Tony Huge was diagnosed with different issues in his heart.
Tony Huge has been an influential name in bodybuilding for years now because of the work he does to study the sport. He has conducted plenty of experiments involving anabolic steroids and other supplements. Recently, Huge contracted the flu and this caused some issues in his chest. He also battled the COVID Delta variant back in August. He revealed that he thought he was having a heart attack.
On Saturday, Tony Huge posted a video to his YouTube page explaining what was happening.
“I think I may have had a heart attack. At least I was having a lot of pain, a lot of pressure, in my chest. I didn’t have the symptoms like the numb arm or any other symptoms but I talked to some friends who have had heart attacks and they said that sometimes they didn’t have any of those symptoms and that the symptom of just the pressure on the chest was enough to indicate that you maybe have had a heart attack,” Tony Huge said.
Tony Huge went in for multiple tests on his heart and they found that his levels were well above the normal range. This includes his D-Dimer score being over 2,500. The normal range is under 500. Also, Huge’s CPK was 1,379, which is almost seven times the normal level.
Huge referenced his lack of cardio done to strengthen the heart. He was supposed to implement cardio into his routine but found himself doing it about once or twice a month. In the end, Huge was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse. This is a condition in which your heart’s mitral valve does not close properly. It allows blood to flow backwards into the heart rather than keeping it going forward.
“I have to get more testing to see if I need a heart surgery to fix the valve…I had the flu really bad. I almost died. I didn’t realize that it could damage the heart directly and indirectly. It damages the lungs and because the lungs get damaged, the heart pressure gets backed up and it damages the heart.”
Tony Huge will undergo more tests to see how to proceed with this issue. It may require surgery to repair but this has not been determined just yet. the pressure that Huge was feeling was making him feel like he was having a heart attack but that was not the case. Hopefully this issue can be resolved with tests and a strong course of action.
“I am diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse with blood flow regurgitation, chest pain, heart working too hard, critical value heart inflammation.
Doctor suggestion: Further testing and possible surgical repair of the mitral valve in the heart. There are so many deaths and heart problems in bodybuilding recently. Time to get to the bottom of it,” Tony Huge wrote as his caption to the video.
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