay in bodybuilding shows his undying support for the athletes of the sport.
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