By: Anthony Roberts
Steroids recommended for female usage are the ones considered “mild cutting agents” by the male bodybuilding community including: Anavar, Masteron, Proviron, Deca and Winstrol. Each of the substances possess a very low androgenic rating while providing strong anabolic effects, which in turn means less risk of side effects (more commonly experienced with more harsh/androgenic compounds). There are quality gains in muscle experienced with out huge weight gains or water retention. In low doses, any of them are reasonably safe. Lets take look at each of these compounds more closely.
PROVIRONProviron is an extremely powerful hardening agent in a female. One of my female clients who struggled with estrogenic fat storage, especially her legs reported noticing a defined tear drop in her quadriceps with in 2 days of the addition of Proviron. Like Anavar, Proviron is easy on the liver and not likely to cause much toxicity, if at all. Proviron is not very anabolic, but similar to Masteron, is a useful antiestrogenic compound. Proviron provides a hard, quality look to muscle, and an overall improvement in the look of the female physique.Although 12.5-25 mgs per day is a tolerable dose which should not produce intolerable negative side effects, virilization will become a concern if used in higher dosages by a female. Again, caution should be taken when increasing any dose.
Deca-DurabolinDeca-durabolin, more commonly known as "Deca" is popularly used to add muscle to wasting AIDS patients which therefore has given it a great reputation in the bodybuilding world as a muscle building steroid. Although it has been seen in both bulking and cutting cycles, Deca is more commonly used in a female bulking cycle in hopes to put on muscle for upper levels of competition. Deca has often been found to cause a large amount of water retention as well as aggression and mood swings in female users. There is a huge strength increase and gym performance is stellar. There is also a large weight gain (mostly water retention and some fat) associated with its use in females but it is often over looked because of the intense strength and muscle building effects.Deca is an anti-inflammatory, improves collagen synthesis and ultimately a joint soother, which is beneficial to athletes who struggle with connective tissue problems.Injections are typically spaced apart by a week, regardless of total dose because of its long lasting half-life. A typical recommended cycle is 10-12 weeks in length.
Steroids recommended for female usage are the ones considered “mild cutting agents” by the male bodybuilding community including: Anavar, Masteron, Proviron, Deca and Winstrol. Each of the substances possess a very low androgenic rating while providing strong anabolic effects, which in turn means less risk of side effects (more commonly experienced with more harsh/androgenic compounds). There are quality gains in muscle experienced with out huge weight gains or water retention. In low doses, any of them are reasonably safe. Lets take look at each of these compounds more closely.