Turinabol: Anabolic Steroid Profile

October 7, 2024
6 min read

Legend has it that Dr. John Ziegler invented Dianabol to enhance the performance of United States’ athletes who were getting an absolute pounding courtesy their Russian counterparts at the Olympics.

Fact is that Dianabol was formulated by chemists at Ciba in Switzerland. (1)

That does not take anything away from Dianabol though.

It certainly did help US athletes set new records and stretch the boundaries of what was considered to be the absolute limit that one could train for. (2)

But using Dianabol is no cakewalk. Many athletes were reeling under telltale signs of steroid abuse. Hair loss, acne, gyno, water retention, high blood pressure, it was getting crazy.

Then, East German researchers went one notch ahead.

They took Dianabol and reverse engineered it to reduce some of the toxic side effects and to mask it from advanced drug testing that was fast becoming the norm in international sports.

The result was Turinabol, an oral anabolic steroid that rewrote history as we knew it.

The East German doping machine would pile up medals, records and star athletes by the dozen. It was all powered by a drug that would remain undetected for years. (3)

Today, oral Turinabol has been rendered obsolete due to the severe hepatotoxicity that it is associated with.

But if you are looking for an oral steroid that can pack on strength, dry muscle, vascularity, without causing too many sides, then T-Bol fits the bill.

Here’s a brief primer for first timers looking to run Turinabol.

Chemical Structure

Turinabol or 4-chlordehydromethyltestosterone, is a modified form of Methandrostenolone or Dianabol. (4)

A 4-chloro attachment to the molecule significantly reduces its ability to aromatize, changing a wet compound into a dry one.

It also reduces the androgenicity of the drug considerably making it a very unique compound with very specific traits.

Think Dianabol without the aromatization, water retention and acne.

That best describes Turinabol for you.

Dosage and Administration

Turinabol is a very powerful compound that can produce exceptional results even at very low doses. Most men will start with a dose of 50mg/day divided into two doses evenly spaced.

The compound does not aromatize and androgenic side effects are very low. This means that if you can tolerate 50mg easily, you can consider increasing it to 75mg/day.

100mg/day doses are reserved for pro bodybuilders and should not be attempted unless absolutely necessary.

For females, 10-15mg/day is the sweet spot. Irrespective of what you read about a compound being low on the androgenic scale, you should not stretch it because a risk of virilization always exists.

Turinabol can be used as a kick starter or during the last few days of a cycle. The average cycle duration is 8-weeks. But if you are not using other orals and are using low dose T-Bol, then you can run it up to 12-weeks without too many problems.

Brand names

RX grade Turinabol almost disappeared from the market after the East German Doping scandal was unearthed.

But it resurfaced a few years ago as many pharmaceutical companies in India and other parts of Asia started to manufacture Turinabol.

Some brands that you may come across are Turanabol from Dragon Pharma, Turinabol from Swiss Remedies & L A pharma and Turinabolos from Pharmacom.

Oral Turinabol is a very versatile anabolic steroid that can find a place in just about any steroid stack.

That’s because rather than making you gain a shit ton of water and glycogen, it just enhances the effects of other steroids by binding to SHBG, which in turn increases the amount of free testosterone floating around in your blood.

The result is more muscle mass.

That said, it does help you build muscle mass by increasing nitrogen retention and amplifying the production of RBC.

Only, the muscle gains are not nearly as dramatic as what you’d expect from Dianabol.

Here are some of the other notable effects of Turinabol.

  • Strength: Turinabol will produce moderate strength gains. You can expect to add up to 25 lbs. to your compound lifts the first time you run a cycle. This is also dependent on your overall training program and nutrition. But a moderate bump in strength is a very realistic goal on a T-Bol cycle. Remember that this is the compound that the East Germans used to rack medals in the Olympics.
  • Endurance: The reason why a lot of athletes have been caught doping with Turinabol is that it can help increase your workload capacity in the gym by a lot. If you begin to lose wind after an hour of workout, this will allow you to clock 2-hours and more without tiring a wee bit. It is also very beneficial for cardiovascular workouts. The increased recovery also allows you to go back to back without a break.
  • Muscle mass: While Turinabol is not as dramatic as the typical mass building orals, it is a very useful compound that will help pack on a fair amount of quality, lean body tissue. Also, it binds very strongly to SHBG, which means that it will further amplify the muscle building capacity of the other steroids you are using. Testosterone for example. Even if you are on a TRT dose of test, throwing T-Bol into the mix will blow you up.
  • Vascularity: Turinabol will make the veins pop along with crazy pumps. The shoulders and the traps especially tend to blow up in size with noticeable veins all over. In some cases, the pumps can be a little debilitating for cardio and HIIT. Just ensure that you supplement with Taurine consistently.

Safety and Side effects

Turinabol is often called one of the mildest oral anabolic steroids. Like any other oral, it can cause hepatotoxicity. But even a bare minimum dose of TUDCA should suffice to keep your liver values in check.

Without TUDCA, you may experience lethargy by week 3-4, as the Liver tries to metabolize the drug.
Do not use any oral anabolic steroid without using liver support.

Your HDL levels might drop. As always, it is recommended that you follow a cardio friendly lifestyle.
Increase your intake of Fish oil. Do not skip on cardio.

The compound does not aromatize. It can cause androgenic side effects, but the possibility of it causing severe acne and hair loss are slim.



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